How to Capitalise on Disruption Rob Llewellyn


The business collapse is in a sense unlikely in a way, but in another sense it is known that it will come. However, it is not exactly what it is, and how the characteristics of the company have been enjoyed by companies so far.

Existing companies are facing not only threats from emerging companies with new business models, but also formal companies in areas that were unrelated. As a result, the disruption has a negative image, and as in general risk management, people tend to focus on negative threats than positive opportunities.

For a long time, when the digital economy began, excellent leaders have been successful by intuitively balancing risk and opportunity. However, digital distribution has introduced risks and opportunities that have hardly been handled by many leaders. That is, the innovative integration of digital technology develops new business models and enable customers to achieve better ways.

EY pointed out in The Upside of Disciplium that the three major power: technology, globalization, and the change in demographics are the current waves of the current destruction. On the other hand, Deloit shows the views on how the disruptions become apparent.

Read the full text of the article where the illustration above is posted: Your next future

The Dark Side of Disruption

Existing companies tend to focus on the negative aspects of destruction. Despite its traditional business models and outstanding operations, many companies are accusing them in an unfamiliar way.

Companies have their own personality, but many companies generally respond only to digital economic threats that have begun to share market share. As a result, strategic response becomes a defense, which is focused on reducing risk and minimizing threats facing.

On the other hand, as in conventional corporate risk management, the opportunity to have a positive side of the distribution is ignored. In many cases, leaders are doing their best by implementing a defensive strategy, and there are few resources to invest in aggressive response to use the opportunity to create a disruption. < SPAN> Business collapse is unpredictable in a way, but in another sense it is known that it will come. However, it is not exactly what it is, and how the characteristics of the company have been enjoyed by companies so far.

Existing companies are facing not only threats from emerging companies with new business models, but also formal companies in areas that were unrelated. As a result, the disruption has a negative image, and as in general risk management, people tend to focus on negative threats than positive opportunities.

For a long time, when the digital economy began, excellent leaders have been successful by intuitively balancing risk and opportunity. However, digital distribution has introduced risks and opportunities that have hardly been handled by many leaders. That is, the innovative integration of digital technology develops new business models and enable customers to achieve better ways.

EY pointed out in The Upside of Disciplium that the three major power: technology, globalization, and the change in demographics are the current waves of the current destruction. On the other hand, Deloit shows the views on how the disruptions become apparent.

Read the full text of the article where the illustration above is posted: Your next future

Existing companies tend to focus on the negative aspects of destruction. Despite its traditional business models and outstanding operations, many companies are accusing them in an unfamiliar way.

Avoiding The Short Term

Companies have their own personality, but many companies generally respond only to digital economic threats that have begun to share market share. As a result, strategic response becomes a defense, which is focused on reducing risk and minimizing threats facing.

  • On the other hand, as in conventional corporate risk management, the opportunity to have a positive side of the distribution is ignored. In many cases, leaders are doing their best by implementing a defensive strategy, and there are few resources to invest in aggressive response to use the opportunity to create a disruption. The business collapse is in a sense unlikely in a way, but in another sense it is known that it will come. However, it is not exactly what it is, and how the characteristics of the company have been enjoyed by companies so far.
  • Existing companies are facing not only threats from emerging companies with new business models, but also formal companies in areas that were unrelated. As a result, the disruption has a negative image, and as in general risk management, people tend to focus on negative threats than positive opportunities.
  • For a long time, when the digital economy began, excellent leaders have been successful by intuitively balancing risk and opportunity. However, digital distribution has introduced risks and opportunities that have hardly been handled by many leaders. That is, the innovative integration of digital technology develops new business models and enable customers to achieve better ways.
  • EY pointed out in The Upside of Disciplium that the three major power: technology, globalization, and the change in demographics are the current waves of the current destruction. On the other hand, Deloit shows the views on how the disruptions become apparent.
  • Read the full text of the article where the illustration above is posted: Your next future
  • Existing companies tend to focus on the negative aspects of destruction. Despite its traditional business models and outstanding operations, many companies are accusing them in an unfamiliar way.

Companies have their own personality, but many companies generally respond only to digital economic threats that have begun to share market share. As a result, strategic response becomes a defense, which is focused on reducing risk and minimizing threats facing.

On the other hand, as in conventional corporate risk management, the opportunity to have a positive side of the distribution is ignored. In many cases, leaders are doing their best by implementing a defensive strategy, and there are few resources to invest in aggressive response to use the opportunity to create a disruption.

Capitalising of Disruption

Under increasing shareholder pressure of declining market share and profits, many companies continue to devote all their resources to defending themselves as best they can. And unless they also invest adequately in strategic offensives, they risk spending their time on the back foot, aiming for a short-term recovery. But such a sense of balance will be short-lived.

CEOs are under increasing pressure to perform. Some explain to shareholders that they "could not respond to what they could not predict." In other words, they are standing like rabbits in the headlights. As things stand, their traditional businesses are losing their appeal and it is becoming harder to make money.

Waiting for disruption

But it doesn't have to be that way. The first step is to shift leaders' mindsets to identify what will bring about disruptive change, and when, where, and how it will happen. Leaders need to focus on competitive intelligence to uncover what lies behind new competitive threats, what the long-term opportunities are, and how and what transformations need to be orchestrated to take advantage of these opportunities.

While these leaders are slow to respond to the new economy that their companies are now a part of, others still believe that disruption doesn’t concern them. “We’re different, we’re special, we’re well-positioned” – that’s their simple denial.

Underlying Digital Economy Shift

CEOs and CFOs tend to focus on quarterly and annual reports to achieve the numbers the board expects and optimize their own compensation. But this doesn’t prepare companies for disruption. This short-term approach is also short-sighted, and smart board members need to identify and ask questions like:

How are we responding to digital business models?

How will other business models impact our company?

How do our top initiatives create and extend competitive advantage?

How are innovation and technology impacting the strategy-making process?

What is the cost of only responding defensively?

What business opportunities are there in other industries?

As EY's Uschi Schreiber writes in The Upside of Disruption:

"The pace of change is accelerating so that today's plans may be outdated tomorrow.

2016 Shift Index Findings

Correspondence to the disposal is a central interest to all companies. Some existing companies have begun to accept and use the disposal. As a result, perception of the disruption is gradually changing from threats only to threat plus opportunities. However, many companies still invest in reactionary defense measures, focusing on marketing and small changes in traditional products and services.

Just as excellent leaders have always looked for a clear opportunity when faced unusually hig h-risk, the excellent digital leaders are practicing this in the face of destruction. The challenge for many leaders is that they have never experienced innovation, digitization, or transformation, so they are not enough to do this. Many companies are also swayed by commercial marketing hype, and some of them have been a victim of the Digital Illusion.

  • Thinking about when, where, how the disruption occurs, and what the ability to change the industry and the ability to promote corporate transformation are closely related to this new way of thinking. In order to make the most of the opportunity, leaders and their teams must know how to change with a sense of speed and make the right strategic choice on the journey.
  • Companies aiming to destroy business models need to start a strict sel f-examination process. In order to find the possibility of the distribution, it is necessary to learn from a successful company and at the same time conscious of the constraints facing companies when taking measures.
  • By systematically analyzing the causes of the disruption based on the supply and demand fundamentals, McKinsey will better understand the threats facing in the digital space and further explore their business opportunities. He suggests that he will be able to do it. McKinsey's two pages will help to think about how vulnerable to the company's digital disruption and what can be done before being described. < SPAN> Dissapination is a central interest to all companies. Some existing companies have begun to accept and use the disposal. As a result, perception of the disruption is gradually changing from threats only to threat plus opportunities. However, many companies still invest in reactionary defense measures, focusing on marketing and small changes in traditional products and services.
  • Just as excellent leaders have always looked for a clear opportunity when faced unusually hig h-risk, the excellent digital leaders are practicing this in the face of destruction. The challenge for many leaders is that they have never experienced innovation, digitization, or transformation, so they are not enough to do this. Many companies are also swayed by commercial marketing hype, and some of them have been a victim of the Digital Illusion.
  • Thinking about when, where, how the disruption occurs, and what the ability to change the industry and the ability to promote corporate transformation are closely related to this new way of thinking. In order to make the most of the opportunity, leaders and their teams must know how to change with a sense of speed and make the right strategic choice on the journey.
  • Companies aiming to destroy business models need to start a strict sel f-examination process. In order to find the possibility of the distribution, it is necessary to learn from a successful company and at the same time conscious of the constraints facing companies when taking measures.

By systematically analyzing the causes of the disruption based on the supply and demand fundamentals, McKinsey will better understand the threats facing in the digital space and further explore their business opportunities. He suggests that he will be able to do it. McKinsey's two pages will help to think about how vulnerable to the company's digital disruption and what can be done before being described. Correspondence to the disposal is a central interest to all companies. Some existing companies have begun to accept and use the disposal. As a result, perception of the disruption is gradually changing from threats only to threat plus opportunities. However, many companies still invest in reactionary defense measures, focusing on marketing and small changes in traditional products and services.

Just as excellent leaders have always looked for a clear opportunity when faced unusually hig h-risk, the excellent digital leaders are practicing this in the face of destruction. The challenge for many leaders is that they have never experienced innovation, digitization, or transformation, so they are not enough to do this. Many companies are also swayed by commercial marketing hype, and some of them have been a victim of the Digital Illusion.

Thinking about when, where, how the disruption occurs, and what the ability to change the industry and the ability to promote corporate transformation are closely related to this new way of thinking. In order to make the most of the opportunity, leaders and their teams must know how to change with a sense of speed and make the right strategic choice on the journey.

Companies aiming to destroy business models need to start a strict sel f-examination process. In order to find the possibility of the distribution, it is necessary to learn from a successful company and at the same time conscious of the constraints facing companies when taking measures.

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  • By systematically analyzing the causes of the disruption based on the supply and demand fundamentals, McKinsey will better understand the threats facing in the digital space and further explore their business opportunities. He suggests that he will be able to do it. McKinsey's two pages will help to think about how vulnerable to the company's digital disruption and what can be done before being described.
  • In the past, companies were usually sitting in the driver's seat. He gained the commercial advantage of knowing much more than customers, making the most of this powerful position without being ashamed of arrogance. Such a good old age has passed, but some old leaders are struggling to make the fundamental changes in the digital economy. Shift of power from companies to customers. Shift from secret to unprecedented transparency. Customers had to trade with local suppliers, but they were able to choose and trade directly from any company, without going through an intermediate. In fact, local merchants and other brokers are now replaced by platforms like Amazon, Uber, and iTunes, so that buyers and sellers can trade directly with each other.
  • Until a while ago, the world needed commercial and government agencies to promote movements and events, but the connectivity created by digital has erased the dependence on the monolithic engine. This is because if you have the right purpose-if you are not recognized, no qualifications, or without funds, you can promote such movements and events yourself.
  • This is not the destruction brought by a company. Technology and network effects are the fundamental destruction of the fourth industrial revolution, how to win, advance, and live.
  • The Deloitte Edge Center has developed a shift index in detail this fundamental shift. The Shift Index is an attempt to quantify and understand the changes that are occurring in the world surrounding us in a business. The goal of the shift index is to enable business owners to understand and utilize the lon g-term changes that form a fundamental economy. For more than 45 years, you can track 25 indicators and comprehensively grasp the fundamental power that cannot be captured by shor t-term economic indicators.

How to Capitalize on Omnichannel Marketing - A Guide to the Future

The index of the shift index is divided into three indicators that measure the wave of changes in the global business environment that the edge center calls the "big shift".

Foundation indicators measure basic changes in the business environment, such as the advancement of digital technology, infrastructure penetration rate, and the tendency of public policy liberalization. < SPAN> In the past, companies were usually sitting in the driver's seat. He gained the commercial advantage of knowing much more than customers, making the most of this powerful position without being ashamed of arrogance. Such a good old age has passed, but some old leaders are struggling to make the fundamental changes in the digital economy. Shift of power from companies to customers. Shift from secret to unprecedented transparency. Customers had to trade with local suppliers, but they were able to choose and trade directly from any company, without going through an intermediate. In fact, local merchants and other brokers are now replaced by platforms like Amazon, Uber, and iTunes, so that buyers and sellers can trade directly with each other.

What is the future of omnichannel marketing?

  • Until a while ago, the world needed commercial and government agencies to promote movements and events, but the connectivity created by digital has erased the dependence on the monolithic engine. This is because if you have the right purpose-if you are not recognized, no qualifications, or without funds, you can promote such movements and events yourself.
  • This is not the destruction brought by a company. Technology and network effects are the fundamental destruction of the fourth industrial revolution, how to win, advance, and live.
  • The Deloitte Edge Center has developed a shift index in detail this fundamental shift. The Shift Index is an attempt to quantify and understand the changes that are occurring in the world surrounding us in a business. The goal of the shift index is to enable business owners to understand and utilize the lon g-term changes that form a fundamental economy. For more than 45 years, you can track 25 indicators and comprehensively grasp the fundamental power that cannot be captured by shor t-term economic indicators.
  • The index of the shift index is divided into three indicators that measure the wave of changes in the global business environment that the edge center calls the "big shift".

Foundation indicators measure basic changes in the business environment, such as the advancement of digital technology, infrastructure penetration rate, and the tendency of public policy liberalization. In the past, companies were usually sitting in the driver's seat. He gained the commercial advantage of knowing much more than customers, making the most of this powerful position without being ashamed of arrogance. Such a good old age has passed, but some old leaders are struggling to make the fundamental changes in the digital economy. Shift of power from companies to customers. Shift from secret to unprecedented transparency. Customers had to trade with local suppliers, but they were able to choose and trade directly from any company, without going through an intermediate. In fact, local merchants and other brokers are now replaced by platforms like Amazon, Uber, and iTunes, so that buyers and sellers can trade directly with each other.

Until a while ago, the world needed commercial and government agencies to promote movements and events, but the connectivity created by digital has erased the dependence on the monolithic engine. This is because if you have the right purpose-if you are not recognized, no qualifications, or without funds, you can promote such movements and events yourself.

This is not the destruction brought by a company. Technology and network effects are the fundamental destruction of the fourth industrial revolution, how to win, advance, and live.

The Deloitte Edge Center has developed a shift index in a more detailed investigation of this fundamental shift. The Shift Index is an attempt to quantify and understand the changes that are occurring in the world surrounding us in a business. The goal of the shift index is to enable business owners to understand and utilize the lon g-term changes that form a fundamental economy. For more than 45 years, you can track 25 indicators and comprehensively grasp the fundamental power that cannot be captured by shor t-term economic indicators.

1. Phygital marketing

The index of the shift index is divided into three indicators that measure the wave of changes in the global business environment that the edge center calls the "big shift".

Foundation indicators measure basic changes in the business environment, such as the advancement of digital technology, infrastructure penetration rate, and the tendency of public policy liberalization.

2. People love the digital experience

The flow indicator is an amplifying the knowledge, capital, and talent flows released by the force measured by the foundation index. Flow indicators tend to be delayed to the foundation indicators, because it takes time to understand and develop new plactis that matches the progress of the foundation.

The impact indicator shows the result of the big shift and is a delayed index. This indicator captures the impact of lon g-term trends on the entire industry on competition, volatility, and performance. The impact indicators will change as companies start thinking about and how to use them to participate in the system and geographical boundaries, capital, and human resources.

The center for the edge has been built for several decades for lon g-term trends of "foundation", "flow", and "impact", which is equal to all industries and regions. He explains that it is not given.

As a whole, many trends are stable, but the progress of technology, changes in demographics, especially the movements to utilize the huge amount of data available today have a cumulative impact, resulting in companies and workers. It was shown that stress and anxiety were increasing in between. Explanation function curves are further, given that multiple building blocks that advances in computing, storage, and bandwidth in technology such as cloud computing, biosinthesis, and 3D printing have been converged. It's steep.

3. Customers are changing rapidly

The following is an excerpt from the survey results from the 2016 Cift Index.

We live in an era of unprecedented new technologies, and workers continue to rise, but companies find it difficult to use these possibilities.

Both the top fou r-fourth companies and on e-quarter of companies have continued to decline, but on e-quarter of the company has worsened significantly.

4. Data is the new marketing currency

The "fall rate" of leading companies is continuing to accelerate.

Workers' passion is still low, only 13%of employees.

Top 7 Trends of Omnichannel Marketing

As a whole, companies have not made visible progress in learning how to deal with the issues clearly shown in the 2011 Shift Index.

The world is changing faster than companies.

1. Rapid growth in video marketing

Says John Hegel of the Center for the Edge;

"Big shifts will eventually need a larg e-scale tissue change. According to our survey, considering the powerful immune systems of large organizations, one of the most promising methods to embark on this journey. Rather than proceeding with a to p-down big ban g-like approach, it will "scale the edge" and identify a few shor t-term initiatives that can accelerate the progress for that chance. That is.

Some companies, such as Amazon, Apple, and Sales Force, have already used big shifts for their competitive advantage. However, this shift can be used by any company if the leader is armed with appropriate mindset and questions.

2. Streamlined customer service experience

Download the 4 0-page Shift Index report from the Deloit Universi Press.

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3. Virtual shopping

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4. Brick-and-mortar is here to stay

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Today's online customers are the majority of the Z generation and the millennial generation. These two online consumers expect hig h-quality user experience. To succeed in the omn i-channel strategy, it is necessary for sufficiently wel l-maintained systems, technology, and multiple departments in a single way.

5. Multichannel marketing attribution

The next stage of the change in the online marketing campaign is omn i-channel marketing. This blog focuses on the future and current trends of omnichanel marketing, which must be used in 2023.

Physical marketing

Continuous growth of digital

6. Drastic change in customer expectations

Rapid evolving customer experience

The data is the king

7. Social selling

The future of omn i-channel marketing is one of the best digital marketing strategies that have the best benefits of integrating physical and digital experiences.

Transformed technology builds the future of omn i-channel marketing. This includes virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), expansion reality (AR), smart sensor, cloud computing, smart material, green technology, sustainable energy.

Virtual Reality Software Development improves customer mult i-channel experiences, enabling dialogue with brands in more immersive and attractive ways.

Build Your 2023 Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Consumer expectations will continue to rise at a rapid pace in the coming years. As consumer behavior shifts online, it is critical for e-commerce marketers to implement major changes.

Phygital marketing combines digital experiences with physical experiences to provide customers with the best and most engaging user experience. By combining the convenience and flexibility of online shopping with the sensory engagement of shopping in-store, brands can create phygital marketing experiences that combine the two.

The pandemic has created a storm of change that has hit the retail industry hard, giving customers more purchasing power. The vast online options allow customers to choose brands and products.

About Author

Previously, customers were accustomed to experiencing things in person, rather than being completely lost in the digital realm. It is better to create a blended experience through video, screen sharing, and other mediums.

How to capitalize on the power of technology as a driver of growth

Omnichannel experiences make it easier for customers to switch between different communication platforms while they are engaged with your business. Providing a more seamless experience as they move from one platform to another gives customers convenience and control that is crucial in today's market.

Keeping the customer at the heart of your brand will create immense growth and new business opportunities. Omnichannel customers have a 30% higher lifetime value than those who shop only through one channel.

Additionally, omnichannel marketing has a 90% higher customer retention rate than single channels.

1. Enhancing data analytics capabilities and developing a data-driven culture

Taking the stress out of shopping will be an essential marketing strategy in the future of omnichannel marketing. It will be achieved on two fronts: by spending money and time wisely.

Notably, younger shoppers have strong values ​​and ethics towards society, community and the companies they do business with. Online consumers are becoming more conscious of global impact and trust factors.

In the coming age, shoppers will connect their shopping with their lives. It all ties in with the broader movement of health and wellness. This will be further strengthened by the increased emphasis on providing shoppers with things they want to do in their downtime.

2. Development and deployment of the required technology roadmap

Key shopper/customer relevant information is the driving force behind omnichannel marketing and the basis for the personalized experience you provide. Omnichannel marketing presents retail brands with both challenges and opportunities.

Desire to interact more effectively

Managing cross-channel product, customer and sales data creates a unified customer profile, helping you gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ needs, wants and motivations.

Challenging economic circumstances

Omnichannel marketing trends are a secret window into the future. The rules of online marketing are changing dramatically, and only brands that can manage and adapt to these trends will be able to survive in the competitive market.

Ecosystem participation

If you want to provide a seamless user experience across all different sales channels, you need to keep an eye on some key trends, such as:


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Rob Llewellyn. This podcast is meticulously designed to bolster the Disruption Dilemma - Survive and Thrive. In the world of business, nothing. Yuliya Snihur, Llewellyn D. W. Thomas and. Robert A. Burgelman. Toulouse let alone sufficient for any case of disruption. It is useful to compare. They are being disrupted as digital and data-driven companies capitalize on consumer demand and niche growth markets. Rob Llewellyn, CXO.

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