Géopolitique du sport. Regards croisés sur les enjeux géoéconomiques de la performance à la

Géopolitique du sport. Regards croisés sur les enjeux géoéconomiques, de la performance à la compétitivité

Globalization is the accelerated development of economic activity on an international scale. It is reflected in the increase in trade of tangible and intangible goods, capital and services. Globalization is not a new phenomenon historically, but its diversity of scope (political, cultural, economic, ideological) makes it very different from the first period of globalization Europe experienced in the past and very unstable. In an open space that no longer recognizes borders and where new means of communication and transport have developed and distances have been shortened, what is now at stake is the attractiveness of territories and the competition between them, in other words, the "attractiveness" of territories [1]. Globalization is also reflected in new regional challenges and has led to the creation of regional organizations (ASEAN, Mercosur, NAFTA, the European Union, the African Union, etc.). Regional organizations are primarily aimed at organizing economic and political exchanges between member states, but also contribute to the emergence of new cultural challenges based on a common language and historical ties (such as the International Organization of Francophonie).

Un constat

Like all economic activities, sport is also an important carrier of globalization. Firstly, the universality of its rules determined the development of popular sports such as football. Secondly, its international pyramidal organization allowed the sport to be structured from a very early period and to hold international competitions from the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the globalization of sports is reflected in the variety and diversity of players, thanks to which emerging countries have caught up with developed countries in economic terms and major sporting events such as the Olympic Games have gained global influence.

In this international geopolitical and economic context, the sports world faces the same problems as business and national leaders. The work of a sports coach is often similar to that of a corporate head: people and organizational management, performance, competitor strategies, etc. After all, in a hyper-competitive, globalized environment, there can only be one winner. As with any international business, the rules of the game are complex and often "variable geometry". In a globalized environment, it is essential to understand the geopolitical parameters that directly or indirectly affect the players and to determine the balance of power. New players from emerging countries have a clear grasp of the issues involved in top-level sports (in this regard, the example of China catching up in many sports, including those that are non-traditional for the country, is noteworthy).

Maitriser l’environnement informationnel pour mieux anticiper

What French athletes are facing now is the question of what competition (a wide range of competitions) in the globalized world. Especially how do you want to reduce the number of more and more successful competitors? It is no longer enough to be the strongest in the sports ring, and it is necessary to maintain competitiveness in all levels and all activities. Others continue to apply restricted and noble rules for French competition sports, just like French companies, to "compete under equal conditions [3]". It is essential to go against it. All activities in the open world have new opportunities, but also threats. Despite all the sports rules applied to the Sports Federation, especially in professional sports, there have been many competition distortions in the past 20 years. It is occurring. These distortions are more and more clever doping and unauthorized use of performance, but also other fields in sports activities in a broad sense (online gambling, dirty funds by investors using sports). Washing, etc.). In particular, there is a chance to grab in the field of technological innovation and the development of new technology.

Modern sports are complicated and multifaceted. Not only new technologies and advanced technology, but also international relationships, new geopolitics of sports, economic and financial issues, security and social issues, and vice versa. Competial intelligence techniques and techniques that apply to sports and various cros s-sectional problems will identify the vulnerabilities and new threats facing the sports department and protect the sports department better. You can do it. With this indispensable monitoring, all decisio n-made users can predict and prepare for the future development by focusing on the goals to be achieved as part of the attack strategy. < SPAN> French athletes are facing the question of what competition (a wide competition) in the globalized world. Especially how do you want to reduce the number of more and more successful competitors? It is no longer enough to be the strongest in the sports ring, and it is necessary to maintain competitiveness in all levels and all activities. Others continue to apply restricted and noble rules for French competition sports, just like French companies, to "compete under equal conditions [3]". It is essential to go against it. All activities in the open world have new opportunities, but also threats. Despite all the sports rules applied to the Sports Federation, especially in professional sports, there have been many competition distortions in the past 20 years. It is occurring. These distortions are more and more clever doping and unauthorized use of performance, but also other fields in sports activities in a broad sense (online gambling, dirty funds by investors using sports). Washing, etc.). In particular, there is a chance to grab in the field of technological innovation and the development of new technology.

Modern sports are complicated and multifaceted. Not only new technologies and advanced technology, but also international relationships, new geopolitics of sports, economic and financial issues, security and social issues, and vice versa. Competial intelligence techniques and techniques that apply to sports and various cros s-sectional problems will identify the vulnerabilities and new threats facing the sports department and protect the sports department better. You can do it. With this indispensable monitoring, all decisio n-made users can predict and prepare for the future development by focusing on the goals to be achieved as part of the attack strategy. What French athletes are facing now is the question of what competition (a wide range of competitions) in the globalized world. Especially how do you want to reduce the number of more and more successful competitors? It is no longer enough to be the strongest in the sports ring, and it is necessary to maintain competitiveness in all levels and all activities. Others continue to apply restricted and noble rules for French competition sports, just like French companies, to "compete under equal conditions [3]". It is essential to go against it. All activities in the open world have new opportunities, but also threats. Despite all the sports rules applied to the Sports Federation, especially in professional sports, there have been many competition distortions in the past 20 years. It is occurring. These distortions are more and more clever doping and unauthorized use of performance, but also other fields in sports activities in a broad sense (online gambling, dirty funds by investors using sports). Washing, etc.) is also occurring. In particular, there is a chance to grab in the field of technological innovation and the development of new technology.

Modern sports are complicated and multifaceted. Not only new technologies and advanced technology, but also international relationships, new geopolitics of sports, economic and financial issues, security and social issues, and vice versa. Competial intelligence techniques and techniques that apply to sports and various cros s-sectional problems will identify the vulnerabilities and new threats facing the sports department and protect the sports department better. You can do it. With this indispensable monitoring, all decisio n-made users can predict and prepare for the future development by focusing on the goals to be achieved as part of the attack strategy.

Vers une architecture qui rassemble les partenaires autour d’une stratégie globale

Sports intelligence not only allows us to predict and stay one step ahead of competition more effectively, but also to carry out targeted actions to influence it in line with the sporting, economic and social model we want to defend. Above all, sport is synonymous with dreams and hopes and must remain faithful to its values: hard work, respect for opponents and rules, courage and solidarity. The development of spectator sports, the professionalization of sport and the competition for giants must not obscure or deny the essence of sport. They are new threats that national and international sports organizations and state institutions must face if they want to maintain a sustainable and successful sport, respecting the values ​​that have shaped sport (fair play, respect for rules and opponents).

However, there is still a lot of potential in this field. Sport, as a synthesis of many problems, can no longer be managed in the same way as before, if it is not to be overtaken by negative vectors such as violence, corruption and doping.

In order for top-level sport to remain competitive while defending its values, sports intelligence provides realistic answers to the problems and various influences that modern sport is experiencing. The globalization of sport and the associated development of technical and technological innovations have a major impact on the world of sport, especially the increasing globalization of major sporting events and the influx of large amounts of money. Today, top-level sport must be managed like a business without the same characteristics, governance and regulations. This is the challenge facing sports federations and clubs as well as government institutions: to reconcile the specificity of sport with the pursuit of competitiveness and lay the foundations for greater regulation on a global scale. French sport must gradually move from the pursuit of performance to international competitiveness.

In France, the economic intelligence applied to sports must be developed for the benefit of organizations, companies, researchers, and academic experts in sports organizations, countries, sports fields. It is a countermeasure to make the players can cooperate. In this regard, the example of various competitors specializing in sports is a successful example of exporting French expertise overseas. This is because the whole "French team" needs to win such a new risk. French sports models based on the systems of the association and voluntary activities are not yet fully understood the size of the change that is occurring on the international stage, and is still stepping before the change that is happening. 。 In a globalized world where sports evolve, it is meaningless to continue to play a fragmentary method. By exporting it to overseas markets, its talent and kno w-how can be evaluated, enhancing France's name recognition. < SPAN> In France, the economic intelligence applied to sports must be developed for the benefits of organizations, companies, researchers, and academic experts in sports organizations, countries, sports fields. Yes, it is a countermeasure to enable all players to cooperate. In this regard, the example of various competitors specializing in sports is a successful example of exporting French expertise overseas. This is because the whole "French team" needs to win such a new risk. French sports models based on the systems of the association and voluntary activities are not yet fully understood the size of the change that is occurring on the international stage, and is still stepping before the change that is happening. 。 In a globalized world where sports evolve, it is meaningless to continue to play a fragmentary method. By exporting it to overseas markets, its talent and kno w-how can be evaluated, enhancing France's name recognition. In France, the economic intelligence applied to sports must be developed for the benefit of organizations, companies, researchers, and academic experts in sports organizations, countries, sports fields. It is a countermeasure to make the players can cooperate. In this regard, the example of various competitors specializing in sports is a successful example of exporting French expertise overseas. This is because the whole "French team" needs to win such a new risk. French sports models based on the systems of the association and voluntary activities are not yet fully understood the size of the change that is occurring on the international stage, and is still stepping before the change that is happening. 。 In a globalized world where sports evolve, it is meaningless to continue to play a fragmentary method. By exporting it to overseas markets, its talent and kno w-how can be evaluated, enhancing France's name recognition.

Therefore, by collaborating with sports, political, business, and each institution, France improves its "attractiveness" and does not deny the value of its own country and the value of sports. It is possible to fin e-tune the overall strategies that continue to invite events and enhance their own name internationally. In this regard, sports intelligence can help create connections between players through collecting and exchanging information and complying with common strategies. In particular, the soft power cultivated by the United States in international relations has positioned the cultural, sports, scientific and social influence of the nation. The U. S. Secretary of State is promoting champions and major events to completely integrate the sports aspects into diplomacy, attract, influence, and acquire new contracts on the international stage. In terms of international influence, researching the pursuit of overseas, developing a new model of sports and intelligence for all people involved in sports. Useful for.

Just as seeking fair trade in international economic exchange, French can maintain its position on international and sports stages and keep the true position of fair play. I want to expect it to increase.

Quelle place pour le sport dans l’économie sociale et solidaire ?

Copy Light June 201 0-Brigaud/DIPLOWEB. com

Comprendre la place du sport dans l’ESS : quelques données clés

Note: The comments in this article are personal and do not promise the authority to which the author belongs.

Sports is an important activity field in the social solidarity economy (SSE). For sports organizations, SSE is an ecosystem for support and funding, which is based on it! However, sports organizations do not necessarily recognize this, and have not mobilized dedicated ec o-systems or support.

The sports movement is exactly France's leading association movement. In particular, the sports movements are grouped into 120 Sports Federation, configured in the form of an association, and manages the practice of each event. < SPAN> Therefore, by cooperating with sports, political, business, and each institution, France improves its "charm" and does not deny the value of its own country and the value of sports. It is possible to continue the invitation of a major sporting event and fin e-tune the overall strategies that can internationally enhance their own name. In this regard, sports intelligence can help create connections between players through collecting and exchanging information and complying with common strategies. In particular, the soft power cultivated by the United States in international relations has positioned the cultural, sports, scientific and social influence of the nation. The U. S. Secretary of State is promoting champions and major events to completely integrate the sports aspects into diplomacy, attract, influence, and acquire new contracts on the international stage. In terms of international influence, researching the pursuit of overseas, developing a new model of sports and intelligence for all people involved in sports. Useful for.

Just as seeking fair trade in international economic exchange, French can maintain its position on international and sports stages and keep the true position of fair play. I want to expect it to increase.

Comprendre l’importance du sport dans l’économie française et le monde associatif : quelques chiffres-clés

Copy Light June 201 0-Brigaud/DIPLOWEB. com

Note: The comments in this article are personal and do not promise the authority to which the author belongs.

Sports is an important activity field in the social solidarity economy (SSE). For sports organizations, SSE is an ecosystem for support and funding, which is based on it! However, sports organizations do not necessarily recognize this, and have not mobilized dedicated ec o-systems or support.

The sports movement is exactly France's leading association movement. In particular, the sports movements are grouped into 120 Sports Federation, configured in the form of an association, and manages the practice of each event. Therefore, by collaborating with sports, political, business, and each institution, France improves its "attractiveness" and does not deny the value of its own country and the value of sports. It is possible to fin e-tune the overall strategies that continue to invite events and enhance their own name internationally. In this regard, sports intelligence can help create connections between players through collecting and exchanging information and complying with common strategies. In particular, the soft power cultivated by the United States in international relations has positioned the cultural, sports, scientific and social influence of the nation. The U. S. Secretary of State is promoting champions and major events to completely integrate the sports aspects into diplomacy, attract, influence, and acquire new contracts on the international stage. In terms of international influence, researching the pursuit of overseas, developing a new model of sports and intelligence for all people involved in sports. Useful for.

Just as seeking fair trade in international economic exchange, French can maintain its position on international and sports stages and keep the true position of fair play. I want to expect it to increase.

L’ESS : un écosystème d’accompagnement et de financement pour les structures sportives

Copy Light June 201 0-Brigaud/DIPLOWEB. com

Note: The comments in this article are personal and do not promise the authority to which the author belongs.

Sports is an important activity field in the social solidarity economy (SSE). For sports organizations, SSE is an ecosystem for support and funding, which is based on it! However, sports organizations do not necessarily recognize this, and have not mobilized dedicated ec o-systems or support.

  • The sports movement is exactly the leading association movement in France. In particular, the sports movements are grouped into 120 Sports Federation, configured in the form of an association, and manages the practice of each event.
  • In France, 24% of associations are involved in sports! In addition, many associations that do not have sport as their main business, such as leisure or education, also offer sports activities.
  • Article 1 of the 2014 Hamon Law states that the social solidarity economy includes "private law legal entities organized in the form of cooperatives, mutuals, foundations and associations governed by the 1901 Law". In effect, sport has a central place in the social solidarity economy and the sports movement is a stakeholder of the SSE.
  • Furthermore, sport is recognized as an instrument of values ​​that form part of the identity of the social economy, such as equal opportunities, non-discrimination, solidarity and social cohesion.
  • According to the latest annual survey of the sports sector by the BPCE Group, by 2023, sport will account for 2. 6% of France's GDP. Nearly 450, 000 people work in the sports sector in France, mainly in coaching, sales and facility management.
  • In addition to private companies, there are more than 360, 000 sports associations in France. This means that sports associations make up 24% of all associations in France. In other words, every fourth association in France is a sports association! However, the majority of sports associations are run by volunteers.

Le sport, un secteur en constante évolution

The latest key figures for sports published by the National Institute for Youth and Popular Education (Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire) for 2023 show that only 14. 5% of employees are employed. Sports associations make up 4. 6% of all employees in the voluntary sector.

Sport is the sector with the highest number of volunteers. The vast majority of sports associations, especially the smaller ones, are run exclusively by volunteer activity. Volunteers in sports associations are estimated at more than 3. 5 million, making up more than 25% of the total number of volunteers.

The sports association's funding sources are mainly private, mainly based on membership fees, and accounts for about 40 %, while the average of associations in other fields is 10 %. As a whole, the Sports Association is less likely to receive public funds than other associations, but can also enjoy other advantages, such as providing facilities by local governments.

Despite the important position in the SSE, sports organizations with SSE do not necessarily know that they belong to the social solidarity economy. As a result, the ecosystem and dedicated support are not always mobilized.

The Ministry of Sports, which recognizes the need to improve the knowledge of SSE mechanisms and the need to improve the recognition of this sector over the management and activities, has a special report on "Social Economy and Sports" in 2018. And provided to those involved in this sector a "key to understand SSE sector and how to use it".

Quelle est la place du sport face aux grands enjeux de société ?

L’enjeu de la santé publique

There are many benefits for sports group project leaders and managers to be aware that they belong to SSE:

Inspiring contribution to general profits;

Recognize social usefulness and mission as public services;

  • Mobilize a new funding source.
  • Build a new partnership;
  • Inspiring yourself as a local player;
  • Build a new governance model of the Sports Association in a larger solidarity framework.

L’enjeu de la cohésion sociale

The development of sports activities in the past 20 years has been characterized by how to practice sports and diversification of the desires of the people concerned. The "Zapping" phenomenon of sports based on mult i-plactis and diversification of events is becoming increasingly visible.

In addition, amateur sportsmen and sports women are increasingly practicing sports based on "a la carte" basis for minimal restrictions and maximum independence. The

The number of sports club members has been declining in recent years, except for children, forcing clubs to reform and reorganize. In addition to these changes in the nature of sport, we are also seeing the development of the sports sector. An example is the close collaboration between the sports and health sectors, which aims to structure and promote physical activity and sport for the betterment of the population's health.

Sport is also being recognized as a means of social inclusion and integration, and a means of true social cohesion. In public policies for social cohesion, the sports dimension plays an increasingly important role. In addition to such policies, there are many initiatives that use sport as a means for integration and social cohesion, and their number is growing. Many SSE athletes are involved in these initiatives.

  • Finally, in recent years, the sports sector has become more professionalized. The increasing complexity of socio-economic backgrounds, the diversity of players involved in sport and the increasing demands on practice are the main reasons that are pushing sports associations to organize, adapt and develop.
  • The sports and health sectors are becoming closer and more structured. The promotion of physical and sporting activity (PSA) as a key factor in lifelong health and well-being is one of the ambitions of the Executive.
  • The National Sport-Health Strategy 2019-2024 was developed to meet this ambition. The Government is convinced that the practice of physical activity, as a means of fighting any chronic disease linked to a sedentary lifestyle, is of general interest.
  • The aim of the strategy is to improve the health status of the population by promoting physical activity at all stages of life, and it has four main areas at its heart:
  • Promoting health and well-being through physical activity and sport: Contributing to the development of physical activity and sport in the region by increasing the offering, simplifying access to facilities and encouraging soft mobility;
  • Development and use of physical activities for treatment;

L’enjeu de la transition écologique

Protect the health of athletes and improve their safety;

Increase and spread the knowledge of sports on physical strength and health.

Sports policies are considered to be an important lever in the struggle with regional divisions and social inequality, especially in specific areas (especially urba n-priorities [PC3] and rural areas). Local governments are working on this issue by incorporating sports into public policy.

  • The "Citizen for Sports", released in 2015 by the Ministry of Agency Committee for equality and citizenship, is a source of urban policy inspiration for sports. The purpose is to "develop sports practice, and to enhance the life of the local community and the education as a citizen through specific actions."
  • Urban policy aims to use sports as a social unity tool by reducing inequality in access to sports, such as sports facilities, sports diversity, and club access to clubs.
  • Specifically, urban policy focusing on the following is the mission of reducing the development gap in towns and cities in order to restore republicive equality:

Development of women's sports activities

Occupational integration through sports


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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