Alan Turing père de l informatique naissait il y a 100 ans

Alan Turing, père de l’informatique, naissait il y a 100 ans…

Same as many no n-defined fate, such as Jean Cocteau, Françoise Sagan, San Tegjuperi, Jea n-Jack Rousseau, George Sand, Space Physics, Jubert Reeves, and Gindine Zidin ... , British scientist Alan Turing, born on June 23, 1912 (Cancer), is generally regarded as a "computer father"! He spent his childhood in England because his father was a civil servant in India, but then spent a school. Enrolled in Kings College of Cambridge University in 1931, studied mathematics, and specialized in calculation of probability.

Alan Tuuling's intellectual analysis has departed from mathematics, leading him to an eclectic scientific road, such as calculation possibilities, cipher, formation of biological forms, and intellectual calculation. The first stage of this unusual journey was emulsified ... about 10 years ago, about 10 years ago, in 1936, he said, "The theory of calculated numbers, followed by the decision. It was when I wrote a dissertation entitled "to". Among them, Turing states the definition of calculation possibilities as follows. "The calculated number can be roughly defined as a real number that can be calculated by a finite means. Can be calculated. " In this paper he also describes a computer 10 years later. He assumed that if it was fully formulated, the machine could calculate various tasks. Specifically, this paper describes the first mathematical model of the algorithm and specifies its possibilities and limits. Thus, the "Turing Machine" was born!

2012, une machine de Turing en légo…

Before digging into the history of this "Turing Machine", it is worth visually expressing it. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling's birth, students in the computer basic master's course at the Lyon High School (Ecole Normale SupéRieure de Lyon) to concrete the vision of this clear scientist. I decided to produce "Lego Turing Machine" and pay tribute to him. < SPAN> Jean Cocteau, Francoise Sagan, Sain t-Tegjuperi, Jea n-Jack Rousseau, George Sand, Space Physics Jubert Reeves, Ginedine Zidin ... Similarly, the British scientist Alan Tuuling, born on June 23, 1912 (Cancer), is generally regarded as a "computer father"! He spent his childhood in England because his father was a civil servant in India, but then spent a school. Enrolled in Kings College of Cambridge University in 1931, studied mathematics, and specialized in calculation of probability.

Alan Tuuling's intellectual analysis has departed from mathematics, leading him to an eclectic scientific road, such as calculation possibilities, cipher, formation of biological forms, and intellectual calculation. The first stage of this unusual journey was emulsified ... about 10 years ago, about 10 years ago, in 1936, he said, "The theory of calculated numbers, followed by the decision. It was when I wrote a dissertation entitled "to". Among them, Turing states the definition of calculation possibilities as follows. "The calculated number can be roughly defined as a real number that can be calculated by a finite means. Can be calculated. " In this paper he also describes a computer 10 years later. He assumed that if it was fully formulated, the machine could calculate various tasks. Specifically, this paper describes the first mathematical model of the algorithm and specifies its possibilities and limits. Thus, the "Turing Machine" was born!

« MU », une machine de Turing universelle

Before digging into the history of this "Turing Machine", it is worth visually expressing it. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling's birth, students in the computer basic master's course at the Lyon High School (Ecole Normale SupéRieure de Lyon) to concrete the vision of this clear scientist. I decided to produce "Lego Turing Machine" and pay tribute to him. Same as many no n-defined fate, such as Jean Cocteau, Françoise Sagan, San Tegjuperi, Jea n-Jack Rousseau, George Sand, Space Physics, Jubert Reeves, and Gindine Zidin ... , British scientist Alan Turing, born on June 23, 1912 (Cancer), is generally regarded as a "computer father"! He spent his childhood in England because his father was a civil servant in India, but then spent a school. Enrolled in Kings College of Cambridge University in 1931, studied mathematics, and specialized in calculation of probability.

Alan Tuuling's intellectual analysis has departed from mathematics, leading him to an eclectic scientific road, such as calculation possibilities, cipher, formation of biological forms, and intellectual calculation. The first stage of this unusual journey was emulsified ... about 10 years ago, about 10 years ago, in 1936, he said, "The theory of calculated numbers, followed by the decision. It was when I wrote a dissertation entitled "to". Among them, Turing states the definition of calculation possibilities as follows. "The calculated number can be roughly defined as a real number that can be calculated by a finite means. Can be calculated. " In this paper he also describes a computer 10 years later. He assumed that if it was fully formulated, the machine could calculate various tasks. Specifically, this paper describes the first mathematical model of the algorithm and specifies its possibilities and limits. Thus, the "Turing Machine" was born!

Before digging into the history of this "Turing Machine", it is worth visually expressing it. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling's birth, students in the computer basic master's course at the Lyon High School (Ecole Normale SupéRieure de Lyon) to concrete the vision of this clear scientist. I decided to produce "Lego Turing Machine" and pay tribute to him.

Le « Test de Turing », ou la pensée calculable…

"Turing machine" is a completely original approach to the concept of calculation, and is the first to express the idea that machines can be calculated without human intervention. Turing describes a machine with a ribbon that can read and write symbols alternately by the read head. When the read head reads the symbol, it works according to the internal state of the machine and moves to the left or right to fix it. The internal state indicates what the read head should do to the symbol, in what direction, and what will happen to the next internal state of the machine as a function of this writing .... .. Turing explains a huma n-like mechanism that writes a symbol on the ribbon without a technical explanation of his machine, and has enough memory to expand the ribbon as the calculation progresses. 。 He assumes that the ribbon always has the necessary length, which is effectively infinite.

In accordance with the principle of the same calculation, Turing has advanced "MU", a "al l-sided machine" that simulates the execution of tasks of all tuillings. The principle was to examine the machines that can perform all kinds of calculations, from the simplest ones, such as the basic operations, to the most complex ones, such as the calculation of the star position. In order to do this, like a "simple" turing machine, the exact description of the task to be performed, in other words, gave a "program"!

Des sciences du vivant à l’intelligence artificielle

I admit that it is a little faster than writing it on the first ribbon of the machine designed by Turing. However, computers have this universal Turing machine DNA that can execute the calculated calculations to execute infinite "calculated tasks". < SPAN> Turing Machine "is a completely original approach to the concept of calculation possibilities, and expresses the idea that machines can be calculated without human intervention. Turing describes a machine with a ribbon that can read and write symbols alternately by the read head. When the read head reads the symbol, it works according to the internal state of the machine and moves to the left or right to fix it. The internal state indicates what the read head should do to the symbol, in what direction, and what will happen to the next internal state of the machine as a function of this writing .... .. Turing explains a huma n-like mechanism that writes a symbol on the ribbon without a technical explanation of his machine, and has enough memory to expand the ribbon as the calculation progresses. 。 He assumes that the ribbon always has the necessary length, which is effectively infinite.

In accordance with the principle of the same calculation, Turing has advanced "MU", a "al l-sided machine" that simulates the execution of tasks of all tuillings. The principle was to examine the machines that can perform all kinds of calculations, from the simplest ones, such as the basic operations, to the most complex ones, such as the calculation of the star position. In order to do this, like a "simple" turing machine, the exact description of the task to be performed, in other words, gave a "program"!

I admit that it is a little faster than writing it on the first ribbon of the machine designed by Turing. However, computers have this universal Turing machine DNA that can execute the calculated calculations to execute infinite "calculated tasks". "Turing machine" is a completely original approach to the concept of calculation, and is the first to express the idea that machines can be calculated without human intervention. Turing describes a machine with a ribbon that can read and write symbols alternately by the read head. When the read head reads the symbol, it works according to the internal state of the machine and moves to the left or right to fix it. The internal state indicates what the read head should do to the symbol, in what direction, and what will happen to the next internal state of the machine as a function of this writing .... .. Turing explains a huma n-like mechanism that writes a symbol on the ribbon without a technical explanation of his machine, and has enough memory to expand the ribbon as the calculation progresses. 。 He assumes that the ribbon always has the necessary length, which is effectively infinite.

Le centenaire de Turing

In accordance with the principle of the same calculation, Turing has advanced "MU", a "al l-sided machine" that simulates the execution of tasks of all tuillings. The principle was to examine the machines that can perform all kinds of calculations, from the simplest ones, such as the basic operations, to the most complex ones, such as the calculation of the star position. In order to do this, like a "simple" turing machine, the exact description of the task to be performed, in other words, gave a "program"!

  • I admit that it is a little faster than writing it on the first ribbon of the machine designed by Turing. However, computers have this universal Turing machine DNA that can execute the calculated calculations to execute infinite "calculated tasks".
  • In fact, Alan Tuuling himself was also involved in the first computer. During World War II, he spent a few months at Princeton University after asking the British government to decipher a German message (Enigma System) to a submarine surrounding the United Kingdom, and later became a programming language theory. I found a new electronic technology by working with something expert. Returning to the UK, he worked on a British technical team and a computer. He noted that the read head had to move from a certain square on the ribbon to another square, and pointed out the need to move directly to the desired square. To do so, the square must have an address. It is also an obstacle that the length of the ribbon on the machine is finite, but this is overcome by computer memory principles ...
  • Turing in 1950, he tried to use the computer's progress and put it on an intelligence test to compare it with human intelligence. Can machines have intelligence? So he devised a "test" to play against humans and computers. In the first stage, a human player must judge the gender of two men and women from the written answer. The principle of the test is that men try to deceive players and women try to help players. And to see if human answers can deceive "computer intelligence", machines are used instead of men. Turing imagined that the computer would eventually beat humans, but not yet. On the other hand, the Turing Test has inspired a number of conversational agent computer applications that give an illusion of intellectual thoughts that can create dialogue between humans and machines. Since 1990, the Rovenner Award has been awarded every year, inspired by the Tuuling Test and the best projects that meet the standards. < SPAN> In fact, Alan Tuuling himself was also involved in the first computer. During World War II, he spent a few months at Princeton University after asking the British government to decipher a German message (Enigma System) to a submarine surrounding the United Kingdom, and later became a programming language theory. I found a new electronic technology by working with something expert. Returning to the UK, he worked on a British technical team and a computer. He noted that the read head had to move from a certain square on the ribbon to another square, and pointed out the need to move directly to the desired square. To do so, the square must have an address. It is also an obstacle that the length of the ribbon on the machine is finite, but this is overcome by computer memory principles ...
  • Turing in 1950, he tried to use the computer's progress and put it on an intelligence test to compare it with human intelligence. Can machines have intelligence? So he devised a "test" to play against humans and computers. In the first stage, a human player must judge the gender of two men and women from the written answer. The principle of the test is that men try to deceive players and women try to help players. And to see if human answers can deceive "computer intelligence", machines are used instead of men. Turing imagined that the computer would eventually beat humans, but not yet. On the other hand, the Turing Test has inspired a number of conversational agent computer applications that give an illusion of intellectual thoughts that can create dialogue between humans and machines. Since 1990, the Rovenner Award has been awarded every year, inspired by the Tuuling Test and the best projects that meet the standards. In fact, Alan Tuuling himself was also involved in the first computer. During World War II, he spent a few months at Princeton University after asking the British government to decipher a German message (Enigma System) to a submarine surrounding the United Kingdom, and later became a programming language theory. I found a new electronic technology by working with something expert. Returning to the UK, he worked on a British technical team and a computer. He noted that the read head had to move from a certain square on the ribbon to another square, and pointed out the need to move directly to the desired square. To do so, the square must have an address. It is also an obstacle that the length of the ribbon on the machine is finite, but this is overcome by computer memory principles ...
  • Turing in 1950, he tried to use the computer's progress and put it on an intelligence test to compare it with human intelligence. Can machines have intelligence? So he devised a "test" to play against humans and computers. In the first stage, a human player must judge the gender of two men and women from the written answer. The principle of the test is that men try to deceive players and women try to help players. And to see if human answers can deceive "computer intelligence", machines are used instead of men. Turing imagined that the computer would eventually beat humans, but not yet. On the other hand, the Turing Test has inspired a number of conversational agent computer applications that give an illusion of intellectual thoughts that can create dialogue between humans and machines. Since 1990, the Rovenner Award has been awarded every year, inspired by the Tuuling Test and the best projects that meet the standards.

"Je suis devenu la mort, le destructeur des mondes" : qui était Robert Oppenheimer, le père repenti de la bombe atomique ?

Is it possible to see a computer machine exchanging with humans without distinguishing whether a computer machine is talking to a computer or a conversation with one of the same creatures? In such a competition, computers may "deceive" the judge by refusing to respond to the calculation problem that can be solved in just an instant (or delay the answer to reflect the human answer time). You can program. The judge may have to use humor in order to reveal the identity of a computer, but the machine has not accepted it much yet.

Alan Tuuling focused on a biological concept that "internal tissues are not based on formal code", suffering from formal language limits. Turing tried to identify the principle of creature forms. The form formation, in other words, "a series of laws that determine the form and structure of organizations, organs, and living things" attracted him. Turing began research, he was interested in everything that could not escape the calculation. That is why he focused on biological forms that organize themselves beyond the deterministic program, and more in general, focused on the unpredictable of the evolution of living things. For him, a calculation has become a measurement tool to explore nature and living things. As early as 1952, he advocates the theory that biologists will be confirmed in a few years, such as the formation of shells and spots on the fur of animals such as tigers and zebras.

The human brain is one of the biological forms that affect all the creatures that affect all the creatures. Turing thinks that it is no longer possible to distinguish machines and human intelligence in the approach of comparing calculated machines and human intelligence, which are embodied by the "Turing Test". "Artificial intelligence" has been founded. For Turing, if a computer contains the concept of calculation, he just departed from this concept, and has a different type of problem that escapes calculations by the negative inference already proven in his 1936 paper. You must be able to decide. Is it possible to see the

Turing died in June 1954 at the age of 42. The conviction of homosexuality was particularly impacted, and was forced to choose a chemical castration or imprisoned. In 2009, the British government announced an official apology for Alan Turing that he had been treated "inhuman" because he was gay.

Many events are being held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling:

CNRS celebrates Alan Turing 1912-2012 Alan Tuuling, or the basics of computing (3 times series)

How did the versatile machine change society (ENS Lyon School)

2012, Alain Tuuling year (world event)

History of computing

Early in the morning of July 16, 1945, Robert Oppen Hymer was waiting for the moment to change the world in a control bunker. The firs t-time atomic bomb experiment called the code name "Trinity" was scheduled to be held in the pale land of the Giornada del Muerts, about 10 kilometers away.

Oppenheimer is a typical example of nervous breakdown. He was originally thin, but after three years of director of the "Project Y", a science department of the Manhattan Technical District, which designed and manufactured the atomic bomb, he gained weight to just over 52 kg. It is very thin for 1. 78 meters tall. That night, he suffered anxiety and coughing of smokers, and could only sleep for only four hours.

This day in 1945 is one of the many decisive moments in Oppen Hymer in the biographical "American Prometheus" published by historian Kai Bird and Martin J. Shawin in 2005. 。

As Bird and Sherwin wrote in the book, the Army General was observing the mental state of Oppenheimer for the last few minutes of the countdown. He was hardly breathing. "He says.

When the explosion occurred, it ate the sun. The explosive power equivalent to TNT gunpowder 21 km was the largest in observation history. A shock wave that transmitted up to 160 km was generated. < SPAN> Turing died in June 1954 at the age of 42. The conviction of homosexuality was particularly impacted, and was forced to choose a chemical castration or imprisoned. In 2009, the British government announced an official apology for Alan Turing that he had been treated "inhuman" because he was gay.

Many events are being held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling:

Un homme "énigme"

CNRS celebrates Alan Turing 1912-2012

Alan Tuuling, or the basics of computing (3 times series)

How did the versatile machine change society (ENS Lyon School)

2012, Alain Tuuling year (world event)

History of computing

Early in the morning of July 16, 1945, Robert Oppen Hymer was waiting for the moment to change the world in a control bunker. The firs t-time atomic bomb experiment called the code name "Trinity" was scheduled to be held in the pale land of the Giornada del Muerts, about 10 kilometers away.

Oppenheimer is a typical example of nervous breakdown. He was originally thin, but after three years of director of the "Project Y", a science department of the Manhattan Technical District, which designed and manufactured the atomic bomb, he gained weight to just over 52 kg. It is very thin for 1. 78 meters tall. That night, he suffered anxiety and coughing of smokers, and could only sleep for only four hours.

This day in 1945 is one of the many decisive moments in Oppen Hymer in the biographical "American Prometheus" published by historian Kai Bird and Martin J. Shawin in 2005. 。

As Bird and Sherwin wrote in the book, the Army General was observing the mental state of Oppenheimer for the last few minutes of the countdown. He was hardly breathing. "He says.

When the explosion occurred, it ate the sun. The explosive power equivalent to TNT gunpowder 21 km was the largest in observation history. A shock wave that transmitted up to 160 km was generated. Turing died in June 1954 at the age of 42. The conviction of homosexuality was particularly impacted, and was forced to choose a chemical castration or imprisoned. In 2009, the British government announced an official apology for Alan Turing that he had been treated "inhuman" because he was gay.

Many events are being held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Alan Tuuling:

CNRS celebrates Alan Turing 1912-2012

Alan Tuuling, or the basics of computing (3 times series)

How did the versatile machine change society (ENS Lyon School)

2012, Alain Tuuling year (world event)

History of computing

Early in the morning of July 16, 1945, Robert Oppen Hymer was waiting for the moment to change the world in a control bunker. The firs t-time atomic bomb experiment called the code name "Trinity" was scheduled to be held in the pale land of the Giornada del Muerts, about 10 kilometers away.

Oppenheimer is a typical example of nervous breakdown. He was originally thin, but after three years of director of the "Project Y", a science department of the Manhattan Technical District, which designed and manufactured the atomic bomb, he gained weight to just over 52 kg. It is very thin for 1. 78 meters tall. That night, he suffered anxiety and coughing of smokers, and could only sleep for only four hours.

This day in 1945 is one of the many decisive moments in Oppen Hymer in the biographical "American Prometheus" published by historian Kai Bird and Martin J. Shawin in 2005. 。

As Bird and Sherwin wrote in the book, the Army General was observing the mental state of Oppenheimer for the last few minutes of the countdown. He was hardly breathing. "He says.

When the explosion occurred, it ate the sun. The explosive power equivalent to TNT gunpowder 21 km was the largest in observation history. A shock wave that transmitted up to 160 km was generated.

La rencontre de la physique

Small luggage transport: "GP" shakes the sector in Senegal July 22, 2023

One combatant reveals what happened due to the rebellion of Wagner July 21, 2023

When the roar wrapped the scenery, the mushroom clouds rising in the sky, the tension of Oppen Hymer loosened and turned into an "immense relief."

A few minutes later, Ishidor Rabi, a friend and colleague of Oppenheimer, looked at the scene from afar. "I will never forget how he walks, he will never forget him getting off the car. He has done it

In an interview in the 1960s, Oppenheimer said at the moment after the explosion, "I was dead and became a destroyer of the world" in the Hindu scriptures "Bagavad Guitar". He added heavyness to his reaction.

Early in the morning of July 16, 1945, Robert Oppen Hymer was waiting for the moment to change the world in a control bunker. The firs t-time atomic bomb experiment called the code name "Trinity" was scheduled to be held in the pale land of the Giornada del Muerts, about 10 kilometers away.

Image caption: In 1945, the nuclear bomb "Gadget" installed at the top of the tower for Trinity Experiment.

For a few days, his friends said he seemed to be more depressed. "Robert knew what would happen in the last two weeks, so it became very quiet and began to rumen," he recalls.

One morning, he heard that he was lamenting the fate of the imminent Japanese, saying, "Poor people, poor people). But a few days later, he was nervous, concentrated, and returned to himself.

At a meeting with the military officials, he seemed to have completely forgotten the "poor people." According to Bird and Shawin, he was obsessed with the importance of the atomic bombing conditions. Of course, it must not be dropped into rain or fog. The set value is just right. If you explode too high, the damage will be reduced to your goals. "

La lecture comme thérapie

In less than a month after Trinity, when Oppenheimer announced to a large number of colleagues that he succeeded in dropping the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Noi Horse held his hand like an Oppenhemer, saying, "Holded like a winning boxer, and on top of the head. Was shaken. Applause was "effectively pushed the roof." < SPAN> Small luggage transport: "GP" shakes the sector in Senegal July 22, 2023

One combatant reveals what happened due to the rebellion of Wagner July 21, 2023

When the roar wrapped the scenery, the mushroom clouds rising in the sky, the tension of Oppen Hymer loosened and turned into an "immense relief."

A few minutes later, Ishidor Rabi, a friend and colleague of Oppenheimer, looked at the scene from afar. "I will never forget how he walks, he will never forget him getting off the car. He has done it

In an interview in the 1960s, Oppenheimer said at the moment after the explosion, "I was dead and became a destroyer of the world" in the Hindu scriptures "Bagavad Guitar". He added heavyness to his reaction.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Image caption: In 1945, the nuclear bomb "Gadget" installed at the top of the tower for Trinity Experiment.

La route vers la bombe

Early in the morning of July 16, 1945, Robert Oppen Hymer was waiting for the moment to change the world in a control bunker. The firs t-time atomic bomb experiment called the code name "Trinity" was scheduled to be held in the pale land of the Giornada del Muerts, about 10 kilometers away.

One morning, he heard that he was lamenting the fate of the imminent Japanese, saying, "Poor people, poor people). But a few days later, he was nervous, concentrated, and returned to himself.

At a meeting with the military officials, he seemed to have completely forgotten the "poor people." According to Bird and Shawin, he was obsessed with the importance of the atomic bombing conditions. Of course, it must not be dropped into rain or fog. The set value is just right. If you explode too high, the damage will be reduced to your goals. "

In less than a month after Trinity, when Oppenheimer announced to a large number of colleagues that he succeeded in dropping the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Noi Horse held his hand like an Oppenhemer, saying, "Holded like a winning boxer, and on top of the head. Was shaken. Applause was "effectively pushed the roof." Small luggage transport: "GP" shakes the sector in Senegal July 22, 2023

One combatant reveals what happened due to the rebellion of Wagner July 21, 2023

When the roar wrapped the scenery, the mushroom clouds rising in the sky, the tension of Oppen Hymer loosened and turned into an "immense relief."

A few minutes later, Ishidor Rabi, a friend and colleague of Oppenheimer, looked at the scene from afar. "I will never forget how he walks, he will never forget him getting off the car. He has done it

In an interview in the 1960s, Oppenheimer said at the moment after the explosion, "I was dead and became a destroyer of the world" in the Hindu scriptures "Bagavad Guitar". He added heavyness to his reaction.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Image caption: In 1945, the nuclear bomb "Gadget" installed at the top of the tower for Trinity Experiment.

For a few days, his friends said he seemed to be more depressed. "Robert knew what would happen in the last two weeks, so it became very quiet and began to rumen," he recalls.

One morning, he heard that he was lamenting the fate of the imminent Japanese, saying, "Poor people, poor people). But a few days later, he was nervous, concentrated, and returned to himself.

Repenser l'énergie nucléaire

At a meeting with the military officials, he seemed to have completely forgotten the "poor people." According to Bird and Shawin, he was obsessed with the importance of the atomic bombing conditions. Of course, it must not be dropped into rain or fog. The set value is just right. If you explode too high, the damage will be reduced to your goals. "

In less than a month after Trinity, when Oppenheimer announced to a large number of colleagues that he succeeded in dropping the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Noi Horse held his hand like an Oppenhemer, saying, "Holded like a winning boxer, and on top of the head. Was shaken. Applause was "effectively pushed the roof."

Oppen Hymer is a spiritual and intelligent person of the Manhattan Plan, and has made the atomic bomb more realistic than anyone.

After the war, Jeremy Bernstein, who worked with him, was convinced that no one could do it. If Oppen Hymer was not the director of Ross Alamos, I am convinced that, for better or worse, the second World War II was ending without using nuclear weapons. "

Not to mention the pace that changes from one to the next, the various reactions that Oppenheimer's experience would have experienced when he finished his work may seem uneasy. The combination of nervous muddy, ambition, magnificence, and pathological melancholy is difficult to identify a person, especially a person who played an important role in a project that brings out such a reaction.

Bird and Sherwin also describe Oppen Hymer as a "mystery". They describe him as "a theoretical physicist with the charismatic qualities of a great leader and a aesthetics who has cultivated ambiguity."

Oppen Hymer was also a scientist, and at the same time, as a other friend described him, he was also a "firs t-class person to manipulate imagination."

According to Bird and Sherwin's explanation, the inconsistency of Oppenheimer's character, that is, the qualities that cannot explain his friends and biographers who he is, seemed to have existed since childhood. 。

"Capacité négative"

Image caption: In 1945, the nuclear bomb "Gadget" installed at the top of the tower for Trinity Experiment.

Despite grew up in such a luxurious environment, Oppen Hymer is remembered as a generous person who does not behave like a spoiled human. Alumni Jane Didisheim remembers that Oppenheimer was "very easy to blush" and "very weak, ros e-colored cheeks." "But it was very intelligent.

"Everyone immediately acknowledged that he was excellent, unlike other students." < SPAN> Oppenheimer is the spiritual and intelligent person of the Manhattan plan, and has made the atomic bomb more realistic than anyone.

After the war, Jeremy Bernstein, who worked with him, was convinced that no one could do it. If Oppen Hymer was not the director of Ross Alamos, I am convinced that, for better or worse, the second World War II was ending without using nuclear weapons. "

Not to mention the pace that changes from one to the next, the various reactions that Oppenheimer's experience would have experienced when he finished his work may seem uneasy. The combination of nervous muddy, ambition, magnificence, and pathological melancholy is difficult to identify a person, especially a person who played an important role in a project that brings out such a reaction.

Bird and Sherwin also describe Oppen Hymer as a "mystery". They describe him as "a theoretical physicist with the charismatic qualities of a great leader and a aesthetics who has cultivated ambiguity."

Oppen Hymer was also a scientist, and at the same time, as a other friend described him, he was also a "firs t-class person to manipulate imagination."

According to Bird and Sherwin's explanation, the inconsistency of Oppenheimer's character, that is, the qualities that cannot explain his friends and biographers who he is, seemed to have existed since childhood. 。

Oppenheimer, born in New York in 1904, was the son of a German Jewish immigrant, a wealth of fabrics. My parents' house was a large apartment on the Upper West side, with three servants and drivers, and the walls were displayed with European art.

Despite grew up in such a luxurious environment, Oppen Hymer is remembered as a generous person who does not behave like a spoiled human. Alumni Jane Didisheim remembers that Oppenheimer was "very easy to blush" and "very weak, ros e-colored cheeks." "But it was very intelligent.

"Everyone immediately acknowledged that he was excellent, unlike other students." Oppen Hymer is a spiritual and intelligent person of the Manhattan Plan, and has made the atomic bomb more realistic than anyone.

After the war, Jeremy Bernstein, who worked with him, was convinced that no one could do it. If Oppen Hymer was not the director of Ross Alamos, I am convinced that, for better or worse, the second World War II was ending without using nuclear weapons. "

Not to mention the pace that changes from one to the next, the various reactions that Oppenheimer's experience would have experienced when he finished his work may seem uneasy. The combination of nervous muddy, ambition, magnificence, and pathological melancholy is difficult to identify a person, especially a person who played an important role in a project that brings out such a reaction.

Bird and Sherwin also describe Oppen Hymer as a "mystery". They describe him as "a theoretical physicist with the charismatic qualities of a great leader and a aesthetics who has cultivated ambiguity."

Oppen Hymer was also a scientist, and at the same time, as a other friend described him, he was also a "firs t-class person to manipulate imagination."


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

9 Il se pourrait qu' Alan Turing ait commis un générateur poétique. Les premières œuvres publiées datent néanmoins de Page PHILIPPE BOOTZ siens. Il est considéré comme le père fondateur de la musique américaine. De il y a des processus uniques qui ne sont pas transférables au monde numérique. Through a series of research chapters and critical reflections this thesis tests ideas of dictation, translation, inscription and embodiment using the poetic.

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