Deliverables that Partners will take forward over 2024 25 Transport Scotland
Deliverables that Partners will take forward over 2024/25
There were 58 products to start by major delivery partners in 2024/25. Of these, 10 items have been a lon g-term product that has continued since 2023/24, and some are earlier. The number of the product begins from the year that was created and published for the first time in these publications. A total of 48 new results can be advanced on 2024/25, and these numbers start at 24. Note: Several new products were included in the previous publications, but only specific actions for the reporting year are described in detail, and the number is changed on a yearly basis.
The product is described under the relevant strategic action. These are sentences so that readers can understand the range of the product and how they are provided. After that, as necessary, detailed actions related to the contents implemented this year are described.
12 Strategic Actions
1 - Speed
In order to support the safety system, we will carry out various speed management initiatives.
21/01 - We will undertake a National Speed Management Review.
This process includes discussions between stakeholders and the general public in 2024/25, and examined whether to introduce a change in speed limit policy and speed management measures as part of the speed management plan.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
21/04 - We will continue development of Road Traffic Diversionary Courses (RTDC) in Scotland.
In 2024/25, the Scottish Police continued to implement RTDC courses in Scotland as a legal means of educating drivers on the dangers of excessive driving, against the backdrop of the major issues of personnel and finance. Currently, the necessary IT functions are implemented, and if this project progresses, this development will support the development and development of speed improvement courses.
Major partner Scottish police
Immediate time 2024-2025 - None
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
2 - Climate
It conducts traffic safety initiatives that have a positive impact on the climate emergency, and alleviates the negative effects of climate change that can affect traffic safety. < SPAN> There are 58 products to start by major delivery partners in 2024/25. Of these, 10 items have been a lon g-term product that has continued since 2023/24, and some are earlier. The number of the product begins from the year that was created and published for the first time in these publications. A total of 48 new results can be advanced on 2024/25, and these numbers start at 24. Note: Several new products were included in the previous publications, but only specific actions for the reporting year are described in detail, and the number is changed on a yearly basis.
24/01 - We will continue the maintenance of Network Management Contract (NMC), Vulnerable Locations and Disruption Risk Management Plan Sites.
The product is described under the relevant strategic action. These are sentences so that readers can understand the range of the product and how they are provided. After that, as necessary, detailed actions related to the contents implemented this year are described.
- In order to support the safety system, we will carry out various speed management initiatives.
- This process includes discussions between stakeholders and the general public in 2024/25, and examined whether to introduce a change in speed limit policy and speed management measures as part of the speed management plan.
- Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
- Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- In 2024/25, the Scottish Police continued to implement RTDC courses in Scotland as a legal means of educating drivers on the dangers of excessive driving, against the backdrop of the major issues of personnel and finance. Currently, the necessary IT functions are implemented, and if this project progresses, this development will support the development and development of speed improvement courses.
Major partner Scottish police
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/02 - We will encourage and promote Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership in Scotland.
It conducts traffic safety initiatives that have a positive impact on the climate emergency, and alleviates the negative effects of climate change that can affect traffic safety. There were 58 products to start by major delivery partners in 2024/25. Of these, 10 items have been a lon g-term product that has continued since 2023/24, and some are earlier. The number of the product begins from the year that was created and published for the first time in these publications. A total of 48 new results can be advanced on 2024/25, and these numbers start at 24. Note: Several new products were included in the previous publications, but only specific actions for the reporting year are described in detail, and the number is changed on a yearly basis.
The product is described under the relevant strategic action. These are sentences so that readers can understand the range of the product and how they are provided. After that, as necessary, detailed actions related to the contents implemented this year are described.
In order to support the safety system, we will carry out various speed management initiatives.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/03 - We will consider the impacts of the designs for new Low Emission Zones (LEZ) signs.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
In 2024/25, the Scottish Police continued to implement RTDC courses in Scotland as a legal means of educating drivers on the dangers of excessive driving, against the backdrop of the major issues of personnel and finance. Currently, the necessary IT functions are implemented, and if this project progresses, this development will support the development and development of speed improvement courses.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/04 - We will promote smooth driving through various education methods.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
It conducts traffic safety initiatives that have a positive impact on the climate emergency, and alleviates the negative effects of climate change that can affect traffic safety.
In addition to the 55 plans that are in either the investigation, design or construction stages for the future, a network-wide review continues to identify vulnerable locations that would benefit from earlier intervention. This work considers SEPA flood map information combined with recorded information held by the operating companies, including those registered in the Disruption Risk Management Register. This information, and information gathered from inspections and surveys, will help set intervention targets each year, subject to funding availability, and inform future annual programs.
Landscape resilience - non-maintenance landscape interventions at pre-identified locations across the network. Non-maintenance landscape interventions will be considered and implemented to enhance the resilience of the highway network. Key locations will be identified from the network survey and annual landscape deliverables.
Vulnerable location surveys - targeted surveys at pre-identified locations. Further asset surveys will be proposed to assist in identifying future vulnerable locations.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
3 - Funding and Resourcing
Focused interventions on pre-identified locations - Review the results of a comprehensive inspection of small capacity culverts and implement a replacement programme prioritising the most vulnerable locations to strengthen the resilience of the trunk road network.
24/05 - We will support road safety projects, grant-funded through the Road Safety Framework Fund.
Prioritised rock slopes - Prepare for intervention on rock slopes.
- Lead partner Transport for Scotland - Network Maintenance
- Delivery timescale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery timescale Longer term 2025-2026 - No
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/06 - We will consider the development and implementation of a Road Safety Improvement Fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
4 - Change in Attitudes and Behaviour
Ministry of Transport, Scotland, Suto Leade r-Environment / Sustainability
24/07 - We will continue to maintain Scotland’s Road Safety Framework online portal to share road safety information and changes.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- Dialogue with the driving and passenger community continues to focus on the three elements of the safety system designed to include this program. Safe road use, safe vehicles, and safe speeds are related to the insights provided at the Scottish Traffic Safety Summit in March 2024.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/08 - We will work with organisations on ‘driving for work’ policies.
Scorsa leading partner
Immediate time 2024-2025 - Yes
Vulnerable location surveys - targeted surveys at pre-identified locations. Further asset surveys will be proposed to assist in identifying future vulnerable locations.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
21/14 - We will raise a national conversation on road safety across all of Scotland.
Review the criteria for the framework fund and confirm that this is still suitable for the purpose.
Collect funds based on the traffic safety framework fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
5 - Technology
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
22/10 - We will research the impacts of technology on road safety.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/09 - We will make use of Intelligent Transport Systems to enable users to make better and safer use of transport networks.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
Work on partnerships so that all traffic users can understand their own traffic safety and improve their attitude and behavior for their own and others.
The Scottish Transportation Bureau will allow road users to learn and enhance traffic safety knowledge. This will improve the experience of transportation users and show aggressive traffic safety attitudes throughout their lives. We do the following:
We continue to promote the use of online platforms to partners to share messages.
Update new related information regularly.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/10 - We will implement the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) roadmap and evaluate its benefits it may have on road safety.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
The Road Safety Hour series will continue during this period, in addition to a series of face-to-face meetings in each region of the Regional Partnership Forum (LPF) network, to enable "local" conversations around data and encourage the sharing of operational driving policy information within and across LPF boundaries.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
6 - Active and Sustainable Travel
Delivery Timescale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
21/22 - The Scottish Government made a commitment to implement 20 mph speed limits on those roads where it is appropriate to do so by 2025.
Delivery Timescale Longer 2025-2026 - No
- This work was not included in the original request when the budget was announced and is therefore subject to funding being secured in 2024/25. However, we will consider leveraging existing campaigns, education and resources to deliver in 2024/25.
- Lead Partner Road Safety Scotland
- Delivery Timescale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Immediate time 2024-2025 - None
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
23/15 - We will deliver 20 mph speed limits on the trunk road network.
Lead Partner Scottish Department for Transport Road Safety Policy
Delivery Timescale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery Timescale Longer 2025-2026 - No
Immediate time 2024-2025 - None
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
24/11 - We will deliver a People and Place Programme.
Work is underway to use "hard braking" data from connected vehicles to highlight near miss spots across the highway network. The data will be overlaid with multiple sources and reported to allow for on-road intervention.
Work is being carried out to explore the possibility of utilising eCall data to enhance current accident information within the Traffic Scotland National Control Centre. eCall data has the potential to become a reliable source of incident information if made available in an appropriate and user-friendly format. It is likely to be most beneficial for accident confirmation on local and main road networks, where there is little CCTV or timely intervention from operational partners.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/12 - We will implement an Active Travel Infrastructure Fund.
Delivery Timescales Longer 2025-2026 - No
We will continue to explore opportunities to develop and utilise the benefits that CAVs offer to Traffic Scotland services.
Work is being carried out to explore the possibility of utilising eCall data to enhance current accident information within the Traffic Scotland National Control Centre. eCall data has the potential to become a reliable source of incident information if made available in an appropriate and user-friendly format. It is likely to be most beneficial for accident confirmation on local and main road networks, where there is little CCTV or timely intervention from operational partners.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
7 - Knowledge and Data Analysis
Ensure that road safety remains a key focus for active and sustainable mobility in Scotland.
24/13 - IAM RoadSmart will continue to engage with partners in Scotland.
Establish an Implementation Subgroup to oversee the widespread implementation of 20mph limits in appropriate locations by 2025. In addition:
Develop and monitor an implementation programme.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/14 - We will introduce three new Key Priority Groups on Age, Vulnerable Road Users and Driver Behaviour & Enforcement.
Lead Partner Scottish Department for Transport Road Safety Policy
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/15 - We will contribute to the delivery of the Road Safety Framework to 2030 by coordinating and chairing the Key Priority Working Group on Vulnerable Road Users.
Continue to monitor and evaluate the implemented 20mph limits and identify where investment in engineering (including road space reallocation), education and/or enforcement may be required to support compliance and achieve a practical 20mph limit.
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/16 - Transport Scotland will identify what guidance documents need to be created or updated, to assist in Safe System implementation.
Introduce a transformative delivery model for behaviour change and cycling, building on direct funding to local transport partnerships.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
8 - Enforcement
With a new step of the active travel infrastructure, a construction project is provided through a new active travel infrastructure fund.
24/17 - We will continue operation of the Scottish Safety Camera Programme.
- This fund is a newly separated bicycle road, intersection, a permanent path, installation of common facilities for walking, bicycle, and bicycle, and physical protection to enhance the safety of existing bicycles and sidewalks. Installation, transportation management initiatives for the entire region, small enhancement of existing walking, bicycle, and bicycl e-only roads to improve safety and convenience, creating more safely roads around the school, and reducing speed We promote various infrastructure enhancements.
- Leader Partner Scottand Transportation Burea u-Active Travel
- Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- We will do evidenc e-based actions to support the realization of a safe system.
- The new IAM Roadsmart will continue to work on the realization of a new strategy to support the community of increasingly diversified traffic safety experts throughout the UK, including Scotland. Our strategy can be seen here :/iamwebsite. blob. windows. net/media/docs/default-document-lategy-doc-jun E-2023- Final. pdf? sfvrsn = 668e935c_2
Lead Partner IAM Roadsmart
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/18 - Enforcement of parking prohibitions contained in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019.
In 2024/25, three new priority groups were introduced to the governance mechanism of the traffic safety framework. The current motorcycle priority group will continue to hold a meeting.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/19 - We will increase the use of visual deterrents and enforcement across the road network with the aim to reduce speed and promote the likelihood of being caught.
If an agreed priority work committee on the vulnerable person is set up, the meeting will be adjusted and served as chair.
Leading partner cycling scotland
- Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- The Scottish Transport and Scottish Traffic Safety Bureau (SCOTS) form a partnership and identify what policies and guidance documents need to be created or updated to implement a safety system on a network.
- Ministry of Transportation of the main partner Squotland-Traffic Safety Policy
Major partner Scottish police
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/20 - We will deliver road policing operational/campaign activity.
Ensure continuous operation of Scotland Safety Camera and Programs.
- Providing a variety of new safety camera sites, including new fixing, movement, and red light camera sites throughout the road network.
- The selection criteria for the safety camera installation location should be used appropriately for the priority determination process of the installation location.
- Consider the use of new technologies and / or / or innovative deployment strategies.
- The Safety Camera Program Annual Production Report 2023/24 will be issued by the winter of 2024.
- We will carry out public relations campaigns specializing in safety cameras, deepening the understanding of the reasons why cameras are deployed in Scotland and the profits of the camera.
Major partner Scottish police
Time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/21 - We will make it easier to submit digital evidence in respect of poor or unlawful road user behaviour. (This has replaced the previous deliverable: 21/30 - We will begin the development of a National Dashcam Safety Portal, enabling anyone to upload camera footage of dangerous driving for example.)
In the next year, we will continue to cooperate so that all local governments can start cracking down parking.
Major partner Scottish police
Immediate time 2024-2025 - None
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
9 - Health
Speed violations continue to be a powerful focus, and have been formulated after consultation with a partner and is included in the 2024/25 Traffic Safety Activities Calendar, which was examined and approved by the Tactical Options Working Group (TOWG). The 2024/25 tactic plan, which was formulated by the Commander of the Road Police Area, has the emphasis on speed cracking in the heav y-scale area of the driver and road users.
24/22 - We will publish new transport pages on the Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) site.
The Scottish police will carry out speed crackdowns as everyday activities and supplement activities for several days / weeks in the campaign schedule. The place specified as a speedy complaint area due to the history of the collision and public information will be investigated by both the road police and the local police officers who have been trained in speed crackdowns, and are required as needed. Activities are measured and reported to their partners through Towg. The following will be implemented in FY2024/25:
Develops highly visible patrols for offenders, improving drivers on these routes. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/23 - We will share evidence on road traffic collision injury prevention with strategic partners.
Distribute safety cameras according to the policy and standards of Scotland Safety Camera and Programs. The safety camera unit continues to crack down the average speed camera in each command area to reduce the number of cases of speeding violations and improve the attitude and behavior of the driver. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Develops highly visible patrols for offenders, improving drivers on these routes. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/24 - We will publish a report on unintentional injuries that includes information on road traffic injury hospital admission and deaths.
Conduct the following transportation police activities/campaign activities in 2024/25:
Develops highly visible patrols for offenders, improving drivers on these routes. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/25 - We will publish new transport pages on the Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) site.
The crackdown activity is measured by the data collected by the Scottish Police analysis and performance unit (APU), and is published in a quarterly achievement report.
Develops highly visible patrols for offenders, improving drivers on these routes. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/26 - We will continue to support the Scottish Trauma Audit Group (STAG) in auditing trauma care.
Delivery time scale Lon g-term 2025-202 6-No
Develops highly visible patrols for offenders, improving drivers on these routes. Record the number of detections throughout the year and report.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
22/19 - We will review the clinical model to prioritise response to road collisions.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
We strengthen the relationship between health and traffic safety, reduce the possibility of collisions, the number and significance, and improve the response after the collision.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
10 - Education
Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
24/27 - We will continue to promote and refine Road Safety Scotland learning resources.
- Delivery time scale: Lon g-term 2025-202 6-No
- Share evidence about what is effective in preventing traffic accident casualties with your partner.
- Lead Partner Sukotland Public Health Bureau
Collect funds based on the traffic safety framework fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/28 - We will deliver national road safety campaigns.
Leading partner Sukotand Public Health Bureau
Collect funds based on the traffic safety framework fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/29 - We will promote road safety and highlight our learning resources, by attending various events across Scotland.
Leading partner Sukotand Public Health Bureau
- Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
- We have serious injuries, including injury due to traffic accidents, to improve the quality of patients with serious injuries, overall experiences, and lon g-term outline by measuring compliance to care standards. Audit the care of those who suffered and publish an annual report on 2023/24 audits.
- Primary partner Sukotland Public Health Bureau
- Implementation time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
- There is no update.
- Major partner Scotland emergency service
- Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
Provide all road users to gain knowledge, skills, and experience needed to become a safe and responsible user.
Collect funds based on the traffic safety framework fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/30 - We will provide accredited training and provide safety checks on In-Car Child Safety.
Major partner traffic safety Scotland
Collect funds based on the traffic safety framework fund.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/31 - We will deliver National Coach/Lorry & Van week, and host Spring/Autumn Seminars, to continue to engage with membership on road safety & compliance.
Leading partner traffic safety Scotland
Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/32 - IAM RoadSmart will support a further national roll out of the Rider Refinement programme.
Develop and monitor an implementation programme.
Immediate time 2024-2025 - None
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
24/33 - We will undertake research to inform policy on cycling and safety.
Seat belt
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/34 - We will deliver an annual Give Cycle Space campaign.
Traffic safety information tracking survey (Rits)
Drinking and drug driving campaigns are conducted for drivers aged 18 to 35 years old. As the traffic safety framework is outlined, it is necessary to prevent drivers from driving with alcohol or drugs. In Scotland, drug driving restrictions and road drug tests were introduced in October 2019. Since then, more than 19, 000 tests have been conducted, and almost half (49 %) has a positive reaction. However, RSS will continue to work on this through campaign activities, as the recognition of the street inspection remains relatively low.
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/35 - We will offer Practical Cycle Awareness Training.
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- Certification training on child seats will be conducted to enhance advice and support by experts throughout Scotland, and conduct child seat safety inspections for general citizens nationwide.
- Leader partner traffic safety Scotland
- Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 --Mailed
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/36 - We will provide adult cycle training.
Delivery timescale Long term 2025-2026 - No
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/37 - We will deliver Bikeability Scotland.
Delivery timescale Long term 2025-2026 - Yes
In 2024/25, subject to funding support being approved from the Road Safety Framework Fund, Cycling Scotland will work with Transport Scotland to identify opportunities to reduce the risks posed by work-related travel, particularly heavy vehicles, and encourage associated education and training to improve road safety.
Lead Partner Transport Scotland - Reducing Casualties on Main Roads
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/38 - We will continue deliver RoSPAs road safety activities.
Give Cycle Space is an annual national campaign encouraging drivers to give way to cyclists, funded by Transport Scotland and developed in partnership with Police Scotland. The campaign is supported by partners who highlight the legal consequences for drivers of "close passing" cyclists.
Vulnerable location surveys - targeted surveys at pre-identified locations. Further asset surveys will be proposed to assist in identifying future vulnerable locations.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/39 - We will deliver educational cycle safety package for schools.
Delivery Timescale Long Term 2025-2026 - None
Following the Scottish Department for Transport funding decision, in 2024/25 Cycling Scotland will continue to educate and raise awareness among heavy vehicle and learner drivers to better understand the needs of more vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities, through the delivery of practical cycling awareness training to other road users. This action will be broken down into:
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/40 - We will deliver road safety education to secondary schools.
Young and learner drivers
Following the Scottish Department for Transport funding decision, in 2024/25 Cycling Scotland will continue to educate and raise awareness among heavy vehicle and learner drivers to better understand the needs of more vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities, through the delivery of practical cycling awareness training to other road users. This action will be broken down into:
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/41 - We will deliver road safety education to older drivers.
Delivery timescale Longer term 2025-2026 - No
Following the Scottish Department for Transport funding decision, in 2024/25 Cycling Scotland will continue to educate and raise awareness among heavy vehicle and learner drivers to better understand the needs of more vulnerable road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities, through the delivery of practical cycling awareness training to other road users. This action will be broken down into:
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/42 - We will deliver Henry The Horse campaign, to educate school pupils on road safety and raise awareness of the increasing number of reported incidents involving horses and vehicles.
Delivery timescale Longer term 2025-2026 - No
Bikeability Scotland is aligned with the national standard for cycle training in the UK. It aims to improve young people's skills and confidence to travel by bicycle. This includes awareness of vulnerable road users and a focus on sharing spaces both on and off the road. This commitment is dependent on continued and incremental funding to expand the programme throughout the life of the framework.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/43 - We will deliver a Dead Slow campaign to reduce incidents and fatalities involving horses and riders.
Implementation timescale Immediate 2024-2025 - Implementation
Delivery timescale Longer term 2025-2026 - No
Bikeability Scotland is aligned with the national standard for cycle training in the UK. It aims to improve young people's skills and confidence to travel by bicycle. This includes awareness of vulnerable road users and a focus on sharing spaces both on and off the road. This commitment is dependent on continued and incremental funding to expand the programme throughout the life of the framework.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/44 - We will deliver Horse transportation education and driver training.
Delivery Timescale Long Term 2025-2026 - No
Provide cycle safety information to schools.
Bikeability Scotland is aligned with the national standard for cycle training in the UK. It aims to improve young people's skills and confidence to travel by bicycle. This includes awareness of vulnerable road users and a focus on sharing spaces both on and off the road. This commitment is dependent on continued and incremental funding to expand the programme throughout the life of the framework.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
22/24 - We will develop and trial a Safe System training course for all.
Provide road safety education using a virtual reality package.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
11 - Engineering
Provide road safety education packages for older drivers.
24/45 - We will trial interventions for motorcyclists on the Trunk Road Network.
Lead Partner Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
The Road Safety Hour series will continue during this period, in addition to a series of face-to-face meetings in each region of the Regional Partnership Forum (LPF) network, to enable "local" conversations around data and encourage the sharing of operational driving policy information within and across LPF boundaries.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/46 - We will implement road safety measures to reduce motorcycle casualties and severities on the Scottish road network.
Lead Partner British Horse Association
Distribution time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
22/33 - We will publish a new Strategic Road Safety Plan for the Trunk Road.
BHS statistics every year to understand the accidents of horses and jockeys on British roads. All of the statistics shown below are from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. This includes our "HORSE I" accident report application: accident report form | British horse association (BHS. ORG. UK)
Delivery Timescale Longer 2025-2026 - No
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/47 - We will deliver widespread road safety engineering initiatives and risk reduction measures on the local and trunk road network.
With the cooperation of vehicle manufacturers, sales bases, VOSA and Scottish police, we will increase awareness of appropriate transportation, such as inspection, maintenance, tires, and travel preparations.
In cooperation with the logistics company, we will increase awareness of the needs of the weak traffic of delivery drivers.
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
12 - Inequality
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
22/35 - We will gather evidence to understand if there is a link between speed and the casualty rate in the most deprived 10% Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas.
The framework funding project will end in June and will receive a final thir d-party evaluation. E-learning introductory books, cultural maturity playbooks, and data audits have been completed. The safe system manual wire frame is also completed, and if the project is positively evaluated, the phase 2 to complete the manual will be started. In the long term, the company aims to provide training courses to 500 traffic safety partners throughout Scotland by the end of 2024/25.
Leader partner Sukotland Transportation Safety Policy Bureau
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
24/48 - We will identify and deliver Safe System wide initiatives to reduce casualties in the most deprived Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas.
Improve road infrastructure and maintenance.
Distribution time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
Partnerships in practice
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
We perform analysis to understand the known collision location, outlaws and implements various measures to reduce casualties and severity. This includes the development of Prime Marking at a known collision point.
Police-School Partnership Model
Leading partner Scottland Transportation Bureau and local government
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 --Mailed
Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- Formulate a new strategic traffic safety plan.
- Ministry of Transport, Scottland, Leader Partner-Reduction of casual roads
- Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
Traffic safety measures will be implemented through the budget of casualties on the available regions and trunk roads, and in accordance with the principle of the safety system.
1. Relationship building and information sharing
Ministry of Transport, Scotland Transport, and local government
Building relationships
Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-202 6-No
- Reduces traffic safety inequality due to social economic disadvantage.
The dataset was presented in the OPG conference on 2024/25, and the members analyze the data there and take appropriate measures.
Leading partner Skotland Traffic Safety Policy
- Delivery time scale immediately 2024-2025 - Yes
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
- In order to reduce the number of children's inequality and the risks and risks of all road users, we will identify and implement a focused traffic safety initiative in an unprecedented area. These initiatives in the entire region include engineering, education, crackdowns, the possibility of relocation of road space, and new technologies.
- The Ministry of Transport and local governments in Scotland and local governments
- Delivery time scale Immediate 2024-2025 --Mailed
- Delivery time scale Long term 2025-2026 - None
Sharing information
This page describes specific plans and processes for schools and police to cooperate, and describe some intervention measures and scenarios.
Partnership agreement
See the Police and Partnership Pages for the reasons and methods of the school affiliated with the police, and the outlines of various police officers involved in the school.
- Police and school partnership models explain fou r-level processes to effectively connect partnerships with schools.
Each stage of this model is in line with the problem solving process of SARA (SCAN, Analyse, Respond, Assess).
School profile
In this model, police and schools
- Scan by building relationships and information sharing
- Analyze how to achieve the matching goals.
- Corresponds through one or more of various prevention activities.
Evaluate the achievement of the goal.
See the following section for more detailed explanations at each stage.
Relationship and information sharing are the basis of prevention activities.
2. Analysis of shared goals
Promote cooperation between police and school:
Police set a ful l-time contact person (Reed Police Contact) to each school.
SARA plan
Each school has a dedicated contact with the police (lead school contact).
- By putting a specific person in charge of the school to the police, it is easier to build trust and trust and become more aggressive advice.
Effective cooperation between the police and the school is performed at multiple levels as follows:
Youth service staff will cooperate with individual students and their families / Wanau.
School community officers work with individual classes.
3. Response
The chief police officer and / or the school regional officer partner with individual schools.
Step 1: Outline the response aims:
Local youth and local community supervisors are affiliated with the school group or the learning community.
District Youth / Regional Social Supervisory Officer and / or District Prevention Commanders partner with local Ministry of Education (such as discussing children and young people who have left education).
District preventive managers affiliate with local supervisors.
Step 2: Select the response(s):
In order to promote information sharing between the police and the school, they agree that each organization can support the other goals through a partnership agreement, for example,:
The template can be used for a partnership agreement on the police and the school community to cooperate in preventing and responding.- Template Partnership Agreement (DOCX, 168KB)
Police share information on crime, damage, and harm, and the school shares information on student behavior throughout the school, etc.:
- This template selection is used to create a school profile in question.
- Profile of all templates (doc, 85KB)
Step 3: Implement the response(s):
Template optional profile part A (data) only (DOC, 62KB)
Annual partnership plan
Template optional profile part B (problem) only (DOC, 46KB)
- As a result, police and schools can jointly agree on what their partnerships are trying to achieve, focusing on partnerships.
4. Achievement of goals
Police and schools should clarify what they are trying to achieve for common goals. You should agree on the desired results and the scale of success. Preliminary data should be collected to identify issues related to the achievement of shared goals.
For example, some schools do not need to proceed with partnerships or higher due to agreement, as the priority of the specified problem is low or the school has already managed it effectively by other means. Alternatively, it may focus on maintaining an existing secure environment to prevent the occurrence of problems.
At the previous stage, police and schools collected preliminary data on shared goals. At this stage, the theory is verified and analyzed the data to identify the reason for the problem, to further delve into the problem.
The analysis should define a method to achieve the goal set on the previous stage through the SARA (Scan, Analyse, Respond, Assess) problem, and lead to a better understanding:
This template is for SARA (scan, analysis, correspondence, evaluation) problem solving plan.
Template SARA Plan (doc,. KB) [Released soon].
School-wide intervention narrative
There may be other information you need to achieve your shared goals or to better understand what you need to deal with the problem. Such information may be obtained from police, schools, or other sources.
- For example, a Knowledge Bank, which collects intervention examples of the entire school in the police school portal, describes how the intervention has been implemented and how it has affected it.
- Police also have tools that show the effectiveness of specific response to a certain problem.
Immigration (Rural Renewal Stream)
The following three steps can be implemented.
Community Partnership:
See the success of success in the first stage of "Police and School Partnership Model".
Discuss the analysis of the second stage.
Related Pages
Related Contacts
Use the SMART goals (specific, measurement, achievable, realistic, time limit) to delve more specifically how to measure success. We have a basis for considering various measures and choosing one or more measures. For example, whether the effects of domestic and overseas are proven, the time required, the resource, the support of all stakeholders, and the clear logic of how it affects the problem. The range of countermeasures includes the following preventive activities: Safety education -Safety Education: Training of School Traffic Safety Team We have a basis for considering various measures and choosing one or more measures. For example, whether the effects of domestic and overseas are proven, the time required, the resource, the support of all stakeholders, and the clear logic of how it affects the problem.Notice:
Restoration justice.
If it is appropriate), divide the countermeasures into steps, record the time frame and the necessary resources, nominate the leader in the annual partne r-weight plan, etc.:
This template is for an annual partnership plan for police and schools to agree on prevention activities.
Grande Prairie is a vibrant, welcoming, multicultural community with opportunity for those who seek it.
Template annual partnership plan
Evaluation evaluation is to confirm that the shared goal has been achieved, and provides a learning opportunity for continuous improvement.
With the SMART goal, police and school can evaluate whether the partnership goals have been achieved.
It is important to look back on the practice of partnerships, whether or not they have achieved their goals. Reflection practice is to think from experience what happened, why it happened, what to do as a result.
Preparation and Information
Clarifying the "next step" will guarantee a continuous improvement. The next steps include modifying goals and changing actions to achieve goals.
Acquisition and celebration of the achievement of the police and school goals will recognize and praise many individuals and organizations that contributed to their goals.
Writing "narration" (or case study) at the end of the intervention encourages schools and police to look back on their practice and share lessons learned with other schools and police:
This template is used to write the description at the end of all school intervention, submitted to schools@police. govt. nz.
Instructions on all template intervention (doc, 56KB)
Example Annotating sample (doc, 63KB)
Those who seek employment and permanent residence in Canada through RURAL RENEWAL STREAM. It is also called employees, job seekers, newcomers, and immigrants.
Grande Prairie RURAL RENEWAL STREAM community partnership.
Organizations and companies are looking for candidates to compensate for the lack of labor through the flow of the rural renewal.
Rollal renewal stream
EmailApplications will require a 30-day review process.
Access GP | 311
phone780-538-0300 or 311
Responsibility: Employer
EmailAs of June 2024, the demand for immigration to Alberta is far exceeding the states accepted in the limited number of recommendations received from the federal government every year. As a result, the Advantage Immigration Program in Alberta (AAIP) needs to manage the allocation in 2024 and cope with the economic priority of any sector.
Responsibility: Community Partnership
If you reach your monthly application target for streams or passways, the AAIP portal will not accept subsequent applications until the next date. Applications accepted by state in 2024 are not processed until 2025.Applications, goals, and processing times are subject to AAIP and may be changed. Applicants and applicants should regularly visit the AAIP website and check the latest information and updates.
Responsibility: Candidate
Grand Playy is proud to be designated as a ruler renewal stream of the Alberta Advantage Immigrant Program. RURAL RENEWAL STREAM provides opportunities to emigrate as Alberta's nominated immigrants with the official support of the Alberta government.Responsibility: Employer
With the support of this program, the Grand Prairie City recommends employers and job seekers, and promptly ensure eligible candidate immigrants to make up the shortage of labor in the area.Inquiries about RURAL RENEWAL STREAM will be answered within 30 days.
Responsibility: Employer
Before applying, your business and candidates must meet all qualifications.If you do not meet the criteria, the application will be rejected.
Please note: To receive a letter of endorsement, candidates must receive a job offer from an employer who is based within the City of Grande Prairie and has been approved by the City under the Grande Prairie Rural Renewal Stream.
Responsibility: Community Partnership
The employer's commission is illegal. Employers and employment mediators cannot claim jobs or employment fees to employees. If you have any questions or reports, call the Alberta government's information line (310-0000) and ask for employment standards or temporary foreign worker consultation rooms. 。 Participation in the program is a privilege, not right.Questions about your application must be directed to the Government of Alberta.
Responsibility: Candidate
The City of Grande Prairie is under no obligation to evaluate or process any application. Applications will be treated as expressions of interest (EOI) and processed according to the quality of the application (completeness, eligibility), labor market information, occupational supply and demand projections, program application volume, and/or other factors at the discretion of the Regional Partnership. By submitting an application to the City of Grande Prairie's Rural Renewal Stream Immigration Program, you acknowledge and agree that your application may not be processed in the order in which it is received, or may not be processed at all. Furthermore, the decision to evaluate/process a particular application, and the outcome of such evaluation/processing, are at the sole discretion of the City of Grande Prairie's Rural Renewal Stream Immigration Program.View existing eligible employers through the Rural Renewal Stream.
Employers located within the City of Grande Prairie who are interested in participating in the Rural Renewal Stream to fill workforce gaps and assist candidates in obtaining permanent residence status, please visit our Employer Information page.
Whether or not you are permitted to participate in the Rural Renewal Stream is at the sole discretion of the City of Grande Prairie's Rural Renewal Stream Immigration Program. Participation in the program is a privilege, not a right.
Non-Canadians interested in obtaining permanent residency by living and working in the City of Grande Prairie should visit the Candidate Information page.Whether or not a candidate receives a letter of recommendation is at the sole discretion of the City of Grande Prairie's Rural Renewal Stream Immigrant Program. Participation in the program is a privilege, not a right.
Application Process
- Applying to Rural Renewal Stream as an employer or candidate can be a confusing process. The steps below will help clarify the responsibilities of employers and candidates.
- Step 1: Employers Apply for Partnership
- Employers with vacancies submit an application to the Grande Prairie Rural Renewal Stream Community Partnership.
Step 2: Application Review
Grande Prairie Rural Renewal Stream Community Partnership reviews applications and conducts interviews with employers to determine eligibility and participation in the program.The City of Grande Prairie
Step 3: Job Seekers Apply
Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce
Job seekers will check the recruiting companies currently being recruited and apply directly to the recruiting company that is eligible.
Council for Lifelong Learning
Step 4: Journal
