Climate Adaptation Institute for International Economic Policy IIEP

Category: Climate Adaptation

World Bank & GWU Sustainable Cities Workshop 4 on Local Environmental Externalities

April 4th (Thursday)

8:30 AM-12:30 PM ET Hybrid-World Bank, Room MC4-100 1818 Hst NW, Washington, DC

In the World Bank-GWU Sustainable Urban Workshop Series, scholars and developers will meet together to announce and discuss common interest in sustainable urbanization. The workshop series focuses on certain topics on cities in developing countries. The workshop is the World Bank (URBAN, DRM, Resilience and Land Global Practice) and the University of George Washington It is hosted by ICS). The funds for this project were provided by Institute for Humane Studies.

This discussion is supported by the GW University Seminar Series "Person and overseas viewpoints on climate change and water management" and the GW University Seminar Series "Global Social Economic Cost of Climate Change and Sustainable Urbanization". 。

Workshop Agenda 8: 30-9: 00: Breakfast 9:0 0-9:05 Morning: Opening Greetings

Paper session 9:0 5-9:25 AM: CHANDAN DEUSKAR AND Jane Park (WB) "Unlivable: The Heat Island phenomenon of the city brings to the eastern Asian city" (English)

9:2 5-9:30 AM: Doctor Lewis Kintello (JHU) 9:3 0-9:40 AM: Q & A

9: 40-10: 00 Research Talk Toridevi Chakuma (Dr. Harvard Kennedy School candidate): "Causes and results of the heat island of the city

10:0 0-10:05 AM: Distant: Nicholas Jones (World Disaster Prevention Facility Data Scientist)

10:0 5-10:15 AM: Q & A session 10:1 5-10:30 AM: Coffee

10:3 0-10:50 Research Talk Bridget Hoffman (Bank of US State Development) "Seeing Power: Limit of Information Reduction of Air Pollution"

10:5 0-10:55 AM: Distant: Lutz Seiger (University of George Town) 10:55-11:05 AM: Q & A 11:05-11:25 AM: Policy Talk: TBC 11:2 5-11:30 AM: Discassant: TBC 11:30-11:40 Q & A

Keynote speech 11:4 0-12:10 PM: ROCAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXTERNALITIES (regional environmental external nature)

12:1 0-12:25 Q & A session 12:2 5-12:30 closing resignation 12:30 lunch

1st World Bank-GWU-UVA Research Conference on “The Economics of Sustainable Development”

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 8:00 AM --7:30 PM

The World Bank will hold the 1st World Bank-GWU-UVA meeting in "Sustainable Economics" in collaboration with George Washington University (GWU) and Virginia University (UVA).

The hybrid conference will be held at Washington DC's World Bank Headquarters from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm on November 29, 2023 (East Standard Time) and can be viewed on live streams. For those who come to the venue directly, we will prepare coffee and lunch. After the meeting, a reception will be held by GWU from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

At this meeting, scholars and developed economics practitioners meet and present the sturdy issues on sustainable development, which is the central theme of the world's mission, "Working on poverty on livable earth". Discuss.

This theme is becoming increasingly important because it is increasingly recognized that development and poverty efforts are not possible without an urgent approach to climate change, pollution, and environmental deterioration. Is increasing.

The meeting features a variety of themes, such as biodiversity, forest, natural resources, and pollution. In addition, Africa depends greatly on regenerated natural resources and vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which is particularly focused on Afric a-related frontier research.

GW UNIVERSITY SEMINAR Series on Domestic and International Perspective on Climate Change and Water Management.

Conference agenda

Welcome 8. 00-8. 15

Richard Damania (World Bank, Sustainable Development Chief Economist) --5 minutes

Andrew Davaren (World Bank, South Africa's Chief Economist) --5 minutes

Sheetal Sekhri (UVA) or Molly Lipscomb (UVA) -1 minutes

Remi Jedwab (GWU) -1 minute

Session 1-8. 15-10. 0 0-Biodiversity and forest

The time of each paper is 20 minutes (no interruption) + questions and answers 10 minutes

8. 15-8. 45 Paper 1: Conservation of infrastructure, system, and biodiversity in Raahil Madhok, India [South Asia]

8. 45-9. 15 Papers 2: TEEVRAT GARG (University of California), agricultural productivity and forest reduction [SSA

9. 15-9. 45 Papers 3: ANNA PAPP (Colombia), Rain Follows The Forest: Land use policy, climate change, adaptation [North America

9. 45-10. 00 Policy Discussion Nancy Lozano Gracia (World Bank, Sustainable Development Practis Group, Latin America and Caribbean Lead Economists in charge

Coffee brea k-10. 00-10. 30

Session 2-10. 30-12. 1 5-Natural resources economics

Moderator Richard Damania (World Bank, Sustainable Development Practice Group, Chief Economist)

The time of each paper is 20 minutes (no interruption) + questions and answers 10 minutes

10. 30-11. 00 Paper 1: Wolfram Schlenker (Columbia), Cooling Externality of Large-Scale Irrigation [North America]

11. 00-11. 30 Paper 2: Ryan Brown (CU-Denver), Reinforcing Inequality: Increasing Fluoride Exposure and the Consequences of Unequal Mitigation in South Asia

11. 30-12. 00 Paper 3: Witold Więcek (University of Chicago), Water Treatment and Child Mortality: A Meta-Analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis.

12. 00-12. 15 Policy Discussion: Hanan Jacoby (Lead Economist, Sustainability and Infrastructure Team, Development Research Group, World Bank)

Lunch break - 12. 15-1. 00

Keynote speech - 1. 00-2. 00

1. 05-1. 35 Keynote speech - Andrew Foster (Brown University)

1. 35-1. 55 Policy discussion

Session 3 - 2. 00-3. 15 Climate change in Africa and Asia

Chair Andrew Dabberen (Chief Economist, Africa Region, World Bank)

12 mins for each topic (uninterrupted) + 8 mins Q& A

2. 00-2. 20 Paper 1: Lucile Laugerette (F) (ENS-Lyon) and Mathieu Couttenier (M) (ENS-Lyon) - Groundwater, climate change and conflict: Evidence from Africa [SSA]

2. 20-2. 40 Paper 2: Bruno Conte (M) (UPF) - Future Climate Change and Regional Lake Economies in Sub-Saharan Africa [SSA]

2. 40-3. 00 Paper 3: Gaurav Chiplunkar (M) (UVA) - Environmental Markets and Distribution Misallocation: Evidence from Groundwater Availability in India [South Asia]

3. 00-3. 15 Policy Discussion Caroline Fisher (Research Manager, Sustainability and Infrastructure Team, Development Research Group, World Bank)

Coffee Break - 3. 15-3. 40

Session 4 - 3. 40-5. 45 - Air Pollution

Chair Dina Umali-Deininger (South Asia Regional Director, Sustainable Development Practice Group, World Bank)

3. 40-4. 00 Introductory Presentation: Krista Hasenkov (EPIC, University of Chicago): Insights from the latest Air Quality Living Index report, focused on Sub-Saharan Africa [SSA]

The following three papers will each have 20 minutes (uninterrupted) + 10 minutes Q& A.

4. 00-4. 30 Koichiro Ito (Chicago). International Spillovers of Air Pollution: Evidence from Mortality and Health Data [EAP]

4. 30-5. 00 Saad Gulzar (M) (Princeton University). The Impact of Government Incentives on Crop Burning and Health in South Asia. [South Asia]

5. 00-5. 30 Susanna Berkouwer (Wharton): Private Action in the Presence of Externalities: Health Impacts of Reducing Air Pollution Peaks and Ambient Exposures

5. 30-5. 45 Policy Discussion Helena Naber (Senior Environmental Specialist, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank)

Governing Finance and Climate Change

Thursday, April 13, 2023 9:00-12:30 EDT In-person

Central banks and financial supervisors are at the core of mitigating risks in the financial system. As such, how to respond to the risks posed by climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy is an urgent global issue. The Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) currently consists of more than 120 authorities around the world. Some of them have already started accounting for climate change risks in their monetary policies and financial supervision. Many more are exploring next steps.

To get a sense of where central banks and financial supervisors stand in responding to climate change risks and to discuss policy design and responses, GWU's International Institute for Economic Policy (IIEP) will host a morning event on the theme "Governing Finance and Climate Change" in collaboration with the Council on Economic Policy (CEP).

Reception and Coffee: 8. 30 - 9. 00 AM

Welcome: 9. 00 - 9. 15 AM

Sunil Sharma Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Elliott School of International Affairs, GWU; Senior Associate, Economic Policy Council; Former Assistant Director, IMF. Monetary Policy and Climate Change 9. 15 - 10. 30 AM

Sarah Bloom Raskin Distinguished Professor of Law at Duke University, Partner at Kaya Advisory, Former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Former Governor of the Federal Reserve Board

Timothy Lane Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada, Former Senior Advisor to the IMF

James Talbott Director of the International Department at the Bank of England, Chair of the Monetary Policy Workstream of the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

Break 10. 30 - 11. 00 am

Financial Supervision and Climate Change 11. 00 - 12. 15 PM

Sarah Doherty Director, Green Finance Center, Natural Resources Defense Council

Paul Hiebert Head of Systemic Risk and Financial Institutions, ECB

Mark Levonian Former Senior Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, Former Senior Official at the Federal Reserve Board

Closing Remarks: 12:15-12:30 PM

William White Senior Fellow, C. D. Howe Institute; Advisor, Economic Policy Advisory Council; Former Chairman, OECD Economic Development Review Committee; Former Economic Advisor and Director, Financial Economics Department, Bank for International Settlements; Former Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada

Light Meal: 12:30-13:30

Welcome words

Sunil Sharma: Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, a researcher at the International Economic Research Institute, George Washington, USA. From 2015 to 2018, IMF Investigation Department Assistant Director and Director of Singapore Regional Training Center (STI) in Singapore from 2006 to 2015. Before he was assigned to Singapore in 2006, he served as the Asian director of the IMF Research Institute at Washington D. C. Before joining the IMF in 1992, he was a professor in economics at the University of California (UCLA).

From 2012 to 2020, he is a member of the Royal Academy (MYRA) business school in My Sole, India. From 2012 to 2018, members of the Advisory Committee of Singapore University of Sim Key Boon Financial Economic Research (SKBI) (Singapore) (Singapore), from 2011 to 2015, Sydney, Australian Sydney. He was an international advisory committee of the Australian School of Business and the Global Finance Research Institute.

At the University of Cornell, a doctorate and Master of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, a master's degree at the Delhi University St. Stevens College. He has announced a wide range of topics on economic and finance, and his current interest is governance, systemic hazards, complex, international financial architecture, and financial regulations.

Financial policy, climate change speaker and chair

Sarah Bloom Ruskin (formerly Deputy Ministry of Finance) was appointed Colin W. Brown Special Professor in 2021. It is also a senior fellow of Duke Center on Risk. Ruskin used to be a visiting professor and Rubensin Fellow of the University of Duke University Law. < SPAN> Welcome words

Sunil Sharma: Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, a researcher at the International Economic Research Institute, George Washington, USA. From 2015 to 2018, IMF Investigation Department Assistant Director and Director of Singapore Regional Training Center (STI) in Singapore from 2006 to 2015. Before he was assigned to Singapore in 2006, he served as the Asian director of the IMF Research Institute at Washington D. C. Before joining the IMF in 1992, he was a professor in economics at the University of California (UCLA).

From 2012 to 2020, he is a member of the Royal Academy (MYRA) business school in My Sole, India. From 2012 to 2018, members of the Advisory Committee of Singapore University of Sim Key Boon Financial Economic Research (SKBI) (Singapore) (Singapore), from 2011 to 2015, Sydney, Australian Sydney. He was an international advisory committee of the Australian School of Business and the Global Finance Research Institute.

At the University of Cornell, a doctorate and Master of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, a master's degree at the Delhi University St. Stevens College. He has announced a wide range of topics on economic and finance, and his current interest is governance, systemic hazards, complex, international financial architecture, and financial regulations.

Financial policy, climate change speaker and chair

Sarah Bloom Ruskin (formerly Deputy Ministry of Finance) was appointed Colin W. Brown Special Professor in 2021. It is also a senior fellow of Duke Center on Risk. Ruskin used to be a visiting professor and Rubensin Fellow of the University of Duke University Law. Welcome words

Sunil Sharma: Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, a researcher at the International Economic Research Institute, George Washington, USA. From 2015 to 2018, IMF Investigation Department Assistant Director and Director of Singapore Regional Training Center (STI) in Singapore from 2006 to 2015. Before he was assigned to Singapore in 2006, he served as the Asian director of the IMF Research Institute at Washington D. C. Before joining the IMF in 1992, he was a professor in economics at the University of California (UCLA).

From 2012 to 2020, he is a member of the Royal Academy (MYRA) business school in My Sole, India. From 2012 to 2018, members of the Advisory Committee of Singapore University of Sim Key Boon Financial Economic Research (SKBI) (Singapore) (Singapore), from 2011 to 2015, Sydney, Australian Sydney. He was an international advisory committee of the Australian School of Business and the Global Finance Research Institute.

At the University of Cornell, a doctorate and Master of Economics, Delhi School of Economics, a master's degree at the Delhi University St. Stevens College. He has announced a wide range of topics on economic and finance, and his current interest is governance, systemic hazards, complex, international financial architecture, and financial regulations.

Financial policy, climate change speaker and chair

Sarah Bloom Ruskin (formerly Deputy Ministry of Finance) was appointed Colin W. Brown Special Professor in 2021. It is also a senior fellow of Duke Center on Risk. Ruskin used to be a visiting professor and Rubensin Fellow of the University of Duke University Law.

From 2014 to 2017, Raskin served as Deputy Commander in Chief of the Treasury Department, where he is known for pursuing innovative solutions to strengthen the shared prosperity of Americans, the resilience of the nation's critical financial infrastructure, and the defense of consumer protection measures in financial markets. Previously, he served as Governor of the Federal Reserve System and a member of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), where he helped implement the nation's monetary policy and promote financial stability. He also served as Superintendent General of Financial Regulation for the State of Maryland from 2007 to 2010, where he was responsible for regulating financial institutions in Maryland during the height of the Great Recession.

A graduate of Harvard Law School, Raskin has worked across the public and private sectors in both legal and regulatory capacities throughout his career. His work has focused on financial institutions, financial market utilities, consumer protection issues, adapting financial regulatory tools related to climate change risks, strengthening prudential standards, and resolution planning. In the private sector, he has worked as a Managing Director at Promontory Financial Group, as General Counsel to Worldwide Retail Exchange, and at Arnold & Porter and Mayer Brown. Earlier in his career, he served as Banking Counsel to the U. S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

He currently serves on the Recovery and Crisis Response Commission, a group of leading experts in law, economics and public policy focused on leveraging fiscal, monetary and regulatory policies in a climate-change economy, along with Professors Lawrence Baxter and Gina-Gail Fletcher.

Timothy Lane served as Deputy Governor of the Bank of Canada from February 2009 until his retirement in September 2022.

As a member of the Bank of Japan's Governing Council, he is responsible for making decisions regarding monetary policy and financial system stability, and for determining the strategic direction of the Bank of Japan. He also oversaw the Bank's fund management and monetary functions, and was responsible for the Bank's ongoing research and analysis of developments in financial technology, cryptoassets and digital currencies, among others.

Deputy Governor Lane as Deputy Governor's responsibilities reached a series of various fields. From 2014 to July 2018, he was in charge of analyzing the international economic situation that supports the Financial Policy decision as the G7 and G20 Deputy Governor in the Bank of Japan. Prior to that, the Bank of Japan's financial market (2010-13) and analysis of the Canadian economy (2009-10) were inherited. He joined the Bank as an advisor to the governor in August 2008.

Prior to the Bank of Japan, he has been working for 20 years as an international currency fund (IMF) employee of Washington DC. Meanwhile, he worked on various problems and contributed to many countries to the IMF activities. He published research on various themes, including monetary policy, financial crisis, IMF reform, and economic transition. 2004-05, visiting researcher at Oxford University. He has also served as an assistant professor at Michigan State University (1984-88) and an assistant professor at Iowa University (1983-84).

In 1977, he acquired a bachelor at the University of Carlton (honor) and a Ph. D. in Economics at Western Ontario University in 1983.

Thriving – Making Cities Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate

International Director of England Bank. He is also the chairman of the Workstream of the Central Bank and Supervisory Organization Network (NGFS) for financial systems to green. Other positions at England Bank have been as senior advisors on the Macropro Density Policy in Japan and Europe, as follows: From September 2008 to September 2010, IMF's British Affairs Secretar y-General. < SPAN> Deputy Governor of Lane as Deputy Governor's responsibility has reached a series of various fields. From 2014 to July 2018, he was in charge of analyzing the international economic situation that supports the Financial Policy decision as the G7 and G20 Deputy Governor in the Bank of Japan. Prior to that, the Bank of Japan's financial market (2010-13) and analysis of the Canadian economy (2009-10) were inherited. He joined the Bank as an advisor to the governor in August 2008.

Prior to the Bank of Japan, he has been working for 20 years as an international currency fund (IMF) employee of Washington DC. Meanwhile, he worked on various problems and contributed to many countries to the IMF activities. He published research on various themes, including monetary policy, financial crisis, IMF reform, and economic transition. 2004-05, visiting researcher at Oxford University. He has also served as an assistant professor at Michigan State University (1984-88) and an assistant professor at Iowa University (1983-84).

In 1977, he acquired a bachelor at the University of Carlton (honor) and a Ph. D. in Economics at Western Ontario University in 1983.

International Director of England Bank. He is also the chairman of the Workstream of the Central Bank and Supervisory Organization Network (NGFS) for financial systems to green. Other positions at England Bank have been as senior advisors on the Macropro Density Policy in Japan and Europe, as follows: From September 2008 to September 2010, IMF's British Affairs Secretar y-General. Deputy Governor Lane as Deputy Governor's responsibilities reached a series of various fields. From 2014 to July 2018, he was in charge of analyzing the international economic situation that supports the Financial Policy decision as the G7 and G20 Deputy Governor in the Bank of Japan. Prior to that, the Bank of Japan's financial market (2010-13) and analysis of the Canadian economy (2009-10) were inherited. He joined the Bank as an advisor to the governor in August 2008.Prior to the Bank of Japan, he has been working for 20 years as an international currency fund (IMF) employee of Washington DC. Meanwhile, he worked on various problems and contributed to many countries to the IMF activities. He published research on various themes, including monetary policy, financial crisis, IMF reform, and economic transition. 2004-05, visiting researcher at Oxford University. He has also served as an assistant professor at Michigan State University (1984-88) and an assistant professor at Iowa University (1983-84).In 1977, he acquired a bachelor at the University of Carlton (honor) and a Ph. D. in Economics at Western Ontario University in 1983.

International Director of England Bank. He is also the chairman of the Workstream of the Central Bank and Supervisory Organization Network (NGFS) for financial systems to green. Other positions at England Bank have been as senior advisors on the Macropro Density Policy in Japan and Europe, as follows: From September 2008 to September 2010, IMF's British Affairs Secretar y-General.

Alex Bakaoui is the founder and director of CEP. Prior to founding CEP, he was Managing Director of SAM Indexes, where he developed the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) as a key benchmark for sustainable investing. Prior to joining SAM, he led the internationalization of oikos, an organization that currently promotes sustainability in economics and business education and research at over 40 universities worldwide. Alex graduated in economics from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on "Social Change in Egypt in the 1990s". He grew up in Germany and Egypt and currently lives in Zurich, Switzerland.

Financial Supervision and Climate Change Speaker

Sarah Doherty is a leading financial regulator in the areas of climate change and green banking, as well as a leading financial and economics expert within NRDC. Prior to joining NRDC in 2015, Doherty worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in various roles, including as a research analyst covering the energy industry, authoring monetary policy briefs, and leading economic education in public affairs. Doherty also helped found the Green Bank Network, which is made up of existing green banks, and served on the Washington, D. C. Green Bank Advisory Committee, which helped to establish a city-level green bank. Doherty has also worked for the Coalition for Green Capital, C2ES (a small-scale solar EPC company), and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. Doherty has a Master's in Economics and is based in Atlanta.

Paul Heebert leads the systemic risk and financial institution division of European Central Bank (ECB). He led the Eur o-sponsored systemic risk analysis in the Financial Stability Review, which is the main policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Macro Pro Density Policy for major banks in the Euro area. Since 2019, it has led climate chang e-related risks and financial stability analysis corresponding to the annual report of ECB and ESRB. Current duties are based on various job experience for more than 20 years at the ECB, International Currency Fund (IMF), Australian Bank of Australia, and the Ministry of Finance (Department of Finance) for more than 20 years. , Financial and policy. He published papers on a variety of themes, including financial cycle, global banking, climate change problem, macro parrotence policy, housing market, and financial policy. Acquired a master's degree of economics at Magil University in Montreal.

Managing director, corporate economy, and risk analysis global heads of the promotory finance group. Previously, he was a senior deputy accountant in charge of the U. S. Currency Supervision Agency (OCC), and was an important advisor for an accounting officer before and after and during the global financial crisis. He supervised OCC's quantitative examination support and policy research, and was deeply involved in the development of bank stress tests in the financial crisis. As a senior employee of regulators and economists, he led or participated in various initiatives of the Basel Committee related to the Economic Modeling, and played a leading role in formulating rules and guidance for multiple generations of Basel Capital Framework. Prior to joining the OCC, Bank of San Francisco Bank, Bank Director / Regulatory Deputy Deputy Investigator and Economic Investigator, Bank Research Director in the New York Federation, Finance Lecturer at the University of California Has School of Business, Senior Economist at Australian Reserve Bank I served. He is also an advisor / consultant of the World Bank, IMF, Russia and Belarus Central Bank.

The closing resign < Span> Paul Heebert leads the systemic risk and financial institution division of European Central Bank (ECB). He led the Eur o-sponsored systemic risk analysis in the Financial Stability Review, which is the main policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Macro Pro Density Policy for major banks in the Euro area. Since 2019, it has led climate chang e-related risks and financial stability analysis corresponding to the annual report of ECB and ESRB. Current duties are based on various job experience for more than 20 years at the ECB, International Currency Fund (IMF), Australian Bank of Australia, and the Ministry of Finance (Department of Finance) for more than 20 years. , Financial and policy. He published papers on a variety of themes, including financial cycle, global banking, climate change problem, macro parrotence policy, housing market, and financial policy. Acquired a master's degree of economics at Magil University in Montreal.

Managing director, corporate economy, and risk analysis global heads of the promotory finance group. Previously, he was a senior deputy accountant in charge of the U. S. Currency Supervision Agency (OCC), and was an important advisor for an accounting officer before and after and during the global financial crisis. He supervised OCC's quantitative examination support and policy research, and was deeply involved in the development of bank stress tests in the financial crisis. As a senior employee of regulators and economists, he led or participated in various initiatives of the Basel Committee related to the Economic Modeling, and played a leading role in formulating rules and guidance for multiple generations of Basel Capital Framework. Prior to joining the OCC, Bank of San Francisco Bank, Bank Director / Regulatory Deputy Deputy Investigator and Economic Investigator, Bank Research Director in the New York Federation, Finance Lecturer at the University of California Has School of Business, Senior Economist at Australian Reserve Bank I served. He is also an advisor / consultant of the World Bank, IMF, Russia and Belarus Central Bank.

The closing Paul Heebert leads the systemic risk and financial institution division of the European Central Bank (ECB). He led the Eur o-sponsored systemic risk analysis in the Financial Stability Review, which is the main policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Macro Pro Density Policy for major banks in the Euro area. Since 2019, it has led climate chang e-related risks and financial stability analysis corresponding to the annual report of ECB and ESRB. Current duties are based on various job experience for more than 20 years at the ECB, International Currency Fund (IMF), Australian Bank of Australia, and the Ministry of Finance (Department of Finance) for more than 20 years. , Financial and policy. He published papers on a variety of themes, including financial cycle, global banking, climate change problem, macro parrotence policy, housing market, and financial policy. Acquired a master's degree of economics at Magil University in Montreal.

Managing director, corporate economy, and risk analysis global heads of the promotory finance group. Previously, he was a senior deputy accountant in charge of the U. S. Currency Supervision Agency (OCC), and was an important advisor for an accounting officer before and after and during the global financial crisis. He supervised OCC's quantitative examination support and policy research, and was deeply involved in the development of bank stress tests in the financial crisis. As a senior employee of regulators and economists, he led or participated in various initiatives of the Basel Committee related to the Economic Modeling, and played a leading role in formulating rules and guidance for multiple generations of Basel Capital Framework. Prior to joining the OCC, Bank of San Francisco Bank, Bank Director / Regulatory Deputy Deputy Investigator and Economic Investigator, Bank Research Director in the New York Federation, Finance Lecturer at the University of California Has School of Business, Senior Economist at Australian Reserve Bank I served. He is also an advisor / consultant of the World Bank, IMF, Russia and Belarus Central Bank.

Closed resignation

Two Generations of Trailblazing Chinese American Women At The Asian Development Bank

William White is currently a senior fellow at the C. D. Howe Institute in Toronto. Advisor to the Economic Policy Advisory Committee. From 2009 to March 2018, he served as chairman of the Economic Development Review Committee at OECD in Paris. Before that, he has been an economic advisor for 14 years at Bazel's International Bank of Bank (BiS). He was in charge of all BIS surveys, collecting data, and the operation of a meeting where central banks from around the world gathered. Prior to joining BiS in 1994, he served as Deputy Governor of Otawa at Canada Bank.

He has a wide range of activities, such as providing a wide range of publishing activities and advising on G20 as a member of the Iching Committee. In addition to the award in Europe, in 2016, Washington, D. C. won the Adam Smith Award, the highest award of the US Management Economics (NABE).

March 30, 2023 (Thursday) 12:00 P M-1:35 PM et or Zoom directly

In the whole world, 70 % of greenhouse gas emissions are generated from cities. At the same time, cities are increasingly visible to shocks and stres s-related shocks related to climate change, from the frequent occurrence of abnormal weather to the inflow of climate change immigrants. This report analyzes how these shocks and stress interacts with other urban stress, determining the greenness, recovery, and inconvenience of cities and national development. This report provides a compass for policy proposals to make policies for each policy so that cities and countries can take effective actions to relieve and adapt to climate change. be.

This discussion is sponsored by the GWU's International Economic Policy (IIEP) in collaboration with the World Bank IBR D-IDA and is entitled "Thrivin g-Making City Green, Resilient, and Inclusive in A Changing Climate". Review the recent major reports of the World Bank on fluctuations.

In this seminar, we will prepare lunch for the number of participants, so please be sure to attend if you register.

Lunch buffet and coffee

Equitable Action for Climate Change

Global soci o-economic costs caused by climate change and sustainable urbanizatio n-Urban governance, interdisciplinary collaboration, climate change. "


12. 00-12. 1 5-Sel f-introduction. Moderator Remi Jedwab (GWU) IIEP Director (Economics / International Issu)

12. 05-12. 15 - Mini presentations by GWU Geography students: Chair David Lane (GWU) Climate Change and Sustainable Cities - The Example of Washington DC 12. 15-1. 05 - Main presentation. Moderator Tanner Regan (GWU), Assistant Professor of Economics and International Relations

Speakers: Esha D. Zaveri (World Bank), Senior Economist, Water Global Practice, World Bank. Presenting the World Bank's Flagship Report on Climate Change and Cities: Thriving - Making Cities Greener, Resilient, and Inclusive in a Changing Climate (Uninterrupted)

World Bank speakers joining online: Nancy Lozano-Garcia (Lead Urban Economist), Mark Roberts (Lead Urban Economist), Megha Mukim (Senior Economist and Competitive Cities Team Leader)

12. 40-12. 50 - 10 min Discussion Ryan Engstrom (GWU), Professor of Geography and Director of Data Science

12. 50-1. 05 - 15 min Discussion and Q& A

1. 10-1. 35 - Discussion Moderator Malcolm Russell-Einhorn (ESIA), Chas Cadwell (Urban Institute) Towards a Meaningful Interdisciplinary Urban Climate Assessment Framework: Selecting, Using, and Communicating Relevant and Contextual Urban Climate Indicators and Scenarios

About the Speaker

Chas has professional interests in using geospatial data with statistical analysis to study water resources management, climate impacts, environmental health, and interactions between environmental and social-economic systems. He has published on these topics in leading scientific journals and authored major World Bank reports on water scarcity (Uncharted Waters, 2017), water pollution (Quality Unknown, 2019), and migration (Ebb and Flow, 2021). Prior to joining the World Bank, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Stanford University Center for Food Security and the Environment, where he remains an affiliated researcher. He received his PhD in Environmental Economics and Demography from Pennsylvania State University.

Monday, April 25, 2022 17:00-18:00 EDT Lindner Family Commons, Room 602 Elliott School of International Affairs and Zoom

How will the Asian Development Bank address the long-term challenges of poverty and climate change amid evolving regional geopolitics and post-pandemic economic recovery? Enjoy a special conversation between Ambassador Chantal Wong, who has just become the new US President of the Asian Development Bank, and her mentor and predecessor, Ambassador Linda Cao Yang. Both women are pioneers: Linda Cao Yang served as US Executive Director of ADB from 1993 to 1999, and was the first woman and minority representative of the US to serve on the board of a multilateral financial institution. Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, Chair of the USCET Board of Directors and a trailblazer herself as the first US Ambassador of Asian descent, led the conversation, touching on themes such as mentorship, overcoming barriers, the US role in ADB, and sustainable recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Attendees and online users engaged in a lively Q& A session.

The event was co-hosted by the US-China Education Trust (USCET).

Linda Zao Yang is ambassador (retirement). From 1993 to 1999, he served as a US director of Asian Development Bank in Manila. It was appointed President Clinton and was approved in the Senate in 1993. The first female representing the United States, the first minority as a director of the multilateral financial institution. Honorary chairman of the Asia Corporation Governance Association (ACGA), headquartered in Hong Kong, chairman of 2001 to 2014. From 2003 to 2010, he served as a director of the Bank of China (Hong Kong), one of the three banking banks in Hong Kong. He was also appointed as a minority director of the California Public Service Retirement Pension System (Calpers), the largest public pension fund in the United States. In December 1992, he was an invitation panelist on the international economy at the Economic Summit led by Clinton (then) held in Little Rock, Arkansas. < SPAN> Linda Zao Yang is an ambassador (retired). From 1993 to 1999, he served as a US director of Asian Development Bank in Manila. It was appointed President Clinton and was approved in the Senate in 1993. The first female representing the United States, the first minority as a director of the multilateral financial institution. Honorary chairman of the Asia Corporation Governance Association (ACGA), headquartered in Hong Kong, chairman of 2001 to 2014. From 2003 to 2010, he served as a director of the Bank of China (Hong Kong), one of the three banking banks in Hong Kong. He was also appointed as a minority director of the California Public Service Retirement Pension System (Calpers), the largest public pension fund in the United States. In December 1992, he was an invitation panelist on the international economy at the Economic Summit led by Clinton (then) held in Little Rock, Arkansas. Linda Zao Yang is ambassador (retirement). From 1993 to 1999, he served as a US director of Asian Development Bank in Manila. It was appointed President Clinton and was approved in the Senate in 1993. The first female representing the United States, the first minority as a director of the multilateral financial institution. Honorary chairman of the Asia Corporation Governance Association (ACGA), headquartered in Hong Kong, chairman of 2001 to 2014. From 2003 to 2010, he served as a director of the Bank of China (Hong Kong), one of the three banking banks in Hong Kong. He was also appointed as a minority director of the California Public Service Retirement Pension System (Calpers), the largest public pension fund in the United States. In December 1992, he was an invitation panelist on the international economy at the Economic Summit led by Clinton (then) held in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Chantelle Wong has had a long and distinguished career in public service and currently serves as the U. S. Executive Director of the Asian Development Bank in Manila. Ms. Wong is the first lesbian and first LGBTQ+ person of color in U. S. history to be appointed to an ambassador-level position, having been confirmed by the Senate in February 2022. Previously, she was appointed by President Obama as Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). Previously, she held leadership positions at NASA, as well as the Office of Management and Budget, the Treasury Department, the Department of the Interior, and the Environmental Protection Agency. In 1999, she joined the Asian Development Bank as an environmental specialist, ensuring that the Bank's assessments were in compliance with environmental and social policies. She was then appointed by President Bill Clinton to the Asian Development Bank's Board of Directors, overseeing operations as Acting Executive Director, representing the United States. Wong was the founding chair of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL), an organization that aims to encourage young AAPIs to pursue careers in public service by providing training, workshops, mentors, and job opportunities.


Julia Chang Bloch Founding Chair of the U. S.-China Educational Trust. First Asian American Ambassador in U. S. history. Ambassador Bloch began her career in Sabah, Malaysia, as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1964 and served as U. S. Ambassador to Nepal in 1989. From 1981 to 1988, Ambassador Bloch served as Assistant Secretary for Peace Food and Voluntary Assistance and Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Near East at the U. S. Agency for International Development. She also served as Chief Minority Counsel to the Senate Select Committee on African Affairs, Senate Professional Staff, Deputy Director of the U. S. Intelligence Agency's Bureau of Africa, Fellow at the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and Associate in the U. S.-Japan Relations Program at the Harvard Center for International Affairs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 8:3 0-10:00 A. M. EST / 6:3 0-9:00 P. M. IST VIA ZOOM

I am glad to be invited to the 5th Webinar of the 2021-2022 Indian Concept series co-sponsored by the Cigar Asian Research Center and the International Economic Policy Institute. This is a platform for dialogue and discussion. We have invited you to this important discussion series.

Economic Effects and Policy Responses to Climate Change and Natural Disasters

In this event, Professor Joti K. Paris, the executive director of Integrated Research and Development, Kirito, Chairman of the Development・ Invited Dr. Paris and "for climate change Discussed the "equal action". Brookings Research Institute's Global Economy and Development Program Senior Fellow Amar Batacariya and Professor Schlikant Gupta, Professor of Delhi, have discussed.

In this lecture, Professor Joti K. Paris and Kirito S. Paris showed that India could live within a budget of 1. 50 ° C without greatly impaired economic growth and consumer welfare. It was indicated that the natural energy and the technical advancement of the battery proceeded as expected, and it was possible to use climate change countermeasures and use it at a reasonable cost. Discussed the various ways that India could reach, emphasized the role of technology, behavioral change, and funds to achieve each path.

They further argued that climate science indicates that global warming is a stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, that is, a cumulative emission function on the route, because the CO2 life has been the life of 100 years or more. did. Therefore, the responsibilities of each country for climate change should be based on the cumulative emissions since 1990. This should be an indicator of climate change, not just based on annual emissions. The annual commission for storing emissions in a global space can not only delay emissions, but also promote negative emissions to each country. If you collect $ 1 per year per ton of CO2 emissions from all countries, you can collect $ 700 billion per year. They also suggested that if they return considerable parts to each country, as a price for climate change measures, such a system would be acceptable to all countries.

Welcome Remarks


In this seminar, we will prepare lunch for the number of participants, so please be sure to attend if you register.

About speakers

Professor Joti K. Paris is Secretar y-General of New Delhi's Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADE). He is a member of the Prime Minister of the Indian Advisory Committee on climate change and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to the author of IPCC in 2007. In 1986-03, he served as a senior professor and deputy director of Mumbai's Indilla Gandhi Development Research Institute (IGIDR). He has been an advanced energy consultant at the New Delhi Planning Committee for eight years (1980-86, 76-78) in IIASA, Austria (1978-80).

He has served as the World Bank, the US Ministry of Energy, Brussels EEC, UNIDO, FAO, UN University, UNESCO's energy consultants, UNDP, and World Bank environmental consultants. He is an advisor to various ministries of the Indian government.

In 1964, he obtained a master's degree at the University of California Berkeley, and in 1967 he got a doctorate of theoretical physics at College Park at Maryland University. He instructed 16 doctors and master's papers in the fields of energy, environment, and climate change, and gave lectures in more than 40 countries around the world. The themes are a wide variety of themes, including agricultural, forestry, power sector, construction sector vulnerabilities, adaptation, power, transportation, cement, and carbon emissions bass lines for steel sector.

Published nearly 200 projects and books and books in fields such as energy economic, climate change and modeling, energy technology evaluation, rural energy, power sector, environmental economic, natural resource management, and climate change.

Chairman of Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADE), an Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADE), which is a no n-profit synchronous tank that works on policies in fields such as energy, climate change, urban issues, agriculture, and poverty. In March 2009, President India was awarded the Padma Bushan Prize (the third prize as a civilian), and in 2007 he won the Nobel Prize, awarded to the author of IPCC. Atal Baehari Baj Pai, P. V. V. Narashima Lao, Chandra Chekar, V. P. Sin, Radiv Gandhi, a member of the Economic Advisory Committee (EAC). Planning committee member (energy, water, prospect planning) (2004-09). The main device of India's official integrated energy policy.

Academic Presentations

In this seminar, we will prepare lunch for the number of participants, so please be sure to attend if you register.

About the Discussant

He is a Senior Fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution and a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. His areas of expertise include global economy, sustainable finance, global governance, and the nexus between climate change and development, including the role of sustainable infrastructure. He is a co-leader of the Independent Expert Group on Climate Finance commissioned by the UN Secretary-General. From April 2007 to September 2014, he was the Director of the Group of 24, an intergovernmental group of finance ministers and central bank governors of developing countries. Prior to his appointment to the G24, he spent a long career at the World Bank. His last position was Senior Advisor to the President on International Operations and Head of the International Policy and Partnerships Group at the World Bank. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Universities of Delhi and Brandeis and his graduate studies at Princeton University.

He is Professor of Economics at the University of Delhi. He is President of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics and Associate Editor of the Indian Economic Review. His research and teaching areas are environmental economics, public economics, environment and development, and climate change economics. He has also taught at the University of Delhi, the National University of Singapore, Nehru University, and Nazarbayev University.

He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1993, his M. S. in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics in 1982, and his B. S. in Economics from the Shri Ram College of Commerce in 1980. He was a Fulbright Fellow at MIT in 2002 and a Shastri Fellow at Queen's University, Canada in 2001.

Prior to arriving at Delly School of Economics in 1997, he led an environmental policy cell as a Fellow (1993-95) in New Delhi. He also worked as an environmental economist at the Washington DC Bank and the Indian Economic Bureau (Indian Economic Bureau). He has served as the director of the New Delhi National Institute of Urban issue. He is the chief writer of the 6th evaluation report of the interconnection panel (IPCC) on climate change and the author of the IPCC's 5th evaluation report.

Professor Schlikant Gaputa Google School Profile

Professor Slikant Gupta Delhi School of Economics profile

Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (Eastern standard time)

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss recent policy research related to climate change economics. One of the research is analyzed the global economic and spatial impact of climate change and the various policy options to alleviate their economic adverse effects, especially immigrants, trade, tax systems, and innovation policies. It is. Another study focuses on policy options to promote easing and resilience, such as climate change and natural disasters in Africa, as well as local economic impacts, corresponding technologies, infrastructure, financial policy, etc. It is. The meeting was divided into two sessions. First, a 2 5-minute presentation by two keynote speakers, a 1 0-minute feedback by the debate, and a 2 0-minute question and answer session was held. The second is the 1 8-minute research presentation by the author, a 5-minute feedback by the debate, and a 7-minute question and answer.

The event was c o-sponsored by the World Bank poverty and the Fair Global Practis, the World Bank Sahara, Southern Africa, Middle East and North Africa Regional Integration Bureau, and the International Economic Policy Research Institute of George Washington.

Before arriving at the Delly School of Economics in 1997, he led an environmental policy cell as a Fellow of the National Financial Policy Institute in New Delhi (1993-95). He also worked as an environmental economist at the Washington DC Bank and the Indian Economic Bureau (Indian Economic Bureau). He has served as the director of the New Delhi National Institute of Urban issue. He is the chief writer of the 6th evaluation report of the interconnection panel (IPCC) on climate change and the author of the IPCC's 5th evaluation report.

Climate Change and Migration: The Case of Africa

Professor Schlikant Gaputa Google School Profile

Professor Slikant Gupta Delhi School of Economics profile

Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (Eastern standard time)

The Future Global Economic and Spatial Consequences of Climate Change

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss recent policy research related to climate change economics. One of the research is analyzed the global economic and spatial impact of climate change and the various policy options to alleviate their economic adverse effects, especially immigrants, trade, tax systems, and innovation policies. It is. Another study focuses on policy options to promote easing and resilience, such as climate change and natural disasters in Africa, as well as local economic impacts, corresponding technologies, infrastructure, financial policy, etc. It is. The meeting was divided into two sessions. First, a 2 5-minute presentation by two keynote speakers, a 1 0-minute feedback by the debate, and a 2 0-minute question and answer session was held. The second is the 1 8-minute research presentation by the author, a 5-minute feedback by the debate, and a 7-minute question and answer.

The event was c o-sponsored by the World Bank Poverty and Fair Global Practis, the World Bank Sahara, Southern Africa, Middle East, North Africa, and the International Economic Policy Research Institute of George Washington.

Moderator before arriving at Delly School of Economics in 1997, he led an environmental policy cell as a Fellow (1993-95) Fellow in New Delhi. He also worked as an environmental economist at the Washington DC Bank and the Indian Economic Bureau (Indian Economic Bureau). He has served as the director of the New Delhi National Institute of Urban issue. He is the chief writer of the 6th evaluation report of the interconnection panel (IPCC) on climate change and the author of the IPCC's 5th evaluation report.

Governing the New Voluntary Carbon Markets

Professor Schlikant Gaputa Google School Profile

Professor Slikant Gupta Delhi School of Economics profile

Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (Eastern standard time)

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss recent policy research related to climate change economics. One of the research is analyzed the global economic and spatial impact of climate change and the various policy options to alleviate their economic adverse effects, especially immigrants, trade, tax systems, and innovation policies. It is. Another study focuses on policy options to promote easing and resilience, such as climate change and natural disasters in Africa, as well as local economic impacts, corresponding technologies, infrastructure, financial policy, etc. It is. The meeting was divided into two sessions. First, a 2 5-minute presentation by two keynote speakers, a 1 0-minute feedback by the debate, and a 2 0-minute question and answer session was held. The second is the 1 8-minute research presentation by the author, a 5-minute feedback by the debate, and a 7-minute question and answer.

12. 40-12. 50 - 10 min Discussion Ryan Engstrom (GWU), Professor of Geography and Director of Data Science


Currently, the poverty of the Bank of the Bank and the Fair Global Practis (GP) Global Director. Before that, he was the poverty in Europe and Central Asia and the Fair GP Practice Manager. He is a member of the core team of WDR2012 "Gender Equality and Development" in Eastern Europe, Latin America, South Asia, and analytical activities. Main interest and specialized fields include labor economics, poverty, distribution analysis, gender equality, and public policy impact on welfare. Leads reports of several countries on poverty, fairness, labor market and economic growth, and the operation of social sector. He has published a paper on the theme of the above in academic scientific journals, and is also involved in editing books. Acquired a Ph. D. in Economics at Harvard University.

Keynote speaker

Solomon Shan (Berkeley School) leads the global policy laboratries of Berkeley School. His team combines the economic value of global climate, how to fight wildlife poaching, the effectiveness of satellites, and the AI ​​and AI to the United Nations. They answer the center of questions in rational management of planetary resources, such as being able to monitor the entire earth in real time. After acquiring a science and science of planetary science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a science of urban science and planning, acquired a sustainable development doctorate at Colombia University. He was a doctoral researcher in an applied economic economics at the National Institute of Economic Economic (NBER), and was a doctoral researcher in science, technology and environmental policy at Princeton University. Currently Professor of the University of California, President of the University of Berkeley, Professor of Public Policy, C o-Manager, Climate Institute, NBER Researcher, Andrew Carnegie Fellow, National Geographic Explorer. Currently, he is writing an economics chapter in the fifth climate evaluation report. In 2020, a President medal was awarded by the American Geology Society. Click here for slide.

Since 2021, he has been a professor at the University of Chicago University Kenneth C. Griffin Faculty of Economics Glen A. Lloyd Special Demorable Professor. Before that, he was Professor of Princeton University Faculty of Economics, a29, a29. Before Princeton University, he was an assistant professor at Stanford University. In 2002, he obtained a doctorate at the University of Chicago. Specializes in international trade, regional economics, urban economics, growth economics, and organizational economics. A wide range of papers are published in major economics. In 2007, he won the Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship, 2010, the August Resh and the Jeffrey Hughings Award. In 2017, he was selected as a fellows of the weighing Economic Society and won the Robert E. Lucas Junior Award in 2019. Awarded the award. Click here for slide.


Richard Damania (Deputy Governor Chief Economist, a Sustainable Development of the World Bank) is a sustainable development plactic group Chief Economist. The World Bank has served as a senior economic advisor of Water Practis, a lead economist in the Sustainable Development Department of African regions, South Asian regions, and Latin American and Caribbean regions. It was a trigger for the World Bank to be recognized as an opinion leader in the environment, water and economy. Before joining the World Bank, he has been active in the academic world and published more than 100 papers in scientific magazines. Click here for slide.

Modelator < SPAN> Professor of the University of Chicago University Kenneth C. Griffin Faculty of Economics Glen A. Lloyd Special Demorable Democratic Democracy since 2021. Before that, he was Professor of Princeton University Faculty of Economics, a29, a29. Before Princeton University, he was an assistant professor at Stanford University. In 2002, he obtained a doctorate at the University of Chicago. Specializes in international trade, regional economics, urban economics, growth economics, and organizational economics. A wide range of papers are published in major economics. In 2007, he won the Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship, 2010, the August Resh and the Jeffrey Hughings Award. In 2017, he was selected as a fellows of the weighing Economic Society and won the Robert E. Lucas Junior Award in 2019. Awarded the award. Click here for slide.


Richard Damania (Deputy Governor Chief Economist, a Sustainable Development of the World Bank) is a sustainable development plactic group Chief Economist. The World Bank has served as a senior economic advisor of Water Practis, a lead economist in the Sustainable Development Department of African regions, South Asian regions, and Latin American and Caribbean regions. It was a trigger for the World Bank to be recognized as an opinion leader in the environment, water and economy. Before joining the World Bank, he has been active in the academic world and published more than 100 papers in scientific magazines. Click here for slide.

Moderator Kenneth C. Griffin Faculty of Economics Glen A. Lloyd Special Demorable Democratic Democracy since Moderator 2021. Before that, he was Professor of Princeton University Faculty of Economics, a29, a29. Before Princeton University, he was an assistant professor at Stanford University. In 2002, he obtained a doctorate at the University of Chicago. Specializes in international trade, regional economics, urban economics, growth economics, and organizational economics. A wide range of papers are published in major economics. In 2007, he won the Alfred Sloan Research Fellowship, 2010, the August Resh and the Jeffrey Hughings Award. In 2017, he was selected as a fellows of the weighing Economic Society and won the Robert E. Lucas Junior Award in 2019. Awarded the award. Click here for slide.

Master in Sport Design and Management

Sport infrastructures among places, culture, technology, sustainability, inclusivity, and business.


Richard Damania (Deputy Governor Chief Economist, a Sustainable Development of the World Bank) is a sustainable development plactic group Chief Economist. The World Bank has served as a senior economic advisor of Water Practis, a lead economist in the Sustainable Development Department of African regions, South Asian regions, and Latin American and Caribbean regions. It was a trigger for the World Bank to be recognized as an opinion leader in the environment, water and economy. Before joining the World Bank, he has been active in the academic world and published more than 100 papers in scientific magazines. Click here for slide.

Master in Sport Design and Management


George Washington University Elliott School, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics and International Affairs, and Associate Professor, Economics and International Affairs. The main research fields are development and growth, urban economics, labor economics, and political economics. Studied on urbanization and structure change, the relationship between population growth and economic growth, the economic effects of transportation infrastructure, system in development, human capital, and the role of technology. World Bank-Gwu (World Bank-Gwu) Urbanization and Poverty Reduction Conference and Washington Development Economics Symposium He is a c o-founder of S Symposium) be. Formed research papers in American Economic Review, Economic Statistics Review, Economic Journal, and Journal of Urban Economics. Currently, the deputy edito r-i n-chief of Journal of Urban Economics and Regional Science and Urban Economics.


Economist of the World Bank Development Research Group (DEC-RG) trade and integrated units. Acquired a Ph. D. in economics at the University of California Berkeley. Specializes in international trade, urban economics, and development economics. We are mainly studying how various forms of market integration affect the general welfare and productivity of developing countries. Click here for slide.

The study of Kelsea Jack (the University of California Los Angeles) is at the intersection of environmental economic and development economics, focusing on how individuals, households, and communities decide to use natural resources and provide public goods. I'm hitting. Many of the research use field experiments to verify theory and new policy innovation. He has been conducting research in many countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and has been studying South Africa, Ghana, Zambia and Nigail. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he served as the co-chair of the Environment and Energy Division and Los Angeles (UCSB) AB (EMLAB) is the director of the poverty reduction group He is also an associate editor of American Economic Review Magazine. Click here for her slide.

Jonathan Dingel (Chicago) is the Associate Professor of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Facarty Research Fellow, the National Institute of Economic Research, and the Economic Policy Research Center Research Fellow. The research theme is spatial distribution of economic activities in neighboring, cities, and countries. We are trying to understand that the amount and nature of economic activities vary greatly depending on the space. Recently, he has been studying the scope of home work, the definition of cities using satellite images, and the impact of global climate on agricultural trade. Click here for slide.

Marshall Burke (Stanford University): Associate Professor, Stanford University of Global System Science, Deputy Director of Food Security and Environment Center, and Research Institute for the United States. Follow research that focuses on the social and economic impact of environmental changes and the measurement and understanding of economic livelihoods in developing countries. He has regularly published papers in Nature, Science, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, THE LANCET, and economic magazines. Acquired a doctorate in agriculture and resource economics at the University of California Berkeley, and at Stanford University's Bachelor's Academy. He is also a c o-founder of ATLASAI, an emerging company that uses satellite and machine learning to measure his life. Click here for slide.



Southern Methodist University Corporation, Regional and Globalization Faculty of Globalization Professor, NBER Research Associates, CEPR Research Fellow. Master of Management at Louvan University, a Ph. D. in Economics at Stanford University. Before moving to SMU, he was a professor at Madrid Carlos III. Specializes in regional economics, economic growth, political economics, and international trade. Papers are published in journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory, and Journal of Development Conomics. In 2019, he won the Robert E. Lucas Jr. Award. Click here for slide. < SPAN> Jonathan Dingel (Chicago) is an associate professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Faculty Research Fellow, the United States Economic Research Institute, and Research Center for Economic Policy. The research theme is spatial distribution of economic activities in neighboring, cities, and countries. We are trying to understand that the amount and nature of economic activities vary greatly depending on the space. Recently, he has been studying the scope of home work, the definition of cities using satellite images, and the impact of global climate on agricultural trade. Click here for slide.

Marshall Burke (Stanford University): Associate Professor, Stanford University of Global System Science, Deputy Director of Food Security and Environment Center, and Research Institute for the United States. Follow research that focuses on the social and economic impact of environmental changes and the measurement and understanding of economic livelihoods in developing countries. He has regularly published papers in Nature, Science, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, THE LANCET, and economic magazines. Acquired a doctorate in agriculture and resource economics at the University of California Berkeley, and at Stanford University's Bachelor's Academy. He is also a c o-founder of ATLASAI, an emerging company that uses satellite and machine learning to measure his life. Click here for slide.


  • Southern Methodist University Corporation, Regional and Globalization Faculty of Globalization Professor, NBER Research Associates, CEPR Research Fellow. Master of Management at Louvan University, a Ph. D. in Economics at Stanford University. Before moving to SMU, he was a professor at Madrid Carlos III. Specializes in regional economics, economic growth, political economics, and international trade. Papers are published in journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory, and Journal of Development Conomics. In 2019, he won the Robert E. Lucas Jr. Award. Click here for slide. Jonathan Dingel (Chicago) is the Associate Professor of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Facarty Research Fellow, the National Institute of Economic Research, and the Economic Policy Research Center Research Fellow. The research theme is spatial distribution of economic activities in neighboring, cities, and countries. We are trying to understand that the amount and nature of economic activities vary greatly depending on the space. Recently, he has been studying the scope of home work, the definition of cities using satellite images, and the impact of global climate on agricultural trade. Click here for slide.
  • Marshall Burke (Stanford University): Associate Professor, Stanford University of Global System Science, Deputy Director of Food Security and Environment Center, and Research Institute for the United States. Follow research that focuses on the social and economic impact of environmental changes and the measurement and understanding of economic livelihoods in developing countries. He has regularly published papers in Nature, Science, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, THE LANCET, and economic magazines. Acquired a doctorate in agriculture and resource economics at the University of California Berkeley, and at Stanford University's Bachelor's Academy. He is also a c o-founder of ATLASAI, an emerging company that uses satellite and machine learning to measure his life. Click here for slide.
  • Debate
  • Southern Methodist University Corporation, Regional and Globalization Faculty of Globalization Professor, NBER Research Associates, CEPR Research Fellow. Master of Management at Louvan University, a Ph. D. in Economics at Stanford University. Before moving to SMU, he was a professor at Madrid Carlos III. Specializes in regional economics, economic growth, political economics, and international trade. Papers are published in journals such as American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory, and Journal of Development Conomics. In 2019, he won the Robert E. Lucas Jr. Award. Click here for slide.
  • Mariaflavia (Nina) Harari, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Virginia. She holds a PhD from Brown University. As a development economist, she works on two main topics: using theoretical insights and data to answer questions about the causes and consequences of water scarcity and pollution; and addressing issues related to gender-based violence. Her other interests are higher education, skilled labor markets, and state capacity in developing countries. She often uses primary data based on her own research and draws on insights from a range of academic disciplines. She has also conducted extensive fieldwork in India.
  • Mariaflavia (Nina) Harari, Assistant Professor, Department of Real Estate, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on urban and development economics. Her research focuses on urbanization in developing countries. Her work has been featured in the American Economic Review. She holds a BA and MA in Economics and Social Science from Bocconi University and a PhD in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Slides available here.
  • Paulina Oliva (USC) is an Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Southern California. She received her PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009. He specializes in environmental economics and development studies, particularly the relationship between air pollution and health, and the effectiveness of environmental policies in developing countries. He uses a variety of microeconometric methods to study individual incentives and the effects of air pollution on the human body. Slides available here.
  • Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 12:30 - 2:00 EST via Zoom
  • In this Trade and Development workshop, Bruno Conte (University of Bologna) presented his paper "Climate Change and Migration: The Case of Africa".
  • Overview: This article provides a general equilibrium model for quantitating the impact of climate change on economy and immigrants. This model can capture the role of trade networks and agricultural aptitude in the population and GDP distribution, taking into account the selection of crops and the inner adjustment of trade. Using detailed geographical data from 42 Africa (SSA) nations south of Sahara, simulated the impact of the climate using FAO-GAEZ's 2080 agricultural productivity. Climate change is estimated to move 12 % of the SSA population and reduce real GDP by 4 %. Due to the ability to convert crops, urbanization, and product transactions, the impact of climate change is reduced in terms of population outflow. Finally, by introducing modern input materials to agriculture, the negative impact of climate change can be considerably reversed.
  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021 12:30 P. M. -14:00 P. M. Online
  • Trade and development workshops
  • Overview: In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate the world's economic geography and category expertise in the world that changes due to global warming. We propose a dynamic space growth model of a tw o-sector that incorporates economic activity, carbon emissions, and temperature relationships. This model is applied to the 1◦ × 1 ◦ resolution data of the whole world. Considering 200 years ago, people and economic activities go north to Siberia, Canada and Scandinavia, due to the rise in temperature, which matches the emissions in a typical concentration route 8. 5. Compared to a world without climate change, agricultural cluster shifts from Central Africa, Brazil and India to Central Asia, some of China, and northern Canada. In the latitude area directly under the equator, which has lost agriculture, the population is declining due to the sustainable productivity of no n-agriculture. Real GDP and practical loss expected by 2200 are 6 % and 15 %, respectively. Increase in trade costs increases the application of the specialization of the departmen t-b y-species, increases the cost of geographical concentration in agriculture and the expansion of immigration caused by climate.
October 19, 2021 (Tuesday) 9: 00-10: 30 (Eastern summer time in the United States) held at ZOOM.

We will be invited to the event "Governing the New Voluntary Carbon Markets" event at IIEP/ASU-THUNERBIRD to be held on October 19 (Tuesday). Mark Kember (VCMI) and Cavita Placas h-Mani (Mandai Nature) will participate in this event.

To avoid climate catastrophe, we need all the tools, including markets. Voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) can complement government policies to sequester greenhouse gases, avoid new emissions, move the global economy towards net zero, and unlock tens of billions of dollars in activities that protect and restore nature and benefit people. But markets are not inherently focused on such public objectives. The Multistakeholder Initiative, an outcome of the recent High-Level Task Force on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, aims to help these markets scale up quickly, with a public objective at their core. In this webinar, two of the Initiative's new board members will draw on their extensive experience to discuss the urgent challenges and opportunities of this new type of market.

The webinar was moderated by Anne Florini of ASU Thunderbird. Jay Shambaugh, IIEP Director, and Sunil Sharma, IIEP Distinguished Visiting Scholar, provided welcome remarks. The event is co-hosted by the Arizona State University Thunderbird School of Business and the GWU Institute for International Economic Policy.

  • About the Speakers
  • Mark Kember is a Joint Executive Director of VCMI's public relations. The government, NGO, and private sector have been working on the environment, climate and energy issues for more than 20 years. Currently, the capital providers to recognize the risk of climate change in the investment in tropical soft and commodity production, and to convert loans and investment decisions in accordance with it. Jing Director. Marks, which have the background of development economics and environmental economics, have been active in various fields of environmental and climate policy, particularly focused on the use of economic means in pursuit of sustainable development. The main career is: The UK's largest community energy project development and operating company, the highest executive of Mangus Energy, the Crymate Group's policy director (later the highest executive director), and the WWF International He has been a senior policy office of a climate change program, a policy program director of Kito's Hundish Natura, the Ecuador government climate change advisor, and a lecturer at the University of Catholic in the Citrics and the British Development Institute. Recently, he has been elected to the TSVCM director and is now a member of the Community Energy England and Vera, the Renewum Advisory Committee, the director of the Brightton and Hove Energy Service Cooperative, and the RE100 Advisory Committee. < SPAN> Mark Kember is a joint executive director in Water Relations in VCMI. The government, NGO, and private sector have been working on the environment, climate and energy issues for more than 20 years. Currently, the capital providers to recognize the risk of climate change in the investment in tropical soft and commodity production, and to convert loans and investment decisions in accordance with it. Jing Director. Marks, which have the background of development economics and environmental economics, have been active in various fields of environmental and climate policy, particularly focused on the use of economic means in pursuit of sustainable development. The main career is: The UK's largest community energy project development and operating company, the highest executive of Mangus Energy, the Crymate Group's policy director (later the highest executive director), and the WWF International He has been a senior policy office of a climate change program, a policy program director of Kito's Hundish Natura, the Ecuador government climate change advisor, and a lecturer at the University of Catholic in the Citrics and the British Development Institute. Recently, he has been elected to the TSVCM director and is now a member of the Community Energy England and Vera, the Renewum Advisory Committee, the director of the Brightton and Hove Energy Service Cooperative, and the RE100 Advisory Committee. Mark Kember is a Joint Executive Director of VCMI's public relations. The government, NGO, and private sector have been working on the environment, climate and energy issues for more than 20 years. Currently, the capital providers to recognize the risk of climate change in the investment in tropical soft and commodity production, and to convert loans and investment decisions in accordance with it. Jing Director. Marks, which have the background of development economics and environmental economics, have been active in various fields of environmental and climate policy, particularly focused on the use of economic means in pursuit of sustainable development. The main career is: The UK's largest community energy project development and operating company, the highest executive of Mangus Energy, the Crymate Group's policy director (later the highest executive director), and the WWF International He has been a senior policy office of a climate change program, a policy program director of Kito's Hundish Natura, the Ecuador government climate change advisor, and a lecturer at the University of Catholic in the Citrics and the British Development Institute. Recently, he has been elected to the TSVCM director and is now a member of the Community Energy England and Vera, the Renewum Advisory Committee, the director of the Brightton and Hove Energy Service Cooperative, and the RE100 Advisory Committee.
  • Cavita Placas h-Mani is the CEO of Mandai Nature, a new environmental protection NGO, centered on Southeast Asia, established in Singapore by Temasek and Mandai Park Holding. Mandai Nature is working on the protection of endangered species, especially the Asian species that are often overlooked, and is working on wildlife transactions and habitat divisions. He also promotes natura l-based solutions to climate change with his partners, creates economic opportunities in close cooperation with local communities and organizations, and invests in the construction of local skills and conservation skills. Before that, as a WWF's global conservation director, he led the WWF strategy and approach, building partnership construction, engagement, planning and performance, and campaigns. Before that, he led the WWF's global practice market (company, community, citizens / consumers). Before that, he served as an executive director of Singapore's Grow ASIA (initiative in the World Economic Forum), Global Head of Food Security Agenda in Senjenta International, and Sustainability Executive Director in London. He also worked at Washington DC's World Research Institute, Glaxo Smith Cline in India. Member of the Unilever Sustainability Advisory Committee. He is also a member of many councils and boards, including tropical forest alliance, Science Based Targets for Nature, Global Agenda Council on the World Economic Forum and Food Security.
  • About the moderator < Span> Cavita Prakas h-Mani is a CEO of Mandai Nature, a new environmental protection NGO centered on Southeast Asia, established in Singapore by Temasek and Mandai Park Holding in Singapore. Mandai Nature is working on the protection of endangered species, especially the Asian species that are often overlooked, and is working on wildlife transactions and habitat divisions. He also promotes natura l-based solutions to climate change with his partners, creates economic opportunities in close cooperation with local communities and organizations, and invests in the construction of local skills and conservation skills. Before that, as a WWF's global conservation director, he led the WWF strategy and approach, building partnership construction, engagement, planning and performance, and campaigns. Before that, he led the WWF global practices (companies, communities, citizens / consumers). Before that, he served as an executive director of Singapore's Grow ASIA (initiative in the World Economic Forum), Global Head of Food Security Agenda in Senjenta International, and Sustainability Executive Director in London. He also worked at Washington DC's World Research Institute, Glaxo Smith Cline in India. Member of the Unilever Sustainability Advisory Committee. He is also a member of many councils and boards, including tropical forest alliance, Science Based Targets for Nature, Global Agenda Council on the World Economic Forum and Food Security.
  • About the moderator, Cavita Prakas h-Mani is a CEO of Mandai Nature, a new environmental protection NGO, a new environmental protection NGO centered on Southeast Asia, established in Singapore by Temasek and Mandai Park Holding. Mandai Nature is working on the protection of endangered species, especially the Asian species that are often overlooked, and is working on wildlife transactions and habitat divisions. He also promotes natura l-based solutions to climate change with his partners, creates economic opportunities in close cooperation with local communities and organizations, and invests in the construction of local skills and conservation skills. Before that, as a WWF's global conservation director, he led the WWF strategy and approach, building partnership construction, engagement, planning and performance, and campaigns. Before that, he led the WWF's global practice market (company, community, citizens / consumers). Before that, he served as an executive director of Singapore's Grow ASIA (initiative in the World Economic Forum), Global Head of Food Security Agenda in Senjenta International, and Sustainability Executive Director in London. He also worked at Washington DC's World Research Institute, Glaxo Smith Cline in India. Member of the Unilever Sustainability Advisory Committee. He is also a member of many councils and boards, including tropical forest alliance, Science Based Targets for Nature, Global Agenda Council on the World Economic Forum and Food Security.
  • About the moderator
  • He is a clinical professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. He was the founding director of the Center for Asia and Globalization at the National University of Singapore and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and is currently a professor of public policy at the Singapore Management University. He has spearheaded numerous international initiatives on global governance, energy and climate policy, and cross-sector cooperation involving governments, civil society, and the private sector. He has written numerous books and articles on governance in China, transparency in governance, transnational civil society networks, and the role of the private sector in public affairs. He holds a PhD in Political Science from UCLA and a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University.
  • Welcome Remarks
  • He is a professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. His fields are macroeconomics and international economics. He has held two terms in public service. He was a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers from 2015 to 2017. Prior to that, he served as the CEA's senior economist for international economics and chief economist. He also served as director of the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution for three years. He is also a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER and a Nonresident Senior Fellow in Economic Research at Brookings. Prior to joining George Washington University, he taught at Georgetown University and Dartmouth College, and was a visiting scholar at the IMF. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and a BA from Yale University. He is a Clinical Professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. He is the founding director of the Center for Asia Globalization at the National University of Singapore, a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a Professor of Public Policy at Singapore Management University. He has spearheaded numerous international initiatives on global governance, energy and climate policy, and cross-sector collaboration involving governments, civil society, and the private sector. He has written numerous books and articles on governance in China, transparency in governance, transnational civil society networks, and the role of the private sector in public affairs. He holds a PhD in Political Science from UCLA and a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University. Welcome Remarks

Dr. Lee is a professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. His specialization is macroeconomics and international economics. He has held two terms of public office. He was a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers from 2015 to 2017. Prior to that, he served as senior economist for international economics and chief economist at the CEA. He also served as director of the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution for three years. He is also a faculty research fellow at the NBER and a nonresident senior fellow in economic studies at Brookings. Prior to joining George Washington University, he taught at Georgetown University and Dartmouth College, and was a visiting scholar at the IMF. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and a BA from Yale University. He is a clinical professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University. Professor of Public Policy at Singapore Management University, formerly Founding Director of the Center for Asia and Globalization at the National University of Singapore and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He has spearheaded numerous international initiatives on global governance, energy and climate policy, and cross-sectoral cooperation involving governments, civil society, and the private sector. He has written numerous books and papers on governance in China, transparency in governance, transnational civil society networks, and the role of the private sector in public affairs. He holds a PhD in Political Science from UCLA and a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University.


Welcome Remarks

Professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. His fields are macroeconomics and international economics. He has held two terms in public service. He was a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers from 2015 to 2017. Prior to that, he served as Senior Economist for International Economics and Chief Economist at the CEA. He also served as Director of the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution for three years. He is also a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER and a Nonresident Senior Fellow for Economic Research at Brookings. Prior to joining the George Washington University faculty, he taught at Georgetown University and Dartmouth College and was a visiting scholar at the IMF. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, an MA from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and a BA from Yale University.

Sunil Sharma is a visiting fellow at the Institute for International Economic Policy, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, USA, and a senior associate at the Economic Policy Council, Zurich, Switzerland. He was assistant director of the IMF Research Department from 2015 to 2018, and director of the IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute (STI) in Singapore from 2006 to 2015. Prior to joining the IMF in 1992, he was a professor of economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He holds a PhD and an MA in economics from Cornell University, an MA from the Delhi School of Economics, and a BA (cum laude) from St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi. His current research interests include rethinking capitalism and democracy, systemic hazards, complex systems, international financial architecture, and the institutional structure and design of financial regulation.

IIEP Rethinking Capitalism and Democracy Series

The COVID-19 pandemic, like the global financial crisis a decade ago, has exposed cracks in major capitalist democracies. Fractures are emerging in the political, social, economic and financial orders, and with them the natural environment is increasingly stressed. Explosive income and wealth inequalities are undermining the integrity and fairness of markets and elections, weakening regulatory oversight is making the next crash more likely and severe, and the visible impacts of climate change are threatening lives and livelihoods and encouraging migration. Each of the three spheres of well-being – political and social, economic and financial, and the natural environment – ​​is becoming more fragile, while their complex interrelationships create wicked challenges. IIEP’s webinar series, “Rethinking Capitalism and Democracy,” explores these conundrums and possible policy responses.

Thunderbird Finance and Sustainability Series

The global financial system is facing a new pressure not only to be financially stable, but also to become an environmentally friendly and social "sustainable" financial system. These pressure is a political aspect as a recoil of the global economic financial, and the financial sector has neglected to steer investment to meet the needs of society. The new financial technology ("Fintech") offers further pressure to existing financial institutions, but also provides a major opportunity to create what is called "citize n-centered". The top of public institutions has been convened in a new network of central banks and supervisors to green the financial systems. Private sector has already shifted from CSR to a more broad ESG (environment, society, governance) risk and opportunities in investment. Thunderbird's "Financial and Sustainability" Webinar Series explores these urgent issues with practitioners and thinkers who are active at the forefront.

Do you want to accumulate your career in the field of sports management? Milan Institute of Technology See the Master's Program in the Master's degree in cooperation with major Italian sports institutions: CONI, FIGC, Istituto Per Credito Sportivo and Lega Serie a.

Download pamphlet

Location: Digital Learning + Milan

Language: Italian and English

Formal par t-time

Next admission time: November 2022

Class period: 12 months

Qualification: Level 1 or 2 Grade Master's degree


  • Tuition: 12, 500 euros
  • Contact: +39 02 23992820 e-mail: sportinfrastRucture@mip. polimi. it

This program is a professional who wants to start a career in the world of sports management, or wants to grow further by acquiring specialized skills in sports infrastructure design and management. It is targeted at home.

Network with the sports world

  • The teachers of our school have many practitioners who teach students. This is an example:
  • Understand the management of Athletic Bilbao's home stadium Estadio Sun Mames.
  • Understanding the mechanism of Amsterdam Arena, the most advanced sports facility in Europe, by Henk Marklink CEO.
  • Learn about "Stadium Management and Stadium Management" with Martin Murphy, a stadium manager of Dublin's Aviva Stadium.
  • Listen to Pietro Kiablella and UEFA pitch & technology specialist Lee Geliero: "Infrastructure for soccer. UEFA approach.
  • The Milan Cortine 2026: Urban Vision is understood with Project Leader Francesco Romshi, Olympic athletes Ondo Jay Ryrek, Valentina Malcay, and Milan City Planning Councilors Pier Francesco Maran.

Visit Milan's new Palalido Allianz Cloud with designers and managers.

Speak with volleyball champion, Philippo Lanza, Matteo Piano, Andrea Zorzi

Barcelona, ​​Liverpool, Nice, and many others who learn best practices directly from the protagonists


Following the main development projects of Italian stadiums: Ataranta, Bologna, Udine, Pisa, Volzano, Framinio di Rome, and many others

  • Discover wonderful events and cycling infrastructure with the protagonists: Alessandro Martinello, Marco Villa, many others
  • Networks with important companies, engineering, architectural design studios: TEKNE SPA, CMR Projects, Gare Engineering, Teco + Partners, Archea Associati, Benedetto Camerana and Partner, etc.
Visit with Francesco Zianello (the stadium / facility department manager).

With the Lega Serie A and Lega B and Lega B Agricultural Consultants, Giovanni Castelli, and the FC Internazionale Milanale Stadium Management and Sports International Director Giovanni Piparotti explore the role and secrets of the ground administrator.

  • partner
  • The partner of this program is named by major sports companies and institutions:
  • Placement
  • This program aims to develop professionals who can play an active part in the following fields:
  • Architecture and engineering company;

Italian engineering company in Japan and overseas



Occupational organization

Three things that I didn’t expect when .

Sports Association;

Partnering with innovators: how does thi .

League and Federation;

Administrative organizations and local governments

Innovation in companies and in professio .

Construction and real estate company

From technology to luxury, how the MBA i .

Services for sports, wellness, entertainment

Reinvent Your Career with an Online MBA

Quality Management System Certification Organization

Marvelous Milano

Success Stories

Rob Napoli

After the master's program is completed and all scheduled activities are completed, Milan Institute of Technology will issue a first or second level master's degree. This degree is at the II level if you have a thre e-year bachelor's (Laurea Trinale), and if you have a master's degree (Laurea Magistere).

Martina Pietrobon

The Master's course lasts 12 months and is taught in Italian and English. Classes take place monthly in the MIP or online (once a month, Thursday-Saturday) and via Digital Learning (every Monday, 19:00-21:00 CET). The Master's course also includes field activities. At the end of the Master's course, students will discuss their project work. Program Director Emilio Faroldi - Politecnico di Milano Program Coordinator Davide Allegri - Politecnico di Milano SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Andrea Abodi, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Oscar Bellini, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Bellintani, Politecnico di Milano Marco Brunelli, FIGC Maddalena Buffoli, Politecnico di Milano Luca Buzzoni, ARUP Francesco Calvetti, Politecnico di Milan o Stefano Capolongo, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Ciaramella, Politecnico di Milano Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Della Torre, Niccolò Donna, FIGC Antonio Marchesi, Deloitte Alberto Miglietta, former CONI Servizi SpA Ingrid Paoletti, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Rolando, Politecnico di Milano Carlo Rotellini, TECO + Partners Luca Stabile, ARUP Maurizio Teora, ARUP Michele Uva, UEFA Eliana Ventola, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Federico Venturi Ferriolo, LCA Studio Legale Maria Pilar Vettori, Politecnico di Milano Design Sports Infrastructure History. evolution. Technology National and international regulations for quality design of sports spaces Principles for the evaluation and economic and financial planning of complex projects Tools, models and techniques for evaluating complex projects Planning of sports infrastructure Sociology of sport and media and communication Environmental balance, sustainability of buildings for sport and major sporting events Principles of sport, wellness, health and environmental hygiene

Nicola Altobelli



Principles of the BIM approach Systems and energy technologies for environmental sustainability Innovative and technological construction systems Product, material and process technologies: best practices and case studies from leading companies in the sector Engineering of large complex structures: practice and case studies from companies, engineering and architectural firms Principles of flow engineering: best practices and case studies

I Soci MIP


MGLUXM – Master in Global Luxury Goods and Services Management

MGLUXM – Master in Global Luxury Goods and Services Management


統合マネジメントの原則 施設マネジメント:この分野のリーディングカンパニーによるベストプラクティスと事例紹介 プロジェクトファイナンスと官民パートナーシップ:アプローチ、ツール、ベストプラクティス スポーツインフラとビッグイベント:試合運営とベストプラクティス イタリアのベストプラクティス(スタジアム/アリーナ、 Sports Integration Center) International Best Practis (Stadium / Arena, Sports Center) Sports Law

Richard Damania (Deputy Governor Chief Economist, a Sustainable Development of the World Bank) is a sustainable development plactic group Chief Economist. The World Bank has served as a senior economic advisor of Water Practis, a lead economist in the Sustainable Development Department of African regions, South Asian regions, and Latin American and Caribbean regions. It was a trigger for the World Bank to be recognized as an opinion leader in the environment, water and economy. Before joining the World Bank, he has been active in the academic world and published more than 100 papers in scientific magazines. Click here for slide.

MGLUXM – Master in Global Luxury Goods and Services Management

4 days intensive workshop twice

-Cobelciano's FIGC Technology Center "Louisi Ridorf", the Olympic preparatory center "Julio Onesty", the main practice area for the Italian national team.

Inspection and watching games in the Olympic preparatory center in Rome: Seminar at the headquarters of a workshop company and public institutions about specific projects with sports management experts

The project work is a concrete project that is completed while in the master's course, with the support of the academic tutor. The final paper will be published in front of the Academic Committee at the end of the master.

Does this program suit me?

Enrollment procedure

The program is dedicated to both graduates and experts who have a bachelor or master's degree in any field.


  • The choice for enrollment in 2022 is open! WWW. appingFormasters. net Fill in the online form of the platform and attach the following documents (English):
  • resume
  • A degree certificate or sel f-certificate
  • Motivation

Passport copy


Passport photo

  • Application fee of 50 euros. This amount can be paid from the application platform via online, flywires*, or by regular bank transfer).
  • *Tuition and fees can be easily paid online through Flywire, the priority payment partner of our school. Flywire offers a safe global payment network and can simplify tuition payments from and around the world. Payment methods include bank transfer, credit card, and e-wallet, and most countries can pay by country in most countries.

Even if you do not have a degree, you can still apply, take part in the selection process, and enroll in the 2022 Master's program starting in November. The important thing is to pass all scheduled exams before the start of the Master's program.

After submitting the application, candidates will be contacted by a recruiter and will undergo a first selection process, including a video interview. If successful, they will have a second interview with a Master's program representative.

The cost of the Master's program is 12, 000 euros + university fees of 500 euros. Tuition fees, which apply only to graduates or undergraduates of Politecnico di Milano (all degrees), are 6, 500 euros. The cost of the course is divided as follows:

  • Polytechnic University of Milan registration fee: 500 euros per person
  • Master's course tuition fee: 6, 000 euros per person
  • Other contributions
Contributions for candidates:

MIP 4 Women - up to 30% of the tuition fee to increase gender diversity in the classroom;

  • Country-specific contributions for foreign candidates: Candidates from certain regions (Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, Middle East Asia, Central Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Oceania, Africa, North America, Central America, South America, Gulf States, Caribbean, Far East Asia) can apply for a reduction of up to 12, 000 euros;
  • High flyers receive a contribution of up to 40% of the tuition fee;
  • Sportspeople (with ID) - up to 12, 000 euros;
  • Early bird discount of 10% of the tuition fee if applied for by 30 June 2022.
Foreign candidates and Italian candidates living in Italy can also take advantage of student loans to cover tuition fees and other costs. For more information, please contact sportinfrastructure@mip. polimi. it.

#MIPexperience International Part-time MBA April 20

  • #MIPexperience International Part-time MBA April 13
  • On October 22, 2020, the new edition of the International MBA, my edition, was presented at the Politecnico di Milano MIP. About 70 people are waiting for the start of the presentation in a big class. New faces, no one knows anyone. There is a stronghold.
  • #MIPexperience International Part-time MBA April 6
#MIPexperience International Full-time MBA March 23


  • #MIPexperience International Full-time MBA March 16
  • Rob was awarded Master of Marketing Management IM4 in 2016 and has been successfully successful in the selected field.
  • Ful l-time graduate who became a new marketing manager in Microsoft Italy
  • Commercial Director Eceplast SRL, Shelpa GI Confindustria DI G20 Young Entreprenuers Alliance

There is no event

Category: Event | Tags: Success Story


The Global Luxury Goods & Service Management Master's Program (MGLUXM) is a 12 month graduate program to become an expert manager in the global luxury industry. Developed by SP Jain School of Global Management and Mip Politecnico Di Graduate School of Business Marketing in the market that emerges fast We provide applications for sales and retail concepts. The industr y-centered curriculum and actual projects implemented in both Mumbai and Milan can help gain deep knowledge of the luxury industry in the remarkable and distinctive market.

  • Download the pamphlet
  • Location Milan (Italy) & Mumbai (India)
  • Language English
  • Type full time

Enrollment time 2021 February

Period: 12 months

  • Tuition: 16500 euros
  • Please send your resume to the contact information@mip. polimi. it.
  • S P Jain, School of Global Management Program

A 1 2-month ful l-time program that you can learn in Mumbai and Milan.

One of the following leading European luxury centers training travel to companies: Leather, Automobile, Fashion, Winery, Winery, Hospitality Industry, Switzerland, in Switzerland, perfume, Winery (Champagne), Jewelry, etc. in France.

  • It is intended for new employees who want to deepen their knowledge in luxury products and services in the service division, turn into managers in international luxury management, and professionals who have a 2-3 year related work experience.
  • See the SP JAIN website for details.
  • In both cities in Mumbai and Milan, students meet industry experts and leaders, work on actual projects, visit brand shops, and gain the opportunity to directly understand how this industry is working. You can do it. There are also opportunities to visit the world's famous luxury, such as France, Switzerland, and Italy.
  • Program configuration
  • Career service


After completing a 1 2-mont h-old program, the "completion certificate" from S P JAIN SCHOOL OF GLOBAL Management is internationally recognized by MIP POLITECNICO DI Milano Graduate School of Business. Bal Luxury Goods and Services Management " Will be awarded.

Success Stories

Rob Napoli

After the master's program is completed and all scheduled activities are completed, Milan Institute of Technology will issue a first or second level master's degree. This degree is at the II level if you have a thre e-year bachelor's (Laurea Trinale), and if you have a master's degree (Laurea Magistere).

Martina Pietrobon

The Master's course lasts 12 months and is taught in Italian and English. Classes take place monthly in the MIP or online (once a month, Thursday-Saturday) and via Digital Learning (every Monday, 19:00-21:00 CET). The Master's course also includes field activities. At the end of the Master's course, students will discuss their project work. Program Director Emilio Faroldi - Politecnico di Milano Program Coordinator Davide Allegri - Politecnico di Milano SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Andrea Abodi, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Oscar Bellini, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Bellintani, Politecnico di Milano Marco Brunelli, FIGC Maddalena Buffoli, Politecnico di Milano Luca Buzzoni, ARUP Francesco Calvetti, Politecnico di Milan o Stefano Capolongo, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Ciaramella, Politecnico di Milano Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Della Torre, Niccolò Donna, FIGC Antonio Marchesi, Deloitte Alberto Miglietta, former CONI Servizi SpA Ingrid Paoletti, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Rolando, Politecnico di Milano Carlo Rotellini, TECO + Partners Luca Stabile, ARUP Maurizio Teora, ARUP Michele Uva, UEFA Eliana Ventola, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Federico Venturi Ferriolo, LCA Studio Legale Maria Pilar Vettori, Politecnico di Milano Design Sports Infrastructure History. evolution. Technology National and international regulations for quality design of sports spaces Principles for the evaluation and economic and financial planning of complex projects Tools, models and techniques for evaluating complex projects Planning of sports infrastructure Sociology of sport and media and communication Environmental balance, sustainability of buildings for sport and major sporting events Principles of sport, wellness, health and environmental hygiene

Nicola Altobelli



Principles of the BIM approach Systems and energy technologies for environmental sustainability Innovative and technological construction systems Product, material and process technologies: best practices and case studies from leading companies in the sector Engineering of large complex structures: practice and case studies from companies, engineering and architectural firms Principles of flow engineering: best practices and case studies

MIP Shareholders


CGIM – Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing

CGIM – Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing


2nd term: Milan (4 months)

In the second term of the program held in Milan, it deeply delves into the value creation process of luxury management, from brand creation and innovation to operations, distribution, retail, and service quality. In the second term, you will learn the following:

Change the design to luxury products and collections

  • Change the excellent craftsmanship into an outstanding operation.
  • Create a luxury experience through communication and retail
  • Touch the luxury industry industry in Milan and nearby European luxury cities.

Term: Project Work (2 months)

-Cobelciano's FIGC Technology Center "Louisi Ridorf", the Olympic preparatory center "Julio Onesty", the main practice area for the Italian national team.

Create a new luxury brand or business plan (ideal for those who want to start luxury business or upgrade existing business to luxury business).

Research in the field of international luxury management.

Internship with a luxury brand

Industry visit

During the four months spent by students in Milan, travel to nearby European countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France, surveying local luxury brands, meeting market analysts. Interacts with the top of the leading companies. The program also includes special studies for companies and businesses in the world's famous market, such as Paris, Switzerland, and Germany.

Wine production are a-Champagne


  • Leather Marke t-Florence
  • Popular watch bran d-Nuchatel
  • Luxury Automotive Business - Stuttgart and Munich
  • After completing the MASTER IN GLOBAL LUXURY GOODS AND SERVICES MANAGEMENT (MGLuxM) program, you will be exposed to huge business opportunities in the luxury and premium sector in India and abroad. Participants will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in the areas of marketing, sales, branding, communication, operations, product development, marketing strategies in product, fashion, automotive, services, consulting and e-commerce companies. It also offers a huge opportunity to launch an entrepreneurial venture in the luxury space.
  • -Cobelciano's FIGC Technology Center "Louisi Ridorf", the Olympic preparatory center "Julio Onesty", the main practice area for the Italian national team.


The Master's in Global Luxury Goods & Services Management (MGLuxM) program is ideal for:

Fresh graduates with a minimum of three years of undergraduate degree from a recognized university in India or abroad

Students with the aptitude and drive to work in the luxury space

  • The program is conducted in English. Therefore, a good command of English and written and spoken communication skills are a must.
  • You will also need to demonstrate leadership and management skills and a willingness to meet the demands of a rigorous master's degree.
  • To apply to the program, you will need to submit the following:
  • Curriculum Vitae/ CV
  • University degree transcripts

Passport copy and photograph

Document screening The admissions committee will shortlist candidates based on several criteria, including past academic performance, work experience (if any) and any other information provided. This process usually takes around 5 working days.

1st Semester in MIP

Interview and evaluation

  • Shortlisted candidates will be called for further evaluation.
  • As part of the evaluation process, they will be interviewed in writing and in person.
  • A confirmation process of candidates accepted to the program will be carried out by MIP Politecnico.
  • An offer will be made within 10 working days after confirmation of acceptance.

Candidates must confirm their acceptance by paying the registration fee within 2 weeks of receiving the offer.

  • SP Jain School of Global Management is Australia's leading business school offering contemporary, relevant and practical global business education. With campuses in dynamic business hubs Dubai, Mumbai, Singapore and Sydney, SP Jain Global is known for launching the world's first tri-city undergraduate and postgraduate programme. Its flagship Global MBA programme receives acclaim every year from international publications such as Forbes, Financial Times and The Economist. With global intelligence and cultural agility, SP Jain Global graduates are equipped with the skills and confidence to take on the global challenges of the 21st century and drive decision-making.
  • Rob was awarded the Masters in Marketing Management IM4 in 2016 and has had many successes in his chosen field.

Our full-time alumnus is the new Head of Marketing at Microsoft Italy.

  • Commercial Director Eceplast srl, Sherpa GI Confindustria di G20 Young Entreprenuers Alliance
  • No events
  • Category: Events | Tags: Success Stories
  • China is a national factory that is rapidly transforming from a product manufacturing to an innovation-driven economic system. The Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing Master's Program (CGIM) aims to equip students with innovation and marketing skills related to consumer goods.

The Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing Master's Program (CGIM) aims to equip students with innovation and marketing skills related to consumer goods, with a particular focus on everyday items. Particular emphasis is paid to the international approach and to the link between product and place of origin.

  • CGIM Master Programme accepts only Chinese students from the following Chinese partner universities:
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Beijing Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management

  • Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
  • Location Milan (Italy) & Angers (France)
  • Language English
  • Format Full-time
    • Course start September 2019
    • Duration: 18 months
    • Tuition: € 25, 000
    • Main contact for enrolment

    2nd Semester in ESSCA

    Tel : +39 02 2399 2881 Email : fan@mip. polimi. it

    • Enrolment September 2019
    • Format 6 months in Italy + 6 months in France + 6 months internship & thesis in China or Italy
    • Location Milan (Italy), Angers (France)

    Duration 18 months

    • Language English
    • The program aims to develop innovation and marketing skills with a focus on consumer goods, especially everyday items. In addition to standard lectures, during the course students will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, talks from experts in the field, applied business cases, and company and studio visits, following the Italian and French tradition.
    • Graduates of the CGIM program will have greater innovation and marketing skills in consumer goods, greater self-confidence, and a broader managerial perspective, enabling them to have a significant and positive impact on their careers and the future of their companies.

    After completing the CGIM program, students will receive a double degree qualification from two highly ranked European schools:

    • First class Master in Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing from Politecnico di Milano
    • Master of Science in Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing from ESSCA
    • Organization and Calendar

    First year MBA/Master program at a partner university in China

    • Second year in Europe: 6 months in Italy + 6 months in France
    • 6 months internship during which students develop their Master's thesis
    • (Travel and accommodation during the international week are not included in the tuition fee.)
    • Content


    • Product Collection Design and Management
    • Teamwork in Innovation
    • Market Driven Management and Market Driven Management
    • Specific industry bootcamps (workshops, talks, company/studio visits) in the following design disciplines:


    Toy Industry

    Interior Design

    Brand Development and Management

    Data Analytics

    Strategic Brand and Product Management

    A Day in the Life of a Product Manager (Workshop)

    Digital Experience 360

    Customer Reality Management 360

    Customer Experience Development with IoT and Big Data
    • E-Business Management
    • Sales Development
    • Commercial Action Plans and Key Account Management
    Negotiations with business partners

    Ethics, marketing, sales

    Shopper & retail marketing

    Category management

    Shopping at stores

    Trade marketing

    Retail channel design

    Innovation marketing and creativity

    Marketing innovation and design thinking process (steps, trend analysis, persona, insight generation, used scenarios)

    Innovation price setting


    Innovative release campaign

    • Creative Session (Workshop)
    • International academic partner
    • Lon g-term partnerships with ESSCA management graduate school gain international experience at two most prestigious business schools in Italy and France. Our students acquire more powerful analytical and criticism by applying two different prospects, the Italian approach and the French approach, to analyze one topic by applying two different prospects. You can.

    Change the design to luxury products and collections

    • Change the excellent craftsmanship into an outstanding operation.
    • Create a luxury experience through communication and retail
    • Touch the luxury industry industry in Milan and nearby European luxury cities.
    Many of the MIP professors are successful as a professional, using consulting and vast research equipment to provide diverse and appropriate latest materials that are useful for lectures and business cases. The MIP professors are also enthusiastic about making class hours always worthwhile and exciting, which is a valuable experience for students' future corporate activities. The ESSCA professors are highly evaluated in high quality education, management skills, and human growth. < SPAN> Negotiations with business partners

    Ethics, marketing, sales

    • Shopper & retail marketing
    • Category management
    • Shopping at stores
    • Trade marketing
    • Retail channel design
    Innovation marketing and creativity

    Marketing innovation and design thinking process (steps, trend analysis, persona, insight generation, used scenarios)

    Innovation price setting

    Innovative release campaign

    Creative Session (Workshop)

    International academic partner

    Lon g-term partnerships with ESSCA management graduate school gain international experience at two most prestigious business schools in Italy and France. Our students acquire more powerful analytical and criticism by applying two different prospects, the Italian approach and the French approach, to analyze one topic by applying two different prospects. You can.

    Internship & master's thesis

    This program requires a si x-month internship or a si x-month employment experience. Students spend six months in China or Italian companies to create papers on consumer goods innovation and marketing.

    Master's thesis is an explanation and discussion of internships published in a mixed judging committee by professors at Chinese University, MIP, and ESSCA.

    MIP and ESSCA professors are composed of professors with extremely diverse occupations and educational backgrounds, and are complemented by dedicated educational staff.

    Many of the MIP professors are successful as a professional, using consulting and vast research equipment to provide diverse and appropriate latest materials that are useful for lectures and business cases. The MIP professors are also enthusiastic about making class hours always worthwhile and exciting, which is a valuable experience for students' future corporate activities. The ESSCA professors are highly evaluated in high quality education, management skills, and human growth. Negotiations with business partners


    Ethics, marketing, sales

    Shopper & Retail Marketing

    Category management

    Shopping at stores

    Trade marketing

    Retail channel design

    Innovation marketing and creativity

    Marketing innovation and design thinking process (steps, trend analysis, persona, insight generation, used scenarios)

    Innovation price setting

    Innovative release campaign

    Creative Session (Workshop)

    International academic partner

    Lon g-term partnerships with ESSCA management graduate school gain international experience at two most prestigious business schools in Italy and France. Our students acquire more powerful analytical and criticism by applying two different prospects, the Italian approach and the French approach, to analyze one topic by applying two different prospects. You can.

    Internship & master's thesis


    This program requires a si x-month internship or a si x-month employment experience. Students spend six months in China or Italian companies to create papers on consumer goods innovation and marketing.

    Master's thesis is an explanation and discussion of internships published in a mixed judging committee by professors at Chinese University, MIP, and ESSCA.

    Amount in €

    International Student Office

    MIP and ESSCA professors are composed of professors with extremely diverse occupations and educational backgrounds, and are complemented by dedicated educational staff.


    Occupational organization

    Three things that I didn’t expect when .

    Sports Association;

    Partnering with innovators: how does thi .

    League and Federation;

    Administrative organizations and local governments

    Innovation in companies and in professio .

    Construction and real estate company

    From technology to luxury, how the MBA i .

    Services for sports, wellness, entertainment

    Reinvent Your Career with an Online MBA

    Quality Management System Certification Organization

    Marvelous Milano

    Success Stories

    Rob Napoli

    After the master's program is completed and all scheduled activities are completed, Milan Institute of Technology will issue a first or second level master's degree. This degree is at the II level if you have a thre e-year bachelor's (Laurea Trinale), and if you have a master's degree (Laurea Magistere).

    Martina Pietrobon

    The Master's course lasts 12 months and is taught in Italian and English. Classes take place monthly in the MIP or online (once a month, Thursday-Saturday) and via Digital Learning (every Monday, 19:00-21:00 CET). The Master's course also includes field activities. At the end of the Master's course, students will discuss their project work. Program Director Emilio Faroldi - Politecnico di Milano Program Coordinator Davide Allegri - Politecnico di Milano SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Andrea Abodi, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Oscar Bellini, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Bellintani, Politecnico di Milano Marco Brunelli, FIGC Maddalena Buffoli, Politecnico di Milano Luca Buzzoni, ARUP Francesco Calvetti, Politecnico di Milan o Stefano Capolongo, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Ciaramella, Politecnico di Milano Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Della Torre, Niccolò Donna, FIGC Antonio Marchesi, Deloitte Alberto Miglietta, former CONI Servizi SpA Ingrid Paoletti, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Rolando, Politecnico di Milano Carlo Rotellini, TECO + Partners Luca Stabile, ARUP Maurizio Teora, ARUP Michele Uva, UEFA Eliana Ventola, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Federico Venturi Ferriolo, LCA Studio Legale Maria Pilar Vettori, Politecnico di Milano Design Sports Infrastructure History. evolution. Technology National and international regulations for quality design of sports spaces Principles for the evaluation and economic and financial planning of complex projects Tools, models and techniques for evaluating complex projects Planning of sports infrastructure Sociology of sport and media and communication Environmental balance, sustainability of buildings for sport and major sporting events Principles of sport, wellness, health and environmental hygiene

    Nicola Altobelli



    Principles of the BIM approach Systems and energy technologies for environmental sustainability Innovative and technological construction systems Product, material and process technologies: best practices and case studies from leading companies in the sector Engineering of large complex structures: practice and case studies from companies, engineering and architectural firms Principles of flow engineering: best practices and case studies

    MIP Shareholders


    IMIFRIM – International Master in Financial Risk Management

    IMIFRIM – International Master in Financial Risk Management


    Do I need to speak Italian or French before starting a program?

    No, that's not the case. Classes are held in English, so you don't have to speak Italian or French.

    Richard Damania (Deputy Governor Chief Economist, a Sustainable Development of the World Bank) is a sustainable development plactic group Chief Economist. The World Bank has served as a senior economic advisor of Water Practis, a lead economist in the Sustainable Development Department of African regions, South Asian regions, and Latin American and Caribbean regions. It was a trigger for the World Bank to be recognized as an opinion leader in the environment, water and economy. Before joining the World Bank, he has been active in the academic world and published more than 100 papers in scientific magazines. Click here for slide.

    IMIFRIM – International Master in Financial Risk Management

    To provide customized services and learning experiences tailored to each student, the program is up to 15 people.

    IMIFRIM – International Master in Financial Risk Management

    Is there an age limit on the program?

    -Cobelciano's FIGC Technology Center "Louisi Ridorf", the Olympic preparatory center "Julio Onesty", the main practice area for the Italian national team.

    Inspection and watching games in the Olympic preparatory center in Rome: Seminar at the headquarters of a workshop company and public institutions about specific projects with sports management experts

    Selection process

    Does this program suit me?


    The CGIM Master Program accepts only Chinese students from the following Chinese partner universities:

    Chinese Academy University


    In sponsorship with Intesa Sanpaolo and Mediobanca
    Two key skills encompassed: knowledge of financial world & Information technology skills
    The Risk Management function is central to ensuring the success of an organisation
    Employers prefer that financial managers, including risk managers, possess a master’s degree


    Beijing Transportation University Economic Management Academy

    • Southwest Financial University
    • Step 1: Application starts
    • Start online application. Download the Application Form, fill in the required information, and along with the following documents Fan@mip. polimi. it:
    • Copy of degree (science person, 180ECTS) and transcript
    • English certificate
    • resume
    • Passport copy
      • Motivation
      • Step 2: Interview

      Successful applicants will be invited to a Motivational Interview in English via Skype.


      Step 3: Selection and Final Decision

      Everything you write in your application form will be checked, so we strongly encourage you to fill it out carefully. The selection result will be determined by the score you give to each of the above elements and can be positive or negative.

      The Master in Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing is ideally suited to those students who are eager to learn innovation and marketing skills with reference to consumer goods, with a special focus on everyday products. In this program, particular emphasis is paid to the link between the product and the place of origin, to an international approach.

      When is the closing date for applications to the program?

      The application period is currently open and closes on 15 June 2019. Candidates will receive a final confirmation from both MIP and ESSCA by the end of June 2019.

      How can I apply for the CGIM program?

      • To apply for the CGIM program, please follow the instructions in the CGIM Admissions section of our website. Please adhere to the closing date (15 June 2019).
      • How long will the admission process last and when will I know the final decision?
      • The admission process is fast and successful applicants will be notified by email in due time.
      • For more information, please contact fan@mip. polimi. it.
      • CGIM represents the partnership between MIP and ESSCA, renowned for its brand excellence and academic excellence, with three attractive locations focused on innovation and marketing: Italy, France and China.
      • ESSCA Graduate School of Management (France)

      ESSCA Graduate School of Management is one of the top business schools in France. Founded in 1909 by the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of the West on the model of the French Grandes Écoles, ESSCA is a European graduate school in France. ESSCA has three international accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA.

      • The ESSCA Group operates with competencies in the fields of logistics and trade strategy, finance and banking, socio-economics, automotive management, entrepreneurship and European integration. ESSCA has four campuses: ESSCA Angers, ESSCA Paris, ESSCA Budapest and ESSCA Shanghai.
      • University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
      • The University of China (UCAS) is a hig h-education institution centered on graduate school education, which reports on the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). UCAS was the predecessor of the University of China (GUCAS) and the Chinese Science and Technology Graduate School (USTC). UCAS has produced the first Chinese physiology, engineering Doctor, Female Dr., and Double Dr. Dr.. In 2014, UCAS began recruiting undergraduate students. The Ministry of Education Double First Class Disipurin University has a double first class status in a specific field.
      • The Economic Management Academy was established in 2001. The predecessor is a management graduate school.
      Beijing Transportation College (China)

      Beijing Transportation University was founded in 1896 as the first hig h-education institution in China and worked to start modern Chinese education in the field of railway management and telecommunications. Today, Beijing Transportation University is an important Chinese university in cooperation with universities and companies around the world. It offers a variety of programs, including a bachelor's, doctoral, master's degree, and postdigree.

      Beijing Transportation University is based on learning and practicing.

      In 1996, Beijing Transportation University integrated the Faculty of Economics, the Department of Industrial Construction Management and Engineering, and the Faculty of Economic Management (SEM).

      Shopper & retail marketing

      Southwest Finance University (SWUFE) is a prestigious national university in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. The university is under the direct control of the Ministry of Education, the business school has a very good professor, and has been ranked in China because of its high reputation from the industry. The school is registered in both the "211 Project" and the "98 5-Pustual Innovation Platform Project" as part of the national attempt to build the world's top class universities. The school is the Double First Class University University of the Ministry of Education and has a double first class status in a specific field. In December 2014, Swufe's Faculty of Business Administration (SBA) became the first business school in western China to be certified as a European quality improvement system. In 2015, Swufe's Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) was certified as a European quality improvement system.

      In 1997, the university integrated the Department of Industrial Economy, the Department of Trade and Economy, and the Department of International Trade, and established the Faculty of Business Management.

      The tuition fee is € 25, 000 by individual. This cost does not include living expenses and travel expenses, but covers the entire program.

      Marketing innovation and design thinking process (steps, trend analysis, persona, insight generation, used scenarios)

      ISO is working to provide custo m-made services to those who wish to study abroad and students by supporting things other than enrollment and academic work.

      #MipexperienCE International Part Time MBA April 20

      #Mipexperience International Part Time MBA April 13

      On October 22, 2020, my new version of the International MBA, my version, was announced at Milan University of Technology. Approximately 70 people are waiting for the start of a presentation in a large class. With a new face, no one knows. There is a stronghold.

      #Mip Experience International Part Time MBA April 6

      #Mip Experience International Full Time MBA March 23


      MBA ONLINE MBA March 21

      #Mip Experience International Full Time MBA March 16th

      Rob was awarded Master of Marketing Management IM4 in 2016 and has been successfully successful in the selected field.

      • International academic partner
      • Creative Session (Workshop)
      • Lon g-term partnerships with ESSCA management graduate school gain international experience at two most prestigious business schools in Italy and France. Our students acquire more powerful analytical and criticism by applying two different prospects, the Italian approach and the French approach, to analyze one topic by applying two different prospects. You can.

      The Master in Consumer Goods Innovation and Marketing is ideally suited to those students who are eager to learn innovation and marketing skills with reference to consumer goods, with a special focus on everyday products. In this program, particular emphasis is paid to the link between the product and the place of origin, to an international approach.

      MIP MIP Milan Institute of Technology's International Financial Risk Management Master's Program (IMIFRIM) is a strong motivated graduate who wants to build a career in the field of financial risk management in a partnership with Inta Sampaolo and Media Banka. The purpose is to foster shor t-term professional experienced people.

      • *In order to fully participate in classes and corporate visits, it is highly recommended to stay on the campus, especially after January 2023. If you have visa delays, travel obstacles, or other special problems, you can continue online.
      • Download the pamphlet
      • Download the course outline
      • Location Milan

      Language English

      • Type full time
      • Enrollment time 2022 Autumn
        Participation period: 12 months A thre e-year school teacher (at least 180ECTS) in university qualification business, engineering, economics, finance, business administration, and science. Tuition fee: 18, 500 euros Polimi MSC graduates are 9, 500 euros Click here for details International Masters Admission Secretariat TEL: +39 02 2399 2820 Email: infomasters@mip. polimi. it MIP MIP Milan University of Technology's Master's degree issued by business school and firs t-level master's degree awarded by Milan Institute of Technology: Programs are advanced qualifications for candidates to receive double graduation certificates Is provided. 1 year: 6 months class + 6 months internship and project work 100 % English Partnered with Intesasanpaolo and MedioBanca. UNIPOLSAI, TAS GROUP, ARVAL, Marsh, Bip, CONSULTIST, IASON, ATRADIUS, AXA, CEMBRA Money Bank, ETICA SGR, L, EY, Fideuram, Fidelitas S. P. A, Finance Active, KPMG, Mediolanum , PROMETEIA, SARAS, StatPro, UNICREDIT, Zurich Insurance.

        In 2022, he ranked 65th in the world in the Master of the QS Finance Course, 36th in Europe.


        Includes two important skills

        Knowledge of financial (corporate finance, financial brokerage, capital market)

        Information technology skills including big data and data analysis, IT and digital, cyber and digital risk

        MIP and the Politecnico di Milano have always been at the forefront of education and research in the field of finance, especially in the application of quantitative methods and innovative technologies to finance. In collaboration with the Departments of Mathematics and Management Engineering, MIP has a long history of postgraduate courses in the fields of quantitative finance (risk management, derivatives valuation, asset management) and Fintech for executives (Fintech academy). MIP's Observatory on Digital Innovation and Polimi Fintech Journey are landmarks in the national and international financial industry and research communities. Moreover, the intrinsic orientation to new technologies of a leading technical university like Politecnico permeates MIP's program, which is characterized by a passion for quantitative analysis and innovation.

        The International Master's Program in Financial Risk Management aims to prepare professionals with specialized and complementary skills, able to face the challenges of the future field. These include lectures, corporate presentations, joint projects with companies, company visits, workshops and seminars.

        The Master's course is entirely in English.

        International academic partner

        The Master course is a full-time course of 12 months: 6 months of classroom study and 6 months of internship and project work in companies.

        Career Development Program

        The program includes a highly structured career management service thanks to the MIP Career Development Center. Among the services offered are


        Career workshops embedded in the Master's course to develop the career management skills necessary to be competitive on the job market


        Providing students with digital tools and artificial intelligence to optimize their CV and measure and improve their hard, soft and digital skills.

        Individual consultations with professional career coaches

        Free access to the global network of MIP career websites

        Networking events with companies, including company presentations, company visits, on-campus events and career days

        Priority access to internships and job advertisements on our digital career platform "Job Teaser"

        We turn the future into a part of you.

        Career event & corporate network



        Held career weeks with more than 300 partner companies in Japan and overseas three times a year.


        More than 30 business workshops and business presentations a year


        With a wide network with international career portal sites, more than 15, 000 internships and job information can be accessed globally

        The recruitment is held 5 to 10 times a year, and the MIP has a partnership with individual employers based on the needs and schedules of companies.

        Which of the MIFRIM programs?


        International Student Office

        Students with business, business, engineering or scientific fields (180ECTS or more) are eligible. English knowledge is a prerequisite.


        Occupational organization

        Three things that I didn’t expect when .

        Sports Association;

        Partnering with innovators: how does thi .

        League and Federation;

        Administrative organizations and local governments

        Innovation in companies and in professio .

        Construction and real estate company

        From technology to luxury, how the MBA i .

        Services for sports, wellness, entertainment

        Reinvent Your Career with an Online MBA

        Quality Management System Certification Organization

        Marvelous Milano

        Success Stories

        Rob Napoli

        After the master's program is completed and all scheduled activities are completed, Milan Institute of Technology will issue a first or second level master's degree. This degree is at the II level if you have a thre e-year bachelor's (Laurea Trinale), and if you have a master's degree (Laurea Magistere).

        Martina Pietrobon

        The Master's course lasts 12 months and is taught in Italian and English. Classes take place monthly in the MIP or online (once a month, Thursday-Saturday) and via Digital Learning (every Monday, 19:00-21:00 CET). The Master's course also includes field activities. At the end of the Master's course, students will discuss their project work. Program Director Emilio Faroldi - Politecnico di Milano Program Coordinator Davide Allegri - Politecnico di Milano SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Andrea Abodi, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Oscar Bellini, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Bellintani, Politecnico di Milano Marco Brunelli, FIGC Maddalena Buffoli, Politecnico di Milano Luca Buzzoni, ARUP Francesco Calvetti, Politecnico di Milan o Stefano Capolongo, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Ciaramella, Politecnico di Milano Alfredo Cigada, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Della Torre, Niccolò Donna, FIGC Antonio Marchesi, Deloitte Alberto Miglietta, former CONI Servizi SpA Ingrid Paoletti, Politecnico di Milano Andrea Rolando, Politecnico di Milano Carlo Rotellini, TECO + Partners Luca Stabile, ARUP Maurizio Teora, ARUP Michele Uva, UEFA Eliana Ventola, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo Federico Venturi Ferriolo, LCA Studio Legale Maria Pilar Vettori, Politecnico di Milano Design Sports Infrastructure History. evolution. Technology National and international regulations for quality design of sports spaces Principles for the evaluation and economic and financial planning of complex projects Tools, models and techniques for evaluating complex projects Planning of sports infrastructure Sociology of sport and media and communication Environmental balance, sustainability of buildings for sport and major sporting events Principles of sport, wellness, health and environmental hygiene

        Nicola Altobelli



        Principles of the BIM approach Systems and energy technologies for environmental sustainability Innovative and technological construction systems Product, material and process technologies: best practices and case studies from leading companies in the sector Engineering of large complex structures: practice and case studies from companies, engineering and architectural firms Principles of flow engineering: best practices and case studies

        MIP Shareholders


        International Executive Master in Project Management – ieMPM

        International Executive Master in Project Management – ieMPM

        Plan your career path!

        no. Textbooks are paid by the program, and the costs are included in the program cost.

        Application status: 2022 Enrollment students are recruiting.

        Applications are accepted at any time. Places are limited, so please apply early. If places are reached before the closing date, we will close earlier.

        Non-EU students are advised to apply at least 3 months before the start of the program to allow enough time to apply for the Statement of Comparability of the degree and a student visa.

        Is this program right for me?

        International Executive Master in Project Management – ieMPM

        Selection process

        Frequently asked questions

        This program is ideally aimed at fresh graduates with up to 3 years of work experience. If you have more than 3 years of work experience, you may also consider our International MBA program.

        The ideal candidate


        Want a career in risk management

        Highly analytical and business skills.

        A 3-year or higher bachelor's degree or a master's degree in management, business, engineering or scientific research (minimum 180 ECTS).

        WHY CHOOSE US?

        Step 1: Online application and document submission

        Fill out the form at www. applyformasters. net.

        Please upload the following documents:

        CV in English

        University transcripts/mark sheets


        Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

        Last modified: 27.08.2024

        An analysis of contemporary Russo-Ukraine relations through Positive Peace and Halo. IEP and Harvard Undergraduate Foreign Policy Initiative (HUFPI) recently. The Institute research program helps develop effective policy options and academic analysis in a time of growing controversies about international economic. The Institute for International Economic Policy supports policy relevant research in economic development, poverty reduction, trade and finance.

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