Divest from the Video Games Industry by Marina Kittaka Medium
Divest from the Video Games Industry!
This work contains the problems of the video game industry in that myth, and from it, imagine a new direction through ant i-capitalist and physical compassion lenses.
My name is Marina Ayano Kitaka (her/ her), a transformer in the middle class of the middle class. I am active in various forms of art, but the video game made with my friends, Meros Han Tani, for example, is my food.
I'm not the authority of these topics, I don't intend to stand on someone or present a comprehensive solution. I use declaration and instructions for clarity, but I'm not looking for certainty.
I am the leadership of BIPOC's slavery abolition, such as Egeris Dixon, Lear Lakshmi Piedn a-Samalasinha, Adrian Marie Brown, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and the local (Black Visions Collective and MPD150) I'm trying to follow the activities of the group. Please let us know if you think, especially if you think my remarks are harmful.
This work was inspired by the latest waves of survivors who bravely talked about their stories. It is in the middle of a global rebellion against the system). I believe in the survivors and stand up together.
The Problems
The video game industry has many problems that are deep, tragic, and intertwined. Verification of the whole game culture exceeds the scope of this work (I focus on the development and a little distribution). In addition, it is beyond the scope of this work to convince someone that these problems exist, but we will proceed with the assumption that we agree that there is a problem. The following is an incomplete list:
- Developmental sexual abuse
- Abuse, bullying, crunch, burnout syndrome, generally exploit working conditions
- Gender discrimination, racist discrimination, and other prejudic e-The above abuse is emphasized in accordance with these intersections (for example, eliminating gender sexual abuse and elimination of racial minority).
- Supply chain issues including conflict minerals and exploitation factory environments
- Serious impact on the environment < Span> This work imagines a new direction through the myths of the problem of the video game industry, and through a compassionate lens that has been ant i-capitalist and physicalized. It is something to bless.
My name is Marina Ayano Kitaka (her/ her), a transformer in the middle class of the middle class. I am active in various forms of art, but the video game made with my friends, Meros Han Tani, for example, is my food.
I'm not the authority of these topics, I don't intend to stand on someone or present a comprehensive solution. I use declaration and instructions for clarity, but I'm not looking for certainty.
I am the leadership of BIPOC's slavery abolition, such as Egeris Dixon, Lear Lakshmi Piedn a-Samalasinha, Adrian Marie Brown, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and the local (Black Visions Collective and MPD150) I'm trying to follow the activities of the group. Please let us know if you think, especially if you think my remarks are harmful.
The Industry Promise
This work was inspired by the latest waves of survivors who bravely talked about their stories. It is in the middle of a global rebellion against the system). I believe in the survivors and stand up together.
The video game industry has many problems that are deep, tragic, and intertwined. Verification of the whole game culture exceeds the scope of this work (I focus on the development and a little distribution). In addition, it is beyond the scope of this work to convince someone that these problems exist, but we will proceed with the assumption that we agree that there is a problem. The following is an incomplete list:
Promotional sexual abuse
Abuse, bullying, crunch, burnout syndrome, generally exploit working conditions
Precious Gems
Gender discrimination, racist discrimination, and other prejudic e-The above abuse is emphasized in accordance with these intersections (for example, eliminating gender sexual abuse and elimination of racial minority).
Supply chain issues including conflict minerals and exploitation factory environments
Serious impact on the environment This work will contain the problems of the video game industry in that myth, and then imagine the new direction through ant i-capitalism and a compassionate lens. It is something to do.
My name is Marina Ayano Kitaka (her/ her), a transformer in the middle class of the middle class. I am active in various forms of art, but the video game made with my friends, Meros Han Tani, for example, is my food.
I'm not the authority of these topics, I don't intend to stand on someone or present a comprehensive solution. I use declaration and instructions for clarity, but I'm not looking for certainty.
The Narrative of Technology and Progress
I am the leadership of BIPOC's slavery abolition, such as Egeris Dixon, Lear Lakshmi Piedn a-Samalasinha, Adrian Marie Brown, and Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and the local (Black Visions Collective and MPD150) I'm trying to follow the activities of the group. Please let us know if you think, especially if you think my remarks are harmful.
This work was inspired by the latest waves of survivors who bravely talked about their stories. It is in the middle of a global rebellion against the system). I believe in the survivors and get up together.
The video game industry has many problems that are deep, tragic, and intertwined. Verification of the whole game culture exceeds the scope of this work (I focus on the development and a little distribution). In addition, it is beyond the scope of this work to convince someone that these problems exist, but we will proceed with the assumption that we agree that there is a problem. The following is an incomplete list:
Promotional sexual abuse
What We Hope to Gain
Abuse, bullying, crunch, burnout syndrome, generally exploit working conditions
Gender discrimination, racist discrimination, and other prejudic e-The above abuse is emphasized in accordance with these intersections (for example, eliminating gender sexual abuse and elimination of racial minority).
Supply chain issues including conflict minerals and exploitation factory environments
What’s Next?
Serious impact on the environment
This conversation may be hurt or evolved into defense emotions. I want to deal with this directly. Many people love video games and are deeply into the game world. In particular, it is sensitive to the creators who are alienated in the game industry to find a foothold and deserving their dreams. My goal is not to focus on personal anger and contempt, but to aim for a world created by creators that are played by more happy spectators and are valued.
Center BIPOC/queer leadership
In addition, this conversation is not about the orbit of individual AAA (large studio) games. It is not to create strict rules for media consumption. It is not to degrade people to specific beliefs and actions. We promote shame and denial when we try to behave as if we had to match our personal preferences as if we had to match our most intense ideals.
Divest from celebrity/authority
It's not limited to AAA. This is about all situations where power is the point. Industrial complexes and power complexes can have stages from the smallest micro community to large companies. We can pull out at all levels.
Divest from video games exceptionalism
Many of the game creators and audiences (whether they are conscious or not) have a rare and fragile product for happiness and surprise, and are valuable jewels that are mined through difficult and costly processes. You may have believed it. Life is often isolated, alienated, and trauma, and many of us are dealing with paralyzing a part of ourselves. The pain and joy of simply feeling are rare.
Reimagine scale
In order to respond to such rarity, the industry promises that by being familiar with technology and design, people can "feel" people. It is not only explicitly spoken in marketing copies and developers interviews, but also in the art form that can be specially "immersed in" games that are difficult to handle "can sympathize with games" and "tw o-way". It is also performed through a wide range of concepts. In such a promise, the advanced technology is always embedded that the advances in technology are linear. The whole game must be better, more beautiful, and more impressive! Or maybe the progress itself is beautiful. Every time you jump to the photorism, you will have an unreasonable surprising sensation when we are eager.
Redefine niche
At this time, it can be argued that the benefits are not worth the cost, and that the abov e-mentioned problems are even better than the ideal image provided by the game. But aren't many people satisfied with that? Shouldn't we simply reform the system? Spread recognition and training about gender discrimination and racist discrimination, create more art that evokes empathy, and encourage diversity. Isn't "stopping" a baby's hand in order to solve a bad leadership or abused superstar problem?
Here, I arrive at the main purpose I wrote this sentence. I want to expand the space of imagination related to video games by tearing the "industry promises" from the root. If the surprise is rare and the progress is not linear, the world standing up from the ash of the video game industry should be more exciting and technically lively.
Ground yourself in your body
Take a deep breath and imagine the happy moment of your life. Maybe there may be this moment:
Staying up late at night and fluttering with friends, watching beautiful scenery, kissing passionate, cooperating with friends in DND and Minecraft sessions, hearty gifts from respected people, hot summer Drinking a cold drink on the day, making a new friend who feels like you are really looking at yourself, singing a song; being embraced by a good smell, eating junk food late at night Being in the rainy town, the vivid colors and sounds of the night in a rainy city, falling asleep in the cotto n-like quietness of a small town, gathering friends to watch new movies, the air of sunrise Have a meaningful conversation with a baby who does not speak words.
- Think of the games that you liked most when you were a child, the possibilities, mysteries, and fun games. Was they all technically the most advanced? Was it most respected by the critics?
- Maybe your happy moment is not like this. Or maybe it's all a matter of feeling happiness. But what I want to say is happiness, joy, and fun ... these core is fluid, social, narrative, contextual, and chemical. Both the best and the most common appearance, happiness is not pushed into the passive body by objective "high quality". Recent psychological studies have suggested that happiness and happiness are a growing skill that is compassionate in traditions around the world (for example, Buddhist monks).
- Think of the billions of people who have ever lived, across time and cultures, with or without video games, living as nomads or settling in cities or jungles. At any given moment, there are infinite reasons to suffer and infinite reasons to be happy². The monopoly of big industry on “art” and “entertainment” has always been a capitalist lie, pointless but inevitable.
Invest outside of games
Is this an anti-technology rally? Am I telling everyone to go outside and play “hoops and sticks” like in the good old days until the end of time? First, let’s unpack what we mean when we say “technology”. Here’s one definition:
Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or the achievement of a purpose. - Wikipedia
Work towards a more accessible world
Honestly, technology is such a vague and broad concept that almost anything anyone has ever done could be considered technology! So how we actually use the word is very revealing of our cultural values. Computing power, massive scale, realistic graphics, complex AI, VR experiences that try to recreate the visual and auditory elements of real or imagined situations... these are all technologies that have grown in sophistication over time. But what the industry thinks is technological progress is actually made up of fairly niche goals, artificially inflated by capitalists who think they can make money this way. I don't mean "niche" as an insult here. But when a restrictive narrative sucks the air out of a room and leaves a patch of emotional and physical devastation... isn't it time to question it?
Invest in alternative technological advancements
What if satisfying basic human needs is "technological progress"? What if an indigenous sustainable model of life is "high tech"? What if creating a more accessible world where people can move freely opens up a whole host of high fidelity multisensory experiences? These questions are certainly far beyond the scope of the video game industry, but in the words of Adrienne Marie Brown, "what we do on a small scale sets the pattern for the whole system"³.
Look to small tools
When we dismantle existing structures, our instinctive reaction is often a subtractive vision. We live in the exact same world, but all the big-hit video games have magically disappeared, and only hipster indie games remain! What is missing from this vision is the understanding that our current existence is a subtraction. Mature vision and skills are lost when people leave the industry due to burnout, sexual assault, or racist slurs. Corporate intellectual property laws and progress narratives that stifle preservation and rob us of rich, fertile history. An ad-centric, sanitized, consolidated internet that closes off democratized community spaces. A "scrap war" where big corporations invest lavishly in small creators for their own profit. Our current values limit the possibilities not just for AAA games, but for everything else.
Utopia has no aesthetic. There is no need to prescribe the right "alt" taste. Games are high and low, sacred and profane, cute and ugly, left-brained and right-brained. Disrupting the games industry is not about picking a niche to replace it. Instead, it is about opening the door to a world where countless decentralized, intimate, overlapping niches thrive.
Sucking as praxis
Decentralizing power not only creates the conditions for more and better games, it also reduces the conditions for abuse to flourish. Many stories of abuse hinge on abusers wielding the power to dramatically help or hurt the careers of others. This power is reinforced by our collective investment in the "promise of the industry" (and let us not forget the broader cultural intersections of oppression). Mythologized figures rise along a linear axis of greatness, enshrined in the frightening notion that they are less fungible than others, with their ranking in The Industry proving their mystical importance.
Fight for history
Here is a fundamental truth. Paradoxically, this truth opens up the world of video games to something as full, varied, strange and contradictory as life itself.
So, let's agree to all of my claims. As a group, we may be able to end the video game industry by separating attention, time, funds, and creating new things with each other. But what is it actually? I don't have all the answers. The community is very difficult because of my own trauma. Still, I want to brainstorm. Read this, read something that you sympathize with personally, or brainstorm yourself!
Expand government arts funding
For example, those who have been forced to be separated from the culture of majority and those who have created alternative. For example, transformed justice, the abolition of the police, the jail of jail, etc. Beyond Survival and "Emergent Strategy" books are based on understanding of organizing much deeper than what is written here, and it seems like we can respond to sexual assault in our community. It is deeply relevant due to direct and imminent issues.
Labor organizing
Many people say that the most fruitful artistic relationship is a relationship with friends, neither an idol nor an idol. Leave the social media sports as a spectator, where a big talent competes with hot take. If a genius story is born, doubt it. Foster your own power and the power of the people adjacent to you. If you feel like you are becoming a celebrity, take a step back, recognize the power you are swinging on others, turn on the opportunity to be alienated, and have nothing to do with your life. Invest in and receive therapy.
Collaborative / open source resources
Give money
Students have digged into the inferiority of video games and the topic of video games exceptionalism. This is full of unique value because I can do anything that I have put into the "industry promise", that is, video games as technical pioneers that can not be done by other media. It is linked to the idea. This will scatter a lot of money, but it is a no n-historic and isolated way of thinking, and it is useless to actually deepen the understanding of the game format (this point is vocabulary. Here is an interesting discussion that reminds me of Richard Terel's work). In < Span>, let's say you agree with all of my claims. As a group, we may be able to end the video game industry by separating attention, time, funds, and creating new things with each other. But what is it actually? I don't have all the answers. The community is very difficult because of my own trauma. Still, I want to brainstorm. Read this, read something that you sympathize with personally, or brainstorm yourself!
Just Play!
For example, those who have been forced to be separated from the culture of majority and those who have created alternative. For example, transformed justice, the abolition of the police, the jail of jail, etc. Beyond Survival and "Emergent Strategy" books are based on understanding of organizing much deeper than what is written here, and it seems like we can respond to sexual assault in our community. It is deeply relevant due to direct and imminent issues.
Many people say that the most fruitful artistic relationship is a relationship with friends, neither an idol nor an idol. Leave the social media sports as a spectator, where a big talent competes with hot take. If a genius story is born, doubt it. Foster your own power and the power of the people adjacent to you. If you feel like you are becoming a celebrity, take a step back, recognize the power you are swinging on others, turn on the opportunity to be alienated, and have nothing to do with your life. Invest in and receive therapy.
Students have digged into the inferiority of video games and the topic of video games exceptionalism. This is full of unique value because I can do anything that I have put into the "industry promise", that is, video games as technical pioneers that can not be done by other media. It is linked to the idea. This will scatter a lot of money, but it is a no n-historic and isolated way of thinking, and it is useless to actually deepen the understanding of the game format (this point is vocabulary. Here is an interesting discussion that reminds me of Richard Terel's work). So, let's agree to all of my claims. As a group, we may be able to end the video game industry by separating attention, time, funds, and creating new things with each other. But what is it actually? I don't have all the answers. The community is very difficult because of my own trauma. Still, I want to brainstorm. Read this, read something that you sympathize with personally, or brainstorm yourself!
For example, those who have been forced to be separated from the culture of majority and those who have created alternative. For example, transformed justice, the abolition of the police, the jail of jail, etc. Beyond Survival and "Emergent Strategy" books are based on understanding of organizing much deeper than what is written here, and it seems like we can respond to sexual assault in our community. It is deeply relevant due to direct and imminent issues.
Many people say that the most fruitful artistic relationship is a relationship with friends, neither an idol nor an idol. Leave the social media sports as a spectator, where a big talent competes with hot take. If a genius story is born, doubt it. Foster your own power and the power of the people adjacent to you. If you feel like you are becoming a celebrity, take a step back, recognize the power you are swinging on others, turn on the opportunity to be alienated, and have nothing to do with your life. Invest in and receive therapy.
Students have digged into the inferiority of video games and the topic of video games exceptionalism. This is full of unique value because I can do anything that I have put into the "industry promise", that is, video games as technical pioneers that can not be done by other media. It is linked to the idea. This will scatter a lot of money, but it is a no n-historic and isolated idea, and it is useless to actually deepen understanding of the form of games (this point is vocabulary. Here is an interesting discussion that reminds me of Richard Terel's work).
Thoroughly asks the idea of the idea of as a small. For projects, studios, and events, when facing the pressure of having to make something bigger, always ask "why" and make sure what you lose and what you can get. 。 Composers of values tend to be inevitable when the scale, abuse at work, or trading with suspicious organizations. For me, a study suggests that the benefits of happiness from wealth will dramatically diminish the benefits of wealth, led by Psychologist Daniel Carneman. Anyone who has been tweeting will know that it is fun at first, and then annoying. We, living in a collected global world, we must regularly face and handle social indicators that our social brain cannot be understood at all. Is there a legitimate use of a huge team that has been working on projects for years? Of course, probably. However, there is no idea that it is an ideal ordinary situation that everyone should aim for.
Related Reading
- In the above, I pointed out that AAA was a niche. I think so roughly, but it's definitely the relationship with the budget. What does this mean? The AAA marketing budget has been reported as 75 to 100 % (in some cases it may be higher) for development costs. Isn't this surprising? If a game can be naturally appealed to many people in proportion to it with its high quality and advanced technology, it is really tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars just to play the game. Is it necessary to use a dollar budget? In contrast, Melos's estimation has a marketing budget for Anodyne 2, about 10 % of the development cost, and has been a reasonable success. Certainly, marketing is a complicated field and sometimes ethical, but for me, I feel something deep and unhealthy about the ability of larg e-scale studios to buy their own relevance straight (). According to a survey, marketing seems to affect the profit of the game three times as much as the high score of the review).
- Another story, I don't think that the benefits of AAA, such as the advances of photorianism, will disappear without the support of the industry. People are surprisingly passionate! It doesn't always look like a 6 0-hour adventure world, but it will be a niche that we can support like others.
- Sel f-composition, mindfulness, meditation, exercise, breathing, nature, intervals. There are many ways to enhance the ability to experience joy, surprise, and happiness. However, one of the difficult things in this process is that if you work directly with these topics, you are often overwhelmed by extremely special aesthetics that do not suit you (for example, new age or not culturally appropriate). That's what you get. What I want to advise is that 1) is tolerant of learning from the practice that does not fit my brand, and at the same time, I can make the spirit of the advice adapt to what is actually useful. The advantage of finding the ability of our joy inward is that the industry is basically extra, and it is clear that we can freely get what we want, and the rest can be thrown away in the pile of compost. To do.
- As an aside, some artists (otherwise, can use something like mental health services structurally) are afraid of being healthy. As an artist who has consistently improved by mental health, there are several reasons why people should not worry about this.
- While changing, you have yourself in the past. "Our body is a nervous and physiological storage of all important experiences, from the past to the present before birth."
- You can lose sparks and get another spark. You can get six sparks instead of lost sparks.
- What do you ultimately want to be "good at art"? Ego satisfaction? Connection with people? Sel f-esteem? All of these things are easier to get in the scenario that you were afraid of being happy and healthy enough to be unable to create art. Middle! Art is for nerds!
Scentfc Games Back n the Black as Dvesttures Move Forward
Game culture often promotes complete identification with video games. This is a pressure to make the developer work and buy it by the audience, so that management and shareholders are convenient, and others are disadvantaged. Investing in a hobby, which has nothing to do with video games, is useful in many ways, and for everyone! Personally, I like books. The novel is almost the same as the "hig h-tech" of the AAA game, and the book is affordable, the data is light, easy to preserve, exciting, challenging, and immersion. There is and interesting. What is technology?
It's not essentially bad to associate with game developers, but you shouldn't participate in the industry, a place of work, or events for a romantic relationship. In particular, if you have some kind of organized power, you inevitably drive others into unpleasant situations and create a base that abuses that power. If you want sex or dating, look for other places, common hobbies, and dating pools.
In a world of institutional healthy people, video games can be a fun, valuable, and eas y-t o-use experience in the best condition. Therefore, when I say, "I'm going to get rid of the video game industry," I don't want to cover the fact that people have different sacrifice. Certainly, accessibility in video games is as important as before, but if you want to "invest outside the game", it is extremely important to make the world outside the world more accessible. For example, people who are not disabled will focus on the unique viewpoints and leadership of the disabled person with the lockdown of COVID and the spread of home work at this special moment, and will gradually release the regulations. You can be wary not to return to the selective and hypocritical approach.
If our industry did not laser focus on the limited definition of technical advancement, what would we get resources, attention, and energy to grow? For example, speec h-only games appear in an incredible fertile field for technical advancement, but lack resources. What about further progress of biodegradable / recycled microchips and batteries? The fundamental review of the "home game console" model in which each generation is obsolete the previous generation and strives to sell tens of millions of new hardware? Something like a game center or a game lounge (but do they all have to have the same aggressive aesthetics?) It seems to suggest the possibility of a video game experience. At the Portland (main) public library, a game console was set up in a corner for teens, and local children were playing! Local game development organizations like Glitch are creating events where local developers show games and play tests with ordinary people.
Small tools, like hobby-centric game engines, naturally and successfully serve as springboards into communities. See ZZT, early game makers (gamemakergames, etc.), OHRRPGCE. See bitsy, PuzzleScript, Pico-8! Electric Zine Maker, or this post about small tools by Nathalie Lawhead. Small tools, because of their limitations, tend to lend themselves to certain aesthetics and goals. Whether you end up swaying or resisting the core pull of small tools, I think they ground you in a particular design conversation that fosters community. Participating in these communities as a child (even though I rarely interacted with them directly) fundamentally instilled in me the ideas that people make their own fun, that wonder is independent of budgets, and that there is value in being strangely concrete. What other structures can we learn from small tools? Events, meetings, parties... what if we thought of these as "engines" of community, structures built around a core of conversation that people can use to make things and express themselves? It often crosses my mind that maybe it's fundamentally healthy for all of us to be "big fish in a small pond" in some way. The idea that there is a "true big pond" that reflects all our collective values at the same time is a harmful myth that directs all praise and energy to corporate interests and robs us of our accomplishments.
"Professional artistry" is the ability to maintain a shared illusion that there is an indisputable measure of beauty and value. When you fail that illusion -- often against your will -- 1) capitalist forces will be disappointed that they can't sway you with appropriate efficiency, and 2) your small circle of creatives will be relieved that you circumvented the illusion and still delivered something of value. Failure in a backward system can be a strength. Growing as an artist can be a beautifully paradoxical event.
If history is lost, we will overlook many things. Video games are technically dependent on the changing hardware, which is very susceptible to the impact. Video games are technically dependent on the changing hardware, which are particularly susceptible to them. The current appearance of the industry is the hostility of history, passing through the indifferent of history. In order to maintain a linear technical advancement story, it will inevitably cut off the past (some of which have been kept in an accessible state, but the exception is to prove the rules. It feels like). Emulation is an important resource, is always on the verge of an independence (see Nintendo's legal measures), and the Internet archive is attacked, and Disney distorts the copyright law to maintain the tightening of the media. There is. The outline of old games and long play, which are difficult to play, are incredibly valuable, and I am very grateful to the people who do this important job. In my head, the comprehensive work of Nitro Rad's 3D platformers and the retro review of Cannot Be Tamed was interesting. See also the Video Game History Foundation.
Public libraries will be an important ally for this purpose. What if the library could access legacy technology and special emulation software, and to play, research, and record old video games? What if a small creator or a small studio can receive subsidies and support for saving their old works? Unfortunately institutional reactions to the game gate if the knowledge and respect for the historical contributions of the current progress of the progressive form of BIPOC, women, and Quia developers are incorporated into the core structure of video games and space. Did you show a different development? Dewarf Fortless, Wizardry, and Ultima series, the amazing complexity of past games, the technical complexity that would have been impossible for modern AA A-priority games. If you understand it, was it so easy to accept the AAA model as the top of technology? (I have never played these games, so I can't say that my mouth is torn here). See also modern works of "Dwarf Fortless"). See also: The Spriter's Resource and its related sites.
I don't know more about this, but ... it should be more! I see more in countries other than the United States.
You can also consider a studio structure like a c o-op. You can also join the union. These unions must be underneath (see recent events related to GWU International). What about double power? Many small studios can be combined in a duplicated network of various formats. It is possible to integrate the audience, make a cros s-promotion, and build a collective force so that it does not fully obey the intentions of the company. I am not a labor expert.
Normalization of mutual assistance. Make it normal to buy a small game. Donate to something like the Galaxy Fund.
Play a random thing at ITCH. IO (or other communities for other communities) without external recommendations. If you like it, praise the developer or pay!
Thank you for bringing this idea! I hope these ideas will stimulate your thoughts and all of us will learn each other. Please feel free to contact us by Twitter or email: marinakittaka@gmail. com
[Edit: at 11:20 PM CDT, 6/25/20, I Changed The Audio Games Link from A Wikipedia Article to the More Relevant-Seeming: https://audioGames. net/].
[1] Reading various books while reading various books such as Body Van Dea Cork, The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, and Teresa B. Cork. Thinking about: Road to healing from mental trauma "(Teresa B. Pasquetle
San Manuel Casino rebrands as Yaamava’ Resort & Casino at San Manuel
Game culture often promotes complete identification with video games. This is a pressure to make the developer work and buy it by the audience, so that management and shareholders are convenient, and others are disadvantaged. Investing in a hobby, which has nothing to do with video games, is useful in many ways, and for everyone! Personally, I like books. The novel is almost the same as the "hig h-tech" of the AAA game, and the book is affordable, the data is light, easy to preserve, exciting, challenging, and immersion. There is and interesting. What is technology?
[3] From the "founding strategy" chapter about fractal (P. 53)
[4] Intimateity of the body and body: Stella Lesnick's "Transformation by Love, Sex, Neuroscopic" (p. 19)
Someone's problem: How to buy a gamepver, how to buy a cruncher abroad, this video by People Make Games includes an interview with Malaysia and Indonesian studios outsourcing to major game studios. It is a valuable context for discussions that are often talked about by American and European workers and companies. https://youtu. be/bm7kue1kwts
ZONELETS is a blog engine I created in November 2020, and functions as a practical companion of some ideas considered in this essay. Please take a look! http://zonels. net/
"Nostalgia Question" and Feminist Hacking by Rachel Simone Vyle 8- Feminism-And-UNHACKINGINGPEER-REVIEWED-PAPERS-2/[6/26/20 postscript].
Jenny Odel (2019) has a lot of interesting and relevant insights about how to treat the modern world cognitive.
"Gamer" does not need to be your audience. Gamer is over.
Match fixing worsened during pandemic
Considering Rachel Carson and Amazing Sounds by Psychologist Karin Ant
Precarity Andie Game Developers Can't Save Us from Racism by Sam Srauy (2019)
Posted: September 25, 2021 Author: COR Y-Others
Las Vegas (AP) -The thousands of hotels, casinos, and restaurants marching in Las Vegas Strip on Friday and r e-hiring more people who were temporarily fired last year due to the great epidemic of colonovirus He emphasized the call to.
Despite the resumption of casinos and hotels, according to the officers of the cooking union, about one-third of the union members, about 21, 000 workers attacked Nevada in COVID-19 Pandemic. It is said that he has still lost his job after 19 months.
Many unemployed have run out of public unemployment benefits.
"Las Vegas workers have built the hospitality industry in the 87-year history of the cooking union, and as they recover from the catastrophic effects of COVID-19, they should be the center." The union stated in a statement before the night event scheduled for the busy weekend shift change in strip sports and entertainment.
"This demonstration march is not a protest against a casino company.
Workers started marching from Framingo Road on Framingo, Las Vegas, where the police blocked some of the strips, singing as "ful l-service restaurants" and "ful l-service cleaning."
According to the union statement, the purpose of this purpose is that workers engaged in hospitality, "preparing, providing wonderful dishes at ful l-service restaurants, preparing hig h-quality drinks and drinks, and providing, and rooms are cleaned every day. It is ready to confirm that it is kept hygienic. "
Casino throughout the state has rising rapidly, updating the monthly prize money, and the tourism authorities reported that the number of visitors in July has approached the millions of visitors in July 2019 before the pandemic. did.
The UFC event is scheduled for T-Mobile Arena on Saturday, and NFL's Las Vegas Raiders will be shooting Miami Dolphins at the Allegian Stadium on Sunday.
Resorts have hosted shows ranging from Cirque du Soleil's "Mystère," "O," "Michael Jackson One" and "Beatles Love" to illusionists Penn & Teller and percussionists Blue Man Group.
At least 20 clubs of various sizes have reopened after the coronavirus shutdown, and the large Resorts World Las Vegas complex opened a new Zouk nightclub this month.
Gov. Steve Sisolak said he plans to meet with labor leaders at the International Elevator Contractors Union International Convention in Las Vegas on Monday, during which he will discuss the state's plan to use the recent banking infrastructure bill to create high-paying jobs.
Washington Capitals to feature Caesars Sportsbook logo on jerseys
Considering Rachel Carson and Amazing Sounds by Psychologist Karin Ant
Copyright 2021 The Associated Press.
Posted: September 25, 2021 By: Cory - Other
A new spring is looming for the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
The tribe announced Friday that San Manuel Casino has become Yaamaba Resort & Casino at San Manuel.
"Today, we give our land a new name as we begin a new chapter of renewal and limitless possibilities," Ken Ramirez, chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, said in a statement. "We owe this moment to our tribal members, thousands of San Manuel team members and millions of valued guests. The San Manuel Entertainment Authority will continue to own the property, and the name change will allow the tribe to pursue growth opportunities while serving the community. The casino started as a bingo hall for 35 years and has since added gaming, entertainment and dining options. A three-phase expansion project earlier this year increased the number of slot machines on-site to 6, 500 and added a high-limit gaming room, retail stores, bars and restaurants. In December, Yaamaba Resort & Casino is set to open a new 17-floor hotel with 432 rooms and 127 suites, a pool deck and more dining options. In early 2022, the resort will add 2, 800 guest rooms and suites. The resort will open a 3-seat entertainment center.
The rebranding also includes a new visual identity and logo inspired by the Serrano tribe's ancestral lands. Yaamava's logo features yucca leaves woven into a basket pattern, symbolizing an important aspect of the tribe's history and paying tribute to the culture and heritage of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
"Yamaba Resort & Casino General Manager Peter Arseo said in a statement," Today is an important milestone on our continuous trip to make the best desaction in class. & Casinos will redefine the thrilling experiences that guests are familiar with and provide the highest level of services in the casino and the hospitality industry. "
Posted: September 24, 2021 Author: Cor y-Others
Entain, MGM, Rush Street, join AGA’s responsible gaming initiative
Considering Rachel Carson and Amazing Sounds by Psychologist Karin Ant
In the "Integrity in Sports Betting" panel held in SBC Barcelona on Wednesday, SPORTRADAR's global operation director Tom Mace continues to increase the number of suspicious games and the affected sports profile is spreading. I revealed it.
"Last year's SBC panel discussed the possibility that suspicious games would increase on the background of pandemic (global trends).
"This is not just my opinion. Data and evidence that the 80 0-match has been getting worse for the past year and a half is actually returned," he said, and continues in the future. I expected.
"The first year and a half revealed that the matchmaker was still affecting the countries, regions, and sports that had been influenced by the past, but new sports and wel l-known. Mace is continuing to diversify low competitions, "said Mace. "This is not the beginning, but it is definitely accelerating," Mace said.
Mace reported that SPORTRADAR has detected more than 1, 000 "very suspicious games" since April 2020. These straddled 12 different sports and more than 70 different countries.
However, from a regulated industry, Matt Fowler of International Betting Integrity Foundation, a panel moderator, increased the number of matchfixing in 2020, but the number in 2017 and 2018 greatly increased. He said that it did not exceed.
However, he acknowledged that "the change was the composition of the alert, which would probably reflect the available content." I think matchfixing is the same as in other industries: Influent, focus on resources, target available betting markets.
Through 2020, many governments have been closed by governments around the world, and many existing professional sports and sports events have been closed. As a result, Betting companies have diversified offers, such as lo w-known sports, ESPORTS and casino vertical integration. For this reason, Fauler believes that a wider range of competitions have been eligible.
Regarding the measures that sports organizations should take, panelist Rudovico Calvi (Global Lottery Alliance Against Sport Competition Manipulation (GLMS)) says, "In the phenomena we have seen so far, we have a large number of Chinese clubs in the last few days. This would also have a domino effect on other sports organizations, where companies are in danger of collapse.
Nevada: Entain Foundation announces grant to fund responsible gaming center at UNLV
"You can see that the degree of vulnerabilities in local sports has changed since the pandemic. For example, some of the soccer federation, if a new club owner tries to acquire a sports organization, is very detailed. ・ We need to pass through the s o-called Kuo (Know Your Owner), and we have introduced a protocol that allows you to check everything.
Finally, FDJ's sports integrity director, Jill Maie, talked about anonymous whistl e-blowing procedures introduced in the French betting market.
"If you want a specific example that you can use an operator, there is a QR code on the back of my smartphone. This was made two months ago." In fact, we are in France, France, France. The Olympic Committee has persuaded some Sports Federation to jointly develop an anonymized and secure internal advertisement site for all French sports.
With this system, anyone who is suspected of a competition can be easily and promptly reported. Mire said that this initiative hoped that other competitions would encourage action against matchfixing.
Posted: September 24, 2021 Author: Cor y-Others
Caesers Entertainment and Washington Capitals have announced on Friday to put a gaming operator's sportsbook logo on the hockey team jersey.
This jersey will be worn in Capitals home games at Capital One Arena from the 2022-23 NHL season. This contract is the first in the league jersey advertising program.
"Following the successful launch of Caesars Sportsbook adjacent to Capital One Arena last spring, we are pleased to introduce Caesars Sportsbook as the Capitals' home jersey advertising partner," said Jim Van Stone, president and chief commercial officer, Monumental Sports & Entertainment. "As two industry-leading companies, we have built a strong partnership in the gaming and casino arenas. Monumental Sports & Entertainment owns the hockey team. The Caesars Sportsbook logo will appear on the Capitals' home and third jerseys as a 3x3. 5 inch patch on the upper right chest. In addition to the patch, MSE and Caesars Sportsbook will expand their partnership with additional casino, gaming and Caesars Rewards program elements, Caesars hospitality space and VIP seating at Capital One Arena. "Being woven into the jerseys of the Washington Capitals is an exciting chapter in our collective story," said Monumental Sports & Entertainment. As a company, we love to pave the way and are always looking for innovative opportunities to drive fan engagement and storytelling. After launching our sportsbook at Capital One Arena, we are proud to expand our historic partnership with such a venerable franchise. ”
The NHL’s jersey advertising program will begin in 2022-23 and will allow up to two jersey sponsors per team, with separate sponsors appearing on the home and away jerseys.
Posted on September 24, 2021 by Cory - Other
Three gaming operators have joined the American Gaming Association’s Have a Game Plan. Bet Responsibly campaign. The Entain Foundation, MGM Resorts/BetMGM and Rush Street Interactive announced Friday that they are joining the responsible gaming initiative, capping a series of announcements made during Responsible Gaming Education Week.
Nevada Gaming Commission says goodbye to Dubai World and chairman
"You can see that the degree of vulnerabilities in local sports has changed since the pandemic. For example, some of the soccer federation, if a new club owner tries to acquire a sports organization, is very detailed. ・ We need to pass through the s o-called Kuo (Know Your Owner), and we have introduced a protocol that allows you to check everything.
"Responsible gaming is at the core of our business, and our participation in the AGA's Have A Game Plan campaign is an important extension of these efforts. "Prioritizing the protection of people vulnerable to and affected by gambling addiction is critical for our industry. Through our partnership with the AGA, we will continue to provide players with new, user-friendly tools and resources to gamble responsibly, while empowering our employees to provide the best possible customer service and care."
BetMGM is jointly owned by Entain and MGM Resorts International. Entain's Gamble Responsibly America app will feature the campaign, and HaveAGamePlan. org will introduce the world's first app.
"Our responsible gambling program and AGA's initiatives, including Have a Game Plan, are fully aligned," Martin Ricca, Entain's senior vice president of U. S. regulatory affairs and responsible gambling, said in a statement.
"We are proud to be a partner in such an important initiative for the industry. Through GameSense, MGM's responsible gaming program, we are committed to doing our part to provide our guests with a fun and safe experience.
Entertainment, BetMGM, MGM and RSI join Monumental Sports and Entertainment, NASCAR, New York Jets, NHL, PGA TOUR, SeventySix Capital, Sinclair Broadcast Group, UFC, Vegas Golden Knights, Washington Football Team and other gaming operators and suppliers who are official partners of the Have a Game Plan campaign.
"As legal sports betting grows in popularity and availability, the success of our industry depends heavily on educating players about responsible gaming," AGA Executive Vice President Casey Clark said in a statement.
AGA's Responsible Gaming Education Week runs through September 25.
Posted on September 23, 2021 by Cory - Other While the gaming industry continues to break revenue records, sports betting and igaming expand across the U. S., and cashless payment systems become more accessible, one issue threatens to derail much of the progress made so far.
Most gaming operators have protocols and programs to support gamblers with problems, even if they are not all gaming operators.
The Entertainment Foundation is one step further. On Wednesday, this no n-profit organization has announced that it provides a new betting and gaming research initiative to deal with the gambling through International Gaming Institute. 。 This subsidy can be a seed fund for UNLV's "Gambling, Policy and Health Center" (waiting for the final approval by the university), which may cause groundbreaking results.
"It is necessary to understand how to prevent gamblers, but also to elucidate the gambler," said Igi's research assistant Jennifer Chatley. "We plan to comprehensively look at all aspects of gambling from various perspectives, such as gambling, responsible gaming, responsible gaming, public health, education, economic impact, research, and technology."
Martin Ricca, a senior vise president in charge of Entein's American regulations and responsibilities, said in an email that UNLV's International Gaming Institute was selected because it was the most proven track record in the world as a gambling research institution. 。 In addition, Entertaine has been building a very fruitful academic relationship with UNLV for many years. "
Chatry is a "solution center" for addiction and excessive behavior, and is "the world's first truly applicable academic center specializing in gambling problems and responsible gambling." He pointed out that he was. The staff include psychology, sociology, business, legal experts, and game environments.
We bring our cuttin g-edge science to the site, such as gambling environment, technology space, real environment, and sports fields.
Cashless is key for Everi
"You can see that the degree of vulnerabilities in local sports has changed since the pandemic. For example, some of the soccer federation, if a new club owner tries to acquire a sports organization, is very detailed. ・ We need to pass through the s o-called Kuo (Know Your Owner), and we have introduced a protocol that allows you to check everything.
"I believe that gambling operators around the world clearly understand the importance of approach based on evidence to deal with this important problem. For many years, IGI is very evaluated for the gambling world. It is a high international resource, and we hope that gambling, policy and health centers will take over this tradition.
The Entertainment Foundation is an entertainment no n-profit division that globally develops sports betting, gaming and interactive entertainment through BETMGM, a joint venture with US MGM Resorts International.
Posted: September 23, 2021 Author: Cor y-Others
Thursday was a farewell day at the Nevada Gaming Committee meeting.
The committee has signed the withdrawal of Dubai World, an investment division of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, after a 1 4-year partnership with MGM Resorts International in CITYCENTER's CITYCENTER development in CITYCENTER.
The committee also said goodbye to John Moran, who has been working for nearly 17 years. Moran, the first appointed chairman in 2004, has been r e-elected by both the Democratic and Republican Party. From 2020, he will be the chairman and will be the longest in the history of the committee. With his retirement, the second vacant seat replenished by Steve Sisolak's governor of Steve Sisolak will occur in the committee.
"What I have been involved in gaming for the past two years was a very challenging thing for me." Nevada is a gold standard and a gold standard for all jurisdictions. We are paying attention to what we are doing, and we have the longest history in Nevada in search of new concepts and games. There is.
Moran said that Nevada has survived and prospered during the pandemic, with the leadership of Sisolak Governor and J. Brin Gibson of Gaming Control Board. He said he had made difficult decisions to protect gaming, save his lives, and help the local community. < SPAN> "I believe that gambling operators around the world clearly understand the importance of approach based on evidence to deal with this important problem." IGI has many years. It is an international resource that is highly evaluated, and we hope that the gambling, policy and health center will take over this tradition.
The Entertainment Foundation is an entertainment no n-profit division that globally develops sports betting, gaming and interactive entertainment through BETMGM, a joint venture with US MGM Resorts International.
Posted: September 23, 2021 Author: Cor y-Others
$50K to help Atlantic City plan new use of Trump Plaza site
"You can see that the degree of vulnerabilities in local sports has changed since the pandemic. For example, some of the soccer federation, if a new club owner tries to acquire a sports organization, is very detailed. ・ We need to pass through the s o-called Kuo (Know Your Owner), and we have introduced a protocol that allows you to check everything.
The committee has signed the withdrawal of Dubai World, an investment division of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, after a 1 4-year partnership with MGM Resorts International in CITYCENTER's CITYCENTER development in CITYCENTER.
The committee also said goodbye to John Moran, who has been working for nearly 17 years. Moran, the first appointed chairman in 2004, has been r e-elected by both the Democratic and Republican Party. From 2020, he will be the chairman and will be the longest in the history of the committee. With his retirement, the second vacant seat replenished by Steve Sisolak's governor of Steve Sisolak will occur in the committee.
"What I have been involved in gaming for the past two years was a very challenging thing for me." Nevada is a gold standard and a gold standard for all jurisdictions. We are paying attention to what we are doing, and we have the longest history in Nevada in search of new concepts and games. There is.
Moran said that Nevada has survived and prospered during the pandemic, with the leadership of Sisolak Governor and Gaming Control Board chairman J. Brin Gibson. He said he had made difficult decisions to protect gaming, save his lives, and help the local community. "I believe that gambling operators around the world clearly understand the importance of approach based on evidence to deal with this important problem. For many years, IGI is very evaluated for the gambling world. It is a high international resource, and we hope that gambling, policy and health centers will take over this tradition.
Global Payments joins AGA’s responsible gaming initiative
"You can see that the degree of vulnerabilities in local sports has changed since the pandemic. For example, some of the soccer federation, if a new club owner tries to acquire a sports organization, is very detailed. ・ We need to pass through the s o-called Kuo (Know Your Owner), and we have introduced a protocol that allows you to check everything.
Posted: September 23, 2021 Author: COR Y-Others
Thursday was a farewell day at the Nevada Gaming Committee meeting.
The committee has signed the withdrawal of Dubai World, an investment division of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, after a 1 4-year partnership with MGM Resorts International in CITYCENTER's CITYCENTER development in CITYCENTER.
The committee also said goodbye to John Moran, who has been working for nearly 17 years. Moran, the first appointed chairman in 2004, has been r e-elected by both the Democratic and Republican Party. From 2020, he will be the chairman and will be the longest in the history of the committee. With his retirement, the second vacant seat replenished by Steve Sisolak's governor of Steve Sisolak will occur in the committee.
"What I have been involved in gaming for the past two years was a very challenging thing for me." Nevada is a gold standard and a gold standard for all jurisdictions. We are paying attention to what we are doing, and we have the longest history in Nevada in search of new concepts and games. There is.
Moran said that Nevada has survived and prospered during the pandemic, with the leadership of Sisolak Governor and Gaming Control Board chairman J. Brin Gibson. He stated that he had made difficult decisions to protect gaming, save human life, and help the local community.
"The pandemic hasn't gone away, but we're opening our doors here. If you look at July, it was one of the biggest Julys in state history. It's because we kept our gaming doors open and because of the leadership and hard work of our gaming employees. They're protecting our visitors, our licensees, our employees and our community. We're open in Nevada because we're quickly implementing protocols, procedures and emergency orders that we all don't like but recognize are necessary to save lives and move in a direction that's positive for our largest industry, gaming."
Steve Blank
Security Clearances at the Speed of Startups
Another parting is in November 2007, when MGM bought Dubai World and approved a 50% stake in the $9 billion City Center project.After the Great Recession devastated real estate and the economy, pushing the project to the brink of bankruptcy, MGM even filed a lawsuit to protect its interests. After financial institutions provided emergency loans to finish the project, MGM was on strong footing again.
By acquiring the rest of CityCenter, MGM will sell the property to Blackstone Real Estate Investment Trust for $3. 89 billion, lease it back, and continue to operate it, paying $215 million in annual rent. This will be MGM's last property on the Strip.
Dubai World's presentation, the company's general counsel, Jeff Silver of Dickinson Wright, thanked the board for its flexibility in finding new ways to regulate the industry. When Dubai World came forward in 2007, the European Commission had never approved a country as a licensee.
"The flexibility the Commission has chosen to treat this particular investment speaks to the nature of gaming in Nevada," Silver said. "We had a massive investment of more than $5 billion in Dubai World in 2007, just before the Great Recession. The project kept tens of thousands of workers employed building the facility and energized Las Vegas at a time when it needed it most. Commissioner Rosa Solis-Raney said she appreciates what Dubai World has done for the Las Vegas economy. "If they're going to invest in Nevada, we're happy to have them.
Ogona Brown said that Dubai World was a great partner in the wonderful local community and would always welcome his return. Vice Chairman Steve Cohen also welcomed Dubai World to return to Nevada at any time. "You have provided great services and have created a history. We are aware of that."
Dubai World continues to hold a hotel in the United States, but has not invested in gaming.~Posted: September 23, 2021 Author: COR Y-Others
Barry Jonas, an analyst of Trueist Securities, who met the top of Every Global Cash Access (formerly Global Cache Access), had a favorable impression on accepting cashless gaming technology in Every. 。 The latter has been adopted in Pennachangal Gaming, which is being deployed in Pennsylvania, and is gradually applying to a wider area. Compared to "fragmentary, repeat, tribal introduction" like Winstar casinos in Oklahoma, it has already been adopted at Jack Cleveland casinos and Jack Thistedown casinos in Ohio.~Jonas stated that despite the increase in COVID cases, it had no effect on Every business, and if the current trends were steady, the company would end this year at the high end of business guidance. 。 Contracts with Pennsylvania are particularly important, and we will test Everyburi's technology to multiple states.
According to Jonas's concept, Every business model is also an advantageous work. Every business models include not only commissions for each transaction required for cashing processing, but also the initial cost of software and annual maintenance fees. While acknowledging that it is an early stage of cashless games, he is encouraged by the fact that the old players are accepted by customers and the "early adapter transaction volume and tickets are large." Interestingly, management expected that the elderly would hesitate to use Osaif u-Keitai, but the introduction is progressing more than expected. "
- As an existing cashless gaming provider, Everi may have a 60 % share in the North American market, and Jonas predicts that it can cros s-cells with synergistic effects such as money laundering measures. 。 In addition, since Everi has entered early, it is thought that it is an advantage in acquiring customer royalties.
- "While cashless has garnered investor attention, management noted the expected staying power of cash, highlighting the recent technology failure at the all-cashless Allegiant Stadium" (not an Everi customer).
- Citing the more than $800 million Everi collected in cash access service fees in 2019, management said, "Going forward, we discussed the possibility of selling our cashless solutions to non-gaming customers (such as hotels and other leisure businesses), particularly around loyalty features," which could dramatically expand the total addressable market. They also said they have a "robust" number of premium and wide-area progressive games in the pipeline.
- The new games category currently represents about 10% of Everi's business, and management was confident it could be raised to 15% "at some point."
- An Everi executive told Jonas that "payment processing volumes have remained strong and stable despite the resurgence of COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant." It is believed that customers will not reduce their casino visits because of their mask-wearing habits. Referring to the closure of the Chinook Winds casino in Oregon, management stressed that such an incident, even if it is an isolated one, is a bigger risk to the business than regular COVID-related regulations.
- While not ruling out M& A, Every management stressed that it would likely be smaller "tuck-in" deals in the financial technology space rather than larger deals. Once cash flow increases and leverage falls to management's desired ratio (2. 5 to 3 times equity), a larger deal could be on the table again.
- Citing historic horse racing and video lottery terminals as potential growth areas, Jonas wrote, "We see build-versus-buy decisions for new product offerings, as well as international expansion."
- Posted on September 23, 2021 by Cory - Other
- ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (AP) - Atlantic City is set to get a $50, 000 state grant to consider new uses for the former Trump Plaza casino site.
The New Jersey Department of Economic Development's 21st Century Redevelopment Program is providing planning grants to Atlantic City to help the city come up with a plan to redevelop a now-vacant site in the heart of the Boardwalk. The casino, once owned by former President Donald Trump, closed in 2014 and fell into disrepair until it was demolished in February.
The plan is devised by the Casino Remarks Development Bureau operated by the city and the state, aiming to develop a new retail store, developing the Development Corido (corridor) connecting the Atlantic City Convention Center and the Boardwalk area.~Posted: September 23, 2021 Author: COR Y-Others
GLOBAL PAYMENTS announced on Thursday that it has participated in the American Gaming Association's Habe A Game Plan, Bet Responsible public service campaign.
In conjunction with the responsible gaming education week (September 19-25), Las Vega s-based Payment Technology companies will incorporate Have A Game Plan for social media channels and custome r-oriented marketing. The company will also convey the importance of responsible gaming awareness through the weekly blog series.
"Global Paymens's President Christopher Justice is proud to be able to participate in the HAVE A Game Plan Initiatives, who is deeply committed to responsible gaming and promotes responsible sports gambling. Our success depends on building a strong relationship with customers who are rooted in education and responsibility.
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"AGA Chairman Bill Miller, CEO, said in the statement," Now that more Americans are being betting legally, the gaming industry is responsible in the legal sports betting market. "Digital settlement is a new tool for responsible betting, and the customer has a fun and responsible betting. You can experience it.Why Large Organizations Struggle With Disruption, and What to Do About It
Sportsbetting is currently legalized in 32 states and the special Colombia ward, and 27 judicial jurisdiction is operating.Have a Game Plan, which was launched in late 2019, promotes four basic principles of responsible sports betting.
GLOBAL PAYMENTS is Draftkings, Fanduel, Monumental Sports and Entertainment, Nascar, New York Jets, NHL, SEVENTYSIX CAPITAL Add to campaign partners such as YMENTS, Sinclair Broadcast Group, UFC, Vegas Golden Knights, Washington Football Team.
Post by Steve Blank on August 13, 2024
Suppose you got a job offer from a company, but couldn't start working or get paid for almost a year. If you can't pass the security clearance, your job offer will be canceled. Alternatively, he was offered an internship, but he couldn't be involved in the most interesting part of the project. It's like rejected. If you want to work for a company or government agency involved in confidential programs, this is the current process.
Companies with Silicon Valley are changing this situation and trying to shorten the time from hiring to productive work. Let's explain why and the method.
In the last five years, more students have come to understand that the cruel war in Ukraine and the strategic competition with the People's Republic of China is no longer a stable and safe place. As a result, many of them have decided to work on national security issues in defens e-related emerging companies.However, many companies and government agencies are seeking to work on projects that handle the confidential information that the government wants to protect. These are called confidential programs. To be hired and involved in the project, you must first pass the government's security clearance. (Security clearance is for the government to determine whether you can protect confidentiality and not to impair the national security).In the case of employment in a defens e-related company, subcontracting company, or a national security agency, you will receive a "conditional" job offer notification instead of starting a job with a job offer. This is a phrase that "I want you to work here, but you need to wait for three to nine months before joining the company, and you will not be hired unless you can pass the security clearance." It's a fairly high hurdle for students who have many other places to work. < SPAN> Suppose you got a job offer from a company, but you couldn't start working or get paid for almost a year. If you can't pass the security clearance, your job offer will be canceled. Alternatively, he was offered an internship, but he couldn't be involved in the most interesting part of the project. It's like rejected. If you want to work for a company or government agency involved in confidential programs, this is the current process.
Companies with Silicon Valley, Palancies, are changing this situation and trying to shorten the time from hiring to producing work. Let's explain why and the method.
In the last five years, more students have come to understand that the cruel war in Ukraine and the strategic competition with the People's Republic of China is no longer a stable and safe place. As a result, many of them have decided to work on national security issues in defens e-related emerging companies.
However, many companies and government agencies are seeking to work on projects that handle the confidential information that the government wants to protect. These are called confidential programs. To be hired and involved in the project, you must first pass the government's security clearance. (Security clearance is for the government to determine whether you can protect confidentiality and not to impair the national security).
In the case of employment in a defens e-related company, subcontracting company, or a national security agency, you will receive a "conditional" job offer notification instead of starting a job with a job offer. This is a phrase that "I want you to work here, but you need to wait for three to nine months before joining the company, and you will not be hired unless you can pass the security clearance." It's a fairly high hurdle for students who have many other places to work. Suppose you got a job offer from a company, but couldn't start working or get paid for almost a year. If you can't pass the security clearance, your job offer will be canceled. Alternatively, he was offered an internship, but he couldn't be involved in the most interesting part of the project. It's like rejected. If you want to work for a company or government agency involved in confidential programs, this is the current process.unCompanies with Silicon Valley are changing this situation and trying to shorten the time from hiring to productive work. Let's explain why and the method.
In the last five years, more students have come to understand that the cruel war in Ukraine and the strategic competition with the People's Republic of China is no longer a stable and safe place. As a result, many of them have decided to work on national security issues in defens e-related emerging companies.
However, many companies and government agencies are seeking to work on projects that handle the confidential information that the government wants to protect. These are called confidential programs. To be hired and involved in the project, you must first pass the government's security clearance. (Security clearance is for the government to determine whether you can protect confidentiality and not to impair the national security).
In the case of employment in defens e-related emerging companies, subcontractors, or national security agencies, you will receive a "conditional" job offer notification instead of starting a job with a job offer. This is a phrase that "I want you to work here, but you need to wait for three to nine months before joining the company, and you will not be hired unless you can pass the security clearance." It's a fairly high hurdle for students who have many other places to work.
The time required for clearance procedures for security clearance depends on how the government thoroughly investigates your background. This is directly related to how secretly the job you do will be treated. The main three main levels (from the minimum to the maximum) are confidential, confidential, and the highest. The type and depth of the identity survey to obtain security clearance depends on which level of confidential information is handled. For example, if you only need to access confidential or confidential materials, perform NACLC (National Agency Check with Law and Credit). The government examines the FBI criminal history repository, conducts credit surveys, and collects with local law execution agencies. This is a relatively short period of time (
3 months).
On the other hand, if you are involved in the top secret / SCI project, you will need a wider (and much longer) survey.
6-9 months) is required. Also, depending on the type of clearance, you need to take a polygraph (lie detector) test.
How does the government "clear" you? National Background Investation Services (NBIS) is a government agency that investigates your background. NBIS will investigate your background:
Drugs and alcohol (hard drugs, poisoning, chronic drinking, etc.)
Criminal act (heavy crime ...)
Financial stability (check out reports of credit investigation institutions)
How to use the IT system (for example, have you hacked?)Loyalty to the United StatesInfluence overseas (whether real estate overseas, investment from overseas, etc.)
Psychological status and personal actions
Travel history (Have you ever lived or went to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria?)
In addition, you can talk to your friends, relatives, present and former important people, and know more about you.
- Palantir's Accelerated Student Clearance Plan Palan Palan wants to work on internships and new employees on the tough and interesting government issues from the first day. However, such a problem requires security clearance. The problem is now that every company starts applying for security clearance from the day you go to work.
- Palunity idea? If you have an internship or ful l-time offer from Party while you are in school, you will immediately hire as a contract employee. By doing so, you can start a security clearance process while you are at school. In other words
- It means that you will be in time for your first work after nine months. This is like a university early entrance program. (If you work as an intern, if you return to parties the following year, the parties will maintain your clearance)
- Why do you do this? It goes without saying that this is a lon g-term strategic investment for Palunnia's excellent human resources, but also affects the whole defense ecosystem. And we are working on other defens e-related companies to implement similar programs.
I think it's a great idea.
- Now, what are the other innovative ideas that Silicon Valley can do to attract the labor of national security?
- Like loading.
- Posted: July 30, 2024 Posted by: Steve Blank
- At first glance, many of the existing systems have dramatically advanced, and the disposal threatens the advantage of companies and government agencies. Depending on how the organization reacts to such a disruption, it determines whether it adapts or perishes.
- I work with a large organization, but the organization is a technology (AI, autonomy, quantum, cyber attack, etc.) from aggressive competitors, regardless of existing or new. The onslaught has asked the existence itself. These competitors have introduced these new technologies to challenge the expensive (and incredibly effective) legacy systems that this organization has built for decades for decades. There is. (But this organization is unprecedented by leaders who can't let go of expensive systems and suppliers built for decades. Innovators' dilemma textbooks.
- In the commercial world, creative destruction is always occurring. Get good things, be satisfied, and eventually beat their face. The same applies to government organizations, despite the more serious consequences. < SPAN> Palunity idea? If you have an internship or ful l-time offer from Party while you are in school, you will immediately hire as a contract employee. By doing so, you can start a security clearance process while you are at school. In other words
It means that you will be in time for your first work after nine months. This is like a university early entrance program. (If you work as an intern, if you return to parties the following year, the parties will maintain your clearance)
- Why do you do this? It goes without saying that this is a lon g-term strategic investment for Palunnia's excellent human resources, but also affects the whole defense ecosystem. And we are working on other defens e-related companies to implement similar programs.
- I think it's a great idea.
- Now, what are the other innovative ideas that Silicon Valley can do to attract the labor of national security?
Like loading.
Posted: July 30, 2024 Posted by: Steve Blank
- At first glance, many of the existing systems have dramatically advanced, and the disposal threatens the advantage of companies and government agencies. Depending on how the organization reacts to such a disruption, it determines whether it adapts or perishes.
- I work with a large organization, but the organization is a technology (AI, autonomy, quantum, cyber attack, etc.) from aggressive competitors, regardless of existing or new. The onslaught has asked the existence itself. These competitors have introduced these new technologies to challenge the expensive (and incredibly effective) legacy systems that this organization has built for decades for decades. There is. (But this organization is unprecedented by leaders who can't let go of expensive systems and suppliers built for decades. Innovators' dilemma textbooks.
- In the commercial world, creative destruction is always occurring. Get good things, be satisfied, and eventually beat their face. The same applies to government organizations, despite the more serious consequences. Palunity idea? If you have an internship or ful l-time offer from Party while you are in school, you will immediately hire as a contract employee. By doing so, you can start a security clearance process while you are at school. In other words
- It means that you will be in time for your first work after nine months. This is like a university early entrance program. (If you work as an intern, if you return to parties the following year, the parties will maintain your clearance)
- Why do you do this? It goes without saying that this is a lon g-term strategic investment for Palunnia's excellent human resources, but also affects the whole defense ecosystem. And we are working on other defens e-related companies to implement similar programs.
- I think it's a great idea.
Now, what are the other innovative ideas that Silicon Valley can do to attract the labor of national security?
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