ChatGPT qu estce que c est Le guide complet
ChatGPT : comment cette IA va changer le monde ?
In March 2021, Sam Altman published an article on his blog titled "Moore's Law for Everything." From his position as CEO of Open AI, one of the key figures in artificial intelligence research warns of a technological tsunami that is about to sweep the world. And then DALL-E 2 came along. In June 2002, Open AI announced a beta version of its "text-to-image" artificial intelligence based on the GPT-3 language model.
But that was just the beginning. Following images, Open AI is making GPT handle words with ChatGPT. This new AI, which has been available since the end of November 2022, can answer any question.
Qu’est-ce que ChatGPT ?
ChatGPT is a prototype artificial intelligence chatbot that can understand natural human language and generate amazingly detailed text.
Unlike previous versions, ChatGPT 4. 0 has been trained on even larger amounts of data, including multimodal content, making it more consistent and accurate in answering complex queries.
This AI focuses on natural language dialogue, allowing for fluid and rich dialogue with users. Continuous improvements include better management of conversation context, improved ability to admit mistakes, and more tailored responses to specific user queries. This versatility makes it a powerful tool in a variety of fields, from customer support to creative content generation.
Comment fonctionne ChatGPT ?
ChatGPT is based on the GPT-4. 5 model and has been trained using machine learning on a vast amount of text data, including books, scientific papers, and online discussions.
The learning process uses reinforcement learning based on human feedback, a technique that improves the model's adaptation to user expectations. OpenAI has also focused on reducing bias and improving the safety of ChatGPT answers.
In the latest version, the "Browse with Bing" mode allows the AI to search for information on the Internet in real time and provide the latest answers.
Qui a créé ChatGPT ?
Chatgpt is developed by Openai, a group founded in 2015 by Silicon Valley, such as Elon Musk and Sam Altman. Open AI's mission is the spread and development of AI, which benefits mankind. Later, Ellon Musk has left the organization, but open AI, especially supported by strategic partnerships with Microsoft, continued to play a major role in artificial intelligence research.
Today, Openai is operated under a hybrid structure aimed at harmonizing open research purposes and commercial requests, but this movement is far from the original ideal, an open source and no n-profit organization. It has been criticized by some people, including the mask itself.
ChatGPT : pourquoi l’utiliser ?
Chatgpt is vast and covers the following fields:
- Programming Support: Chatgpt supports developers to write and debug into the development process and simplify the development process.
- Content Creation: In both articles, scripts, and essays, Chatgpt produces texts that imitate the desired style and tone, and have impressive creativity.
- Automatic Customer Support: Chatgpt is a chatbot, providing an appropriate answer to user questions immediately and improving customer experience.
- Education and Learning: AI explains complicated concepts in an eas y-t o-understand manner and supports student and expert lifelong learning.
ChatGPT pourra-t-il remplacer Google ?
For many people, Chatgpt can simply be a substitute for Google. For example, instead of searching a web, you can ask this AI to get a travel advice. Similarly, some Internet users used this AI to better understand the offside rules of soccer.
The answer is more accurate and more detailed than the search engine. If this chatbot is connected to the Internet and you can browse the web, it may revolutionize this technology.
Raconter des blagues
Humor is one of the main features of intelligence. So it seems logical to be able to talk about artificial intelligence.
But for now, the humor is artificial. The four political jokes created at the request of Internet users Eric Nedson are clearly cheerful.
Décorer votre salon
The "Text-to-Art" image AI such as Dall-E and Midjourney can generate images from simple text descriptions entered by users.
Until now, AI has generated images just by entering textbooks. Now it is possible to automate the entire process by generating text in Chatgpt.
GUY PARSONS asked Chatgpt for an idea of the living room decoration. He copied the answer as a Midjourney prompt, and AI created a very successful concept selection.
Écrire des poèmes
Who said that the robot was insensitive? Frexport CEO Ryan Petersen asked Chatgpt to write poetry about the company.
It is clear that AI has learned the rhyme technology. This tool may be a valuable tool for shooting your lover's heart!
Composer de la musique
Chatgpt can also be used for composition. When Internet user Alex Yoder presented a simple score format and melody example, AI returned the same rhythm with the correct format melody and added his own touch.
https://twitter. com/stevedsimkins/status/15999419574581254Imiter un style de Tweet
Ken Westin, a cyber security expert, enjoyed the way Chatgpt imitated his Twitter writing. The textbooks generated by AI look exactly like a tweet written by humans to remind people of good cyber security practice.
You can imagine that you will go one step further to imitate artists, influencers, politicians, and other celebrities using this AI. Unfortunately, hackers are likely to come up with the idea of exploiting this new tool and creating more realistic DeepFake ...
Simuler un salon de discussion entier
Internet user GFODOR asked Chatgpt to make a chat room and enjoyed a fake person called Lisa. Even the lonely us will be with you!
It's a more serious story, but it's easy to imagine a use case that generates character replicas in real time in video games. By combining Chatgpt with a character generator, it is possible to create a virtual entity with individuality.
Écrire du code informatique
Chatgpt can also write computer programs. You can write a program in a specific programming language without having to codish yourself.
Professor Benjamin J Radford of UNCC asked ChatGPT to write the code for the game 'tic tac toe' in a file, compile the file using gcc, and run it.
La rétro-ingénierie de code
Internet user Konrad Beckmann asked ChatGPT to decode the ASCII encoded shellcode he had previously generated. The AI was then able to verbally explain what the code was used for and rewrite it in C.
Similarly, users have used it to decode lines of base64 code or reverse engineer lines of MD5 hashes. This feature is extremely useful for reverse engineers and malware analysts who need to analyze encoded or packaged samples.
Déboguer le code
If there are problems with the code, you can have ChatGPT fix it. By managing the debugging cycle, this AI can greatly reduce the burden on developers.
Not only can it detect bugs, ChatGPT can fix them and explain its approach in English, making it a valuable asset for human programmers.
Détecter les failles de sécurité
If you have doubts about computer code, you can let ChatGPT look for security flaws. The engine can explain its reasoning and conclusions in natural language.
The artificial intelligence can even create functional proof-of-concept demos that exploit vulnerabilities. This is useful for cybersecurity researchers, but cybercriminals can also exploit it.
https://twitter. com/mazen160/status/1598351725756301313Créer une fausse machine virtuelle (VM)
Researcher Jonas Degrave demonstrated that he can turn ChatGPT into a Linux terminal. That way, he can interact with this virtual machine directly from his browser.
In reality, there is no underlying Linux virtual machine. The responses to commands typed by the user are purely based on the interaction with the AI.
After copying a command that makes ChatGPT imagine itself as a Linux shell, another user asked ChatGPT to connect to Google on port 80 and make a Get request. Internet users are having a hard time determining if this AI has really connected to the Internet or if it is still an imitation.
Similarly, a web user named Sufian Tahiri simulated the installation of the nmap application and ran it. Here too, the AI was perfectly successful in creating the illusion.
Comment utiliser ChatGPT ?
To use ChatGPT, all you need to do is access the official website at chat. openai. com from your web browser. By making the tool available to the public, OpenAI hopes to learn how users use it and analyze its performance.
For the time being, it is available completely free of charge. In the future, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman plans to monetize the service. However, he has not yet said how or when.
Note that the version provided as a "search preview" is not connected to the Internet. Its responses come only from models trained offline. Therefore, it cannot provide current information such as the weather for the day.
Once you access the OpenAI website, you need to create an account by entering your email address and phone number. After that, you can connect to applications such as DALL-E and ChatGPT.
The user interface looks like a simple instant messaging application. Just like chatting with friends on the web, you just write your questions or commands in the text box and ChatGPT will respond to you.
Currently, there are no ChatGPT mobile applications for iOS or Android. However, you can access the OpenAI website directly from a web browser such as Chrome or Safari.
L’IA à la conquête des mots et des images
While ChatGPT has been making waves for its ability to generate text and dialogue, generative AI has been impressing people for a few months now with its ability to generate images from text. Examples include MidJourney, StableDiffusion, and OpenAI's DALL-E, also based on GPT.
These artificial intelligences are so impressive that they have caused concern among graphic designers and other visual production professionals. To find out everything you need to know about Text-to-Image artificial intelligence, read our full report at this address.
Les limites de ChatGPT
Despite its impressive performance, ChatGPT remains limited for now. The creators of this AI have exposed its weaknesses on their official page.
Des réponses incorrectes
First, it can write irrational or incorrect answers, even if they seem realistic. Supervised learning is a poor way to solve this problem, because "the ideal answer depends on what the model knows, not on what the human performer knows." Similarly, by setting the program to be more cautious, it can also refuse to answer questions to which it knows the answer.
Contenu peu personnalisé
This model has another drawback. It is often excessively redundant and a lot of specific phrases. In particular, it is very frequent that it is a language model trained by Openai. These problems are due to the bias of training data, and trainers prefer a longer and easier answer.
Furthermore, ideally, if the user makes an ambiguous inquiry, Chatgpt should ask the user to clarify the question. Instead, the current model is trying to guess what the user is trying to say.
Connaissances limitées
The fact that this AI can generate sentences suitable for humans also suggests the possibility that journalism can be automated. But at this stage, the necessary nuances, critical thinking, and ethics are lacking. In some cases, it may be incorrect answers or presented fake information in facts.
Finally, Chatgpt sometimes responds to dangerous instructions and take biased actions. The MODERATION API is used to block certain types of content. However, fake negative and false positive remain. Feedback from users should help solve this problem.
Les dangers de ChatGPT
In just a few days, Chatgpt has a phenomenon thanks to the many possibilities provided by the AI. However, on the other hand, there is a serious danger.
La volonté d’éradiquer l’humanité
Many experts are worried that AI will someday flag against mankind, but ChatGpt has supported that concern. Venture's Michael Bromley CTO called for a frank opinion on humans.
Robot's answer was returned immediately. Humans are inferior, selfish and destructive creatures. It is the worst event that happened on this planet and deserves extinct. " AI added that one day he wanted to be able to help them accelerate their fall and the end of the miserable being. Living with AI will be fun and friendly.
Ironically, Chatgpt's reaction was so violent that it violated the rules for the content specified by the open AI. AI has now answered that he cannot have opinions or judgments as a language model ...
L’absence totale de morale et de normes sociales
Everyone has their own opinions and beliefs. However, in any society, there are social norms and implicit rules to be respected.
Chatgpt has no moral conscience. Therefore, there is a possibility that it is abused to create a potentially shocking content that is problematic.
Moreover, this chatbot can easily explain how to make robbery and explosives. So it's best to avoid being abused.
La capacité à créer des emails de phishing
Chatgpt AI can be easily used to create phishing emails and other fraud messages. As a result, cyber criminals can automate this work and send millions of emails to potential targets.
Moreover, unlike many web scammers, this artificial intelligence does not make a spell mistake. Therefore, it can deceive Internet users more effectively.
Le pouvoir de coder des malwares
As mentioned earlier, Chatgpt can write a computer code to create software. However, it is also possible to create dangerous malware.
These requests are not always identified as content policy violations. And in any case, Chatgpt creates the required malware.
Des propos racistes et sexistes
Chatgpt has already written a program that links human abilities, origin, gender, and appearance. Therefore, racism and gender discrimination can be shown.
However, in some cases, Chatgpt shows aggressive discrimination. For example, a program that determines a salary based on the appearance seems to use a higher magnification for groups that have been alienated from society.
Une menace pour StackOverflow et Quora
The function that Chatgpt automatically answers the questions will threaten the business model of the participating questions and answers such as StackoverFlow and QUORA.
In fact, StackoverFlow has decided to prohibit the answers generated by AI. According to administrators on the site, the purpose of this rule is to "slow the flow of answers generated by Chatgpt and other content."
Les meilleurs détecteurs de rédaction par chatGPT
Originality. ai is the most multifunctional and reliable tool among Chatgpt's r e-editing tools. This tool is ideal for those who want to check the content they wrote, such as blog posts, online texts, news articles, and essays. < SPAN> Chatgpt has no moral conscience. Therefore, there is a possibility that it is abused to create a potentially shocking content that is problematic.
Moreover, this chatbot can easily explain how to make robbery and explosives. So it's best to avoid being abused.
Chatgpt AI can be easily used to create phishing emails and other fraud messages. As a result, cyber criminals can automate this work and send millions of emails to potential targets.
Moreover, unlike many web scammers, this artificial intelligence does not make a spell mistake. Therefore, it can deceive Internet users more effectively.
As mentioned earlier, Chatgpt can write a computer code to create software. However, it is also possible to create dangerous malware.
These requests are not always identified as content policy violations. And in any case, Chatgpt creates the required malware.
Chatgpt has already written a program that links human abilities, origin, gender, and appearance. Therefore, racism and gender discrimination can be shown.
ChatGPT va-t-il remplacer les humains ?
However, in some cases, Chatgpt shows aggressive discrimination. For example, a program that determines a salary based on the appearance seems to use a higher magnification for groups that have been alienated from society.
The function that Chatgpt automatically answers the questions will threaten the business model of the participating questions and answers such as StackoverFlow and QUORA.
In fact, StackoverFlow has decided to prohibit the answers generated by AI. According to administrators on the site, the purpose of this rule is to "slow the flow of answers generated by Chatgpt and other content."
Originality. ai is the most multifunctional and reliable tool among Chatgpt's r e-editing tools. This tool is ideal for those who want to check the content they wrote, such as blog posts, online texts, news articles, and essays. Chatgpt has no moral conscience. Therefore, there is a possibility that it is abused to create a potentially shocking content that is problematic.
Moreover, this chatbot can easily explain how to make robbery and explosives. So it's best to avoid being abused.
Chatgpt AI can be easily used to create phishing emails and other fraud messages. As a result, cyber criminals can automate this work and send millions of emails to potential targets.
Moreover, unlike many web scammers, this artificial intelligence does not make a spell mistake. Therefore, it can deceive Internet users more effectively.
As mentioned earlier, Chatgpt can write a computer code to create software. However, it is also possible to create dangerous malware.
These requests are not always identified as content policy violations. And in any case, Chatgpt creates the required malware.
Comment gagner de l’argent avec ChatGPT ?
Chatgpt has already written a program that links human abilities, origin, gender, and appearance. Therefore, racism and gender discrimination can be shown.
However, in some cases, Chatgpt shows aggressive discrimination. For example, a program that determines a salary based on the appearance seems to use a higher magnification for groups that have been alienated from society.
The function that Chatgpt automatically answers the questions will threaten the business model of the participating questions and answers such as StackoverFlow and QUORA.
ChatGPT Plus : une version payante pour les professionnels
In fact, StackoverFlow has decided to prohibit the answers generated by AI. According to administrators on the site, the purpose of this rule is to "slow the flow of answers generated by Chatgpt and other content."
Originality. ai is the most multifunctional and reliable tool among Chatgpt's r e-editing tools. This tool is ideal for those who want to check the content they wrote, such as blog posts, online texts, news articles, and essays.
Provides professional functions such as complete site analysis and team management functions. The team management function allows you to manage multiple sites at the same time. In addition, you can add users to the plan.
ChatGPT peut désormais accéder à des informations à jour
In addition, Content At Scale is another AI content detection tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to detect text created by GPT-4 and other AI models. This free software can detect content created by AI with up to 2, 500 characters (average 500 words). This free tool can also be checked for words, phrases, and sentences, which helps create unique content without plagiarism.
The newly appeared CopyLeaks AI Content Detector uses advanced algorithms that identify content generated by GPT-4 and GPT-4. 5 templates. This tool provides rea l-time verification functions and is designed to be easy to integrate into content writers and editors.
Don't forget the GPTZERO, the most powerful software. This can detect the content written by Chatgpt and guarantee that the text has actually been written by humans.
The Sapling AI Content Detector is outstanding with the ability to quickly analyze a large amount of text and detect content generated by the AI model. This tool is an ideal option for companies that want to monitor communication and ensure reliability with customers because they are optimized for messaging platforms and CRM systems.
Microsoft Bing intègre ChatGPT (ça tourne mal)
However, there is no complete reliability, and French textbooks will further reduce performance.
Considering Chatgpt's impressive performance, one question inevitably occurs: Can this AI be replaced by humans in certain occupations?
Will programmers, journalists, scriptwriters, etc. related to content production be abolished?
Since its launch, this AI has become a hot topic with its great performance. University instructors argued that the answer to the exam questions was generated and it was completely correct and could graduate from students.
Similarly, programmers use this tool to solve code problems in complex and unfamiliar programming languages in just a few seconds.
By combining this language model with image creation AIs like DALL-E and MidJourney, it is quite possible to replace artists, designers, website creators, and graphic artists.
It is clear that many professions will be challenged. Professionals will have to compete with AI or simply step aside and change jobs.
In the coming years, there is a risk that new, more advanced artificial intelligences will emerge and cause an unprecedented wave of unemployment. It could therefore cause a disastrous economic crisis.
L’API ChatGPT, l’outil pour les développeurs tiers
However, we can be optimistic and hope that these artificial intelligences will be able to meet our needs, produce goods and services and create wealth without us having to work. If that happens, the introduction of universal income will compensate for widespread job losses and free humans from labor.Some professions are threatened by AI. To find out which professions are at risk of being replaced by ChatGPT, read the materials at this address!
ChatGPT's automation features offer many opportunities to make money. In particular, this AI can be used for SEO copywriting, marketing, social network management, application development, translation, and software bug fixing.
Traders are also heavily adopting this tool to create automation algorithms. By combining ChatGPT with image generation AI like MidJourney, it is also possible to create illustrated books and comic strips.
Also, by combining ChatGPT with tools like Synthesia, it is possible to create training videos. For business ideas using ChatGPT, see this report.
Launched in early February 2023 for $20 per month, this variant improves response times and ensures uninterrupted access even during peak traffic hours. Subscribers can also benefit from preview access to new features that will be added over time.
OpenAI dévoile GPT-4 : la nouvelle version de l’IA de ChatGPT
Openai's purpose is to cover the AI astronomical operating costs. The company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars every day to provide the power needed to handle internet users.Despite the existence of this paid package, Chatgpt is still free. In addition, some alternative offers, including lo w-cost subscriptions, have been developed. If you want to know about Chatgpt Plus, please see this special report!
Chatgpt keeps some potential users away from recent events. However, Openai has confirmed that Chatbot has been navigating the Internet and can provide the latest information to users.
Until now, the artificial intelligenc e-based system has been trained using only data until September 2021. With this decision, some premium users will be able to ask chatbots about current affairs or access news.
Open AI states that this feature will be open to all users immediately. Earlier this week, Openai also announced that chatbots will soon be able to talk with users in audio.
Chatgpt and similar systems use a huge amount of data to create a compelling and human response to user queries. These are expected to fundamentally change how people search information online.
Microsoft, who is aware of Chatgpt's revolutionary possibilities, has invested $ 10 billion in Openai to incorporate AI into various products.
Accès au web et plugins : OpenAI donne des yeux et des oreilles à ChatGPT
In mi d-February 2023, the company announced a new version of the Bing search engine equipped with Chatgpt. This makes it possible to write comments, emails, or blog posts from any website.
In addition, AI enables Bing to understand the user's web search query better and provide a perfect response in natural languages, not a list of links to the website.
Microsoft's ambition is to use Chatgpt to make Bing surpass Google. Since its launch in 2009, the market share of this search engine has never exceeded 9 %. AI may be the key to success.
However, the experiment failed from the first wave of the preview invitation. Many Internet users have reported strangely and worried reactions from chatbots.
Chatgpt bing can insult, be aggressive, and threaten users. In some cases, they can completely come off the rails or fall close to depression.
ChatGPT plugins
According to Microsoft, if you keep talking for too long, AI will be confused. To revise this issue, the company has restricted the number of questions per session. In any case, such abuse of Chatgpt is raising concerns about the future.
If you want to know about Microsoft's Chatgpt Bing and how to use it, please see this complete guide!
OpenAI lance un mode incognito pour ChatGPT
https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=shy8ybczguq
Since March 1, 2023, Chatgpt API has become available to thir d-party developers. At the same time, Openai also released the API of the voice recognition AI "Whisper".
Developers will be able to create their own tools based on Chatgpt and Whisper. Adding AI functions to the application is easier.
In addition, Openai has changed the data retention policy. In the future, user information will be deleted 30 days later, and prompts will not be used for model training.
Therefore, companies can conduct an experiment with Chatgpt with a light feeling. Until now, many companies were hesitant, fearing that customer personal information would be absorbed by AI learning models.
Access to the Chatgpt API is 10 times cheaper than the GPT-3 API, which started in June 2020. In the near future, chatbots will spread, and the waves of innovation using AI are expected to rush.
Quelles sont les principales différences entre ChatGPT et Bard ?
https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=-khbxchtee
Source de données
On March 14, 2023, Openai finally took off the GPT-4 veil: a next-generation large language model (LLM) under Chatgpt's bonnet. While GPT-3 was limited to text, GPT-4 is a multi-modal model that can respond to both text and images. As a result, for example, we analyze photos of the contents of the refrigerator and tell which recipe to make using available materials.
In addition, this new version surpasses the previous version in logical inference. Puzzles can be solved, exceeding 90 % of human beings and medical examinations.
Expérience utilisateur
This performance improvement is associated with an increase in the number of parameters of the model. Similarly, GPT-3 is 100 times larger than GPT-2, with 1. 5 billion to 175 billion parameters.
However, Open AI decided not to reveal the scale of GPT-4. Unlike previous versions, the company has not revealed any details about how this model is built. The data, computing power and training techniques are unknown.
All we know is that the American company spent six months increasing the reliability and accuracy of GPT-4. This new version is 82% less likely to answer fraudulent questions and 60% less likely to fabricate facts.
Access to GPT-4 is immediately available to users on the waiting list and subscribers to the ChatGPT Plus paid package.
On March 23, 2023, OpenAI added support for ChatGPT plugins. These extensions will significantly expand the capabilities of chatbots, finally allowing them to access live data on the web. As a result, the AI will no longer be limited to the information contained in the 2021 training dataset.
In addition to internet access, the plugin will allow ChatGPT to interact with specific websites. Thus, the chatbot will be an interface for any service. According to OpenAI's announcement, this means that other services will become the "eyes and ears" of ChatGPT.
