Alliance for Responsible Citizenship ARC DeSmog
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)
The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is a nonprofit organization founded by Jordan Peterson 1 "An Invitation to the Future," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," February 2, 2023. Archived on DeSmog. mp4 in 2023. Thirty people, including "public intellectuals" Arthur Brooks, Nia Ferguson, and Bjorn Lomborg, were named to its initial organizing committee. 2 "ARC launch announcement," ARC , March 10, 2023. Archived on March 9, 2023. Baroness Philippa Stroud, CEO and co-founder of ARC, is a former CEO of the Brexit movement: Legatum Institute Foundation: case report," Gov. uk, June 1, 2018. Archive URL: https://archive. fo/82YEM Legatum Institute. 4 "ARC's Advisory Board," ARC, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bIJQt
Jordan Peterson interviewed several key figures who downplay the need for action on climate change, including Judith Currie, between February and April 2023, close to the launch of ARC. Archived . mp4 on file at Desmog. Bjorn Lomborg, 6 "12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 345," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," April 3, 2023. Archived . mp4 on file at Desmog. Alex Epstein, 7 "The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," December 8, 2022. Archived . mp4 on file at Desmog. and Steven E Koonin. 8 "Unsettled: Climate and Science | Dr. Steven Koonin | EP 323," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," January 16, 2023. Archived . mp4 on file at DeSmog. In an interview with Judith Curry, Peterson expressed the view that "One of the consequences of excess carbon dioxide output is that the Earth has become 15% greener since the dawn of the millennium." 9 "The Models Are OK, the Predictions Are Wrong | Dr. Judith Curry | EP 329," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," February 6, 2023. Archived on Desmog. mp4. In a conversation with Lomborg, who is also a member of the ARC Organizing Committee, Peterson commented: "I think that climate apocalyptic catastrophism is a form of religious endeavor. I think that climate apocalyptic catastrophism is a form of religious endeavor.
According to the announcement, "ARC first focuses on six basic questions." Because of the appropriate nature of the story indicating our direction, the role of the family, free replacement, environmental protection, and productive. It is up to the rule. 11 "Ark launch announcement", ARC. May 24, 2023 archive. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/phbtm
According to the Privacy Policy, the Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limited is incorporated in England and Wales, with a company number of 10519995. 12 "The Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limite d-Privacy Notice," Arc. April 10, 2023 Archive. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/r86cw
英国の Companies House の文書によると、この番号に一致する会社は、2023 年 1 月 20 日に Alliance for Responsible Citizenship Limited に社名変更されるまで、当初は Prosperity UK 2017 Limited という社名で運営されていた。 Many of the original organizations are remaining, and they are closely related to the London think tank, London Institute, connected to the United Arab Emirates. 13 "Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limited", gov. uk. uk. uk. uk. uk. uk. uk. uk. uk. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. UK. PDFS ON FILE AT DESMOG.
Legatum Institute Ties
Ark has many connections with legaltam Institute. In addition to the fact that ARC's CEO, Philippa Stroud, was previously enrolled in the Legatum Laboratory, Mark Alan Stallson, the current CEO of the legal tam group, is also a company with important control of ARC. It is described in the document. 14 "Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limited", Gov. uk. May 17, 2023. The archive . pdf is on Desmog.
Financial Times described the legal tum Instute as the "intellectual center" of "Hard" Brexit. 15 cynethia o'murchu and henry. Eve. Regaltham Institute has reported that a significant part of its funds (according to the 2017 article, £ 3. 9 million) is received from the legaltam foundation Limited.
DeSmog has mapped the connections between the Legatum Institute and the “Brexiteers’ brain.” 16 Alex Spence. “The Definitive Story Of A Former Washington Lobbyist Became ‘The Brexiteers’ Brain,’” Buzzfeed, May 22, 2018. Archived July 16, 2020. Archive. fo URL: http://archive. fo/vGhJi Shankar Singham and how this provided him with privileged access to the UK government to push for a hard Brexit. Singham was once a policy expert at the Heartland Institute in the US, which has received at least $676, 500 from ExxonMobil since 1998. 17 Matt Hope and Richard Collett-White. “Mapped: How Brexit Lobbyists Give Climate Science Deniers Privileged Access to the UK Government,” DeSmog, July 3, 2018.
A search of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists' (ICIJ) Offshore Leaks database reveals that Legatum Foundation Limited has ties to both Bermuda and the United Arab Emirates, and that two of its directors also have ties to ARC. 18 "ENTITY: Legatum Foundation Limited," International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Archived on May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/0yy4S
Screenshot from ICIJ database, with ARC officers circled in red by DeSmog
Name | ARC Position | Legatum Tie |
Philippa Stroud | "Co-Founder" 21 | We will introduce our organizing committee in the coming weeks. Tweet by "user" @arc_forum ", March 11, 2023. Archived on DeSmog. png. |
Former CEO 22 "ARC's Advisory Board," ARC , Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bIJQt | Alan McCormick | Ark Advisory Board member. Listed in the company registry as Managing Director of ARC since February 9, 2023 and as a person with significant control based in the UAE. 23 "alliance for responsible citizenship limited: company number 10519995," Gov. uk. Archived April 25, 2023. |
Partner at Legatum. "Together with his partners, he has founded organizations such as END Fund, Freedom Fund, Luminos Fund, MIT Legatum Entrepreneurship Center, and Legatum Institute Foundation, where he currently serves in governance roles." 24 "Advisory Board" "ARC Advisory Board", ARC, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bIJQt He has close ties to the Dubai investment company Legatum Group, which runs the Legatum Institute. | Christopher Chandler | Member of the ARC Advisory Board. 25 "Advisory Board" "ARC Advisory Board", ARC, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bIJQt |
He is a legatam founding partner, "I was involved in the establishment of major charity in legaltams, including the partner, such as the END Fund, the Freedom Fund, the Luminos Fund, and the London London Legatum Institute Foundation." 26 "Advisory Board" "ARC Advisory Board", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt | Mark Alan Stallson | He is an important dominant person and is described only in Ark's company registration in the UK. 27 "Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limited: Company number 10519995" GOV. UK. Archive on April 25, 2023. |
Legatum's highest executive officer and partner. 28 "Mark Stallson" LEGATUM. May 4, 2023 Archive. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/upjlf | Danny Kruger | A member of the Ark Advisory Committee. 29 "Advisory Committee" "ARC Advisory Committee", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt |
Former Senior Fellow (according to Linkedin Account, 2017-2018). 30 "Danny Kruger," Linkedin. May 2023. The archive . pdf is in the Desmog file. | Colin Blayer | Member of the ARC Advisory Committee. 31 "Advisory Committee", "ARC Advisory Committee", Arc, May 4, 2023 archive. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bijqt |
In 2021, he joined the GB News of Regalin Investment. 32 Chris Burn "Colin Blayer who switched from Sky to Andrew Neil's GB News: I feel free to stop pretending to have no opinion", "Yorkshire Post, May 26, 2021. April 3rd archive URL: https: //archive. ph/f669c | Arthur C. Brooks | Member of the ARC Advisory Committee. 33 "Advisory Committee" "ARC Advisory Committee", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt |
Legatham Institute Foundation Council, took office on September 2, 2019. 34 "The Legatum Institute Foundation: Charity Number: 1140719," Charity Commission for English and Wales. May 5, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/w4vev | Richard Douglas | A person with Ark's important control. 35 "Alliance for Responsible City Citizenship Limited: Company number 10519995" GOV. UK. Archive on April 25, 2023. |
Director of SENATE LIMITED established in the Cayman Islands. 36 "EX-99. A 2 H55970A4EXV999WA. HTM Schedule of Reporting Persons," SEC. GOV. See the full text submitted by SEC on April 21, 2008. In OFFSHORE LEAKS data, Legatum Foundation Limited is linked to Senate Limited shareholders. 37 "Entity: LEGATUM FOUNDATION LIMITED," International Construction of Investigative Journalists. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/0yy4s | Bjorn Rombolg | Member of the ARC Advisory Committee. 38 "Advisor Board" "ARC Advisory Board", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt |
Legatham Instute invited Bjorn Romborg to London and screened his movie Cool It. 39 "Testimonials", bjorn Lomborg. May 5, 2023 archive. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/f8ajv | Paul Marshall | Member of the ARC Advisory Committee. 40 "Advisory Board" "Arc's Advisory Board", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt |
Paul Marshall is a c o-lead investor in GB News along with legatum. 41 "GB News Announces Major Share Holder Investment, New Talent and Programs," Legatum, August 18, 2022. Archive is May 5, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/dsa1o Marshall is also reported in the lega l-tum Inteute program. 42 Peter Gagan "Legatum: Brexit's favorite think tank. Who is behind?" OpenDemoccracy, November 26, 2017. May 5, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/ycneq | Winston Marshall | Member of the ARC Advisory Committee. 43 "Advisory Committee" "Arc's Advisory Board," Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt |
GB News Ties
The son of Paul Marshall, who is investing and investing in Regalam Institute. 44 Zoe String Pell "I was able to maintain my honesty, dignity, and soul by quitting Winston Marshall Mamford & Sands" The Telegraph, Octover 23, 2022. Archived May 5, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/kddqj
Ark is also connected to the British righ t-wing broadcasting station GB news through the legal group group. The Regalam Group owns some of the GB News's parent company Al l-Purpectivs, and three of them, Paul Marthall, Alan Maccomic, and Mark Stallson are important rulers in Ark. be. 45 "All Perspective LTD," GOV. UK, Accessed June 19, 2023. Desmog . pdf archive.
ARC Launch
ARC's two advisors are also related to GB News. Helena Morrissey is also the director of the Allperspectives, and Colin Blazer is a former presenter of the GB News. Christopher Chandler, one of the main funders in the GB News, is an important ruler of ARC. 49 "All Perspective LTD," GOV. UK, Accessed June 19, 2023. Desmog . pdf archive.
Jordan Peterson announced the launch of ARC on the January 28, 2023 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience. 50 "An Invitation to the Future," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," February 2, 2023. Archived on DeSmog. mp4. Peterson said the group would be organized around a few key "questions" in the segment. Here are some notable quotes:
"At least implicitly, it is an alternative to the apocalyptic narratives of virgin planets, greedy tyrants, and consumer-devouring religions that are advocated by organizations like the WEF.
Peterson suggested the group would have a "pro-human perspective on the environmental stewardship front."
"If you want to develop alternative energy sources, fine; the more the better. But you can't force a self-indulgent utopian vision on the poor. We're trying to enrich the poor. We're trying to alleviate absolute poverty."
Peterson says, "The fourth question is, what vision do we have for family policy that encourages and sustains child-centered, long-term, monogamous couples and makes fertility-raising part of our policies?"
"Commence policies that support long-term, stable monogamous families, two-parent families, child-centered families. Because in the West, we are so immature that we think the purpose of marriage is the happiness of the people involved in the marriage, the husband and the wife. But that is not the purpose of marriage at all. The purpose of marriage is to promote the long-term psychological and spiritual growth of the couple and to create a beneficial environment for children. This is a responsible way of thinking. We need to have serious conversations about what that means. And because I think the ideal should be a long-term, committed, monogamous, heterosexual relationship. (Omitted)
Peterson also spoke about ARC in a session that lasted over an hour on his YouTube channel. 51 "The Future: Vision and Invitation | EP 339," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," March 13, 2023. Archived in DeSmog's file. mp4.
Peterson said that it was better to approach the "vision" of this group as "discussions centered on some questions" and pointed out:
"We should thoroughly explore the universe of the potential energy source so that we can provide diverse potential in energy, but we will increase energy prices to achieve environmental goals. I don't think anyone has the right to pursue people to absolute poverty.
Stance on Climate Change
He continued: "If the shor t-term reward is maximized, it will cause environmental destruction. By the way, what happened in Sri Lanka is exactly what Germany pursued a stupid green policy, to some extent. It is certain that happened. "
April 2023
According to the "Ark Survey" posted on Twitter, he answered the question: "The energy and other resources that all economies depend on are inexpensive, reliable, and reliable, including developing countries. How to supply in an efficient way?
Key Documents
"Simple answer: nuclear power + petrochemical chemistry. So we can survive for at least 100 years, and for a long time."
Key People
Regarding the company number 10519995, the following documents have been published in COMPANIES HOUSE in the UK. | full name | Occupation | Status | role | Appointment | Resignation |
Residence | Paul Rodelick Cruise Marshall | Investment manager | active | Director | December 12, 2016 | |
England | Alain James McCormic | Investment manager | active | Director | February 9, 2023 | |
United Arab Emirates | Oliver Planket | Director | Resignation | Secondary | January 15, 2017 | December 12, 2016 |
England | Jonathan Hopkin Hill | Director | active | Director | January 31, 2018 | December 12, 2016 |
Persons with Significant Control
England | Occupation | Status | Resignation | Residence |
Property of control | Investment manager | January 31, 2018 | February 10, 2023 | Cayman Islands |
He is a legatam founding partner, "I was involved in the establishment of major charity in legaltams, including the partner, such as the END Fund, the Freedom Fund, the Luminos Fund, and the London London Legatum Institute Foundation." 26 "Advisory Board" "ARC Advisory Board", Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/bijqt | Investment manager | January 31, 2018 | February 9, 2023 | Cayman Islands |
Has important influence or dominance | Investment manager | January 31, 2018 | February 9, 2023 | Cayman Islands |
Has important influence or dominance | Investment manager | January 31, 2018 | February 9, 2023 | Cayman Islands |
Residence | Investment manager | Director | December 12, 2016 | England |
Advisory Board
Name | full name | ARC provision description |
Desmog notebook | Ag Iruku | |
Ag Iruku is the chief pastor of the Jesus House for All Nation in London. Former investment Bank, a partner of the law firm, and is also a c o-founder of a charity group for children, Bright Futures for African Children. | Alain McCormic | A partner of the investment group LEGATUM. Established organizations such as End Fund, Freedom Fund, Luminos Fund, Legatum Center for Entrepreneurship at Mit, Legatum Institute Foundation, etc., and is currently responsible for the governance. He is also a c o-founder of the Regalam Prosperity Index, and the chairman of the GB News, the newest TV news network in the UK. |
DESMOG in 2022, "Alan Macawmic, an investment manager based in the Arab Emirates, has tweeted an article that questions climate science and is the chairman of the Foundation, which has been funded by fossil fuel rights." I reported that. "GB News Appoints Chairman Who Spent Years Promoting Climate Denial," Desmog, May 12, 2022. | Amanda Stalker | Amanda Stalker is a host of the Sky News Australian program, Sky News Australia, a corporate officer, a columnist of Australian Financial Review. He was a famous fellow at the Menzs Research Center, and served as a former member of the Minister of Labor and Foreign Affairs, and Assistant Secretar y-General as a member of the Federation of Liberty, Queensland, Australian Federal Council. |
Stalker used to be a director of the Australian Advancing Institute (AIP). Archive on February 14, 2017. Archive URL: HTTPS: //archive. phrdzdw A group that hosted Brisbane visiting Brisbane by Climate Change Denial Patrick Moore. 56 Graham Readfearn. Archive on May 16th year. Archive URL: https://archive. ph//roeuf AIP is also listed in a group that opposes the plain packaging of tobacco products by the Guardian paper. 57 "Fre e-Market Groups and the tobacco Industr y-Full DataBase," The Guardian, JANUARY 23, 2019. May 16, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/ctgfu | Andrew Hothy | Andrew Hothy is the Minister of Defense in Australia and has been a member of parliament since 2015. Chairman of the joint council committee on intelligence and security (2017-2020) and the Minister of Defense (2020-2022). Before working for public office, he was a member of the Special Airborne Regiment as an army officer. |
Andrew Hothy has stated the support of the coal industry. In 2022, he gave a speech against climate change bills in front of the crowd of coal workers: 58 Andrew Hothy "CLIMATE CHANGE BILL 2022" Andrew Hothy, August 3, 2022. May 16, 2023 Japan archive. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/lofqe
"As I have claimed for over 10 years, great familyism is a concept that worth rehabilitation. By praising the large family, you don't have to be a head. Blazer writes on Catholic Herald newspapers, saying that the story of breeding, which is ordered to breed, has the possibility of society benefiting from the chemical reaction of a large family. 64 Colin Brager "COLIN BRAST THAN JORDAN PETERSON," Catholic Herald, February 15, 2018. Archived May 15, 2023. Archive URL: // hive. ph/afuai
Guardian reports that Kuguler has been listed as one of the organizers in Agenda and Europe, an organization that is trying to affect abortion policy throughout Europe.
The purpose of the group is to "recover natural order" by gradually eroding abortion rights, the rights of homosexuals, and how to fight violence against women and reducing access to contraceptives. there were". 77 Angela Jufrida and Flora Garam Borgic "The Networking Influence Policy Across Europe," The Guardian, MAY 26, 20222. 6, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/asrcu
"The Prime Minister has consistently standing on the side of the fossil fuel lobby and has rejected the interests of other industries," Hamilton said.
In 2013, Howard stated that the issue was "unnecessary intellectual." In 2022, in an interview, Guardian reported that "the discussion (climate) is very exaggerated." 85 Glaham Readfian "THE GUARDIAN, 2022. 2023," 2023 Archive on May 16th year. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/moipl
Financial Times describes Peterson as "anti -#METOO, ant i-1968, an old man who is still masculine." 89 Henry Mons "Jordan Peterson: 'One Thing I'm Not Is Naive'," Financial Times, JUNE 1, 2018. Archive. is URL: http://archive. is/r5R5RAX
Atlas Network's profile of the center states: "Atlas Network's Center for African Prosperity focuses on the role that free markets, property rights, and the rule of law play in creating the conditions for people to thrive. 96 "African Prosperity Center" Atlas Network. Archived May 17, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/xADcP
In 2022, Johnson introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, described by critics as a "Don't Say Gay" bill. The bill would "prohibit the use of federal funds to develop, conduct, promote, or fund sexually oriented programs, events, or literature for children under the age of 10, and for any other purpose." 100 Laurel Wamsley, "What's in the so-called Don't Say Gay bill that could impact the whole country," NPR, October 21, 2022. Archived May 17, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/tZhu5
Johnson previously worked as a lawyer for the Alliance Defending Fund, which later became the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). 101 “New York fails to stop ADF lawsuit protecting free speech on license plates,” Alliance Defending Freedom, January 5, 2005. Archived May 17, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/rej5O ADF describes itself as “committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, marriage and family, and parental rights.” On June 24, 2022, it described the overturning of Roe v. Wade as a “victory!” 102 “Every Life is Worth Defending,” Alliance Defending Freedom. Archived May 17, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/2L8uM
Glassman says the blue Labor Party needs to reform around family, faith, work and place.
Lee proposes that the solution to climate change is "human flourishing" and growing the population: "The solution to climate change is... the serious business of human flourishing. The solution to climate change is... the serious business of human flourishing. The solution to many of our problems is to fall in love, get married and have some kids, wherever and whenever." 112 Katie Bernard "Sen. Mike Lee says solution to climate change 'is to fall in love, get married and have some kids'," CNN, March 26, 2019. Archived May 17, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/2PjS7
Women's rights were won on the basis that women exist and that women are different from men not only biologically but also in the challenges they face, their psychology, their role as mothers and their life experiences.
For example, if a transformer woman is a woman or denying the importance of biological gender, if the concept of a woman is eroded, it will eliminate women's rights. I can't overlook it silently. " 115 Miriam Kates "Women's cancellation is greater than" Cultural War "", The Telegraph, Octor 11, 2021. Archived Octomes 17, 2021.
Abbott joined the GWPF Board in 2023 and argued that "we are consistently i n-focus on climate discussions." 133 (Press Release). Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Global Warming Policy Foundation, February 6, 2023. Archived February 6, 2023. Archive URL . ph/Xeerh
GWPF claims that it is independent of the fossil fuel industry, but according to the Guardian newspaper reported in 2022, one of the donors is $ 30 million to 22 companies related to coal, oil and gas. Tax documents have revealed that they have stocks. Many of the organizations provide funds through the GWPF US Division, the American Friends of the GWPF, and the organization has been funded by the Sarah Skafn Foundation and Donorstrust. 134 Helena Horton and Adam Vichausky. "CLIMATE SCEPTIC THINKTANK RECEIVED FOSSIL FUEL INTERESTS," The Guardian, May 4, 2022. Archived May 18, 2023. . ph/zr8wr
Adam Maysson, Chairman of the Philanthropy round table, argues that "Dark Money" is not necessarily bad. 141 Adam Meyerson President Note: Misunderstanding about "Dark Money" "Philanthropy Roundtable, Fall 2013. April 9, 2019 Archive. Archive. fo url: https://archive. fo/M8jwb Round table has been funded by more than $ 300, 000 from the Cork and millions of dollars from the Dinner's Capital Fund, and I myself myself. It is donated to groups such as Four Human Studies.
In 2022, New Yorker introduced Lamaswami's profile in an article entitled "CEO of Ant i-Walk", and describes how Ramazwami is "E. S. G. (environmental, Society, Governance)." I'm doing it.
March 18, 2024
Bjorn Rombolg and Jordan Peterson jointly wrote an article entitled "We need to discuss the crisis before the next crisis arrives." They argue that the organization will "be able to hear opinions from a wider viewpoint worldwide." 143 Bjorn Romborg and Jordan Peterson "Commentary: We Need ABOUT HOW WE RESPOND TO CRISES BEFORE THEXT ONE," THE POST AND COURIER 2024. Archived March 25, 2024. Archive URL: https : //archive. ph/qtpw4
Rombolg and Peterson said, "The orthodox lockdown that panicked in the panic has settled too quickly, and those who have deviated from policy proposals are immediately labeled" COVID denial. " It was pasted. " 144 Bjorn Rombolg and Jordan Peterson "Commentary: We Need ABOUT HOW WE RESPOND TO CRISES BEFORE The NEXT ONE 2024. Archived March 25, 2024. Archive URL: https : //archive. ph/qtpw4
Next, the authors outlined the response of "worrisome" for climate change: 145 Bjorn Rombolg and Jordan Peterson. "Commentary: We NEED ABOUT HOW WE RESPOND TO CRISES BEFORE THEXT ON E-Cive URL: https: //archive. ph/qtpw4
"We need to seriously talk about how to respond to the treatment of the next crisis than to be much worse than the illness. Let's think about how to respond to climate change. Campaign. While fueling fear, the reduction of poverty and the improvement of resilience have not been mentioned in the past 100 years, which has decreased by 97 % in the past 100 years. However, the temperature of the world is nine times more than the temperature rising in the world.
"Finishing fear and suppressing inconvenient truths are going in a dangerous direction to a wrong solution. Politicians and intellectuals are far more than $ 100 trillion. In order to find the best solution that only a few minutes of profit, it is necessary to discuss the cost and benefits. Commentary: Before the next crisis comes, we need to discuss the response to the crisis. "The post and courier, MARCH 18, 2024. Archived March 25, 2024. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/qtpw4
They concluded that the Alliance Forum for Responsible Citizens can help us envision the future in a positive way. 147 Bjorn Lomborg and Jordan Peterson, “Commentary: We Need to Have a Debate About Responses to the Next Crisis Before It Comes,” The Post and Courier, March 18, 2024. Archived March 25, 2024. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/QtPW4
August 4, 2023
ARC board members Jordan Peterson and Bjorn Lomborg announced ARC’s intentions in the New York Post. They accused climate campaigners of “fear-mongering and suppressing truly inconvenient truths,” which they argued has resulted in pushing “false solutions” like net zero. 148 Bjorn Lomborg and Jordan Peterson, "Stop the panicked fearmongering if we want to make the world better," New York Post, August 4, 2023. Archived August 6, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/kEf9L
A variation of this article appeared in The Telegraph on August 6. "Elite groupthink put the West on the path to despair - but there's another way," The Telegraph, August 6, 2023. Archived August 6, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/FnKFM, The National Review on August, 10 150 Jordan Peterson and Bjorn Lomborg. "Jordan Peterson and Bjorn Lomborg: How to save critical thinking and constructive debate," National Post, August 10, 2023. Archived August 10, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/kHPNT and The Jakarta Post on August 11. 151 Bjorn Lomborg and Jordan Peterson. "Enough panicked fear-mongering on climate change," Jakarta Post, August 11, 2023. Archived August 12, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/L4bv9
May 15, 2023
In this meeting in London in May 2023, along with "God and Soku", the "resurrection" of "national identity and culture" was promised, and Jacob Leas e-Mog, Sherel Jacobs, Toby Young. Climate change denials, such as David Frost, were named as speakers. ARC members include Member Member, Danny Crewger, John Hayes, UNHERD Colamnist, Louise Perry, and James O'Ar, the president of the Edmand Bark Foundation. 152 JOEY GROSTERN and Adam Barnett. "Cabinet Ministers Join Outspoken Climate Deniers at National Conservatism Conference," Desmog, May 15, 2023. Archived May 15, 2023. tps: //archive. ph/vrisz
March 8, 2023
Related Organizations
- According to the group's launch, "ARC will hold an international conference in London in London for three days in London for three days, with more than 1, 000 hig h-level leaders in politics, culture, business, and academia." 153 "ARC launch announcement," Arc. May 24, 2023 archive. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/phbtm
Contact & Address
Legatum Institute Titut e-Duplicate of Director and Advisory Board members.
PROSPERITY UK 2017 Limited changed its address to the following on March 4, 2019:
6 Grosvenor Street London UNITED KINGDOM W1K 4pz
According to the documents submitted to Companies House, Prosperity UK 2017 Limited changed his address on December 18, 2017:
When the group was first incorporated on December 12, 2016, the following address was described:
C/O WPO Limited, First Floor 6 Grosvenor Street London UNITED KINGDOM W1K 4pz
Social Media
- Many British corporations describe London's 6 Grosvenor Street as an address, which is equivalent to the London Office of Boodle Hatfield LLP. 154 "London, Mayfair", Boodle Hatfield. Archive on May 24, 2023. Archive URL: https: //archive. ph/haiev
- @Arc_forum of YouTube
- @Arc_forum on Twitter
- ARC_FORUM Instagram
Other Resources
Alliance for responsible citizen activities on Facebook
"AN Invitation to the Future," YouTube Video Uploaded by User "Jordan B Peterson," February 2, 2023. archive . mp4. Mp4. "ARC Launch AnnounceMent," Arc, MARCH 10, 2023. Archived March 9, 2023."Arc's Advisory Board," Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bijqt
"The Models Are OK, the Predictions Are Wrong | Dr. Judith Curry | EP 329," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," February 6, 2023. Archived . mp4 on Desmog.
"12 Ways the Planet Could True Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 345," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," April 3, 2023. Archived . mp4 on Desmog.
"The Great Climate Con | Alex Epstein | EP 312," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," December 8, 2022. Archived . mp4 on Desmog.
"Arc's Advisory Board," Arc, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bijqt
"The Models Are OK, the Predictions Are Wrong | Dr. Judith Curry | EP 329," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," February 6, 2023. Archived . mp4 on Desmog.
"12 Ways the Planet Could True Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 345," YouTube video uploaded by user "Jordan B Peterson," April 3, 2023. Archived . mp4 on file at DeSmog."ARC launch announcement," ARC. Archived May 24, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/PHBTM
"ARC launch announcement," ARC. Archived May 24, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/PHBTM
"ALLIANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP LIMITED," Gov. uk. Accessed May 17, 2023. Archived . pdfs on file at DeSmog.
"ARC Launch AnnounceMent," Arc, MARCH 10, 2023. Archived March 9, 2023."ARC's Advisory Board," ARC, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL: https://archive. ph/bIJQt
Nevada's retail choice battle will greatly impact solar, everyone agrees. But for better or worse?
"Over the coming weeks we will be introducing our Organising Committee, Tweet by user @arc_forum," March 11, 2023. Archived . png on file at DeSmog.
In November, Nevadans will vote on whether to amend the state constitution to minimize regulation, eliminate legal monopolies, and provide retail choice in the state's energy market. Published on April 19, 2018Herman K. Trabish, Contributing Editor
Big financial interests are at each other's throats in Nevada, and the fate of residential energy customers is at stake.
The fight is over Question 3, which directs the Legislature to amend the state constitution to "minimize regulation of energy markets and eliminate legal energy monopolies." This allows for a competitive retail energy market where customers can choose their electric utility, also known as the "Energy Choice Initiative."
The consequences of the two are that this change may have a significant impact on the development of huge solar resources in Nevada. However, one says it will promote development, and the other is inhibited.
According to Nevada Independent paper, the third question has been supported by Sheldon Aderson's Las Vegas Sands and $ 1. 7 million from Switch, a data center provider. NV Energy, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE) and an investo r-owned power company that controls Nevada, is a major opponent of the third question. The company has promised $ 30 million to rejuvenate the third question.
Nevada's constitutional revision must be approved by voters in two elections. In 2016, YES won with a 72 % vote rate. However, the voters at that time were furious in the struggle to protect the state retail fare net energy metal (NEM) compensation for the roof. And NV Energy did not have a campaign against this measure in the election.
This year, the financial power and influence of Adesurson and the switch Rob Roy CEO will confront Warren Buffett's power and influence. If the third question is passed this fall, the parliament will establish a competitive energy market and make the Retail Electric Company (Rep) in charge of the role of NV Energy currently responsible for. 。
YES says that a new system has been introduced, and the parliament must design a market that protects clean energy policies and lowers rates. The NO side will say that competition will work well for financial power consumers, but small consumers are not protected, and states may be involved in a new struggle over roof solar power generation. 。
Democratic Senator Pat Spearman said that "Citizen's initiative initiative" would be passed in an interview with Utility Dive. However, she promised that consumer protection would be introduced by the parliamentary process.
Democratic Representative Chris Brooks is one of the four members of the parliament, the vic e-chair of the provisional Energy Committee of Congress, and one of the four members appointed the Governor's Committee on Energy Selection.
The backstory
"NV Energy campaigned against the state's rooftop solar incentives when voters passed the initiative in 2016, and consumers did not have a good opinion of the utility," he told Utility Dive. But the proposed rule changes could give REPs the option to make NEM less accessible. "If this initiative passes, those who fought the hardest for rooftop solar may be the most at risk."
The fight for Question 3 dates back to 2014, when Switch asked NV Energy to provide renewable electricity, Matt Griffin, chairman of the Yes Question 3 campaign, told Utility Dive.
"When the monopoly utility became an obstacle, Switch decided to take advantage of the state's Chapter 704B provision," Griffin said, which allows customers with at least 1MW of load to pay an exit fee when they exit NV Energy's system.
According to an account written by BHE Vice President Jonathan Weisgall and corroborated by Griffin, NV Energy met again with Switch, with the threat of losing its largest customer. The utility, Switch, and state regulators reached an agreement to provide 100% solar-powered electricity to the data center operator. A slight increase in electricity rates allowed NV Energy to meet its regulatory obligations.
Switch then gave up on paying the higher rates; instead, it paid an exit fee and left the system. Las Vegas' Wynn, MGM, and Sands hotels also applied to leave, but Adelson's Sands balked at the exit fee and remained an NV Energy customer.
Around that time, the rooftop solar debate exploded at the Nevada Public Utilities Commission (NPUC), when NV Energy proposed, and the commission approved, a steep cut in NEM compensation.
"Solar companies ran a ballot campaign against it. The issue became so toxic that the utilities had to capitulate, and before the fight was over, all three commissioners lost their jobs.
The result was AB 405, signed by Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval last June, which almost completely restored the NEM.
The Question 3 debate
But things have changed now, says former NPUC commissioner Rose McKinney-James, and she's neutral on Question 3. Her landslide victory in 2016 "was because there wasn't a $30 million campaign against it," she told Utility Dive. "Many voters were under the impression that they were voting to bring back rooftop solar. Many voters were under the impression that they were voting to bring back rooftop solar.
The election is more than six months away, but the differences between the candidates are already clear.
According to Aderson's support Yes, "the electricity bill has fallen by 4. 5 % to the inflation (electricity rates), but has risen 8. 5 % in monopoly." The NO, which supports Buffett, has been the second largest among US power companies since BHE acquired NV Energy.
YES supporters say that the options will increase demand for natural energy in the state and grow Nevada's natural energy economy. The No side says that since BHE took over, the power company has done so.
The Yes side says, "Nevada's Constitution is included only in two principles." The first is to eliminate "monopoly of power generation in Nevada". The other is to obligate the parliament to create an open and competitive energy market by July 1, 2023.
According to NO, the Initiative has already exercised the Governor of Sandabal to "facing the evolving energy policy" to increase the state of natural energy obligations in the state. NO added that this initiative is likely to overturn the victory after the struggle of NEM.
Are renewables protected?
YES says that the legislature will implement a "thoughtful r e-regulation" with the protection of power customers and state policy. NO says that a legislative office will take years to implement the transition to "deregulation", and a larg e-scale lawsuit will occur in the process.
Senator Spearman said that NO's claim must be able to be answered by establishing and implementing a competitive energy market by a pos t-electio n-led stakeholder process. "I deny the claim that retail electric operators do not provide services as before."
Representative Brooks is concerned about the impact of the Initiative on natural energy. "The net metering is turned over," he says.
"The AB405 has r e-established the probability of roof solar power generation and guarantees that net metaling users are part of the entire residential fee class." In the competitive retail market. Customers such as other customers will be in different pricing classes, increasing costs, and increasing electricity prices.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) was neutral in 2016 and still neutral, and senior scientists, Dylity Dive, told Utility Dive. "Building larg e-scale renewable energy plants and developing excellent programs is possible in both regulatory models.
"Large-scale renewable energy generation can only be the lowest-cost energy in the market through long-term contracts, and deregulated markets do not encourage long-term investment.
Nevada lawmaker
But the uncertainty created by potential regulatory changes could halt investment in large-scale renewable energy until it's resolved, he said.
Brooks agrees. "This vote will eliminate the uncertainty around energy choice, but it will pour cold water on the growth of large-scale renewable energy. "Large-scale renewable energy generation can only be the lowest-cost energy in the market through long-term contracts, and deregulated markets do not encourage long-term investment.
The current uncertainty is stalling procurement at a "scary time," he added. "Take advantage of the federal tax credits that are being phased out in the early 2020s.
The Energy Choice campaign has been "sold as a way to get voters to get more renewable energy," Brooks said. "Voters may be surprised to find that it could be counterproductive."
Re-regulation or deregulation?
Alex McDonough, Sunrun's vice president of public policy, doesn't agree. "Net metering is a sustainable policy that sits alongside energy choice in all but one restructured state, and is fully consistent with retail choice. AB 405 requires electric service providers to be "considered public utilities" and subject to state policies, including NEM and renewable energy mandates.
"It's wrong to call the ballot initiative deregulation. It's thoughtful reregulation. There's nothing deregulatory about this initiative."
Rebecca Wagner, a former Nevada utility commissioner who is now a private regulatory consultant, said that's not an accurate distinction. "Reregulation is a return from retail competition and deregulation to traditional cost of service and regulation by the Public Utility Commission," she told Utility Dive.
McKinney James said whether it's reregulation or deregulation, the Legislature and the NPUC must address unresolved issues, such as protecting solar owners and low-income consumers. "If this is approved by voters, there's going to be a lot of work to do."
NRDC's Sullivan defines deregulation as two things Question 3 imposes: separating generation ownership from transmission ownership, and turning generation into a competitive business.
"The only way to change the energy market in Nevada was to brush the market structure and impose it to members of the Diet or amend the constitution. The constitution was overturned and overturned.
Chairman of the Campaign in favor of the third question
Regardless of meaning, he added that regulations must include consumer protection, natural energy procurement, and "no n-discriminatory access." "Ne t-metaling is an example of a reason why the law must specifically stipulate that retailers cannot treat discriminatory between customers.
Creating legislation guidance is not easy, and Sullivan said, "There may be three legislative sessions before you know what the market is like," said Sullivan.
In order to accelerate the procurement of natural energy while the federal government's solar power deduction deduction is available, "solar power must be developed now." If the regulation is completed, the retailers are the sun. Using optical power, it can respond to state energy obligations in the state.
Representatives Brooks said that a report on Massachusetts' deregulation announced on March 29 has raised concerns about the third question. "The report is calling Massachusetts to return the residential fee paid to the regulated electricity market," said Representative Brooks.
According to a report to Massachusetts State (AG), according to the tw o-year survey, consumers, especially minorities and lo w-income customers, were regulated, according to the report to Massachusetts. It was charged more than $ 177 million than paying through a power company.
"If consumer protection measures have been strengthened, it is not enough to change the competitive supply market from serious net damage to net interest," concluded Secretary of Attorney. "I strongly recommend to Massachusetts members to consider the abolition of the electrical supply market for individual housing consumers.
Former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, John Wellinghoff, is a consultant in the third question. He stated that Massachusetts's experience did not apply to Nevada.
Massachusetts's existing power companies were allowed to compete with the REP, and had an unreasonable influence on the "exclusive power distribution service", and sent an email to Utility Dive. Nebada's yet no n-clear market rules have developed a more powerful consumer protection law, increasing the transparency of the market.
On April 18, the Governor's committee released a draft report on the NPUC's choice. The report identified many uncertainties related to the decision Nevada voters will make in November, including the cost to Nevada ratepayers, the threat to energy jobs in the state, the legal complexities of regulatory change, and the challenges of launching an energy marketplace.
The "reasonable conclusion," according to the committee, is that "if an energy choice initiative is approved by voters, its success or failure will depend most heavily on how it is implemented and whether Nevada is willing to invest the time and money required."
Wagner, McKinney James, and Brooks are concerned about the uncertainty facing residential ratepayers, especially low-income and rural customers. "When the cost of serving them becomes unprofitable for REPs, 'who will serve them and at what cost?'" Brooks asked.
Griffin responded that the stakeholder process after the initiative was passed would allow "everyone to work together" to answer remaining questions.
"The only way to change the energy market in Nevada was to draft a market structure and force it on lawmakers or amend the constitution. The constitution can and has been overturned.
Former Commissioner McKinney James said that in her personal opinion, "constitutional amendment policy is not the best way to go." "Unintended consequences" could occur, she warned. "But questions can be answered."
The Legislature's Interim Energy Committee will review the NPUC report and recommendations from the Governor's committee and propose legislation ahead of the November election, Brooks said.
- "That way the public, the press, and other lawmakers have a forum to better understand these issues before the vote. "There was no deliberation before the last vote."
