1920 Federal Population Census Microfilm Catalog Part 1 National Archives
1920 Federal Population Census - Microfilm Catalog - Part 1
This catalog publishes a 1920 duplicate table duplicated as a microfilm publication T625 and a 1920 Soundex index.
This microfilm is duplicated by the National Institute of Documents from the highest quality Masternega obtained from the Census Bureau Bureau. Original films include flaws that affect some frames.
This catalog is a 1790-1890 federal population survey, a 1900 federal population survey, and a 1910 federal population survey catalog, to order the population table of 1790-1910 and the 1880-1910 Soundexes copy. Details are described.
You can also order the print version of these catalogs. Information on fees and ordering of these catalogs is the National Bunkan Publishing Distribution Department (NECD) (Room G9, SeventH and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408, Telephone: 202-501-7190, Fleece: 1- Please contact us at 866-272-6272).
1920 Census Schedules (T625)
At 9:00 am on January 2, 1920, the Census Bureau began a 14th national census. The Ministry of Agriculture has requested that this time to change from the conventional spring to early summer to January. The Ministry of Agriculture has completed the harvest and gained information on new harvests in the memory of the farmers, and argued that January would be at home in January than in April.
The 1920 census is arranged for states, prisons, counties, and eventually for each constituency. Although the state is lined up in alphabetical order, Alaska, Guam and American territory Samoa, Hawaii, the army and the Navy's schedule, Panama Canal, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands (1917 survey) are listed at the end. In 1920, there was no Indians's independent schedule.
The format and information of the 1920 census survey form is similar to that of the 1910 census. However, in the 1920 census, he did not ask about unemployment on the day of the census, and did not ask about working in the North Army or the South Army. In addition, questions about the number of children born and the number of years after marriage were omitted. In the 1920 census, four new items have been added. In the 1920 census, four new questions were added. One was asking the naturalized year, and three were about the native language.
After World War I, some borders have changed, so the enumeration will report the state (region) or city of their parents who have been born in Austrian Hungary, Germany, Russia, and Turkey. I was instructed. If you were born in other foreign countries, only the country name was filled.
Instructions to the enumeration did not need to spell out the personal name. The enumeration only wrote down the given information, and had no authority to seek proof of age or immigration. People were known to change their age during the census, and some claimed that they did not know their age. Racial judgment was made based on the impression of the enumeration.
Individuals were listed as residents who are sleeping regularly, not working or visit. People who do not have a fixed residence, such as "FLOATERS" and temporary railways and construction camps, have been listed as residents of the place where the population was conducted. If the family is temporarily absent, it will be listed with the household or in the last schedule of a small parcel. Therefore, the user needs to always check the page. The answers displayed in the microfilmized schedule depend on the content recorded by the investigator and the content that the person who heard to the investigator.
Microfilm may have code numbers and letters in several columns. These codes were added by the clerk after the census to punch the results of the census to collect cards, and by the clerk (indistinguishable in microfilm). This code is usually a mark that represents the household configuration, occupation, worker class, simply by code, punching, or aggregation work itself, and should be ignored.
Sound tex
The Census Bureau created and photographed the Sound Dex Index card for the entire national census in 1920. Sounddex is not a surname spell, but a surname (name) index that is codeed based on the sound. Like Smith and Smyth, the sound is the same but the surname with different spells has the same code and is filed together. The Soundex code system was developed to find it, even if the surname was recorded in various spelling. The National Archives assigned separate microfilm publications to each state and the prospects. < SPAN> After World War I, some borders have changed, so the enumerated people (regions) or cities of their parents (regions) or their parents (regions) or their parents (regions) or their parents (regions). He was instructed to report. If you were born in other foreign countries, only the country name was filled.
Instructions to the enumeration did not need to spell out the personal name. The enumeration only wrote down the given information, and had no authority to seek proof of age or immigration. People were known to change their age during the census, and some claimed that they did not know their age. Racial judgment was made based on the impression of the enumeration.
Individuals were listed as residents who are sleeping regularly, not working or visit. People who do not have a fixed residence, such as "FLOATERS" and temporary railways and construction camps, have been listed as residents of the place where the population was conducted. If the family is temporarily absent, it will be listed with the household or in the last schedule of a small parcel. Therefore, the user needs to always check the page. The answers displayed in the microfilmized schedule depend on the content recorded by the investigator and the content that the person who heard to the investigator.
Microfilm may have code numbers and letters in several columns. These codes were added by the clerk after the census to punch the results of the census to collect cards, and by the clerk (indistinguishable in microfilm). This code is usually a mark that represents the household configuration, occupation, worker class, simply by code, punching, or aggregation work itself, and should be ignored.
Sound tex
The Census Bureau created and photographed the Sound Dex Index card for the entire national census in 1920. Sounddex is not a surname spell, but a surname (name) index that is codeed based on the sound. Like Smith and Smyth, the sound is the same but the surname with different spells has the same code and is filed together. The Soundex code system was developed to find it, even if the surname was recorded in various spelling. The National Archives assigned separate microfilm publications to each state and the prospects. After World War I, some borders have changed, so the enumeration will report the state (region) or city of their parents who have been born in Austrian Hungary, Germany, Russia, and Turkey. I was instructed. If you were born in other foreign countries, only the country name was filled.
Instructions to the enumeration did not need to spell out the personal name. The enumeration only wrote down the given information, and had no authority to seek proof of age or immigration. People were known to change their age during the census, and some claimed that they did not know their age. Racial judgment was made based on the impression of the enumeration.
Individuals were listed as residents who are sleeping regularly, not working or visit. People who do not have a fixed residence, such as "FLOATERS" and temporary railways and construction camps, have been listed as residents of the place where the population was conducted. If the family is temporarily absent, it will be listed with the household or in the last schedule of a small parcel. Therefore, the user needs to always check the page. The answers displayed in the microfilmized schedule depend on the content recorded by the investigator and the content that the person who heard to the investigator.
Microfilm may have code numbers and letters in several columns. These codes were added by the clerk after the national census to punch the census to aggregate cards to collect the results of the census. This code is usually a mark that represents the household configuration, occupation, worker class, simply by code, punching, or aggregation work itself, and should be ignored.
Sound tex
The Census Bureau created and photographed the Sound Dex Index card for the entire national census in 1920. Sounddex is not a surname spell, but a surname (name) index that is codeed based on the sound. Like Smith and Smyth, the sound is the same but the surname with different spells has the same code and is filed together. The Soundex code system was developed to find it, even if the surname was recorded in various spelling. The National Archives assigned separate microfilm publications to each state and the prospects.
The Census Bureau used two types of sounddex cards, "Family Card" and "Individual Card". Both cards are lined up in numerical order in the Sound Dex code, and the family card is lined up in the alphabetical order of the head of the household, and the personal name is in alphabetical order.
The personal card describes the names of people other than direct households (husbands, wives, sons, daughters) listed with their families. Grandparents, cousins, boarders, servants, etc. This card also describes the name of the head of the household and the name of the facility where the person lives.
The information on the Sound Dex card includes surname, name, residence state, county, city (if applicable), age, birthplace, and US citizens. Each card also includes the number of volumes, population areas, seat numbers, and line numbers found in the population table.
Sound Dex Certification System
All Sound Dex codes are composed of characters and three numbers, as in the S-650. Alphabet is always the first character of the surname, whether vowel or consonant. Ignore the remaining vowels and w, y, and h, assign a number to the next three consonants according to the Soundex code guide. If you do not have three consonants following the initials, fill the 3-digit code using zero.
Most surnames can be codeed using the Soundex code guide. The names with the same number of the Soundex code system are described below.
Sound Dex Coding Guide
Same as code key letters 1 B, P, F, V 2 C, S, K, G, J, Q, X, Z 3 D, T 4 L 5 M, N 6 R
Name with a prefix
If the surname has a prefix such as VAN, VON, DE, DI, LE, etc., codes will be made regardless of prefix. For example, the vandevanter surname is V-531 or D-153.
MC and Mac are not considered prefix.
Double character name
If the surname has double letters, they should be treated as one letter. Therefore, in the case of Lloyd surname, the second L is erased, and the second R is erased in the case of GutierRez surname.
Name with characters with the same number in the Sound Dex Code Guide
For example, PFister's PF (1 is both p and f), Jackson CKS (2 is C, K, S). These characters are treated as one character. Therefore, in the case of pfister, F is erased, and K and S are erased for Jackson.
Survey hints
-In the schedule, the investigator may have replaced the numbers of the supervisor's district and the enumeration (ED). However, the ED and the visiting number remain in the correct number order.
-The Soundex card is not always accurate. If you can't find the person listed first, the order of the card may be crazy. If you are not in the place where you are listed, you may need to read all the schedule, the entire enumeration, or the entire county.
-Since the index creator has overlooked the name, not all people listed in the schedule are registered in Soundex. In that case, you may need to read the whole county.
-Most facilities are at the end of the enumeration, even if they are listed on a address.
Lord area (ED)
The schedule of the census has been organized by state or the prospect, county, and in 1880 for population survey districts (ED). ED is an area where investigators cover when conducting a census. To refer to the population survey table in a specific town, small citizens, geographical regions, and large cities, you must know the population survey district. The National Archives Microfilm Publication T1224 describes the boundary of the ED in 1920.
Descriptions of Census Enumeration District, 1830-1890 AND 1910-1950 (T1224) Roll Constituency assigned to states, counties, and cities in the year's census The number is listed. The explanation is arranged in alphabetical order for each state, and below it is lined up in the supervisor area (a wide geographical area that covers multiple counties). Next, each county is arranged under the township or city. The ED is on the left side of the page. The following is an example of T1224.
1920 enumeration (T1224)
Roll 41 Alabama State, Alaska, Roll 60, Arizona, 42 California, Arcansaw, California, [Use Canal, Roll 60], Coloradado 43 Connecticut, Delaware, Columbia Special Zone, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, [See Hawaii, Roll 60] Roll 44 Roll 45 Indiana, 46 Roll Iowa, Kentucky, 47 Roll, Louisiana, Maryland, Maryland, 48 Michigan, Masachusetz. , Minnesota, 49 Mississippi, Mizuri, Missouri 50 Montana, Neblaska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey, New York Director 1 and 2 (Manhattan and Bronx), Director 3 (part of Kings County) Roll 52 Directo r-District 3 (partial), New York State 3 (partial), Director 4 to 6 (Queens and Richmond), Director 7 to 22. Roll 53 North Carolina, North Dakota 54 Roll 54 Roll 55 Oklahoma, Oregon, [Panama, Roll 60] Roll 56 Pennsylvania, [Puerto Rico, Roll 60] Roll 57 Road Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Roll 58 Texas, Utah, Utah, VERMONT ROLL 59 [Virgin Islands, See Roll 60], Washington Roll 60 West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Alask, Hawaii, Puerto Rico There is no description of the constituencies of RGIN ISLANDS Guam and the US territory Samoa. Facilities such as the army, the Navy, prisons and recreation centers are listed as the state independent ED.
1920 Population Survey District Map
The Census Bureau has created a map of the population survey districts of many counties, cities, and towns. The following is available in the 1920 census. To order a copy of the map, contact the National Archives, Cartographic and Architectual Branch (NNSC), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001. The price depends on the size of the map.
Autauga, Barbour, Blour, Bullock, Bullock, Bullock, CHEROKEE, CHILTON, CLARKE, CLAY, CLEBURNE, CLEBINGTON, CLEBINGTON, CRENSHAW, CULLMAN, ETOWAH, HALE, HALE, HALE, HALE, HALE, Henry, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lee, Limestone, Madison , MARION, MARSHALL, MONTGOMERY, PERRY, Pickens, Pike, Pike, Randolph, St. Claire, TulladeGa, TUSCALOOSA, WALKER, Washington
Township and Urban Aniston, Birmingham, Fairfield, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma, Chefield
District of Columbia
County COCHISE, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, PINAL, Santa Cruz, YavaPai
Township and city gloves, phoenix, Tucon
County: Arkansas, Ashley, Benton, Bradley, Kalhun, Conway, Dallas, Drew, Fulton, Garland, Hot-Spring, Howard, Independence, Isard, Lawrence, Miller, Montgomery, Perry, Pula, Scott, Sersi, Servier, Servier, Servier. Stone, Washington, White, Yell
Villages and cities: Fort Smith, Helena, Hot Springs, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Pine Blaff
County: Amador, Batt, Calaveras, Koluza, del North, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Maripos, Mendosino, Merced, Model, Mona, Moneters, Attack Nevada, Orange, Player, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Diego, San Francisco (city and district coincide), San Khoakin, San Luis-Obisbo, Santa Barbara, Santa Curus, Shasta , Siskiy, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Satter, Texam, Trinity, Tulara, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba.
Villages and cities: Alameda, Algambra, Bakersfield, Berkeley, Eden Township, Eureka, Fresno, Glendale, Hayvord, La Verne, Livermore, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Osland, Onterio, Pasadena, Pedmont, Plazanonon Township, Piminh. Red Blaff, Redlends, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernadino, San Diego, San Francisco (city and district coincide), San Jose, San Leandro, Santa-Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa- Monica, Stocton, Valiero, Washington Township
郡 アダムス 、 バカ 、 ベント 、 ボールダー チャフィー 、 シャイアン 、 クリア クリーク 、 コスティラ 、 クラウリー デンバー (市 と 郡 が 併)) ダグラス 、 、 、 グランド 、 ヒンズ デール 、 フエル ファノ " 、 メサ 、 モファット 、 モントローズ モーガン 、 プエブロ 、 ルート サグアチェ 、 サンミゲル 、 サミット 、 、 ワシントン ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド ウェルド
タウンシップ と 市 ボルダー, キャノンシティ, コロラドスプリングス, クリップル クリーク, デンバー (市 と 郡 が 併 存), フォート, ゴールド, グリーリーリー, リード ビル, ロングモント, プエブロ, サリダ, スターリング, トリニダード, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, ビクター, トリニダード, ビクター,
タウンシップ と 市 アンソニア 、 ブリッジポート 、 タウン 、 ダンベリー 、 ハート フォード 、 マンチェスター タウン 、 メリデン ミドル タウン ニューブリテン 、 ニュー ヘイブン 、 ニューロンドン ノー ウォーク 、 ノー 、 ビル ビル 、 、 トリントン " 、 ウォーターベリー 、 ウェスト ヘイブン 、 ウィリマンティック 、 ウィン チェスター タウン ウィンステッド ウィンステッド
タウンシップ と 都市 ウィルミントン
ワシントン (市 と 地区 が))
Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Broward, Calhoun, Citrus, Columbia, Dade, De Soto, Duval, Escambia, Gadsden, Hamilton, Hernando, Hillsborough Johns, St. Lucie, Santa Rosa, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, Washington
Townships and Cities: Bradenton, Jacksonville, Key West, Kissimmee, Lakeland, Miami, Okeechobee, Orlando, Pensacola, Tampa
Counties: Barrow, Bartow, Bulloch, Calhoun, Campbell, Carroll, Chattooga, Cherokee, Fayette, Fulton, Greene, Habersham, Hall, Haralson, Hart Heard, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McDuffie, Milton, Monroe, Montgomery, Muscogee, Oglethorpe, Pickens, Putnam Richmond, Stephens, Tattnall, Taylor, Telfair, Terrell, Troup, Turner, Wilcox
Townships and Cities: Americus, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Gainesville, Macon, Savannah, Waycross
Townships and Cities: Honolulu
Counties: Ada, Bannock, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Butte, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Latah Cassia, Cassia, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Latah, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Owyhee, Power, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley
Townships and Cities: Boise City, Idaho Falls, Nampa, Pocatello
Counties: Boone, Brown, Calhoun, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Cook, De Kalb, De Witt, Du Page, Edgar, Effingham, Fulton, Gallatin, Hancock, Henderson Iroquois, Jasper, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Lee, Livingston, Macon, Marshall, Massac, McDonough, McLean, Mercer, Ogle, Peoria, Perry, Piatt Pope, Pulaski, Rock Island, St. Claire, Sangamon, Stephenson, Tazewell, White, Whiteside, Woodford
Cicero, Danville, De Kalb, Decatur, Dixon, DuQuoin, East Alton, East St. Louis, Elgin, Evanston, Freeport, Galesburg, Granite City, Harvey, Highland Park, Jacksonville, Joliet, Joliet Township, Kankakee, Kewanee, La Salle, Lincoln, Moline, Monmouth, Normal, Oak Park, Olney, Ottawa, Pekin, Peoria Pontiac, Quincy, Rock Island, Rockford, Springfield, Sterling, Streator, Urbana, Waukegan, Zion
Counties: Blackford, Boone, Carroll, Cass, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Dearborn, Decatur, De Kalb, Delaware, Dubois, Fayette, Floyd, Fountain Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Howard, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jennings, Knox, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, La Porte Lawrence, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Miami, Monroe, Newton, Noble, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Pike, Porter, Posey, Rush, St. Joseph, Shelby, Starke Steuben, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Union, Vanderburgh, Warren, Warrick, White, Whitley
Townships and Cities: Anderson, Bloomington, Brazil, Columbia City, Columbus, Crawfordsville, Crown Point, East Chicago, Elkhart, Elwood Evansville, Fort Wayne, Frankfort, Gary, Goshen, Hammond, Huntington, Indianapolis, Jeffersonville, Kokomo, Lafayette, La Porte, Logansport, Marion, Michigan City, Mansport Marion, Michigan City, Mishawaka, Muncie, New Albany, New Castle, Peru, Rensselaer, Richmond, Salem, Shelbyville, South Bend, Sullivan, Tell City Terre Haute, Valparaiso, Vincennes, Wabash, Whiting
Counties: Adair, Adams, Allamakee, Appanoose, Audubon, Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Buchanan, Buena Vista, Butler, Calhoun, Carroll, Cass Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clinton, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Delaware, Des Moines, Dickinson, Emmet, Fayette Floyd, Franklin, Greene, Grundy, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Howard, Iowa, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones Keokuk, Kossuth, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Lucas, Lyon, Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Mitchell, Monona, Monroe, Montgomery, Muscatine, O'Brien Osceola, Page, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Polk, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Sac, Scott, Shelby, Sioux, Tama, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Wapello, Warren Washington, Wayne, Webster, Winnebago, Winneshiek, Woodbury, Worth, Wright
Townships and Cities: Boone, Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Cherokee, Clinton, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Fort Madison, Harlan, Iowa City, Keokuk, Marshalltown, Mason City, Missouri Valley, Muscatine, Ottumwa, Sioux Center, Sioux City, Waterloo, Webster City
Counties: Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Clark, Clay, Cloud, Cowley, Decatur, Dickinson, Doniphan, Edwards, Ellsworth Finney, Ford, Franklin, Gove, Gray, Greenwood, Hamilton, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jackson, Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson, Kearny, Kingman Labette, Lane, Logan, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Meade, Mitchell, Montgomery, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie Pratt, Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Roosk, Rush, Russell, Saline, Scott, Sedgwick, Seward, Shawnee, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton Stevens, Sumner, Thomas, Tooawa, Trego, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wichita, Wilson, Woodson, Wyandotte
Townships and Cities: Atchinson, Chanute, Coffeyville, Emporia, Fort Scott, Hutchinson, Independence, Iola, Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth Newton, Ottawa, Parsons, Pittsburg, Salina, Topeka, Wichita
Counties: Adair, Allen, Anderson, Ballard, Barren, Bath, Bell, Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, Bracken, Breathitt, Breckinridge, Bullitt, Butler Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Casey, Christian, Clark, Clinton, Crittenden, Daviess, Edmonson, Elliott, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Grant Graves, Grayson, Green, Greenup, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Henderson, Hickman, Hopkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Kenton, Knott, Knox, Larue Leslie, Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, Lyon, McCracken, McCreary, McLean, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Meade, Menifee, Mercer Metcalfe, Montgomery, Muhlenberg, Nelson, Nicholas, Ohio, Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, Rowan, Russell, Scott, Shelby, Simpson, Spencer, Taylor Todd, Trigg, Trimble, Union, Warren, Wayne, Webster, Wolfe
Townships and Cities: Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Henderson, Lexington, Louisville, Ludlow, Mayfield, Newport, Owensboro, Paducah Providence
Parishes: Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Calcasieu, Caldwell, Cameron, East Baton Rouge, Evangeline, Jackson Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, LaSalle, Lincoln, Livingston, Ouachita, Red River, Sabine, St. John the Baptist, St. Landry, St. Mary, St. Tammany Terrebonne, Union, Vernon, Washington, West Baton Rouge, West Carroll, West Feliciana, Winn
Townships and Cities: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Monroe, Natchitoches, New Orleans, Shreveport
Counties: Kennebec, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Washington
Townships and Cities: Auburn, Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Biddeford, Calais, Lewiston, Portland, Rockland, Sanford Town, Waterville, Westbrook
Counties: Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Garrett, Harford, Kent, Queen Annes, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester
Townships and Cities: Annapolis, Baltimore (independent city), Cumberland, Frederick, Hagerstown, Mount Rainier
Townships and Cities: Adams Town, Arlington Town, Athol, Attleboro, Belmont Town, Beverly, Boston, Brockton, Brookline Town, Cambridge, Chelsea, Chicopee, Clinton, Danvers, and Worcester Chicopee, Clinton, Danvers Town, Dedham Town, Dighton Town, Easthampton Town, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Florence, Framingham Town, Gardner Gloucester, Grafton Town, Greenfield Town, Haverhill, Hingham Town, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lexington Town, Lowell, Lynn, Malden Marlborough, Maynard Town, Medford, Melrose, Middleborough Town, Milford Town, Nantucket, New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, North Attleborough, Northampton, Norwood Town, Orange Town, Peabody, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Somerville, Southbridge Town Springfield, Taunton, Wakefield Town, Waltham, Watertown Town, Webster, Westfield, Weymounth Town, Winchester Town, Winthrop Town, Woburn Worcester
Counties: Alcona, Allegan, Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Barry, Benzie, Berrien, Cass, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Clare, Crawford, Delta, Dickinson, Eaton Genesee, Gladwin, Grand Traverse, Hancock, Huron, Ingham, Iosco, Iron, Kalkaska, Kent, Lake, Laurium, Leelanau, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Mason Mecosta, Midland, Missaukee, Montcalm, Ontonagon, Ottawa, Roscommon, Saginaw, St. Clair, Sanilac, Shiawassee
Townships and Cities: Adrian, Alpena, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Cadillac, Detroit, Escanaba, Flint, Grand Rapids, Hamtramck Hancock, Highland Park, Holland, Iron Mountain, Ironwood, Ishpeming, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Laurium, Ludington, Manistee, Marquette, Menominee Mount Clemens, Muskegon, Nagaunee, Newberry, Owosso, Petoskey, Pontiac, Port Huron, Saginaw, Sault Ste.
Counties: Anoka, Becker, Beltrami, Benton, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Carlton, Carver, Cass, Chisago, Clay, Cottonwood, Crow Wing, Dakota, Dodge, Douglas Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Grant, Hennepin, Houston, Hubbard, Isanti, Jackson, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Koochiching, Lac qui Parle, Lake, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Mahnomen, Marshall, Martin, McLeod, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Nicollet, Nobles, Norman, Olmsted, Otter Trail Pennington, Pine, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Rock, Roseau, St. Louis, Sherburne, Sibley, Stearns, Steele Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Wabasha, Wadena, Waseca, Washington, Watonwan, Wilkin, Winona
Townships and Cities: Austin, Bemidji, Brainerd, Cloquet, Duluth, Eveleth, Faribault, Hibbing, Mankato, Minneapolis, Northfield, Red Wing Rochester, St. Cloud, St. Paul, St. Peter, Stillwater, Two Harbors, Virginia, Winona
New Hampshire
Counties: Alcorn, Amite, Bolivar, Carroll, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clay, Covington, Forrest, Franklin, George, Grenada, Harrison, Itawamba, Jackson Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lee, Leflore, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Montgomery, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee Oktibbeha, Panola, Pearl River, Perry, Pike, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Tippah, Union, Walthall, Warren, Washington Wayne, Webster, Winston, Yalobusha, Yazoo
New Jersey
Townships and Cities: Aberdeen, Amory, Biloxi, Columbia, Columbus, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Laurel, Meridian, Moss Point, Natchez, Vicksburg
Counties: Andrew, Atchison, Barry, Barton, Bates, Bollinger, Boone, Buchanan, Butler, Caldwell, Callaway, Camden, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Chariton Christian, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Cole, Crawford, Daviess, De Kalb, Franklin, Gasconade, Greene, Grundy, Harrison, Henry, Holt, Howard, Howell Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Laclede, Lafayette, Lewis, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Maries, Marion, Miller, Montieau, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, New Madrid, Newton, Nodaway, Oregon, Osage, Pemiscot, Pettis, Phelps, Polk, Putnam, Ralls, Ray, Reynolds, Ripley, St. Charles, St. Louis (independent city), St. Louis (county) city), St. Louis (county), Ste. Genevieve, Saline, Schuyler, Scotland, Scott, Shelby, Stone, Sullivan, Taney, Texas, Vernon, Warren, Wayne, Worth
New Mexico
Townships and Cities: Aurora, Buckner, Cape Girardeau, Carrollton, Carthage, Chillicothe, Clinton, Columbia, Grain Valley, Hannibal, Jefferson City, Joplin, Kansas City, Moberly, Oak Grove, Springfield, St. Charles, St. Joseph, Sedalia, Slater, Trenton, University City, Webb City
Counties: Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Granite, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Musselshell, Park Phillips, Pondera, Powder River, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sanders, Sheridan, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Teton, Toole Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone
New York
Townships and Cities: Anaconda, Bozeman, Billings, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, Livingston, Missoula, Red Lodge, Roundup
Counties: Adams, Antelope, Arthur, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Buffalo, Burt, Cass, Chase, Clay, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Deuel, Dixon Douglas, Fillmore, Franklin, Furnas, Garfield, Grant, Hall, Harlan, Hayes, Holt, Hooker, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Kimball Knox, Lancaster, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Nance, Otoe, Perkins, Phelps, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Rock, Sarpy, Saunders, Scotts Bluff Seward, Sheridan, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thomas, Valley, Wayne, Webster, York
North Carolina
Townships and Cities: Beatrice, Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska City, Omaha
Counties: Churchill, Clark, Humboldt, Lander, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, White Pine
North Dakota
Townships and Cities: Reno
Townships and Cities: Berlin, Concord, Keene, Laconia, Nashua, Portsmouth
Counties: Bergen, Essex, Union
Townships and Cities: Asbury Park, Atlantic City, Bayonne, Bloomfield, Bridgeton, Burlington, Camden, Clifton, Collingswood, Dover, East Orange, Elizabeth, Englewood, Garfield, Glen Ridge, Glouster City, Hackensack, Harrison, Hoboken, Irvington, Jersey City, Kearny, Long Branch Elizabeth, Englewood, Garfield, Glen Ridge, Glouster City, Hackensack, Harrison, Hoboken, Irvington, Jersey City, Kearny, Long Branch, Millville Montclair, Morristown, New Brunswick, Newark, Orange, Passaic, Paterson, Perth Amboy, Phillipsburg, Plainfield, Rahway, South Orange, Trenton Union City, West Hoboken, West New York, West Orange
Counties: Bernalillo, Chaves, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Do¤a Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Luna, Mora, Otero, Rio Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval, Sierra Townships and Cities: Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque, Albuquerque
Townships and Cities: Albuquerque
County Alegany, Bronx (the ward and county are adjacent), Gennessy, Green, Kings (adjacent to Brooklyn and Kings County), Monro, Nassou, New York (Manhattan and New York County are adjacent), Onondaga, Queens (District and County are Adjacent), Richmond (ward and county are adjacent), Shihary, Wayne, Jates
Townships and Urbani, Amsterdam, Over, Batabia, Binghamton, Bronx (the ward and county are adjacent), Brooklyn (Brooklyn and Kings County are adjacent), Buffalo, Cohoz, Cooper, Courck, Dunkaque, Futon , Geneva, Glens Falls, Glowbirds Building, Honson, Hadson, James Town, James Town, Johns Town, Kingson, Luckan, Little Falls, Rock Port, Manhattan (Manhattan and New York County live together), Middle Town, Mount Burnon, Newro Shell, Newburg, Niagara Falls, North Wanda, Ogdensberg, Oleans, Onaida, Onion, Oceaning Town, Oswego, Portchester, Pokypsy, Queen's (Manhattan and New York County) Rencellar (Richmond) , Rochester, Rocester, Salamanka, Salmanka, Solbe, Silkuus, Sirakus, Tonawanda, Troy, Utica, Water Town, Water Bleet, White Plains, Yonkers
Counties: Anson, Average, Columbus, Dare, Durham, Granville, Grenville, HaliFax, HAYWOOD, JACKSON, MITCHELL Ge, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Wake, Wilkes, Yadkin
Townships and Cities: Ashville, Burlington, Charlotte, Durham, Elizabeth City, GreenSboro, High Point, Raleigh, Rocky Mount Ington, Winston-Salem
Rhode Island
Counties: Adams, Benson, Bottineau, Bottineau, Bowman, Cavalier, DICKEY, DIVIDE, DUNN, EDDY, FOSTER, GOLDEN F Orks, Grant, Hettinger, La More, Logan, Mchenry, Mcintosh, MCLean, Mercer, MOUNTRAIL, Nelson, Oliver, Pierce, Ramsey Ransom, Renville, Richland, Rolette, SIOUX, SLOPE AN, Towner, Trail, Ward, Wells, Williams
South Carolina
Counties: Ashtabula, Athens, Auglaize, Belmont, Butler, Champaign, Clinton, Columbiana, Coshocton, Crawford, Defiance, Delaware, Erie, Fairfield Franklin, Geauga, Greene, Guernsey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Highland, Holmes, Huron, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Licking, Logan Lorain, Lucas, Marion, Medina, Meigs, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Noble, Paulding, Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Stark Townships and Cities: Akton, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Noble, Paulding, Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Stark
South Dakota
Townships and Cities: Akton, Alliance, Ashtabula, Barberton, Bellaire, Bellefontaine, Bucyrus, Cambridge, Chillicothe, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Conway, Conway, Pike, Preble, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Stark , Summit, Union, Van Wert, Wayne, Williams, Wood, Wyandot Cleveland, Columbus, Conneaut, Coshocton, Cuyahoga Falls, Dayton, Deleware, East Cleveland, East Liverpool, Elyria, Findlay, Fostoria (Hancock and Seneca Counties: ), Fremont, Hamilton, Ionton, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lima, Lorain, Mansfield, Marietta, Marion, Massillon, Miami Township Middletown, Mount Vernon, Newark, Niles, Norwood, Piqua, Sandusky, Shelby, Springfield, Steubenville, Struthers, Tiffin, Toledo, Troy, Van Wert Warren, Xenia, Youngstown, Zanesville
Counties: Adair, Alfalfa, Atoka, Beaver, Blaine, Bryan, Canadian, Carter, Cimarron, Cotton, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Grady, Grant, Harper, Haskell Johnston, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lincoln, Love, Major, Marshall, Mayes, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Muskogee, Noble, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Osage Ottawa, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Sequoyah, Texas, Tillman, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washita, Woods, Woodward
Townships and Cities: Ardmore, Chickasha, Enid, Guthrie, McAlester, Muskogee, Oklahoma City, Okmulgee, Sapula, Shawnee, Tulsa, Waurika
Counties: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Klamath Lake, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Wasco, Washington
Townships and Cities: Astoria, Corvallis, Eugene, Friend, Medford, Oregon City, Portland, Salem
Counties: Beaver, Blair, Bradford, Cambria, Carbon, Clarion, Cumberland, Dauphin, Monroe, Philadelphia (city and county coextensive), Washington
Townships and Cities: Allentown, Altoona, Ambler, Ashland, Bethlehem, Braddock, Bradford, Bristol, Butler, Carbondale, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Charleroi, Chester, Coatsville, Columbia, Connellsville, Donora, Duquesne, Duryea, East Lansdowne, Easton, Erie, Etna, Farrell, Franklin, Bethlehem, Braddock, Bradford, Bristol, Butler, Carlisle, Chambersburg Charleroi, Chester, Coatsville, Columbia, Connellsville, Donora, Duquesne, Duryea, East Lansdowne, Easton, Erie, Etna, Farrell, Franklin Greensburg, Harrisburg, Hazelton, Homestead, Jeannette, Johnstown, Lancaster, Lansford, Latrobe, Lebanon, Mahanoy City, Meadville, McKees Rocks McKeesport, Monessen, Munhall, Nanticoke, New Castle, Norristown, North Braddock, Northampton, Oil City, Philadelphia (city and county coextensive ), Phoenixville, Pottstown, Pottsville, Pittsburgh, Rankin, Reading, Scottdale, Scranton, Shamokin, Sharon, Sharpsburg, Shenandoah, Steelton Sunbury, Tamaqua, Taylor, Titusville, Uniontown, Warren, West Chester, West Homestead, West Hazelton, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkinsburg, Williamsport Windber, York
Townships and Cities: Central Falls, Cranston, Newport, Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick Town, West Warwick Town, Westerly, Woonsocket
Counties: Allendale, McCormick, Richland, Spartanburg, Williamsburg
Townships and Cities: Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Orangeburg, Spartanburg, Sumter
Counties: Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brown, Brule, Buffalo, Butte, Campbell, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Codington, Corson, Custer, Davison Corson, Custer, Davison, Day, Deuel, Dewey, Douglas, Edmunds, Fall River, Faulk, Gregory, Haakon, Hamlin, Hand, Hanson, Harding, Hughes, Jackson, Jerauld, Jones, Kingsbury, Lawrence, Lincoln, Lyons, Douglas, Dewey, Douglas, Codington, Corson, Custer, Davison Lawrence, Lincoln, Lyman, Marshall, McCook, McPherson, Meade, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Pennington, Perkins, Potter, Roberts, Sanborn, Stanley Sully, Tripp, Turner, Union, Yankton, Ziebach
Townships and Cities: Aberdeen, Lead, Madison, Mitchell, Sioux Falls
Counties: Anderson, Bedford, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Cheatham, Claiborne, Clay, Cumberland, Davidson, Decatur, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Franklin Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Franklin, Gibson, Greene, Grundy, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardeman, Hardin, Hawkins, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jackson, Johnson Lincoln, Loudon, Macon, Madison, Marion, Maury, McMinn, McNairy, Meigs, Monroe, Moore, Obion, Overton, Pickett, Robertson, Scott, Sevier, Shelby Stewart, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union, Van Buren, Warren, White, Williamson, Wilson
West Virginia
Townships and Cities: Bristol, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville
Counties: Arkansas, Armstrong, Austin, Baylor, Bee, Bexar, Blanco, Borden, Bosque, Bowie, Brazoria, Brown, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Calhoun Callahan, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castro, Chambers, Cherokee, Childress, Clay, Coleman, Collingsworth, Concho, Coryell, Cottle, Dawson, Deaf Smith Dickens, Donley, Eastland, Ector, Ellis, Falls, Fayette, Fisher, Foard, Fort Bend, Garza, Gillespie, Glasscock, Gonzales, Gray, Gregg, Grimes Hamilton, Hardeman, Hardin, Harris, Harrison, Hartley, Haskell, Hays, Hemphill, Hill, Hood, Hopkins, Howard, Hudspeth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jack Jackson, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Johnson, Jones, Karnes, Kaufman, Kenedy, Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Knox, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, Lavaca, Lee Lynn, Madison, Marion, Martin, Mason, Matagorda, Maverick, McCulloch, Medina, Menard, Midland, Milam, Montgomery Moore, Morris, Navarro, Nolan, Nueces, Ochiltree, Orange, Palo Pinto, Panola, Parker, Parmer, Polk, Potter, Presidio, Rains, Randall, Refugio Roberts, Robertson, Rockwall, Runnels, Sabine, San Patricio, San Saba, Scurry, Shelby, Sherman, Smith, Somervell, Stephens, Sterling, Stonewall Sutton, Swisher, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus, Tom Green, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Upton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Van Zandt, Waller, Ward, Washington Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Wilson, Wise, Wood, Yoakum, Young, Zapata, Zavala
Townships and Cities: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Bryan, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Denison, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Fort Worth, Galveston, Greenville, Hereford, Houston, Loredo, Orange, Paris, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Marcos, Sherman, Waco, Wichita Falls Greenville, Hereford, Houston, Loredo, Orange, Paris, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Marcos, Sherman, Waco, Wichita Falls
Counties: Box Elder, Carbon, Davis, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Wayne, Weber
Townships and Cities: Logan, Murray, Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden
Townships and Cities: Barre, Bennington, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury
Rush Street ams to make hstory n the state of owa
Counties: Accomack, Albemarle, Alleghany, Amelia, Amherst, Appomattox, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Buckingham, Campbell Caroline, Carroll, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Clarke, Craig, Culpeper, Cumberland, Dickenson, Dinwiddie, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd Fluvanna, Frederick, Giles, Gloucester, Grayson, Greene, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henry, Highland, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen King William, Lancaster, Lee, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Mathews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Montgomery, Nansemond, Nelson, New Kent Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Orange, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince William, Princess Anne, Pulaski Rockbridge, Rockingham, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Southampton, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Sussex, Tazewell, Warren, Warwick, Washington Westmoreland, Wise, Wythe, York
Independent Cities: Alexandria, Bristol, Charlottesville, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Hopewell, Lynchburg, Newport News, Petersburg, Portsmouth Petersburg, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Suffolk, Winchester
We're all familiar with our typical family "boot strap" or origin stories.
How will your family's story change as your understanding of history changes?
PushBlack Podcast: Interview with Clint Smith, author of "How the Word is Passed," on the importance of understanding our common history of slavery.
Counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Lewis Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom Whitman, Yakima
Douglas A. Blackmon
The South
Townships and Cities: Aberdeen, Bellingham, Centralia, Chehalis, Everett, Hoquiam, Mount Vernon, Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver Walla Walla, YakimaHistorical Summary
Counties: Berkeley, Brooke, Gilmer, Marshall, Monogalia, Morgan, Pleasants, Wetzel
Townships and Cities: Bluefield, Charleston, Clarksburg, Fairmont, Moundsville, Parkersburg, Wheeling
Industries Using Slave Labor or Convict Leasing
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Counties: Adams, Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Door, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire Florence, Fond du Lac, Forest, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Iron, Jackson, Jefferson, Juneau, Kewaunee, La Crosse, Lafayette, Langlade, Lincoln Manitowoc, Marathon, Marquette, Marinette, Monroe, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Portage, Price, Racine, Richland, Rock Rusk, St. Croix, Sauk, Sawyer, Shawano, Sheboygan, Taylor, Trempealeau, Vernon, Vilas, Walworth, Washburn, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca Waushara, Winnebago, Wood
Personal Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes, and Jim Crow Laws
Township and urban Appleton, Beloit, CHIPPEWA FALLS, FOND DU LAC, GREEN BAY, JANESVILLE, Kenosha, La Crosse, MADISON, MARINETTE, MARINETTE Ha, Merrill, Milwaukee, NEENAH, Oshkosh, Racine, Sheboygan, Stevens Point , Superior, Watertown, Waucesha, Wausau
County Albanny, Big Horn, Campbell, Carbon, Crook, Lincard, Lincoln, Natron, Niblala, Park, Plat, Sheridan, Wha Shaki
Township and city chair
It is as harmful for blacks and white people to be filled with and erased in our common history. In order to fully participate in the compensation movement, it is important for white families to review and reconsider our common history through racial lenses. Whether your family has slaved others or gaining indirectly, what is the foundation of institutional racism, which is the initial history of our family and this country? It is necessary to understand whether it is related.
The following is a link to research materials organized for each state. When you investigate your family's genealogy, stop the historical background and situation they lived. Compare these situations with the situation faced by African Americans of the same era.
"Currently only by recognizing the whole story that slavery controls American society, such as the closely connected wealth and power, the depth of injuries to black Americans, and the shocking proximity of the true end. You can harmonize the paradox of life in the United States.
Alabama has a complicated and dee p-permeated slavery history, including the separation and the Jim Crow Act. The slavery was based on the economy and social structure of Alabama in the 19th century. At that time, Alabama became a cotton production power, which greatly depends on slave labor. < SPAN> APPLETON, Beloit, CHIPPEWA FALLS, EAU CLAIRE, Fond Du Lac, Green Bay, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, MARINETTE, Menesha, Merrill, Milwaukee, NeeNah, Oshkosh, Racine, Sheboygan , STEVENS POINT, SUPERIOR, WATERTOWN, WAUKESHA, WAUSAU
County Albanny, Big Horn, Campbell, Carbon, Crook, Lincard, Lincoln, Natron, Niblala, Park, Plat, Sheridan, Wha Shaki
Township and city chair
Black History Timeline
It is as harmful for blacks and white people to be filled with and erased in our common history. In order to fully participate in the compensation movement, it is important for white families to review and reconsider our common history through racial lenses. Whether your family has slaved others or gaining indirectly, what is the foundation of institutional racism, which is the initial history of our family and this country? It is necessary to understand whether it is related.
The following is a link to research materials organized for each state. When you investigate your family's genealogy, stop the historical background and situation they lived. Compare these situations with the situation faced by African Americans of the same era.
"Currently only by recognizing the whole story that slavery controls American society, such as the closely connected wealth and power, the depth of injuries to black Americans, and the shocking proximity of the true end. You can harmonize the paradox of life in the United States.
Alabama has a complicated and dee p-permeated slavery history, including the separation and the Jim Crow Act. The slavery was based on the economy and social structure of Alabama in the 19th century. At that time, Alabama became a cotton production power, which greatly depends on slave labor. Township and urban Appleton, Beloit, CHIPPEWA FALLS, FOND DU LAC, GREEN BAY, JANESVILLE, Kenosha, La Crosse, MADISON, MARINETTE, MARINETTE Ha, Merrill, Milwaukee, NEENAH, Oshkosh, Racine, Sheboygan, Stevens Point , Superior, Watertown, Waucesha, Wausau
County Albanny, Big Horn, Campbell, Carbon, Crook, Lincard, Lincoln, Natron, Niblala, Park, Plat, Sheridan, Wha Shaki
Township and city chair
It is as harmful for blacks and white people to be filled with and erased in our common history. In order to fully participate in the compensation movement, it is important for white families to review and reconsider our common history through racial lenses. Whether your family has slaved others or gaining indirectly, what is the foundation of institutional racism, which is the initial history of our family and this country? It is necessary to understand whether it is related.
The following is a link to research materials organized for each state. When you investigate your family's genealogy, stop the historical background and situation they lived. Compare these situations with the situation faced by African Americans of the same era.
"Currently only by recognizing the whole story that slavery controls American society, such as the closely connected wealth and power, the depth of injuries to black Americans, and the shocking proximity of the true end. You can harmonize the paradox of life in the United States.
Alabama has a complicated and dee p-permeated slavery history, including the separation and the Jim Crow Act. The slavery was based on the economy and social structure of Alabama in the 19th century. At that time, Alabama became a cotton production power, which greatly depends on slave labor.
Alabama, like many southern states, seceded from the Union in 1861 to protect slavery. Alabama played a key role in the Confederacy, contributing troops and resources to the southern cause. After the Civil War, Alabama, like other southern states, enacted Jim Crow laws. These laws, enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, institutionalized racial segregation in public facilities, education, and many aspects of daily life, reinforcing racial inequality and discrimination against African Americans for decades to come. The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s made great strides toward the elimination of these discriminatory laws and practices in Alabama, but the shadow of slavery lingers, and the impact of this history on African Americans continues to this day. In the 1901 Alabama Constitution, "The new Constitution will eliminate the ignorant Negro vote and place the leadership of government where Almighty God intended it, the Anglo-Saxon race," John Knox, president of the Constitutional Convention, said in a speech urging voters to ratify that year.
The following is a chronological list of black codes and Jim Crow laws enacted in Alabama:
1. Black Codes of 1865 After the end of the Civil War, Alabama enacted black codes to restrict the rights and freedoms of newly freed African-Americans. These codes imposed restrictions on labor contracts, curfews, and anti-vagrancy laws aimed at African-Americans.
2. Railroad Segregation Act of 1891: This act required separate seats on trains for African-Americans and whites. It enforced racial segregation in public transportation and limited African-Americans' access to equal accommodations.
3. Separate Car Law of 1895: This law extended racial segregation to streetcars and required separate seats and accommodations for African-Americans and whites. Violation of this law was punishable by fine or imprisonment.
4. Poll Tax: In 1901, Alabama amended its state constitution to impose a poll tax. This tax disproportionately affected African-Americans, who had to pay a fee to vote, effectively suppressing their right to vote.
3. Separate Car Law of 1895: This law extended racial segregation to streetcars and required separate seats and accommodations for African-Americans and whites. Violation of this law was punishable by fine or imprisonment.
6. School Separation method: From the late 19th century, Alabama has enacted laws that require racial separation at school. These laws have created a separated and uniform educational system for African American students and white students, and African Americans can only receive less resources and poor facilities.
7. Grandfather clause: In 1901, Alabama conducted a "grandfather clause" exempt from literacy tests and other voting restrictions if their grandfather had the right to vote before the abolition of slavery. This was effectively eliminating the voting rights of African Americans due to their ancestors.
8. Housing isolation: Alabama has forced racial isolation through various housing isolation and practices. These measures, including re d-lines and discriminatory housing practices, have restricted access to African American housing and persisted.
This list is not comprehensive, and there were many other discriminatory laws and comparations that forced racial isolation during the Jim Crow era and restricted the rights of African Americans. It is important to pay attention to.
This list is not comprehensive, and there were many other discriminatory laws and comparations that forced racial isolation during the Jim Crow era and restricted the rights of African Americans. It is important to pay attention to.
On July 4, a 2 5-yea r-old Booker T. Washington opened a taskiggy institute in central Alabama.
On July 4, a 2 5-yea r-old Booker T. Washington opened a taskiggy institute in central Alabama.
Booker T. Washington's autobiography "Up from Slavery" will be published.
The first permanent black Catholic fraternity group Peter Knights will be established in Mobil, Alabama.
A boy Scottoro is arrested in Alabama. The trial begins on April 6.
A boy Scottoro is arrested in Alabama. The trial begins on April 6.
A boy Scottoro is arrested in Alabama. The trial begins on April 6.
A boy Scottoro is arrested in Alabama. The trial begins on April 6.
Black 99th Purste Squadron (Taskie Airmen) performs his first battle in Italy.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
Taskie Institute reported that Lynch in the United States has become zero for the first time in 71 years.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism
Personal Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
December 1st: Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white person, beginning the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Martin Luther King, Jr. soon becomes the boycott's leader.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a 26-year-old pastor at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, is elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association.
February 3rd: Oshalynn Lucy enrolls at the University of Alabama. February 7th: A riot breaks out at the university in protest of Lucy's enrollment, and Lucy is suspended. February 29th: Lucy is expelled.
April 10th: Popular entertainer Nat King Cole is assaulted onstage during a segregated performance at Municipal Auditorium in Birmingham, Alabama.
The Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR) is formed at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama.
Black History Timeline
In September, riots break out on the campus of the University of Georgia, preventing the admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlaine Hunter (Go), the first African-American students at the university.
Martin Luther King, Jr. writes "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" on April 16.
On May 3, Birmingham police attack civil rights demonstrators with dogs and fire hoses.
Despite Governor George Wallace's proclamation on June 11 that the doors of the school would be barred to prevent enrollment, Vivian Malone and James Hood enroll in classes at the University of Alabama. They become the first African-American students to enroll at the university.
September 15, 16th Street Baptist Church bombed in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four girls: Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carol Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley, ages 11-14.
March 7, 600 Alabama civil rights activists march from Selma to Montgomery to call attention to the continued denial of voting rights to blacks in the state. The marchers are attacked by the Alabama National Guard.
A list of black codes and Jim Crow laws enacted in Florida, in chronological order:
1. Black Codes of 1865: After the end of the Civil War, Florida enacted the Black Codes to restrict the rights and freedoms of newly freed African-Americans. These codes imposed labor contract restrictions, curfews, and vagrancy laws on African Americans.
2. 1866 Civil Rights Law: Not limited to Florida, but this federal law tried to protect African American civil rights. However, Florida was restricted and resistant.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
3. 1887 Railway Separation Law: This law obliges separation seats on trains in Florida, forced racial isolation, and restricted access to equal accommodations for African Americans.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
- 4. 1889 Separate Car Act of 1889: This law has expanded racial separation to trams and obliged separate seats and accommodations for African Americans and white people. If you violate the law, you were fined or prohibited.
- 5. Polling tax: In 1889, Florida introduced a poll survey tax that obliged to pay a commission to vote. The tax had an disproportionate impact on African Americans, became a barrier to voting, effectively suppressed their political participation.
- 6. literacy test: Florida introduced a literacy test in 1889 as a voting requirement. These tests were used to deprive the African Americans's rights by imposing high standards, and are often implemented in a discriminatory way.
- 7. Grandfaterer Clause (Grandfaterer Clause): In 1901, Florida introduced the "grandfather clause" that exempted literacy tests and other voting restrictions if their grandfather had voting rights before the abolition of slavery. The clause was disproperled from the voting rights of African Americans, because the ancestors were slaves.
- 8. Division of residence: In Florida, racial separation was enforced by the laws and practices of various residence separation. These measures, including re d-lines and discriminatory housing practices, have restricted access to African American housing and persisted.
- This list does not cover all, and Florida has many other discriminatory laws and comparison, forcing racial isolation during the Jim Crow era to limit the African Americans. It is important to be aware of what you were.
- 1738 years later, the first permanent black settlement in the United States will be established in Florida's Glacia Real de Santa Teresa de Moss (Fort Mosse) in Florida.
- In 1817, slaves who fled from Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama participated in the military behavior of the Florida seminol to protect their hometown.
Black History Timeline
In 1889, Florida is the first state using public polls to deprive the black rights.
In January 1900, James Weldon Johnson wrote the lyrics and his younger brother John Rosamond Johnson sung "Lift Every Voice and Sing" in his hometown of Jackson Building, his hometown, celebrating Abraham Lincoln's birthday. This song is eventually
1904 Educational Mary Mac Road Besoon established a university in Date Navi, Florida.
On January 4, 1923, a small town called Roswood, Florida, is destroyed by a mob of a nearby white residents. This case became known as the "Roswood massacre".
On December 25, 1951, Harry T. Moore, a Naacp executive of Florida, died in a bomb in Mimus, Florida.
On February 25, 1964, Kasias Clay (later Mohamed Ali) played Sony Riston in Miami, Florida, and won the third world heavyweight champion.
1967 Lenny Powell participated in the LPGA tour for the first time as an African American woman.
The first Haiti Boat People in 1972 arrived in southern Florida.
A riot occurred on May 17-18, in Liberty City, Florida (near Miami), a police officer who killed a black man in a rounded back. This riot, which had 15 dead, has been the worst since Detroit in 1967 in the United States.
With a boat lift on the 1980 Mariel, 125, 000 Cubans are transferred to Florida.
On August 30, 1983, the Challenger crew, Gion S. Blue Ford Jr., became the first African American astronaut.
On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle "Challenger" exploded immediately after launching from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, killing six crew members, including Dr. Ronald McNear.
In March 1989, Frederick Drew Gregory led the crew of the Discovery, and was the first African American to lead a space shuttle.
On September 12, 1992, Dr. May Carroll Gemison boarded the Space Shuttle Endeavor to become African American women's first astronaut.
Georgia's 1868 black law: Shortly after the Civil War, Georgia established a black rule that restricted the rights and freedom of African Americans who have been released.
In 1879 Georgia State Separation Vehicle Law: This law requires racial separation in public transportation and demanded that African Americans and whites provide separate accommodation facilities.
Georgia Poll Tax and Literacy Test Laws In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Georgia implemented poll taxes and literacy tests as voting requirements. These laws unfairly targeted African Americans and effectively suppressed their political participation.
Georgia's Jim Crow Laws of Segregation: Georgia, like other southern states, enacted a series of laws that enforced racial segregation in various public spaces, including schools, parks, theaters, and restaurants.
Georgia's Racial Purity Laws In the early 20th century, Georgia enacted laws intended to protect racial purity and prevent interracial relationships. These laws criminalized marriages and sexual relations between people of different races.
Georgia's Grandfather Clause Georgia introduced the Grandfather Clause in 1908, exempting people from literacy tests and other voting requirements if their grandfathers had been eligible to vote before the abolition of slavery. This provision disproportionately excluded African Americans from voting because of their slave ancestors.
Georgia's County System In 1917, Georgia adopted a county system that gave rural counties greater voting power than urban counties. This system effectively limited the political influence of African American voters, who were concentrated in urban centers.
Georgia's Public School Segregation Georgia enforced racial segregation in its public schools through a variety of laws and practices, denying African American students equal educational opportunities.
1739 Nineteen white citizens of Darien, Georgia, petition the colonial governor to continue the ban on the importation of Africans into the colony, arguing that enslaving Africans was morally wrong.
1773 The Silver Bluff Baptist Church, the oldest continuously operating black church, is founded in Silver Bluff, South Carolina, near Savannah, Georgia.
1793 Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin in Georgia and receives a patent on March 13. The development of the cotton gin dramatically boosts the cotton economy in the slave-dominated South.
1832 The Georgia Infirmary, founded in Savannah by a white philanthropist, becomes the first hospital in the United States exclusively dedicated to treating black patients.
1852 Jackson Street Hospital is founded in Augusta, Georgia, as the second medical facility dedicated exclusively to the care of African-American patients.
1863 Susie King Taylor of Savannah becomes the first black army nurse in U. S. history.
1865 On December 6th, the approval of the Georgia Congress broke out Article 13 of the Fix, and slavery was illegal for the whole and the territory of the United States.
1867 On February 14th, Mohaus College was established in Atlanta.
On April 11, 1881, Sophia B. Packard and Harriet E. Giles will establish a Spelman College, the first university for black women in the United States.
An Africa n-based American physician closed by the US Medical Association in 1892 forms a National Medical Association in Atlanta.
On September 18, 1895 Booker T. Washington will hold a famous Atlanta compromise at the Atlanta Cotton Expo. He says that black people are solved by gradualism and reconciliation.
Genealogical Research
Reparative Action:
At the 1895 Atlanta's Friendship Baptist Church, three black baptists, the US and the outside missionary baptist (1880), the US Baptist Tournament (1886), and the Baptist National Education Tournament (1893).Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
- 1906 On September 22-24, racial riots occurred in Atlanta, killing a total of 12 blacks, 10 blacks and two whites.
- 1919 Ku Crax Clan revived in Stone Mountain, Georgia in 1915 and was active in 27 states by early 1919. This year, 83 African Americans were lynched, including many returned soldiers wearing military uniforms.
- In 1923, Marcus Garbay was imprisoned for postal fraud. Intlanta was sent to the Federal Prison in Atlanta in 1925.
- In 1928, Atlanta Daily World Paper was launched in November.
- In 1937, Hugh Morris Glostar established the College Language Association (CLA) in Atlanta, Georgia.
- In 1945, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on April 12 at Warm Springs, Georgia.
- In 1949, businessman Jessie Brejelon Senior established the Black Radio Station WERD-AM. Broadcast on October 3 in Atlanta.
- On January 12, 1958, the southern Christian leader meeting (SCLC), with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is organized in Atlanta.
- In May 1966, Story Cermaeling was appointed Chair of SNCC at the SNCC headquarters in Atlanta.
- On November 8, 1966, Julian Bond won the Senate of Georgia. However, the Georgia State assembly refused seats due to opposition to the Vietnam War. After a fierce court struggle, Bond eventually gets a seat.
Black History Timeline
1966 Ruby Doris Smith Robinson became the secretar y-general of SNCC.
On May 12, 1967, H. Rap Brown was appointed Chair of SNCC at Atlanta's headquarters.
1973 October 16, Maynard H. Jackson Jr. is elected the first black mayor of Atlanta.
1974 April 8, Henry (Hank) Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits his 715th home run, passing Babe Ruth for the all-time major league home run title.
1975 Morehouse School of Medicine (Atlanta) becomes the only black medical school founded in the United States in the 20th century. Dr. Louis Sullivan, who later became the United States Surgeon General, is Morehouse's first dean and president.
1975 Lee Elder becomes the first African-American to play in the Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia.
1980 Toni Cade Bambara's The Salt Eaters wins the National Book Award.
1987 Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole becomes the first African-American woman president of Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.
1988 On November 4, comedian Bill Cosby announces a $20 million gift to Spelman College, the largest donation ever made to a college by a black American.
1995 Dr. Helene Doris Gayle becomes the first woman and first African-American director of the National Center for HIV, STDs, and TB Prevention at the CDC.
1997 On April 13, golfer Tiger Woods wins the Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia. At 21 years old, he is the youngest man to ever win the tournament, and the first African-American to do so.
2001 In November, Shirley Clarke Franklin is elected mayor of Atlanta, becoming the first African-American woman to lead a major Southern city.
1833: The Kentucky General Assembly passes a law prohibiting African Americans, free or slave, from gathering in groups of more than five people without a white person present.
1866: Kentucky enacts the Black Codes, imposing strict labor contracts on African Americans and penalizing them for "vagrancy" if the contracts are not followed.
Late 19th Century Kentucky adopts segregation laws mandating racial separation on public transportation such as trains, buses, and streetcars.
1891: Kentucky enacts a law mandating separate schools for African American children, severely reducing funding and resources compared to white schools.
1904: Kentucky enacts the "Day Law," prohibiting white and black students from attending the same schools or educational institutions. This law effectively reinforced segregation in education.
1908: The Race Discrimination Act has been enacted in Kentucky, and the "One Drop Rule" is classified as blacks, regardless of appearance, and is classified as black.
Kentucky in the early 20th century will enforce laws that require a separate African American seats in public facilities such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels.
1920S: Kentucky has introduced various voting restrictions that have an disproportionate impact on African American voters, including literacy tests and voting taxes.
1932: The Kentucky Congress passes laws that illegal the marriage and sexual relationship between white and black people.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
1948: Kentucky has finally abolished the mixed rampage law that banned marriage between interracial racials.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
In 1875, the jockey Oliver Lewis won the first victory in Kentucky Derby. In 27 years, 14 black jockey rode a winning horse in derby.
- In May 1902, Jimmy Winkfield jockey won Kentucky Derby.
- In 1945, Colonel Benjamin O. Davis Junior was appointed commander of Goodman Field, Kentucky. For the first time as an African American, he commanded a military base.
- Kentucky's black history chronology
- 1790S: Early African Americans in Kentucky were slaves mainly engaged in agriculture, mining, and housework.
1804: Kentucky will pass laws to prohibit importing slaves for trading.
1816: The African Baptist Church was established in Lexington and became one of the first black churches in Kentucky.
- 1830S: Lively African American communities in Louisville develop and engage in various occupations and businesses.
- 1850: The Escape Slave Law is passed by the United States Congress, and the capture and refunding of the escape slave in Kentucky has been strengthened.
- 1865: President Abraham Lincoln declares slave liberation, and Kentucky slaves are officially released.
- 1866: Kentucky will establish a colored ethnic ethnic ethnic university known as Kentucky State University in order to provide hig h-education opportunities to African Americans.
- 1879: Belea College in Madison County will become the first integrated university in the southern part and accept African American students.
- 1891: The NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTINTITINTs are an important tournament for African American religious leaders and activists.
- 1904: Louisville's Walnut Street is the center of African American business and is known as the Black Wall Street.
Black History Timeline
1920S: Harlem Renaissance affects African American artists, writers, and musicians in Kentucky, fostering cultural expressions and creativity.
1935: Kentucky Black Education Association (Knea) will be established.
1954: The revolutionary Supreme Court ruling of the Brown Board of Education has led to an unconstitutional school in Kentucky, and an effort to eliminate racism begins.
1960S: Protests and demonstrations in Kentucky's African Civil Rights, including members of the racial equal meeting (Core) and the Student no n-violent coordination committee (SNCC), fighting racial isolation and discrimination. Led.
1964: Kentuck y-born civil rights activist and journalist Alice Allison Danigan, the first African American woman gains the White House press qualification.
1983: The Mohamed Ali Center is established in Louisville to honor the life and achievements of Mohamed Ali, a famous boxer born and raised in Kentucky.
2000: Mazeville, Kentucky, has opened the state of the state on the subway, and the National Subway Museum has been opened to praise those who seek freedom and slave abolition.
2020: Young African American Women's Women's Bullina Taylor, including the death of the victims of police, and the death of the victims, protests against racial unfaithful and police violence swollen the United States as well as Kentucky.
"Code Noir is a law of slavery in French colonies, including Louisiana during the colonial era. The following is a list of important dates related to Code Noir in Louisiana:
1685: Code Noir was officially promulgated in France and outlined regulations on slavery in French colonies and the treatment of slaves. Later, it was adopted and enforced in Louisiana.
1724: The revised version of Code Noir was introduced in Louisiana, and the provisions on slavery and the handling of slaves were reconfirmed and expanded.
1769: Spain dominated Louisiana from France and abolished African slave trade, but Code Noir continued to stipulate slavery in the area.
1803: Louisiana is acquired by the United States as part of Louisiana purchase. Code Noir continued to be valid, but was gradually replaced with US laws and regulations over time.
It is important to note that Code Noir is not a specific law enacted in Luziana, but a law of slavery in French colonies, including Louisiana, during the colonial era. The law was ultimately replaced by the laws and practices of the colonial powers and the United States.
The following are the gym crow method established in Louisiana in order of date:
In 1890, the law enacted in Louisiana, the Louisiana, requires racial isolation in trains to separate African Americans and white accommodations.
1894 Louisiana Separation Vehicle Law: This law has expanded racial isolation to trams, obliged African Americans and white people to separate seats and accommodation.
Louisiana's 1898 grandfather clause: Louisiana introduced the Grandfather Clause (GrandFaterer Clause), which exempted literacy tests and other voting requirements if their grandfather had voting rights before the abolition of slavery. The clause eliminated African Americans from voting, because the ancestors were slaves.
In 1898, the revision of the Vehicle Law by the Vehicle Law has further enhanced the isolation in the train, clearly acknowledged the arrest and punishment of individuals violating the law.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana in 1908, has enforced a series of laws that forced racial isolation in various public spaces, including schools, parks, theaters, and restaurants.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
In the early 20th century of racial purity law, Louisiana has enacted laws, as in other southern states, to protect racial purity and prevent interruptions. These laws have committed a crime of marriage and sexual relationships between different races.
The voters' repression method, Louisiana, conducted public opinion polls and literacy tests as voting requirements, effectively suppressing African Americans.
1716 The first slave Africans arrive in Louisiana.
New Orleans was built by French people in 1718. The number of blacks who have been slaves by 1721 exceeds the free white.
In 1724, Louisiana's French colonial government established Code Noir, the first law that stipulates both slaves and fre e-black people in North America.
Andry rebellion on January 8-11, 1811. The rebellion of slaves led by Charles Deathronde begins on the Manual and Londo Farm in Louisiana.
600 African American troops joined the 3, 000 US troops led by General Andrew Jackson, who defeated the British forces in the battle of New Orleans in 1814. Major Joseph Savary, the highest in the black officer in history, led the black troops.
On May 2, 1861, blacks from New Orleans organized the South Army Louisiana. As a result, the first and only troops were founded by black officers and enrolled troops, swearing to fight for the southern part. February 186
1864 On October 4th, La Tribune de la Nouvelle ORLEANS (New Orleans Tribune paper) was launched. Tribune paper is the first daily paper owned by blacks.
1866 On July 30, New Orleans, which supports the mayor of the Democratic Party, attacked a Republican rally with blacks and white people, killing 34 blacks and three white people. More than 150 people were injured in this attack.
On September 28, 1868, in Operosas, Louisiana, an "Operus Massacre" occurs in which the estimated 200 to 300 blacks are killed by white people opposed to the reconstruction and African Americans voting.
1868 On November 3rd, John Willis Menard will be elected from the 2nd ward of Luiziana. Menard was first selected as a member of the House of Representatives as an African American. However, neither Menard nor confrontational candidates could get seats due to the election results.
In 1872, Deputy Governor, Louisiana, Pinkney Benton Stewart Pinchback served as the governor for the first month from December 1872 to January 1873. As an African American, he became the governor of the State for the first time.
In 1873, more than 100 African Americans are killed to protect local Republican members in the northwestern part of Louisiana. The incident was known as the "Colfax massacre". At the end of the year, it became known as a cushion case.
1895 On March 11-12, white terrorists attacked black workers in New Orleans. Six blacks are killed.
In January 1898, the Louisiana Congress introduced the "grandfather clause" in the state constitution. Only men whose father or grandfather had the right to vote on January 1, 1867 will be automatically registered. Others (African Americans) must obey this.
On July 23, 1900, the New Orleans riot (also called the Robert Charles riot) occurred for four days. Twelve African Americans and seven whites have died.
Black History Timeline
June 19, 1953: African-Americans in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, begin a boycott of the city's bus system.
September 15, 1978: Muhammad Ali defeats Leon Spinks at the New Orleans Superdome, becoming the first boxer to win the heavyweight championship three times.
1985: Grambling State University football coach Eddie Robinson becomes the winningest coach in college football history.
2005: August 30: Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf Coast, killing an estimated 1, 700 people. Most of the deaths occur in Louisiana, including New Orleans, where many African-Americans live.
The following is a list of important Mississippi black laws enacted during the Reconstruction era:
1. 1865: Mississippi Black Codes Shortly after the Civil War, Mississippi enacted black codes to regulate the behavior and rights of newly freed African Americans. These codes were intended to maintain a system similar to slavery and limit the newly gained freedom of African Americans.
2. 1865: Vagrancy Laws Mississippi implemented vagrancy laws, allowing authorities to arrest and fine African Americans for being unemployed or lacking visible means of support. This law effectively targeted African Americans, subjecting them to forced labor and incarceration.
3. 1865: Apprenticeship Laws: Mississippi's Apprenticeship Laws empowered local officials to apprentice African American orphans and children of impoverished parents to whites. These laws often resulted in the forced labor and exploitation of African-American children.
4. 1865: Labor Contracts: Mississippi required African-Americans to sign labor contracts, binding them to work for specific employers under specific conditions. These contracts were often heavily biased in favor of the employer, perpetuating exploitative labor practices.
5. 1865: Curfews: Mississippi enacted curfew laws, restricting the movement and activities of African-Americans during certain hours, primarily at night. These laws were intended to control African-Americans and limit their social interactions.
6. 1865: Firearm Restrictions: Mississippi imposed severe restrictions on African-Americans' possession of firearms, limiting their ability to defend themselves and increasing their vulnerability to violence and discrimination.
It is important to note that these black codes were eventually repealed or amended as a result of federal intervention and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. However, these legacies had a significant impact on the lives and rights of African-Americans in Mississippi during the Reconstruction era.
Below is a year-by-year list of important Jim Crow laws enacted in Mississippi:
1. 1888: Mississippi Segregated Car Law: Enacted in 1888, this law mandated racial segregation on trains and required separate accommodations for African-Americans and whites.
Genealogical Research
2. 1890: Mississippi New Constitution and Disenfranchisement: Mississippi passed a new state constitution that included provisions aimed at disenfranchising African-American voters. These provisions, such as the poll tax, literacy test, and comprehension clause, effectively suppressed African-American political participation.Historical Summary
3. 1890: Mississippi Segregated Schools Act: Mississippi enacted laws mandating racial segregation in public schools, mandating separate schools and facilities for African-American and white students.
4. 1900: Mississippi Segregation Act: This law prohibited interracial marriage and dating, making it illegal in Mississippi.
5. 1908: Jim Crow Laws in Mississippi Mississippi enacted a series of laws enforcing racial segregation in various public spaces, including schools, parks, theaters, and restaurants.
Industries Using Slave Labor, Convict Leasing
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Personal Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
Black History Timeline
6. 1917: Mississippi Pig Laws: Mississippi's Pig Laws unfairly targeted African-Americans by criminalizing minor crimes such as petty theft and trespass. These laws were used to subject African-Americans to incarceration and forced labor on farms and plantations.
7. 1920s: Mississippi's White Primary Election Law: Mississippi implemented laws and practices that allowed political parties to exclude African Americans from single-member district elections, effectively denying them the ability to participate in the political process.
8. 1930s: Mississippi's Voter Suppression Tactics: Mississippi employed a variety of voter suppression tactics, including poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation, to disenfranchise African American voters and maintain white political dominance.
1870 February 25: Hiram R. Revels (Republican) of Mississippi is sworn in as a U. S. Senator to serve a one-year term following the expiration of Jefferson Davis' term.
1875 The Federal Army will be dispatched to Vixburg, Mississippi in January to protect the African Americans trying to vote and enable the safe return of African American Sheriffs, which has been forced to flee.
On March 3, Mississippi's Brunch Kerso Blues (Republican Party) will serve as an African American for the first time.
1890 On November 1, the Mississippi Congress approved the Shinshu Constitution, effectively depriving the rights of all African American voters. The Mississippi Plan conducted a literacy test and an understanding test to deprive the African American voting rights.
By 1900, nearly tw o-thirds of the landlords of Mississippi Delta were black farmers, mostly purchased and reclaimed after the Southern South War.
1955 On August 28, 1 4-yea r-old Emmet Till, a chicago, will be lynched on a holiday on Mississippi Money.
1955 On May 7, NAACP activist Rev. W. Lee will be killed in Belzoni, Mississippi.
In 1956, the Mississippi sovereignty committee was formed in Jackson, the capital of Mississippi.
On April 26, 1959, Mac Charles Parker was lynched near Poplabil, Mississippi.
1962 On October 1st, James Meredis entered Mississippi University for the first time as a black student. On the day of enrollment, the Federal Army is dispatched to control the riot and maintain the order, and is accompanied by the Federal Sheriff.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
1963 On June 12, the Medger Evers site secretary of Naacp, Mississippi will be assassinated outside Jackson.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
Black History Timeline
In 1964, the Student No n-Violent Adjustment Committee (SNCC) organizes the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project.
On June 21, 1964, civil rights athleticist James Cheney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwarner were abducted by terrorists and killed in Mississippi.
On June 5, 1966, James Meredis began a "march that against fear", which marches 220 miles from Memphis to Jackson, Mississippi, to protest racism. Immediately after entering Mississippi, Meredis is shot by a sniper. Civil rights movement leaders including Martin
On May 15, 1970, two students, Philip Rapayette Gibbs and James Earl Green, were killed by police in a conflict with students at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi.
In June 1997, Harvey Johnson Jr. was appointed as the first black mayor of Jackson, Mississippi.
North Carolina
Slaves are extremely important in the history of North Carolina, and their history goes back to the early 18th century. The state is involved in the Atlantic Slave Trading, and Port Bath, Port Bow Fort, Port Brandswick, and Wilminton worked as a port for newly slaves. The state economy has become largely dependent on slave labor, and industries such as agriculture, mining, and textile manufacturing have gained profits from exploitation of slave workers.
The main crops cultivated in North Carolina using slave labor were cotton flowers, tobacco, and rice. In particular, cotton became an important cash crop due to its profitability, and those who were slaves experienced harsh labor in cotton plantation. North Carolina's prominent planning include Samasset Place, Stag Ville, Haze Plantation, etc., which greatly depended on slave labor to maintain the agricultural business.
North Carolina left the federal on May 20, 1861 and joined the Southern Union with the other southern states during the United States Southern South War. The motivation for separation independence was in the desire to protect slavery deeply rooted in the state economy and society. After the end of the Civil War and slavery, the North and Sallorina has enacted the Jim Crow, as well as many southern states. These laws have obliged separate facilities for African Americans and whites in public space, education and transportation, and have permanent racial inequality and deprivation.
1818 Thomas Day in North Carolina will be the first widely known furniture and cabinet craftsman in the United States.
1831 In North Carolina, laws and regulations are enacted to prohibit reading and teaching slaves.
The first universit y-competitive football game by African universities will be held between the 1892 Bidol University (now Johnson C. Smith University) and Livingston College.
1898 On November 10, eight black Americans will be killed in Wilminton, North Carolina, forcibly eliminating the blacks and white Republican officers of the city from power. This case became known as the "Wilminton Riot".
Established National Benefit Life Insurance Company in Dalam, North Carolina, North Carolina Mutual Provident Insurance Company, Washington. < SPAN> Slaves are extremely important in the history of North Carolina, and their history goes back to the early 18th century. The state is involved in the Atlantic Slave Trading, and Port Bath, Port Bow Fort, Port Brandswick, and Wilminton worked as a port for newly slaves. The state economy has become largely dependent on slave labor, and industries such as agriculture, mining, and textile manufacturing have gained profits from exploitation of slave workers.
The main crops cultivated in North Carolina using slave labor were cotton flowers, tobacco, and rice. In particular, cotton became an important cash crop due to its profitability, and those who were slaves experienced harsh labor in cotton plantation. North Carolina's prominent planning include Samasset Place, Stag Ville, Haze Plantation, etc., which greatly depended on slave labor to maintain the agricultural business.
North Carolina left the federal on May 20, 1861 and joined the Southern Union with the other southern states during the United States Southern South War. The motivation for separation independence was in the desire to protect slavery deeply rooted in the state economy and society. After the end of the Civil War and slavery, the North and Sallorina has enacted the Jim Crow, as well as many southern states. These laws have obliged separate facilities for African Americans and whites in public space, education and transportation, and have permanent racial inequality and deprivation.
1818 Thomas Day in North Carolina will be the first widely known furniture and cabinet craftsman in the United States.
1831 In North Carolina, laws and regulations are enacted to prohibit reading and teaching slaves.
The first universit y-competitive football game by African universities will be held between the 1892 Bidol University (now Johnson C. Smith University) and Livingston College.
1898 On November 10, eight black Americans will be killed in Wilminton, North Carolina, forcibly eliminating the blacks and white Republican officers of the city from power. This case became known as the "Wilminton Riot".
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
Established National Benefit Life Insurance Company in Dalam, North Carolina, North Carolina Mutual Provident Insurance Company, Washington. Slaves are extremely important in the history of North Carolina, and their history goes back to the early 18th century. The state is involved in the Atlantic Slave Trading, and Port Bath, Port Bow Fort, Port Brandswick, and Wilminton worked as a port for newly slaves. The state economy has become largely dependent on slave labor, and industries such as agriculture, mining, and textile manufacturing have gained profits from exploitation of slave workers.Historical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
Black History Timeline
The main crops cultivated in North Carolina using slave labor were cotton flowers, tobacco, and rice. In particular, cotton became an important cash crop due to its profitability, and those who were slaves experienced harsh labor in cotton plantation. North Carolina's prominent planning include Samasset Place, Stag Ville, Haze Plantation, etc., which greatly depended on slave labor to maintain the agricultural business.
North Carolina left the federal on May 20, 1861 and joined the Southern Union with the other southern states during the United States Southern South War. The motivation for separation independence was in the desire to protect slavery deeply rooted in the state economy and society. After the end of the Civil War and slavery, the North and Sallorina has enacted the Jim Crow, as well as many southern states. These laws have obliged separate facilities for African Americans and whites in public space, education and transportation, and have permanent racial inequality and deprivation.
1818 Thomas Day in North Carolina will be the first widely known furniture and cabinet craftsman in the United States.
1831 In North Carolina, laws and regulations are enacted to prohibit reading and teaching slaves.
The first universit y-competitive football game by African universities will be held between the 1892 Bidol University (now Johnson C. Smith University) and Livingston College.
1898 On November 10, eight black Americans will be killed in Wilminton, North Carolina, forcibly eliminating the blacks and white Republican officers of the city from power. This case became known as the "Wilminton Riot".
Established National Benefit Life Insurance Company in North Carolina Insurance Insurance Company, North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina.
George H. White (Republican), the last Africa n-American House of Representatives selected in the 19th century, has retired. For the next 28 years, African Americans did not serve as a member of the House of Representatives.
1942 Margaret Walker, who taught at the Livingston College in North Carolina, published "For My People", which began writing as a master's thesis at the University of Iowa.
The 1942 U. S. Marced Corps accepts African Americans for the first time in a isolation training facility in Camp Montford Point, North Carolina. They become known as the Montford Point Marine Corps.
On February 1, 1960, four students at North Carolina Agricultural University in Greens rags began sitting at the Woolworth Drugstores to protest the company's policy that prohibits seating at the African American counter.
On April 15, 1960, 150 white and black students gathered at a show university in Rory, North Carolina, forming the Student No n-Violent Adjustment Committee (SNCC).
In 1969, Howard N Lee became the first African mayor of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. At that time, he became the first African mayor in a southern city centered on white.
In 1982, Rev. Ben Chavis and his believers, who prevented toxic waste dumping in Warren County, North Carolina, launched a national campaign for environmental racism.
1983 Harvey Bernard Ganto became the first African mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Genealogical Research
Questions for Research and Reflection:
South CarolinaHistorical Summary
Institutional Racism and Racial Terror
Slave Narratives
Slavery, Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws
Black History Timeline
In 1663 South Carolina, the newly settled whites are given 20 areas for each black male slave and 10 acras per black female slave.
The first law to regulate slaves in South Carolina is enacted in South Carolina.
With the success of rice cultivation in South Carolina, the import of more slave workers, especially from Senegal and other U. S. -production areas in West Africa, is encouraged.
In 1695, Rev. Samuel Thomas, a white clergy of Charleston, South Carolina, established a school for the first African colony in North American colonies.
In 1708, in South Carolina, Africans surpassed Europeans and became the first British colony, with many blacks.
1721 South Carolina restricts the voting rights to Christian free white men.
1735 South Carolina has passed a law that obligates clothes to be slaves to slaves. Unless a released slave does not leave the colony within six months, there is a risk of r e-slaves.
1739 September 9, South Carolina's first major slave rebellion breaks out in Stono. Armed slaves attempting to flee to Florida kill many whites and more than twice as many black slaves.
1741 The South Carolina Provincial Assembly enacts the most sweeping slave restrictions in British North America. The laws prohibit slaves from being taught to read and write, and from assembling or receiving funds for activities. 1790
1790 Free African-Americans in Charleston form the Brown Fellowship.
1822 Denmark Vesey is arrested for planning a slave rebellion in South Carolina.
1834 South Carolina prohibits the education of blacks, slave or free, within its borders.
1860 December 20, South Carolina secedes from the Union.
1862 March, Reconstruction experiments begin in Port Royal, South Carolina.
1862 In May, coastal pilot Robert Smalls escaped Charleston, South Carolina with the Confederate ship Planter and 16 slaves.
On July 18, 1863, the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Co., the first officially recognized black unit in the Union Army, attacked Fort Wagner in Charleston, South Carolina. Sergeant William H. C.
1863 During the Civil War, Robert Smalls of Charleston, South Carolina, became the first and only African-American to be commissioned as a captain in the U. S. Navy.
1865 On January 16, General William T. Sherman issued Special Field Orders No. 15, granting 400, 000 acres of abandoned coastal land in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida to former slaves. This order became the basis for the "Forty Acres of Land and Slaves" grant.
Race riots and other forms of terrorism against black voters in South Carolina occurred throughout the summer, including the infamous Hamburg Massacre, in which blacks celebrating the Fourth of July were killed, in 1876.
On February 8, 1968, three students from South Carolina State University in Orangeburg were killed by police.
On April 12, 1864, the Fort Pillow Massacre occurred in West Tennessee. Of the 585 soldiers in the Union garrison at Fort Pillow, approximately 300 were killed, and many more were killed after the Union surrendered. Only 14 Confederate soldiers died in the battle.
1865 December 24, The Ku Klux Klan is founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six educated, middle-class former Confederate veterans. The Ku Klux Klan soon employs terrorist tactics to thwart the aspirations of former slaves and their supporters.
1866 January 9, Fisk University is founded in Nashville, Tennessee.
May 1-3, 1866, White citizens and police in Memphis, Tennessee, kill 46 African-Americans, injure many more, and burn 90 homes, 12 schools, and 4 churches in what becomes known as the Memphis Massacre.
1871 October 6, The Jubilee Singers of Fisk University begin their first national tour. The Jubilee Singers become world-famous singers of African-American spirituals, performing before the Queen of England and the Emperor of Japan. With the money they earned, schools were built in England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Spanish, and Japan.
1875 February 23: Jim Crow laws are enacted in Tennessee. Similar laws had existed in the North before the Civil War.
1876 October 13: Meharry Medical College is founded in Nashville by the Methodist Freemen's Aid Association.
1881 January: The Tennessee General Assembly votes to segregate passenger railroad cars. Tennessee was followed by Florida (1887), Mississippi (1888), Texas (1889), Louisiana (1890), Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia (1891), and South Carolina (1892).
1894 The Church of God in Christ is founded in Memphis by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason.
1905 African-Americans in Nashville boycott streetcars in protest of racial segregation.
1912 W. C. Handy publishes sheet music for "Memphis Blues" in Memphis.
1946 Dr. Charles S. Johnson becomes the first African-American president of Fisk University in Nashville.
1946 Charles Spurgeon Johnson, president of Fisk University in Nashville, becomes the first African-American president of the Southern Sociological Association.
1968 April 4 On the 13th, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. After the assassination, riots broke out in 125 cities in 29 states. By April 11, 46 people were dead and 35, 000 were injured.
In March 1992, Willie W. Herenton was elected the first African-American mayor of Memphis, Tennessee.
West Virginia
August 1619: The first 20 African slaves arrive in Jamestown, Virginia, to be used by British colonists. Source: Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 6.
1775. On November 7, Governor Dunmore of Virginia authorized the recruitment of free African-Americans into the British Army. From Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 59.
1778. On May 29, after a temporary withdrawal following the attack on Fort Randolph in Point Pleasant, Mason County, Native American warriors attacked Fort Donnally in present-day Greenbrier County. Militiamen John Pryor and Philip Hammond disguised themselves as Native Americans and traveled from Fort Randolph to Fort Donnally to warn the inhabitants of the impending attack. At one point, Hammond and one of Colonel Donnally's slaves, Dick Pointer, are said to have singlehandedly halted the attack. Camp Union troops under Matthew Arbuckle and Samuel Lewis ended the attack the next day. In 1795, the Virginia General Assembly, grateful for Pointer's actions, freed him from slavery. Rice, West Virginia: A History, 41.
1832. On January 20, Charles Faulkner of Berkeley County delivered a speech to the Virginia General Assembly in which he denounced slavery for economic reasons. William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the speech annually in his abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, as an example of antislavery sentiment in the South. Doherty, Berkeley County, U. S. A., 125.
1835. On October 14, John Templeton, John Moore, Stanley Cuthbert, and Ellen Ritchie were indicted in Wheeling for illegally teaching African Americans how to read. This was one of 12 such cases in Wheeling. From Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 126.
1847. In 1847, the Reverend Henry Ruffner, a Kanawha County native and president of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia, delivered an "Address to the People of West Virginia" about the abolition of slavery in western Virginia for economic reasons. From Rice, West Virginia: History, 104.
1859. On October 16, John Brown and his supporters seized the Federal Arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Jefferson County. Their goal was to ignite a slave rebellion and establish a colony for fugitive slaves in Maryland. The raid was a disaster for Brown; he and his men were confined to a small engine house, and the local slaves did not revolt as expected. Ironically, the first casualty of the raid was a free black baggage clerk, Hayward Sheppard, who was shot when he confronted the raiders. Brown was hanged for treason on December 2 in Charles Town. Source Bushong, Historic Jefferson County, 179-189.
On January 27, 1862, Ohio County pastor and convention delegate Gordon Battelle proposed that the new state constitution provide for gradual abolition of slavery, rather than the immediate abolition he had proposed on December 2, 1861. A version of this proposal became the basis for the Willey Amendment. Source Rice, West Virginia: A History, 145.
On July 14, 1862, the West Virginia Statehood Bill passed the Senate, changing the West Virginia Constitution's slavery provisions to allow for the gradual emancipation of slaves. After Senator Charles Sumner demanded that the final bill include immediate emancipation, Weightman Willey proposed a compromise bill for gradual emancipation, which passed. John Carlisle, after trying to block or delay the bill's passage, voted against it because of its inclusion of the Willie Amendment (Carlisle was himself a slave owner, but his statehood bill also provided for emancipation). Senator Benjamin Wade noted that Carlisle's "conversion" was "greater than that of St. Paul." Source: Rice, West Virginia: A History, 147-148.
1863. January 1, President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the rebellious territories, but did not apply to states loyal to the Union, including the future state of West Virginia.
1863. July 15, the governor approved a law giving African Americans the same right to a criminal trial as whites, although blacks were denied the right to serve on a jury. Source Acts of the West Virginia Legislature.
1863. On December 9, the Governor approved a law prohibiting the residence of slaves who had arrived in the state after June 20, 1863. Source Acts of the West Virginia Legislature.
1865. On February 3, the Governor approved the Slavery Abolition Act, providing for the immediate emancipation of all slaves. Source Acts of the West Virginia General Assembly.
1867. In 1867, according to the Freedmen's Bureau, there were seven African-American schools in the Kanawha Valley, enrolling 241 students: Buffalo (Putnam County), Tinkersville, Chapel Furnace, Oaks Furnace, Campbell's Creek, and two in Charleston. Source Stealey, "Reports of Freedmen's Bureau District Officers on Tours and Surveys in West Virginia," West Virginia History, 149.
1867. On January 16, the West Virginia General Assembly ratified the Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, granting full citizenship rights to African-Americans. Acts of the West Virginia Legislature.
1867. On October 2, Storer College in Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, enrolled its first students. Storer was the first African-American college in West Virginia. The college was founded by the Freewill Baptist Church as a school for runaway slaves during the Civil War. In 1867, Storer was incorporated by the state as a school for African-Americans under the direction of the Rev. Nathan C. Brackett. Storer trained many prominent black educators and lawyers during its nearly 90-year history. Bushong, Historic Jefferson County, 267.
1869. On March 23, the West Virginia Senate ratified the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution by a vote of 10 to 6. The Fifteenth Amendment granted African-Americans the right to vote. The House of Representatives had ratified the amendment by a vote of 22 to 19 the previous day. The amendment's approval led many conservative Republicans to ally with the Democrats and lead to the approval of the Frick Amendment, which granted suffrage to former Confederates. Source Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 192-193.
1872. On May 20, the Ohio County Circuit Court indicted Wheeling carpenter Taylor Strauder for the murder of his wife. During the court's July term, Strauder was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. The case was eventually heard by the United States Supreme Court, which ruled that it was unconstitutional to try African Americans in a court system that, like West Virginia's, prohibited qualified African Americans from serving on juries. Source Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 204.
1873. March 12, Charles Arter (Charles Arter) is a petition for a jury that has been a jury submitted by 64 African Americans in Jefferson County, but the governor is only 21 years old. Approved the law that acknowledged that it would be a jury. Source Acts of the West Virginia Legislature.
1873. On June 11, Mayor Snider Charlston and the city council appointed Ernest Porterfield as a police officer. In less than an hour, the remaining white police officers, including Land Chief, resigned. Snider has hired a new police officer instead of seeking resignation from Porterfield. Source Sheeler, "THE NEGRO IN WEST VIRGINIA Before 1900", 202.
1877. On June 27, Charleston's politician Romeo H. Freua and the Democratic Party John E. Kenna, Booker T. He called for African Americans to make Charleston a permanent state. Since the birth of West Virginia, the capital has been alternately selected between Charleston and Willing. In August 1877, voters chose Charleston as a permanent state capital over Clarksberg and Martinsberg.
1881. On February 3, the Governor approved the bill and acknowledged that all citizens, including African Americans, would be jury. In the October 1879 Taylor Struder, the Federal Supreme Court determined the West Virginia Law, which banned the appointment of African American jury. Source Acts of the West Virginia Legislature; Sheeler, "The Negro in West Virginia Before 1900," 206. < SPAN> 1873. March 12, Charles Artter (Charles Arter) 64 African Americans in the county Despite the petition for the jury submitted from, the governor has approved the law that only the 2 1-yea r-olds or older only white men will be jury. Source Acts of the West Virginia Legislature.
1873. On June 11, Mayor Snider Charlston and the city council appointed Ernest Porterfield as a police officer. In less than an hour, the remaining white police officers, including Land Chief, resigned. Snider has hired a new police officer instead of seeking resignation from Porterfield. Source Sheeler, "THE NEGRO IN WEST VIRGINIA Before 1900", 202.
