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The resolution of the United States seems to be improving at least a little. The latest quarterly reports of Broadband Now reported some small results to resolve Internet disparities.
As of December, 70 % of Americans could access lo w-cost broadband plans, defined as less than $ 60 per month, but were 52 % at the end of 2019.
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.
In contrast, 81%of California people can access the same speed, but only the same service of the same residents can use the same service, and 79. 1%can use the minimum speed of 25Mbps/3Mbps by FCC. Only 30 % of Americans can access 100Mbps lo w-priced plans.
Broadband reports also mention that Alaska residents can now use lo w-cost broadband plans. This figure is less than 1 % of the Alaska population, so many popularity remains. However, the fact that Alaska has become possible to some extent is that all 50 states and the special Colombian ward have become available for the first time in lo w-priced plans.
However, inexpensive Internet access, as mentioned above in California, is one of the major barriers to achieving fair broadband, and is needed to eliminate digital devices. It is one of many things. Many states provide more than 50 % of the broadcaster access set by FCC, but only six states and the Special Colombian ward provide 100 Mbps Internet speed. : Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Lord Island. < SPAN> The elimination of digital devices in the United States seems to be improving at least a little. The latest quarterly reports of Broadband Now reported some small results to resolve Internet disparities.
As of December, 70 % of Americans could access lo w-cost broadband plans, defined as less than $ 60 per month, but were 52 % at the end of 2019.
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.
In contrast, 81%of California people can access the same speed, but only the same service of the same residents can use the same service, and 79. 1%can use the minimum speed of 25Mbps/3Mbps by FCC. Only 30 % of Americans can access 100Mbps lo w-priced plans.
Broadband reports also mention that Alaska residents can now use lo w-cost broadband plans. This figure is less than 1 % of the Alaska population, so many popularity remains. However, the fact that Alaska has become possible to some extent is that all 50 states and the special Colombian ward have become available for the first time in lo w-priced plans.
However, inexpensive Internet access, as mentioned above in California, is one of the major barriers to achieving fair broadband, and is needed to eliminate digital devices. It is one of many things. Many states provide more than 50 % of the broadcaster access set by FCC, but only six states and the Special Colombian ward provide 100 Mbps Internet speed. : Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Lord Island. The resolution of the United States seems to be improving at least a little. The latest quarterly reports of Broadband Now reported some small results to resolve Internet disparities.
As of December, 70 % of Americans could access lo w-cost broadband plans, defined as less than $ 60 per month, but were 52 % at the end of 2019.
UNOOSA, IAF bring policy makers, research and academic communities to discuss space technology for socio-economic benefits
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.In contrast, 81%of California people can access the same speed, but only the same service of the same residents can use the same service, and 79. 1%can use the minimum speed of 25Mbps/3Mbps by FCC. Only 30 % of Americans can access 100Mbps lo w-priced plans.
Broadband reports also mention that Alaska residents can now use lo w-cost broadband plans. This figure is less than 1 % of the Alaska population, so many popularity remains. However, the fact that Alaska has become possible to some extent is that all 50 states and the special Colombian ward have become available for the first time in lo w-priced plans.
However, inexpensive Internet access, as mentioned above in California, is one of the major barriers to achieving fair broadband, and is needed to eliminate digital devices. It is one of many things. Many states provide more than 50 % of the broadcaster access set by FCC, but only six states and the Special Colombian ward provide 100 Mbps Internet speed. : Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Lord Island.
The current status of the US broadband is far from the rose image drawn by the latest broadband anniversary report released by FCC. FCC's report announced on January 19 claims that digital devices are rapidly shrinking. If you are looking at the numbers of 25Mbps as described above, that's true. However, this download speed is the lowest value of FCC since 2015. Before that, it was 4Mbps/1Mbps in 2010. It took five years for FCC to r e-establish the broadband speed last time, so strictly we will be late at this point, and the next minimum speed should be 100Mbps.
Today, Jessica Rosen Warsel FCC, who was nominated for Chairman of FCC today, argued in the FCC broadband report.
NOSDRA alerts of fire incident at a borehole drilling site
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The fact that Rosen Warsel, who had criticized FCC's policies and actions led by former Chair of Ajit Pie as a FCC chairman, was seriously working to eliminate digital devices and realized it quickly. It suggests that he is trying to do. And its seriousness seems to extend besides FCC.
At the hearing of Pete Batigig's candidate, Senator Amy Crob Char, a short reference to the possibility of laid a new optical broadband line on the infrastructure construction site. (This is a method called "Dig-once").
"Some of the South Bend (Indiana) realizes a phenomenal broadband fiber connection for the simple reason that someone remembered laying a conduit on a railway or highway." Batigig said. "I welcome the opportunity to confirm that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is open to support broadband deployment.
June 9, 2022
SES Team Spotlight: Stewart Sanders on the Innovation Power of the O3b mPOWER Ecosystem
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.This workshop will be held in Paris, France from September 16 to 17, 2022 in conjunction with the 73rd International Space Conference (IAC), and this is the 29th workshop series.
According to UNOOSA's release, this workshop has how space science, technology, and applications can support sustainable economic, society, and environmental development, and the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy of the universe. We provide a place to discuss how to develop and how to use the "access to the universe for everyone".
In the workshop, in addition to SDGS17 (partnership for goals), SDGS4 (high quality education), in consideration of the fact that the universe is directly and indirectly related to all 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). We take up specific elements of SDGS8 (Dysent Work and Economic Growth), SDGS10 (inequality reduction), and SDGS9 (industry, innovation, infrastructure). In order to bring the benefits of space exploration to the end users, this workshop involves people, students, private sectors, researchers, academia, innovators, and other stakeholders to ensure comprehensive development in the space technology. Works as a platform. < SPAN> The United Nations is a "Social Economic Economy, which is the United Nations Space Use Programs implemented by the United Nations Space Division, with the International Space Federation (IAF) and" Access to the universe for everyone: correction of space gaps ". "Space Technology Workshop for Full Profit", policy, decisio n-making, research and academic world meet together, and how to sustain various topics in the universe, as well as space science, technology, and application. Discuss whether it can support economic, society, and environmental development and develop science, technology and innovation (STI) policies related to the universe.
This workshop will be held in Paris, France from September 16 to 17, 2022 in conjunction with the 73rd International Space Conference (IAC), and this is the 29th workshop series.
According to UNOOSA's release, this workshop has how space science, technology, and applications can support sustainable economic, society, and environmental development, and the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy of the universe. We provide a place to discuss how to develop and how to use the "access to the universe for everyone".
In the workshop, in addition to SDGS17 (partnership for goals), SDGS4 (high quality education), in consideration of the fact that the universe is directly and indirectly related to all 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). We take up specific elements of SDGS8 (Dysent Work and Economic Growth), SDGS10 (inequality reduction), and SDGS9 (industry, innovation, infrastructure). In order to bring the benefits of space exploration to the end users, this workshop involves people, students, private sectors, researchers, academia, innovators, and other stakeholders to ensure comprehensive development in the space technology. Works as a platform. The United Nations is c o-eded by the International Space Federation (IAF) through a space use program implemented by the United Nations Space Department, and on the theme of "Access to the universe for everyone: correction of cosmic gaps". "Space Technology Workshop for" "Space Technology Workshop, Policy / Decisive Workshop, Research and Academic Worlds meet together, and how to sustain the cosmic topics, as well as sustainable space science, technology, and application. ・ We will discuss environmental development and discuss whether the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy of the universe can be developed.
This workshop will be held in Paris, France from September 16 to 17, 2022 in conjunction with the 73rd International Space Conference (IAC), and this is the 29th workshop series.
According to UNOOSA's release, this workshop has how space science, technology, and applications can support sustainable economic, society, and environmental development, and the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy of the universe. We provide a place to discuss how to develop and how to use the "access to the universe for everyone".
In the workshop, in addition to SDGS17 (partnership for goals), SDGS4 (high quality education), in consideration of the fact that the universe is directly and indirectly related to all 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). We take up specific elements of SDGS8 (Dysent Work and Economic Growth), SDGS10 (inequality reduction), and SDGS9 (industry, innovation, infrastructure). In order to bring the benefits of space exploration to the end users, this workshop involves people, students, private sectors, researchers, academia, innovators, and other stakeholders to ensure comprehensive development in the space technology. Works as a platform.
The workshop is expected to attract a total of 100 participants, including technologists, innovators, educators, policy and decision makers, and senior experts from international, regional, national, local, UN, intergovernmental, non-governmental, research and development, and industry. Participants should be senior managers or decision makers in government, national, regional, intergovernmental, non-governmental, or industry. Applications are especially encouraged from women.
June 9, 2022
The Nigerian National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) has alerted the public to the occurrence of natural gas in a borehole at Caritas University in Emene Enugu, southeastern Nigeria.
NOSDRA said, "In the process of drilling very deep to reach the aquifer, the drilling reached gas levels. We have informed the Commission Chief Executive of NUPRC."
The Zonal Head of the National Emergency Management Agency said efforts are ongoing to secure further technical assistance to bring the situation under control, despite securing the assistance of the Federal and State Fire Services.
NOSDRA was established by Act No. 15 of the National Assembly on October 18, 2006. NOSDRA is a subordinate agency of the Federal Ministry of Environment and is the agency that coordinates the implementation of Nigeria's National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) in accordance with the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC 1990), to which Nigeria is a party, and also incorporates Nigeria's National Oil Spill Contingency System (NOSCS). The National Oil Spill Response System (NOSCS) is the harmonization of all relevant regulations, organizations, personnel, procedures, facilities, equipment and logistical support to respond to a spill, mitigate adverse effects and manage all associated issues.
June 9, 2022
Since its announcement in 2017, O3b mPOWER has been a strategic initiative for SES and a major undertaking for the company, from its own engineering and product management to working with a wide range of hardware, software and services partners.
In terms of technical side, Stewart Sanders, a senior vice president in charge of SES, and O3B MPOWER program manager, is in charge. A few months before the first O3b Mpower Constellation was launched, we talked to Stewart to deepen the power and potential of the O3b Mpower Ecosystem.
From your point of view at the forefront of O3b Mpower development, what is the reason why O3b Mpower is very unique and exciting?
UNOOSA, Austria host symposium to explore best practices in mitigating and adapting to climate change and supporting sustainability on Earth
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.O3B Mpower's true super power is the software that extends to satellites, ground stations, modems, antennas, and even cloud. Our vision for the future of satellit e-based connectivity is that the customer only orders the customer according to the location, capacity, and other service parameters, and automatically implements services in real time with softwar e-led orchestras. That is.
O3b Mpower's ecosystem has various elements. First of all, please tell us about the universe.
The ecosystem's vision was the driving force of the design of the O3b Mpower, and it has been known from the first day that a wide range of partners, engineering expertise, and insight in order to realize it.
So the universe is exactly one of the basic parts of this ecosystem. In order to build a satellite, we work closely with Boeing, developing a completely digitized beamforming aircraft, including the initial concrete consisting of 11 satellites (Meo). did. This Constellation has a significant increase in capacity than the previous generation MEO.
What about ground segments?
This is another basic part of the equation, specifically, we are new ground stations, modem technology, new edge computing functions, managed gateway, private gateway, or Azure and other clouds. The data center has the ability to land directly traffic.
On the ground, we have focused on the nex t-generation customer terminals and antennas that meet a wide range of market segments and customer business requirements, from flat panels to mult i-beam antennas. We have actively tested antennas for various segments from multiple providers, including Isotropic Systems, Intellian, Comtech, Gilat, ST Engineering IDIRECT, and Orbit.
ESA and Inmarsat provide global solution to aviation’s capacity crunch and CO2 woes
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.Inmarsat inks new contract with European Space Agency to take Iris air traffic modernisation programme global and drive the future of uncrewed aviation airspace integration in Europe
Software is implemented for all main elements of O3b Mpower. In fact, we comprehensively integrate the various cuttin g-edge software that form the system, achieving flexible rea l-time control that supports the vision of fully automated. We worked not only with a partner like Microsoft, but also with many other partners, a leader in a specific field.
Its good example is the Kaila Space Solutions and the adaptive resource control (ARC) developed. ARC enables the control and optimization of the O3B Mpower space and ground assets, as well as the power, throughput, beam, and frequency assignment of nex t-generation GEO satellites. This allows the industry to automate unprecedented preceden t-precedent levels.
Many O3b Mpower customers have already been announced, but what are the early applications expected by the market?
As more new customers are looking at satellite connections, they are also seeking the ability to benefit from resilience and mult i-orbital technology as a whole market. Currently, we are the only provider of the mult i-obit solution, and our customers are highly evaluating the performance of MEO, not only in reach, but also, as well as the ideal balance between lo w-delay and high throughput.
For applications, government customers are more interested in building sobrine networks and strengthening ISR capabilities, and we are going to a new stage. Fixed data customers have a strong demand for the use of celluler backhalls planned by orange and the expansion of cloud domains to new places. Of course, cruise customers, like carnivals, will use the additional capacity to create new customer experiences on board and achieve better connections on more routes. In addition, connections are increasing to ships of various classes.
What can you expect next on the O3b Mpower journey?
With just a few months until launch, it is an exciting time for us as satellite testing continues. From an ecosystem perspective, we continue to expand our partnerships around new antennas and increase our ground stations. Most importantly, we continue to invest and collaborate on new software capabilities, as O3b mPOWER is the first system that can evolve, adapt and change through software to meet new customer needs, rather than having fixed capabilities at launch.
June 9, 2022
The 2022 UN/Austrian Symposium "Space for Climate Action: Experiences and Best Practices in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, and Supporting Sustainability on Earth" will be held online from September 13 to 15. The focus of the symposium is to present the latest efforts, experiences and best practices in climate change mitigation and adaptation, and supporting sustainability on Earth. It will also highlight how the space sector is adapting to reduce its impact on the climate crisis, as well as bring awareness to how Member States are using space technologies. The symposium will collect ideas and contributions to define future activities.
The symposium brings together government officials, diplomats, UN, international organizations and NGOs to raise awareness of various user groups about space-related activities, services and cooperation programs.
According to UNOOSA, the UN-Austria Symposium has been held in Graz, Austria since 1994. It is one of the activities of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs' Space Applications Programme. Since the first symposium, entitled "Enhancing Social, Economic and Environmental Security through Space Technologies," more than 3, 100 people have participated. A variety of themes have been covered, from security to youth, space applications for sustainable development, access to space and international cooperation. The last one focused on the use of space for food systems, in line with the UN Food Systems Summit.
Nigeria’s transportation ministry commissions digital biometric clock-in system
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The symposium is for diplomatic, interconnection, no n-governmental organizations, R & D organizations, policy decisions, senior experts, scientists, technicians, university educators, and especially developing countries.
UK satnav signal generated in new test to provide future resilient, precise, safety-critical capabilities
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The Souvenir Secretariat promises to support gender mainstream in the program and propose a balanced representative from various positions.
June 9, 2022
The congestion in air pace around the world is increasing rapidly, and the air industry has increased pressure to seek more sustainable practices. In Europe alone, it is expected that the number of flights will increase by 50 % in the next 20 years, and recent predictions are expected to increase the number of commercial UAV flights by 2030 than commercial aircraft.
As a result, Inmaltat and European Space Organization (ESA) have signed a new contract focusing on globalization of groundbreaking Iris Aerial Transportation Modernization Programs.
In this new stage, Iris Global, the fuel, CO2, and congestion that Iris brings, focuses on the technology and authentication necessary to share the region far beyond Europe. In order to further accelerate the modernization of ATMs, we will also adopt a system wide information management (SWIM) application to promote information sharing such as airport operation status, weather information, flight data, and ai r-range restrictions. In addition, we will also support research on future abilities to integrate without boarding aircraft into European airspace. < SPAN> This symposium series has provided a place for discussions between a wide range of stakeholders and groups in a wide range of cosmic communities, not only in the United Nations, but also for diplomatic officials, private companies, and academic worlds. The main purpose of the symposium is that from an interdisciplinary point of view, it is possible to discuss the use of space tools and applications that work on technical development and policy planning.
The symposium is for diplomatic, interconnection, no n-governmental organizations, R & D organizations, policy decisions, senior experts, scientists, technicians, university educators, and especially developing countries.
In the symposium, the representatives of the United Nations Public Museums in Vienna are invited with the United Nations and other international organizations, promoting not only policy decisive people but also dialogue with private sector and end users. The purpose is. In addition, the participation of representatives of the space application industry is welcomed, and a solution presentation is held.
The Souvenir Secretariat promises to support gender mainstream in the program and propose a balanced representative from various positions.
June 9, 2022
The congestion in air pace around the world is increasing rapidly, and the air industry has increased pressure to seek more sustainable practices. In Europe alone, it is expected that the number of flights will increase by 50 % in the next 20 years, and recent predictions are expected to increase the number of commercial UAV flights by 2030 than commercial aircraft.
As a result, Inmaltat and European Space Organization (ESA) have signed a new contract focusing on globalization of groundbreaking Iris Aerial Transportation Modernization Programs.
NIMASA: National Single Window Remains the Focus of Maritime Agencies in Nigeria
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The symposium is for diplomatic, interconnection, no n-governmental organizations, R & D organizations, policy decisions, senior experts, scientists, technicians, university educators, and especially developing countries.
In the symposium, the representatives of the United Nations Public Museums in Vienna are invited with the United Nations and other international organizations, promoting not only policy decisive people but also dialogue with private sector and end users. The purpose is. In addition, the participation of representatives of the space application industry is welcomed, and a solution presentation is held.
The Souvenir Secretariat promises to support gender mainstream in the program and propose a balanced representative from various positions.
June 9, 2022
The congestion in air pace around the world is increasing rapidly, and the air industry has increased pressure to seek more sustainable practices. In Europe alone, it is expected that the number of flights will increase by 50 % in the next 20 years, and recent predictions are expected to increase the number of commercial UAV flights by 2030 than commercial aircraft.
As a result, Inmaltat and European Space Organization (ESA) have signed a new contract focusing on globalization of groundbreaking Iris Aerial Transportation Modernization Programs.
In this new stage, Iris Global, the fuel, CO2, and congestion that Iris brings, focuses on the technology and authentication necessary to share the region far beyond Europe. In order to further accelerate the modernization of ATMs, we will also adopt a system wide information management (SWIM) application to promote information sharing such as airport operation status, weather information, flight data, and ai r-range restrictions. In addition, we will also support research on future abilities to integrate without boarding aircraft into European airspace.
The IRIS, developed by ESA's public-private partnership, is a service operated by the Inmarsat SB-S platform. It was created to provide strong benefits to airlines and aviation service providers (ANSP) by enabling wid e-band and cos t-efficient satellit e-based data link communication between air control officers and pilots. 。
The IRIS, which launched commercial and operation services in Europe in 2023, is the first telecommunications service that has been certified by the European Airlines Safety Organization EASA. As a result, the aircraft can be transmitted and received live with the ground system during the flight, increasing the possibility of operating, and responding to changes in the air traffic network.
IRIS is an important way to operate in orbit by sharing 4-dimensional (4D) orbital data between the aircraft and the ground. The first 4D orbital not only enables optimized rise and downward routes, but also optimizes the orbit, saving fuel and CO2 emissions. Iris uses the Aviation Communication Network (ATN) standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and is suitable for future ATMs and ATN Open Systems Interconnect (ATN OSI) protocols. It is possible to develop innovative ATM new features such as 4D orbital management.
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Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The IRIS, which launched commercial and operation services in Europe in 2023, is the first telecommunications service that has been certified by the European Airlines Safety Organization EASA. As a result, the aircraft can be transmitted and received live with the ground system during the flight, increasing the possibility of operating, and responding to changes in the air traffic network.
IRIS is an important way to operate in orbit by sharing 4-dimensional (4D) orbital data between the aircraft and the ground. The first 4D orbital not only enables optimized rise and downward routes, but also optimizes the orbit, saving fuel and CO2 emissions. Iris uses the Aviation Communication Network (ATN) standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and is suitable for future ATMs and ATN Open Systems Interconnect (ATN OSI) protocols. It is possible to develop innovative ATM new features such as 4D orbital management.
KAUST to build world-class vessel for marine research
Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.The IRIS, which launched commercial and operation services in Europe in 2023, is the first telecommunications service that has been certified by the European Airlines Safety Organization EASA. As a result, the aircraft can be transmitted and received live with ground systems and live systems, increasing the possibility of operating, and responding to changes in air traffic networks.
IRIS is an important means of realizing track operations by sharing 4-dimensional (4D) orbital data between the aircraft and the ground. The first 4D orbital not only enables optimized rise and downward routes, but also optimizes the orbit, saving fuel and CO2 emissions. Iris uses the Aviation Communication Network (ATN) standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and is suitable for future ATMs and ATN Open Systems Interconnect (ATN OSI) protocols. It is possible to develop innovative ATM new features such as 4D orbital management.
According to the CEO of Inmartsat's Radio Suri (CEO): "Insufficient capacity is a major problem worldwide, and relying on existing technologies alone does not solve the problem. Iris is 2023. The use of aircraft will increase in Europe, and as the next step in the Europe will be promoted. Expanding the IRIS mission beyond the airspace, sharing the results with the world is a natural flow, making the ai r-friendly environmen t-friendly flow, and UAV as soon as possible. In order to integrate well, all aircraft need to be equipped with appropriate technology.
ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher said: "Iris is a major step towards a more sustainable and efficient aviation industry. But it's just the beginning. Iris Global will spread the benefits of technological innovation and operational efficiency not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world. Achieving carbon neutrality for air traffic management by 2050 will be difficult, but we want to contribute through innovation in space to reach this ambitious goal."
Iris is backed by the company European Satellite Service Provider (ESSP), founded by air traffic control organizations from seven countries: France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. The company is the first air navigation service provider to possess a pan-European certification that allows the cross-border provision of air traffic management services.
Charlotte Neyre, CEO of ESSP, said: "The Iris program is a breakthrough for the aviation industry, providing cutting-edge new technologies that complement data link communications and address the challenges of digitalization, environmental protection and sustainable air travel. ESSP is proud to contribute its expertise to this important program, which will be the first to offer pan-European certification services as a stepping stone for future data link service provider organizations currently under consideration."
For the complete Global Iris solution, Inmarsat, the world leader in global mobile satellite communications, will also implement next-generation ATN/IPS (Aeronautical Telecommunication Network using Internet Protocol Suite) satellite communications in collaboration with industry partners and standards bodies. Iris Global will create a seamless gateway from ATN/OSI to ATN/IPS, allowing all aircraft to fly seamlessly around the world, regardless of whether they operate under either of the two standards.
June 9, 2022
The introduction of the Digital Biological Certification System, Deputy Ministry of Transport's Deputy Ajani, said that the introduction of the digital biological authentication system was part of the government's efforts to improve workplace productivity. Dr. Ajani said this while conducting a trial run of a digital biological authentication system in Abuja today. "We came here to test run for the cloc k-in system of the Ministry of Transport. This is necessary for staff to increase productivity in the office. The input can be done efficiently and effectively simply by clicking the mouse, and the work of the personnel management department is also more efficient. In addition to reducing the absence of staff unauthorized absence, the data processed from the device can identify the person in the workplace facility at that time, so it will also be a security tool. But the Patricia Human Resources Management Director said that the boss's official staff would be able to reduce the burden of the boss without the official approval. ・ Desk officer ENGR.
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Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.- The Englis h-led team in the UK is a program that takes advantage of domestic expertise and past experiences in groups to establish a national sovereign ability in air and marine fields to establish national sovereignty capacity of state sovereignty (PNT). As part of, we started broadcasting satellite navigation signals. This signal, which is being broadcast in cooperation with the US Federal Aviation Bureau (FAA), European Space Organization (ESA), and the European Union Space Planning Agency (EUSPA), is currently operated stably, industrial and regulatory authorities. Continuous tests and verification by users are possible. < SPAN> Ministry of Transport's Deputy Secretar y-General Magdaren Ajani said that the introduction of a digital biological authentication system was part of the government's efforts to improve workplace productivity. Dr. Ajani said this while conducting a trial run of a digital biological authentication system in Abuja today. "We came here to test run for the cloc k-in system of the Ministry of Transport. This is necessary for staff to increase productivity in the office. The input can be done efficiently and effectively simply by clicking the mouse, and the work of the personnel management department is also more efficient. In addition to reducing the absence of staff unauthorized absence, the data processed from the device can identify the person in the workplace facility at that time, so it will also be a security tool. But the Patricia Human Resources Management Director said that the boss's official staff would be able to reduce the burden of the boss without the official approval. ・ Desk officer ENGR.
- June 9, 2022
- The Englis h-led team in the UK is a program that takes advantage of domestic expertise and past experiences in groups to establish a national sovereign ability in air and marine fields to establish national sovereignty capacity of state sovereignty (PNT). As part of, we started broadcasting satellite navigation signals. This signal, which is being broadcast in cooperation with the US Federal Aviation Bureau (FAA), European Space Organization (ESA), and the European Union Space Planning Agency (EUSPA), is currently operated stably, industrial and regulatory authorities. Continuous tests and verification by users are possible. The introduction of the Digital Biological Certification System, Deputy Ministry of Transport's Deputy Ajani, said that the introduction of the digital biological authentication system was part of the government's efforts to improve workplace productivity. Dr. Ajani said this while conducting a trial run of a digital biological authentication system in Abuja today. "We came here to test run for the cloc k-in system of the Ministry of Transport. This is necessary for staff to increase productivity in the office. The input can be done efficiently and effectively simply by clicking the mouse, and the work of the personnel management department is also more efficient. In addition to reducing the absence of staff unauthorized absence, the data processed from the device can identify the person in the workplace facility at that time, so it will also be a security tool. But the Patricia Human Resources Management Director said that the boss's official staff would be able to reduce the burden of the boss without the official approval. ・ Desk officer ENGR.
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Surprisingly, Road Island, the smallest state in the United States, is most likely to use a lo w-priced broadband plan with at least 100Mbps download and uploaded 25Mbps. According to the report, 98. 4 % of Road Island people can use communication services, and 84. 2 % can use an affordable price plan.- The Global Mobile Satellite Telecommunications, Inmarsat, with the British partner, Goonhill Earth Station Limited, and GMVNSL Limited. Agency) Through the navigation innovation support program (NAVISP), the company is conducting examinations by funding the UK Space Agency (UK Space Agency).
- UKSBAS (UK Space-Based Augmentation System) generates overlay test signals on the US global positioning system (GPS), which are completely compliant as the standard of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and generates overlay test signals in the UK and air. For sea and air users, it is possible to evaluate more accurate, elastic and highly complete navigation. This is not a few meters provided by the standard GPS, but improves positioning accuracy with several centimeters of accuracy. This is the same system that is already evaluated in Australia and New Zealand with the support of Inmarsat.
- Since leaving the European Union (EU), the UK is not a part of the Galileo satellite navigation system, but the European Steering Service Overlay Service (EGNOS), which enables the use of GPS for airport entry and landing operations (EGNOS). You cannot use the human life safety (SOL) service. By reusing the SBAS Transponda of the I-3 F5 satellite of Inmarsat, which is 54 degrees west sutras, the UKSBAS signal can start this potential alternative system. The I-3F5, manufactured by Inmalcat's Athena partner, Lockheed Martin, and launched in 1998, covers the UK as part of the Atlantic Service Overlay. For this reason, it is an ideal candidate to participate in this test, and has already provided a service equivalent to a few times of low orbit satellite (LEO) satellite, providing a commitment to the sustainable possibility of the inmarrosat. There is.
- According to Todd McDonnell, President of Inmarsat Global Government: The Inmarsat team is inspired to provide new solutions through technology and innovation. Reusing the Transponda of satellites, which has been used for many years, and providing new functions to the UK can be important and permanent, and is the core of Inmarrat's philosophy. Providing such functions to the UK in cooperation with Goon Hilly and GMVNSL British companies is very rewarding.
- These tests will assess whether UKSBAS can be developed into a fully operational capability supporting safety-critical applications such as airport approach and landing operations and the navigation of ships through narrow waterways, particularly at night and in poor weather. Goonhilly provides the system's signal uplink from Cornwall, while Nottingham-based GMVNSL's software generates the necessary navigation data.
Transport Secretary Robert Court said: "The UK's thriving space sector is developing rapidly and UK-led innovations such as this have the potential to provide critical navigation services to our aviation and maritime sectors.
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"That's why the UK Government is investing millions in new technologies to make our transport network safer while also increasing employment opportunities for highly skilled jobs across the UK."- UKSBAS is contributing to the regeneration of the UK's strategic capability in this sector. The establishment of this new national platform creates an opportunity to evaluate highly integrated, resilient and highly accurate navigation across the country, in our airspace and in our surrounding waters. The project is vital for UK users who require accurate and highly consistent navigation capabilities and will initially target aviation and maritime, with potential applications for rail and road.
- UK Space Agency CEO Paul Bate said: "I congratulate Inmarsat, Goonhilly and GMVNSL on this fantastic achievement. In recent years, the UK Space Agency has invested in developing UK expertise in PNT (Positioning, Navigation and Timing). The government's commitment to strengthening the resilience of PNT is set out in both the National Space Strategy and the Integrated Review, given its importance to critical national infrastructure and the economy.
- "This project is a great example of the technological innovation seen across the UK space sector and shows how we can effectively work together with the European Space Agency to strengthen the country's space capabilities."
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"That's why the UK Government is investing millions in new technologies to make our transport network safer while also increasing employment opportunities for highly skilled jobs across the UK."- Addressing a press briefing after the meeting, the Registered Director of the Council for Freight Forwarding and Regulatory Affairs of Nigeria (CRFFN), Mr Sam Nwakohu, said full automation of the internal processes of the agencies was a prerequisite for the realisation of the expected National Single Window regime in the sector.
- Nwakohu, who chaired the meeting, said the Chief Executive Officers of the various ministries and agencies agreed on a timeline for achieving full automation of their internal processes. "We have agreed that all ministries under the Ministry of Transport will achieve full automation as a priority. The process will be well coordinated and we have also given ourselves a timeline to achieve this," he said.
- The Director-General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Bashir Jamoh, said NIMASA's automation process has reached over 80 percent.
- Jamoh also gave an assurance that NIMASA's commitment to automation is to plug revenue leakages in the system while at the same time reducing human interface. In line with the Federal Government's Executive Order on "Ease of Doing Business," we are working towards full automation to achieve reduction in human interface in most of our transactions with our stakeholders. The target is to align with the National Single Window Initiative once all the internal processes of the various agencies are completed," he said.
On the high freight rates resulting from war risk insurance taken out on Nigerian flagged vessels, the NIMASA Director-General said the agency will focus on changing attitudes while also encouraging the international community to review. The move is in conjunction with Nigeria being removed from the global piracy list.
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"That's why the UK Government is investing millions in new technologies to make our transport network safer while also increasing employment opportunities for highly skilled jobs across the UK."- The conference was held for the first time in 2020 with the aim of strengthening synergy and cooperation among transport agencies under the supervision of FMOT for a more effective and efficient maritime sector.
- The conference was also attended by Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Mohammed Bello Koko, Executive Director of the Nigerian Shippers Council (NSC), Emmanuel Jime, and Managing Director of the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), George Moguharu.
- Also in attendance were Managing Director of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC), Fidette Ohilia, Principal of the Nigerian Maritime Academy (MAN), Oron, Admiral Emmanuel Duja Efedua, and Director of the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria, Bayero Salihara Zaria.
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"That's why the UK Government is investing millions in new technologies to make our transport network safer while also increasing employment opportunities for highly skilled jobs across the UK."With its mission to provide world-class marine research and support Saudi Arabia's goal of studying and protecting the marine environment, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is investing in a state-of-the-art oceanographic research vessel (RV) to replace the existing Thuwal RV. KAUST selected naval architecture firm Glosten to design the vessel.
The new RV will bring advanced research capabilities for work in both shallow reef and deep sea environments, including a reconfigurable deck for versatile tasks and equipment, and weatherproof properties to manage the unique conditions of the Red Sea.
Since 2013, KAUST scientists have been at sea for as many as 220 days per year. However, the retrofitted 34. 7-meter Thuwal vessel is limited in the tasks and sea conditions it can manage. As KAUST expands its Red Sea research ambitions, it requires a robust vessel with optimal capabilities.
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The ship designed by Glosten increases the stability and reliability for operating throughout the year in areas with similar areas of the Red Sea, Bay, and tropical waters and climate conditions. The custom designed functions are compatible with a wide range of marine missions, including seawater, sediments, and biological sampling up to about 3000 meters, the depth of the Red Sea.
This 5 0-mete r-long boat is significantly larger and provides a wider range of operation capabilities. The deck is designed so that heavy equipment and advanced equipment in various fields, such as global science, biological science, marine science, and marine survey, can be arranged. The RV ship is equipped with an advanced positioning system, allowing lon g-time remote inspection vehicles, autonomous driving vehicles, and global science sampling systems.
By combining this feature, KAUST has a new discovery to strengthen surveys and joint research, develops knowledge of this young sea, and eventually the Kingdom, Amaala, Red Sea Giga Project, etc. Can be supported better. This ship is built independently to conduct research in the Red Sea and is the only advanced marine ship of this type, operated by scientists and crew members with specialized expertise in the waters.
"Kaust is a major base for marine research in the Red Sea and is expanding his activities to integrate with the interests of the kingdom. Dr. Donal Bradley, Vice President and Special Professor in Kaust, said. Investment on the class research ships will fully support Saudi Arabia and partners around the world, and provide a commitment to provide comparable infrastructure for KAUST teachers, researchers, and students to pursue exciting research plans. It emphasizes.
Glosten has been providing design and engineering support in the ocean research community for over 60 years, and in cooperation with scientists and operators, an economic design optimized for marine science, operation area, and low emission gas. Provided. The company will be designed to be designed, supported by shipyard bidding, and to hand over to KAUST, and the project will be completed in 2026. The ship designed by Glosten increases the stability and reliability to operate throughout the year in the red seas, the Akaba bay, and the tropical waters and climate conditions. The custom designed functions are compatible with a wide range of marine missions, including seawater, sediments, and biological sampling up to about 3000 meters, the depth of the Red Sea.
This 5 0-mete r-long boat is significantly larger and provides a wider range of operation capabilities. The deck is designed so that heavy equipment and advanced equipment in various fields, such as global science, biological science, marine science, and marine survey, can be arranged. The RV ship is equipped with an advanced positioning system, allowing lon g-time remote inspection vehicles, autonomous driving vehicles, and global science sampling systems.
By combining this feature, KAUST has a new discovery to strengthen surveys and joint research, develops knowledge of this young sea, and eventually the Kingdom, Amaala, Red Sea Giga Project, etc. Can be supported better. This ship is built independently to conduct research in the Red Sea and is the only advanced marine ship of this type, operated by scientists and crew members with specialized expertise in the waters.
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"Kaust is a major base for marine research in the Red Sea and is expanding his activities to integrate with the interests of the kingdom. Dr. Donal Bradley, Vice President and Special Professor in Kaust, said. Investment on the class research ships will fully support Saudi Arabia and partners around the world, and provide a commitment to provide comparable infrastructure for KAUST teachers, researchers, and students to pursue exciting research plans. It emphasizes.
Glosten has been providing design and engineering support in the ocean research community for over 60 years, and in cooperation with scientists and operators, an economic design optimized for marine science, operation area, and low emission gas. Provided. The company will be designed to be designed, supported by shipyard bidding, and to hand over to KAUST, and the project will be completed in 2026. The ship designed by Glosten increases the stability and reliability for operating throughout the year in areas with similar areas of the Red Sea, Bay, and tropical waters and climate conditions. The custom designed functions are compatible with a wide range of marine missions, including seawater, sediments, and biological sampling up to about 3000 meters, the depth of the Red Sea.
This 5 0-mete r-long boat is significantly larger and provides a wider range of operation capabilities. The deck is designed so that heavy equipment and advanced equipment in various fields, such as global science, biological science, marine science, and marine survey, can be arranged. The RV ship is equipped with an advanced positioning system, allowing lon g-time remote inspection vehicles, autonomous driving vehicles, and global science sampling systems.
By combining this feature, Kaust has a new discovery to strengthen surveys and joint research, develops knowledge of this young sea, and eventually the Kingdom, Amaala, Red Sea Giga Project, etc. Can be supported better. This ship is built independently to conduct research in the Red Sea and is the only advanced marine ship of this type, operated by scientists and crew members with specialized expertise in the waters.
"Kaust is a major base for marine research in the Red Sea and is expanding his activities to integrate with the interests of the kingdom. Dr. Donal Bradley, Vice President and Special Professor in Kaust, said. Investment on the class research ships will fully support Saudi Arabia and partners around the world, and provide a commitment to provide comparable infrastructure for KAUST teachers, researchers, and students to pursue exciting research plans. It emphasizes.
Glosten has been providing design and engineering support in the ocean research community for over 60 years, and in cooperation with scientists and operators, an economic design optimized for marine science, operation area, and low emission gas. Provided. The company will be designed to be designed, supported by shipyard bidding, and to hand over to KAUST, and the project will be completed in 2026.
"Our team is excited to bring this new level of research ship ability in the Red Sea area. For KauSt, our team representative R Ken Fitzgeraldo. Optimizing the ship according to the needs is when we can demonstrate the highest power with our engineer.
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"That's why the UK Government is investing millions in new technologies to make our transport network safer while also increasing employment opportunities for highly skilled jobs across the UK."After fifty years, mankind is going back to the Moon, and this time for a longer stay. Exploring the Moon further is another step towards human development on Earth and a steppingstone for future missions to Mars. Ultimately, aiming for the Universe.
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Wisconsin's Door County is one of the areas that is a starlink public beta test site. According to the Star Link website, "in 2021, it will almost globally cover a population world." According to experts, this service is needed in a remote location.
"Internet Service Comparison Site, Broadbandnow edito r-i n-chief Tyler Cooper, stated in an e-mail interview:" The Star Links and other Global orbital broadband concepts depend on existing infrastructure backbones. It will play an important role in these communities because it can be operated without doing it. "
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The customers may include many Americans living in places where it is difficult to get a broadband. According to the FCC report, nearly a quarter of the population, 14. 5 million people, lack of access to the broadband in rural areas. In the tribal area, almost on e-third of the population cannot be accessed.
"There are many rural areas in the U. S. where it makes little logistical sense to put in a large-scale wired infrastructure."
Starlink service will cost $99 a month, plus an up-front fee of $499 to order a Starlink kit, according to CNBC. The kit includes a user terminal, tripod and Wi-Fi router to connect to the satellites. That price tag could be well worth it for customers in rural areas who struggle to find broadband service.
"Ultimately, the best connectivity will be provided by fiber optic cables that support the highest data rates," Barry Matsumori, CEO of BridgeComm, a company that specializes in optical wireless, said in an email interview. "But fiber optic cables are expensive and cannot be used in areas with low residential density.
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But Starlink will not replace fiber optic lines, industry insiders say. Carl Russo, CEO of Calix, a software company for telecommunications providers, estimates that Starlink's proposed total satellite internet capacity would provide gigabit connections to only 4, 800 broadband subscribers across the United States.
"When you compare it to a single fiber network that can provide petabits per second, there's no comparison. So, when it makes business sense to connect subscribers with fiber, the math is pretty clear."
