GambleAware report links problem gambling with discrimination

GambleAware report links problem gambling with discrimination

A new survey entrusted by Gambleaware suggests that minority communities with some gambling addiction have experienced racist discrimination or discrimination in public. 。

The survey conducted by Ipsos UK and Clear View Research with the support of the University of Manchester, focusing on the potential relationship between gambling and discrimination. The results of the survey were announced today (December 6) by Gambleaware charitable organizations.

The study features 2, 999 answers, including 1, 779 white British people and 1, 220 minority communities. The survey was conducted in May 2022, targeting England, Wales and Scotland.

According to Gambleaware, comprehensive discoveries were the relationship between the gambling of the problem gambling. Half of the minority community, who have experienced the gambling, was more likely to have been discriminated in public than those who did not have gambling problems.

Some respondents said that they were relevant between discrimination and gambling harm. This includes not only racism and discrimination worsen gambling behavior, but also includes social elimination, decrease in employment opportunities, and increased risk of mental health issues.

There were also concerns about the people who said that gambling was a "solution." Approximately 18 % of minorities who gamble are three times more likely to associate. On the other hand, only 6 % of the Gambling British people made such remarks.

“Barriers” to help for problem gambling

In this study, we also examined barriers that would prevent gambling problems. Minority communities had a lower percentage of people in white groups who answered that they could easily talk to their families and friends about their habits.

Minority community respondents were also difficult to consult with gambling support services and medical institutions. In relation to this, a survey has pointed out that the minority community has low awareness of places where gambling support is available.

Even more concerns are that some respondents have shown lack of trust in medical providers and support services. This is because I have been facing racism and discrimination when seeking medical care in the past.

In addition, minorities have stated that gambling marketing and ads can be disproportionate. This is related to the lack of understanding of gambling risks and is more likely to be affected by ads.

GambleAware urges people to seek help

GambleaWare's CEO Zoe Ozmond said the survey was a concern. But she also urged people who have experienced such problems to contact Gambleaware to get confidential guidance and support.

"Gambling harm can happen to everyone, but in a community facing social inequality, for example, in the minority group, it can be more common, more damage." Fortunately there is support.

"The US Gambling Support Network provides a custo m-made support for people with all backgrounds, and people who have all backgrounds before gambling problems become addiction. In order to know where to rely on and gain help, we are working on many local communities to increase awareness and increase early intervention.

New funding for gambling support organisations

Gambleaware will launch a new funding program at the end of this month. This is an attempt to deal with some of the issues pointed out in the same survey.

Another survey conducted earlier this year had a minority group's gambling participation rate of 31 %. This is lower than the British White, where 48 % are participating in some gambling. However, 42 % of minority gamblin g-addicted patients had some gambling damage, while 20 % of white gambling addicted patients.

In response, Gambleaware provides about 4. 3 million pounds ($ 5 billion / $ 5. 4 million) to England, Scotland and Wales' organizations, supporting such issues.

"Our new funding programs are facing a barrier for women, ethnic minorities and religious communities in the additional burden of gambling harm and services that meet their needs. This is a proof of the survey. "

"Through this fund, we aim to reduce the gambling experience of women, minority religions and ethnic communities."

Online slots draw most gambling harm contacts in 2022-23

The latest report is based on other data released this week by Gambleaware. In annual statistics, Gambleaware said that 6, 645 people contacted the National Gambling Treatment Service (NGTS) during the reporting period. The gambling damage data is for 12 months from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Approximately 5, 621 (85 %) received treatment from NGTS. The remaining 15 % received support to deal with the influence of other people's gambling.

Those who accessed online slots accounted for nearly 38 % of the total, and Internet sports betting was 15. 6 % second. The fixed odds gaming machine at the bookmaker shop continued at 12. 8%, with 10. 1%of sports betting and bookmakers gaming machines, respectively.

  • Topics
  • Sustainable gambling
  • Responsible gambling
  • tag
  • Gambling away
  • region
  • British & Ireland

Positional Statement: Gambling

The Salvation Army opposes gambling. Due to the nature of gambling, exploitation, deceptive, and operable acts are performed. Gambling contrary to the Christian principle of love, freedom from oppression, and consideration for others.

As a result, gambling should not be a means of earning income or economic development, regardless of government agency, charity, church, or profit organization.

Background and context

Gambling includes money and products betting on artificial coincidence games. The winner's profits are based on the sacrifice of the loser. Most of the bets remain on the organizer, but the bet is given to the "lucky minority" wealth. Gambling seems to be harmless at first glance, but continuous participation can cause addiction and cause social, psychological and mental problems.

Gambling is becoming more and more popular and familiar. Gambling is large and sophisticated, such as lottery, casinos, slot machines, online gambling, and sports betting, while others are small and moderately organized. Gambling access has increased dramatically in the past few decades. The government is moving in the direction of legalization of gambling, and is often the main promotion of gambling. Most of the adult population of the country where gambling is legal is participating.

Gambling often uses the weakest people who are looking for money that can make money quickly and easily. According to statistics, the poor and working class individuals and families are being dispropended by the gambling industry. They don't gamble more frequently than rich, but the cost they pay will be greater. Gambling addiction often ignores the main responsibilities of family, work, and society. Gambling often leads to economic ruin, fraud, and criminal acts. < SPAN> Accessed online slots accounted for nearly 38 % of the total, and Internet sports betting was 15. 6 % second. The fixed odds gaming machine at the bookmaker shop continued at 12. 8%, with 10. 1%of sports betting and bookmakers gaming machines, respectively.


Sustainable gambling

Grounds for the position of The Salvation Army

Responsible gambling


Gambling away


Practical Responses

  1. British & Ireland
  2. The Salvation Army opposes gambling. Due to the nature of gambling, exploitation, deceptive, and operable acts are performed. Gambling contrary to the Christian principle of love, freedom from oppression, and consideration for others.
  3. As a result, gambling should not be a means of earning income or economic development, regardless of government agency, charity, church, or profit organization.
  4. Gambling includes money and products betting on artificial coincidence games. The winner's profits are based on the sacrifice of the loser. Most of the bets remain on the organizer, but the bet is given to the "lucky minority" wealth. Gambling seems to be harmless at first glance, but continuous participation can cause addiction and cause social, psychological and mental problems.


Gambling is becoming more and more popular and familiar. Gambling is large and sophisticated, such as lottery, casinos, slot machines, online gambling, and sports betting, while others are small and moderately organized. Gambling access has increased dramatically in the past few decades. The government is moving in the direction of legalization of gambling, and is often the main promotion of gambling. Most of the adult population of the country where gambling is legal is participating.

Gambling often uses the weakest people who are looking for money that can make money quickly and easily. According to statistics, the poor and working class individuals and families are being dispropended by the gambling industry. They don't gamble more frequently than rich, but the cost they pay will be greater. Gambling addiction often ignores the main responsibilities of family, work, and society. Gambling often leads to economic ruin, fraud, and criminal acts. Those who accessed online slots accounted for nearly 38 % of the total, and Internet sports betting was 15. 6 % second. The fixed odds gaming machine at the bookmaker shop continued at 12. 8%, with 10. 1%of sports betting and bookmakers gaming machines, respectively.


Sustainable gambling

Responsible gambling


Gambling away


British & Ireland

The Salvation Army opposes gambling. Due to the nature of gambling, exploitation, deceptive, and operable acts are performed. Gambling contrary to the Christian principle of love, freedom from oppression, and consideration for others.

As a result, gambling should not be a means of earning income or economic development, regardless of government agency, charity, church, or profit organization.

Gambling includes money and products betting on artificial coincidence games. The winner's profits are based on the sacrifice of the loser. Most of the bets remain on the organizer, but the bet is given to the "lucky minority" wealth. Gambling seems to be harmless at first glance, but continuous participation can cause addiction and cause social, psychological and mental problems.

Gambling is becoming more and more popular and familiar. Gambling is large and sophisticated, such as lottery, casinos, slot machines, online gambling, and sports betting, while others are small and moderately organized. Gambling access has increased dramatically in the past few decades. The government is moving in the direction of legalization of gambling, and is often the main promotion of gambling. Most of the adult population of the country where gambling is legal is participating.

Gambling often uses the weakest people who are looking for money that can make money quickly and easily. According to statistics, the poor and working class individuals and families are being dispropended by the gambling industry. They don't gamble more frequently than rich, but the cost they pay will be greater. Gambling addiction often ignores the main responsibilities of family, work, and society. Gambling often leads to economic ruin, fraud, and criminal acts.

Research has shown that gambling during adolescence dramatically increases the likelihood of developing a gambling problem.[3] The association between gambling and abuse and addiction is most pronounced in groups who report early-onset gambling. This observation suggests that adolescent gambling can have a significant impact on adult functioning.[4] Gambling is not simply a harmless activity, but can become a compulsive addiction. The worldwide rate of pathological gambling is between 0. 8% and 1. 8%.[5] This represents millions of people. It is very rare for them to receive treatment.[6] The Salvation Army believes that all our resources ultimately belong to God and that we have a responsibility to use our money productively, to avoid greed, and to avoid gaining at the expense of others (see 1 Timothy 6:3-10; 17-19). Gambling is contrary to Christian teachings on love, respect, self-control, and consideration for others (see Galatians 5:22-23). Those who are at low risk for gambling addiction also have a responsibility to protect those at high risk (see 1 Corinthians 8:9).

It is not for anyone to condemn or judge those who suffer from addiction (see Luke 6:37). We all have our weaknesses. Christian principles teach us to help problem gamblers recover, become whole, and regain their self-respect.

Getting a grip on gambling

Governments are God's servants and should seek the welfare of the whole society. For the state to use gambling to collect revenue from vulnerable people is not acting in good faith towards the citizens it is supposed to serve.

The Salvation Army cares for all those who suffer from gambling addiction and those affected by its actions. Salvation Army soldiers are committed to abstaining from gambling in any form. In fundraising for charitable activities, Salvation Army soldiers are encouraged to donate rather than participate in gambling activities.

The Salvation Army encourages everyone to understand the risks of gambling and encourages education and prevention programs to that end.

The Salvation Army advocates to governments, commercial organizations, and individuals on the inherent dangers of gambling and the toll it has on problem gamblers and their families.

The Salvation Army opposes the stigmatization of people who suffer from gambling problems. It seeks to support problem gamblers and their families through the provision of education, counselling and rehabilitation programs. In doing so, The Salvation Army adopts a holistic approach that fosters psychological, social and spiritual well-being.

Gambling Aware (2013). Gambling Responsibly. Retrieved from http://www. gambleaware. co. uk.

Gamblers Anonymous. (n. d). Gamblers Anonymous. Retrieved from http://www. gamblersanonymous. org.

Haroon, K. K. & amp; Derevensky, J. L. (2002). Child and adolescent gambling behaviour: current knowledge. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 7 (2) 263-281. Available from http://youthgambling. mcgill. ca/en/PDF/Publications/2003-1999/Child%20and%20Adolescent%20 Gambling%20Behavior%20-%20Current%20Knowledge%202002. pdf.

Lynch W. J., Maciejewski, P. K. & amp; Potenza M. N. (2004). Psychiatric correlates of gambling in adolescents and young adults, grouped by age of gambling initiation. Archives of General Psychiatry 61 (11) 1116-1122.

National Gambling Impact Study Panel. (1999). Final Report. Retrieved from http://govinfo. library. unt. edu/ngisc/reports/finrpt. html Problem Gambling Guide (n. d). Retrieved from http://www. problemgamblingguide. com Stucki, S & amp; Rhis-Middel, M. (2007). Prevalence of problem and pathological gambling among adults, 2000-2005: An update. Journal of Gambling Research. 23 (3) 245-257. doi: 10. 1007/s10899-010-9200-6

Suurvali, H., Cordingley, J., Hodgins, D. & amp; Cunningham J. (2009). Barriers to help-seeking among problem gamblers: A review of the empirical literature. Journal of Gambling Research. 25 (3) 407-424.

Approved by the General Assembly, June 2012

The views expressed in this international position statement constitute The Salvation Army's official position on the issues addressed and may not be modified or adapted in any way without the express written permission of International Headquarters.

[1] Gamble Carefully. Gamble Responsibly.

[2] National Gambling Impact Study Commission. Final Report.

[3] Karen K. Hardoon & amp; Jeffrey L. Derevensky. Child and Adolescent Gambling Behavior: Current Knowledge.

[4] W. J. Lynch, P. K. Maciejewski & amp; M. N. Potenza. Psychiatric Correlates of Gambling in Adolescents and Young Adults by Age of Gambling Initiation.

[5] S. Stucki & amp; M. Rhis-Middel. Prevalence of Problem and Pathological Gambling in Adults, 2000-2005: An Update.

[6] H. Suurvali, J. CORDINGLEY, D. Hodgins & amp; J. Cunningham. Barriers for gambling addiction: Review of empirical literature.

Exchange with social media

Reliance on charities

Gambling addiction is a terrible addiction. And in the process, it harms so many people, "says Dam Claire Gerada, chairman of the Royal Police Association, who launched the primary care gambling service in 2019.

As a relatively new person involved in gambling, what I am really surprised is how sick of these people. "

The warning of medical professionals about gambling is growing. The BMA Annual Representative Conference this year agreed to recognize that the affection rate and mortality ratio caused by harmful gambling were large and that the regulations were "insufficient."

Unlike drugs and alcohol dependence, gambling is often "secret addiction" for Claire.

Gambling is not a problem for the majority of people who use scratch cards or buy lotteries.

"But the problem is catastrophic. Even if you bet, there is no obsession that you have to bet again to regain your losing. I will leave. If Gambler loses five times The sixth time they think they must win.

It is comparable to alcohol dependence, but worse. It is not allowed for older children to buy alcohol. If you are tall, you can put money in the slot machine on the fair and draw one eye thief.

Stucki, S & amp; Rhis-Middel, M. (2007). Prevalence of problem and pathological gambling among adults, 2000-2005: An update. Journal of Gambling Research. 23 (3) 245-257. doi: 10. 1007/s10899-010-9200-6

Gambling addiction is often delayed. Andrew Morodinsky, an Oxford consultant psychiatrist and a mental health in charge of the BMA Consultant Committee, said: I've been trying to do something for years using a credit card or loan, but suddenly everything collapses. "

People tend to come to receive services because of the crisis, which suddenly became clear.

Dr. Morodinsky

It also affects the family. Her husband gambled in 60, 000 pounds, which caused a difficult situation, so she examined a woman who developed depression. "

Measuring progress

The stigma (branded) and lack of understanding are still a barrier to treatment.

In 2008, he established the first NHS clinic for gambling disorders and is now a national clinical advisor for gambling harm, Henrietta Bauden Jones, as part of the NHS lon g-term plan, NHS England. I am advising.

Only 5 % of those who need treatment need help. You may not know the existence of treatment, are not ready, do not want to give up on addiction, or feel ashamed. I need a lot of effort for that. "

Professor Baude n-Jones, the Director of the British Action Center, including the National Gambling Clinic Professional to rebuild the line He is a professional psychiatrist in the family group and c o-author of a textbook on the treatment of gambling addiction recently published.

Boude n-Jones: It is necessary to improve access to the service

After several decades of research and fin e-tuning methods, the service has been expanding as part of the 2019 NHS lon g-term plan. In addition to London, Leeds, Manchester, and Sanderland, new clinics have been opened in Southampton and Stoke on Trent, and a national test clinic for children and young people has been opened. Although it is expected to be covered nationwide, there are various statistics for the number of patients who need treatment.

Between April and December 2021, 668 people with the most serious gambling problems were introduced on the NHS Gambling Clinic, increasing 16. 2 % to 575 in 2020.

In 2020, YOUGOV's illness survey estimated to be up to 2. 7 % of British adults and about 1. 4 million, but a government gambling committee survey was 0. 2 %. According to the latest reports by England Public Health Bureau on gambling, 0. 5 % (about 246, 000) of the population is a problem gambler, and 3. 8 % (2. 2 million) is a "risky" gambler.

Professor Baude n-Jones believes that it is necessary to have an immediate effort so that more gambling addicted patients can receive treatment.

To do so, it is necessary to triple the treatment episodes of 10, 000 to 12, 000, which is held every year in the NHS and charity sector as a whole. According to gambling away, 90 % of treatments are being done outside of NHS.

Dr. Morodinsky hopes to set up NHS gambling clinics in all integrated care committees. The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem. A charity is usually operated by gambling addiction. It is very important, but you should not rely on them. I need a sufficient core service

Professor Baude n-Jones also agrees that the charity group is "really worried about gambling addicted patients and there are many really dedicated people." But she emphasizes the importance of an approach based on the evidence of NHS treatment she has devised, such as "Her Hell Pline that works."

At this time, we are giving people to the no n-state department. There are many risks there. In the case of severe illness, it is necessary to send it to NHS. The treatment of NHS built by Professor Boude n-Jones uses the basic principle of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and "limits access to gambling opportunities. , It is about forming action. "

Patients give psychiatric evaluation of other associated and overall health status to create an early stimulus control program. This includes sel f-exclusion from websites and bookmakers in the city, restrictions on gamblin g-related content on mobile phones and laptops, and blocks gamblin g-related purchases via banks.

Some patients share account details with their partners and limit cash drawers to 20 pounds. Patients who have severe mental illness and deep trauma are provided with on e-o n-one modules.

The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem.

Dr. Morodinsky

‘Make it easy’

Professor Baude n-Jones, allegedly, claims that the voluntary system works, acknowledging that there is always a missing road. If you really want to gamble, you will find a way. However, most patients can stop gambling.

Some people are frustrated and throw a laptop on the floor. If there is a barrier that doesn't look like all the pubs and you can't use a card to buy vodka at the store, you'll have a lot of trouble drinking. " < SPAN> Dr. Morodinsky hopes to set up NHS gambling clinics in all integrated care committees. The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem. A charity is usually operated by gambling addiction. It is very important, but you should not rely on them. I need a sufficient core service

Professor Baude n-Jones also agrees that the charity group is "really worried about gambling addicted patients and there are many really dedicated people." But she emphasizes the importance of an approach based on the evidence of NHS treatment she has devised, such as "Her Hell Pline that works."

At this time, we are giving people to the no n-state department. There are many risks there. In the case of severe illness, it is necessary to send it to NHS. The treatment of NHS built by Professor Baude n-Jones uses the basic principle of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and "limits access to gambling opportunities. , It is about forming action. "

Patients give psychiatric evaluation of other associated and overall health status to create an early stimulus control program. This includes sel f-exclusion from websites and bookmakers in the city, restrictions on gamblin g-related content on mobile phones and laptops, and blocks gamblin g-related purchases via banks.

Some patients share account details with their partners and limit cash drawers to 20 pounds. Patients who have severe mental illness and deep trauma are provided with on e-o n-one modules.

The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem.

Dr. Morodinsky

Stronger regulation needed

Professor Baude n-Jones, alleged that the voluntary system works, acknowledging that there is always a missing road. If you really want to gamble, you will find a way. However, most patients can stop gambling.

Some people are frustrated and throw a laptop on the floor. If there is a barrier that doesn't look like all the pubs and you can't use a card to buy vodka at the store, you'll have a lot of trouble drinking. " Dr. Morodinsky hopes to set up NHS gambling clinics in all integrated care committees. The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem. A charity is usually operated by gambling addiction. It is very important, but you should not rely on them. I need a sufficient core service

Professor Baude n-Jones also agrees that the charity group is "really worried about gambling addicted patients and there are many really dedicated people." But she emphasizes the importance of an approach based on the evidence of NHS treatment she has devised, such as "Her Hell Pline that works."

At this time, we are giving people to the no n-state department. There are many risks there. In the case of severe illness, it is necessary to send it to NHS. The treatment of NHS built by Professor Baude n-Jones uses the basic principle of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and "limits access to gambling opportunities. , It is about forming action. "

Patients give psychiatric evaluation of other associated and overall health status to create an early stimulus control program. This includes sel f-exclusion from websites and bookmakers in the city, restrictions on gamblin g-related content on mobile phones and laptops, and blocks gamblin g-related purchases via banks.

Some patients share account details with their partners and limit cash drawers to 20 pounds. Patients who have severe mental illness and deep trauma are provided with on e-o n-one modules.

The charity group is doing great activities, but I feel that communicating it reduces the seriousness of the problem.

Dr. Morodinsky

Make the industry pay

Professor Baude n-Jones, allegedly, claims that the voluntary system works, acknowledging that there is always a missing road. If you really want to gamble, you will find a way. However, most patients can stop gambling.

Some people are frustrated and throw a laptop on the floor. If there is a barrier that doesn't look like all the pubs and you can't use a card to buy vodka at the store, you'll have a lot of trouble drinking. "

Online medical treatment helps the clinic to increase the number of patients. The number of patients who did not consult after the pandemic had to shift to a virtual thing, reduced the number of patients from 20 % to 12 %. Professor Baude n-Jones points out: Gambling addicted patients are gambling using travel expenses. Our patients often have multiple jobs to return their debts, but they all have debts.

According to Professor Boude n-Jones, 70-75 % of the people are "very good" in treatment, that is, no gambling. The only way to move forward with gambling is abstinence. Gambling addiction cannot return to a healthy relationship with gambling. I will always recur. " According to Ms. Claire, 20-25 % recur, but it is not yet measured on a daily basis, as it may have been treated elsewhere.

Daim Claire's primary care service uses a patien t-determined outcom indicator called cyclops developed for mental health. Sake is an important measure of success, but it's a very difficult scale, and there are others, "she says, and she spends money to reduce gambling and buy gifts for children. Explain a method that indicates progress by managing combined diseases such as the use of alcohol.

However, she emphasizes: Whether to stop gambling or stop. Also, because of the high frequency of coalition diseases, "If gambling is improved, the smoking rate may increase."

Sam Chembaren, a psychiatrician at Southampton University and a consultant psychiatrist at the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, is a new Southern Gambling Clinic service director.

He led the clinical trial of new gambling disorder treatment, wrote clinical books, published research on gambling and related disorders, and leaded to NH S-specialized clinical services for other behavioral addictions and obsessiv e-related disorders. There is. I've been waiting for NHS to provide appropriate funds for gambling treatment. I thought it would never happen. "

Chamberlain: Research is essential to understand gambling disorders.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

GambleAware has published findings from a study that looked into the engagement between people from marginalised communities and gambling. GambleAware has published new research focusing on the experiences of gambling and gambling harms among Minority groups in Great Britain. GambleAware has published findings from a study that analyses how people from marginalised communities engage with gambling.

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