FBI Arrests Neteller Execs Slashdot

Chna Busts 16B llegal Gamblng Wrng Arrests 14 People

As a follow-up to a 2006 law attacking Internet gambling, the FBI arrested two former Neteller executives "in connection with the establishment and operation of an Internet payment services company that facilitated the transfer of billions of dollars in illegal gambling proceeds." The executives were apparently "ambushed" while passing through the United States on a connecting flight. As a result, Neteller suspended all gambling-related activity for U. S. customers.

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FBI Arrests Neteller Execs More Login

FBI Arrests Neteller Execs

The fine print The following comments are the property of the poster. We do not assume any responsibility.

Not US Citizens. ( Score: 5, Interesting)

by Sorthum ( 123064 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:29PM ( #17674826 )Homepage

It's interesting to see how a foreign country reacts to its citizens being detained for something so trivial.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 5, Informative)

by clark0r ( 925569 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @10:06PM ( #17675250 )

They won't do anything. I have a friend who works for a poker book publisher that has an online poker site. His boss says other business associates have warned him not to go to the US because if he gets arrested, there's nothing he can do.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 5, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @11:04PM ( #17675834)

As a Brit who's been in the US for 7 years, I'm really worried. I wonder what will happen to my insurance premiums if I get all the tickets I've had for driving the wrong way for 15 years.

Been done before ( Score: 2)

by Weaselmancer ( 533834 ) wrote: And nothing came of it. [freesklyarov. org]

Re: ( Score: 2, Insightful)

by Rohan427 ( 521859 ) wrotes:

Our (American) government needs to understand that they don't care about anyone's rights, other countries' laws, morals, or justice if it goes against their agenda. Their attitude is basically, damn other countries. If it makes us sad, we'll just stomp on it.

We should be thankful for the ignorant and stupid voters and the even more uniform and even more stupid non-voting people.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 5, Insightful)

The only wrinkle in this case is that I understand they committed crimes while not in the US.

The only wrinkle? It's the difference between not committing a crime and committing one!

Re: ( Score: 2)

by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) wrote:

The only problem? It's the difference between not committing a crime and committing one!

That's not the case. U. S. law seems to be able to sin without going there. But do I, who are neither US citizens nor live in the United States, need to worry about what US laws are? Of course, if you travel to the United States like them, you will have to worry.

Of course, I think it's irrational. But this is an American law and has nothing to do with me as a foreigner. I have freedom.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 4, Insightful)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote: Friday, January 19, 2007 @12: 07AM ( #17676430)

U. S. laws seem to be charged without going there.

Most countries will agree with their stance. Shall we say that you have sitting on the north of the US Canadian border and launching RPG for the United States? Isn't it quite reasonable for the United States to judge that it violated the US Law despite having entered the United States?

Alternatively, suppose you ship food containing botulinum to Canada as a powdered milk. Did Canada think that I violated Canada's law?

Some of the comments in this thread are really ridiculous in the views on what the nation is regarded as the sovereign rights of their country.

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

no way. In the United States, it is illegal to send money to offshore gambling. Such an act was in the United States, not in the United Kingdom, France, or Timbloc, but in the United States.

It is not illegal for Americans to gamble online. What is illegal is the business that collects funds in the United States as a result of its activities. This is exactly what Neteller is doing, that is, doing illegal financial transactions in the United States.

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

"RPG launches will be illegal in Canada. I think online gambling is illegal only in the United States so far." It would be illegal to fire RPG in Canada. I don't know if it is illegal to ship foods containing impurities overseas. But the problem is not there. The important thing is that it is completely reasonable to assume that a person who is not physically in the country of XYZ may violate the law of the country. Food quality requirements vary considerably from country to country.

It doesn't matter.

Actually ( Score: 5, Informative)

by Andersh (229403) Wrote: on Friday January 19, 2007 @01: 06AM ( #17676818)

Of course, many countries have a long arm metho d-but your example is obviously wrong.

Pinotoet was charged with Spain for a crime against the Spanish living in Chile. Spain tried to hand over him from the UK, but failed. He returned to Chile and died there.

Mirochevic was charged by the UN for the United Nations in the International Criminal Court of the United Nations for charges of humanity, violations of war, war customs, and serious violations of the Geneva Treaty. The trial may have been conducted in Hague, but the Netherlands was not a country to prosecute him.

In other words, these two cases have little to do with the long arm method.

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

by Ranton (36917) Wrote:

I do not say that the law on Internet gambling is just a law. Rather than mentioning Cuba's actual law, I mentioned the assumptions. I was able to use "Country X" and only used a hostile country close to the United States. That doesn't mean that the analogy is wrong. I posted it late at night, so I should have chosen a better analogy, but I didn't.

What about dictators in a certain country (X country) kill hundreds of thousands of people?

Re: ( Score: 3, Interesting)

by Mark2003 (632879) WROTE:

However, it is not the same as being abroad, with US citizens who have broken US laws. This is the difference between smoking hash in the Netherlands and mailing hash from the Netherlands to the United States.

So why not arrest American citizens who were online gambling?

Perhaps it would be because there are fewer PR problems if you are sincere but misleading American citizens who are not committed in their own country?

Your analogy will be charged with the hash in the United States.

It's a mistake to suggest a conspiracy.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 4, Informative)

by Xmyth (266414) Wrote: On Friday January 19, 2007 @10: 19am ( #17680210)Homepage

It may be wrong, but in my understanding, this bill is illegal to remittance by financial institutions for online gambling. Not gambling itself. Most of the breakdown of the bill in the poker forum (often due to lawyers, but not) have reached the same conclusion.

Re:Not US Citizens. ( Score: 4, Interesting)

by Anonymous COWARD WROTES: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @11: 28pm ( #17676072)

Everyone who is inside the border with sovereignty should be expected to follow the law, whether or not to agree with the country's law.

So, should the American soldier who raped the Iraqi woman be subject to Iraqi law, not American military law?

SOFA ( Score: 5, Informative)

by wasted ( 94866 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @11:42PM ( #17676224 )

Anyone who is within the sovereign borders of a country must obey the laws of that country, whether they agree with them or not.

So, should the American soldier who raped the Iraqi woman be subject to Iraqi law, not American military law?

When the US military is stationed in a foreign country, it is usually subject to a "Status of Forces Agreement" that specifies which country has jurisdiction over which crimes. I don't know if there is a SOFA with the new Iraqi government, but if there is, the soldier who raped the Iraqi woman would be subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) of the United States.

Re: ( Score: 3, Informative)

by TapeCutter ( 624760 ) wrote:

But it's up to the US to decide which laws apply to its citizens. After seeing how David Hicks was treated by his own government, I have no illusions that they might work against me if I leave Australia's borders. And if I ever decide to smuggle drugs, the FBI will make sure I'm arrested in a country that will execute me.

Re: ( Score: 3, Informative)

by Oligonicella ( 659917 ) wrote:

I see you left something out.

"Both the Clinton and Bush administrations concluded that the ICC is a deeply flawed institution and that the United States should not join it. Unfortunately, the Rome Statute establishing the ICC broke longstanding precedent in international law by asserting the ICC's jurisdiction over nationals and military personnel of countries that are not party to the treaty. This forced the United States to exercise jurisdiction over nationals and military personnel of countries that are not party to the ICC.

WTF? ( Score: 5, Insightful)

by vertinox ( 846076 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:29PM ( #17674838 ) This is FTFA:

NETELLER has suspended trading of its shares on the London Stock Exchange following the arrest of founding members Stephen Lawrence and John Lefebvre. The two men own shares in NETELLER and have no other connection to the company.

Isn't the whole point of being a shareholder to not be sued for corporate wrongdoing?

Re:WTF? ( Score: 5, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward wrote: on Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:58PM ( #17675168 )

Not only that, if the article you linked to is accurate, it doesn't seem like they broke any laws in the US. It was US citizens and banks who did it. They simply offered a service online, and that service appears to be based outside the US.

This also points out another problem of US law. It means that the law is too incorrect, wide, and comprehensive, so it is simply a prosecution to choose who you want to send to prison. Prosecutors are usually used wisely, but are now another tool to promote political goals and new types of discrimination.

This is like posting an American from a home computer to a German hosting Internet site. He is arrested in Germany while traveling to Italy. I'm stupid. And it's dangerous. This may lead to a repulsion as a precedent for American citizens who travel abroad to be arrested for "crimes" that are not illegal in the United States and are executed in the United States.

Re:WTF? ( Score: 5, Insightful)

by Westlake (615356) Wrote: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @11: 03PM ( #17675832)

I don't think he broke the law while being in the United States. The service was based on the United States, with US citizens and banks violated. This is Kazaa's defense. ALLOFMP3. com defense. It doesn't matter where the casino is located. The problem is that casinos were sold to customers in the United States, and that casinos have accepted payments from US accounts. If there is an asset that can be formed in the United States, it can be seized. If there is an arrested person in the state, you will be arrested. This is the basic rule for setting up a store in offshore.

Re:WTF? ( Score: 5, Informative)

by kalpaha (667921) Wrote: on Friday January 19, 2007 @01: 01AM ( #17676790)

Neteller is not a casino. Until UNLAWFUL Internet Gambling Enforcement Act [MasteryoFpoker. com], it is an Ewallet company that has never violated any law (as far as I know). Listed on the London Stock Exchange. The current problem (the arrest of Neteller founder) is not related to gambling. The charges are money laundering. Quoted from press release [MasteryoFpoker. com]:

"Stephen Lawrence and John David Refevre were arrested in connection with the establishment and operation of a settlement service that enabled billions of dollar gambling revenue from US citizens. It is part of the US Department of Justice to fight illegal Internet gambling through the enforcement of the Money Laundering Prevention Law.

I think this charge is bullshit, but at least they weren't stupid enough to file UIGEA charges. Also, I think the parent poster has his head up his ass. According to everyone outside the US, Neteller was running a legitimate business (unlike Kazaa and AllOfMp3).

Re: ( Score: 2)

by Cyberax (705495) wrote:

How about shooting gays and lesbians who visit Saudi Arabia (or Iran)?

Re: ( Score: 2)

by timeOday (582209) wrote:

Isn't the whole point of being a shareholder to not be sued for corporate wrongdoing?

I'm curious if anyone has a reasonable answer to this, other than just complaining. I don't know the answer, but there must be a lot of caveats to shareholder immunity. Otherwise, instead of hiring a hitman, you'd be buying stock in a hitman company. You could "buy stock" for anything, from financing Al Qaeda to refilling your online poker account.

Re: ( Score: 2)

by pluther ( 647209 ) wrote:

Isn't the whole point of being a shareholder to not be sued for corporate wrongdoing?

Not entirely. If you can prove that what the corporation was doing was against the law and they knew about it, they can be held liable. You can also "pierce the corporate veil" in civil courts if you can prove that the officers were negligent, but that's really hard to prove, and the corporation generally has more money than any of the individuals involved, so they usually

Re: ( Score: 2)

by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) wrote: Comment deleted by user account deletion

Re: ( Score: 2)

by westlake ( 615356 ) writes:

I thought the whole point of being a shareholder was that you couldn't be sued for corporate wrongdoing? Shareholders aren't immune from criminal liability arising from their own actions. You can be a shareholder. You can be the CEO. by lendude ( 620139 ) wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

Aside from the shady stuff you've seen and the fact that they might be nasty, Calgary, Alberta, Canada was still outside the US when I last looked?

by ZzzzSleep ( 606571 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:31PM ( #17674850 )

Worrying. ( Score: 5, Insightful)

Homepage DiaryNote to self: If you do something the US doesn't like, never get on a flight that stops in the US, even if it's perfectly legal in your own country.

by gvc ( 167165 ) wrote: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:37PM ( #17674932)

Re:Worrying. ( Score: 5, Informative)

Not only that, but don't fly near US airspace in case you get grounded in an emergency.

by bunions ( 970377 ) wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

Both Vancouver and Toronto airports are pretty good.

Someone should explain how the United States can arrest no n-citizens for violating the US law.

by Dorsey (119963) Wrote: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @09: 48pm ( #17675058)

Re:Worrying. ( Score: 4, Funny)

Internet gambling makes the baby Jesus cry.

Seriously there is only that.

By Brightest Light (552357) wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2, Informative)

Because a criminal under US law passed the United States? by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @10: 58pm ( #17675786)

Re:Worrying. ( Score: 4, Interesting)

Is there anyone who can explain how the United States can arrest no n-citizens for violating the US law?

If a person who violates the US law in the United States, it is certain that he will be arrested or prosecuted, regardless of his nationality. This is the same everywhere in the world. If you are in a country called XYZ, you will follow the country's law. If I broke Canadian law from the United States by electronic means (for example, if you hacked a Canadian bank and stealed funds), you will be arrested if you later find a trip in Canada. Don't you think Of course you will be arrested.

Of course, there is a question of whether the two actually violated the US law, but it will soon be judged in court. Ambassador Canadian would be rolling his arms to find out the truth of the case.

by Moxley (895517) Wrote: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @11: 04PM ( #17675836)

Re:Worrying. ( Score: 4, Insightful)

I can explain it. This rule was attached as the last proposal for the expenditure bill. (Yes, I think it's time to remake that old school house rock.)

by AOEUID (250239) Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 3, Informative)

When he flew to Melbourne from Vancouver in the 1970s, he was waiting for the next airplane from Dallas or somewhere for about six hours at the locked Terminal in Hawaii.

After September 11, people who pass the United States have to pass the immigration with customs, even if they are transit.

by Khallow (566160) Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

But are you talking about crime here? No, the executive in question doesn't seem to be working on an onlineer anymore. And, of course, Net Terror is not accused of actually committing a crime. In addition, the government has no reason to interfere with gambling. The only justification I heard is the vague concept that gambling causes crime and lighter people to waste money. Gambling is a vague idea that it causes crimes and invites people lightly to waste. Gambling has become rare in the United States for the following reasons.

by Squirrl811 (857882) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09: 32pm ( #17674864)

Fun while it lasted. ( Score: 4, Insightful)

Well, I did too much online poker.

Aside from the fact that online gambling is currently ta x-exempt, I don't know why the federal government makes such a fuss about online gambling. I don't think the government is worth paying more, but it's better to pay a small amount of taxes on your game if it is illegal as a mysterious depraved moral problem. In terms of taxes, how is the government's recommended lottery and casinos permitted in Atlantic City and Las Vegas?

by ttys00 (235472) WROTE: on Thursday JANUARY 18, 2007 @10: 32pm ( #17675518)

Re:Fun while it lasted. ( Score: 5, Interesting)

This is because the Indian tribe that happened to have a casino acquired a large number of politicians. Jack Abramov was the role of a router to distribute the funds to the members. Neither of them nor their voters are interested in online gambling, just voting on the bill as instructed by the "Election Funds".

Also, as you say, taxes are part of them. There is a large budget deficit, and illegal online gambling before the tax increase to casino gambling will fill the holes of government finances.

by pfhreakaz0id (82141) WROTE:

ummmm. ( Score: 2)

Do you know that gambling should pay taxes? (All prize money for gambling). If you are audited, you will be asked to explain what the deposit is for.

by Squirrl811 (857882) Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2, Funny)

Oh, I'm not saying poker is good. What is the prize money?

by woolio (927141) Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

I don't know why the federal government makes a fuss about online gambling.

I think that taxes are enough for governments to worry about. Besides, international gambling becomes a kind of "trade" that can't be easily controlled (by subsidies, taxes, etc.). It seems like it could become an unlimited flow of money in and out of the country with little accounting backing.

Also, isn't gambling useful for doing something?

by Anonymous Coward wrote:

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

And you trust the software to shuffle the cards without bias? It would be foolish for them to cheat. All that matters to them is that people are playing. Once they do that, it's a license to print money. The real risk in online poker is cheating from other players. They take that seriously. I've written software that helps them analyze playing patterns and detect collusion. They want the game to be as fair as possible. That's their best strategy.

by Anonymous Coward wrotes: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @10:23PM ( #17675432)

Re:Fun while it lasted. ( Score: 5, Insightful)

Why do online casinos stack the deck? They make money no matter who wins. The more people playing, the more money they make. If players suspect something like Tom Fool, they might leave. Casinos have a lot more to lose than they gain by doing that.

by complete loony ( 663508 ) wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

I have the same level of trust in real money online games as I do in proprietary electronic voting machines, and for the same reasons. Only the people who work there know how fair or unfair the dealing is, and if they've gathered enough statistics to verify the randomness of the shuffle, they have enough information to cheat anyway. Anyway, so you modified me and replied as AC, and modified and posted your reply?

by tinkerghost ( 944862 ) wrote:

Re: ( Score: 3, Interesting)

When you play with these offshore accounts, you don't get the benefit of regulation. That's why when they find out you're cheating in any way, they shut down the site within days and set up a new one. Online casinos are not safe until there is global regulation.

Antigua regulates very heavily. Casinos make up 30% of GDP, so they're not as safe as underground poker.

by Pfhreakaz0id ( 82141 ) wrote: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @10:43PM ( #17675620 )~I have a database of 80, 000 hands of online poker. All of the statistics match what they should (yes, I've run queries like how often pairs are flopped).

Re:Fun while it lasted. ( Score: 5, Insightful)

The house isn't interested in stacking the deck. They're making a ton of money. Anyone who says this has lost a ton of money playing online poker.

by Anonymous Coward wrote: on Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:33PM ( #17674876)

The franchise industry seems like a much safer place for business owners to be. After all, their products are only used to kill people. They don't offer a completely voluntary service like gambling. So it's ridiculous that someone can spend their money however they want! by viking80 ( 697716 ) wrotes: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09:33PM ( #17674880 )

Those executives should've gotten into warmaking. ( Score: 5, Insightful)


It is disturbing that the US is trying to enforce its laws on the whole world.

US is trying to enforce its law on the whole world ( Score: 5, Insightful)

Many businesses and people operate completely within the laws of the land they live in. If this is breaking US law, the US should work with that government to harmonize the laws.This is similar to when the Islamic court convicted a Danish cartoonist for drawing Mohammed and sentenced him to death.

by alshithead ( 981606 ) * wrote:

"It is disturbing that the US is trying to enforce its laws on the whole world." With all due respect, I have to say that this is bullshit. The US is not trying to enforce its laws on the whole world. The US is trying to enforce its laws within its borders. The gambling business makes money from people who live within the borders of the US, where the business is illegal. If you're going to break US law, don't step foot inside our borders. You might get arrested. That said, the US would be much better off working with these people.

by Whiney Mac Fanboy ( 963289 ) * wrote:

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 2, Insightful)

With all due respect, I have to say this is bullshit. The US isn't trying to enforce its laws on the whole world. The US is trying to enforce its laws within its borders. The gambling business makes money off people who live within the US borders where that business is illegal. If you're going to break US law, don't step foot inside our borders.

Why doesn't the US be a bit more honest with its people and put up a Chinese style firewall for the whole country?

Re: ( Score: 2)

It would be much more honest for Americans to look at the "Bush Administration."

by alshithead ( 981606 ) * wrote:

"What if the United States would be a little more honest with the people and put Chines e-style firewalls throughout the country?

It is much more honest that the Americans look at the Bush administration "The Bush administration is hindering gambling for your benefit" is more honest than the United States trying to enforce the law throughout the Internet. "

Re: ( Score: 2)

With all due respect, I have to say this is bullshit. The US isn't trying to enforce its laws on the whole world. The US is trying to enforce its laws within its borders. The gambling business makes money off people who live within the US borders where that business is illegal. If you're going to break US law, don't step foot inside our borders.

by Viking80 (697716) WROTE: January 18, 2007 Thursday @10: 21pm ( #17675402)


What you are saying is very dangerous. If you want to publish a web page, it would be enough to comply with local laws.

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 4, Insightful)

If you have to consider laws around the world, you must hire a lawyer in each country to review my website. 1. Enjoy the freedom of expression (illegal in all countries, including China) 2. Critics (Putin, Il John Sam, Most Communists, etc.) 3. Advertise alcoholic beverages (many) Illegal in Arab countries) 4. Posting sexual things (this is also illegal in many countries) 5. Publishing religious things that worship Gods other than Allah 6. Worship of God other than Jabe Having religious materials to do 7. Have religious materials to worship Gods other than Allah 8. Download music (illegal in the United States)This is similar to when the Islamic court convicted a Danish cartoonist for drawing Mohammed and sentenced him to death.

Is this your claim?

by AlshitHead (981606) * wrote:

Oops! You seem to miss what I want to say. Please put what you like on the Internet. If your site is used in that country in an illegal way in that country, you may be arrested if you enter that country. He does not necessarily say it is right, but says that the country's law is so. You pointed out wonderfully. About child pornography. If child pornography is allowed in a certain country and published on the Internet, do you think anyone who saw the child pornography will be arrested?

By the Eric Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

With all due respect, I have to say this is bullshit. The US isn't trying to enforce its laws on the whole world. The US is trying to enforce its laws within its borders. The gambling business makes money off people who live within the US borders where that business is illegal. If you're going to break US law, don't step foot inside our borders.

Unfortunately, life is a little more complicated. This is a case where a company has opened a web page, and people have begun to make illegal financial transactions in other countries. The content of the web page itself is not a problem. The problem is financial trading. None of the countries will abandon the authority to regulate commercial transactions. It is one of the most basic aspects of the nation.

Re: ( Score: 2)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

The problem is that the United States does not execute the law on the national precincts.

The real problem is to enforce the laws of the United States after this law. It is not appropriate to arrest someone because it was legal when it was executed.

Re: ( Score: 2)

By the Eric Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

Do you know that the side of the Internet gambling has always been illegal in the United States for the 1961 telegraph law? And these Netteller executives have been prosecuted under the laws of 1961, but were they obviously after the facts?

by AlshitHead (981606) * Wrote:

Re: ( Score: 2)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

by Viking80 (697716) WROTE: January 18, 2007 Thursday @11: 45pm ( #17676270)

Re: ( Score: 2)

With all due respect, I have to say this is bullshit. The US isn't trying to enforce its laws on the whole world. The US is trying to enforce its laws within its borders. The gambling business makes money off people who live within the US borders where that business is illegal. If you're going to break US law, don't step foot inside our borders.

You overlook how the law relates to the state's dignity: Murder is illegal in most countries and states, but only in county and states are prosecuted and punished.

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 4, Interesting)

Even if you commit a murder in Aidaho, the California court cannot be guilty of you. Even if you commit a murder in Denmark, the United States cannot be guilty of that crime.This is similar to when the Islamic court convicted a Danish cartoonist for drawing Mohammed and sentenced him to death.

In recent years, however, the United States has violated it in many fields and has treated the whole world as an American rule.

This is 1. Measures for people / companies who live in ta x-havens 2. Sex tourism of minors 3. Online gambling, etc.

(1) is mainly to increase tax revenues, and (2) is a loose local law, so (3) is to protect a stat e-owned casino that donates a large amount to candidates.

By the Eric Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

It is worrisome that the United States is trying to enforce its own law all over the world.

This time is different. It is said that US law violations occurred in the United States. If you do business with people living in the United States, US laws will apply. If you do business illegally from foreign countries and then travel to the United States, you will be charged in the United States.

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 2)

by Eric's Conspiracy (20178) Wrote:

by Chandon SELDON (43083) Wrote:

The United States should work with the Canadian government to harmonize the law.

The harmony of the law is a really bad plan. That way, every time the law is wrong,*everyone will be ruined. If the law is different in two different places, you may be in a place to agree with the law. No, if other countries are not in harmony with US laws, the world is a much better place.

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 2)

by Roger W Moore (538166) Wrote: I would be more sympathetic to this opinion if the United States was trying to pass on her, regardless of her place of residence. But these idiots flew to the United States on their own! If US spamers targeting the EU citizens were arrested while passing in Europe, would we oppose it? At least it will be a material to think.

by Bunions (970377) Wrote:

Re:US is trying to enforce its law on the whole wo ( Score: 2)

by Roger W Moore ( 538166 ) wrote:

I think everyone else is a little frustrated by the outlook. However, it is not clear what the United States is in relation to World War II and the United States arrested no n-citizens for violating the US law.

Re: ( Score: 2)

Both Vancouver and Toronto airports are pretty good.

by Macthorpe (960048) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09: 33pm ( #17674884)


Re: ( Score: 2)

Both Vancouver and Toronto airports are pretty good. What a sad state.

Though it won't help them now. ( Score: 4, Informative)

By Ak MARC (707885) wrote:This is similar to when the Islamic court convicted a Danish cartoonist for drawing Mohammed and sentenced him to death.

by ScentCone (795499) Wrote:

And what if we were not in the United States, but if we broke the law we don't like?

Tourist Mecca ( Score: 2)

Well, it's okay to be asleep as much as you like, but the point is that they are the main funds behind a company that was doing financial business in the United States, contrary to American law. It's not strange.

by Lehk228 (705449) WROTE:

Re: ( Score: 2)

It is the human responsibility of the country to follow the law, and there is no responsibility for the service provider to determine the laws of all countries, analyze the connection, and find out which country it is.

If the United States is seriously working on Internet gambling, all remittances from the casino should be confiscated.

When rumors spread that his uncle Sam will not keep your victory

Re: ( Score: 2)

by sorthum (123064) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09: 34pm ( #17674902)


Are they charged with this new law violation, or are they charged with other laws? Since 2005, they have only owned the company's shares and have not done anything, so I don't think they will be accused of committing crime before they are classified as illegal.

by Lorcha (464930) Wrote:

Out of Curiosity. ( Score: 5, Interesting)

They are accused of money laundering instead of UIGea. I feel a little overkill, but what about?Homepage

by Mark2003 (632879) WROTE:

FTA ( Score: 2)

BR> "Free Country" means that the American legal system is a playful.

How about investors in Wall Street investing in the same company?

Just too strange for words ( Score: 5, Insightful)

Again, this is an example of a good old America at the pressure of its own country to increase the balance of some blessed people. The fact that the United States is chasing (legally) trade companies means this.

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

by Mark2003 (632879) WROTE:

It is a twisted spirit that arrested is the essence of losing freedom. Is it not counted to sit in a cell until you are guilty?

by tinkerghost (944862) Wrote:

Only if you are allowed to sue the U. S. government. If they do not want to be sued in this matter, you must file a lawsuit to the Federal Reserve Council (SCOTUS) to get the permission to sue. Then you can start an actual lawsuit.

Re:Just too strange for words ( Score: 4, Insightful)

Is it a money laundering that was acquitted? Well, they took money and moved to A, B, and C accounts. If C declares that C is a cover of a criminal organization, it is money laundering.

The US Internet Gambling Act was enacted because British companies dominated the market. If this law was passed for moral reasons, as the supporters (and many press) reported, why would Las Vegas be closed? Regarding trade, it indicates how the United States is unilateral. Britain is a friendly (disgusting) friend of the United States. Similarly, both enemies and allies, the United States prefers thugs and wonder why they became so unpopular. By the way, the United States is the government and a large company. He is not a general Joe story, he is also a victim.

Re: ( Score: 3, Insightful)

When you play with these offshore accounts, you don't get the benefit of regulation. That's why when they find out you're cheating in any way, they shut down the site within days and set up a new one. Online casinos are not safe until there is global regulation.
  1. This is very important for the US government.
  2. by Billgateslovechild (1046184) Wrote:

Free Trade means Me Trade ( Score: 5, Informative)

& gt; In Canada, see how the United States is ruining us with soft wood and others. Actually, I went to Canada about a year and a half ago, and I still have a newspaper at that time: The United States imposes tariffs on Canadian wood despite the free trade agreement, and basically "So we won us. Said! On the whole was a headline about this and a photo of all Canadian negotiations, no one was pleased. Australia also had a similar problem. According to the Aussie Press, Australian lamb producers sold lambes to the US market (FTA member countries).

Re: ( Score: 2)

by sorthum (123064) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09: 34pm ( #17674902)

I think this is a pretty scary situation when I was told as a former employee of Neteller.

Re: ( Score: 3, Interesting)

Neteller was not a suspicious company that was operated in a warehouse somewhere. The company employed more than 500 employees in Canada and paid taxes to the Canadian government.

The company has been dealing with many US government governments, and has recently agreed to several restrictions, long ago, when a bill to completely illegal US online gambling was passed.

dangerous world ( Score: 5, Informative)

The company employed nearly 100 software developers, many of which were consultants and contractors from California. I'm not the only former employee who is worried about how to deal with the US government.

by PopeJeremy (878903) Wrote:

To clarify one of your suggestions, online gambling in the United States is not actually illegal. The illegal is that financial institutions trade with online gambling institutions. In other words, you will not be arrested even if you are online poker at home, but people like CEOs like Neteller may be arrested. And apparently they were arrested. Before this law was passed, they were in charge. Every time I follow, I get afraid of my go.

by ZOFTIE (195518) WROTES: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @09: 57pm ( #17675164)


Re: ( Score: 2, Informative)

Not all gambling is illegal means that the US government protects someone's profits and their interests → tax revenues. This is because gambling has a lot of money and no taxes are paid. And these people are no friends of the Bush family. If so, this small problem will disappear quietly. After all, freedom in the United States is for people with great pockets. It's pretty terrible, but not as bad as other countries.

However, it is true that executive employees are no longer hired by the company. What can they do? Will you be in prison? There is a political intention, not justice for the freedom and freedom of the people. 2c

Why all gambling is illegal? ( Score: 4, Interesting)

by gnomeza (649598) Wrote:Homepage

by Trol l-1 (956834) WROTE: Thursday, January 18, 2007 @10: 08pm ( #17675264)

I think Jon Stewart [YouTube. com] is well organized. Some things are too absurd and laugh.

Passing through. ( Score: 2, Insightful)

By CDRGURU (88047) wrote: Internet gambling from the United States is (A), (B), and (C) without surveillance. US gambling is one of the most regulated and monitored industries. In the United States, it seems that all kinds of gambling are operated by organizational crime and to deceive people. Why do you have this belief? Because it is a fact in the United States. Las Vegas was completely controlled by the mafia. In other words, most of them are beliefs that people are deceived.

As regards Internet gambling in general ( Score: 4, Funny)

If you live in the United States, please send this message to the president. Let's clarify what Americans want.

President's email address: Comments@whitehouse. gov

The Why of this ( Score: 2)

Subject Neteller Executive

According to the Federal Procedure for the Southern New York, "In relation to the establishment and operation of an Internet payment service company that facilitates money to the owners of various Internet gambling companies overseas to the owners of various Internet gambling companies. "Yesterday (January 15), two former Neteller executives, who had moved separately in the United States, were restrained.

Send the message ( Score: 4, Interesting)

The two executives are Steven Eric Lawrence and John David Lefeble.

I still don't know all the facts about these men-the whole story will eventually become clear-the arrests such as the men, Mahel Alar, and Skrharov have a very bad impression of the United States. do. This has hit Japan's economy, public image, and the relationship with the world. I think this is encouraging people opposing the United States at various levels (although not the cause) and worsening the current terrorist situation.

They are Canadian citizens, are legal in Canadian laws, and have been arrested for a company that offers legal legal services, which is currently not established at the time. Ta. Forcing people in other countries to have our view of legal is not an American privilege.

Canada is one of the most intimate allies. Ultr a-alienating them will hurt ourselves. < SPAN> Internet gambling from the United States is (A), (B), and (C) without surveillance. US gambling is one of the most regulated and monitored industries. In the United States, it seems that all kinds of gambling are operated by organizational crime and to deceive people. Why do you have this belief? Because it is a fact in the United States. Las Vegas was completely controlled by the mafia. In other words, most of them are beliefs that people are deceived.

If you live in the United States, please send this message to the president. Let's clarify what Americans want.

President's email address: Comments@whitehouse. gov

Subject Neteller Executive

According to the Federal Procedure for the Southern New York, "In relation to the establishment and operation of an Internet payment service company that facilitates money to the owners of various Internet gambling companies overseas to the owners of various Internet gambling companies. "Yesterday (January 15), two former Neteller executives, who had moved separately in the United States, were restrained.

The two executives are Steven Eric Lawrence and John David Lefeble.

I still don't know all the facts about these men-the whole story will eventually become clear-the arrests such as the men, Mahel Alar, and Skrharov have a very bad impression of the United States. do. This has hit Japan's economy, public image, and the relationship with the world. I think this is encouraging people opposing the United States at various levels (although not the cause) and worsening the current terrorist situation.

Message to the Republicans instead ( Score: 3, Interesting)

They are Canadian citizens, are legal in Canadian laws, and have been arrested for a company that offers legal legal services, which is currently not established at the time. Ta. Forcing people in other countries to have our view of legal is not an American privilege.

Canada is one of the most intimate allies. Ultr a-alienating them will hurt ourselves. Internet gambling from the United States is (A), (B), and (C) without surveillance. US gambling is one of the most regulated and monitored industries. In the United States, it seems that all kinds of gambling are operated by organizational crime and to deceive people. Why do you have this belief? Because it is a fact in the United States. Las Vegas was completely controlled by the mafia. In other words, most of them are beliefs that people are deceived.

Re: ( Score: 3, Interesting)

If you live in the United States, please send this message to the president. Let's clarify what Americans want.

President's email address: Comments@whitehouse. gov

Folding Your Opponent's Hand ( Score: 5, Insightful)

Subject Neteller ExecutiveNote to self: If you do something the US doesn't like, never get on a flight that stops in the US, even if it's perfectly legal in your own country. The two executives are Steven Eric Lawrence and John David Lefeble.

John Lefebvre is a philanthopist ( Score: 2, Informative)

I still don't know all the facts about these men-the whole story will eventually become clear-the arrests such as the men, Mahel Alar, and Skrharov have a very bad impression of the United States. do. This has hit Japan's economy, public image, and the relationship with the world. I think this is encouraging people opposing the United States at various levels (although not the cause) and worsening the current terrorist situation.

They are Canadian citizens, are legal in Canada laws, and have been arrested for a company that offers legal legal services, which is currently not established at the time. Ta. Forcing people in other countries to have our view of legal is not an American privilege.

Similar topic: helping censored people abroad. ( Score: 2)

Canada is one of the most intimate allies. Ultr a-alienating them will hurt ourselves.

You must not arrest businessmen who travel in the United States and do legal tasks in other countries. It is a violation of the laws of other countries and impairs our economy and public image. I just want the best for the United States and justice. I want the freedom for everyone, as you preach well.

Nooooooooo ( Score: 2)

We will promptly publish all facts and seek two presidential amnesty if necessary. Indicate to the world that the United States is a really free country.

by Terjeber (856226) Wrote:

The bill and the job at the center are supported by both parties. It is not surprising that the Democratic Party supports this. The Democratic Party aims to protect and support the government and others to themselves and others. As a result, the Democratic Party restricts personal freedom and supports high taxes (as a source of government programs). Republican's traditional platform is the opposite. Individuals are responsible for their actions and have the ability to think on their own.

How does this help us at all? ( Score: 4, Insightful)

by classmyass (976281) Wrote:

Republican ideals have been transformed so that they cannot be recognized. Of course, I am still young, so to be frank, unless I was looking at politics at all, it was so much. But to be honest. You are never talking about a small government and a political party that likes individual freedom (of course, within a reasonable range).

by Doc Ruby (173196) Wrote: on Thursday January 18, 2007 @10: 27pm ( #17675474)

Homepage Diary

Not limited to the United States, offline casinos love this action. How much did you pay?

Pointing out a couple details here. ( Score: 5, Informative)

By Bigjarom (950328) wrote:

Seriously, Refevre is known for donating a variety of social activities and institutions in Calgary (his hometown). He is only donating now that he is spending a lot of leisure on the PMITA system in the United States. It's unfortunate that those generous Americans make "morals", "values" and something great. Gambling is not a big crime. Can't you enjoy online gambling in your own privacy? Where is the harm? Lef

by Lethyos (408045) Wrote:

I want to set a proxy so that Chinese people can avoid censorship. If I did this and visited China (I would like to visit someday), if the Chinese government notices this assumptions and my identity, I may be arrested Is it? In my guess, "Jesus", what do you think? I think there are some overseas travelers in Slash dots who are likely to do the same.

by Duncan3 (10537) Wrote:

The establishment and operation of an Internet payment service company that promoted billions of $ billions of illegal gambling revenue.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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