From the WTO s Crown Jewel to its Crown of Thorns American Journal of International Law Cambridge

From the WTO's Crown Jewel to its Crown of Thorns

Benjamin E. Lippincott Chair, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and School of Law, University of Minnesota

  • Excerpt
  • The WTO's Treasure, Slowly Tarnished
  • Current Thorns
  • Improving Judicial Response in the WTO
  • Conclusion
  • Footnotes
  • References
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The World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system faces "unprecedented challenges," and the current U. S. administration is waging a "stealth war" against the WTO's Appellate Body (AB). Tactics of this war include procedural challenges to the (re)appointment of AB members (individuals selected to sit in Geneva and adjudicate trade disputes). Countries have opposed the appointments in the past, but the Trump administration's strategy to effectively halt the AB's dispute adjudication capacity by reducing the number of judges needed to hear disputes to three or fewer marks a new development. In short, the trade regime is slowly and piecemeal dying as the US challenge “kills the WTO from within.” But the causes of this crisis are not new. WTO judges and bureaucracies have been juggling simmering discontent for nearly two decades, but now they have reached boiling point. In this contribution, we first explain the causes of the current impasse, then discuss how WTO adjudicative bodies have tried to address government discontent in the past and what such judicial responses mean for future reforms of the regime.

Short Essay Information AJIL Unbound , Vol. 113, 2019, pp. 51-55 Creative Commons

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Copyright Copyright © 2019 American Society of International Law and Cosette D. Creamer Benjamin E. Lippincott Chair, Department of Politics and Law, University of Minnesota


The Slow Tarnishing of the WTO's Crown Jewel

WTO's Crown Jewel, Slowly Tarnished

Current Thorn

Improving Judicial Response in the WTO

The Current Thorns




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Improving Judicial Responsiveness at the WTO

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The World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system faces "unprecedented challenges," and the current U. S. administration is waging a "stealth war" against the WTO's Appellate Body (AB). Tactics of this war include procedural challenges to the (re)appointment of AB members (individuals elected to sit in Geneva and adjudicate trade disputes). Although countries have opposed the appointments in the past, the Trump administration's strategy to effectively halt the AB's ability to adjudicate disputes by reducing the number of judges needed to adjudicate disputes to three or less marks a new development. In short, the trade regime is slowly and piecemeal dying in a way that the US challenge is "killing the WTO from within." But the causes of this crisis are not new. WTO judges and bureaucracies have been deftly managing simmering discontent for nearly two decades, but they have now reached a boiling point. In this contribution, we first explain the causes of the current impasse, then discuss how WTO adjudicating bodies have tried to address government discontent in the past and what those judicial responses mean for future reforms of the system. Short essay


AJIL Unbound, Volume 113, 2019, Pages 51-55


Creative Commons

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Copyright © 2019 American Society of International Law and Cosette D. Creamer, Benjamin E. Lippincott Chair, Department of Politics and Law, University of Minnesota


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WTO's Crown Jewel, Slowly Tarnished

  • Current Thorn
  • Improving Judicial Response in the WTO
  • Conclusion
  • Footnotes
  • References
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  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement system faces "unprecedented challenges," and the current U. S. government is waging a "stealth war" against the WTO's Appellate Body (AB). Tactics of this war include procedural challenges to the (re)appointment of AB members (individuals elected to sit in Geneva and adjudicate trade disputes). Although countries have opposed the appointments in the past, the Trump administration's strategy to effectively halt the AB's ability to adjudicate disputes by reducing the number of judges needed to adjudicate disputes to three or less marks a new development. In short, the trade regime is slowly and piecemeal dying in a way that the US challenge is "killing the WTO from within." But the causes of this crisis are not new. WTO judges and bureaucracies have been deftly managing simmering discontent for nearly two decades, but they have now reached a boiling point. In this contribution, we first explain the causes of the current impasse, then discuss how WTO adjudicating bodies have tried to address government discontent in the past and what those judicial responses mean for future reforms of the system. Essay
  • Information
  • AJIL Unbound, Volume 113, 2019, Pages 51-55
  • Creative Commons
  • This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
  • Copyright

Copyright © 2019 American Society of International Law and Cosette D. Creamer

  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) conflict solving system is facing a "unprecedented challenge", with the US government has developed a "stealth war" (Note 1) to the WTO appeal (AB). The war tactics include a procedure for the appointment of the AB members (the individual selected in Geneva and decided to determine a trade dispute). The Trump administration's strategy is that each country has been opposed to the appointment, but the number of judges required to hear the dispute to three or less to effectively stop AB conflict judging capabilities. It means a new development. In short, the trade system is a slow, fragmentary death, such as "killing WTOs from inside" through the American challenge. Footnote 3 However, the cause of this crisis is not a new one. The WTO judge and the bureaucracy have been skillfully treated for nearly 20 years, but has now reached the boiling point. In this contribution, first explaining the cause of the current deadlock, how the WTO's arbitration has tried to deal with government dissatisfaction in the past, and how such a judicial response is in the future system reform. We discuss whether it has a meaning.The WTO intends to mainly create new trade rules and work as a negotiations to solve political differences. The WTO describes himself as a "membe r-led type", and the WTO staff repeats this phrase like a sel f-affirmation mantra. Note 4, however, Uruguay Round negotiations have greatly enhanced the authority and independence of the WTO arbitration agency. In contrast to the previous customs trade agreement (GATT) system, the WTO has established a permanent institution (AB) to hear the appeal of the conflict panel. Furthermore, all rulings are automatically restrained in the conflict, unless the entire member of the country refuses (s o-called "reverse consensus rules"). < SPAN> World Trade Organization (WTO) conflict solving system faces the "unprecedented challenge", such as the current U. S. government has developed a "stealth war" (Note 1) to the WTO appeal (AB). I am. The war tactics include a procedure for the appointment of the AB members (the individual selected in Geneva and decided to determine a trade dispute). The Trump administration's strategy is that each country has been opposed to the appointment, but the number of judges required to hear the dispute to three or less to effectively stop AB conflict judging capabilities. It means a new development. In short, the trade system is a slow, fragmentary death, such as "killing WTOs from inside" through the American challenge. Footnote 3 However, the cause of this crisis is not a new one. The WTO judge and the bureaucracy have been skillfully treated for nearly 20 years, but has now reached the boiling point. In this contribution, first explaining the cause of the current deadlock, how the WTO's arbitration has tried to deal with government dissatisfaction in the past, and how such a judicial response is in the future system reform. We discuss whether it has a meaning.The WTO intends to mainly create new trade rules and work as a negotiations to solve political differences. The WTO describes himself as a "membe r-led type", and the WTO staff repeats this phrase like a sel f-affirmation mantra. Note 4, however, Uruguay Round negotiations have greatly enhanced the authority and independence of the WTO arbitration agency. In contrast to the previous customs trade agreement (GATT) system, the WTO has established a permanent institution (AB) to hear the appeal of the conflict panel. Furthermore, all rulings are automatically restrained in the conflict, unless the entire member of the country refuses (s o-called "reverse consensus rules"). The World Trade Organization (WTO) conflict solving system is facing a "unprecedented challenge", with the US government has developed a "stealth war" (Note 1) to the WTO appeal (AB). The war tactics include a procedure for the appointment of the AB members (the individual selected in Geneva and decided to determine a trade dispute). The Trump administration's strategy is that each country has been opposed to the appointment, but the number of judges required to hear the dispute to three or less to effectively stop AB conflict judging capabilities. It means a new development. In short, the trade system is a slow, fragmentary death, such as "killing WTOs from inside" through the American challenge. Footnote 3 However, the cause of this crisis is not a new one. The WTO judge and the bureaucracy have been skillfully treated for nearly 20 years, but has now reached the boiling point. In this contribution, first explaining the cause of the current deadlock, how the WTO's arbitration has tried to deal with government dissatisfaction in the past, and how such a judicial response is in the future system reform. We discuss whether it has a meaning.
  • The WTO intends to mainly create new trade rules and work as a place for negotiations to solve political differences. The WTO describes himself as a "membe r-led type", and the WTO staff repeats this phrase like a sel f-affirmation mantra. Note 4, however, Uruguay Round negotiations have greatly enhanced the authority and independence of the WTO arbitration agency. In contrast to the previous customs trade agreement (GATT) system, the WTO has established a permanent institution (AB) to hear the appeal of the conflict panel. Furthermore, all rulings are automatically detained in conflict countries unless the entire member of the member refuses (s o-called "reverse consensus rules").
  • This conflict solving mechanism (DSM) is often called the "crown jewel" of an organization that suffers from political division, division, and malaise. Footnote 5 The pressure on the trade judges has steadily increased as the negotiations have been paralyzed for the past 20 years. Increasing the number of disputes has led to the need to judge legal claims and questions that should be dealt with by negotiations of new rules and reform of old rules. As a result, DSM has to be engaged in practices that encourage government governments to "legislate through dispute resolution." Footnote 6 This has finally surfaced concerns about the system and its legitimacy.
  • These concerns are not new to the Trump administration. In fact, these concerns have bothered US administration beyond the political spectrum for many years. Footnote 7 is even more decisive. These concerns are not unique to the United States, but rather shared by many other governments. These lon g-standing concerns occurred because each country failed to collectively govern the legal order they had created, which is one of the reasons this system is complicated in the country and in Japan. This is because it has a certain economic impact. For a government, we don't care about these issues about DSM, but for other governments, these issues are based on the basics of the system. From this, the current deadlock may be due to the main purpose of dispute resolution, helping to solve the confrontation of trade interests, or the view of the views on ruling through the ruling. I can see. This problem is a tension that is inherent in the more common international public law, and is created by a vision that contradicts the international law as a contract and the international law as a rule. Footnote 8
  • Statatives often distinguish between the government criticism of the international court and the more serious rebound. In the context of footnote 9 WTOs, each country hesitates to repel the publicity law, but it is often the case to use the "voice" that expressed a loud voice of complaints about the use of the court. be. The concerns of supporting the current deadlock are often shown in the remarks of the government at the meeting of the dispute resolution organization (DSB), a political organization that supervises the system. Such remarks now threaten the legitimacy of the system, and may be in terms of procedures and institutional concerns, which may even make the system surviving even.
  • Some of these concerns stem from the disparity between the growing number of complex disputes and limited institutional resources. The system is simply overloaded. The AB and its Secretariat lawyers (the organization's civil servants) have tried to circumvent the constraints imposed by an overloaded system by adjusting their working procedures and dispute adjudication. For example, the AB has repeatedly ignored WTO rules and exceeded deadlines for issuing rulings. The delays in rulings have been accompanied by a lack of transparency, as the AB no longer consults with governments before deadlines expire. In addition, it has resorted to "self-certifying" AB member states to continue working on disputes after the end of their mandate. Footnote 10

More centrally, governments have increasingly expressed dissatisfaction with the adjudicators' adherence to their mandates. Institutional concerns focus on judicial overreach and interpretations of WTO rules that are perceived to increase or decrease countries' rights and obligations. Such concerns have arisen primarily in the areas of trade remedies, such as government subsidies, technical regulations and standards that create trade barriers, and permissive tariffs on imports that cause injury. Footnote 11 Of course, there can be legitimate disagreements about whether a given interpretation of law is correct. Moreover, judicial interpretations inevitably clarify ambiguities in rules. But they must not change obligations. This is the fine line that many governments have come to believe the DSM crosses, primarily because it has been operating for decades without any new political agreements to fill important interpretive gaps. If adjudicators are unwilling to exercise judicial restraint and expand old rules to fit modern trade concerns, it will undoubtedly fail to facilitate dispute resolution. In adopting progressive interpretations to reflect changing economic realities, governments are concerned that the delicate balance between the judicial and political arms of the organization will be upset. Unfortunately, countries believe that this balance is further upset by the AB's expansive approach to the standard of review for panel fact-findings and the granting of precedent-based status.

  • Indeed, WTOs often require independent judge to clarify inaccurate, unclear and incomplete trade rules. However, in most legal systems, the independence of the judiciary is linked to some mechanism for overwriting and updating by legislation to correct or desirable legal interpretations. Footnote 13 This corrective measure exists through the formal revision of the rules adopted by political agencies and authoritative interpretations in the WTO, but in fact, the government's government has politics due to the consensus of this organization. There are limited opportunities for claiming monitoring and guidance. Footnote 14
  • WTO member states often disagree with the legal basis of individual rulings, but rarely disagree with the authority and legitimacy of the system as a whole. Footnote 15 legitimacy refers to being widely believed that the court has the right and authority to decide. Footnote 16 In the past 10 years, various governments have criticized the authority, focusing on the above issues. Footnote 17 The government shows that the exercise of the remarks in this way indicates that the WTO's judicial agency is satisfied with the exercise of authority and provides opinions on desirable legal or procedural approaches. Because there is a good intention. The current deadlock has shifted from a loud challenge to the authority of the system to a harsh rebound that questions the legitimacy of the whole system. < SPAN> Sure, WTOs often need an independent judge to clarify the inaccurate, unclear and incomplete trade rules. However, in most legal systems, the independence of the judiciary is linked to some mechanism for overwriting and updating by legislation to correct or desirable legal interpretations. Footnote 13 This corrective measure exists through the formal revision of the rules adopted by political organizations and authoritative interpretations in the WTO, but in fact, the government's government has politics due to the consensus of this organization. There are limited opportunities for claiming monitoring and guidance. Footnote 14
  • WTO member states often disagree with the legal basis of individual judgments, but rarely disagree with the authority and legitimacy of the system as a whole. Footnote 15 legitimacy refers to being widely believed that the court has the right and authority to decide. Footnote 16 In the past 10 years, various governments have criticized the authority, focusing on the above issues. Footnote 17 The government shows that the exercise of the remarks in this way indicates that the WTO's judicial agency is satisfied with the exercise of authority and provides opinions on desirable legal or procedural approaches. Because there is a good intention. The current deadlock has shifted from a loud challenge to the authority of the system to a harsh rebound that questions the legitimacy of the whole system. Indeed, WTOs often require independent judge to clarify inaccurate, unclear and incomplete trade rules. However, in most legal systems, the independence of the judiciary is linked to some mechanism for overwriting and updating by legislation to correct or desirable legal interpretations. Footnote 13 This corrective measure exists through the formal revision of the rules adopted by political organizations and authoritative interpretations in the WTO, but in fact, the government's government has politics due to the consensus of this organization. There are limited opportunities for claiming monitoring and guidance. Footnote 14
  • WTO member states often disagree with the legal basis of individual judgments, but rarely disagree with the authority and legitimacy of the system as a whole. Footnote 15 legitimacy refers to being widely believed that the court has the right and authority to decide. Footnote 16 In the past 10 years, various governments have criticized the authority, focusing on the above issues. Footnote 17 The government shows that the exercise of the remarks in this way indicates that the WTO's judicial agency is satisfied with the exercise of authority and provides opinions on desirable legal or procedural approaches. Because there is a good intention. The current deadlock has shifted from a loud challenge to the authority of the system to a harsh rebound that questions the legitimacy of the whole system.

Until recently, WTO's arbitration agency has been responding to growing collective dissatisfaction by trying to build political capital among stakeholders. Footnote 18 WTO secretariat (both the Legal Department, the Legal Department supporting the panel, and the independent AB Secretariat) monitor institutional concerns and identify the practices to develop their political capital. He has played an absolute central role. These lawyers pay attention to government statements in the DSB and point out issues that are concerned about the judge. As a result, it is often the case that the judicial institution is slightly adjusted in consideration of these collective concerns, and that it is recognized that it is aware of the problem through the words used in the ruling. In fact, the growingness of the conflict solving system in the first 20 years is significantly due to such sensitivity and subtle response to changes in government preferences. Footnote 19 However, as the current AB chairman has recently pointed out, "legitimacy is a durable virtue, and it cannot naturally consider its longevity." Footnote 20

There are countless proposals to solve the current deadlock. Footnote 21 This focuses on one of the areas of reforms that I think is the most urgent and feasible. One of the core issues of this crisis is about the excess of justice. Revitalizing political surveillance is the center of institutional rebalancies that have passed the deadline, and it is necessary for the entire member to clarify and show guidelines for the decision and approach of the decision. This can be achieved by the formal revision of the dispute resolution rules, especially by the authoritative interpretation of the clause that summarizes the Mandate of DSM. It is necessary in the long term, but it is likely that it will not be realized in the short term unless you rely on voting. < SPAN> Until recently, WTO arbitration has been responding to collective dissatisfaction by trying to build political capital among stakeholders. Footnote 18 WTO secretariat (both the Legal Department, the Legal Department supporting the panel, and the independent AB Secretariat) monitor institutional concerns and identify the practices to develop their political capital. He has played an absolute central role. These lawyers pay attention to government statements in the DSB and point out issues that are concerned about the judge. As a result, it is often the case that the judicial institution is slightly adjusted in consideration of these collective concerns, and that it is recognized that it is aware of the problem through the words used in the ruling. In fact, the growingness of the conflict solving system in the first 20 years is significantly due to such sensitivity and subtle response to changes in government preferences. Footnote 19 However, as the current AB chairman has recently pointed out, "legitimacy is a durable virtue, and it cannot naturally consider its longevity." Footnote 20

  • There are countless proposals to solve the current deadlock. Footnote 21 This focuses on one of the areas of reforms that I think is the most urgent and feasible. One of the core issues of this crisis is about the excess of justice. Revitalizing political surveillance is the center of institutional rebalancies that have passed the deadline, and it is necessary for the entire member to clarify and show guidelines for the decision and approach of the decision. This can be achieved by the formal revision of the dispute resolution rules, especially by the authoritative interpretation of the clause that summarizes the Mandate of DSM. It is necessary in the long term, but it is likely that it will not be realized in the short term unless you rely on voting. Until recently, WTO's arbitration agency has been responding to growing collective dissatisfaction by trying to build political capital among stakeholders. Footnote 18 WTO secretariat (both the Legal Department, the Legal Department supporting the panel, and the independent AB Secretariat) monitor institutional concerns and identify the practices to develop their political capital. He has played an absolute central role. These lawyers pay attention to government statements in the DSB and point out issues that are concerned about the judge. As a result, it is often the case that the judicial institution is slightly adjusted in consideration of these collective concerns, and that it is recognized that it is aware of the problem through the words used in the ruling. In fact, the growingness of the conflict solving system in the first 20 years is significantly due to such sensitivity and subtle response to changes in government preferences. Footnote 19 However, as the current AB chairman has recently pointed out, "legitimacy is a durable virtue, and it cannot naturally regard its longevity." Footnote 20
  • There are countless proposals to solve the current deadlock. Footnote 21 This focuses on one of the areas of reforms that I think is the most urgent and feasible. One of the core issues of this crisis is about the excess of justice. Revitalizing political surveillance is the center of institutional rebalancies that have passed the deadline, and it is necessary for the entire member to clarify and show guidelines for the decision and approach of the decision. This can be achieved by the formal revision of the dispute resolution rules, especially by the authoritative interpretation of the clause that summarizes the Mandate of DSM. It is necessary in the long term, but it is likely that it will not be realized in the short term unless you rely on voting.

As a more quick and official clarity, member states can provide a kind of unofficial interpretation. Footnote 22 Governments can convene DSB special meetings. In this meeting, we provide public and detailed opinions on interpretation or trial methods that are considered to violate the requirements of DSM to add additional or reduced interpretation to member countries' rights and obligations. You can. A separate follo w-up meeting can be held to discuss specific problems such as precedents and panel facts certified AB reviews. The WTO Secretariat can organize, manage, and annotate these DSB statements to identify the areas of consensus and many opinions. Although such guidelines do not legally restrain DSM, in response to the elections of the central components, the legitimacy of the system is rebuilt through the delicate process of being involved in "massist activity". We will provide a roadmap about how to do it. Footnote 23 Certainly, sophisticated views on the WTO method require legal expertise and institutional resources, but not small and no n-wealthy countries can use it freely. In fact, the government that has a constraints of resources rarely express opinions on the dispute ruling at a regular DSB meeting for this reason. In order to be able to participate in such a special meeting widely, not only the WTO Law Advisory Center, but also the government with resources can organize a working group, and information on specific judicial interpretation and ruling in countries that are restricted in resources. Can be provided.

  • In order to strengthen the feedback mechanism between the WTO political member and the judicial agency in a way that does not impair the latter independence, it is absolutely necessary. Footnote 24 Increasing the responsibilities of the judiciary against the concerns of stakeholders are not to replace the rule of the law with the control of power or the right of power. Footnote 25 is also compatible with the judicial independence, and is distinguished from the third corner of the "Judicial Trilemma". Footnote 26 This kind of response is the core of the legitimacy of DSM and its rule. < SPAN>, a faster and official clarity, the member states can provide a kind of unofficial interpretation. Footnote 22 Governments can convene DSB special meetings. In this meeting, we provide public and detailed opinions on interpretation or trial methods that are considered to violate the requirements of DSM to add additional or reduced interpretation to member countries' rights and obligations. You can. A separate follo w-up meeting can be held to discuss specific problems such as precedents and panel facts certified AB reviews. The WTO Secretariat can organize, manage, and annotate these DSB statements to identify the areas of consensus and many opinions. Although such guidelines do not legally restrain DSM, in response to the elections of the central components, the legitimacy of the system is rebuilt through the delicate process of being involved in "massist activity". We will provide a roadmap about how to do it. Footnote 23 Certainly, sophisticated views on the WTO method require legal expertise and institutional resources, but not small and no n-wealthy countries can use it freely. In fact, the government that has a constraints of resources rarely express opinions on the dispute ruling at a regular DSB meeting for this reason. In order to be able to participate in such a special meeting widely, not only the WTO Law Advisory Center, but also the government with resources can organize a working group, and information on specific judicial interpretation and ruling in countries that are restricted in resources. Can be provided.
  • In order to strengthen the feedback mechanism between the WTO political member and the judicial agency in a way that does not impair the latter independence, it is absolutely necessary. Footnote 24 Increasing the responsibilities of the judiciary against the concerns of stakeholders are not to replace the rule of the law with the control of power or the right of power. Footnote 25 is also compatible with the judicial independence, and is distinguished from the third corner of the "Judicial Trilemma". Footnote 26 This kind of response is the core of the legitimacy of DSM and its rule. As a more quick and official clarity, member states can provide a kind of unofficial interpretation. Footnote 22 Governments can convene DSB special meetings. In this meeting, we provide public and detailed opinions on interpretation or trial methods that are considered to violate the requirements of DSM to add additional or reduced interpretation to member countries' rights and obligations. You can. A separate follo w-up meeting can be held to discuss specific problems such as precedents and panel facts certified AB reviews. The WTO Secretariat can organize, manage, and annotate these DSB statements to identify the areas of consensus and many opinions. Although such guidelines do not legally restrain DSM, in response to the elections of the central components, the legitimacy of the system is rebuilt through the delicate process of being involved in "massist activity". We will provide a roadmap about how to do it. Footnote 23 Certainly, sophisticated views on the WTO method require legal expertise and institutional resources, but not small and no n-wealthy countries can use it freely. In fact, the government that has a constraints of resources rarely express opinions on the dispute ruling at a regular DSB meeting for this reason. In order to be able to participate in such a special meeting widely, not only the WTO Law Advisory Center, but also the government with resources can organize a working group, and information on specific judicial interpretation and ruling in countries that are restricted in resources. Can be provided.
  • In order to strengthen the feedback mechanism between the WTO political member and the judicial agency in a way that does not impair the latter independence, it is absolutely necessary. Footnote 24 Increasing the responsibilities of the judiciary against the concerns of stakeholders are not to replace the rule of the law with the control of power or the right of power. Footnote 25 is also compatible with the judicial independence, and is distinguished from the third corner of the "Judicial Trilemma". Footnote 26 This kind of response is the core of the legitimacy of DSM and its rule.
  • The European Union (EU) has recently introduced a series of reforms to address many collective concerns that support the current deadlock. One of the suggestions is to respond to the above calls for the revival of political guidance and the responsibilities of the judiciary, which proposes an annual meeting of AB and DSB. You can express opinions, which can provide an "additional" Communication Channel "between the organization's political institution and the judicial agency. Footnote 27, such as India and China, have joined this initiative. However, in order to make this vision a reality, it is necessary to have a sincere involvement of the entire WTO member country and the United States.

You can't know the true meaning of the Trump administration. Perhaps it is trying to reduce the multilateral trade order created by the past administration by muding the treasure of the WTO and causing the rule s-based conflict resolution system to functional failure. If so, trade experts have proposed some ways to continue the dispute resolution. In my opinion, trying to avoid the United States by voting that invalidates the United States against AB's appointment is only more polluted. Footnote 28 The less harmful option is to create temporary and separate mechanisms for the appeal through the existing arbitration mechanism in the WTO. The problem is that the problem is that the conflict involving the United States, which is the center of a wide range of crises facing the International Trade Law, remains floating in the air. This includes a US opposition on intellectual property practices in China and a dispute over US national security duties on importing steel and aluminum.

  • While repeatedly recognized the need for a dispute resolution system reform, it has created a current crisis that has been hesitant for its form and enactment with the useless hope that the problem will be solved naturally. With more than 10 years, the United States has now relyed on unilateral tactics that in effectively forced member states, among other plausible goals. Is hitting a gun on the treasure of the WTO the most appropriate way to bring a change in the awesome? It may not be so. However, it may be the only tactic to start a membe r-led car. < SPAN> The European Union (EU) has recently introduced a series of reforms to deal with many collective concerns that support the current deadlock. One of the suggestions is to respond to the above calls for the revival of political guidance and the responsibilities of the judiciary, which proposes an annual meeting of AB and DSB. You can express opinions, which can provide an "additional" Communication Channel "between the organization's political institution and the judicial agency. Footnote 27, such as India and China, have joined this initiative. However, in order to make this vision a reality, it is necessary to have a sincere involvement of the entire WTO member country and the United States.
  • You can't know the true meaning of the Trump administration. Perhaps it is trying to reduce the multilateral trade order created by the past administration by muding the treasure of the WTO and causing the rule s-based conflict resolution system to functional failure. If so, trade experts have proposed some ways to continue the dispute resolution. In my opinion, trying to avoid the United States by voting that invalidates the United States against AB's appointment is only more polluted. Footnote 28 The less harmful option is to create temporary and separate mechanisms for the appeal through the existing arbitration mechanism in the WTO. The problem is that the problem is that the conflict involving the United States, which is the center of a wide range of crises facing the International Trade Law, remains floating in the air. This includes a US opposition on intellectual property practices in China and a dispute over US national security duties on importing steel and aluminum.
  • While repeatedly recognized the need for a dispute resolution system reform, it has created a current crisis that has been hesitant for its form and enactment with the useless hope that the problem will be solved naturally. With more than 10 years, the United States has now relyed on unilateral tactics that in effectively forced member states, among other plausible goals. Is hitting a gun on the treasure of the WTO the most appropriate way to bring a change in the awesome? It may not be so. However, it may be the only tactic to start a membe r-led car. The European Union (EU) has recently introduced a series of reforms to address many collective concerns that support the current deadlock. One of the suggestions is to respond to the above calls for the revival of political guidance and the responsibilities of the judiciary, which proposes an annual meeting of AB and DSB. You can express opinions, which can provide an "additional" Communication Channel "between the organization's political institution and the judicial agency. Footnote 27, such as India and China, have joined this initiative. However, in order to make this vision a reality, it is necessary to have a sincere involvement of the entire WTO member country and the United States.
  • You can't know the true meaning of the Trump administration. Perhaps it is trying to reduce the multilateral trade order created by the past administration by muding the treasure of the WTO and causing the rule s-based conflict resolution system to functional failure. If so, trade experts have proposed some ways to continue the dispute resolution. In my opinion, trying to avoid the United States by voting that invalidates the United States against AB's appointment is only more polluted. Footnote 28 The less harmful option is to create temporary and separate mechanisms for the appeal through the existing arbitration mechanism in the WTO. The problem is that the problem is that the conflict involving the United States, which is the center of a wide range of crises facing the International Trade Law, remains floating in the air. This includes a US opposition on intellectual property practices in China and a dispute over US national security duties on importing steel and aluminum.

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While repeatedly recognized the need for a dispute resolution system reform, it has created a current crisis that has been hesitant for its form and enactment with the useless hope that the problem will be solved naturally. With more than 10 years, the United States has now relyed on unilateral tactics that in effectively forced member states, among other plausible goals. Is hitting a gun on the treasure of the WTO the most appropriate way to bring a change in the awesome? It may not be so. However, it may be the only tactic to start a membe r-led car.

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  • Passports and Visas

US citizens require a visa to enter Egypt.

US citizens may obtain a renewable single-entry 30-day tourist visa on arrival at any Egyptian airport for a fee of US$25. A multiple entry visa is also available for US$60.

  • The Egyptian government has set up a website for issuing "e-visas". There are other websites that claim to offer electronic visas, some of which are said to charge double the regular price, but this is the only official Egyptian government portal for this service. US citizens and citizens of 44 other countries are eligible to apply via this means before traveling.
  • Egyptian immigration officials sometimes refuse entry to travelers without explanation.

U. S. citizens who have difficulty obtaining a visa for Egypt or who are concerned about whether they will be able to obtain one upon arrival should apply for a visa at an Egyptian embassy or consulate before traveling, but a visa obtained before entering the country does not guarantee entry to Egypt.

Visas to work or study in Egypt must be obtained before traveling.

Entering from Israel

Entering from Israel: U. S. citizens arriving at the Taba border crossing from Israel should obtain a visa in advance.

If you do not obtain a visa before arrival, you can apply for a free 14-day visa valid only within the Sinai Peninsula or obtain a 30-day tourist visa valid for travel throughout Egypt for $25.

To get a visa on the 30th, it is necessary to submit a travel agency support letter available from a travel agency on the border.

The Egyptian government has opened this border irregularly.

Travel groups and humanitarian aids who wish to cross borders in Rafah (Rafah) need to contact the Washington Embassy in advance and obtain permission.

The Egyptian government will judge travelers before permission to enter and leave the Lafa border with Gaza.

The U. S. government has advocated its own people to avoid traveling to Gaza, and the U. S. Embassy has not issued a travel letter or provided in Gaza.

For travelers from Egypt to Gaza, please read the recommendation recommendation on Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan, the Jordan River. The Sinai Peninsula is still a particularly dangerous area, and attacks on security forces and citizens by "Iraqi and ash shaam Islamic State" (ISIS) are frequently attacked.

Diplomatic / public passport

  • Diplomatic / Public Passport: Diplomatic / Passport holders need a visa when entering Egypt for public affairs.
  • Is required.

You need to get a visa before arriving in Egypt.

If you have a diplomatic passport or a public passport, you cannot use these passports to enter Egypt.

Travelers who want to enter Egypt in diplomatic and public passports without a visa must stay in the airport transit area at their own expense until they are refused to enter the country and arrange immediately from Egypt.

The US Embassy in Cairo cannot intervene in this situation. Military officials arriving by private flights are not exempted from passports and visa requirements.

Currently, the Egyptian Embassy in Washington can take at least three weeks for official and diplomatic visa application processing, despite the simple letter from the State Department.

  • You need to submit a visa application and passport to the Egyptian Embassy before traveling.
  • Employment permit
  • US citizens who wish to work in Egypt need to obtain a work permit and employment / commercial visa before arrival.
  • All working permit must be obtained through the employer. These permit can be obtained in the office of the Ministry of Labor Migration, which is located in the employer's location, and thus these permits are allowed to live in Japan. < SPAN> To get a 30th visa, it is necessary to submit a travel agency support letter available from a travel agency on the border.
  • The Egyptian government has opened this border irregularly.
  • Travel groups and humanitarian aids who wish to cross borders in Rafah (Rafah) need to contact the Washington Embassy in advance and obtain permission.
  • The Egyptian government will judge travelers before permission to enter and leave the Lafa border with Gaza.
  • The U. S. government has advocated its own people to avoid traveling to Gaza, and the U. S. Embassy has not issued a travel letter or provided in Gaza.
  • For travelers from Egypt to Gaza, please read the recommendation recommendation on Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan, the Jordan River. The Sinai Peninsula is still a particularly dangerous area, and attacks on security forces and citizens by "Iraqi and ash shaam Islamic State" (ISIS) are frequently attacked.

Diplomatic / public passport

Diplomatic / Public Passport: Diplomatic / Passport holders need a visa when entering Egypt for public affairs.

  • Is required.
  • You need to get a visa before arriving in Egypt.
  • If you have a diplomatic passport or a public passport, you cannot use these passports to enter Egypt..
  • Travelers who want to enter Egypt in diplomatic and public passports without a visa must stay in the airport transit area at their own expense until they are refused to enter the country and arrange immediately from Egypt.
  • The US Embassy in Cairo cannot intervene in this situation. Military officials arriving by private flights are not exempted from passports and visa requirements.

Currently, the Egyptian Embassy in Washington can take at least three weeks for official and diplomatic visa application processing, despite the simple letter from the State Department.

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

You need to submit a visa application and passport to the Egyptian Embassy before traveling.

  • Employment permit
  • US citizens who wish to work in Egypt need to obtain a work permit and employment / commercial visa before arrival.
  • All working permit must be obtained through the employer. These permit can be obtained in the office of the Ministry of Labor Migration, which is located in the employer's location, and thus these permits are allowed to live in Japan. To get a visa on the 30th, it is necessary to submit a travel agency support letter available from a travel agency on the border.
  • The Egyptian government has opened this border irregularly.
  • Travel groups and humanitarian aids who wish to cross borders in Rafah (Rafah) need to contact the Washington Embassy in advance and obtain permission.

The Egyptian government will judge travelers before permission to enter and leave the Lafa border with Gaza.

The U. S. government has advocated its own people to avoid traveling to Gaza, and the U. S. Embassy has not issued a travel letter or provided in Gaza.

For travelers from Egypt to Gaza, please read the recommendation recommendation on Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan, the Jordan River. The Sinai Peninsula is still a particularly dangerous area, and attacks on security forces and citizens by "Iraqi and ash shaam Islamic State" (ISIS) are frequently attacked.

Diplomatic / public passport

  • Diplomatic / Public Passport: Diplomatic / Passport holders need a visa when entering Egypt for public affairs.

Is required.

You need to get a visa before arriving in Egypt.

If you have a diplomatic passport or a public passport, you cannot use these passports to enter Egypt.

Travelers who want to enter Egypt in diplomatic and public passports without a visa must stay in the airport transit area at their own expense until they are refused to enter the country and arrange immediately from Egypt.

The US Embassy in Cairo cannot intervene in this situation. Military officials arriving by private flights are not exempted from passports and visa requirements.

Currently, the Egyptian Embassy in Washington can take at least three weeks for official and diplomatic visa application processing, despite the simple letter from the State Department.

You need to submit a visa application and passport to the Egyptian Embassy before traveling.

Employment permit

US citizens who wish to work in Egypt need to obtain a work permit and employment / commercial visa before arrival.

All working permit must be obtained through the employer. These permit can be obtained in the office of the Ministry of Labor Migration, which is located in the employer's location, and thus these permits are allowed to live in Japan.

US citizens who entered on a tourist visa may obtain a 3-month tourist/non-working visa to allow sufficient time to change their status from tourist to worker after entering Egypt.


US citizens in Egypt on a tourist visa are not permitted to work.

For additional information regarding entering Egypt, please contact your nearest Egyptian embassy or consulate.

Medical Requirements

  • US citizens entering from areas affected by yellow fever must provide proof of vaccination.
  • Check with the Egyptian embassy before traveling.
  • Exit Requirements
  • US women married to Egyptians do not need spousal permission to leave Egypt as long as they hold a valid Egyptian visa or a valid Egyptian passport.
  • US citizens leaving Egypt with dual-national children (US and Egyptian) may be asked by Egyptian immigration officials at the airport to provide proof of consent from the non-traveling Egyptian parent.

If you attempt to leave Egypt after your visa has expired, you may be asked to pay a fine at the airport. Travelers should arrive at the airport early with enough Egyptian currency to pay the fine.

The US Embassy will not issue travel papers for exiting Egypt.

Dual Nationals

If a dual national has the annotation "Egyptian nationality" on their entry visa, they will need proof of Egyptian nationality to exit Egypt.

This also applies to dual nationals staying in Egypt for more than 6 months.

In some cases, if a dual national loses their US passport, they may need to show their parents' Egyptian birth certificates and prove their Egyptian nationality in order to obtain a temporary/substitute entry stamp to facilitate their exit from Egypt.

Male US citizens aged 18-40 with Egyptian nationality who have been in Egypt for more than 180 days will need to obtain Egyptian military residency before leaving Egypt. The US Embassy cannot intervene in such situations. More information at https://tagned. mod. gov. eg/.

The State Department's travel advisory warns U. S. citizens to avoid travel to the Sinai Peninsula (except by air to Sharm el-Sheikh) and the Western Desert. Travel to the Libyan and Sudanese borders is also not recommended. U. S. citizens in Egypt should maintain a high level of vigilance throughout Egypt due to the threat of terrorism.

  • Between December 2018 and May 2019, terrorist attacks occurred in tourist sites in the greater Cairo area, killing four tourists and injuring at least 18. Terrorists can strike with little or no warning, targeting diplomatic facilities, tourist sites, transportation hubs, markets and shopping malls, Western businesses, resorts, and local government facilities. Terrorist attacks are possible in urban areas, including Cairo, despite heavy security. In August 2019, a car bomb exploded outside a Cairo hospital, killing at least 20 people. In addition, terrorists have targeted religious sites, including mosques, churches, and monasteries, as well as buses that travel to these sites.
  • The Egyptian government has attempted to address security concerns and has visibly increased security in tourist areas, but challenges remain and the threat of terrorism remains. Police and military forces are also engaged in operations to combat terrorism and disrupt terrorist organizations in the Sinai Peninsula and the Nile Valley.

Travel and Transportation

Do Not Travel

Due to terrorism, avoid travel to the Sinai Peninsula (except by air to Sharm el-Sheikh).

The Sinai Peninsula remains a particularly dangerous area, with frequent terrorist attacks against security forces and civilians.

Because U. S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to these areas (with the exception of the beach resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, which is only permitted by air), the U. S. government is limited in its ability to provide emergency services to U. S. citizens anywhere in the Sinai Peninsula.

The Western Desert is closed to U. S. citizens due to terrorism in

Egyptian border areas other than official ports of entry.

See the terrorism page for more information.

The Egyptian border is under military control, and movement of non-military personnel and vehicles is heavily restricted and in some cases prohibited. U. S. citizens should not travel through these border areas.

It is illegal to photograph police stations, military barracks, or other sensitive public buildings.

U. S. citizens should remain vigilant to the local security situation, avoid demonstrations, and remain vigilant to ensure their safety at all times throughout Egypt. U. S. citizens are also advised to carry identification and a means of communication such as a mobile phone that can be used in Egypt, and to register the U. S. Embassy's telephone number (+20 2 2797-3300) and email address (ConsularCairoACS@state. gov) on their devices in advance.

To enter Egypt's remote areas, including the borders with Libya, Sudan, and Israel, and parts of the Sinai Peninsula, other than by paved roads, travelers must obtain permission and travel routes from the Egyptian Military Intelligence and Tourist Police Headquarters through a local or international travel agency.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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