Comprehensive List of LGBTQ Vocabulary Definitions It s Pronounced Metrosexual

Comprehensive* List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions

Understand the meaning of the alphabet soup, pay as much as possible when using identical languages, and be accurate.

Sam can create such an article thanks to the funding of 19 patrons. And thanks to the 32 IPM patrons, this site can prosper.

Hello! This article is currently provided as part of the e-book called "Defining LGBTQ+". This e-book contains the latest definitions, rules, and many other content of all terms: You can download it with PDF.

*This list is not comprehensive or invaded, but it is an advanced work for those goals. Regarding the term of identity, trust the person who uses the term and its definition rather than any dictionary. These definitions are cultural commons creations such as email, online discussion, and fac e-t o-face chat, and the first curation is done, and then developed into a joint work with Meg Voljers of Thesafezoneproject. com. did.

Our small goal is to define at least 51 of the 100 people using the words. The term of identity is troublesome, and it is simply impossible to write a perfect explanation for everyone who uses the label.

The definitions here may also include words that you are unfamiliar with, or that have been taught defective or incomplete definitions. Perhaps I define those words somewhere else in the list, but even if I missed many words. This is a project that has always evolved, and is the best to check once every three or four months. So, let's look at the alphabet in order:

1. Nouns: A person who eliminates intolerance, educates others, and actively active to support the social and fairness of the alienated group. 2 verb: Actively support or petition specific cause names.

ADJ.: People who have no (or almost) connections with traditional gender systems, those who do not personally match the concept of both men or women, and those who consider / themselves to exist without gender. Sometimes called gender neutroy, gender neutral, or genderless.

/ A l-Lie "/ -The Nouns: LGBTQ Communication members who support and respect (generally straight and/ or sisgender). We are active in people who take action to support and respect I think it is Arai.

/"AN-JRAH-JUN-EE"/(Androginus) -1 Nouns: Sex expression with both masculinity and femininity; 2 adverb: Instead of "InterSex", generally "Androgyne" form It is sometimes used to express a person with both women and men with anatomical structure.


/"Ay-ro-man-tic" /-Adj.: Most of the others do not feel like a romantic attraction, and are not interested in / /love /action. Romanticism is continuous, from people who do not feel romantic charm at all or have no desire for romantic activities to those who feel romantic only under low levels or under specific conditions. Many of these different places have their own identity labels (see Demilomantic). It may be abbreviated as "Arrow".

ADJ.: I don't feel sexual charm to others, I don't feel at all, or have no interest in / or sexual relationships / actions. Associate is continuous, from people who do not feel sexual charm at all or have no need for sex, to those who feel sexual charm only under certain conditions. Many of these different places have their own identity labels (see Demisexual). Sometimes abbreviated as "Ace".


Adj.: Shake between the gender of traditional "women" and "male" and identity, and identify two gender (or identify the third gender for either men or women. Sometimes).

Nouns: Used underwear (worn in the same way as how to wear sports bras) to change the appearance of the chest or make it smaller. Bindin g-verb: Process to wear binders (sometimes everyday). Binding is often used as a form of / or as a form of / or gender to change the way others read / recognize their anatomy.

Nouns: Medical terms that refer to chromosomes, hormones, and anatomical characteristics used to classify a person as a woman or male or inter sex. It is often referred to as "sex", "physical", "anatomical", or, especially "assigned sex".

Noun: The range of negative attitudes (fear, anger, intolerance, invisibility, resentment, dismissal, discomfort, etc.) that people have or express toward bisexual individuals. Biphobia can arise from and be found within the LGBTQ community as well as straight society. biphobic - adj.: A word used to describe actions, behaviors, or individuals that exhibit elements of this range of negative attitudes toward bisexual people.

1 noun & amp; adj.: A person who experiences attraction to some men and some women. 2 adj.: A person who experiences attraction to people of both their own sex and the other sex. Bisexual attraction does not have to be evenly split, nor do individuals have to show the same level of interest between the sexes to which they may be attracted. Often used interchangeably with "pansexual."

Noun & amp; adj.: A person who identifies with masculine, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. "Butch" is sometimes used as a derogatory term for lesbians, but is also sometimes claimed as a positive identity label.

/siss-jendur"/ - adj.: A description of gender when one's sex assigned at birth matches the expected gender identity (e. g., a person assigned male at birth who identifies as male). In simple terms, people who are not transgender are cisgender. Cisgender can also be abbreviated as "cis".

noun: The assumption among individuals and organizations that everyone is cisgender and that being cisgender is superior to being transgender. It leads to the invisibility of non-cisgender identities.

noun: The act of privileging cisgenderness, reinforcing the idea that being cisgender is somehow superior or more "right" than being transgender, and/or making other genders invisible.

adj.: An individual who is not open with themselves or others about their (queer) sexuality or gender identity. This may be by choice and/or for other reasons, such as fear for one's safety, rejection or disapproval from peers or family, loss of housing, job, etc. Also known as "in the closet". When a person chooses to break this silence, they "come out" of the closet. See Coming Out

1 noun: The process of coming to terms with and/or identifying with one's own sexuality or gender identity ("coming out" to oneself). 2 verb: The process of sharing one's sexuality or gender identity with others.

noun : A way of describing the arrangement or structure of a polyamorous relationship.

noun : A person who dresses as the other sex/gender.

adj. : Having little or no capacity to experience romantic attraction until a strong sexual connection is formed.

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Publishing new social justice, gender, and sexuality resources.

adj. : Having little or no capacity to experience sexual attraction until a strong romantic connection is formed with someone, often in a romantic relationship.

adj. : Typically refers to a man who identifies as straight but secretly has sex with men. Down low (or DL) originated in and is most commonly used in communities of color.

noun : A person who dramatically plays (hyper)masculinity.

noun : A person who theatrically plays (hyper)femininity.

noun : A masculine lesbian. Often used as a pejorative, it has been positively reclaimed by some lesbians and gay women as a positive self-identity term.

Noun: The ability to motivate one to engage in emotionally intimate behaviors (e. g., sharing, confiding, trusting, interdependence). Often confused with sexual, romantic, and/or spiritual attraction.

Noun: A derogatory term for a gay person or someone who identifies as queer. Often used as a pejorative, it has also been repurposed as a positive in-group term by some gay men (often gay men).

Adj.: A phrase that refers to a range of gender identities and expressions of people who express, understand, and/or relate to others in generally feminine/masculine ways, but who do not necessarily identify as female or male. A feminine of center person may also call themselves "femme," "submissive," or "transfeminine." A masculine of center person may also call themselves "butch," "stud," "aggressive," "boi," or "transmasculine."

adj.: A term used to describe someone who expresses gender in a more feminine/masculine way. Often confused with feminine of center/masculine of center, which generally focuses on identity as well as expression.

noun & amp; adj.: A person who identifies as feminine, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Often used to refer to queer women or people who identify as feminine.

adj.: Commonly accompanied by another term, such as "gender fluid" or "fluid sexuality," fluid(ity) describes an identity that may change or shift over time between available options (e. g., male and female, bi and straight), or among combinations thereof.

FtM/F2M; MtF/M2F

abbr.: Female-to-male transgender or transsexual; male-to-female transgender or transsexual.

1 adj.: The experience of being exclusively (or primarily) attracted to members of the same sex. Also used to refer to men who are attracted to other men and women who are attracted to women. 2 adj.: An umbrella term used to refer to the queer community as a whole, or as a personal identity label for those who are not straight (see LGBTQ and queer).

noun: The idea that there are only two genders, and that everyone is one of those two.

noun : The outward display of gender through a combination of clothing, grooming, attitudes, and social behaviors. Also called "gender presentation."

noun : How one labels oneself based on how well it matches or does not match one's internal perception of gender and what one understands to be gender options. Often confused with biological sex or sex assigned at birth.

adj. : See agender.

1 adj. : A gender descriptor that indicates a nontraditional gender expression or identity (e. g., "masculine woman"). 2 adj. : A gender identity label that describes someone who identifies outside the gender binary. Often abbreviated as "GNC."

gender normative/gender straight

adj. : A person who presents in a gender that is consistent with societal gender expectations, whether by birth or choice.

gender fluid/gender fluid

1 adj. : A gender identity label often used by people whose gender identity shifts from time to time. The time frame may be months, days, shorter, or longer, but the consistent experience is change. 2 adj. : A general description of gender embodiment in which individuals or society are constantly changing (i. e., "fluid") in how gender affects us and how we express it personally (e. g., someone may express gender fluid), and/or how gender is socially constructed.

1 adj. : A gender identity label often used by people who do not fit the male/female binary. 2 adj. : An umbrella term for many gender-nonconforming or nonbinary identities (e. g., agender, bigender, gender fluid).

adj.: A person who, by birth or choice, does not conform to society's gender-based expectations (e. g., transgender, transsexual, intersex, genderqueer, crossdresser, etc.). (See Gender Nonconforming).

guy-nuh-seks-shu-uhl / "guy-nuh-seks-shu-uhl"/ - adj.: Being sexually, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted primarily to women, femininity, and/or femininity.

noun: An outdated medical term formerly used to refer to someone born with a combination of typically male and typically female sex characteristics. Considered stigmatizing and inaccurate. See intersex.

noun: The assumption within individuals and/or organizations that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is superior to all other sexualities. Leads to the invisibility and stigmatization of other sexualities: When you find out a woman is married, you ask her husband's name. Heteronormativity also leads us to believe that only masculine men and feminine women are straight.

noun: behavior that privileges heterosexuality, reinforces the idea that heterosexuality is somehow superior or more "right" than queerness, and/or makes other sexualities invisible.

adj.: feeling only (or primarily) attracted to some members of a different gender.

noun: a general term for a range of negative attitudes (fear, anger, intolerance, resentment, dismissal, discomfort, etc.) held toward LGBTQ people. The term can also mean fear, loathing, or aversion to being identified as LGBTQ. homophobic - adj.: a word used to describe actions, behaviors, or individuals that exhibit elements of these negative attitudes toward LGBTQ people.

adj. & amp; noun: a person who is primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to the same/same sex. The [medical] term is considered stigmatizing (especially as a noun) because of its history as a category of mental illness, and general use is discouraged (use gay or lesbian instead).

adj. : Denoting a combination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, visceral genitalia, and reproductive organs that differ from the binary male or female pattern. Formerly called hermaphrodite (or androgynous), these terms are now outdated and derogatory.

noun and adjective: A woman who is romantically, erotically, and/or emotionally attracted primarily to other women.

lgbtq; gsm; dsg; tgnc

abbr.: an abbreviation or umbrella term for all people with non-normative (or queer) gender or sexuality, with various initialisms people prefer. LGBTQ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer questioning (sometimes with a + at the end to be more inclusive), GSM is gender and sexual minority, DSG is sexuality and gender diverse, and TGNC is transgender and gender nonconforming (sometimes with "NB" for nonbinary). Other initialisms include GLBT and LGBT, and the initialism QUILTBAG (Queer [or Questioning] Undecided Intersex Lesbian Trans* Bisexual Asexual [or Allied] and Gay [or Genderqueer]).

Noun: Usually refers to lesbians with feminine gender expression. Used in both positive and derogatory terms. Can also refer to lesbians who are (or are perceived to be) straight.

adj.: A man with a strong sense of aesthetics who spends more time, energy, or money on appearance and grooming than is considered gender normative.

abbr.: A man who has sex with men or a woman who has sex with women, distinguishing between sexual behavior and sexual identity. Often used in HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and treatment.

/ noun: A gender-neutral honorific (Mr., Ms., Mrs., etc.). Often an option chosen by people who do not fit the gender binary: Mr. Smith is a great teacher. Mr. Smith is a great teacher.

verb.: An unwilling or unwanted disclosure of another person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersexual status.

adj.: A person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction to members of all gender identities/expressions. Often abbreviated to "pan."

1 adj. & amp; verb : Trans* people being accepted or able to "pass" as members of their gender identity (regardless of the sex assigned at birth) without being identified as trans*. 2 adj. : An LGB/queer individual who is believed to be or perceived to be straight.

abbr. : Preferred gender pronoun. Often used when introducing oneself, and becoming common as standard practice. Many suggest dropping "preferred" because it indicates flexibility and/or the speaker's authority to decide which pronouns to use.

Nouns: Refers to the practice, desire, or intention of the relationship between the ethical, sincere, agreement of the no n-unicematic system (a relationship that may include multiple partners). Often shortened to "poly".

1 Adj.: A comprehensive term that represents an individual who does not sel f-admit to be a straight and a sisgender. 2 Nouns: A slander used to point to a no n-straight person or a no n-sisgender person. It is used as a historical derogatory name and is still used as a slander in many communities, so it is not accepted by all LGBTQ people. The term "quia" is often used in the same sense as LGBTQ (eg, "people of the LGBTQ").

Verb, Adj.

ABBR.: The acronyms of Queer People of Color, Quia People of Color and / Trans People of Color.

Nouns: The ability to want to do romantic and intimate behavior (for example, dating, dating, marriage). Often confused with sexual charm, emotional charm, and/ or mental charm.

Homosexuality (SGL)

ADJ.: Some members of the African Americans or the black community are used to express no n-stop sexual orientation without relying on European terms or symbols.

Gender compatibility (SAAB)

ABBR.: A phrase used to intentionally recognize the assigned gender (not gender identity). It is sometimes called "specified sex when birth" (DSAB), "forced gender assigned at birth" (SCAB). Sometimes used as assigned "(AFAB): Jenny was assigned as a man at birth, but she acknowledged himself as a woman.

Nouns: The ability to want to do physical intimacy (kiss, contact, sexual intercourse, etc.). Often confused with romantic charm, emotional charm, and / or spiritual charm.

Nouns: Sexual, romantic, emotional/ mental attraction, and is generally classified based on gender relationships between those and attracted people. Often confused with sexual preferences.

noun : The type of sexual intercourse, stimulation, or satisfaction one prefers to receive or participate in. In common usage, the term is often mistakenly interchanged with "sexual orientation," creating the illusion of a choice (or "preference") in who one is attracted to.

Sex reassignment surgery (SRS)

noun : Used by some medical professionals to refer to a group of surgical options that change a person's biological sex. Many consider "sex reassignment surgery" to be a more positive term. In most cases, one or more surgeries are required to legally recognize a gender identity. Some people refer to the different surgical procedures as "upper" and "lower" surgeries, as they do not need to be more specific about what surgeries are being undergone.

adj. : A primary sexual, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to genderqueer, transgender, transsexual, and/or non-binary people.

noun : The ability to desire intimate acts based on experiences, interpretations, or beliefs in the supernatural (religious teachings, messages from God, etc.). Often confused with sexual, romantic, and emotional attraction.

adj.: A trans person who has not "come out" as trans and is perceived/acknowledged by others as cisgender.

adj.: A person who is primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to some people of a different gender. Heterosexual.

noun: Most commonly used to describe black/African American and/or Latino, masculine, lesbian/queer women. Also called "butch" or "aggressive."

noun: A person who does not identify as either male or female, but identifies with another gender. This gender category has been used both contemporary and historically in societies that recognize more than two genders, and is also a conceptual term that can mean different things to different people as a way to go beyond the gender binary.

noun: The term refers to surgery to create male-shaped breasts or breast augmentation surgery to create female-shaped breasts.

adj.: An umbrella term for a range of identities that transcend socially defined gender norms. Trans with an asterisk is often used in written (but not spoken) language to indicate a larger grouping of the term, specifically including trans men and trans women, as well as non-binary identities.

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Publishing new social justice, gender, and sexuality resources.

1 adj.: A gender designation for people who have transitioned (or are transitioning) from one gender to another.

2 adj.: A general term for people whose sex assigned at birth does not match the expected gender identity (e. g., a person assigned male at birth but who does not identify as male).

Noun, verb: Refers to the process by which transgender people change aspects of themselves (e. g., appearance, name, pronouns, or physical changes) to more closely match the gender they know themselves as (as opposed to the gender they were assigned before transitioning).

noun : A man/woman who was not assigned a sex at birth and who has transitioned (socially, medically, and/or legally) from that assignment to a gender identity. Also referred to as man and woman (though some trans people prefer to keep the prefix "trans-" on their identity labels).

noun : Fear, discrimination, or aversion towards trans* people, the trans* community, or gender ambiguity. Transphobia can be found in the queer community as well as in the general society. Transphobia - adj. : A term used to describe an individual who holds some element of a range of negative attitudes, thoughts, and intentions towards trans* people.

A person who psychologically identifies with a sex/gender other than the one assigned at birth. Transsexuals often desire to change their bodies through hormones and/or surgery to match their internalized sense of gender/gender.

Noun: A person who dresses in a binary, opposite gender expression ("cross dress") for any one of many reasons, including relaxation, enjoyment, or sexual gratification (often called a "cross dresser" and not to be confused with a transvestite).

Noun: An umbrella term traditionally used in Native American communities to refer to an individual who possesses or assumes roles that are both feminine and masculine.

/zee","zerr"or"zeer"/ - gender-neutral pronouns preferred by some trans* people, replacing "he" and "she" and "his" and "hers", respectively. Some people who are uncomfortable/unaccepting of he/she also use the plural pronouns "they/their" as gender-neutral singular pronouns.

If you like what I'm making here, you might also like my book, A Guide to Gender. It's like this site, but on paper.

My book, Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation, co-written with Meg Bolger, will help you teach others everything you read here.

I wrote Defining LGBTQ+ to help you learn LGBTQ+ vocabulary. It's eBook only (for now).

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About the Author

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Hi! I'm Sam Killerman. I am the author of A Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate's Handbook, and was featured in Katie Couric's NatGeo documentary Gender Revolution. In 2011, I launched It's Pronounced Metrosexual. I write and doodle everything here myself. I even coded (& open-sourced) the site itself. Read more

Texas House speaker addresses prospects of anti-LGBTQ bills, gun legislation and casinos

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As he begins his second term leading the House, Dade Phelan spoke to reporters about some of the legislative issues he'll decide this year.

January 12, 2023, Central District 1:00 PM

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan (D-Beaumont). Phelan was elected this week to a second term as speaker at the beginning of the 2023 legislative session, which ends on May 29. Credit: Evan L'Roy/The Texas Tribune

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Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan said Thursday that a select committee he's creating in 2021 will address many of the social issues conservatives have pushed this legislative session.

During a media briefing on Capitol Hill, the Beaumont Republican was asked if he has any appetite this session for Republican bills that target LGBTQ Texans, particularly a proposed ban on gender-affirming care for transgender children.

"It's going to be part of a much bigger problem. It's for this very specific reason that we created the Task Force on Youth Health and Safety.

Phelan said that in some school districts, it's "totally inappropriate to come between parents and their kids. If he came home and started talking to me about sex, I would go to that school right away."

His comments suggested solidarity with those who advocate a Florida-style ban on teaching about gender identity and sexual orientation at the elementary school level. One bill introduced in Texas would extend it to middle schools. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the senate, has said he wants to pass such a bill, but critics warn it would further alienate LGBTQ students and families and expose teachers to potential legal threats.

Phelan created the task force in September 2021, and its purpose is to "improve coordination between mental health services, education, juvenile justice, and family and protective services for Texas youth," especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, his office said at the time. He expanded the committee after last year's Uvalde massacre and tasked it with investigating school shootings. Its chair is Rep. J. M. Lozano of Kingsville, and its vice chair is Rep. Ann Johnson of Houston, who is lesbian.

Phelan said he also wants to focus on the impact social media companies have on children. After he was re-elected speaker on Tuesday, he gave a speech in which he said big tech companies "prey on kids' insecurities, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation, sexual exploitation and indoctrination."

Phelan has a complicated history on LGBTQ issues. He said in 2019 that "the story of bashing the gay community is over," but in his first year as speaker, he allowed passage of a controversial bill that would have restricted transgender students' participation in school athletics.

And yet, Phelan did not bring to the floor a bill to outlaw gender-affirming care for children, despite heavy pressure from the right. On Thursday, he did not specifically mention the proposal, other than to say it was one of the issues the special committee would consider.

Democratic committee chairs

Here are some other topics Phelan addressed during Thursday's briefing: "It's going to be part of a much bigger problem," he said. "That's why we created the Task Force on Youth Health and Safety."

Chapter 313

Phelan said in some school districts, "it's just not appropriate to come between parents and their kids. If he came home and started talking to me about sex, I would go to that school right away."

His comments signaled solidarity with those who advocate a Florida-style ban on teaching gender identity and sexual orientation at the elementary school level. One bill introduced in Texas would extend that to middle schools. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the senate, has said he wants to pass such a bill, but critics warn it would further alienate LGBTQ students and families and expose teachers to potential legal threats.

Uvalde shooting

Phelan created the task force in September 2021, with the goal of "improving coordination of mental health services, education, juvenile justice, and family and protective services for Texas youth," especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, his office said at the time. He expanded the committee after last year's Uvalde massacre with a mandate to investigate school shootings. Its chair is Rep. J. M. Lozano of Kingsville, and its vice chair is Rep. Ann Johnson of Houston, who is lesbian.

Phelan said he also wants to focus on the impact social media companies have on children. After being re-elected as chairman on Tuesday, he gave a speech in which he said big tech companies "prey on the insecurities of our children, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation, sexual exploitation and indoctrination."

Phelan has a complicated history on LGBTQ issues. He said in 2019 that he was "done with the gay community bashing talk," but in his first year as speaker, he allowed a controversial bill to pass that would have restricted transgender students' participation in school athletics.

Yet Phelan did not bring a bill to the floor to outlaw gender reassignment care for children, despite strong pressure from the right. On Thursday, he did not specifically mention the proposal, other than to say it was one of the issues the task force would consider.

Here are some other topics Phelan addressed in his briefing on Thursday: "It's going to be part of a much bigger problem. "It's for this very specific reason that we created the Task Force on Youth Health and Safety.


Phelan said that in some school districts, it's "totally inappropriate to come between parents and their kids having a conversation. If he came home and started talking to me about sex, I would go to that school right away."

His comments suggested solidarity with those who advocate a Florida-style ban on teaching about gender identity and sexual orientation at the elementary school level. One bill introduced in Texas would extend that to middle schools. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Senate, has said he wants to pass such a bill, but critics warn it would further alienate LGBTQ students and families and expose teachers to potential legal threats.

Phelan created the task force in September 2021, and its purpose is to "improve coordination between mental health services, education, juvenile justice, and family and protective services for Texas youth," especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, his office said at the time. He expanded the committee after last year's Uvalde massacre, tasking it with investigating school shootings. Its chair is Rep. J. M. Lozano of Kingsville, and its vice chair is Rep. Ann Johnson of Houston, who is lesbian.

Wait! We need your help.

Phelan said he also wants to focus on the impact social media companies have on children. After being re-elected as speaker on Tuesday, he gave a speech in which he said big tech companies "prey on the insecurities of our children, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation, sexual exploitation and indoctrination."


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Every thorough discussion about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community starts with some very basic but often confusing terms, some of them. This glossary provides definitions for key terms related to gender identity and sexual orientation. These terms are important for understanding the complex. 1 “Comprehensive* List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions”. (). It's Pronounced Metrosexual. 3 “Queer Terminology”. (). Qmunity: BC's Queer.

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