Digital Advisory Panel Advice Impact of online platforms

Digital Advisory Panel Advice: Impact of online platforms

This paper summarizes the steps that the Gambling Committee should consider in response to the risks of online platforms.

Summary of key recommendations

The Gambling Committee should consider:

Habi t-forming appRegulating the use of software development technology for mobile apps and we b-based gambling sites that promote addictive and obsessive use. This may include an increase in friction when using this software, but it is necessary to consult with businesses and academic experts.
A single customer viewMajor to form a joint venture of ar m-squeezes that integrates a single customer view of all online gambling activities and provides services to improve both problematic gamblers and risky gamblers. Request a business operator. In parallel with this, GC needs to continue promoting agendas in research on harmful markers and specific gambling, so that this knowledge can be incorporated into this service in the future.
Online advertisingBusinesses are obliged to report online advertising, freebets, bonuses, gamblers, risky gamblers, and progress to keep their children away.
Gambling committee businessAvoid temptation to build online and digital technology to monitor operators and gamblers. Instead, GC recommends to continue to deepen your understanding of the technologies used by businesses to enable licensing and regulations that can respond to technology advancement. Consider the appointment of committee members who are familiar with the topics mentioned in this paper and have a recognition and background of digital.

Introduction - Digital Advisory Panel advice

The Gambling Committee understands and responds to the digital advisory panel (DAP) in the wide context of technology advances and changes in online consumer behavior I asked for advice.

  • How does online platform amplify risks and issues?
  • What kind of opportunities are brought by the emergence of such technology?
  • How should the European Commission respond?

DAP has combined experience in games, technology, digital strategies, and social media. We apply this "expert expert" approach to the issues set by GC, stimulate discussions, have already been held inside the GC, and experience from other advisers with different backgrounds. The purpose is to complement.

This paper is DAP’s response and we welcome the opportunity to assist the Commission in further developing all or any of these recommendations.

Background - Digital Advisory Panel advice

The Gambling Commission was established under the Gambling Act 2005 to regulate commercial gambling in Great Britain (GB) in cooperation with the licensing authorities.

There are three licensing objectives for the Commission that underpin the Act:

  • Ensuring that gambling is safe from crime and disorder
  • Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open manner
  • Protecting children and vulnerable people

Gambling in GB has grown rapidly in recent years. Total gambling revenue (GGY 1 ) in 2018 increased to £14. 5 billion from just under £11. 5 billion in 2012. 2 The importance of online as a share of this total has also increased. Excluding lotteries, online gambling accounts for more than 50% of the industry’s total GGY, up from 44% in 2015. 3 Within the online segment, the importance of the mobile segment is rapidly becoming dominant. The proportion of online gamblers who use their mobile phone to gamble has almost doubled from 23% in 2015 to 44% in 2018. 4

The GC estimates that 0. 7%5 of the GB adult population are problem gamblers, up from 0. 6% in 2012. 6

  • A problem gambler is someone whose gambling can lead to bad consequences and a loss of control. The European Commission estimates that 5. 1% of the UK adult population are at risk of becoming problem gamblers, meaning they show signs of being a problem gambler but are below the threshold for being a "problem" gambler.
  • 2018-2012 UK Total Gambling Revenue (GGY)(1) - Increased from £11. 5 billion to £14. 5 billion(3)
  • 2018-2012 Estimated Online Gambling Revenue (GGY)(1) - Increased by 34% 50%(3)

Background: Impact of web-based and mobile technology on characteristics of Online Gambling

Proportion of the adult population with gambling problems(1) - Increased from 0. 6% to 0. 7%(4)

Web-based and mobile technologies make gambling easy and accessible at any time. You can play on the move, at home, at work or in a social environment. This means habitual play is more likely to become ingrained. This contrasts with destination gambling, such as casinos, bingo halls, racecourses, bookmakers and arcades, which are events that are separate from everyday life and easier to avoid.

Web and mobile gambling remove environmental barriers such as visibility and inconvenience. Online gambling allows you to hide from friends and family, play without judgement, 24 hours a day, with less opportunity for intervention, while at the same time offering you the opportunity to play at exponentially increased rates.

Some webs and mobile plays mean that you can easily access 24 hours a day, so you can always eat and eat. In addition, depending on the type of online gambling, there are also instan t-wine games and online casinos that are especially easy to play. In comparison, sports/ even t-based betting is more delayed, but frequent players can overcome this limit by betting in other countries and using the i n-spray mechanism. You can. Mobile and we b-based gambling allows you to change traditional detention gambling into instant wines in terms of simplicity and convenience of play.

The Gambling Commission Challenge

Mobile and we b-based gambling overlap with other digital entertainment, live games and social media. For example, 63%of British adults use other devices while watching TV. We believe that some of the digital games have similar features to online gambling, which may increase their willingness to gambling products.

The scope and nature of gambling in the gambling committee is transforming through technology, especially mobile technology. It is clear that there is no sign that this growth will stop. The first wave of online gambling, which is characterized by the link between the web, mobile app, and social, is the second wave of digital technology that affects the industry created by big data, analytics, artificial intelligence, Internet and wearable. It is being violated by.

The effects of the second waves of this digital technology have not yet appeared. These technologies use techniques developed by social media and game companies to maintain the engagement of players to mobile apps, and to increase profits and profits, to create further growth to businesses. Is provided.

Businesses have also begun to use the vast amount of data assets and analysis capabilities built by influential Internet companies such as Google and Facebook to target potential gamblers. Advertising targeting ability has improved dramatically in the past five years. According to one survey 7, it is estimated that gambling companies spent marketing increased by 56 % between 2014 and 2017. In addition, surveys have been reported that children and young people have many opportunities to touch gambling ads.

Opportunities to Reduce Gambling-Related Harm

In our view, the Gambling Commission must respond to the challenges presented by technological advances, as they have a significant impact on the growth of advertising. Given the notable increase in the overall level of gambling spending, there must be a significant risk that this growth will drive an overall increase in gambling-related harm to adults, young people and children.

  • The DAP explored three areas where the GC could act to improve the protection of children and vulnerable adults from gambling-related harm:
  • Habit-forming apps
  • Single consumer view

Habit Forming Apps

Online advertising.

The success of many technology companies and digital content creators depends on their ability to establish and maintain user engagement on the web and mobile apps. From our own experience, the dominant companies in this sector have been successful in creating user populations that are voluntarily addicted to their apps for hours each day. In fact, these companies have been so successful that the negative effects of digital addiction have become a widespread concern. Ofcom estimates that Britons spend an average of 24 hours a week online, double the amount of time spent online 10 years ago, with one in five all adults spending 40 hours online each week. Britons check their mobile phones every 12 minutes on average while awake. Two in five adults look at their mobile phone for the first time within five minutes of waking up, rising to 65% of those under 35.

The importance of user engagement has given rise to a new field of research. A whole playbook of techniques has been identified that can be used to keep users engaged in mobile apps and web-based products for as long as possible9. One of the quickest and easiest to understand techniques is the hook model10. This model requires app developers to create a loop cycle consisting of a trigger, an action, a variable reward and a continuing investment. A habit is an acquired pattern of behaviour that has become largely or completely involuntary.

Instagram is a good example. Users will open an account that uses online social networks to see what friends and celebrities are doing. Once you participate, you will be promoted by relatively quick and intuitive processes in the form of posting photos and updates. If you achieve the action, you can get rewards with "likes" and comments from other users. The important thing is that these rewards vary depending on the post. Finally, users are prompted to invest in their profile by adding autobiographical details or gathering new followers. By combining these elements, a loop is born to make users a repeater and ultimately make Instagram a daily habit.

The core of the hook model is a strong recognition habit called a variable reward schedule explained by B. F. Skinner in the 1950s. In the above Instagram example, the fluctuating reward is the number of likes caused by photos. Skinner has revealed that the vibration is a cognitive nemesis of the brain, and that our mind gives priority to deduction of the cause and the result rather than other functions such as sel f-control and moderation.

The risks for online gamblers are clear. Gambler with more powerful and potential gambling habits when businesses have adopted the technology used by technology companies and digital content creators to stimulate gambling application engagement and form a habit. A huge group is formed, and some of the users are inevitably the risk of becoming a problem gambler. This possibility can be widespread as a result of the simplified and gambling opportunity that mobile technology is brought about at any time.

The problem is how the gambling committee should respond to this new risk. Further surveys are required for this issue. However, the first clue can be obtained by reviewing advice on how to create a habi t-forming app for app developers.

Taking a fog behavior model 11 developed by Stanford University Action Scientist B. J. Fog, it becomes clear how the app should be configured to make users trading. In order for users to act, motivation, ability, and urge must be performed at the same time. One way to affect the second parameters "Able" is to simplify the journey of users through the app. That's why successful developers have invested in the simplicity of the customer interface. In the industry's jargon, their purpose is to make the app "no friction".

Single Consumer View

Gambling operators are working on simplifying apps. One way for GC to reduce the involvement of gamblers in gambling apps is to claim further steps in the process that causes friction. This will increase the time to think about the bet, and the possibility of impulsive bets will be reduced.

Online gambling operators have taken several measures to protect the vulnerable adults from problematic gambling in accordance with license requirements. They use technology to monitor customer behavior and search for the indicators of harm, to identify problematic gamblers and risky gamblers, and to be involved with them to reduce the possibility of unhealthy actions. It is possible. Furthermore, according to survey 12, which PWC was conducted on behalf of Gambleaware, the current detection by operators expanded population statistical and behavioral markers and complemented specific daily triggers that complement predicted markers. It has been shown that using the technique of the operator can be improved by allowing the operator to be able to investigate and intervene almost immediately. In the report, 39 specific triggers are identified.

The current approach has a great flaw. Gambling operators can only see gambling on their websites and apps. In other words, a single company is easy to overlook a gambler that does not indicate the indicator of harm. However, multiple businesses will be more obvious if gambling dependents fall out of control. The average mobile gambler has four apps on a mobile device, and the average problem gambler uses more apps, so the probability of this risk is very high. Each operator does not know the whole picture of customer online gambling activities, so it is impossible for GC to identify gamblers with all risks and problematic gamblers and expect them to be involved well. there is.

If there is a service that can identify the gambler based on the gambling activities of all businesses, the gambler will be much more successful. Best practices can be incorporated into the service, and the best practices can be developed over time. By doing so, GC can guarantee that all businesses are consistently identifying hig h-level gamblers.

This service accepts various parameters related to the gambler identity, along with information at the transaction level related to beds. This service can return a sequence of harm that the operator segments and to protect the customer.

  • Technology to build this kind of service is available, and it must be dealt with to succeed in such services.
  • Security. It is most important that any solution is safe because confidential information about gamblers is processed. The technology of tokenization and encryption has developed rapidly in recent years. By using these technologies and open source libraries, services with strong en d-t o-end security can be realized.
  • Identity verification. Detailed information of 13 debit cards and credit cards provides a good start in this field, but online introduced to protect the suppliers from the accusations of HMRC and porn industry selling products to children. There is more advanced technology used in other fields, such as identification.

analysis. The ability to process structured data and no n-structured data has been significantly developed in the last 10 years. It is important to efficiently handle the data provided by the operator. This ability is currently available widely.

Proposed services will benefit all people if they are obliged to use these services by all licensed businesses in the UK. The challenge is to determine the role of each organization in the construction of such services. We suggest that the Gambling Committee will take the initiative in promoting the introduction of such services, setting standards, and compliance with its regulations and standards.

Standards setting and research

Large businesses propose to cooperate through a joint venture to build the necessary services by distributing costs into all licensing. By doing so, each organization can take responsibility for each core competence:

Developing a secure service

For example, a survey on the indicator of harm should continue by the Gambling Committee. < SPAN> This service accepts various parameters related to the gambler identity, along with the information on the beds related to beds, as a standard format. This service can return a sequence of harm that the operator segments and to protect the customer.


Technology to build this kind of service is available, and it must be dealt with to succeed in such services.

Handling people identified as having problems or at risk of having problems

Security. It is most important that any solution is safe because confidential information about gamblers is processed. The technology of tokenization and encryption has developed rapidly in recent years. By using these technologies and open source libraries, services with strong en d-t o-end security can be realized.

Policing standard and regulations

Identity verification. Detailed information of 13 debit cards and credit cards provides a good start in this field, but online introduced to protect the suppliers from the accusations of HMRC and porn industry selling products to children. There is more advanced technology used in other fields, such as identification.

analysis. The ability to process structured data and no n-structured data has been significantly developed in the last 10 years. It is important to efficiently handle the data provided by the operator. This ability is currently available widely.

Proposed services will benefit all people if they are obliged to use these services by all licensed businesses in the UK. The challenge is to determine the role of each organization in the construction of such services. We suggest that the Gambling Committee will take the initiative in promoting the introduction of such services, setting standards, and compliance with its regulations and standards.

Online Advertising

Large businesses propose to cooperate through a joint venture to build the necessary services by distributing costs into all licensing. By doing so, each organization can take responsibility for each core competence:

For example, a survey on the indicator of harm should continue by the Gambling Committee. This service accepts various parameters related to the gambler identity, along with information at the transaction level related to beds. This service can return a sequence of harm that the operator segments and to protect the customer.

Technology to build this kind of service is available, and it must be dealt with to succeed in such services.

Security. It is most important that any solution is safe because confidential information about gamblers is processed. The technology of tokenization and encryption has developed rapidly in recent years. By using these technologies and open source libraries, services with strong en d-t o-end security can be realized.

Identity verification. Detailed information of 13 debit cards and credit cards provides a good start in this field, but online introduced to protect the suppliers from the accusations of HMRC and porn industry selling products to children. There is more advanced technology used in other fields, such as identification.

  • analysis. The ability to process structured data and no n-structured data has been significantly developed in the last 10 years. It is important to efficiently handle the data provided by the operator. This ability is currently available widely.
  • Proposed services will benefit all people if they are obliged to use these services by all licensed businesses in the UK. The challenge is to determine the role of each organization in the construction of such services. We suggest that the Gambling Committee will take the initiative in promoting the introduction of such services, setting standards, and compliance with its regulations and standards.
  • Large businesses propose to cooperate through a joint venture to build the necessary services by distributing costs in all licensing. By doing so, each organization can take responsibility for each core competence:
  • For example, a survey on the indicator of harm should continue by the Gambling Committee.
  • Utilizing advanced cases in data, analytics, and security, develop a secure software service protected by the latest technology and operate an independent position of the owner (that is) owned by a joint venture (that is , Operators cannot access customer transaction data from other companies).

There is a wide range of options that the joint venture may use to identify individual gamblers. The Gambling Committee defines requirements, and the joint venture should be responsible for the design, construction, and testing of the solution.

Children and advertising

The responsibility to handle individual gamblers will continue to be the responsibility of the operator. The Gambling Committee continues to set such a criterion.

  • The crackdown on standards and regulations will continue to be responsible for the Gambling Committee.

This activity is not a shor t-term project. The Gambling Committee needs to discuss with the industry so that the defined requirements are a realistic solution.

It is important to take steps approaching for the development of these services. Large development is wrong. The Gambling Committee is proceeding in parallel with the harmful marker and research projects to explore specific triggers, while developing simple services based on the current understanding of the harmful markers. This improved understanding can be incorporated into the service at a later date.


The 2005 gambling method eliminated many gambling products. Since then, gambling advertisements have increased significantly.

One survey presumed that marketing costs by gambling companies increased by 56 % between 2014 and 2017. The amount has reached £ 1. 5 billion. Online ads are online, as they can focus on consumers who are active in advertising. In the industry's jargon, online marketing can be "personalized" by using a data set available from big data technology and global technology companies.

Consumer response

Online advertising has a significant investment rate of investment compared to conventional advertising channels, and businesses make a large amount of investment. < SPAN> Data Wear House, Analytics, and Security Evolutionary Casuals Develop a secure software service protected by the latest technology, owned a joint venture between major companies operating in an independent position from the owner. (That is, the operator cannot access customer transaction data from other companies).

  • There is a wide range of options that the joint venture may use to identify individual gamblers. The Gambling Committee defines requirements, and the joint venture should be responsible for the design, construction, and testing of the solution.
  • The responsibility to handle individual gamblers will continue to be the responsibility of the operator. The Gambling Committee continues to set such a criterion.
  • The crackdown on standards and regulations will continue to be responsible for the Gambling Committee.

This activity is not a shor t-term project. The Gambling Committee needs to discuss with the industry so that the defined requirements are a realistic solution.

DAP reflections

It is important to take steps approaching for the development of these services. Large development is a mistake. The Gambling Committee is proceeding in parallel with the harmful marker and research projects to explore specific triggers, while developing simple services based on the current understanding of the harmful markers. This improved understanding can be incorporated into the service at a later date.


The 2005 gambling method eliminated many gambling products. Since then, gambling advertisements have increased significantly.

Recommendations Digital Advisory Panel Advice

One survey presumed that marketing costs by gambling companies increased by 56 % between 2014 and 2017. The amount has reached £ 1. 5 billion. Online ads are online, as they can focus on consumers who are active in advertising. In the industry's jargon, online marketing can be "personalized" by using a data set available from big data technology and global technology companies.

  • Online advertising has a significant investment rate of investment compared to conventional advertising channels, and businesses make a large amount of investment. Utilizing advanced cases in data, analytics, and security, develop a secure software service protected by the latest technology and operate an independent position of the owner (that is) owned by a joint venture (that is , Operators cannot access customer transaction data from other companies).
  • There is a wide range of options that the joint venture may use to identify individual gamblers. The Gambling Committee defines requirements, and the joint venture should be responsible for the design, construction, and testing of the solution.
  • The responsibility to handle individual gamblers will continue to be the responsibility of the operator. The Gambling Committee continues to set such a criterion.
  • The crackdown on standards and regulations will continue to be responsible for the Gambling Committee.

This activity is not a shor t-term project. The Gambling Committee needs to discuss with the industry so that the defined requirements are a realistic solution.

Other recommendations that the Gambling Commission should strongly consider:

Habit Forming Apps

It is important to take steps approaching for the development of these services. Large development is wrong. The Gambling Committee is proceeding in parallel with the harmful marker and research projects to explore specific triggers, while developing simple services based on the current understanding of the harmful markers. This improved understanding can be incorporated into the service at a later date.

Single Customer View


Online advertising

The 2005 gambling method eliminated many gambling products. Since then, gambling advertisements have increased significantly.

Gambling Commissioners

One survey presumed that marketing costs by gambling companies increased by 56 % between 2014 and 2017. The amount has reached 1. 5 billion pounds. Online ads are online, as they can focus on consumers who are active in advertising. In the industry's jargon, online marketing can be "personalized" by using a data set available from big data technology and global technology companies.

Online advertising has a significant investment rate of investment compared to conventional advertising channels, and businesses make a large amount of investment.

Figures derived from the audited account books of the top listed operators, along with other available financial data for private and offshore companies, show where GB-facing gambling companies spent the most on marketing in 2017:


Direct online internet marketing spend - £747m, almost half (48%) of total gambling marketing spend.

Advertising through marketing "affiliates" (websites, tipsters and publications that earn commission by generating new business for gambling companies) - £301m, almost a fifth (19%) of total spend.

TV gambling advertising - £234m, just 15% of total gambling marketing spend.

Social media - £149m, more than tripled in three years, 10% of total gambling marketing spend.

Sponsorship - £60m, double 2014's figure (£30m). 80% of all gambling marketing spend went online. While there has been much debate about how much bookmakers, bingo sites and virtual casinos advertise on TV, the figures highlight the huge amounts of money being spent promoting gambling on the internet.

The Gambling Commission reports that:

59% of 11-16 year olds have seen gambling ads on social media compared to 66% on TV.

One in eight 11-16 year olds follow a gambling company on social media and are three times more likely to spend money on gambling.

Of those who have played online gambling games, 24% follow a gambling company online.

Compared to other potentially harmful behaviours, young people are more likely to have gambled in the past week than they have drunk alcohol, smoked tobacco or taken illegal drugs.

In April 2019, the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) created a large number of children's "avatars" (online profiles that simulate a child's online web browsing) to see the types of ads they are inundated with online. During the two-week monitoring period, advertisements from 43 gambling operators were found to be displayed in freely accessible "no-login" online environments, and child avatars were seen delivering gambling advertisements on 11 of the monitored children's websites. 15 regulatory actions were taken.

For DAP, these figures indicate that license objectives regarding the protection of children are not being met. DAP could not find evidence that operators are reliably filtering out risky or problem gamblers from gambling advertisements.

Gamblers and potential gamblers are exposed to various online advertisements. The Gambling Committee announced the following numbers in November 2018:

53 % of respondents have seen gambling advertisements on television in the past week.

45 % of the online gamblers were encouraged to spend money on gambling by the advertisement they saw, and the same was true of 49 % of online gamblers (having social media accounts) on social media platforms.

26%of the online gamblers follow the gambling company on the social media platform, which is the highest in the age of 18 to 24.

Free beds and bonuses are the most effective advertising forms, and 40%are persuaded to spend money. Television advertisements are 26%, and online ads are 3rd in 23%. Social media advertisements (14 %) are barely exceeding signboards and newspapers.

How casino regulations are changing in the UK

Many major businesses have begun to respond to clear risks of gambling ads. In order to cope with concerns on the impact on children and the social vulnerable, he has agreed to prohibit the voluntary "flute flute" of a TV advertisement on a sports broadcast. However, we believe that these measures are not fully dealing with obvious and substantial risks related to gambling ads.

We are paying attention to the fact that cooperation between the gambling committees, businesses, and related public organizations such as the Advertising Practical Committee (CAP and BCAP) is progressing. The new guidance 16 was enforced on April 1, 2019, but it is too early to see the impact of these changes. < SPAN> Gamblers and potential gamblers are exposed to various online advertisements. The Gambling Committee announced the following numbers in November 2018:

53 % of respondents have seen gambling advertisements on television in the past week.

45 % of the online gamblers were encouraged to spend money on gambling by the advertisement they saw, and the same was true of 49 % of online gamblers (having social media accounts) on social media platforms.

What are the main UK online casino regulations?

26%of the online gamblers follow the gambling company on the social media platform, which is the highest in the age of 18 to 24.

  • Free beds and bonuses are the most effective advertising forms, and 40%are persuaded to spend money. Television advertisements are 26%, and online ads are 3rd in 23%. Social media advertisements (14 %) are barely exceeding signboards and newspapers.
  • Many major businesses have begun to respond to clear risks of gambling ads. In order to cope with concerns on the impact on children and the social vulnerable, he has agreed to prohibit the voluntary "flute flute" of a TV advertisement on a sports broadcast. However, we believe that these measures are not fully dealing with obvious and substantial risks related to gambling ads.
  • We are paying attention to the fact that cooperation between the gambling committees, businesses, and related public organizations such as the Advertising Practical Committee (CAP and BCAP) is progressing. The new guidance 16 was enforced on April 1, 2019, but it is too early to see the impact of these changes. Gamblers and potential gamblers are exposed to various online advertisements. The Gambling Committee announced the following numbers in November 2018:
  • 53 % of respondents have seen gambling advertisements on television in the past week.
  • 45 % of the online gamblers were encouraged to spend money on gambling by the advertisement they saw, and the same was true of 49 % of online gamblers (having social media accounts) on social media platforms.
  • 26%of the online gamblers follow the gambling company on the social media platform, which is the highest in the age of 18 to 24.

Who’s in charge of UK casino regulations?

Free beds and bonuses are the most effective advertising forms, and 40%are persuaded to spend money. Television advertisements are 26%, and online ads are 3rd in 23%. Social media advertisements (14 %) are barely exceeding signboards and newspapers.

Many major businesses have begun to respond to clear risks of gambling ads. In order to cope with concerns on the impact on children and the social vulnerable, he has agreed to prohibit the voluntary "flute flute" of a TV advertisement on a sports broadcast. However, we believe that these measures are not fully dealing with obvious and substantial risks related to gambling ads.

  • We are paying attention to the fact that cooperation between the gambling committees, businesses, and related public organizations such as the Advertising Practical Committee (CAP and BCAP) is progressing. The new guidance 16 was enforced on April 1, 2019, but it is too early to see the impact of these changes.
  • Instead, we propose that we are obliged to report online advertising targets not only children, but also proble m-proceeds from problematic gamblers and risky gamblers. This may require the Gambling Committee to clarify the definitions of these terms, but the main responsibilities are that the business operator utilizes big data and analysis skills, and more vulnerable gamblers are identified. And advertisements, freebets, and bonuses must not increase the risk of harm. At present, operators can use the possible technologies, but they cannot surely identify a problematic gambler or risky gambler, so that ads can move away from these vulnerable groups. No. This activity only increases gamblin g-related risks until the business can prove that the advertisement does not give gambling harm to vulnerable groups. The dramatic increase in online advertisements worsens this problem, and the possibility that vicious businesses use the power of big data, ad technology, and other technologies to target the vulnerable without being discovered. It just increases concerns.
  • The Gambling Committee recommends to continue to focus on fields that are the core abilities:
  • investigation
  • Regulation

Recent casino regulation updates


  • It is necessary to comply with compliance to continue to adapt to the newly evolved world of online gambling.
  • Specifically, the Gambling Committee recommends avoiding the temptation to build online and digital technology to monitor businesses and gamblers. Instead, the gambling committee recommends to continue to deepen your understanding of the technologies used by operators to enable a license and regulations that can be done in the progress of technology.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Online platforms are central to the digital economy, and to the Panel's interests within this review. One helpful definition states that online platforms. Internet's dirty secret: Assessing the impact of online Advisory Council and a member of the National Audit Office's Digital Advisory Panel. The Digital Advisory Panel (DAP) was established to advise us on ways to manage new risks that may come from online gambling platforms.

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