30 Hour Sous Vide Eye of Round Roast Page 2 of 2 Pratesi Living

30 Hour Sous Vide Eye of Round Roast

Until I met a scientific site called SCIVERSE, there were few things that were written about this observation. There is "Physico-Chemical, Textual and Structural Characteristics of Sous-Vide Cooked Pork CHEEKS as AFFECTED by VACUUM OOKING TIME (vacuum, cooking temperature, cooking time, pork cheeks physically and chemical, food There was an article entitled "sensitive and structural characteristics). It is filled with figures, facts, and scientific references, and we will hardly understand it, but I thought it was attractive. If you want to paralyze your mind, there is a link to the article.

What I learned from this article is that the less protein cooked in bathing, the less weight loss and more water content. Further, the meat heated at 70 to 80 ° C or more changes the protein and becomes stiff. (Scientifically called IOFIBRILAR coagulation). Even at low temperatures, if you cook for a long time, you will lose water.

I tried this new knowledge with a co w-grilled roast. I knew that cooking in the oven would make it a little crisp and hard meat. This beef is less fat and has a lot of union tissue, so it is ideal for testing for swubged (lo w-fat, hig h-jointed tissue). The meat is seasoned with salt and pepper, and mustard and garlic.

Boil the meat quickly (this is an important step for killing bacteria that may have attached to the outside of the meat before cooking low temperature), and in the sealed vacant bag (bags are not yet sealed. ), Cooled with ice water (important steps to be done after roasting to lower the temperature before sealing and cooking.) Boiled in front of the swaved, seasoned deep in the meat and seasoned. You can roast more flavor than cooking swubged. We sealed a vacuum with a food saver and cooked for 30 hours with Hana 131 degrees. This is because we thought that it would disassemble the union organization and get enough time not to dry the protein. The meat taken out of the vacuum pack was roasted with a skillet to create a color and texture.

Rub the mustard and roast the round eye seasoned with salt and pepper.

Lower the temperature with ice water before putting it in a swubged bus.

Finally, by roasting quickly, a beautiful roasted color will be given to the outside.

Result: The beef eye of the round was flavorful and softer like a tenderl in steak. It is clear that the Suvid Cooking method, which takes time and cooking at low temperatures, has brought very high quality results. If you continue to cook hot water for 24 hours to 48 hours, the weight would have been reduced and a dry finish.

Things to learn from our experiments and research:

  1. Subido cooking has dramatic differences in the quality of the final protein, but needs to be wisely selected. The biggest difference is the cut of lean meat that is generally less fat and has a lot of union tissue. We cook fish and have great results.
  2. Cooking time does not need to be accurate, but the cooking temperature should be accurate.
  3. It is not good if there are many. If 24 hours are good, 72 hours is not always good. The longer the cooking time, the more the meat will dry out, even though the gravy is sealed in the vacuum pack.

* I conducted further experiments with lamb chops. Recommended cooking time for inch lamb chops is 140 degrees Hana, 2 hours. This time, 24 hours seems to be the best way to make a softer and moist chop.

Note: Be careful when cooking Suvid. Here are some tips for preparing ingredients.

Information Disclosur e-Polysaens provided SOUS VIDE Professional Chef Series for our reviews. This is a machine that we prefer to cook Souvid, but we are also ideal for those who cook at home at home. If you don't want to invest so much in the circulator, we own and use this circulator of Anova Curinery, which is strongly recommended.

30 Hour Sous-Vide Eye of Round Roast

Harvesting: 6 people

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 30 hours

Total time: 30 hours 15 minutes


Yellow Mustard Extra Virgin 1 tablespoon 1 tablespoon and 1/2 Black Pepper 1 tablespoon and 1/2 tablespo 3 tablespoons 3 tablespoons (chopped) 3 pieces


1. Apply yellow mustard, half of salt, and half of pepper on the cow. Put a small amount of olive oil in a heated skillet and bake the outside quickly. Please do not try to bake. By quickly roasted, you can kill bacteria on the outside.

2. Paint the yellow mustard and apply the remaining salt and pepper. Add the chopped garlic to the outside of the roast and put it in a vacuum pack.

3. Put the sealed bag into ice water for about 10 minutes. This is a necessary step in Sue Vid to lower the temperature of the meat.

4. Seal the bag using a vacuum seal system. If there is a gravy in the bag, freeze the bag for 5 minutes before sealing. In this way, it is possible to prevent the gravy from being sucked up from the bag and prevent sealing. Put the bag in a circular aquarium of 131 degrees (medium temperature). Treat 24 to 30 hours.

5. Take the roast from the bag. Again, roast the roast with a heated skillet. Slice and serve.

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Posted: January 26, 2012 Category: Main Dish, Recipe < Span> 2. Paint a lot of yellow mustard, and remaining salt and pepper. Add the chopped garlic to the outside of the roast and put it in a vacuum pack.

About the Author

Roger Pratesi

3. Put the sealed bag into ice water for about 10 minutes. This is a necessary step in Sue Vid to lower the temperature of the meat.

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56 comments on “ 30 Hour Sous Vide Eye of Round Roast ”

4. Seal the bag using a vacuum seal system. If there is a gravy in the bag, freeze the bag for 5 minutes before sealing. In this way, it is possible to prevent the gravy from being sucked up from the bag and prevent sealing. Put the bag in a circular aquarium of 131 degrees (medium temperature). Treat 24 to 30 hours.

5. Take the roast from the bag. Again, roast the roast with a heated skillet. Slice and serve.

* The copyright of all content posted on this site belongs to Prateiliving. com. It is prohibited to replace all or part of content, text, photos, and videos without explicit permission. For questions or requests, please use the inquiry form on the top page.

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This site participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program that is set to provide a means of providing this site to get a referral fee by links to Amazon. co. jp and related sites. I am.

Posted: January 26, 2012 Category: Main Dish, Recipe 2. Paint a lot of yellow mustard and apply the remaining salt and pepper. Add the chopped garlic to the outside of the roast and put it in a vacuum pack.

3. Put the sealed bag into ice water for about 10 minutes. This is a necessary step in Sue Vid to lower the temperature of the meat.

4. Seal the bag using a vacuum seal system. If there is a gravy in the bag, freeze the bag for 5 minutes before sealing. In this way, it is possible to prevent the gravy from being sucked up from the bag and prevent sealing. Put the bag in a circular aquarium of 131 degrees (medium temperature). Treat 24 to 30 hours.

5. Take the roast from the bag. Again, roast the roast with a heated skillet. Slice and serve. * The copyright of all content posted on this site belongs to Prateiliving. com. It is prohibited to replace all or part of content, text, photos, and videos without explicit permission. For questions or requests, please use the inquiry form on the top page. Page 1 2 This site participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program that is set to provide a means of providing this site to get a referral fee by links to Amazon. co. jp and related sites. I am. Posted: January 26, 2012 Category: Main Dish, Recipe

A renaissance man in the Pratesi family. With a hobby of photography and teaching at a local university, he pursued a career in three US universities as an adjunct professor of economics, statistics and finance. A life turn led to a career turn, and for over a decade, corporate America became his playground. Roger never forgot how rewarding teaching was, and entered the world of management consulting, integrating his business and teaching skills. He retired from consulting as a partner at the Boston Consulting Group. Throughout, photography remained a passionate hobby. Life brought further unexpected changes, and while he was focused on treating stage 4 cancer and heart disease, serious medical issues put all of his career on hold. After his cancer was cured, he had to move forward in life, so he joined Gwen's passion for food and travel. After all, he had traveled the world in his previous career and was also interested in culinary arts, but more importantly, he had the complementary skills of wine and spirits knowledge, having been a longtime collector and consumer. Today, he combines his love of food, wine, travel, and Gwen with his business background and passion to teach and help people while capturing the journey with photography, videography, and stories of people and places along the way. Incidentally, all medical issues are solved. Enjoy life. You only get one chance. It's the people and experiences that matter.

Susan in the Boonies - January 26, 2012 @ 1:54 PM Reply

I was wondering what Mr. B was going to post! Well done, Mr. B! I love good science with food. Really! That's why I love reading Cooks Illustrated: I want to know why and how! I wish I had sous vide!

Nguyen - February 3, 2012 @ 4:17 PM Reply

Susan, I too enjoy the science behind Cooks Illustrated recipes. I'm sure you're fascinated with sous vide because Mr. B is so interested in this sort of thing. The recipes in Cook's Illustrated are pretty scientific, but the sous vide method makes it super simple. It will be interesting to see if this becomes a fairly common kitchen item for home cooks. Nguyen

Jenn @ Three Little Pigs - January 26, 2012 @ 4:44 PM Reply

What a great experiment! I was hoping that when I went to culinary school I would be able to play around with it a bit, but apparently we don't have the equipment. Maybe one day I'll be able to...

Gwen - February 3, 2012 @ 4:18 PM Reply

Hello, Jen. This will be the perfect tool for a cooking class, depending on what you learn. I want you to use it someday and realize the difference in the cooking method. Gwen

Timothy Schloade r-March 1, 2018 @ 6:35 PM Reply

How was the school?

Moral e-January 27, 2012 @ 8:18 Morning reply

I want it! This is a very cool device.

Mari e-January 28, 2012 @ 3:04 PM Reply

First of all, you have to say "What Bounie's Susan said"! I love this article, and when I read the photos and explanations, drools came out and wanted to eat meat (I am a vegetarian!). I really like the explanation. It's a great article. I hope Mr. B will come again as a guest. And another: Is there a way to appear on your leftovers list?

Gue n-February 3, 2012 @ 4:20 PM Reply

Hello, Marie! We eat too much because we are cooking alone. I think B will post a guest again. Girls sometimes need rest, so I'm glad I can make him a substitute.

Bo b-November 17, 2017 @ 8:29 am Reply

If you are a vegetarian, you may want to know that this technique can be used for cooking vegetables with a little modification, and that the result is wonderful. http://sousvideresources. com/2016/10/07/Vegetables-key-ki- Vegetables/.

Christine @ Fresh Local and Bes t-January 29, 2012 @ 7:34 Afternoon Reply

You have raised the stat e-o f-th e-art recipe to a new level. I didn't think Suvid would take so long. What is even more surprising is that it's a good sign for those who want to eat red meat. Maybe Subido may make lean meat more trendy. The result must be wonderful.

Gwe n-February 3, 2012 @ 4:23 PM Reply

Hello Christin. It takes a little time to cook meat, but as you can see, the finish is great. Other ingredients such as fish can be cooked faster. SOUS-VIDE SALMON https://www. pratesiliving. com/2011/09/sous-vide-salmon-polyscience-sous-vid e-professional/. I tried some vegetables and other dishes. Mr. B will show you another post and additional recipes. Guillen

Jami e-January 30, 2012 @ 8:15 AM reply

Actually, this is very fascinating. Your experiments have taught me things I never thought of. I knew sous vide preserved moisture, but never thought about changing chemical reactions. Cool! Interesting and informative, and the food looks delicious! See you again, Mr. B!

Nguyen - Feb 3, 2012 @ 4:26 PM Reply Jamie, I'm sure Mr. B will be back soon. I never knew bain marie cooking was so technical! Nguyen Lisa - Jan 30, 2012 @ 8:36 AM Reply~Molecularized! Mr. B. I love it! I wanted to try the sous vide method, but the equipment was too expensive. But I think these are the best looking roasts and short ribs I've ever seen! Perfectly pink and juicy! Well done, Mr. Banky

Nguyen - Feb 3, 2012 @ 4:28 PM Reply

Lisa, thanks for your comment. Yes, Mr. B has become a mad scientist. It's so much fun to try cooking all kinds of foods in sous vide. I have many more experiments planned, so stay tuned! Nguyen

Devaki @ weavethousandflavors - Jan 31, 2012 @ 6:40 PM Reply

Great post, Mr. B. Gwen, I think you'll blow your mind in the kitchen! I have no experience with sous vide, but it seems to be all the rage on blogs, in restaurants, everywhere.

Nguyen - Feb 3, 2012 @ 4:30 PM Reply

Hi, Devaki. Not everything tastes good with this method, but I know chefs and home cooks are experimenting with it. As you can see, this cooking method has the effect of making the beef taste even more delicious. Mr. B will definitely be back! Nguyen

sippitysup - February 3, 2012 @ 10:47 AM Reply

We've been playing with sous vide for a weekend in the desert since a friend got the machine. The results are great, but I'm not entirely convinced. For my taste, it's missing a bit of heart and soul! After all, I love to cook. GREG

Gwen - February 3, 2012 @ 4:12 PM Reply

Greg, Mr. B has done a lot of cooking with sous vide. I especially enjoy the results with meat dishes, but I also like the old fashioned way of cooking. It's nice to have a consistent temperature when guests come over without overcooking. I like that feature. Gwen Baker Street - Feb 13, 2012 @ 6:49 AM Reply Super experiment! Looks delicious Jill Mant SaucyCook - Feb 23, 2012 @ 7:47 PM Reply I've wanted one for a while because your photos of sous vide cooked food are so amazing. Mr. B did a great job explaining the science behind the method. An A in my book. Your roast looks so delicious, so an A for presentation! Lane - July 7, 2012 @ 12:49 PM Reply I received my Polyscience last week. For years I've had really bad eye round roasts. This was my first time using PS and the results were absolutely amazing. It was perfectly medium all the way through, fork tender (almost filet like) and tasted amazing. 4 thumbs up. Looking forward to more adventures. A big investment in the kitchen will really pay off!

Nguyen - July 7, 2012 @ 1:23 PM Reply

Hi Lane. Thank you for your comment! It's amazing how cheap, lean meat can be made really tasty with sous vide. I totally agree that roasting it with other methods is awful. The meat is chewy and tough. It has changed the way I look at certain meats and grass-fed beef. I encourage you to experiment. Other sous vide recipes https://www. pratesiliving. com/2011/09/sous-vide-salmon-polyscience-sous-vide-professional/. I ​​plan to write more articles in the future. Gwen

Rain - July 9, 2012 @ 11:15 AM Reply

We will purchase polycarbonate food (depth 9), which is introduced on the PS site, with a lid at a local restaurant supplies store and cut it according to the PS professional. I also want to make fresh cheese, but I think that Sue Vids will be able to adjust the temperature required for cheese as well as "gentle" heating. I also purchased Jason Logsdon's "BEGINNING SOUS VIDE" in an e-book.

Gue n-July 10, 2012 @ 9:18 AM reply

Hello Lane. It is covered with wrap using a large stockpot. Although it is not flashy, it seems to be functioning well and keeps the temperature. Let's look at the book I pointed out. I have never purchased it yet. If you start making cheese, please let me know what happened. Gwen

VEGASDUD E-December 22, 2018 @ 7:14 PM Reply

I bought a $ 99 Dorkfoods DSV controller on Amazon using a cheap $ 25 $ 5QT Hamilton Beach Cookpot. Insert a cookpot into the controller and insert the probe of the controller into the cookpot ... Then, attach the probe to the rack with a pipe cleaner so that the probe floats in the water. Previously, pork loin was in trouble with dryness. It's perfect now. Steak ... the perfection of Med Rare Rare ... Now he has a 3-pound bottom and roast like Prime Rib. After coating with Cosal Tal for 36 hours in the refrigerator .... Coat with herbal spices, seal, SOUS VIDE 24-30 hours at 131 degrees, and make Med Rare. After that, paint herbs, 10 to 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven, or at 450 degrees for 5-10 minutes. Or, like me, use a BB & amp; B chef's chef's tooch to enjoy the inner pyros ...: 0) It's more delicious than 80 % of the prime ribs I've ever eaten. It must be an analog clock pot. If it's digital, it's no use because the DorkFoods controller does not restart when the pot is turned off.

Lee Jone s-November 18, 2012 @ 7:18 PM Reply

It's been months since I started cooking with my sous vide setup using my 7 liter Rival Cookpot, and I've learned a few things. Most importantly, while removing air helps, vacuum seal bags are for preserving food after cooking and do little to help create healthy, flavorful food if the food is not preserved. Ziploc freezer bags will soften at temperatures higher than this. Next, regarding dryness, fats and oils slowly melt away, leaving a powdery textured cavity. This can be proven by not trimming the fat from beef and cooking it for a long time. Fat changes affect dryness more than protein changes (in my opinion). Highly marbled, tender beef suffers most from this problem, so don't cook a rib roast for more than 24 hours to tenderize it. Save long cooking times for leaner, tougher cuts like London broil and eye of round that prefer a dry texture over toughness. Finally, if you want the most tender medium rare steak, let the meat cool for a few minutes before searing. Even after sous vide cooking, if the meat's core temperature is already 131F when you begin searing, it's easy to overcook it. This goes for all meat textures. Don't use raw garlic, fresh herbs, or other spices in normal amounts for extended cooking. If you want fresh aromatics, use a Reseda label bag and add it only for the last 1-2 hours of cooking time. Garlic can look rancid if added whole or crushed. Same goes for preserving. I've never tried it, but rumor has it that if you start the tenderizing process with a round steak, and after 18-24 hours at 131F, chill it in ice water and put it in the fridge, it will continue to tenderize without any heat during storage and without drying out further. Then warm it in a water bath before searing. But I choose supermarket tri-tip that's been aged at 131F for 24 hours over any other cut of meat. Some people prefer fat and stick to ribeye, but I prefer lean meat over fat.

Lee Jones - November 18, 2012 @ 9:05 PM Reply

I apologize that my spell checker has partially modified this sentence at the time of posting. Re-Sealable was "Reseda Label".

New rice glutto n-December 1, 2012 @ 4:23 PM Reply

thank you! (Especially I will return to the first photo many times ...) I am trying to SV for the first eye of the round, and I see various times from 8 hours to 30 hours or more. Masu. Time is convenient. Time is convenient. It was good to be able to confirm that SV was tolerant in cooking time. However, it is doubtful that the roast is cooled before hot water. I think it's just prolonging the time for meat to spend in the dangerous water area. While cooling (while cooling, the bacteria do not die while cooling), the meat needs to warm up to the cooking temperature, and it is only 90 minutes after the low temperature sterilization is finally sterilized. Is it different? If I first roasted, I would go straight from roast to hot water. Thank you, Tom

Roge r-December 2, 2012 @ 2:18 PM Reply

By roasting the meat in front of the Tom vacuum sticker, you can get a lot of flavor during the cooking process. However, to prevent bacteria from breeding during cooking, the meat must be 38 degrees or less in front of a vacuum sticker. Therefore, it is recommended to put the meat in a bag without sealing it and cool it until 38 degrees with ice water. Then seal the meat. I have also seen many confused articles about Subido. I cooperated with Polysiens to understand this correctly. About temperature. But what we learned is that the longer we heat, the more the meat will dry. The great chefs we work with argue that 36 hours is the best for this cut meat and tenderloin. Another thing I found was that heating at 120 degrees for 8 hours and heating at 131 degrees is different in how the meat tissue is broken. What I am doing now is to heat the meat at 120 degrees for 8 hours and then make a medium rare at 129 degrees. Most Suvido sites have a medium rare of 132 degrees, but I think 129 degrees is better. The taste is different for each person, so please try it. I hope you find it helpful.

New rice glutto n-December 2, 2012 @ 6:48 PM reply

Hello, Roger. Thank you for feedback. It's an interesting twist for the "standard" method of SV suggested by introductory articles such as Baldwin. I agree that if you cook at 120 ° C for the first time, you want to make it as not as possible before sealing. Also, if you do so, there should be some reason, such as getting better results. The same goes for roasting meat before cooking. If you gain a little more experience, I want to try your way again. By the way, the round eye cooked on 134/56. 5 was a wonderful finish. (This is a Cook Zen Sea approach.) But I guess there is a grade in the wonderful.

Roge r-December 3, 2012 @ 10:55 AM reply

There is a video using a similar technique of cooling after roasting. The only difference I added is that the cooking time has been reduced to break down proteins and soften them. The chef we work with recommend 132F. I still like 129F degrees, but it depends on your choice. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OKDDFUNJYIO

Stev e-December 23, 2013 @ 12:37 PM Reply

I think Tom's concern about Roger and coldness after roasting is accurate. I want you to reconfirm. Baking, warming, cooling (with an ice bus), and warming with a water bus means that the meat has a long time in the danger area. As Tom points out, bacteria cannot be killed.

Roge r-December 24, 2013 @ 8:04 PM Reply < Span> Hello, Roger. Thank you for feedback. It's an interesting twist for the "standard" method of SV suggested by introductory articles such as Baldwin. I agree that if you cook at 120 ° C for the first time, you want to make it as not as possible before sealing. Also, if you do so, there should be some reason, such as getting better results. The same goes for roasting meat before cooking. If you gain a little more experience, I want to try your way again. By the way, the round eye cooked on 134/56. 5 was a wonderful finish. (This is a Cook Zen Sea Approach.) But there may be a grade in the wonderful.

Roge r-December 3, 2012 @ 10:55 AM reply

There is a video using a similar technique of cooling after roasting. The only difference I added is that the cooking time has been reduced to break down proteins and soften them. The chef we work with recommend 132F. I still like 129F degrees, but it depends on your choice. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OKDDFUNJYIO

Stev e-December 23, 2013 @ 12:37 PM Reply

I think Tom's concern about Roger and coldness after roasting is accurate. I want you to reconfirm. Baking, warming, cooling (with an ice bus), and warming with a water bus means that the meat has a long time in the danger area. As Tom points out, bacteria cannot be killed.

Roge r-December 24, 2013 @ 8:04 PM Reply Hello, Roger. Thank you for feedback. It's an interesting twist for the "standard" method of SV suggested by introductory articles such as Baldwin. I agree that if you cook at 120 ° C for the first time, you want to make it as not as possible before sealing. Also, if you do so, there should be some reason, such as getting better results. The same goes for roasting meat before cooking. If you gain a little more experience, I want to try your way again. By the way, the round eye cooked on 134/56. 5 was a wonderful finish. (This is a Cook Zen Sea approach.) But I guess there is a grade in the wonderful.

Roge r-December 3, 2012 @ 10:55 AM reply

There is a video using a similar technique of cooling after roasting. The only difference I added is that the cooking time has been reduced to break down proteins and soften them. The chef we work with recommend 132F. I still like 129F degrees, but it depends on your choice. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=OKDDFUNJYIO

Stev e-December 23, 2013 @ 12:37 PM Reply

I think Tom's concern about Roger and coldness after roasting is accurate. I want you to reconfirm. Baking, warming, cooling (with an ice bus), and warming with a water bus means that the meat has a long time in the danger area. As Tom points out, bacteria cannot be killed.

Roge r-December 24, 2013 @ 8:04 PM Reply

Steve Polyscience's take on it is this: If you cryovac seared meat and cook it in a water bath, it will boil. Boiling will braise the meat and create a completely different texture and taste. That's why lowering the temperature is important to cook seared meat at an even temperature. Time required: Meat can sit at room temperature for 2 hours and bacteria will not grow. As long as you sear, chill, cryovac the meat, and start the water bath cooking within this time frame, bacteria will not grow. Botulism, the biggest concern with cryovac meat, will not develop within this time frame unless you cryovac the meat after searing it and then refrigerate it. Taste: I've seared meat and then used sous vide, and I've cooked it in a water bath without searing it. I have noticed that searing and sous vide allows the flavor of the searing to penetrate deeper into the meat, adding a flavor that is missing when you "cook" raw meat by simply marinating and searing after the cryovac. Also, most recipes and cooking instructions say to cryovac the marinated meat, but personally, I think the added flavor is worth the extra step of the water bath. If you try searing and defrosting, I would love to hear your thoughts. I look forward to your comments.

Elizabeth - September 30, 2014 @ 4:09 PM Reply

I own a sous vide machine and that machine is awesome I made an eye round roast at temp 131 for 28 hours and the meat was done to prefect medium rare edge to edge that machine is awesome I have also made past in it.

Paul - December 6, 2014 @ 3:32 PM Reply

I like the recipe and I think your cooking times/temperatures are spot on, but I'm not sure what the searing before the sous vide step is supposed to accomplish?

dave - December 17, 2014 @ 12:18 AM Reply

It was very tender and also dry. I noticed a lot of liquid left in the bag. I should have weighed the liquid to calculate moisture loss. Seems like you want a balance between tenderness and juiciness. Nels - December 17, 2014 @ 10:21 AM Reply I just got an ANOVA Precision Sous Vide Machine and am using it to make the subject recipe. It's been at 133F for a few hours now, but after reading the comments above, I'm going to go back to 131F for 24 hours. I've been using a thermostat I built for about $40 to regulate my sous vide pan, and it's very accurate and I've had good results without the water circulation that commercial machines have. But the pan wasn't big enough to cook a large piece of meat.

Renee Gray - December 22, 2014 @ 1:06 PM Reply

The author says "quickly seared the meat, put it in a sealed vacuum bag, and chilled it in ice water (a crucial step to kill any potential bacteria on the outside of the meat before cryobasing)" but that's not what he meant. The low temperature doesn't kill bacteria, it just slows their growth while it's chilling. It's about the "boiling at room temperature" phenomenon that cryovac does. What chilling avoids is further dehydration. https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=oKdDfunjYio, as mentioned by the Polysciences rep. And note that the cooling occurs before sealing.

Roger - December 24, 2014 @ 4:34 PM Reply

Lenny, the reason for the lower ice water bath temperature is to lower the temperature of the meat so that it doesn't steam during the water bath. It has nothing to do with bacteria at this point. Steaming affects the texture of the meat, and if you start with meat that is already warm and vacuum pack it, you're steaming it in the water bath.

Lenny Gray - January 8, 2015 @ 4:55 PM Reply

That's exactly what I was saying, that it's not a bacteria issue. But it's also important to note that even at 131F or 139F, there's no steaming that wouldn't occur by reheating to that temperature after cooling in ice. In fact, searing cooks the meat well enough that the vacuum causes that steaming. It's not the 139F immersion that causes the steaming. Vacuum packed broiled meat is cooled from broiled temperature by immersion in 131F to 139F water. And if being at 139F in the current vacuum conditions would cause such steaming, it would occur regardless of whether it was iced or not. J Conley - Feb 7, 2015 @ 4:11 am Reply It's a very interesting article. However, there is only one serious error. The advice that a "potential" bacteria will die if the vacuumed meat is immersed in ice water is not exactly the case. Ice water may delay the growth of bacteria, but there is no fatal effect on bacteria. Regarding the difference between bacteria and "potential bacteria", it is possible to kill bacteria, but "potential bacteria" is a clear misuse. In the comments, there are some comments to be dealt with: 1. Botulinum does not proliferate at 122F or more. The spores can survive at a farewell point, which can cause new proliferation when the growing medium cools down to 122F or less. Botulinum toxins are never generated at a temperature of 122F or more. 2. There are several comments on steam and steaming. Water vapor is a water vapor released when the water boils. Most meat products are cooked 50-80 degrees lower than the boiling point of water. In other words, no steam occurs. There may be water vaporization and condensation that follow it, but there is no steam itself.

J CONLE Y-February 7, 2015 @ 4:33 AM reply

It's a very interesting article. However, there is only one serious error. The advice that a "potential" bacteria will die if the vacuumed meat is immersed in ice water is not exactly the case. Ice water may delay the growth of bacteria, but there is no fatal effect on bacteria. Regarding the difference between bacteria and "potential bacteria", it is possible to kill bacteria, but "potential bacteria" is a clear misuse. In the comments, there are some comments to be dealt with: 1. Botulinum does not proliferate at 122F or more. The spores can survive at a farewell point, which can cause new proliferation when the growing medium cools down to 122F or less. Botulinum toxins are never generated at a temperature of 122F or more. 2. There are several comments on steam and steaming. Water vapor is a water vapor released when the water boils. Most meat products are cooked 50-80 degrees lower than the boiling point of water. In other words, no steam occurs. There are water vaporization and condensation that follow, but there is no steam itself.

Lenny Gra y-February 8, 2015 @ 10:51 AM Reply

For reference, the water is not boiled on 212F, but boils at the temperature according to the pressure. (In vacuum, water boils on 131F, for example, but (.) In the vacuum, even if it is cooled with ice in advance, it will boil on the 131F (for example, Cryio. Watch out for the back Chamber Sealer).

Joe McDanie l-April 5, 2015 @ 10:18 Morning reply

Unless you use a vacuum sealer, make a double packaging! I couldn't put the mustard, but I made it according to the recipe. The taste and texture were the best. My roast has a bone and a lot of fat, so I recommend cutting off and removing bones (it may be better to tie it with a cooking string). I fry the mushrooms in the garnish and make a gravy sauce (I should use the bag juice, but since I got a little water, let's double the bag next time). The color was fine.

Ryan A - June 25, 2015 @ 8:52 PM Reply

Check Nomiku (I'm not affiliated). SOUS VIDE MADE EASY http://www. nomiku. com/

Elmo t-July 16, 2015 @ 11:18 PM Reply

The secret to finishing this meat as soft and juicy at the same time is to put salt water in the refrigerator for 12 to 14 hours (I use only sea salt) before cooking in the Suvid. By doing so, an antibacterial effect can be expected. When the salt water is finished, wash the meat with running water, wipe off the water with a paper towel (I wrap the meat with a paper towel, squeeze it, loosen it carefully), and cook it in the above manner.

Elmo t-July 16, 2015 @ 11:25 PM Reply

Leave a Reply I'm sorry, but there was an error in the comments right above. I forgot to write that the meat was roasted after the Suvido cooking. In addition, we did not add seasonings and pepper until roasted. I didn't like the taste of burnt pepper, so my roasted pot (cast iron Dutch oven) was so hot that it smoke and had 4 tablespoons of coconut oil for roasting. I used a Dutch oven to avoid splattering when baking meat.

Jody and Eddi e-September 28, 2015 @ 8:50 AM reply


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

cooking times that can typically from 30 minutes up to 4 hours. Roca and Example of sous-vide cooking of pork meat del Pulgar et al. (). Black Widow Bash in the. Dome is scheduled for Oct. 30 31 The 45 square foot dome w ill be home to a. Haunted Hayride a runway. The livin's easy all year round with art inspired by the calendar's sunniest season. roast, bread and pastry, proof, sous vide, and more. Or.

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