5 U. SJapan Technology and Competitiveness Trends in Key Industries Maximizing U. S. Interests in

Maximizing U.S. Interests in Science and Technology Relations with Japan (1997)

Chapter: 5 U.S.-Japan Technology and Competitiveness Trends in Key Industries

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

5 U.S.-Japan Technology and Competitiveness Trends in Key Industries


  • Task Force has investigated the trends of the United States and Japan in some major industries and competitiveness. These case descriptions are supplemented in a background survey based on discussions with industry experts at the Task Force Conference in January 1995.
  • In recent years, the competitiveness of US companies has improved in many industries. In cars, US companies responded to pressure from Japanese competitors, and investment in Japan contributed to the United States' comprehensive ability. Biotechnology and health care are the most important factors in the powerful basic research base and the financial structure that enables commercialization of technology by establishing a new company. In the semiconductor manufacturing device, the resurrection of the US semiconductor device industry and the improvement of cooperation between companies and the government played a major role. In the information industry, powerful research infrastructure and dynamic US market have played a leading role in the de facto standard and architecture settings.
  • Japanese companies are still the main competitors, and the Japanese government and the industry are still pursuing policies to acquire global technical and market leadership. However, there are changes. Japanese companies are more open for mutual benefits. The Japanese market is somewhat open, especially in the field of consumer goods. However, the differences between Japan and the United States in the way of regulations, protection of intellectual property, private business practices, etc. are likely to continue. How quickly the opportunity to participate in the hig h-tech market in Japan and Asia will increase will play a major role in determining whether the United States can get the maximum economic benefits from science and technology cooperation. < SPAN> Nap. edu/10766 allows you to download the details of this book, purchase of the printed version, and download the PDF.


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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Market Access Asymmetries

In recent years, the competitiveness of US companies has improved in many industries. In cars, US companies responded to pressure from Japanese competitors, and investment in Japan contributed to the United States' comprehensive ability. Biotechnology and health care are the most important factors in the powerful basic research base and the financial structure that enables commercialization of technology by establishing a new company. In the semiconductor manufacturing device, the resurrection of the US semiconductor device industry and the improvement of cooperation between companies and the government played a major role. In the information industry, powerful research infrastructure and dynamic US market have played a leading role in the de facto standard and architecture settings.

Japanese companies are still the main competitors, and the Japanese government and the industry are still pursuing policies to acquire global technical and market leadership. However, there are changes. Japanese companies are more open for mutual benefits. The Japanese market is somewhat open, especially in the field of consumer goods. However, the differences between Japan and the United States in the way of regulations, protection of intellectual property, private business practices, etc. are likely to continue. How quickly the opportunity to participate in the hig h-tech market in Japan and Asia will increase will play a major role in determining whether the United States can get the maximum economic benefits from science and technology cooperation. With nap. edu/10766, you can purchase the details of this book, purchase the printed version, and download the PDF for free.

Japanese Industry Advantages

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Task Force has investigated the trends of the United States and Japan in some major industries and competitiveness. These case descriptions are supplemented in a background survey based on discussions with industry experts at the Task Force Conference in January 1995.

In recent years, the competitiveness of US companies has improved in many industries. In cars, US companies responded to pressure from Japanese competitors, and investment in Japan contributed to the United States' comprehensive ability. Biotechnology and health care are the most important factors in the powerful basic research base and the financial structure that enables commercialization of technology by establishing a new company. In the semiconductor manufacturing device, the resurrection of the US semiconductor device industry and the improvement of cooperation between companies and the government played a major role. In the information industry, powerful research infrastructure and dynamic US market have played a leading role in the de facto standard and architecture settings.

Japanese companies are still the main competitors, and the Japanese government and the industry are still pursuing policies to acquire global technical and market leadership. However, there are changes. Japanese companies are more open for mutual benefits. The Japanese market is somewhat open, especially in the field of consumer goods. However, the differences between Japan and the United States in the way of regulations, protection of intellectual property, private business practices, etc. are likely to continue. How quickly the opportunity to participate in the hig h-tech market in Japan and Asia will increase will play a major role in determining whether the United States can get the maximum economic benefits from science and technology cooperation.

The automotive industry has greatly contributed to the US and Japan economy as the largest employer in the manufacturing industry, and has increased its character as a hig h-tech industry because it has been using electronics, advanced materials, and information systems. 。 Including production and technical systems in "technology", it is clear that many Japa n-US technology exchange (competition, learning, and direct investment relocation by direct investment) has been performed in this industry for many years, and it is still going on. 。

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

From the 1970s to the 1980s, the US Automobile Industry's recession and the improvement of the corresponding Japanese manufacturers have been widely studied and documented 1. 11 The Japanese Automotive Industry is recovered after the war. One of the advantages that has been enjoyed from the beginning is the asymmetry of market access between Japan and other major automobile production countries and automotive consumer countries (especially the United States). When Japan joined the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) and the International Currency Fund (IMF) in 1964, Japan promised to alleviate foreign capital regulations and exchange rate regulations, but the movement to liberalization of capital did not begin until the late 1960s. 2. 2 By this time, Big Three Maker manufacturers in the United States had a lot of interest in entering the Japanese market, but most of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and domestic industries claim that the Japanese industry is still weak and too fragmentary. Ta. The resistance of several secon d-class companies on the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's industrial integration plan has led to partial opening. Chrysler and General Motors have acquired a minority of Mitsubishi Motors and Isuzu. Ford purchased a minority of Mazda in the late 1970s. 3

These investments did not lead to big three large markets. The Japanese automotive industry had already built a considerable competitiveness in the protected domestic market. Before US companies focusing on entering the Japanese market, Japanese cars were moving considerably in the United States. < SPAN> The automotive industry has greatly contributed to the US and Japan economy as the largest employer in the manufacturing industry, and since the use of electronics, advanced materials, and information systems is progressing, the personality as a hig h-tech industry. I'm strengthening. Including production and technical systems in "technology", it is clear that many Japa n-US technology exchange (competition, learning, and direct investment relocation by direct investment) has been performed in this industry for many years, and it is still going on. 。

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

From the 1970s to the 1980s, the US Automobile Industry's recession and the improvement of the corresponding Japanese manufacturers have been widely studied and documented 1. 11 The Japanese Automotive Industry is recovered after the war. One of the advantages that has been enjoyed from the beginning is the asymmetry of market access between Japan and other major automobile production countries and automotive consumer countries (especially the United States). When Japan joined the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) and the International Currency Fund (IMF) in 1964, Japan promised to alleviate foreign capital regulations and exchange rate regulations, but the movement to liberalization of capital did not begin until the late 1960s. 2. 2 By this time, Big Three Maker manufacturers in the United States had a lot of interest in entering the Japanese market, but most of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and domestic industries claim that the Japanese industry is still weak and too fragmentary. Ta. The resistance of several secon d-class companies on the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's industrial integration plan has led to partial opening. Chrysler and General Motors have acquired a minority of Mitsubishi Motors and Isuzu. Ford purchased a minority of Mazda in the late 1970s. 3

These investments did not lead to big three large markets. The Japanese automotive industry had already built a considerable competitiveness in the protected domestic market. Before US companies focusing on entering the Japanese market, Japanese cars were moving considerably in the United States. The automotive industry has greatly contributed to the US and Japan economy as the largest employer in the manufacturing industry, and has increased its character as a hig h-tech industry because it has been using electronics, advanced materials, and information systems. 。 Including production and technical systems in "technology", it is clear that many Japa n-US technology exchange (competition, learning, and direct investment relocation by direct investment) has been performed in this industry for many years, and it is still going on. 。

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

From the 1970s to the 1980s, the US Automobile Industry's recession and the improvement of the corresponding Japanese manufacturers have been widely studied and documented 1. 11 The Japanese Automotive Industry is recovered after the war. One of the advantages that has been enjoyed from the beginning is the asymmetry of market access between Japan and other major automobile production countries and automotive consumer countries (especially the United States). When Japan joined the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) and the International Currency Fund (IMF) in 1964, Japan promised to alleviate foreign capital regulations and exchange rate regulations, but the movement to liberalization of capital did not begin until the late 1960s. 2. 2 By this time, Big Three Maker manufacturers in the United States had a lot of interest in entering the Japanese market, but most of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and domestic industries claim that the Japanese industry is still weak and too fragmentary. Ta. The resistance of several secon d-class companies on the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's industrial integration plan has led to partial opening. Chrysler and General Motors have acquired a minority of Mitsubishi Motors and Isuzu. Ford purchased a minority of Mazda in the late 1970s. 3

These investments did not lead to big three large markets. The Japanese automotive industry had already built a considerable competitiveness in the protected domestic market. Before US companies focusing on entering the Japanese market, Japanese cars were moving considerably in the United States.

The Japanese automotive industry made a breakthrough in the 1970s and 1980s because of the great advantage of the US automotive industry in three fields. 4 The first advantage is management. General Motors and Ford were the world's largest manufacturers (and now). Under the competitive environment after World War II, the two companies were able to concentrate on the advantageous US market and concentrate on each other as competitors. As a result, complacent was formed in the 1970s and formed an organizational structure and management style that did not fit into the US market and the global competitive environment. The relationship between the manufacturer and external suppliers, labor and labor, and the government and the government were often hostile and hostile.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

U.S. Resurgence

For example, Michael L. DERTOUZOS, Richard K. Lester, And Robert M. Solow, Made in America , PP.


There is a considerable debate about how much interest in Big Three was in the restart of Japan from the 1940s to the 1950s. In addition, there is a debate that the US automotive industry to Japan from the late 1960s to the early 1970s was the main motivation to procure small cars from Japan for the US market. PHYLLIS A. GENTHER, A History of Japan's Government-Business Relationship: The Passenger Car Industry 1990).

Most of this section quoted from Michael Smitka's presentation at the competitive taskforce meeting held on January 12-13, 1995.

Future Technology and Competitiveness Issues

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Manufacturing and Product Development

Suggested citation "Trends in Japanese and US Technology and Competitiveness in 5 Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits in Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

As a cheaper alternative to direct control of the supply chain, suppliers often partnered. 5 This approach, taken out of necessity, led to the development of a more flexible automobile production system that became commonly known as the Toyota Production System or "lean manufacturing." By the late 1970s, the manufacturing practices associated with this system ensured higher quality and productivity than those of U. S. manufacturers. This quality differential was crucial in helping Japanese automakers maintain and expand their penetration of the U. S. market in the 1980s.

The second advantage enjoyed by Japanese auto companies was their cost structure. Japan's labor costs were lower than those of the U. S., and wage increases lagged behind productivity increases, giving Japanese auto companies a major advantage in the late 1970s. This gap was widened by the strong dollar in the early 1980s.

Several coincident trends in the world economy from the 1970s to the 1980s also favored the Japanese auto industry and disadvantaged U. S. producers. The sharp rise in oil prices in the 1970s led to an expansion in demand for small cars in the U. S. market, which Japanese companies were well placed to meet. The pressure to meet new environmental standards and improve fuel efficiency simultaneously strained the Big Three's technological capabilities, leading to a decline in quality and performance.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Table 5-1 World Automobile Production

World Total (millions)

Other Regions

a The 1992 figures do not include China.

Source: American Automobile Manufacturers Association.

The Japanese automobile industry provides support for those who argue that Japanese industrial policy was key to the industry's development, as well as those who argue that industrial policy had only a minor impact. For more on business-government relations in the Japanese automobile industry, see Genther, op. Chapter 5, which deals with the development of the Japanese auto parts industry.

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Recommended Citation "Trends in Japan and the United States in Technology and Competitiveness in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits from Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Over the past 15 years or so, the U. S. automobile industry has been making sometimes slow and difficult efforts to respond to Japanese competition and to close these gaps. Some argue that competitive pressures and the demonstration effect of Japanese manufacturing operations in the United States have led U. S. automakers and suppliers to make great strides in manufacturing and product development performance. 6 In the mid-1980s, the dollar depreciated significantly against the yen, and from 1993 to 1994, the yen appreciated again significantly. These currency trends reversed the cost advantage that Japanese-produced cars had enjoyed.

Trends outside the industry also contributed to the U. S. revival. The upward trend in oil prices reversed in the mid-1980s, and oil prices have been moderating ever since. This led to a decline in U. S. consumer appetite for small cars and spurred increased demand for larger vehicles, such as minivans, light trucks, and sport utility vehicles, categories that U. S. companies had pioneered and in which they had a stronger position than Japan.

From 1993 to 1994, U. S. automakers benefited from the accrued positive trends, as increased demand led to record profits and expanded market share. Chrysler's revival was particularly notable, but GM's market share remains well below its mid-1970s level. Meanwhile, the Japanese automobile industry suffered from sluggish domestic market demand and cost pressures in exporting vehicles and parts to the United States. Most Japanese automakers posted losses during this period. Some second-tier Japanese manufacturers, such as Mazda, suffered greatly from the downturn. 7

More recently, the Japanese automobile market has recovered somewhat, and the dollar strengthened considerably from 1995 to 1996, stabilizing and improving the situation for Japanese automakers. Even from 1993 to 1994, Japanese automakers as a whole did not lose much market share in the United States, especially in passenger cars. Transplant production plays a key role.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

High-quality manufacturing and effective product development performance are fundamental competitive prerequisites for automakers seeking to establish and maintain industry-leading positions.

Wellford W. Wilms, Alan J. Hardcastle, and Deone M. Zell, "Cultural Transformation at NUMMI," Sloan Management Review, Fall 1994, document the positive impact of blending Japanese and American management practices at the factory level.

Global Strategies and Approaches to Rapidly Growing Asian Markets

Matsuda, Last Stand in the Domestic Market," Nihon Keizai Shimbun, October 13, 1995, p. 11.

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Recommended Citation "Trends in Japanese and American Technology in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits from Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Position in the most sophisticated and profitable markets. In these areas, Japanese top companies remain the global benchmark, but American companies have also made considerable progress in recent years. 8 For example, in the 1990s, Chrysler adopted many lessons from Japanese "best practices" and made significant improvements to its product development processes.

In recent years, one of the most important challenges facing the Japanese auto industry has been maintaining manufacturing and product development excellence while reducing costs. Although the yen has recently stabilized and weakened against the dollar, cost pressures remain intense, especially in the U. S. market for Japanese exports. The Japanese auto industry has responded aggressively to these demands. Shifting production to the U. S., Asia, and other regions is one approach. Japanese companies have made modest efforts to source parts in Asia for cars assembled in the U. S. to reduce costs. Table 5-2 shows some examples. For Japanese manufacturers and suppliers to maintain long-term competitive advantage, it is necessary to globalize manufacturing while maintaining productivity and quality.

Japanese companies have also sought to ensure the continued competitiveness of their domestic operations by increasing the reusability of parts, reducing management personnel, and in some cases slowing new product introduction cycles. 9 To support increased sales and cost reductions, Japanese automakers have encouraged suppliers to sell to a wider range of customers, encouraged mergers among weaker suppliers, and increased purchases from non-traditional suppliers.

The relationship between manufacturers and suppliers is crucial to the overall performance of manufacturing and product development. The added value of automobiles will increasingly be driven by technological innovations from sources other than the automobile manufacturers, such as electronics and new materials. 10

Table 5-2 Examples of Asian parts used by Japanese automobile manufacturers in U. S.-made automobiles

Cast and forged parts

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Source: Nikkei Shimbun, September 15, 1995, p. 11.

Kim B. Clark and Takahiro Fujimoto, Product Development Performance: Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 1991) describes the elements of effective product development and documents the superiority of Japanese management techniques.

Gerald Conover, Presentation to the Competitiveness Task Force, January 12, 1995. See U. S. Department of Commerce Market Research Report, Japan-Automotive Parts Development Plan, July 21, 1994. The report describes new collaborations between traditional rivals to develop common parts for the entire Japanese auto industry.

ULRIKE W. HODGES AND ROB VAN TULDER, The Chemistry of Dependence: The Chemistry of Dependence: Ted States, Germany and Japan (Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy Working Paper 69, November 1994).

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

The US supplier bass is characterized by a relatively smal l-sophisticated large company that competes globally and a small second and third suppliers. Johnson Controls (JCI), headquartered in Milwar Key, has established a representative of the primary supplier group in more than a decade since he entered the automotive seat business. 11 JCI supplies seats to Big Three's car manufacturers in the United States, and offers a seat to almost all Toyota vehicle programs outside Japan. 12 JCI believes that the relationship with Toyota Motors has helped to improve manufacturing and product development capabilities. Since it was decided to supply sheets to Toyota and GM joint venture, Nummi has been working to incorporate lessons for continuous improvements into all manufacturing operations. JCI has also contributed to the adoption of Japanese product development methods that increase the technical and engineering responsibilities of primary suppliers, led by Chrysler. 13 JCI focuses on incorporating its own technologies into automotive seat systems for the future and using its abilities to enhance the presence outside the United States. Recently, he acquired Prince, a car parts manufacturer that is strong in electronics technology.

Many U. S. automakers and suppliers have pursued continuous improvement in manufacturing and product development by incorporating Japanese practices, and many have achieved worl d-class achievements. Manufacturers, especially small suppliers, have not yet introduced this approach. According to recent research, Japanese automotive parts manufacturers are still the most productive and highest quality. 14

The development of the fas t-growing Asian market is the key to future growth for the U S-Japan automakers. Asia has long been attracting attention for many Japanese automakers as the second overseas market (after the United States). With these efforts, Toyota and Mitsubishi are ahead of several most important markets. In recent years, Japanese manufacturers have been active in investing and marketing activities in Asia. For example, Toyota wants to build a leading status in the rapidly growing Asian automotive market through the development of Asia Car. 16

Japanese automotive parts manufacturers belonging to a specific group or affiliate often invest in Asia as a group. For example, several Toyota suppliers have announced their planning to start production in Asia.

In 1994, JCI's automobile division sales were about $ 2. 9 billion, accounting for about 42 % of the entire company. See Hoover's Company Profile Database (Austin, Tex.: The Reference Pres, 1996).

Rally Hugood, from a presentation on January 12, 1995, a competitive task force.

Rajan R. Kamath and Jeffrey K. Liker, "A Second Look at Japanesse Product Development," Harvard Business Review, NoveMber-December 1994, P. 170.

Undersen Consulting, Cardiff Business School, Cambridge University, Worldwide Competitivity STUDY It is reported in 5.

It has been proven that Japanese companies are active in complying with the "national local procurement program that started in the early 1970s". RICHARD F. Doner, "Japanese Automotive Production Networks in ASIA,", In Eileen Doherty, Ed. Foundation and Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, 1995, p. 101 。

Asian car: Toyota, 220, 000 units production plan "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "August 20, 1995, 1 page.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Was established in China. 17 In September 1995, 70 Japanes e-affiliated Japanese car parts manufacturers, Nissan Automobile, announced plans to relocate technology to Samsung Group in Korea. 18

Advanced Technology

Until recently, it seemed as though most of the U. S. auto industry had "given up" to Asian markets other than China, but the Big Three and many of the major suppliers are now taking a more aggressive approach. Trade barriers in Asia are likely to fall in the coming years, and concerns about making large fixed investments to serve a few small segmented markets are receding. Capitalizing on recent success in the U. S. domestic market and the desire of some Asian countries to balance their already significant Japanese direct investment presence, at the time of writing, it seems fairly unlikely that U. S.-based companies will be "left behind" in Asia.

In 1995, U. S. automakers stepped up plans to increase their presence in Asia. Ford, which has 11 factories and technology sites in Asia, announced plans to invest $53 million in two parts plants in Thailand. 19 A major Chinese automaker picked General Motors for a $1 billion venture. Chrysler, which has a business assembling Jeep Cherokees from kits in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, is considering plans to build affordable small cars for Asian markets such as Vietnam and India. 20 Many U. S.-based auto suppliers have also announced various investment and joint venture plans in China. 21 Japanese and U. S.-based companies have somewhat different approaches to investment and market entry in Asia, but will face similar challenges in managing technology transfer to ensure a long-term presence and avoid encouraging potential competitors. China's willingness to transfer technology is said to have been a factor in choosing GM as an overseas partner for its sedan venture. 22 Malaysian automaker Proton has consistently asked its Japanese partner Mitsubishi Motors for more technology transfers. 23 Access to the Japanese market remains an issue for U. S. automakers and suppliers. There have been some recent signs that the Japanese market is becoming more open to imported vehicles. Japan has seen rapid growth in sales of imported vehicles in recent years, in part due to the cost advantages that imported vehicles enjoy. 24 In 1995, the U. S. and Japan reached an agreement after contentious negotiations on measures to expand sales of imported automobiles and auto parts in Japan.

The access issues of foreign automobile manufacturers are slightly different from that of automakers. 25 Access to the repair parts market in Japan is likely to be improved in the following ways.

Aiji Intake China "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "August 1, 1995, 11 pages.

Technical giving to Samsung Group "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" September 13, 1995, pp. 15.

U. S. Automaker, a huge investment in Asia, "Wall Street Journal, January 25, 1996, A4.

Chrysler, considering small car manufacturing for the Asian market, "Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1995, A4 page.

Acceleration of China's investment "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "December 27, 1995, page 7.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Requests for Mitsubishi Sel f-Pencence "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "November 22, 1995, 1 page.

In 1995, the number of imported cars in Japan reached 388, 162 units, increasing 29%compared to 1994. Imported vehicles have reached 10. 2%, almost doubled in two years. German cars account for 43. 1 % of imported car sales and 33. 9 % of US cars. The numbers of the Japan Automobile Import Union were published in the Washington Post D10 on January 11, 1996.

The U. S. government believes that the performance of the car agreement in 1995 is still a major issue in automotive parts. See the US Trade Representative Department in 1997 (Washington, D. C.

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends in competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. The access issues of the automotive parts manufacturer are slightly different from that of automakers. 25 Access to the repair parts market in Japan is likely to be improved in the following ways.

Aiji Intake China "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "August 1, 1995, 11 pages.

Technical giving to Samsung Group "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" September 13, 1995, pp. 15.

U. S. Automaker, a huge investment in Asia, "Wall Street Journal, January 25, 1996, A4.

Chrysler, considering small car manufacturing for the Asian market, "Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1995, A4 page.

Acceleration of China's investment "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "December 27, 1995, page 7.

"Surse for entry to China: U. S. companies, the pressure of technology transfer increases" "Wall Street Journal", December 19, 1995, p. 114.

Requests for Mitsubishi Sel f-Pencence "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "November 22, 1995, 1 page.

In 1995, the number of imported cars in Japan reached 388, 162 units, increasing 29%compared to 1994. Imported vehicles have reached 10. 2%, almost doubled in two years. German cars account for 43. 1 % of imported car sales and 33. 9 % of US cars. The numbers of the Japan Automobile Import Union were published in the Washington Post D10 on January 11, 1996.

The U. S. government believes that the performance of the car agreement in 1995 is still a major issue in automotive parts. See the US Trade Representative Department in 1997 (Washington, D. C.

Page 83 Share

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends of competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. The accessory of the manufacturer is slightly different from that of a car manufacturer. 25 Access to the repair parts market in Japan is likely to be improved in the following ways.

Aiji Intake China "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "August 1, 1995, 11 pages.

Technical giving to Samsung Group "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" September 13, 1995, pp. 15.

U. S. Automaker, a huge investment in Asia, "Wall Street Journal, January 25, 1996, A4.

Chrysler, considering small car manufacturing for the Asian market, "Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1995, A4 page.

Acceleration of China's investment "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "December 27, 1995, page 7.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Requests for Mitsubishi Sel f-Pencence "" Nihon Keizai Shimbun "November 22, 1995, 1 page.

In 1995, the number of imported cars in Japan reached 388, 162 units, increasing 29%compared to 1994. Imported vehicles have reached 10. 2%, almost doubled in two years. German cars are 43. 1 % of imported car sales, and US cars account for 33. 9 %. The numbers of the Japan Automobile Import Union were published in the Washington Post D10 on January 11, 1996.

The U. S. government believes that the performance of the car agreement in 1995 is still a major issue in automotive parts. See the US Trade Representative Department in 1997 (Washington, D. C.

Outlook for 2007

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  • Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Elimination or relaxation of some specific regulatory requirements. In original equipment markets, however, Japanese business practices may continue to deter foreign firms from entering the market, regardless of price or quality considerations. 26 Even when Japanese automakers and top-tier suppliers purchase foreign parts for vehicles destined for export or produced in U. S. transplant plants, they are reluctant to use the same parts in vehicles produced and sold in Japan. Even in 1994-1995, when many Japanese automakers were in the red and desperate to cut costs, proposals from U. S. suppliers that would have led to significant cost savings were reportedly rejected. 27 While many U. S. parts manufacturers will likely continue to be largely shut out of the Japanese OEM market, the experience of JCI and other U. S. suppliers shows that focusing on supplying the output of Japanese companies outside Japan offers many benefits of market participation that help maintain and improve technological capabilities, including revenue for future technological developments and learning from demanding customers. This market will be an important growth market over the next decade, as overseas production by Japanese auto companies is likely to grow much faster than domestic production.

Advanced technologies are increasingly being installed in automobiles. One U. S. program aimed at accelerating the development and installation of new technologies in automobiles is the Partnership for New Generation Vehicles (PNGV). PNGV is a partnership between a number of U. S. government agencies and the Big Three automakers. Its goal is to improve competitiveness in manufacturing, introduce commercially viable innovations from ongoing research in conventional automobiles, and develop automobiles that can achieve up to three times the fuel efficiency of a 1994 family sedan in its class. 28

More fundamental technological shifts are likely to occur in the automobile industry over the coming decades. These include the expanded use of electric and other alternatively powered vehicles to reduce emissions and increase energy efficiency, and advances in the use of advanced vehicle navigation and control systems to facilitate greater traffic flow and improved safety.

Electric vehicles are one of the areas that focus on R & D in the United States and Japan. Table 5-3 compares Japan-US efforts to electric vehicles. In contrast, the US efforts focus on R & D and the obligation to establish a market, but in several countries such as Japan, the government and the government that establish public charges and maintenance facilities. It is relatively focused on public demonstration projects for business vehicles. 29 The Japanese government also supports the Japan Electric Automobile Association (JEVA), and the association is working to share and spread information. 30

The US Ministry of Commerce International Trading Bureau "Japa n-US Automotive parts Sales Trends" December 4, 1994.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

  • US Congress Inspection, Electric Vehicle: Likely Consegequences of U. S. and Other Nations' Programs and Policies (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Ber 1994).
  • JEVA, continuing a contract with NEDO to spread electric vehicles. "
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Quotation proposal "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

General U.S.-Japan Differences

Table 5-3 The main elements of the electric vehicle program



Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

2000 target

70, 600 units (based on state requirements)

200, 000 units (national goals)

Concentrated Supply and Dependence

Purchase program and incentive

Federal tax deduction for fleet, $ 4, 000, some states, California mandatory (6 states)

50 % national expenses assistance, various local assistance, reduction of purchase tax and holding tax, 7 % business tax deduction, lease fee assistance

Vehicle and infrastructure

Small fleet demonstration

Ecostation 2000; Demonstration experiments in several countries and rural areas

Research on automobiles and batteries

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Lithium battery project

Market Participation and Technological Capabilities

Source: From the U. S. Congress Inspection Agency: Likely ConsusEquences of U. S. and Other Nations' Programs and Policies (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Quoted from, 1994).

Outlook for 2007

Electric vehicles face large barriers in terms of technically and market. Current electric vehicles that use lea d-saving batteries require difficult trad e-offs in performance, cruising range, and ease of charging. As a result, the battery is the focus of the efforts to R & D for electric vehicles. Only the United States and Japan are conducting larg e-scale advanced battery programs with public funds. In the United States, Big Three automakers formed a U S-ahead Battery Consortium (USABC) in 1991, and at the end of the same year, the US Ministry of Energy (DOE) and the electric business industry to support research and examinations to support advanced battery. 31 agreed by doing. 31 In this program, we have signed a contract with battery development companies and a joint research and development contract with the DOE Research Institute, and has supported various approaches for battery technology development and examinations. As the name suggests, the lithium battery power storage study group (Libes), a major battery research program in Japan, is focusing on lithium batteries.


There are several interesting differences in Japan and the United States. First, USABC has a much higher level of funding than Libes, but Japanese initiatives do not include intermediate technology development like USABC. Second, in contrast to USABC, which is the center of the program, the participation of automakers is the central element of the program, while Japanese automakers do not include intermediate technology development such as Libes.

U. S. Congress Inspection, Electric Battery Development: Effors to Comprete Advanced Battery Development with Require More Time and Funding . C .: U. S. Government Printing Office, August 1995).

Share page 85 quotes

Proposal quoted "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends of competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.


Japan now leads the world in the development and mass production of secondary batteries. 32 Research on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries was first reported at a scientific conference held in Japan in 1985. 33 Lithium-ion secondary batteries have many advantages, and Japanese companies are already selling small lithium-ion secondary batteries for a variety of portable electronic devices. Nevertheless, Japanese government programs encourage battery manufacturers to invest in long-term research. Even if lithium-ion batteries are not widely used in future automobiles, this basic research could benefit home appliances and other downstream sectors. Japanese battery manufacturers also appear to have a global perspective on marketing and partnerships. Although commercialization of lithium-ion batteries has only begun in the past few years, Japanese companies have already announced several joint ventures and plans to produce lithium-ion and other advanced batteries overseas. 34

Intelligent vehicle and highway systems are also the focus of government and industry technology development efforts in the United States, Japan, and Europe. These efforts are driven by a shared need to improve traffic flow and safety on increasingly congested highways. Intelligent vehicles and highway systems represent a huge potential market, not only in developed countries but also in the rapidly growing Asian economies where traffic congestion is already a major problem in big cities. The vehicles and systems will utilize a wide range of technologies, including sensors, electronics, radar, human interfaces, information systems, and image processing. The Japanese government has stepped up research and development in this field in recent years. In fiscal 1996, five ministries and agencies budgeted 62. 5 billion yen (more than $500 million at current exchange rates) for this effort, compared with $222. 8 million in U. S. government funding. 35

While Japanese companies continue to hold the manufacturing and product development advantage, the U. S. auto industry is making considerable progress in catching up. As access to the Japanese market improves and Japanese manufacturing and R& D facilities in the U. S. contribute more to U. S. jobs and living standards, a more level playing field is emerging in the auto industry. Although nationality is becoming less of a differentiator in the auto industry, the U. S. economy still benefits relatively greatly from the success of U. S. companies.

Japanese and American companies will remain at the forefront of the global auto industry. Current production trends will continue for at least the next few years. The U. S. auto trade deficit with Japan will continue to shrink somewhat, although the strong dollar in 1995 and 1996 slowed progress.

"Mass Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries," Road Warrior News, April 1995.

"Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Key Device in the Multimedia Era," Japan 21st Century, October 1994.

"NEC to Produce Batteries in Canada," Nikkei Weekly, August 1, 1994, p. 8.

Asia Technology Information Program, "Intelligent Transport Systems: 1996 Japanese Budget/Strategy" ATIP Report, February 1996.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended Citation "Trends in U. S. and Japanese Technology and Competitiveness in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits from Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Asia will be the major competitive battleground for the global auto industry. Investment opportunities will depend as much on strengths built in developed core markets as on an effective Asia strategy. Neither country's companies will have an advantage.

The big wild card in the coming years will be the Korean industry. Korea is significantly expanding its production capacity, and Korean companies could pose a challenge to Japanese and U. S. companies within the next decade. European industry is likely to experience significant consolidation.

The emerging global supplier bass will be a prominent company in Japan and the United States, but the second and third companies in each country will face major issues. US suppliers need to further improve the introduction of the Toyota production method, and Japanese suppliers need to follow up their customers and develop new international businesses. Whether foreig n-affiliated companies, especially suppliers, can enter the Japanese market is still an issue.

The advanced material field consists of various technologies such as hig h-performance glass, ceramics, polymer, special metals, precision coating, and composite materials. It is applied in a wide range of industries, including chemistry, electronics, aerospace, and cars. Comprehensively evaluating the abilities and cooperation of Japan and the United States exceeds the scope of this study. Fortunately, in recent years, the Japanese Technology Evaluation Center has been evaluated by the specified field of advanced material research and application. The 36 sections outlaws about some general features of technology development and commercialization activities in Japan and the United States and the impact on the future.

Both the United States and Japan have powerful abilities in research and development and commercialization of advanced materials. The U S-based company tends to be strong in the fields such as airfunctions, polymer and polymer composite materials (Japanese companies are resistant to carbon fiber), special metals (especially aerospace applications), and modeling and simulation in material development. be. Japanese companies are strong in coating (the same for German companies), < SPAN> emerging global suppliers, which will have a prominent company in Japan, the United States, but the second and third companies in each country. Will face a big challenge. US suppliers need to further improve the introduction of the Toyota production method, and Japanese suppliers need to follow up their customers and develop new international businesses. Whether foreig n-affiliated companies, especially suppliers, can enter the Japanese market is still an issue.

The advanced material field consists of various technologies such as hig h-performance glass, ceramics, polymer, special metals, precision coating, and composite materials. It is applied in a wide range of industries, including chemistry, electronics, aerospace, and cars. Comprehensively evaluating the abilities and cooperation of Japan and the United States exceeds the scope of this study. Fortunately, in recent years, the Japanese Technology Evaluation Center has been evaluated by the specified field of advanced material research and application. The 36 sections outlaws about some general features of technology development and commercialization activities in Japan and the United States and the impact on the future.

Both the United States and Japan have powerful abilities in research and development and commercialization of advanced materials. The U S-based company tends to be strong in the fields such as airfunctions, polymer and polymer composite materials (Japanese companies are resistant to carbon fiber), special metals (especially aerospace applications), and modeling and simulation in material development. be. Japanese companies are strong in coating (as well as German companies), and on emerging global suppliers, companies in the United States and Japan will be outstanding, but the second and third companies in each country are major issues. Will face. US suppliers need to further improve the introduction of the Toyota production method, and Japanese suppliers need to follow up their customers and develop new international businesses. Whether foreig n-affiliated companies, especially suppliers, can enter the Japanese market is still an issue.

The advanced material field consists of various technologies such as hig h-performance glass, ceramics, polymer, special metals, precision coating, and composite materials. It is applied in a wide range of industries, including chemistry, electronics, aerospace, and cars. Comprehensively evaluating the abilities and cooperation of Japan and the United States exceeds the scope of this study. Fortunately, in recent years, the Japanese Technology Evaluation Center has been evaluated by the specified field of advanced material research and application. The 36 sections outlaws about some general features of technology development and commercialization activities in Japan and the United States and the impact on the future.

Both the United States and Japan have powerful abilities in research and development and commercialization of advanced materials. The U S-based company tends to be strong in the fields such as airfunctions, polymer and polymer composite materials (Japanese companies are resistant to carbon fiber), special metals (especially aerospace applications), and modeling and simulation in material development. be. Japanese companies are strong in coating (as well as German companies),

関連する研究としては、Lawrence Tannas, Jr、 William E. Glenn, Thomas Credelle, J. William Doane, Arthur H. Firester, and Malcolm Thompson, JTEC Panel Report on Display Technologies in Japan (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1992), Dick J. Wilkins, Moto Ashizawa, Jon B. DeVault, Dee R. Gill, Vistap M. Karbhari, and Joseph S. McDermott, JTEC Panel Report on Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Polymer Composite Structures in Japan (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1994); Michael J. Kelly, William R. Boulton, John A. Kukowski, Eugene S. Meieran, Michael Pecht, John W. Peeples, and Rao R Tummala, JTEC Panel Report on Electronic Manufacturing and Packaging in Japan (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1995); C. Judson King, Edward L. Cussler, William Eykamp, George E. Keller II, H. S. Muralidhara, and Milton E. Wadsworth, JTEC Panel Report on Separation Technology in Japan (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1993); M. S. Dresselhaus, R. C. Dynes, W. J. Gallagher, P. M. Horn, J. K. Hulm, M. B. Maple, RK. クイン、および RW. Ralston, JTEC Panel Report on High Temperature Superconductivity in Japan (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1989); and Stephen R. Forrest, Larry A. Coldren, Sadik C. Esener, Donald B. Keck, Frederick J. Leonberger, Gary R. Saxonhouse, and Paul W. Shumate, JTEC Panel Report on Optoelectronics in Japan and the United States (Baltimore: Loyola College in Maryland, 1996).

ページ 87 引用を共有する

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

セラミックスとセラミックス複合材料、一次金属。液 膜、光電材料、超電導材料では日米企業はほぼ同等である。37

日米の相対的な強さは、それぞれの事業環境の要因によって形成されてきた。例えば、エレクトロニクス分野における日本企業の強さ、および光データ・ストレージやその他の分野における青色レーザーや発光ダイオードの大きな潜在市場が、日本企業が実現可能な材料を開発するための研究開発に多額の投資を行う原動力となっている。38 航空宇宙分野における米国の強みと、航空宇宙材料開発への大規模な防衛関連政府投資が、この分野における米国のリーダーシップの背景にある。

Current Issues

Research and Commercialization Capabilities

Japanese companies also tend to be strong in materials sectors, which require a long-term investment focus and a constant drive to reduce costs and improve quality in manufacturing, and are not very profitable. Long-term investment concentration in relatively low-return sectors has been aided by companies' willingness to accept low returns, close ties between companies such as keiretsu and other companies that reduce market risk, and in some cases, by Japanese industrial customers' preference for Japanese products even if they are more expensive. U. S. companies, with very different incentives, cannot operate in the same way. The business environment in Japan is changing to some extent, especially in consumer-driven markets. There is less willingness to accept low returns and buy Japanese products even if the equivalent product is cheaper. However, powerful stakeholders still support the status quo.

One very important application of advanced materials is ceramic semiconductor packaging. The global market for this product is dominated by Japanese companies, led by Kyocera. Only a few U. S.-owned suppliers remain. Coors Electronic Packaging Company, a division of ACX Technologies, sells its products on the open market. IBM is also strong in this sector, but has traditionally been a captive supplier.

A few years ago, the Department of Commerce conducted a study on the national security impacts of the United States’ reliance on Japan for ceramic packages. 39 Ceramic packages are critical components in military systems. Ultimately, the U. S. government decided not to restrict imports from Japan or directly subsidize increased U. S. production of ceramic packages, but it did initiate research and development programs to strengthen the U. S. technology base. One potential economic risk to the United States of relying on Japan and other foreign sources of critical parts, materials, and manufacturing equipment is the possibility that suppliers may delay or deny U. S. customers access to cutting-edge products. This would give Japanese customers a competitive edge through preferential access. 40 In some key supplier areas, particularly electronic materials, Japanese companies still hold large global market shares, but concern about this issue has lessened somewhat in recent years as the momentum of the Japanese industry in global electronics has slowed and competition has reignited in some areas where Japanese companies had established dominance.

David Duke, presentation to the Competitiveness Task Force, January 1995.

Asia Technical Information Program, "Blue LEDs: Breakthroughs and Implications," August 1995. The first commercially available bright blue LEDs were developed by a relatively small, privately held company, Nichia Chemical.

U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industrial Resources Administration, National Security Impact of Imports of Ceramic Semiconductor Packages: An Investigation Conducted Under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (Springfield, Va.: National Technical Information Service, 1993).

U. S. Congress, General Accounting Office, U. S. Business Access to Certain Foreign State-of-the-Technology (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1991).

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Suggest Citation "Trends in U. S. and Japanese Technology and Competitiveness in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits in Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Another long-term risk is the possibility that certain technologies may become more important over time. If the U. S. does not have capabilities in such areas, the U. S. economy may be at a disadvantage in developing the next generation of products. For example, some experts believe that ceramic packages will increasingly shift from a passive role in electronics systems to a more active and important role. 41 In this situation, some experts believe that government investments to foster vertical partnerships between U. S. ceramic users and suppliers will help preserve U. S. capabilities and allow U. S. companies to pursue technological and product opportunities enabled by more advanced packages.

Just as suppliers of advanced materials can provide a competitive edge to their customers, manufacturers of advanced materials can also benefit from closer interaction with demanding users. Box 5-1 provides an important example, showing that access to the Japanese market is a key determinant of whether the United States can obtain the maximum economic benefits from science and technology exchanges with Japan. A more detailed discussion of this point is contained in Chapter 6.

Market Asymmetries: Regulation and Intellectual Property

The advanced materials sector is made up of a wide variety of industries and technologies, so it is difficult to make a general statement about its future. Because advanced materials are intermediate goods sold to businesses, changes in the market and competition are heavily influenced by changes in general business practices and corporate culture in Japan. Key questions include whether Japan's business environment will continue to allow companies to maintain long-term R& D investments in areas where profits are small, whether new markets for advanced materials will emerge that are comparable in size to the current demand for electronic ceramics and glass for fiber optic cables, and whether new competitors will emerge from other countries.

Broadly defined, biotechnology includes "any technology that uses living organisms (or parts of living organisms) to make or improve products, improve plants or animals, or develop microorganisms for specific uses."42 Today, biotechnology is applied in medical, agricultural, environmental, and other fields. Healthcare is a very broad industry category that includes pharmaceuticals, medical devices and supplies, hospital management, and medical information management. This section focuses primarily on biotechnology, with some contextual consideration of non-biotechnology health care markets and products. As with the information industry, the difficulty of coming up with a good definition reflects the rapidity of research and innovation in this field.

William M. Flock, presentation to the Task Force on Competitiveness, January 1995.

Biotechnology in the Global Economy, U. S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1991), p. 19.

Page 89 Share Cite

Suggest Citation "Trends in U. S. and Japanese Technology and Competitiveness in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits from Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Since the founding of Genentech in 1976, biotechnology research and commercialization has exploded, with the United States at the center of it all. The number of U. S. biotechnology companies has grown to more than 1, 300, with annual sales approaching $13 billion.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

AMLCD is widely used for various special purposes, including laptop computers and aviation electronic devices. Japanese companies are Pioneer in commercialization of AMLCD, as of 1994, with 98 % of the AMLCD market. For Corning, entering the Japanese market was indispensable to establish and maintain a solid position in the glass substrate market, which is estimated to be about $ 250 million in 1996. In light of the rapid progress of products and process technologies, which is a feature of AMLCD in recent years, it is very important for cobning to reflect closely contact with customers and to reflect customer feedback in technology and product development. So.

Examples derived from the entry into the AMLCD glass substrate market in the Corning are the importance of entering the market to maintain the technical capabilities that are the basis of competitiveness. This example shows how important it is to find and use feedback from customers who are strictly requested to keep an advantage in a certain technology. The production of a glass substrate for AMLCD requires continuous improvement to achieve uniform thickness, eliminate particles, and minimize warpage. By the early 1990s, existing glass compositions had several drawbacks, and it was clear that it was necessary to deal with the drawbacks to meet the future needs of the display manufacturer. It was also clear that many competitors have launched an aggressive development program for the nex t-generation AMLCD substrate.

The development of an improved glass composition was first needed to make an effort to identify the technical demands of the user and the necessary physical characteristics of the glass. COMING has visited the R & D Labs of US, Europe, and Japanese displays to devise strict demanding specifications for new glass and determine whether these specifications satisfy the expected needs of customers. As a result, all companies except one agree that this specification would meet future needs. The customer was one of Japan's largest display manufacturers, proposing to change one of the specifications to coining. < SPAN> AMLCD is widely used for various special purposes, including laptop computers and aviation electronic devices. Japanese companies are Pioneer in commercialization of AMLCD, as of 1994, with 98 % of the AMLCD market. For Corning, entering the Japanese market was indispensable to establish and maintain a solid position in the glass substrate market, which is estimated to be about $ 250 million in 1996. In light of the rapid progress of products and process technologies, which is a feature of AMLCD in recent years, it is very important for cobning to reflect closely contact with customers and to reflect customer feedback in technology and product development. So.

Examples derived from the entry into the AMLCD glass substrate market in the Corning are the importance of entering the market to maintain the technical capabilities that are the basis of competitiveness. This example shows how important it is to find and use feedback from customers who are strictly requested to keep an advantage in a certain technology. The production of a glass substrate for AMLCD requires continuous improvement to achieve uniform thickness, eliminate particles, and minimize warpage. By the early 1990s, existing glass compositions had several drawbacks, and it was clear that it was necessary to deal with the drawbacks to meet the future needs of the display manufacturer. It was also clear that many competitors have launched an aggressive development program for the nex t-generation AMLCD substrate.

The development of an improved glass composition was first needed to make an effort to identify the technical demands of the user and the necessary physical characteristics of the glass. COMING has visited the R & D Labs of US, Europe, and Japanese displays to devise strict demanding specifications for new glass and determine whether these specifications satisfy the expected needs of customers. As a result, all companies except one agree that this specification would meet future needs. The customer was one of Japan's largest display manufacturers, proposing to change one of the specifications to coining. AMLCD is widely used for various special purposes, including laptop computers and aviation electronic devices. Japanese companies are Pioneer in commercialization of AMLCD, as of 1994, with 98 % of the AMLCD market. For Corning, entering the Japanese market was indispensable to establish and maintain a solid position in the glass substrate market, which is estimated to be about $ 250 million in 1996. In light of the rapid progress of products and process technologies, which is a feature of AMLCD in recent years, it is very important for cobning to reflect closely contact with customers and to reflect customer feedback in technology and product development. So.

Examples derived from the entry into the AMLCD glass substrate market in the Corning are the importance of entering the market to maintain the technical capabilities that are the basis of competitiveness. This example shows how important it is to find and use feedback from customers who are strictly requested to keep an advantage in a certain technology. The production of a glass substrate for AMLCD requires continuous improvement to achieve uniform thickness, eliminate particles, and minimize warpage. By the early 1990s, existing glass compositions had several drawbacks, and it was clear that it was necessary to deal with the drawbacks to meet the future needs of the display manufacturer. It was also clear that many competitors have launched an aggressive development program for the nex t-generation AMLCD substrate.

The development of an improved glass composition was first needed to make an effort to identify the technical demands of the user and the necessary physical characteristics of the glass. COMING has visited the R & D Labs of US, Europe, and Japanese displays to devise strict demanding specifications for new glass and determine whether these specifications satisfy the expected needs of customers. As a result, all companies except one agree that this specification would meet future needs. The customer was one of Japan's largest display manufacturers, proposing to change one of the specifications to coining.

Corning reconsidered its premise and decided to develop the glass to the specifications proposed by this Japanese customer. Now that improved Corning substrates and other glasses are on the market, it is clear that the Japanese customer was right. The performance enabled by this change differentiates Corning glass from the competition.

Source Communication with Corning, January 1996.

Page 90 Share Citation

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

More than 100, 000 employees. 43 The U. S. pharmaceutical industry is even more powerful, with shipments exceeding $60 billion annually. 44 Japan also has a significant pharmaceutical industry, but it has traditionally lagged behind the West in sales and innovation. 45

US strength in biotechnology and health care-related fields is due to several factors. Perhaps most important is the strong federal support of basic research in the biomedical fields through the National Institutes of Health and other institutions over the years. Scientific discovery in biotechnology is more closely linked to product development than in other fields, such as electronics. 46 A second factor in the United States' strength in biotechnology is its well-developed private equity market and its supportive system of investment in commercializing technology through the creation of new companies. Business culture also plays a role. In contrast to Japan and Western Europe, the failure of an American entrepreneur in a risky commercial venture does not necessarily undermine his or her career prospects. On the contrary, such failure may be viewed as "rewarded." The United States also has a large and growing market for health care products and is relatively open to improved treatments and new technologies.

Outlook for 2007

  • With the first "biotechnology boom" in the United States in the early 1980s, Japanese policy proprieters and industries quickly recognize that this field is a field with great potential in the future. In order to improve, the government and the industry have organized several initiatives. At the same time, Japanese companies have a number of ti e-ups with US emerging biotechnology companies, from traditional pharmaceutical companies to no n-traditional companies such as food, cosmetics, and heavy equipment. 47 Japanese companies have also established many research and development facilities in the United States in partnership with universities and research institutions in the United States. 48 This effort was not only Japanese companies. In recent years, major European pharmaceutical companies have invested in a large amount of direct investment in US pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies. In 1993, 26 % of foreig n-affiliated companies were in the United States in the pharmaceutical field, and 38 % of the US industry's as a whole was by foreig n-affiliated companies. 49
  • From the early 1990s to the middle, there was a time for Japanese companies like "internationalization". The fact that the Japanese industry has been reorganized and reduced in the recession after the collapse of the bubble, and only a large number of connections with US companies and universities brought a lot of rewards. However, some factors are due to the fact that they tended to go to a cheaper and less risky transaction as they went down the learning curve of joint research with small US businesses that develop unwanted technologies. there were. The US biotechnology industry itself has also increased, and its expectations are growing.


BiotechNology Industry Organization (BIO), The Editors 'And Reporters' Guide to BiotechNology, 2nd Edition (Washington, D. C .: BIO, 1996).

Council On Competitivens, Endless Frontier, Limited Resources (Washington, D. C.: Council On Competitivens, 1996).

"Research on Business Law" Nihon Keizai Shimbun, July 31, 1995, p. 5.

It requires a lot of space to fully explain the reason, but probably the most important reason is the new product of biotechnology and most pharmaceuticals, a on e-off product based on researc h-based products, and the new products that exist in electronics. It may be lacking in general requirements for mobilizing and interfacing existing important infrastructure.

For the period between 1981 and 1991, 231 were registered in the Database of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center North Carolina Biotechnology Center. National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology LinkageS in BiotechNology: National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in hnology: Challenges for the 1990s (Washington, D. C.: National Academy pres, 1992).

Donald H. Dalton and Manuel G. Serapio, Jr., Globalizing Industrial Research and Development (Washington, D. C.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Share page 91 quotes

Proposal quoted "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends of competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Industry Evolution

If certain biotechnology products are successful or clinical trials, the trends tend to fluctuate significantly.

Today, the United States is still enjoying a wide range of leadership in research and commercialization of biotechnology. According to a recent Japanese government report, the basic research level in Japan in the life science field use s-1 to +1 scale, and is equivalent to 0. 9 compared to the United States, compared to Europe. -0. 5 is 51. 51 However, the problems and trends between Japan and the United States in fields such as investment in R & D ability and entering the market will affect US abilities to make maximum profits from research and Japan and the United States in the future. There are some things to give. < SPAN> The period between 1981 and 1991 has been registered in the Database of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center North Carolina Biotechnology Center. National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology LinkageS in BiotechNology: National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in hnology: Challenges for the 1990s (Washington, D. C.: National Academy pres, 1992).

Donald H. Dalton and Manuel G. Serapio, Jr., Globalizing Industrial Research and Development (Washington, D. C.

In January 1995, Carroll Cooper Martin presented a competitive task force.

Share page 91 quotes

Proposal quoted "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends of competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Today, the United States is still enjoying a wide range of leadership in research and commercialization of biotechnology. According to a recent Japanese government report, the basic research level in Japan in the life science field use s-1 to +1 scale, and is equivalent to 0. 9 compared to the United States, compared to Europe. -0. 5 is 51. 51 However, the problems and trends between Japan and the United States in fields such as investment in R & D ability and entering the market will affect US abilities to make maximum profits from research and Japan and the United States in the future. There are some things to give. For the period between 1981 and 1991, 231 were registered in the Database of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center North Carolina Biotechnology Center. National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology LinkageS in BiotechNology: National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in hnology: Challenges for the 1990s (Washington, D. C.: National Academy pres, 1992).

Donald H. Dalton and Manuel G. Serapio, Jr., Globalizing Industrial Research and Development (Washington, D. C.

In January 1995, Carroll Cooper Martin presented a competitive task force.

Share page 91 quotes

Proposal quoted "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends of competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

If certain biotechnology products are successful or clinical trials, the trends tend to fluctuate significantly.

Today, the United States is still enjoying a wide range of leadership in research and commercialization of biotechnology. According to a recent Japanese government report, the basic research level in Japan in the life science field use s-1 to +1 scale, and is equivalent to 0. 9 compared to the United States, compared to Europe. -0. 5 is 51. 51 However, the problems and trends between Japan and the United States in fields such as investment in R & D ability and entering the market will affect US abilities to make maximum profits from research and Japan and the United States in the future. There are some things to give.

Although larg e-scale biological medicine research in the United States has not been conducted, Japan has continued to improve the basic research base, strengthening support for innovative programs. The Science and Technology Agency's Advanced Technology Investigation Research (Erato) program has been conducted since the early 1980s. ERATO is different from the traditional Japanese financing pattern that sends a small amount of subsidies to senior researchers, and is a hig h-risk cros s-cutting research mainly by various teams composed of young researchers. On the other hand, it offers no renewal funds for five years. Among the 52 ERATO initiatives, projects in the life science field are becoming more prominent year by year. Erato's recent U. S. evaluation suggests that the Erato project has supported considerable quality research and has an important and positive effect on Japanese research culture. 53 Since 1995, Japanese major research subsidies have all launched a large new program to support basic research, and each has greatly emphasized biotechnology and life science. 54

In addition to the increase in funding to innovative programs in Japan, international connections, especially the connection with the United States, are still important elements in Japanese companies and government agencies that are trying to improve biotechnology abilities. It is. These cooperation has not been transformed into a biotechnology commercial country, but many Japanese life scientists have gained experience as a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Health. 55 Japanese companies are working hard to cooperate with US universities and US Biotechnology Institute.

Industrial Structural Council General Industrial Technology Committee, Industrial Technology Council General Council Planning Subcommittee "Opening the Road to Science and Technology Creative Country; Toward the Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Assets" Executive Summer, June 1995.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In addition to the increase in funding to innovative programs in Japan, international connections, especially the connection with the United States, are still important elements in Japanese companies and government agencies that are trying to improve biotechnology abilities. It is. These cooperation has not been transformed into a biotechnology commercial country, but many Japanese life scientists have gained experience as a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Health. 55 Japanese companies are working hard to cooperate with US universities and US Biotechnology Institute.

Industrial Structural Council General Industrial Technology Committee, Industrial Technology Council General Council Planning Subcommittee "Opening the Road to Science and Technology Creative Country; Toward the Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Assets" Executive Summer, June 1995.

Market Trends and Market Access

The Japan Technical Evaluation Center "Japanese ERATO Tosak i-Maki Basic Research Program" (Royola, Massachusetts: JTEC, 1996). Although larg e-scale biological medicine research in the United States has not been conducted, Japan has continued to improve the basic research base, strengthening support for innovative programs. The Science and Technology Agency's Advanced Technology Investigation Research (Erato) program has been conducted since the early 1980s. ERATO is different from the traditional Japanese financing pattern that sends a small amount of subsidies to senior researchers, and is a hig h-risk cros s-cutting research mainly by various teams composed of young researchers. On the other hand, it offers no renewal funds for five years. Among the 52 ERATO initiatives, projects in the life science field are becoming more prominent year by year. Erato's recent U. S. evaluation suggests that the Erato project has supported considerable quality research and has an important and positive effect on Japanese research culture. 53 Since 1995, Japanese major research subsidies have all launched a large new program to support basic research, and each has greatly emphasized biotechnology and life science. 54

In addition to the increase in funding to innovative programs in Japan, international connections, especially the connection with the United States, are still important elements in Japanese companies and government agencies that are trying to improve biotechnology abilities. It is. These cooperation has not been transformed into a biotechnology commercial country, but many Japanese life scientists have gained experience as a visiting researcher at the National Institute of Health. 55 Japanese companies are working hard to cooperate with US universities and US Biotechnology Institute.

Industrial Structural Council General Industrial Technology Committee, Industrial Technology Council General Council Planning Subcommittee "Opening the Road to Science and Technology Creative Country; Toward the Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Assets" Executive Summer, June 1995.

The Japan Technical Evaluation Center "Japanese ERATO Tosak i-Maki Basic Research Program" (Royola, Massachusetts: JTEC, 1996).

These programs include the Agency for Science and Technology's "Strategic Creation Research Promotion Project" (life phenomenon is one of the four major fields), and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Future Science and Technology Creation Research Promotion Project" (Life Sciences is three major fields. One), the Ministry of Trade, Trade and Industry's “Innovative Industrial Technology R & D Promotion Project” (27 out of 109 adopted in the first year are biotechnology). The total funds for these programs in 1996 were about $ 260 million. See the National Science Foundation Tokyo Office, Report Memoranda 96-14, 96-15, and 9616 (TOKYO: National Science Foundation, 1996).

Normally, NIH has more than 2, 500 foreign researchers at all times, and most of them are supported by NIH for more than three months through the NI H-visiting program. As of March 1997, the top three foreign researchers dispatched are as follows.

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Normally, NIH has more than 2, 500 foreign researchers at all times, and most of them are supported by NIH for more than three months through the NI H-visiting program. As of March 1997, the top three foreign researchers dispatched are as follows.

Share page 92 quotes

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In the lon g-term biotechnology company, the commercialization mindset, hig h-performance research and product development practitions are useful for upgrading skills in Japan. 56 These programs include the Science and Technology Agency's "Strategic Creation Research Promotion Project" (life phenomenon is one of the four major fields), and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Future Science and Technology Creation Research Promotion Project" (Life Science is three major areas. One of the Ministry of Trade, Trade and Industry, and the “Innovative Industrial Technology R & D Promotion Project” (27 of the 109 firs t-year adopted biotechnology). The total funds for these programs in 1996 were about $ 260 million. See the National Science Foundation Tokyo Office, Report Memoranda 96-14, 96-15, and 9616 (TOKYO: National Science Foundation, 1996).

Technology and Manufacturing Trends

Normally, NIH has more than 2, 500 foreign researchers at all times, and most of them are supported by NIH for more than three months through the NI H-visiting program. As of March 1997, the top three foreign researchers dispatched are as follows.

Share page 92 quotes

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In the lon g-term biotechnology company, the commercialization mindset, hig h-performance research and product development practitions are useful for upgrading skills in Japan. 56

Biotechnology has been a focus on asymmetrical participation in the government's support. NIH has a large number of Japanese and other foreign researchers, and in contrast to the number of American life science researchers in Japan. Developing an approach that evaluates costs and benefits and develops more significant symmetry is not easy. For example, the background of asymmetry is the lack of a doctoral researcher in Japan, encouraging Japanese researchers to "postdoc" overseas, and suppresses foreign researchers to Japan. There is. The training and experience gained by these researchers is definitely a profit for Japan. 57 Japanese researchers and other foreign researchers work as a relatively lo w-cost human resource, which helps to perform NIH research missions more efficiently. The best way to correct this asymmetry is that Japan will continue to improve its own research base, continue to expand the opportunity for "postdoc", and the United States dispatches US researchers to Japan. I believe it is to continue to support.

The support of the Japanese government for life science and biotechnology research has also contributed to the improvement of US abilities. The Human Frontier Science Program was established in 1989 by Japan's leadership and funding to support interdisciplinary brain research and international joint research in molecular biology (see the Enfekeeping Article 2-2). The program supports about 20 US research teams and 10 researchers each year, making it a good example of Japan's international scientific leadership. US researchers are frequently participating in the Erato program, and the Japanese government is strengthening support for various international research exchange. In relationships with companies, alliances between Amgen and Kirin Brewery have succeeded. The fact that 58 giraffe participated in the joint venture with Amgen was extremely important in the commercialization of Amgen's first two blockbuster products, Epogen and New Pougen. Recently, Kirin has been reported to have made an important technical contribution in the development of platelet formation factor, Trombopoettin. It has become a focus. NIH has a large number of Japanese and other foreign researchers, and in contrast to the number of American life science researchers in Japan. Developing an approach that evaluates costs and benefits and develops more significant symmetry is not easy. For example, the background of asymmetry is the lack of a doctoral researcher in Japan, encouraging Japanese researchers to "postdoc" overseas, and suppresses foreign researchers to Japan. There is. The training and experience gained by these researchers is definitely a profit for Japan. 57 Japanese researchers and other foreign researchers work as a relatively lo w-cost human resource, which helps to perform NIH research missions more efficiently. The best way to correct this asymmetry is that Japan will continue to improve its own research base, continue to expand the opportunity for "postdoc", and the United States dispatches US researchers to Japan. I believe it is to continue to support.

The support of the Japanese government for life science and biotechnology research has also contributed to the improvement of US abilities. The Human Frontier Science Program was established in 1989 by Japan's leadership and funding to support interdisciplinary brain research and international joint research in molecular biology (see the Enfekeeping Article 2-2). The program supports about 20 US research teams and 10 researchers each year, making it a good example of Japan's international scientific leadership. US researchers are frequently participating in the Erato program, and the Japanese government is strengthening support for various international research exchange. In relationships with companies, alliances between Amgen and Kirin Brewery have succeeded. The fact that 58 giraffe participated in the joint venture with Amgen was extremely important in the commercialization of Amgen's first two blockbuster products, Epogen and New Pougen. Recently, Kirin has been reported to have made important technical contributions in the development of platelet formation factor, Trombopoettin. I have come. NIH has a large number of Japanese and other foreign researchers, and in contrast to the number of American life science researchers in Japan. Developing an approach that evaluates costs and benefits and develops more significant symmetry is not easy. For example, the background of asymmetry is the lack of a doctoral researcher in Japan, encouraging Japanese researchers to "postdoc" overseas, and suppresses foreign researchers to Japan. There is. The training and experience gained by these researchers is definitely a profit for Japan. 57 Japanese researchers and other foreign researchers work as a relatively lo w-cost human resource, which helps to perform NIH research missions more efficiently. The best way to correct this asymmetry is that Japan will continue to improve its own research base, continue to expand the opportunity for "postdoc", and the United States dispatches US researchers to Japan. I believe it is to continue to support.

The support of the Japanese government for life science and biotechnology research has also contributed to the improvement of US abilities. The Human Frontier Science Program was established in 1989 by Japan's leadership and funding to support interdisciplinary brain research and international joint research in molecular biology (see the Enfekeeping Article 2-2). The program supports about 20 US research teams and 10 researchers each year, making it a good example of Japan's international scientific leadership. US researchers are frequently participating in the Erato program, and the Japanese government is strengthening support for various international research exchange. In relationships with companies, alliances between Amgen and Kirin Brewery have succeeded. The fact that 58 giraffe participated in the joint venture with Amgen was extremely important in the commercialization of Amgen's first two blockbuster products, Epogen and New Pougen. Recently, it has been reported that giraffe has made an important technical contribution in the development of platelet formation factor, Trombopoettin, 59. 59.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

It is Japan (329), China (226), and Italy (144). In 1996, the Japanese Academic Promotion Association started a program to support up to 60 Japanese postdocs in NIH. As of May 1997, 18 Japanese postdocs participated in the program. In May 1997, NIH contacted.

Carroll Cooper Martin, a presentation at competitiveness taskforce, January 1995.

  1. According to an anecdote evidence and a past survey by NIH, few Japanese visitors belong to the industry before or after stay. Committee On Japan, Foreign Company Access To U. S. National Laboratories: Workshop Report, August 1994.
  2. National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in BiotechNology, Op.
  3. Amgen, partner giraffe and Denmark company's rights of blood coagulation proteins "" Wall Street Journal "August 16, 1995, pp. B2.
  4. Page 93 Share quoted

Recommended quote "5 Japa n-US and competitive force trends in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In Japan, doctors have a strong incentive to prescribe drugs because doctors are not pharmacists but most drugs. < SPAN> Japa n-US competitiveness and cooperation in Life Science and biotechnology are also affected by market factors. After World War II, under the Japanese policy of import restrictions and direct investment i n-inside, the Japanese pharmaceutical industry was able to grow mainly by the development of foreign products and the development of "Me Too" compounds. In the Japanese system, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for the approval of pharmaceuticals, and will determine the redemption schedule for pharmaceuticals and medical treatment in the Japanese National Health Insurance system. The redemption level for pharmaceuticals is traditionally more generous than the level of redemption for medical practice.

It is Japan (329), China (226), and Italy (144). In 1996, the Japanese Academic Promotion Association started a program to support up to 60 Japanese postdocs in NIH. As of May 1997, 18 Japanese postdocs participated in the program. In May 1997, NIH contacted.

Carroll Cooper Martin, a presentation at competitiveness taskforce, January 1995.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in BiotechNology, Op.

Amgen, partner giraffe and Denmark company's rights of blood coagulation proteins "" Wall Street Journal "August 16, 1995, pp. B2.

Page 93 Share quoted

The Contributions and Limitations of Technology Policy Solutions

Recommended quote "5 Japa n-US and competitive force trends in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In Japan, doctors have a strong incentive to prescribe drugs because doctors are not pharmacists but most drugs. The competitiveness and cooperation between Japan and the United States in Life Science and Biotechnology are also affected by market factors. After World War II, under the Japanese policy of import restrictions and direct investment i n-inside, the Japanese pharmaceutical industry was able to grow mainly by the development of foreign products and the development of "Me Too" compounds. In the Japanese system, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for the approval of pharmaceuticals, and will determine the redemption schedule for pharmaceuticals and medical treatment in the Japanese National Health Insurance system. The redemption level for pharmaceuticals is traditionally more generous than the level of redemption for medical practice.

It is Japan (329), China (226), and Italy (144). In 1996, the Japanese Academic Promotion Association started a program to support up to 60 Japanese postdocs in NIH. As of May 1997, 18 Japanese postdocs participated in the program. In May 1997, NIH contacted.

Carroll Cooper Martin, a presentation at competitiveness taskforce, January 1995.

According to an anecdote evidence and a past survey by NIH, few Japanese visitors belong to the industry before or after stay. Committee On Japan, Foreign Company Access To U. S. National Laboratories: Workshop Report, August 1994.

National Research Council, U. S.-Japan Technology Linkages in BiotechNology, Op.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Page 93 Share quoted

Recommended quote "5 Japa n-US and competitive force trends in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

In Japan, doctors have a strong incentive to prescribe drugs because doctors are not pharmacists but most drugs.

In recent years, the environment of foreign direct investment in Japan has improved, the drug price system has been changed to reward more innovative treatment, and the redemption price has declined year by year when pharmaceuticals are introduced. 60 Japan is a very attractive pharmaceutical market because it is a rich society where the population is aging rapidly. In recent years, major European and American pharmaceutical companies have been actively working on the acquisition of Japanese companies, acquiring complete ownership of a joint venture with Japanese companies, and establishing R & D labs and other business infrastructure. 61 In addition, the merger movement between European and American pharmaceutical companies has led to the integration and rationalization of businesses in Japan.

Large companies in the United States and Europe have become easier to access the Japanese market, but it is still difficult for small and mediu m-sized biotechnology companies in the United States. One problem is the Japanese drug approval system. This system has a greater burden than the US system and does not seem to be difficult to respond, but as a result of the unification of industrial promotion and regulations, it will be an advantage in domestic companies. The process may be operated. One example is that in the early 1980s, the Japanese government delayed the distribution of blood contaminated with HIV. Screening and treating blood contaminated with HIV will impose higher costs for the industry. The negligence has recently been revealed, but it has infected about 2, 000 people so far and about 400 people have died. 62 Contrarys and lack of expertise are problems in the Japanese drug approval system, and that domestic drugs are approved before the risk is fully understood, and the approval of foreign drugs, which has a Benefit, will be delayed. There is. 63 major foreig n-affiliated pharmaceutical companies have resources to overcome these obstacles, but small and mediu m-sized US biotechnology companies are often difficult to establish an independent sales base in Japan. < SPAN> In recent years, foreign direct investment environments in Japan have improved, pharmaceutical drug price systems have been changed to reward more innovative treatment, and redemption prices have declined year by year when pharmaceuticals are introduced. 60 Japan is a very attractive pharmaceutical market because it is a rich society where the population is aging rapidly. In recent years, major European and American pharmaceutical companies have been actively working on the acquisition of Japanese companies, acquiring complete ownership of a joint venture with Japanese companies, and establishing R & D labs and other business infrastructure. 61 In addition, the merger movement between European and American pharmaceutical companies has led to the integration and rationalization of businesses in Japan.

Large companies in the United States and Europe have become easier to access the Japanese market, but it is still difficult for small and mediu m-sized biotechnology companies in the United States. One problem is the Japanese drug approval system. This system has a greater burden than the US system and does not seem to be difficult to respond, but as a result of the unification of industrial promotion and regulations, it will be an advantage in domestic companies. The process may be operated. One example is that in the early 1980s, the Japanese government delayed the distribution of blood contaminated with HIV. Screening and treating blood contaminated with HIV will impose higher costs for the industry. The negligence has recently been revealed, but it has infected about 2, 000 people so far and about 400 people have died. 62 Contrarys and lack of expertise are problems in the Japanese drug approval system, and that domestic drugs are approved before the risk is fully understood, and the approval of foreign drugs, which has a Benefit, will be delayed. There is. 63 major foreig n-affiliated pharmaceutical companies have resources to overcome these obstacles, but small and mediu m-sized US biotechnology companies are often difficult to establish an independent sales base in Japan. In recent years, the environment of foreign direct investment in Japan has improved, the drug price system has been changed to reward more innovative treatment, and the redemption price has declined year by year when pharmaceuticals are introduced. 60 Japan is a very attractive pharmaceutical market because it is a rich society where the population is aging rapidly. In recent years, major European and American pharmaceutical companies have been actively working on the acquisition of Japanese companies, acquiring complete ownership of a joint venture with Japanese companies, and establishing R & D labs and other business infrastructure. 61 In addition, the merger movement between European and American pharmaceutical companies has led to the integration and rationalization of businesses in Japan.

Large companies in the United States and Europe have become easier to access the Japanese market, but it is still difficult for small and mediu m-sized biotechnology companies in the United States. One problem is the Japanese drug approval system. This system has a greater burden than the US system and does not seem to be difficult to respond, but as a result of the unification of industrial promotion and regulations, it will be an advantage in domestic companies. The process may be operated. One example is that in the early 1980s, the Japanese government delayed the distribution of blood contaminated with HIV. Screening and treating blood contaminated with HIV will impose higher costs for the industry. The negligence has recently been revealed, but it has infected about 2, 000 people so far and about 400 people have died. 62 Contrarys and lack of expertise are problems in the Japanese drug approval system, and that domestic drugs are approved before the risk is fully understood, and the approval of foreign drugs, which has a Benefit, will be delayed. There is. 63 major foreig n-affiliated pharmaceutical companies have resources to overcome these obstacles, but small and mediu m-sized US biotechnology companies are often difficult to establish an independent sales base in Japan.

Intellectual property protection is also a particularly important market access issue for biotechnology companies. Several features of the Japanese patent system, including the approval process and judicial enforcement, have created difficulties for U. S. companies in the past. These include a pre-grant opposition system that allows competitors to withhold or narrow patents, the lack of foreign language filings, and the generally narrow scope of Japanese patents compared to U. S. patents. 64 The lengthy drug development and approval process requires emerging U. S. biotechnology companies to make significant investments before they can realize revenue from their products. Intellectual property protection has been credited with positively impacting foreign companies' ability to obtain new drug approvals, including the 1986 U. S.-Japan Market-Oriented and Selective (MOSS) Agreement on Pharmaceuticals. See American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Making Trade Talks Work: Lessons From Recent History (Tokyo: ACCJ, 1997).

Yoshikawa Aki, Presentation to the Competitiveness Task Force, January 1995.

Kevin Sullivan, "Is the Minister of Health a Tonic for Apathy? Japanese is Battling Bureaucracy and Winning People's Support," The Washington Post, July 10, 1996, p. A12.

Masanori Fukushima, "Clinical Trials in Japan," Nature Medicine, January 1995. Interestingly, Fukushima advocates foreign pressure to bring about change in the Japanese system. He does not mention the possibility that the Japanese public, whose health is impaired by the system's flaws, could provide the impetus for change.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

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Outlook for 2007

  • Suggest Citation "Trends in U. S. and Japanese Technology and Competitiveness in Five Key Industries." National Research Council. 1997. Maximizing U. S. Benefits from Science and Technology Relations with Japan. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
  • Japan has problems, and American companies are in a weak position to enter the Japanese market directly, and feel pressured to license their products to Japanese partners. Meanwhile, Japanese pharmaceutical companies are active in patenting human genes in the United States. 65
  • In 1994, the Japanese and American governments signed two agreements to address intellectual property issues. 66 The agreements eliminated pre-grant oppositions by third parties, allowed foreign language applications, introduced an accelerated examination system, and eliminated the practice of granting subordinate compulsory licenses in the Japanese system. The United States changed the patent term from 17 to 20 years and obligated the publication of pending applications to begin 18 months after filing. Given the importance of entrepreneurial firms in the commercialization of new technologies in the United States and the critical role of intellectual property protection in determining whether American technological innovators can enter the Japanese market on favorable terms, it is important for the United States to monitor the implementation of the agreements and continue efforts to improve intellectual property protection in rapidly growing markets.
  • Japan's research and development capabilities in life sciences and biotechnology are likely to improve significantly in the future. If the US government and US industry continue to invest in US R& D and have access to developments in Japan, cooperation based on positive examples such as the Human Frontier Science Program could bring great mutual benefits.
  • In pharmaceutical and biotechnology products, large foreign companies are likely to improve their position in Japan. Japanese companies will continue to be pushed back. However, unless regulatory and intellectual property-related market barriers to smaller US biotechnology companies are addressed, Japanese companies will continue to enjoy significant bargaining power over smaller US biotechnology companies.


The rapid competitiveness improvement of the Japanese semiconductor device industry in the late 1970s and 1980s was closely related to the advancement of Japanese companies in the semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME) and materials fields. In response, the rapid market reversal suffered by U. S. equipment makers raised the possibility that there would no longer be a U. S.-based competitive presence in several key areas of the microelectronics supplier infrastructure. Some observers raised serious national security and economic concerns. 67 Dependence on Japan in the semiconductor equipment category could exacerbate problems for U. S. equipment makers if they were denied or delayed access to advanced products already available to Japanese chipmakers. 68 See "Japanese pharmaceutical and chemical companies hold nearly half of the 900 undisclosed DNA patents granted in the U. S., Europe and Japan between 1981 and 1995. Japan is Leading Race to Patent Genes of Humans," The Wall Street Journal, April 4, 1996, p. B6. U. S. Trade Representative, 1994 Annual Report (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1995).

See, e. g., National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, A Strategic Industry at Risk, November 1989.

In a 1991 survey, 22 of 59 U. S. companies contacted reported difficulty obtaining advanced products from Japanese suppliers. Semiconductor equipment was one of the most frequently mentioned problem areas. See U. S. Congressional Accounting Office, U. S. Business Access to Certain Foreign State-of-the-Technology (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1991).

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Beginning in the late 1980s, the United States took several policy steps aimed at slowing or halting the decline of semiconductors and related sectors. The 1986 Semiconductor Trade Agreement with Japan was intended to stop dumping that occurred during the market downturn in the mid-1980s and improve access to the Japanese market. In 1987, a group of U. S. semiconductor companies and the U. S. Department of Defense formed the SEMATECH Research and Development Consortium. 69

Computers, Software, and the Development of U.S. and Japanese Capabilities

SME sector is wide and plays a role as a major electronics, so this sector will be watched in the future. The SME industry is the focus of US competitiveness policy and plays a role in indicating many advantages and disadvantages in the industrial and technical development structure of both countries in Japan and the United States, so this study in Japan and the United States. Is particularly appropriate to evaluate. By examining recent trends in this industry and the development that can occur in the future, it will shed the recent sustainability of the US to strengthen the competitiveness and the effectiveness of policies and industrial approaches in recent years. You can do it.

The development and competitiveness of the small and mediu m-sized enterprise industry are closely linked to the situation of the semiconductor device industry, which is the customer base. In the early days of the semiconductor industry (late 1950s and early 1960s), device manufacturers like Texas Instruments cultivated ingredients i n-house and designed and manufactured tools i n-house. 70 In the early days, we handle special manufacturing equipment and materials such as Material Research (Sputtering Equipment), Giofigix Corporation of America (Step and repeat camera), and Samco (diffusion oven). The company has grown.

However, the small and mediu m-sized enterprise industry has truly emerged from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. The integration and performance level of the device increased, and the demands for manufacturing were strictly sophisticated, increasing the development cost of equipment. At the same time, the enriched technical opportunities and capital to provide funds to venture companies became available, allowing managers of existing device manufacturers to establish new companies one after another. With the ability of these equipmen t-only vendors vendors, even major device makers began to seek new processing technology. With the expansion of business opportunities, existing manufacturers of other types of precision equipment, such as the Varian Associates, have entered the market. < SPAN> SME sector is wide and plays a role as a major supplier industry in the electronics, so the trends of this sector will continue to be watched. The SME industry is the focus of US competitiveness policy and plays a role in indicating many advantages and disadvantages in the industrial and technical development structure of both countries in Japan and the United States, so this study in Japan and the United States. Is particularly appropriate to evaluate. By examining recent trends in this industry and the development that can occur in the future, it will shed the recent sustainability of the US to strengthen the competitiveness and the effectiveness of policies and industrial approaches in recent years. You can do it.

The development and competitiveness of the small and mediu m-sized enterprise industry are closely linked to the situation of the semiconductor device industry, which is the customer base. In the early days of the semiconductor industry (late 1950s and early 1960s), device manufacturers like Texas Instruments cultivated ingredients i n-house and designed and manufactured tools i n-house. 70 In the early days, we handle special manufacturing equipment and materials such as Material Research (Sputtering Equipment), Giofigix Corporation of America (Step and repeat camera), and Samco (diffusion oven). The company has grown.

However, small and mediu m-sized enterprises have truly emerged from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. The integration and performance level of the device increased, and the demands for manufacturing were strictly sophisticated, increasing the development cost of equipment. At the same time, the enriched technical opportunities and capital to provide funds to venture companies became available, allowing managers of existing device manufacturers to establish new companies one after another. With the ability of these equipmen t-only vendors vendors, even major device makers began to seek new processing technology. With the expansion of business opportunities, existing manufacturers of other types of precision equipment, such as the Varian Associates, have entered the market. SME sector is wide and plays a role as a major electronics, so this sector will be watched in the future. The SME industry is the focus of US competitiveness policy and plays a role in indicating many advantages and disadvantages in the industrial and technical development structure of both countries in Japan and the United States, so this study in Japan and the United States. Is particularly appropriate to evaluate. By examining recent trends in this industry and the development that can occur in the future, it will shed the recent sustainability of the US to strengthen the competitiveness and the effectiveness of policies and industrial approaches in recent years. You can do it.

The development and competitiveness of the small and mediu m-sized enterprise industry are closely linked to the situation of the semiconductor device industry, which is the customer base. In the early days of the semiconductor industry (late 1950s and early 1960s), device manufacturers like Texas Instruments cultivated ingredients i n-house and designed and manufactured tools i n-house. 70 In the early days, we handle special manufacturing equipment and materials such as Material Research (Sputtering Equipment), Giofigix Corporation of America (Step and repeat camera), and Samco (diffusion oven). The company has grown.

However, the small and mediu m-sized enterprise industry has truly emerged from the late 1960s to the early 1970s. The integration and performance level of the device increased, and the demands for manufacturing were strictly sophisticated, increasing the development cost of equipment. At the same time, the enriched technical opportunities and capital to provide funds to venture companies became available, allowing managers of existing device manufacturers to establish new companies one after another. With the ability of these equipmen t-only vendors vendors, even major device makers began to seek new processing technology. With the expansion of business opportunities, existing manufacturers of other types of precision equipment, such as the Varian Associates, have entered the market.

The environment of semiconductor industries and small and mediu m-sized enterprises in the United States urged market transactions to compete for their abilities and their arms. 71 device makers often improve their equipment to improve their performance, but these improvements were regarded as their own secrets and were not shared with equipment manufacturers. As a result, lon g-term cooperation and prior plans were inhibited. By the mi d-1970s, when the semiconductor market had severe management sluggish, the small and mediu m-sized business industry had a large number of large companies (Barian, Parkin Ermar, General Signal), which operate business in several devices. It was composed of small and financially vulnerable companies. The SME industry has experienced serious selection due to recession because the chip manufacturer canceled the ordering of the equipment. When orders recovered again in the late 1970s, many equipment manufacturers were wary of rapid production. Strict demand brought a decisive market opportunity to Japanese emerging and mediu m-sized enterprises.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

This historic outstanding is Jay Stowsky, The Weakest Link: Semiconductor Production Equipment, Linkages and the Limits to International Trade. RKING PAPER #27 (Berkeley, Calif.: August 1987).

Share page 96 quotes

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. The environment, which developed the semiconductor industry and the SME industry, urged market transactions to compete for "commodity" and skills in their skills. 71 device makers often improve their equipment to improve their performance, but these improvements were regarded as their own secrets and were not shared with equipment manufacturers. As a result, lon g-term cooperation and prior plans were inhibited. By the mi d-1970s, when the semiconductor market had severe management sluggish, the small and mediu m-sized business industry had a large number of large companies (Barian, Parkin Ermar, General Signal), which operate business in several devices. It was composed of small and financially vulnerable companies. The SME industry has experienced serious selection due to recession because the chip manufacturer canceled the ordering of the equipment. When orders recovered again in the late 1970s, many equipment manufacturers were wary of rapid production. Strict demand brought a decisive market opportunity to Japanese emerging and mediu m-sized enterprises.

U. S. CONGRESS, General Accounting Office, Sematicch's Efforts to Strength U. S. Semiconductor Industry (Washington, D. C .: U. S. Ting Office, 1990).

This historic outstanding is Jay Stowsky, The Weakest Link: Semiconductor Production Equipment, Linkages and the Limits to International Trade. RKING PAPER #27 (Berkeley, Calif.: August 1987).

Share page 96 quotes

Recommended quote "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries and trends in competitiveness". 1997. Maximizes the US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. The environment, which developed the small and mediu m-sized business industry, urged market transactions to compete for "commodity" and arms. 71 device makers often improve their equipment to improve their performance, but these improvements were regarded as their own secrets and were not shared with equipment manufacturers. As a result, lon g-term cooperation and prior plans were inhibited. By the mi d-1970s, when the semiconductor market had severe management sluggish, the small and mediu m-sized business industry had a large number of large companies (Barian, Parkin Ermar, General Signal), which operate business in several devices. It was composed of small and financially vulnerable companies. The SME industry has experienced serious selection due to recession because the chip manufacturer canceled the ordering of the equipment. When orders recovered again in the late 1970s, many equipment manufacturers were wary of rapid production. Strict demand brought a decisive market opportunity to Japanese emerging and mediu m-sized enterprises.

U. S. CONGRESS, General Accounting Office, Sematicch's Efforts to Strength U. S. Semiconductor Industry (Washington, D. C .: U. S. Ting Office, 1990).

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

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Current Capabilities and Trends

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Until the late 1970s, the SMEs in the United States had a considerable success in entering the Japanese market, boasting a share of 80 % in 1975. U. S. equipment manufacturers often used a trading company to distribute devices to provide a widespread service infrastructure. Today, Tokyo Electron Co., Ltd. (TEL), Japan's largest small and mediu m-sized business, has started as a specialized distributor for foreign equipment and gained a wealth of knowledge about marketing and technology. Through the connection with US companies in some product categories, TEL has been able to shift from distribution to the use of US designed in Japan and its own competitive products. There is no financial connection between Tokyo Electron and major Japanese customers in Japan, but other Japanese device manufacturers have started as a subsidiary of major semiconductor companies in Japan or closely related suppliers.

Despite the rapid development of home appliances until the 1960s, in the early 1970s, the Japanese electronics industry was delayed by the pace of rapid technological innovation established by the United States in major fields such as computers and tip integrated circuits. It looked like it was. At this time, the industrial government coordination strategy has been considered today as one of the great successes of Japan's industrial policy.

The VLSI (ultr a-large integration circuit) project focuses on the development of the required for the production of the nex t-generation device, especially the manufacturing devices required for the production of nex t-generation devices. R & D expenditures were divided into industry, and activities include reversal engineering and progressive improvements of US machinery. 72 Through this process, Japanese SME vendors have developed a close relationship with equipment manufacturers and developed various competitive products. 73

Japanese device makers took a conservative approach to products and process designs to defeat US companies with the introduction of 64K DRAM (dynamic random access memory) in the late 1970s. With the success in the rapidly growing DRAM market, Japanese device makers have expanded their production capacity and expanded their purchases of domestic machinery. < SPAN> Until the late 1970s, the US Small and Medium Enterprise Industries had a considerable success in entering the Japanese market, boasting a share of 80 % in 1975. U. S. equipment manufacturers often used a trading company to distribute devices to provide a widespread service infrastructure. Today, Tokyo Electron Co., Ltd. (TEL), Japan's largest small and mediu m-sized business, has started as a specialized distributor for foreign equipment and gained a wealth of knowledge about marketing and technology. Through the connection with US companies in some product categories, TEL has been able to shift from distribution to the use of US designed in Japan and its own competitive products. There is no financial connection between Tokyo Electron and major Japanese customers in Japan, but other Japanese device manufacturers have started as a subsidiary of major semiconductor companies in Japan or closely related suppliers.

Despite the rapid development of home appliances until the 1960s, in the early 1970s, the Japanese electronics industry was delayed by the pace of rapid technological innovation established by the United States in major fields such as computers and tip integrated circuits. It looked like it was. At this time, the industrial government coordination strategy has been considered today as one of the great successes of Japan's industrial policy.

The VLSI (ultr a-large integration circuit) project focuses on the development of the required for the production of the nex t-generation device, especially the manufacturing devices required for the production of nex t-generation devices. R & D expenditures were divided into industry, and activities include reversal engineering and progressive improvements of US machinery. 72 Through this process, Japanese SME vendors have developed a close relationship with equipment manufacturers and developed various competitive products. 73

Japanese device makers took a conservative approach to products and process designs to defeat US companies with the introduction of 64K DRAM (dynamic random access memory) in the late 1970s. With the success in the rapidly growing DRAM market, Japanese device makers have expanded their production capacity and expanded their purchases of domestic machinery. Until the late 1970s, the SMEs in the United States had a considerable success in entering the Japanese market, boasting a share of 80 % in 1975. U. S. equipment manufacturers often used a trading company to distribute devices to provide a widespread service infrastructure. Today, Tokyo Electron Co., Ltd. (TEL), Japan's largest small and mediu m-sized business, has started as a specialized distributor for foreign equipment and gained a wealth of knowledge about marketing and technology. Through the connection with US companies in some product categories, TEL has been able to shift from distribution to the use of US designed in Japan and its own competitive products. There is no financial connection between Tokyo Electron and major Japanese customers in Japan, but other Japanese device manufacturers have started as a subsidiary of major semiconductor companies in Japan or closely related suppliers.

Despite the rapid development of home appliances until the 1960s, in the early 1970s, the Japanese electronics industry was delayed by the pace of rapid technological innovation established by the United States in major fields such as computers and tip integrated circuits. It looked like it was. At this time, the industrial government coordination strategy has been considered today as one of the great successes of Japan's industrial policy.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Japanese device makers took a conservative approach to products and process designs to defeat US companies with the introduction of 64K DRAM (dynamic random access memory) in the late 1970s. With the success in the rapidly growing DRAM market, Japanese device makers have expanded their production capacity and expanded their purchases of domestic machinery.

This trend was a dramatic shift of market share. By the mi d-1980s, Japanese SME vendors were particularly advantageous to expand their share in the US market, especially in other products categories that are most important in manufacturing lysography, advanced testa, and advanced memory. 。 From 1980 to 1988, Japanese companies in the world's small and mediu m-sized business market rose from 18%to 39%, and US companies' share decreased from 75%to 49%. 74 As the Japanese breakthrough in the semiconductor device has concentrated on DRAM, a mas s-produced product known for promoting the progress of the manufacturing process, the improvement of competitiveness by Japanese small and mediu m-sized enterprises is several major major. It was especially noticeable in the product category.

The best thing is the resolution device for transferring the circuit pattern to a silicon wafer. The 75 lysography is a step of a wafer process that determines the feature size of the integrated circuit (IC), which is a restriction step for improving the production capacity of the IC. Therefore, the lysography is

Same up. Stousky is Nikon's Wafer Stepper, Canon's projection alignment, Hitachi, Toshiba, Nippon Electronics, an electronic beam exposure device, an advanced test, an io n-i n-injection device for Urbac, and Nikon's first X-ray aligner, and Dainippon Printing. It mentions direct and indirect contributions to the development of VLSI programs, such as X-ray masks, vapor and etching devices of international electricity, and iontophoresis; Urbac's first X-ray aligner, Nikon's first X-ray aligner, Nikon. X-ray masks printed by Dai Nippon Print, international electricity vapor and etching device, ion injection device, Tokuda dry etching device, and tester of Oto Electric.

VLSI RESEARCH data published in the US Ministry of Commerce Industrial Resources Management Bureau, "US Semiconductor Wafer Processing Equipment Industrial Evaluation of the National Security Evaluation" (1991).

The semiconductor manufacturing device is divided into machines used in the "pr e-process" of wafers and machines used in the "pos t-process" of assembly and testing. The former includes lysography, vapor (including chemical phase growth, CVD), etching strip, ion injection, and heat treatment. Same top, page 7-11.

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Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Is widely considered to be the most important segment in the SME market. In the Hikari Wafer Stepper, the largest lysography product category, from 1984 to 1989, US manufacturers' market share in the global market has fallen from 60 % to 15 %, and Japan's share has risen from 39 % to 75 %. did. 76

From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, Japanese SMEs expanded and integrated profits in the US market by acquiring more than 40 US SME vendors. 77 The deterioration of this important field in the US electronic device was concerned about Kawashita Industry and the government's US companies. At this time, IBM and other US companies took measures to survive the Parkin Ermar lysography category as a US company. The sale of Semi Gas Systems, a 78 gas processing system manufacturer, to Nippon Oxygen, a competitors, was opposed by some parliamentarians and Bush administration for the ant i-trade law. 79

As with other hig h-tech industries and manufacturing, which have grown rapidly from the 1970s to the 1980s, the situation in the SMEs has changed significantly in recent years. US vendors in the world's small and mediu m-sized enterprises have recovered from 53%in 1994. Japanese companies continue to be advantageous in major fields such as 80 lysography, but the United States has also been reviving. There have been some factors that have stopped the declining competitiveness of the US and mediu m-sized business industries in recent years.

The most prominent is the change in market trends. The consistent trend of semiconductor manufacturing is the expansion of minimal efficiency. The cost of producing a square centimeter silicon has fallen, but the cost of entering a new manufacturing facility (Fab) has risen to $ 1 billion. However, investment of 1 billion dollar fab is only three to five years now. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure redundancy when the device is broken, and the cost of the device has risen from 40 % to 70 % of the total. < SPAN> is widely considered to be the most important segment in the SME market. In the Hikari Wafer Stepper, the largest lysography product category, from 1984 to 1989, US manufacturers' market share in the global market has fallen from 60 % to 15 %, and Japan's share has risen from 39 % to 75 %. did. 76

From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, Japanese SMEs expanded and integrated profits in the US market by acquiring more than 40 US SME vendors. 77 The deterioration of this important field in the US electronic device was concerned about Kawashita Industry and the government's US companies. At this time, IBM and other US companies took measures to survive the Parkin Ermar lysography category as a US company. The sale of Semi Gas Systems, a 78 gas processing system manufacturer, to Nippon Oxygen, a competitors, was opposed by some parliamentarians and Bush administration for the ant i-trade law. 79

As with other hig h-tech industries and manufacturing, which have grown rapidly from the 1970s to the 1980s, the situation in the SMEs has changed significantly in recent years. US vendors in the world's small and mediu m-sized enterprises have recovered from 53%in 1994. Japanese companies continue to be advantageous in major fields such as 80 lysography, but the United States has also been reviving. There have been some factors that have stopped the declining competitiveness of the US and mediu m-sized business industries in recent years.

The most prominent is the change in market trends. The consistent trend of semiconductor manufacturing is the expansion of minimal efficiency. The cost of producing a square centimeter silicon has fallen, but the cost of entering a new manufacturing facility (Fab) has risen to $ 1 billion. However, investment of 1 billion dollar fab is only three to five years now. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure redundancy when the device is broken, and the cost of the device has risen from 40 % to 70 % of the total. Is widely considered to be the most important segment in the SME market. In the Hikari Wafer Stepper, the largest lysography product category, from 1984 to 1989, US manufacturers' market share in the global market has fallen from 60 % to 15 %, and Japan's share has risen from 39 % to 75 %. did. 76

From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, Japanese SMEs expanded and integrated profits in the US market by acquiring more than 40 US SME vendors. 77 The deterioration of this important field in the US electronic device was concerned about Kawashita Industry and the government's US companies. At this time, IBM and other US companies took measures to survive the Parkin Ermar lysography category as a US company. The sale of Semi Gas Systems, a 78 gas processing system manufacturer, to Nippon Oxygen, a competitors, was opposed by some parliamentarians and Bush administration for the ant i-trade law. 79

As with other hig h-tech industries and manufacturing, which have grown rapidly from the 1970s to the 1980s, the situation in the SMEs has changed significantly in recent years. US vendors in the world's small and mediu m-sized enterprises have recovered from 53%in 1994. Japanese companies continue to be advantageous in major fields such as 80 lysography, but the United States has also been reviving. There have been some factors that have stopped the declining competitiveness of the US and mediu m-sized business industries in recent years.

Recommended quotation "Trends in Japan and the United States in major industries". 1997. Maximizes US interests in science and technology with Japan. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.

Just as the problems that had plagued U. S. device manufacturers in the past have exacerbated the plight of small domestic vendors, the improvement in the U. S. semiconductor industry in recent years has helped U. S. small businesses recover. In response to Japan's push into DRAM, most U. S. trading companies have exited the memory business, choosing to focus on more profitable, design-intensive logic devices. The microprocessor market, especially dominated by Intel, has grown significantly in recent years. As a result, capital


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Japan's key to global competitiveness will be to develop its human resources. US Department of Commerce () “Japan's Manufacturing Competitiveness. The Asian Productivity Organization. (APO) is an intergovernmental organization committed to improving productivity in the Asia-. Pacific region. We intend to continue to advance the U.S.-Japan Global Digital Connectivity Partnership through the U.S.-Japan Dialogue on Digital Economy.

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