In the Name of Editorial Freedom 125 Years at the Michigan Daily.

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Foreword by Tom Hayden Around Maynard, the young staff of the Michigan Daily sometimes call us ghosts. There is no doubt that the intense experience of the Daily 24/7 has left an indelible impression on their lives. Compared to other options in the Michigan experience, the Daily has a way of accelerating the process of growth while at the same time making a real difference to the university for years to come. The importance of this premium experience of the Daily will only increase as technology and monopoly capitalism advance. According to the New York Times, there are now more campus newspapers published in the U. S. than all the daily newspapers in the country, about 1, 800 compared to a declining number of 1, 380. The flagship campus newspaper, the Daily, has outperformed the Ann Arbor News, which lost its daily status in 2009. These facts are important. For example, it was the Daily that broke the story of a top Michigan football player sexually assaulted in 2009 and the university's failure to act until his placekicking career ended four years later. Thanks to the Daily's reporting, the U. S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights is investigating the university's role in a possible cover-up. This is controversial for young people. I can't imagine any alumni gathering around Maynard and chanting "Go Blue!" There was a time, decades ago, when in loco parentis was the legal consensus and campus press freedom was hardly guaranteed. Our culture still harbours the echoes of "in loco parentis." Those of us who lived, breathed and sometimes slept at the Daily experienced a challenging, critical and everlasting educational journey. In those days

It was common to define the four years of higher education as ђњќ in real life, something like risks and results, and preparation periods to become adults. Similarly, the students were encouraged to learn their knowledge objectively by memorization, without immersive or subjectivity. As a student or a reporter, emotions were not allowed to enter our pure observation. One of the philosophical philosophers of participating democracy, following the spirit of John Dewui, who preached to learn by practicing. But that is important. В From the place where you assign an article in the morning to seeing it printed from a large wheelprox by 3:00 am, the collective practice of issuing newspapers is in survey, cooperation, selection, priority, communication skills, and pressure. It needed to keep the deadline, and not only a professor behind the desk, but also a constant feedback from the university community. In the class, even in the passing score, the performance of the в daily magazine was not allowed with B-minus 45 points. Of course, we did stupid things ђ "I remember that when I was a freshman, I was ordered to write an editorial on a theme that I didn't know anything. I was related to the Bagdad Agreement (I) If this was the case, we had to write such an editorial. In the same way, the students were not immersive or subjective, as well as ђњќ ђњќ, risks and no results, and preparation periods to become adults. As a student, it was not allowed to be an emotional, as a reporter, as a student or a reporter. It is one of the inspiring people, and it is important to assign an article to the spirit of John, who preached to learn. Until you see it printed from a wheel, the collective practice of issuing newspapers is to keep the deadline in surveys, cooperation, selection, priority, communication skills, and the professor behind the desk. In the class, we did not allow the B negative 45 points in the passing score. "I remember that when I was a freshman, I was ordered to write an editorial on a theme that I didn't know. I was about the Baghdad Agreement (I was the opposite). If this was a test of our agility, we would have to write such an editorial at that time. It was common to define the four years of higher education as ђњќ in real life, something like risks and results, and preparation periods to become adults. Similarly, the students were encouraged to learn their knowledge objectively by memorization, without immersive or subjectivity. As a student or a reporter, emotions were not allowed to enter our pure observation. One of the philosophical philosophers of participating democracy, following the spirit of John Dewui, who preached to learn by practicing. But that is important. В From the place where you assign an article in the morning to seeing it printed from a large wheelprox by 3:00 am, the collective practice of issuing newspapers is in survey, cooperation, selection, priority, communication skills, and pressure. It needed to keep the deadline, and not only a professor behind the desk, but also a constant feedback from the university community. In the class, even in the passing score, the performance of the в daily magazine was not allowed with B-minus 45 points. Of course, we did stupid things ђ "I remember that when I was a freshman, I was ordered to write an editorial on a theme that I didn't know anything. I was related to the Bagdad Agreement (I) If this was the test of our sensitivity, we would have to write such an editorial.

If a white woman saw a black man with whom he was in a relationship, he would send a letter to the parents. One of my undergraduate friends, Shirley Davis, wrote this poem in response: A Letter to Dean Bacon on Being Denied an Apartment Permission I respect your temporary power, but most of the undergraduate girls before you understand that we are under your generous care. But alas! We have the joys of communal living, minus the boys! Above all, thank you dear Dean! Any man as old and wise as you is aware that a young girl who cannot be served at a bar is too young to live alone, even armed with a "yes" letter from home! Unsupervised housing! What a sin. No hours, no rules, no mother coming in to make sure she is sober by 12 o'clock, no mother looking under the bed for a date. Who knows what disgusting things young girls might do if they were allowed freedom before the age of 21! I understand your plight. "I will accept your ultimatum (I am trained to follow the rules, but I hate them)." "But if I marry a younger man before I am twenty-one, will you let me out of this damn prison? That was the way we were. We lived in the dull silence after McCarthyism.

There I became friends with the editor of The Daily Californian and other students who were fighting for free speech rights on off-campus issues, which developed into the Free Speech Movement. James Lewis, the vice president of the University, told me that my articles on this new student movement were crossing the line, and that such rhetoric could lead to Hitler-like and Mussolini-like excesses. Ignoring his warning, I published an editorial in support of the creation of a student political party, which led to VOICE, the first chapter of Students for a Democratic Society. In the fall of 1960, five of us signed a letter to candidates John Kennedy and Richard Nixon calling for the creation of a national youth wing to engage in constructive peacetime work overseas in lieu of military service.

October 14, the union stairs. Kennedy said that night he would talk about this problem. That night, a peace unit was born. In early 1961, some female students have submitted to us a vote that the female director is prying a private life, including interruptions. We submitted the document to the professor's committee, and the committee published a harsh report for reform four months later. We were terrified when our article was published on May 30, 1961 on the Daily paper and was about to end his term as an editor. The female director resigned soon. The great failure in Cuba Pigs Bay in 1961 and the capture of the American U-2 pilot, which had been spy in Cuba, have evolved into a major controversy over Kennedy's news management. The president claims that it is a government duty to manipulate the news in the military crisis, and it is a matter of course that the government's Arthur Sylvester will lie to protect himself. I declared it. As a retirement edito r-i n-chief, I opposed the rise of news management, including the natural tendency of young editors with students nationwide. The point is that if you are in в dailyв, you will not be able to escape the real world, even if you live in parentheses or in a bubble. When you interview every day and write an editorial, the real world is approaching. When I quit в dailyв 54, everything was happening. < SPAN> October 14, Union stairs. Kennedy said that night he would talk about this problem. That night, a peace unit was born. In early 1961, some female students have submitted to us a vote that the female director is prying a private life, including interruptions. We submitted the document to the professor's committee, and the committee published a harsh report for reform four months later. We were terrified when our article was published on May 30, 1961 on the Daily paper and was about to end his term as an editor. The female director resigned soon. The great failure in Cuba Pigs Bay in 1961 and the capture of the American U-2 pilot, which had been spy in Cuba, have evolved into a major controversy over Kennedy's news management. The president claims that it is a government duty to manipulate the news in the military crisis, and it is a matter of course that the government's Arthur Sylvester will lie to protect himself. I declared it. As a retirement edito r-i n-chief, I opposed the rise of news management, including the natural tendency of young editors with students nationwide. The point is that if you are in в dailyв, you will not be able to escape the real world, even if you live in parentheses or in a bubble. When you interview every day and write an editorial, the real world is approaching. When I quit в dailyв 54, everything was happening. October 14, the union stairs. Kennedy said that night he would talk about this problem. That night, a peace unit was born. In early 1961, some female students have submitted to us a vote that the female director is prying a private life, including interruptions. We submitted the document to the professor's committee, and the committee published a harsh report for reform four months later. We were terrified when our article was published on May 30, 1961 on the Daily paper and was about to end his term as an editor. The female director resigned soon. The great failure in Cuba Pigs Bay in 1961 and the capture of the American U-2 pilot, which had been spy in Cuba, have evolved into a major controversy over Kennedy's news management. The president claims that it is a government duty to manipulate the news in the military crisis, and it is a matter of course that the government's Arthur Sylvester will lie to protect himself. I declared it. As a retirement edito r-i n-chief, I opposed the rise of news management, including the natural tendency of young editors with students nationwide. The point is that if you are in в dailyв, you will not be able to escape the real world, even if you live in parentheses or in a bubble. When you interview every day and write an editorial, the real world is approaching. When I quit в dailyв 54, everything was happening.

However, it is necessary to keep the pledge, to live with the value of the pledge, and to know that the bet will lose but will never win a decisive victory. It was that. It was a lesson of my life that Daily magazine, and a university that was nicely accommodated us, taught me. Similar lessons have been engraved in the heart of в dailyв men and women for decades. If you think about it now, I just want to understand the long tradition of в daily before my days, but I was young, cheeky, and did not know before. The amazing history is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990," Susan, my old friend, is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990". Luzer is on daily paper This is a summary of the main historical articles published. In the first week of 1890, the newspaper declared himself as a "revolution at a university," and embarked on covering the whole 20th century and later. War, recession, football, scandal, and censorship attempts are constantly disappearing, reading a commemorative magazine a few years ago, and I am one of the lon g-awaited long awakening that the tradition of в DAILY is the best. I understood that it was. Like me, each generation is repeating innocent "new" errors in rich history. < SPAN> However, to keep the pledge, to live with the value of the pledge, and to know that the bet will lose, but will never have a decisive victory. It was necessary. It was a lesson of my life that Daily magazine, and a university that was nicely accommodated us, taught me. Similar lessons have been engraved in the heart of в dailyв men and women for decades. If you think about it now, I just want to understand the long tradition of в daily before my days, but I was young, cheeky, and did not know before. The amazing history is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990," Susan, my old friend, is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990". Luzer is on daily paper This is a summary of the main historical articles published. In the first week of 1890, the newspaper declared himself as a "revolution at a university," and embarked on covering the whole 20th century and later. War, recession, football, scandal, and censorship attempts are constantly disappearing, reading a commemorative magazine a few years ago, and I am one of the lon g-awaited long awakening that the tradition of в DAILY is the best. I understood that it was. Like me, each generation is repeating innocent "new" errors in rich history. However, it is necessary to keep the pledge, to live with the value of the pledge, and to know that the bet will lose but will never win a decisive victory. It was that. It was a lesson of my life that Daily magazine, and a university that was nicely accommodated us, taught me. Similar lessons have been engraved in the heart of в dailyв men and women for decades. If you think about it now, I just want to understand the long tradition of в daily before my days, but I was young, cheeky, and did not know before. The amazing history is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990," Susan, my old friend, is "Caddo Gap PresS, 1990". Luzer is on daily paper This is a summary of the main historical articles published. In the first week of 1890, the newspaper declared himself as a "revolution at a university," and embarked on covering the whole 20th century and later. War, recession, football, scandal, and censorship attempts are constantly disappearing, reading a commemorative magazine a few years ago, and I am one of the lon g-awaited long awakening that the tradition of в DAILY is the best. I understood that it was. Like me, each generation is repeating innocent "new" errors in rich history.

Interview with Fidel Castro in 1958? I think the brave "daily" spirit is the best summary of the editorial signed by editors retired in 1943. At that time, during World War II, the freedom of editing was in danger: the retirement edito r-i n-chief usually wrote a lot of things that were not sentimental in a goodbye editorial. All we want to say is what we believe and what we know, knowing that they are right. That way, people will be ridiculed or stroked their heads, and you will be young and idealistic. They are old and exhausted, dried, and stagnant mentally and morally. They have lost their hopes to get a better world and have lost their trust in the common people and page XVII. This kind of person was scattered by such a great university professor. The important thing to remember is that you can't compromise, soothe, or reconcile. I have to fight. You need to compete for a minute and one second. And you have to fight crazy. В If this is the ghost, our work will surely include the following: < Span> Interview with Fidel Castro in 1958? I think the brave "daily" spirit is the best summary of the editorial signed by editors retired in 1943. At that time, during World War II, the freedom of editing was in danger: the retirement edito r-i n-chief usually wrote a lot of things that were not sentimental in a goodbye editorial. All we want to say is what we believe and what we know, knowing that they are right. That way, people will be ridiculed or stroked their heads, and you will be young and idealistic. They are old and exhausted, dried, and stagnant mentally and morally. They have lost their hopes to get a better world and have lost their trust in the common people and page XVII. This kind of person was scattered by such a great university professor. The important thing to remember is that you can't compromise, soothe, or reconcile. I have to fight. You need to compete for a minute and one second. And you have to fight crazy. В If this is the ghost, our work will surely include the following: Interview with Fidel Castro in 1958? I think the brave "daily" spirit is the best summary of the editorial signed by editors retired in 1943. At that time, during World War II, the freedom of editing was in danger: the retirement edito r-i n-chief usually wrote a lot of things that were not sentimental in a goodbye editorial. All we want to say is what we believe and what we know, knowing that they are right. That way, people will be ridiculed or stroked their heads, and you will be young and idealistic. They are old and exhausted, dried, and stagnant mentally and morally. They have lost their hopes to get a better world and have lost their trust in the common people and page XVII. This kind of person was scattered by such a great university professor. The important thing to remember is that you can't compromise, soothe, or reconcile. I have to fight. You need to compete for a minute and one second. And you have to fight crazy. В If this is the ghost, our work will surely include the following:

The graduation thesis wrote about C. Light Mills, but the civil rights movement in Georgia, the community organizing in New Arc, 10 years of resistance to the Vietnam War, and the Jerry Brown and the California Council I left the anner bar for 20 years of activities. However, he did not stop writing and published 19 books for decades. Currently, he is the editorial committee member of the Nation magazine. His 50 years, including contributing to Daily, has been kept at universities under the agreement to visit a campus a year for the next five years.

Page XVIII → Page 1 → Page < SPAN> I wrote about C. Wright Mills, but the civil rights movement in Georgia, community organizing in New Arc, 10 years of resistance to the Vietnam War, and He left the Anoral Bar for 20 years of activities in the Jerry Brown administration and the California Congress. However, he did not stop writing and published 19 books for decades. Currently, he is the editorial committee member of the Nation magazine. His 50 years, including contributing to Daily, has been kept at universities under the agreement to visit a campus a year for the next five years.

Page XVIII → Page 1 → Page graduation thesis wrote about C. Light Mills, but Georgia's civil rights movement, community organizing in New Arc, 10 years of resistance to Vietnam War, and Jerry Brown He left the anoreabar for 20 years of activities in the administration and California Congress. However, he did not stop writing and published 19 books for decades. Currently, he is the editorial committee member of the Nation magazine. His 50 years, including contributing to Daily, has been kept at universities under the agreement to visit a campus a year for the next five years.

Page XVIII → Page 1 → Page

First, there is a brick and ston e-built tw o-story building on a relatively quiet street in the center of Stephanie Steinberg Annerbar. In the daytime, students heading to Michigan Union, covered with ivy on the corner of Mayinard Street, passed, the managers went around the cube, and to have coffee and simple lunch at a restaurant at the other end. Passing quickly. At sunset, the traffic is cut off. The professors finish the office hour, the students leave the cafeteria, and the lecture room lights out. As the entire campus of Michigan is wrapped in dusk, about 150 college students are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mishigan, the largest student newspaper at Michigan, and are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mainard. There is. The answer is not one of the 1 8-yea r-old or 2 1-yea r-old youth gathering in this building at 2:00 am on Thursday or at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Some are happy to write and talk about the story. Some people write to leave their career. It is to fill the eight blank pages with letters and photos, and tell them what to know when more than 40, 000 readers take in k-covered newspapers every morning. Since September 29, 1890, thousands of student reporters have spent a college night, early morning and afternoon. < SPAN> First, there is a brick and stone tw o-story building on a relatively quiet street in the center of Stephanie Steinberg Annerbar. In the daytime, students heading to Michigan Union, covered with ivy on the corner of Mayinard Street, passed, the managers went around the cube, and to have coffee and simple lunch at a restaurant at the other end. Passing quickly. When it comes to sunset, the traffic is cut off. The professors finish the office hour, the students leave the cafeteria, and the lecture room lights out. As the entire campus of Michigan is wrapped in dusk, about 150 college students are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mishigan, the largest student newspaper at Michigan, and are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mainard. There is. The answer is not one of the 1 8-yea r-old or 2 1-yea r-old youth gathering in this building at 2:00 am on Thursday or at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Some are happy to write and talk about the story. Some people write to leave their career. It is to fill the eight blank pages with letters and photos, and tell them what to know when more than 40, 000 readers take in k-covered newspapers every morning. Since September 29, 1890, thousands of student reporters have spent a college night, early morning and afternoon. First, there is a brick and ston e-built tw o-story building on a relatively quiet street in the center of Stephanie Steinberg Annerbar. In the daytime, students heading to Michigan Union, covered with ivy on the corner of Mayinard Street, passed, the managers went around the cube, and to have coffee and simple lunch at a restaurant at the other end. Passing quickly. At sunset, the traffic is cut off. The professors finish the office hour, the students leave the cafeteria, and the lecture room lights out. As the entire campus of Michigan is wrapped in dusk, about 150 college students are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mishigan, the largest student newspaper at Michigan, and are wrapped in the warm light of 420 Mainard. There is. The answer is not one of the 1 8-yea r-old or 2 1-yea r-old youth gathering in this building at 2:00 am on Thursday or at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Some are happy to write and talk about the story. Some people write to leave their career. It is to fill the eight blank pages with letters and photos, and tell them what to know when more than 40, 000 readers take in k-covered newspapers every morning. Since September 29, 1890, thousands of student reporters have spent a college night, early morning and afternoon.

From Peter's Burg Times, from the National Journal and Washington Post. The next day, the opinion was divided into the top article of the death of Lindon B. Johnson or the Supreme Court's Law vs. Wade ruling. Sarah Cruwitch has filmed thousands of Broadway works as the New York Times's first culture photographer. However, before the stage went up, she barked by Michigan, saying, "Get off the Big House field with a lens." However, in 2001, he was the edito r-i n-chief, understood that two airplanes had collided with two towers, and had to decide on an article to be published in Daily on September 12. Whether you spent four months in Michigan Daily, and those who have been working for four years, their graduates have a different experience. Some people have become international news, like a global scoop when Jonas Soke has developed a safe and effective polio vaccine in the Luckham Auditorium. Also, as John F. Kennedy went on a union's stairs at 2:00 am, some recorded a historical event without knowing it. Dozens of sports writers have visited Passadina about 2, 000 miles away to cover the Wolverine's match. From < SPAN> Petersburg Times "paper to" National Journal "and" Washington Post "paper. The next day, the opinion was divided into the top article of the death of Lindon B. Johnson or the Supreme Court's Law vs. Wade ruling. Sarah Cruwitch has filmed thousands of Broadway works as the New York Times's first culture photographer. However, before the stage went up, she barked by Michigan, saying, "Get off the Big House field with a lens." However, in 2001, he was the edito r-i n-chief, understood that two airplanes had collided with two towers, and had to decide on an article to be published in Daily on September 12. Whether you spent four months in Michigan Daily, and those who have been working for four years, their graduates have a different experience. Some people have become international news, like a global scoop when Jonas Soke has developed a safe and effective polio vaccine in the Luckham Auditorium. Also, as John F. Kennedy went on a union's stairs at 2:00 am, some recorded a historical event without knowing it. Dozens of sports writers have visited Passadina about 2, 000 miles away to cover the Wolverine's match. From Peter's Burg Times, from the National Journal and Washington Post. The next day, the opinion was divided into the top article of the death of Lindon B. Johnson or the Supreme Court's Law vs. Wade ruling. Sarah Cruwitch has filmed thousands of Broadway works as the New York Times's first culture photographer. However, before the stage went up, she barked by Michigan, saying, "Get off the Big House field with a lens." However, in 2001, he was the edito r-i n-chief, understood that two airplanes had collided with two towers, and had to decide on an article to be published in Daily on September 12. Whether you spent four months in Michigan Daily, and those who have been working for four years, their graduates have a different experience. Some people have become international news, like a global scoop when Jonas Soke has developed a safe and effective polio vaccine in the Luckham Auditorium. Also, as John F. Kennedy went on a union's stairs at 2:00 am, some recorded a historical event without knowing it. Dozens of sports writers have visited Passadina about 2, 000 miles away to cover the Wolverine's match.

20 Rose Bowl games. Pop culture buffs reviewed the new Beatles album, the first Harry Potter movie, and the final episode of Friends. Opinion columnists complained about the state's marijuana policy and the Regents' decision to raise tuition again. Although the University of Michigan had a journalism program until 1995, most of these writers had no journalism education or formal training. Instead, they learned how to structure a news story pyramid, write attention-grabbing headlines, properly attribute quotes, and adjust the aperture of their cameras to get the best shots on the Diag from editors a year or two older. When an angry professor claimed they'd misquoted someone, or a university press office complained that a story was misleading, there was no one to turn to. Sports Illustrated writer Michael Rosenberg, who was the Daily's editor in chief in 1995, said: †Sometimes the process was sloppy, and sometimes the product was sloppy. But the product was ours, and most days we could be proud of it. †Some outsiders say a million-dollar operation run entirely by 18- to 22-year-olds should have an adult in charge, so that students have someone to turn to when things go wrong. But that's the beauty of The Daily. We don't have each other to turn to. Editors, writers, photographers and designers share their frustrations, stress and tears.

There are countless publications in Japan and overseas. Like the Academy Awar d-winning film editor, Jay Cassidi, who started talking about the story through a movie, came from a movie to the Television, and some of the people who made a leap from a movie to the movie. There is. It is normal for these graduates to participate in the presidential election campaign, broadcast from the auditorium in a super bowl, or go around the news program on Sunday morning. But most of them would not have reached this if they hadn't stepped into the world of journalism in college. There is an article where each graduate decorates four sides on the news stand on the campus, or behind her article, there is a journalist generation that appears in this book, although there is a humorous, humorous or heartwarming story. Has a common item. Jeremy Peter, a political reporter of New York Times, who interviewed the 2000 presidential election on Daily,: In the 1960s, the building shook when the rotating machine in the basement rotated high speed. ђ ђ If you did not have hot lead scratches at one point of ђ ™, it was at some point in your life. There are countless publications in Japan and overseas, including < SPAN>. Like the Academy Awar d-winning film editor, Jay Cassidi, who started talking about the story through a movie, came from a movie to the Television, and some of the people who made a leap from a movie to the movie. There is. It is normal for these graduates to participate in the presidential election campaign, broadcast from the auditorium in a super bowl, or go around the news program on Sunday morning. But most of them would not have reached this if they hadn't stepped into the world of journalism in college. There is an article where each graduate decorates four sides on the news stand on the campus, or behind her article, there is a journalist generation that appears in this book, although there is a humorous, humorous or heartwarming story. Has a common item. Jeremy Peter, a political reporter of New York Times, who interviewed the 2000 presidential election on Daily,: In the 1960s, the building shook when the rotating machine in the basement rotated high speed. ђ ђ If you did not have hot lead scratches at one point of ђ ™, it was at some point in your life. There are countless publications in Japan and overseas. Like the Academy Awar d-winning film editor, Jay Cassidi, who started talking about the story through a movie, came from a movie to the Television, and some of the people who made a leap from a movie to the movie. There is. It is normal for these graduates to participate in the presidential election campaign, broadcast from the auditorium in a super bowl, or go around the news program on Sunday morning. But most of them would not have reached this if they hadn't stepped into the world of journalism in college. There is an article where each graduate decorates four sides on the news stand on the campus, or behind her article, there is a journalist generation that appears in this book, although there is a humorous, humorous or heartwarming story. Has a common item. Jeremy Peter, a political reporter of New York Times, who interviewed the 2000 presidential election on Daily,: In the 1960s, the building shook when the rotating machine in the basement rotated high speed. ђ ђ If you did not have hot lead scratches at one point of ђ ™, it was at some point in your life.

At any time of the day, if you go to the second story, you can find desperate reporters who call the information source just before the deadline, sounding music, and tired editors taking a nap on the sofa in the back. See. Until late at night, he has been confused by drinking articles, writing terrible headlines, and drinking Daily Pop Machine 50 cents (used to be 5 cents in the past). For some reason, some of the best university journalism and professional journalists in this country appeared. However, when the rhythm of making daily paper begins, the rhythm quickly ends. Each of us eventually leaves 420 Maynard. But as you can see through these stories, 420 Maynard will not completely leave us. Stephanie Steinberg has served as a copy editor, news reporter, and senior news editor for Michigan Daily Paper from 2008 to 2010. In 2011, he served as the edito r-i n-chief and Michigan Daily's first book, "Michigan Football: A History of the Nation's Winningest Program (History of the most winning program in the United States)". Contributed to the New York Times, Boston Gloves, USA Today, CNN. com, Auckland Press, Detroit Jewish News. After graduating, worked as the first online living editor on Washington D. C.'s WTOP radio. Currently, U. S. News & amp; World Report's assistant editor in the health and money category category, won the first place in the MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT category, the founder of the university ranking.

Road to Selma Roger Rapport March 1965 в_402↩ We are in one yard line. The back is attached to the wall. Do you pass them for touc h-down, or do you say, "You must not pass" with the Southern Army flag, just like our ancestors? Birmingham Public Safety Commissioner, a Desperate reporter who calls the source just before the deadline, the sound that resounds, the sound of Eugene Bull Connor < SPAN> from Selma, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama. You will be able to find a tired editor who takes a nap on the sofa. Until late at night, he has been confused by drinking articles, writing terrible headlines, and drinking Daily Pop Machine 50 cents (used to be 5 cents in the past). For some reason, some of the best university journalism and professional journalists in this country appeared. However, when the rhythm of making daily paper begins, the rhythm quickly ends. Each of us eventually leaves 420 Maynard. But as you can see through these stories, 420 Maynard will not completely leave us. Stephanie Steinberg has served as a copy editor, news reporter, and senior news editor for Michigan Daily Paper from 2008 to 2010. In 2011, he served as the edito r-i n-chief and Michigan Daily's first book, "Michigan Football: A History of the Nation's Winningest Program (History of the most winning program in the United States)". Contributed to the New York Times, Boston Gloves, USA Today, CNN. com, Auckland Press, Detroit Jewish News. After graduating, worked as the first online living editor on Washington D. C.'s WTOP radio. Currently, U. S. News & amp; World Report's assistant editor in the health and money category category, won the first place in the MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT category, the founder of the university ranking.

Road to Selma Roger Rapport March 1965 в_402↩ We are in one yard line. The back is attached to the wall. Do you pass them for touc h-down, or do you say, "You must not pass" with the Southern Army flag, just like our ancestors? In any time in the day of Eugene Bull Connor, a member of the Birmingham Public Safety Commissioner in Selma, Alabama, if you go to the second story, desperate reporters call the information source just before the deadline, the sounding music, and the back sofa. You will be able to find a tired editor to take a nap. Until late at night, he has been confused by drinking articles, writing terrible headlines, and drinking Daily Pop Machine 50 cents (used to be 5 cents in the past). For some reason, some of the best university journalism and professional journalists in this country appeared. However, when the rhythm of making daily paper begins, the rhythm quickly ends. Each of us eventually leaves 420 Maynard. But as you can see through these stories, 420 Maynard will not completely leave us. Stephanie Steinberg has served as a copy editor, news reporter, and senior news editor for Michigan Daily Paper from 2008 to 2010. In 2011, he served as the edito r-i n-chief and Michigan Daily's first book, "Michigan Football: A History of the Nation's Winningest Program (History of the most winning program in the United States)". Contributed to the New York Times, Boston Gloves, USA Today, CNN. com, Auckland Press, Detroit Jewish News. After graduating, worked as the first online living editor on Washington D. C.'s WTOP radio. Currently, U. S. News & amp; World Report's assistant editor in the health and money category category, won the first place in the MOST SCHOOL SPIRIT category, the founder of the university ranking.

Road to Selma Roger Rapport March 1965 в_402↩ We are in one yard line. The back is attached to the wall. Do you pass them for touc h-down, or do you say, "You must not pass" with the Southern Army flag, just like our ancestors? Birmingham Public Security Commissioner Eugene Bull Connor from Selma, Alabama

Looking at the crude warning on the side of the abandoned bus on the outskirts of Gazden, Alabama, I felt a little relief. On the way to the south of the anner bar, we have passed the coded signs that have been damaged by countless spell mistakes. It seemed to need vowels in this area. Finally, we found a hate group with competent proofreaders. Glory Hallelujah in March 1965, Demo and reporters from Michigan were the most avoided for Alabama. The locals were tired of tourists in the civil rights movement that disturbed the black society. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his aide celebrities opened their mouths to the white liberal media (ђl_45C) and openly invited hippie demonstrations and Marxists. The whites were pleased. Blacks were also happy. I was able to see it by stopping at George Wallace's office in Montgomery. It changed completely when the tragedy of two demonstrations in the civil rights movement was killed, and Alabama suddenly turned into a nationwide battlefield. Page 6 → Warm winter to spring, among many news media, Michigan Daily liked telling readers. < SPAN> Alabama I felt a little relief by seeing a crisp warning on the side of an abandoned bus on the outskirts of Gazden, Alabama. On the way to the south of the anner bar, we have passed the coded signs that have been damaged by countless spell mistakes. It seemed to need vowels in this area. Finally, we found a hate group with competent proofreaders. Glory Hallelujah in March 1965, Demo and reporters from Michigan were the most avoided for Alabama. The locals were tired of tourists in the civil rights movement that disturbed the black society. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his aide celebrities opened their mouths to the white liberal media (ђl_45C) and openly invited hippie demonstrations and Marxists. The whites were pleased. Blacks were also happy. I was able to see it by stopping at George Wallace's office in Montgomery. It changed completely when the tragedy of two demonstrations in the civil rights movement was killed, and Alabama suddenly turned into a nationwide battlefield. Page 6 → Warm winter to spring, among many news media, Michigan Daily liked telling readers. Looking at the crude warning on the side of the abandoned bus on the outskirts of Gazden, Alabama, I felt a little relief. On the way to the south of the anner bar, we have passed the coded signs with countless spell mistakes. It seemed to need vowels in this area. Finally, we found a hate group with competent proofreaders. Glory Hallelujah in March 1965, Demo and reporters from Michigan were the most avoided for Alabama. The locals were tired of tourists in the civil rights movement that disturbed the black society. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his aide celebrities opened their mouths to the white liberal media (ђl_45C) and openly invited hippie demonstrations and Marxists. The whites were pleased. Blacks were also happy. I was able to see it by stopping at George Wallace's office in Montgomery. It changed completely when the tragedy of two demonstrations in the civil rights movement was killed, and Alabama suddenly turned into a nationwide battlefield. Page 6 → Warm winter to spring, among many press organizations that took the incident, Michigan Daily liked to tell readers.

Blacks could only apply for registration two days a month, and only 15 could be approved per day. These applicants passed a literacy test and were able to register. "How many representatives did South Carolina send to its first U. S. Congress?" "In January 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led the first of a series of protests in Selma. Blacks could only apply for registration two days a month, and only 15 could be approved per day. These applicants passed a literacy test and were able to register. "How many representatives did South Carolina send to its first U. S. Congress?" "In January 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led the first of a series of protests in Selma. Blacks could only apply for registration two days a month, and only 15 could be approved per day. These applicants passed a literacy test and were able to register. "How many representatives did South Carolina send to its first U. S. Congress?" "In January 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. led the first of a series of protests in Selma.

Some of the black prisoners were 1 4-yea r-old boy who knew that his father had been fired immediately. Some of the black prisoners who joined him had a 1 4-yea r-old boy who learned that his father was immediately fired after two weeks. At the killed civil rights activist Jimmy Lee Jackson in February Serma funeral, a plan for a protest march to the Montgomery's State Council. At the 2 6-yea r-old church assistant, his father and former soldier Jackson was shot by a state soldier to protect his mother and 8 2-yea r-old grandfather at a cafe in Marion, Alabama. When Jackson was dying at a local Selma hospital due to the pain of a bullet wounded on his belly, Colonel Al Ringo, a state police, arrested the young man for assault. This case was the largest protest in Alabama in the history of Alabama, shortly after a year of the killing of three civil rights mobilizers who had been struggling to register as a black authority in neighboring Mississippi. Ta. The trigger was a local pastor who proposed to deliver Jackson's coffin to the state conference hall. On March 7, more than 600 members of the local black community departed for a 5 4-mile march to Mongomery, along with the visiting students, civil rights movements, rabbi, pastor, nectaries, lawyers, and doctors. Eventually, these protests have been a part of the largest confrontation since the Allied forces falled a century ago in the Battle of the Ebenesa Church and Selma. The difference this time is that the North Army was a round. I listened to the shout of the battle of my son from Alabama. < SPAN> Some of the black prisoners knew that their father was fired immediately. Some of the black prisoners who joined him had a 1 4-yea r-old boy who learned that his father was immediately fired after two weeks. At the killed civil rights activist Jimmy Lee Jackson in February Serma funeral, a plan for a protest march to the Montgomery's State Council. At the 2 6-yea r-old church assistant, his father and former soldier Jackson was shot by a state soldier to protect his mother and 8 2-yea r-old grandfather at a cafe in Marion, Alabama. When Jackson was dying at a local Selma hospital due to the pain of a bullet wounded on his belly, Colonel Al Ringo, a state police, arrested the young man for assault. This case was the largest protest in Alabama in the history of Alabama, shortly after a year of the killing of three civil rights mobilizers who had been struggling to register as a black authority in neighboring Mississippi. Ta. The trigger was a local pastor who proposed to deliver Jackson's coffin to the state conference hall. On March 7, more than 600 members of the local black community departed for a 5 4-mile march to Mongomery, along with the visiting students, civil rights movements, rabbi, pastor, nectaries, lawyers, and doctors. Eventually, these protests have been a part of the largest confrontation since the Allied forces falled a century ago in the Battle of the Ebenesa Church and Selma. The difference this time is that the North Army was a round. I listened to the shout of the battle of my son from Alabama. Some of the black prisoners were 1 4-yea r-old boy who knew that his father had been fired immediately. Some of the black prisoners who joined him had a 1 4-yea r-old boy who learned that his father was immediately fired after two weeks. At the killed civil rights activist Jimmy Lee Jackson in February Serma funeral, a plan for a protest march to the Montgomery's State Council. At the 2 6-yea r-old church assistant, his father and former soldier Jackson was shot by a state soldier to protect his mother and 8 2-yea r-old grandfather at a cafe in Marion, Alabama. When Jackson was dying at a local Selma hospital due to the pain of a bullet wounded on his belly, Colonel Al Ringo, a state police, arrested the young man for assault. This case was the largest protest in Alabama in the history of Alabama, shortly after a year of the killing of three civil rights mobilizers who had been struggling to register as a black authority in neighboring Mississippi. Ta. The trigger was a local pastor who proposed to deliver Jackson's coffin to the state conference hall. On March 7, more than 600 members of the local black community departed for a 5 4-mile march to Mongomery, along with the visiting students, civil rights movements, rabbi, pastor, nectaries, lawyers, and doctors. Eventually, these protests have been a part of the largest confrontation since the Allied forces falled a century ago in the Battle of the Ebenesa Church and Selma. The difference this time is that the North Army was a round. I listened to the shout of the battle of my son from Alabama.

After the simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks, among the many clergy in response to Rev. King's call, James Reve, a 3 8-yea r-old social worker and a unity, a unity pastor. As an employee of the American Friends Service Committee, he recently moved to Boston's lo w-income area, where children entered public schools without racism. On March 9, Reve and other pastors participated in Selma's new protest with hundreds of local blacks. After worshiping in the evening, he headed for dinner with two pastor friends. On the way back to the inn, they were attacked by a white mob. Local civil rights movement leaders, who were convinced that they would be turned back in whit e-dedicated hospitals, rushed to Reve to a black patient clinic. Two days later, he died of a head injury at a Birmingham hospital. The murder of the white rhonjin was much more shocked to the United States than the black demonstration of the black demonstration a few weeks ago. Page 8 → President Lindon B. Johnson made a sympathy call to Leve widow and arranged an airplane to fly the victim's father from Wyoming. On March 15, President Johnson proposed a new voting law: State rights and national rights are not a problem. There is only a struggle for human rights. We have been waiting for more than 100 years and have no time to wait. Their cause must be our cause. Because, not only blacks, but we all have to overcome this cause. < SPAN> After the simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks, among many clerks in response to Rev. King's call, James Reve, a 3 8-yea r-old social worker and unity pastor, James Reve. As an employee of the American Friends Service Committee, he recently moved to Boston's lo w-income area, where children entered public schools without racism. On March 9, Reve and other pastors participated in Selma's new protest with hundreds of local blacks. After worshiping in the evening, he headed for dinner with two pastor friends. On the way back to the inn, they were attacked by a white mob. Local civil rights movement leaders, who were convinced that they would be turned back in whit e-dedicated hospitals, rushed to Reve to a black patient clinic. Two days later, he died of a head injury at a Birmingham hospital. The murder of the white rhonjin was much more shocked to the United States than the black demonstration of the black demonstration a few weeks ago. Page 8 → President Lindon B. Johnson made a sympathy call to Leve widow and arranged an airplane to fly the victim's father from Wyoming. On March 15, President Johnson proposed a new voting law: State rights and national rights are not a problem. There is only a struggle for human rights. We have been waiting for more than 100 years and have no time to wait. Their cause must be our cause. Because, not only blacks, but we all have to overcome this cause. After the simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks, among the many clergy in response to Rev. King's call, James Reve, a 3 8-yea r-old social worker and a unity, a unity pastor. As an employee of the American Friends Service Committee, he recently moved to Boston's lo w-income area, where children entered public schools without racism. On March 9, Reve and other pastors participated in Selma's new protest with hundreds of local blacks. After worshiping in the evening, he headed for dinner with two pastor friends. On the way back to the inn, they were attacked by a white mob. Local civil rights movement leaders, who were convinced that they would be turned back in whit e-dedicated hospitals, rushed to Reve to a black patient clinic. Two days later, he died of a head injury at a Birmingham hospital. The murder of the white rhonjin was much more shocked to the United States than the black demonstration participant, Jimmy Lee Jackson's murder a few weeks ago. Page 8 → President Lindon B. Johnson made a sympathy call to Leve widow and arranged an airplane to fly the victim's father from Wyoming. On March 15, President Johnson proposed a new voting law: State rights and national rights are not a problem. There is only a struggle for human rights. We have been waiting for more than 100 years and have no time to wait. Their cause must be our cause. Because, not only blacks, but we all have to overcome this cause.

A few hours after Johnson's speech, the Federal judge gave permission to allow demonstrations in Selma the next day. Among the press agencies that witnessed the historic event, there was Michigan Daily. On March 15, I went to Alabama overnight due to the favor of the Michigan students who were eager to participate in the demonstration. This journey, which was a ligh t-sized journey with only a toothbrush and a toothbrush, and got into the back seat of a narrow Ford, made it a chance to know the national news quickly. Everywhere I went, people were asking similar questions. In McDonald's, Kentucky, I couldn't understand why I was going south to Birmingham. Did you not notice that Birmingham had no spring break beach? In Hariman, Tennessee, a gas station clerk looked at our Mishigan number and explained the Yankee news media with his thumb. As Governor Walles says, the newspaper cannot be trusted. Newspapers always omit the "null" groups that raped white women. "Ђ ™ ќ Our group left without waiting for a free green stamp. At the first gas station in Alabama, there was a line looking at our Michigan number. The sign along the road stated: Enter Birch Society and fight communism and socialism. A few hours after < SPAN> Johnson's speech, the Federal judge gave permission to allow demonstrations in Selma the next day. Among the press agencies that witnessed the historic event, there was Michigan Daily. On March 15, I went to Alabama overnight due to the favor of the Michigan students who were eager to participate in the demonstration. This journey, which was a ligh t-sized journey with only a toothbrush and a toothbrush, and got into the back seat of a narrow Ford, made it a chance to know the national news quickly. Everywhere I went, people were asking similar questions. In McDonald's, Kentucky, I couldn't understand why I was going south to Birmingham. Did you not notice that Birmingham had no spring break beach? In Hariman, Tennessee, a gas station clerk looked at our Mishigan number and explained the Yankee news media with his thumb. As Governor Walles says, the newspaper cannot be trusted. Newspapers always omit the "null" groups that raped white women. "Ђ ™ ќ Our group left without waiting for a free green stamp. At the first gas station in Alabama, there was a line looking at our Michigan number. The sign along the road stated: Enter Birch Society and fight communism and socialism. A few hours after Johnson's speech, the Federal judge gave permission to allow demonstrations in Selma the next day. Among the press agencies that witnessed the historic event, there was Michigan Daily. On March 15, I went to Alabama overnight due to the favor of the Michigan students who were eager to participate in the demonstration. This journey, which was a ligh t-sized journey with only a toothbrush and a toothbrush, and got into the back seat of a narrow Ford, made it a chance to know the national news quickly. Everywhere I went, people were asking similar questions. In McDonald's, Kentucky, I couldn't understand why I was going south to Birmingham. Did you not notice that Birmingham had no spring break beach? In Hariman, Tennessee, a gas station clerk looked at our Mishigan number and explained the Yankee news media with his thumb. As Governor Walles says, the newspaper cannot be trusted. Newspapers always omit the "null" groups that raped white women. "Ђ ™ ќ Our group left without waiting for a free green stamp. At the first gas station in Alabama, there was a line looking at our Michigan number. The sign along the road stated: Enter Birch Society and fight communism and socialism.

When I asked about the press pass, a stranger said that it would be more reasonable to take a train departing from Selma. In the toilet in the Dallas court, I entered a plastic holder, Rev. King was a communist, and Rye Avanasie, a Rev. King's aide, seduced a 1 5-yea r-old girl. I was given a slander article. On the desk of Jim Clark's Sheriff, there was a picture of him struggling with a positive black woman. The two bulletin boards described a telegram on Bloody Sunday's success, in which a demonstration participant who protected the law was made with a whip, hit with a club, and obeyed with gas. The content is "Gym, Fall in Hell" (Way to Go Jim, Give Hell), "protesting of your Gestapo tactics, you are worse than Hitler" (I Protest Your Gestapo Tactics, You Are Worse THAN HITLER. ђќ ђќ )、「地元の黒人から脅されている」(I Claimed he had threatened by local blacks, the sheriff was temporary living at the county jail for his own safety. ”)など多岐にわたった。 He criticized the sheriff in the city's public security director Wilson Baker, who told me that he had almost quit after the strike on the Blood Sunday (Bloody Sunday). I don't want anyone to hurt. I always follow the court's order. I always follow the court order. " < SPAN> When I asked about the press pass, a stranger said that it would be more reasonable to take a train departing from Selma. In the toilet in the Dallas court, I entered a plastic holder, Rev. King was a communist, and Rye Avanasie, a Rev. King's aide, seduced a 1 5-yea r-old girl. I was given a slander article. On the desk of Jim Clark's Sheriff, there was a picture of him struggling with a positive black woman. The two bulletin boards described a telegram on Bloody Sunday's success, in which a demonstration participant who protected the law was made with a whip, hit with a club, and obeyed with gas. The content is "Gym, Fall in Hell" (Way to Go Jim, Give Hell), "protesting of your Gestapo tactics, you are worse than Hitler" (I Protest Your Gestapo Tactics, You Are Worse THAN HITLER. ђќ ђќ )、「地元の黒人から脅されている」(I Claimed he had threatened by local blacks, the sheriff was temporary living at the county jail for his own safety. ”)など多岐にわたった。 He criticized the sheriff in the city's public security director Wilson Baker, who told me that he had almost quit after the strike on the Blood Sunday (Bloody Sunday). I don't want anyone to hurt. I always follow the court's order. I always follow the court order. " When I asked about the press pass, a stranger said that it would be more reasonable to take a train departing from Selma. In the toilet in the Dallas court, I entered a plastic holder, Rev. King was a communist, and Rye Avanasie, a Rev. King's aide, seduced a 1 5-yea r-old girl. I was given a slander article. On the desk of Jim Clark's Sheriff, there was a picture of him struggling with a positive black woman. The two bulletin boards described a telegram on Bloody Sunday's success, in which a demonstration participant who protected the law was made with a whip, hit with a club, and obeyed with gas. The content is "Gym, Fall in Hell" (Way to Go Jim, Give Hell), "protesting of your Gestapo tactics, you are worse than Hitler" (I Protest Your Gestapo Tactics, You Are Worse THAN HITLER. ђќ ђќ )、「地元の黒人から脅されている」(I Claimed he had threatened by local blacks, the sheriff was temporary living at the county jail for his own safety. ”)など多岐にわたった。 He criticized the sheriff in the city's public security director Wilson Baker, who told me that he had almost quit after the strike on the Blood Sunday (Bloody Sunday). I don't want anyone to hurt. I always follow the court's order. I always follow the court order. "

In the hot afternoon, I reported on the condolence of Rev. Martin Luther King, a leisurely brown chapel A. M. E. Church. He is a federal government that cannot protect the lives of its own people who can spend millions of dollars a day in Southern Vietnam, but cannot protect the lives of the people who seek citizenship stipulated in the Constitution. Shortly before the end of the worship, the Daniel H. Federal District Court approved the eight block march throughout the town. More than 3, 000 demonstrations gathered from Selma nationwide were protected by state police and local police. The demonstration on the voters' rights was praised by Walter Reuters, chairman of the United States Automobile Union, rushing from Michigan. The people must mobilize people from Michigan to Mississippi and give all the people voting. " On March 21, the Federal Court allowed a new march from Selma to Montgomery under the protection of the state soldiers. While listening to Serenade, a singer, such as Harry Bella Fonte and Lena Horn, the demonstration squad, who camped in the backyard of a local supporter, joined three federal prosecutor on the way. Governor Wallace and local police were forbidden to harass the demonstrators. On March 25, when 25, 000 voting demonstrations arrived in Montgomery, Rev. King felt victory. < SPAN> In the hot afternoon, I reported on the condolence of Rev. Martin Luther King in the crowded Brown Chapel A. M. E. Church. He is a federal government that cannot protect the lives of its own people who can spend millions of dollars a day in Southern Vietnam, but cannot protect the lives of the people who seek citizenship stipulated in the Constitution. Shortly before the end of the worship, the Daniel H. Federal District Court approved the eight block march throughout the town. More than 3, 000 demonstrations gathered from Selma nationwide were protected by state police and local police. The demonstration on the voters' rights was praised by Walter Reuters, chairman of the United States Automobile Union, rushing from Michigan. The people must mobilize people from Michigan to Mississippi and give all the people voting. " On March 21, the Federal Court allowed a new march from Selma to Montgomery under the protection of the state soldiers. While listening to Serenade, a singer, such as Harry Bella Fonte and Lena Horn, the demonstration squad, who camped in the backyard of a local supporter, joined three federal prosecutor on the way. Governor Wallace and local police were forbidden to harass the demonstrators. On March 25, when 25, 000 voting demonstrations arrived in Montgomery, Rev. King felt victory. In the hot afternoon, I reported on the condolence of Rev. Martin Luther King, a leisurely brown chapel A. M. E. Church. He is a federal government that cannot protect the lives of its own people who can spend millions of dollars a day in Southern Vietnam, but cannot protect the lives of the people who seek citizenship stipulated in the Constitution. Shortly before the end of the worship, the Daniel H. Federal District Court approved the eight block march throughout the town. More than 3, 000 demonstrations gathered from Selma nationwide were protected by state police and local police. The demonstration on the voters' rights was praised by Walter Reuters, chairman of the United States Automobile Union, rushing from Michigan. The people must mobilize people from Michigan to Mississippi and give all the people voting. " On March 21, the Federal Court allowed a new march from Selma to Montgomery under the protection of the state soldiers. While listening to Serenade, a singer, such as Harry Bella Fonte and Lena Horn, the demonstration squad, who camped in the backyard of a local supporter, joined three federal prosecutor on the way. Governor Wallace and local police were forbidden to harass the demonstrators. On March 25, when 25, 000 voting demonstrations arrived in Montgomery, Rev. King felt victory.

It is a civil rights newspaper issued by. Every week, our staff reported more articles about the civil rights struggle that lasted throughout the southern regions. During that mission, I visited Governor Wallace and interviewed him and received a signed photo from the governor. In June, he returned to Michigan with plenty of time and interviewed Detroit's racial riot for a week for the Wall Street Journal. Page 11 → Half a century, small Selma is a large tour stop in the southern civil rights movement. Even today, there are reporters who are finding safety in the basement of the church, and reporters who return to hitchhikes. The report of these incidents by The Daily was part of a long tradition, supporting the newspaper reported on witnesses. The oppression of the rights of all American voters, not just blacks, is still a national issue. One of the arguments is that the Supreme Court has decided to abolish some of the voting law in 2013. Regardless of whether it is inside and outside the southern part, some voters' rights are still widely featured. Michigan Daily is a good place to continue this nationwide story that influences us. Roger Laporto was a reporter on Michigan Daily from 1964 to 1967, editor from 1967 to 1968. So far

Contributed to San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Harper's paper, Atlantic paper, etc. He has authored "Citizen Moore", "Hillsdale", and "Pilot Error", which was the original of the feature films released in 2015. The main character of the Pilot Error is Nicola Wilson, a research press who started his career on Michigan Daily. He is also a producer of the feature film "Waterwalk". Lapoport lives in Musky Gon, Michigan, and has lived with his wife, Marty Ferribee, who has been the director of the Huckry Public Library since 1994. It is a civil rights newspaper issued by < SPAN>. Every week, our staff reported more articles about the civil rights struggle that lasted throughout the southern regions. During that mission, I visited Governor Wallace and interviewed him and received a signed photo from the governor. In June, he returned to Michigan with plenty of time and interviewed Detroit's racial riot for a week for the Wall Street Journal. Page 11 → Half a century, small Selma is a large tour stop in the southern civil rights movement. Even today, there are reporters who are finding safety in the basement of the church, and reporters who return to hitchhikes. The report of these incidents by The Daily was part of a long tradition, supporting the newspaper reported on witnesses. The oppression of the rights of all American voters, not just blacks, is still a national issue. One of the arguments is that the Supreme Court has decided to abolish some of the voting law in 2013. Regardless of whether it is inside and outside the southern part, some voters' rights are still widely featured. Michigan Daily is a good place to continue this nationwide story that influences us. Roger Laporto was a reporter on Michigan Daily from 1964 to 1967, editor from 1967 to 1968. So far

Contributed to San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Harper's paper, Atlantic paper, etc. He has authored "Citizen Moore", "Hillsdale", and "Pilot Error", which was the original of the feature films released in 2015. The main character of the Pilot Error is Nicola Wilson, a research press who started his career on Michigan Daily. He is also a producer of the feature film "Waterwalk". Lapoport lives in Musky Gon, Michigan, and has lived with his wife, Marty Ferribee, who has been the director of the Huckry Public Library since 1994. It is a civil rights newspaper issued by. Every week, our staff reported more articles about the civil rights struggle that lasted throughout the southern regions. During that mission, I visited Governor Wallace and interviewed him and received a signed photo from the governor. In June, he returned to Michigan with plenty of time and interviewed Detroit's racial riot for a week for the Wall Street Journal. Page 11 → Half a century, small Selma is a large tour stop in the southern civil rights movement. Even today, there are reporters who are finding safety in the basement of the church, and reporters who return to hitchhikes. The report of these incidents by The Daily was part of a long tradition, supporting the newspaper reported on witnesses. The oppression of the rights of all American voters, not just blacks, is still a national issue. One of the arguments is that the Supreme Court has decided to abolish some of the voting law in 2013. Regardless of whether it is inside and outside the southern part, some voters' rights are still widely featured. Michigan Daily is a good place to continue this nationwide story that influences us. Roger Laporto was a reporter on Michigan Daily from 1964 to 1967, editor from 1967 to 1968. So far

Contributed to San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Harper's paper, Atlantic paper, etc. He has authored "Citizen Moore", "Hillsdale", and "Pilot Error", which was the original of the feature films released in 2015. The main character of the Pilot Error is Nicola Wilson, a research press who started his career on Michigan Daily. He is also a producer of the feature film "Waterwalk". Lapoport lives in Musky Gon, Michigan, and has lived with his wife, Marty Ferribee, who has been the director of the Huckry Public Library since 1994.

F8 and be the There Andy Sax October 15, 1965 I thought it would be a good sport. Taking on the job of a photo handed to me as a freshman photographer, trying to do what I can. That day, the big event on October 15, 1965 was supposed to be the Home Caming Parade at the University of Michigan and the night concert. Those jobs were left to experienced daily paper photographers. They were aware of the point, and in my understanding, the fuss of parade and home coming was not the first rodeo for them. On the other hand, I have only six weeks since I entered college. Born in December, I was about to be 18 years old in mi d-October 1965. As a result, I was new to the staff, and headed on Liberty Street to the main to see what sitting in the selected service office was. In a modern style, I was a lo w-value human resource for this lo w-priority event. The newspaper had to report the demonstration with photos, but why did you dispatch firs t-class staff? After all, what is going on in sitting? The people are all sitting. So I thought. I owned one used camera of Asahi Pentax, which I bought at the end of the Berkeley High School Watching Staff, and two spare preset spiratone lenses. The lens was 135mm in telephoto and a wid e-angle 28mm, and did not cost a total of $ 80. I carried all of them in an amy green canvas shoulder bag. I was 180 cm tall and was nearly 150 km, including the camera equipment. Probably

However, on the afternoon of Friday 1965, I was suspending regular study to cover people who were sitting in the conscription committee. I went slowly in the afternoon. At one point, Walter Krazney, Chief of Annar Police, was in the office in a tie on a jacket, but a police officer wearing a helmet was nearby and smiled calmly. Two other photographers were in the office. After 40 minutes, the tension in the office increased. Officially, the staff of the selection service office did not have any dissatisfaction with the political opinion of the demonstration participants. But in the meantime, the staff had pledged loyalty to the employer, the U. S. Army. The deep groove of town and gown in the 1965 anner bar was a wel l-known fact. But I lived in West Quad for six weeks, so it was news. And as an art student who had not learned the basics of the peace movement, many nuances did not come to mind. (Twenty years later, I joked with other photographers that all the knowledge I needed for the successful news photographers was on the spot.) < SPAN> However, on Friday, 1965, I was interrupting legitimate study to cover the sitting of the conscription committee. I went slowly in the afternoon. At one point, Walter Krazney, Chief of Annar Police, was in the office in a tie on a jacket, but a police officer wearing a helmet was nearby and smiled calmly. Two other photographers were in the office. After 40 minutes, the tension in the office increased. Officially, the staff of the selection service office did not have any dissatisfaction with the political opinion of the demonstration participants. But in the meantime, the staff had pledged loyalty to the employer, the U. S. Army. The deep groove of town and gown in the 1965 anner bar was a wel l-known fact. But I lived in West Quad for six weeks, so it was news. And as an art student who had not learned the basics of the peace movement, many nuances did not come to mind. (Twenty years later, I joked with other photographers that all the knowledge I needed for the successful news photographers was on the spot.) However, on the afternoon of Friday 1965, I was suspending regular study to cover people who were sitting in the conscription committee. I went slowly in the afternoon. At one point, Walter Krazney, Chief of Annar Police, was in the office in a tie on a jacket, but a police officer wearing a helmet was nearby and smiled calmly. Two other photographers were in the office. After 40 minutes, the tension in the office increased. Officially, the staff of the selection service office did not have any dissatisfaction with the political opinion of the demonstration participants. But in the meantime, the staff had pledged loyalty to the employer, the U. S. Army. The deep groove of town and gown in the 1965 anner bar was a wel l-known fact. But I lived in West Quad for six weeks, so it was news. And as an art student who had not learned the basics of the peace movement, many nuances did not come to mind. (Twenty years later, I joked with other photographers that all the knowledge I needed for the successful news photographers was on the spot.)

Usually, the staff of the selection service office worked like a machine and made the children a warning of war in war. At 5 o'clock, they returned home by locked to the office. However, thousands of men of all ages of conscription living in Washteno County have been stored in the file, and today, the staff have been driven to make political claims. I couldn't leave a few people to the office all weekends. The authorities notified the protests that they would arrest them for trespassing if they did not stand up and leave. No one moved. The police came first. County Sheriff's deputy shredded has backed the paddy wagon van to the entrance on Liberty Street. Since the office was on the second floor, all 14 on page 14 were carried by a few police officers and had to get off the stairs from the office. Photo: Andy saxophone new rice, I saw how the television news cruis and other photographers were dealing with at this point, and at the same time, I got information. This was my first rodeo. Nevertheless, I immediately noticed that there were two main activities that are easy to access. I started making a shot list without knowing the words and without using it. Shot No. 1: On the second floor of the office, when the police are sitting down the demonstration participants in the middle and picked up from the floor. Shot No. 2: When the police carried a no n-violent corpse from the entrance to a paddy wagon waiting for paddy fields. Going down the stairs was neither simple nor a safe shot. < SPAN> Usually, the staff of the selected service office worked like a machine and made a meticulous notification of the war in the war. At 5 o'clock, they returned home by locked to the office. However, thousands of men of all ages of conscription living in Washteno County have been stored in the file, and today, the staff have been driven to make political claims. I couldn't leave a few people to the office all weekends. The authorities notified the protests that they would arrest them for trespassing if they did not stand up and leave. No one moved. The police came first. County Sheriff's deputy shredded has backed the paddy wagon van to the entrance on Liberty Street. Since the office was on the second floor, all 14 on page 14 were carried by a few police officers and had to get off the stairs from the office. Photo: Andy saxophone new rice, I saw how the television news cruis and other photographers were dealing with at this point, and at the same time, I got information. This was my first rodeo. Nevertheless, I immediately noticed that there were two main activities that are easy to access. I started making a shot list without knowing the words and without using it. Shot No. 1: On the second floor of the office, when the police are sitting down the demonstration participants in the middle and picked up from the floor. Shot No. 2: When the police carried a no n-violent corpse from the entrance to a paddy wagon waiting for paddy fields. Going down the stairs was neither simple nor a safe shot. Usually, the staff of the selection service office worked like a machine and made the children a warning of war in war. At 5 o'clock, they returned home by locked to the office. However, thousands of men of all ages of conscription living in Washteno County have been stored in the file, and today, the staff have been driven to make political claims. I couldn't leave a few people to the office all weekends. The authorities notified the protests that they would arrest them for trespassing if they did not stand up and leave. No one moved. The police came first. County Sheriff's deputy shredded has backed the paddy wagon van to the entrance on Liberty Street. Since the office was on the second floor, all 14 on page 14 were carried by a few police officers and had to get off the stairs from the office. Photo: Andy saxophone new rice, I saw how the television news cruis and other photographers were dealing with at this point, and at the same time, I got information. This was my first rodeo. Nevertheless, I immediately realized that there were two main activities that are easy to access. I started making a shot list without knowing the words and without using it. Shot No. 1: On the second floor of the office, when the police are sitting down the demonstration participants in the middle and picked up from the floor. Shot No. 2: When the police carried a no n-violent corpse from the entrance to a paddy wagon waiting for paddy fields. Going down the stairs was neither simple nor a safe shot.

I was arrested and taken to jail that night. Two of my photos were on the front page of the Saturday morning paper. After that, I was ready for the next rodeo. I've never learned so much by skipping class again. Andy Sachs was a photographer for the Michigan Daily from 1965 to 1969. He graduated in May 1969 with a degree in design from the College of Architecture and Design. He has been a freelance photojournalist since 1970. His print and video work has appeared in media outlets around the world. He recently completed a documentary called Letвu_402™s Have Some Church Detroit Style, which will be released in 2015. He lives in Chelsea, Michigan with his wife, Ann.

Jay Cassidi, who captures Kennedy in primary materials Detroit, May 16, 1968 Michigan Daily was always a point of energy and activity on the campus, but the turbulent era of the 1960s was Michigan University and Anner Bar. As the street corner was unfolded, the newspaper increased its relevance with more challenging and enthusiastic readers. The two major problems at the time of civil rights and Vietnam War were the trauma of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the riot in the city center (politely called "citizen anxiety"), and the American who died in an overseas dispute. It was accompanied by Vietnamese's weekly, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were less than three months of murder. It is the era of political, social division and reconsideration, and is the most commonly summarized in the Chinese spell "ђmay You Live in Interesting Times. ђќ". And we Daily Paper were interesting, challenging, and irreverent. At that time, if there was a principle of Michigan Daily paper, it was another Chinese curse. In November 2006, I received an email from Nancy Bartlet, an archive of the Anoreabar Bentley History Library. Page 17 → Nancy writes: ђњ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 I scanned 35mm blac k-an d-white negatives to make a digital file and started looking for my favorite 50. Immediately a difficult problem occurred. There were almost no contact sheets, so I had to put it on one frame per komus scanner to know what the image was. These photos were taken, processed, selected, and published in the deadline every day. The lab's work was a photographer and an incumbent photo editor. Daily newspapers are interested in photos with news value, complement the story, and search for one or two expressive images that express the essence of the event. Definitely, the context determines the choice, < SPAN> primary material Detroit Jay Cassidi May 16, 1968 Michigan Daily always was a nodal point of some energy and activities on the campus. However, as the turbulent era of the 1960s unfolds on the Michigan University and the Anoral Bar street corner, the newspaper increased its relevance with more challenging and enthusiastic readers. The two major problems at the time of civil rights and Vietnam War were the trauma of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the riot in the city center (politely called "citizen anxiety"), and the American who died in an overseas dispute. It was accompanied by Vietnamese's weekly, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were less than three months of murder. It is the era of political, social division and reconsideration, and is the most commonly summarized in the Chinese spell "ђmay You Live in Interesting Times. ђќ". And we Daily Paper were interesting, challenging, and irreverent. At that time, if there was a principle of Michigan Daily paper, it was another Chinese curse. In November 2006, I received an email from Nancy Bartlet, an archive of the Anoreabar Bentley History Library. Page 17 → Nancy writes: ђњ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 I scanned 35mm blac k-an d-white negatives to make a digital file and started looking for my favorite 50. Immediately a difficult problem occurred. There were almost no contact sheets, so I had to put it on one frame per komus scanner to know what the image was. These photos were taken, processed, selected, and published in the deadline every day. The lab's work was a photographer and an incumbent photo editor. Daily newspapers are interested in photos with news value, complement the story, and search for one or two expressive images that express the essence of the event. In the definition, Jay Casidi, a primary material detroit, and captures Kennedy in primary materials, Jay Cassidi May 16, 1968 Michigan Daily always was a nodule of some kind of energy and activity on the campus, but 1960. As the turbulent era of the age was developed on the Michigan University and the street corner of the anner bar, the newspaper increased its relevance with more challenging and enthusiastic readers. The two major problems at the time of civil rights and Vietnam War were the trauma of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the riot in the city center (politely called "citizen anxiety"), and the American who died in an overseas dispute. It was accompanied by Vietnamese's weekly, and Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were less than three months of murder. It is the era of political, social division and reconsideration, and is the most commonly summarized in the Chinese spell "ђmay You Live in Interesting Times. ђќ". And we Daily Paper were interesting, challenging, and irreverent. At that time, if there was a principle of Michigan Daily, it was another Chinese curse. In November 2006, I received an email from Nancy Bartlet, an archive of the Anoreabar Bentley History Library. Page 17 → Nancy writes: ђњ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 I scanned 35mm blac k-an d-white negatives to make a digital file and started looking for my favorite 50. Immediately a difficult problem occurred. There were almost no contact sheets, so I had to put it on one frame per komus scanner to know what the image was. These photos were taken, processed, selected, and published in the deadline every day. The lab's work was a photographer and an incumbent photo editor. Daily newspapers are interested in photos with news value, complement the story, and search for one or two expressive images that express the essence of the event. Definitely, the context determines the choice,

And the chosen will see off many wonderful photos that are redundant or beyond their duties. After the photo was selected and the deadline passed, the negative was placed aside without thinking any more. My first scan was a survey and a little revelation. Forty years after the shooting, I realized myself suggesting that they would edit them. However, it was forced to scan all the rolls to see what there was, and it was clear that these photos were much more valuable than edited. 。 I was able to judge aesthetic value, good composition, interesting face, and important actions. However, by doing selection, I put the photo in a context defined by me and my memory. My choice is an interpretation that excludes other images, including several images. But why do future viewers and researchers restrict what they might be interested in or reveal? So I decided to scan all the frames, from my favorite, not the ones that are technically inadequate, failed, and rollout. < SPAN> And the chosen will see off many wonderful photos that are redundant or beyond their duties. After the photo was selected and the deadline passed, the negative was placed aside without thinking any more. My first scan was a survey and a little revelation. Forty years after the shooting, I realized myself suggesting that they would edit them. However, it was forced to scan all the rolls to see what there was, and it was clear that these photos were much more valuable than edited. 。 I was able to judge aesthetic value, good composition, interesting face, and important actions. However, by doing selection, I put the photo in a context defined by me and my memory. My choice is an interpretation that excludes other images, including several images. But why do future viewers and researchers restrict what they might be interested in or reveal? So I decided to scan all the frames, from my favorite, not the ones that are technically inadequate, failed, and rollout. And the chosen will see off many wonderful photos that are redundant or beyond their duties. After the photo was selected and the deadline passed, the negative was placed aside without thinking any more. My first scan was a survey and a little revelation. Forty years after the shooting, I realized myself suggesting that they would edit them. However, it was forced to scan all the rolls to see what there was, and it was clear that these photos were much more valuable than edited. 。 I was able to judge aesthetic value, good composition, interesting face, and important actions. However, by doing selection, I put the photo in a context defined by me and my memory. My choice is an interpretation that excludes other images, including several images. But why do future viewers and researchers restrict what they might be interested in or reveal? So, I decided to scan all the frames, from my favorite, what I didn't like, technically inadequate, failed, and rollout.

Anyone who has used a Nikon negative scanner can empathize. After a long hiatus to make ends meet, it took until 2010 to finish this project. The 50 photos Nancy hoped to receive turned into over 4, 000. Looking through some of these photos in the order they went through the camera, a story emerges; a story that, in the rush to publish, was missed that day because we were so focused on picking out one or two photos. Here's what I'm talking about: In the spring of 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy ran for the Democratic presidential nomination. He entered the race because Senator Eugene McCarthy had strong support from those who opposed the Vietnam War and who had little to gain from maintaining the status quo. By definition, these groups were young people. In January 1968, the Tet Offensive revealed an alternative story that overturned the government's official version of the Vietnam War. President Lyndon B. Johnson announced at the end of March that he would not seek reelection. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey was not so much a successor as someone who had been forced to keep quiet for the last four years as Vietnam went further and further off the rails. The possibility of a nomination was open. The Kennedy campaign had asked student journalists to

Kennedy, who was killed by Memphis, did not doubt that the candidate would lead the country in another direction. And, as the Greeks mentioned many years ago, let's devote themselves to help human savage and gentle the life of this world. For that purpose, let's dedicate themselves and pray for their homeland and the people. " These frames are not selected as illustrations of "Daily" magazine the next day, but unpublished. Three weeks before the assassination, it is an indiscriminate evidence of extremist hatred against Kennedy. The right wing group, which had a hate sign and a black umbrella in the glass case, was called ђќbreakthrough and was established by Donald Rob Singer, a staff member of the Detroit Park Recreation Bureau. On March 14, the group demonstrated Martin Luther King Jr., who spoke at Gross Points High School. At a Kennedy rally where the estimated 10, 000 people gathered, this group gave a flyer written on the crowd: ђњ Robert F. KENNEDY to Receive ђumbrellla of British Minister Neville Minister Neville CHAMBERLAIN. Father Joseph is 1930 He served as Ambassador to the UK in the latter half of the age and supported Prime Minister Chembalen and his German policy. Kennedy, who was shot and killed by Memphis, did not doubt that the candidate would lead the country in another direction. And, as the Greeks mentioned many years ago, let's devote themselves to help human savage and gentle the life of this world. For that purpose, let's dedicate themselves and pray for their homeland and the people. " These frames are not selected as illustrations of "Daily" magazine the next day, but unpublished. Three weeks before the assassination, it is an indiscriminate evidence of extremist hatred against Kennedy. The right wing group, which had a hate sign and a black umbrella in the glass case, was called ђќbreakthrough and was established by Donald Rob Singer, a staff member of the Detroit Park Recreation Bureau. On March 14, the group demonstrated Martin Luther King Jr., who spoke at Gross Points High School. At a Kennedy rally where the estimated 10, 000 people gathered, this group gave a flyer written on the crowd: ђњ Robert F. KENNEDY to Receive ђumbrellla of British Minister Neville Minister Neville CHAMBERLAIN. Father Joseph is 1930 He served as Ambassador to the UK in the latter half of the age and supported Prime Minister Chembalen and his German policy. Kennedy, who was killed by Memphis, did not doubt that the candidate would lead the country in another direction. And, as the Greeks mentioned many years ago, let's devote themselves to help human savage and gentle the life of this world. For that purpose, let's dedicate themselves and pray for their homeland and the people. " These frames are not selected as illustrations of "Daily" magazine the next day, but unpublished. Three weeks before the assassination, it is an indiscriminate evidence of extremist hatred against Kennedy. The right wing group, which had a hate sign and a black umbrella in the glass case, was called ђќbreakthrough and was established by Donald Rob Singer, a staff member of the Detroit Park Recreation Bureau. On March 14, the group demonstrated Martin Luther King Jr., who spoke at Gross Points High School. At a Kennedy rally where the estimated 10, 000 people gathered, this group gave a flyer written on the crowd: ђњ Robert F. KENNEDY to Receive ђumbrellla of British Minister Neville Minister Neville CHAMBERLAIN. Father Joseph is 1930 He served as Ambassador to the UK in the latter half of the age and supported Prime Minister Chembalen and his German policy.

Nationally, Joe Kennedy became known as the "appeasement man." Black umbrellas smeared dirt on the father, and clever protesters were willing to use it on the son. Five years earlier, other clever protesters were at Dealey Plaza at the moment President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The black umbrella on a clear day was a favorite of conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination. The Umbrella Man did not come forward until a House Select Committee on Assassinations hearing was held in 1978, when he testified that he used the black umbrella to remind his son that his father's legacy had not been forgotten. The Breakthrough Group distributed another flyer in Detroit that day: Robert F. Kennedy, do a true service not only to your country but to all mankind by donating blood to the Viet Cong. Three weeks later, the intent of the words became reality. What should we think of this? It's not for me to say. Just think that it does not negate the value of the photograph as a primary source. But something else happened that day. Photo: Jay Cassidy Page 20 →You can see it in the faces of the people who greeted the candidate. Ten months earlier, Detroit had experienced urban unrest.

I think I chose my occupation because I had the desire to create a context to talk about the story in this 24 page → photograph. And I felt that working in newspapers and magazines was not an appropriate place to realize that desire. Page 21 → Photo: Jay Cassidi. Photo: Jay Cassidi page 22 → Photo: Jay Cassidi. Photo: Jay Cassidi page 23 → Photo: Jay Cassidi.

So Jay Cassidi, who became a movie, was a Michigan Daily photographer from 1967 to 1970. He has been involved in documentary and political advertising since the 1970s, and is currently a film editor. To date, we have edited more than 30 movies. The latest work "American Hustle" (2013) and "Silver Lining's Playbook" (2012) have been nominated for 10 Academy Awards and eight divisions, respectively, and won the best movie editing award in both works. did. Cassidi c o-starred in all works directed by Sean Penn, and Into the Wild (2007) was nominated for the Academy Award for Editing. Cassidi won the 39th New Yorker magazine's Cartoon Caption Contest on February 27, 2006.

The worst student, the worst student journalist Daniel Ocretto, August 26, 196 8-August 29, 1968, when the nation was boiling with anxiety, confusion and generational conflicts, I am daily. Was a national political correspondent. I don't think anyone was called (except for my mother), but it's a reasonable expression to represent a part of my 2 0-yea r-old life. Other expressions would be accurate: the worst bridge player, the lowest student, and the void. Rubber bridge was an entertainment after the deadline at the 420 Mainards at the time. I didn't participate every night because I liked the bridge. It was the best way to avoid going home and sleep. As a result, I knew why I was the worst student: I rarely appeared in classes, and I usually fell asleep in the last row. There is another reason I was the worst student: When I was actually working, I usually went on a journey with photographer Andy Sachs. Andy and I are Wisconsin's spilling in Washington, various events, Bobby Kennedy's election campaign in the Indian State Primary Election, and Lindon B. Johnson's shocking presidential election. We interviewed voting. And all of them were preliminary battle for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, one of the major events of the year. So I showed my skills as a pose entertainer. (This photo may indicate that I even posed). < SPAN> The worst student, the worst student journalist Daniel Ocretto, August 26, 196 8-August 29, 1968, when the nation was boiling in anxiety, confusion and generational conflicts Was a national political correspondent in the daily newspaper. I don't think anyone was called (except for my mother), but it's a reasonable expression to represent a part of my 2 0-yea r-old life. Other expressions would be accurate: the worst bridge player, the lowest student, and the void. Rubber bridge was an entertainment after the deadline at the 420 Mainards at the time. I didn't participate every night because I liked the bridge. It was the best way to avoid going home and sleep. As a result, I knew why I was the worst student: I rarely appeared in classes, and I usually fell asleep in the last row. There is another reason I was the worst student: When I was actually working, I usually went on a journey with photographer Andy Sachs. Andy and I are Wisconsin's spilling in Washington, various events, Bobby Kennedy's election campaign in the Indian State Primary Election, and Lindon B. Johnson's shocking presidential election. We interviewed voting. And all of them were preliminary battle for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, one of the major events of the year. So I showed my skills as a pose entertainer. (This photo may indicate that I even posed). The worst student, the worst student journalist Daniel Ocretto, August 26, 196 8-August 29, 1968, when the nation was boiling with anxiety, confusion and generational conflicts, I am daily. Was a national political correspondent. I don't think anyone was called (except for my mother), but it's a reasonable expression to represent a part of my 2 0-yea r-old life. Other expressions would be accurate: the worst bridge player, the lowest student, and the void. Rubber bridge was an entertainment after the deadline at the 420 Mainards at the time. I didn't participate every night because I liked the bridge. It was the best way to avoid going home and sleep. As a result, I knew why I was the worst student: I rarely appeared in classes, and I usually fell asleep in the last row. There is another reason I was the worst student: When I was actually working, I usually went on a journey with photographer Andy Sachs. Andy and I are Wisconsin's spilling in Washington, various events, Bobby Kennedy's election campaign in the Indian State Primary Election, and Lindon B. Johnson's shocking presidential election. We interviewed voting. And all of them were preliminary battle for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, one of the major events of the year. So I showed my skills as a pose entertainer. (This photo may indicate that I even posed).

For the better part of four days of the convention, I sat in the press gallery, chin tucked, thinking seriously about the urgent business taking place on the floor below. Once, I walked up to NBC News correspondent Sandor Vanoker from the side and asked him if he was from South Dakota (Idaho? Vanoker looked at me like I'd farted and walked away. Occasionally, when the convention got deeply boring and the regular reporters lost interest, I was able to get a pass into the convention hall. I hung around the Michigan delegation, serious-faced, scribbling notes about God-knows-what. I crowded around TV reporters as they interviewed prominent Democrats, hoping to get in the frame of the cameraman's shot. Once, I walked past the Illinois delegation to ask Chicago Mayor Richard Daley a stupid question. Needless to say, the story I wrote included the line, "I asked Mayor Daley the other day." The same Daily had my thumb sucker on the front page.

John Gray wrote about the mayor's political influence (I hardly knew it, but it was a pure rule) and wrote about the brawls covered in tear gas. Daniel Ocretto arrived at Annar Bar on August 28, 1965, left a toothbrush and clothing in the dormitory, and went straight to the Daily paper. For the next four years, he has rarely left the anner bar paper, and has served as a sports reporter, a news reporter, a film critic, art editor, and a special editor. ハーコート・ブレイス・ジョバノビッチ紙の編集長、タイム社の編集長、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の初代編集長などを歴任: 著書に『Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center』(2004 年ピューリッツァー賞歴史部門最終候補作 ) There is a bes t-selling "Last Call" and others: When a friend of the Michigan University was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2014, a friend said: < SPAN> John Gray has wielded the club and wrote about the brawls covered with tear gases, about the mayor's political influence (I hardly knew it, but it was a pure rule). Daniel Ocretto arrived at Annar Bar on August 28, 1965, left a toothbrush and clothing in the dormitory, and went straight to the Daily paper. For the next four years, he has rarely left the anner bar paper, and has served as a sports reporter, a news reporter, a film critic, art editor, and a special editor. ハーコート・ブレイス・ジョバノビッチ紙の編集長、タイム社の編集長、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の初代編集長などを歴任: 著書に『Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center』(2004 年ピューリッツァー賞歴史部門最終候補作 ) There is a bes t-selling "Last Call" and others: When a friend of the Michigan University was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2014, a friend said: John Gray wrote about the mayor's political influence (I hardly knew it, but it was a pure rule) and wrote about the brawls covered in tear gas. Daniel Ocretto arrived at Annar Bar on August 28, 1965, left a toothbrush and clothing in the dormitory, and went straight to the Daily paper. For the next four years, he has rarely left the anner bar paper, and has served as a sports reporter, a news reporter, a film critic, art editor, and a special editor. ハーコート・ブレイス・ジョバノビッチ紙の編集長、タイム社の編集長、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙の初代編集長などを歴任: 著書に『Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center』(2004 年ピューリッツァー賞歴史部門最終候補作 ) There is a bes t-selling "Last Call" and others: When a friend of the Michigan University was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2014, a friend said:

1969: The Year of Living Dangerously John Papanek Two centuries' worth of surly, cocky, clueless freshmen arrived that September day in Ann Arbor to be excited, awakened, inspired, shocked, and overwhelmed by the whirling circus of delights and diversions that is the University of Michigan. Almost any member of any class can surely make a case for why their own first-year experience is the most memorable. On behalf of my siblings in the Class of ’73 (or as we called ourselves in high school, the ’69ers), I suggest that our class may deserve to be at the top of that list. In our case, the first three months alone brought more drama and emotion every day than most other classes experience in four years. And that was the drama and emotion of the Michigan Daily News. (Though I was not part of the Daily family my freshman year, getting to know it and being a part of it was the best thing that happened to me at Michigan. September 1969 seemed, at least to us, the beginning of every freedom imaginable: social, sexual, cultural, musical, academic, especially to the stodgy university administrators and bureaucrats who thought they were running things from Lansing or Washington, D. C., in the brand new brick fortress built to contain us and protect us from us.) By September 69, the university was a place of endless battles, ranging from cold to very, very hot, between students and landlords, students and other students, students and police, administrators and faculty, townspeople and the university community. Just as Richard Nixon looked out the windows of the White House and wondered if the sea of ​​protesters and pacifists would ever disappear, or at least get a haircut, so did University President Robben Fleming, an anti-war liberal and former labor relations expert. 1969: The Year of Living Dangerously John Papanek 1969 Two centuries' worth of surly, cocky, and clueless freshmen arrived in September in Ann Arbor to be excited, awakened, inspired, shocked, and overwhelmed by the whirling circus of delights and diversions that is the University of Michigan. Almost every member of the class had his own 1969. I'm sure you can make a case for why the stories from the first year are the most memorable. On behalf of my sisters and brothers in the Class of '73 (or as we called ourselves in high school, the '69ers), I suggest that our class may deserve to be at the top of that list. For us, the first three months alone brought more drama and emotion to the day than most other classes will experience in four years. And that was the drama and emotion of the Michigan Daily. (I wasn't part of the Daily family my freshman year, but knowing and being a part of it was the best thing that ever happened to me at Michigan.) September 1969 seemed, at least to us, the beginning of every freedom imaginable: social, sexual, cultural, musical, academic, especially for the stodgy university administrators in the brand new brick fortress built to contain us and protect us from us, and the bureaucrats who thought they were running things from Lansing and Washington, D. C. From September to November (’69), the University was in a constant state of battle, from cold to very, very hot, between "students and landlords," "students and other students," "students and police," "administrators and faculty," "townspeople and the University community." Just as Richard Nixon looked out the windows of the White House and wondered if the sea of ​​protesters and pacifists would ever disappear, or at least get a haircut, so did University President Robben Fleming, an anti-war liberal and former labor relations expert. 1969: The Year of Living Dangerously John Papanek 1969 Two centuries' worth of surly, cocky, and clueless freshmen arrived in Ann Arbor that September and were excited, awakened, inspired, shocked, and crushed by the whirling circus of delights and diversions that is the University of Michigan. I'm sure that almost every class member can tell you why their freshman experience is the most memorable. On behalf of my sisters and brothers in the Class of '73 (or as we called ourselves in high school, the "'69ers"), I suggest that our class may deserve to be at the top of that list. In our case, the first three months alone brought more drama and emotion every day than most other classes experience in four years. And that was Michigan Daily News drama and emotion. (Though I was not part of the Daily family my freshman year, getting to know it and being a part of it was the best thing that happened to me at Michigan. September 1969 seemed, at least to us, the beginning of every freedom imaginable: social, sexual, cultural, musical, academic, especially to the stodgy university administrators and bureaucrats who thought they were running things from Lansing or Washington, D. C., in the brand new brick fortress built to contain us and protect us from us.) Until June 1969, the university was in the midst of a never-ending battle, ranging from cold to very hot, between "students and landlords," "students and other students," "students and police," "administrators and faculty," "townspeople and the university community." Just as Richard Nixon looked out the window of the White House and wondered if the sea of ​​protesters and pacifists would ever go away, or at least get a haircut, so did University President Robben Fleming, a former labor relations expert and anti-war liberal.

When would the worst nightmare end? Not only Fleming, but also Ann Arbor's mayor, police chief, Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug Harvey (our local J. Edgar Hoover), and the eight elected members of the University Board of Trustees all knew that things had been getting worse the previous summer. Here was the corresponding page-one headline: A quick look back at the city's summer: Bookstore Defeated, ROTC Bombed, Rent Strike Relief A City in Crisis: Mayor vs. Everyone в_402↩ Responding to Requests from Campus Unrest Investigations Here's what we needed to know: 1. The hottest political issue on campus was the overwhelming request, passed in March by a referendum, for a student-run bookstore that would offer textbooks at prices below the fair prices that had been set for generations by oligarchic proprietors like Follett and Ulrich. At their July meeting, the Regents summarily rejected the idea. 2. The next hot topic was the survival of the Reserve Officers Training Corps.

2. The university facilities, funds, and reputation were used to train students to the army. On June 1, a bomb was set up in the North Hall at the Rotc headquarters, destroying the wall and military staff cars. 3. Several trials were progressing in a prolonged and enthusiastic struggle between students living in apartments outside the campus and looted landlords. 4. In mi d-June, the police launched a block party hosted by a c o-group, Tran s-Love Energy, founded by the Poet John Synch Lea, who launched the White Panther Party and also served as the Minister of Information. Trans Love Energy's mission was to spread the Cultural Revolution through sex, doping and rock and roll. The party, which was held in South University, which is very close to Fleming's residence, defeated 300 helmet police officers with tear gas and riot, and arrested 45 people. Harvey shows proudly to keep the right people in the area from drunk drunk drunk in front of drug addicts, sex nuts, and public aspects. Synchrair was sent to prison shortly and was sentenced to 9 to 10 years in prison for giving two marijuvenors to a decoy. (In December 1971, just 30 months later, the struggle to release Sync Rare reached a climax at a historic rally and large concerts at the sold out. ・ Seals, Allen Ginsberg, and Bob Segg, and other performers, < Span> 2. College facilities, funds, and fame were used to send students to the army. On June 1, a bomb was set up in the North Hall of the ROTC headquarters, and a lon g-termped landlord was destroyed by a student who lived in an apartment outside the campus. In mi d-June 4. Translary, the poet, John Sync Rair, was founded in mi d-June in mi d-June. The mission of Trans Love Energy, a c o-owned group, was nearly spreading the Cultural Revolution on the street. The party held in South University defeated 300 helmet police officers with tear gas and riot, and 45 people in the area were arrested. Sex nuts, drinking in front of the public, swearing to protect them from drunks, sending them to prison soon and giving two marijuana in investigating the decoy for 9 to 10 years. Judgment was received (only 30 months later, in December 1971, the struggle to release Sync Release was a climax at a historic assembly and a large concert. Jerry Rubin, Bobby Seal, Allen Ginsberg, and Bob Seggen and other performers have participated one after another for training to send students to the army. On June 1st, a bomb was set up in the North Hall of the ROTC, and the staff who lived in an apartment outside the campus was destroyed. In the prolonged and tangled struggle, in mi d-June, the Police was founded by the Popular Party, John Sync Rare, in mi d-June. A block party sponsored by a joint group called Tran s-Love Energy. Trans Love Energy's mission was to spread the Cultural Revolution through sex, doping and rock and roll. The party, which was held in South University, which is very close to Fleming's residence, defeated 300 helmet police officers with tear gas and riot, and arrested 45 people. Harvey shows proudly to keep the right people in the area from drunk drunk drunk in front of drug addicts, sex nuts, and public aspects. Synchrair was sent to prison shortly and was sentenced to 9 to 10 years in prison for giving two marijuvenors to a decoy. (In December 1971, just 30 months later, the struggle to release Sync Rare reached a climax at a historic rally and large concerts at the sold out. ・ Seals, Allen Ginsberg, and Bob Sege and other performers have participated one after another.

He wanted to avoid the embarrassment of playing in front of empty seats at Michigan Stadium, which wasn't yet called the Big House. All we knew about Bo was that he was from Miami! He came in to replace Chalmers Elliott and was beloved, even though the Wolverines were a bottom-five team in the Big Ten during his 10 seasons. Schembechler's only claim to fame was spending five years as an assistant to the notorious Woody Hayes at Ohio State. Daily sportswriters rarely mentioned Hayes without adding their favorite adjective for him: “ќ. If nothing else, it would be interesting to see how Bo would fare against his rotund mentor in the traditional end-of-season border game between the two teams on November 22nd this year at Michigan Stadium. In the '68 season, the Buckeyes suffered a 50-14 rout of the NBA, crushed Southern California in the Rose Bowl, and finished the season not only as the No. 1 team in America, but perhaps the best college team of all time. We were expected to do better in '69. We had classes for two weeks in September before football started, but classes weren't our top priority. Football entertained us from our first moment on campus right through Thanksgiving break.

I chose the weapon. After 10 minutes and 15 minutes, as the crowd and its temperature rose, other groups demanded the order of horns, and in one or two hours, the "student alliance for democracy", "White Panther". , "Black Beret", "Radical Cocas", "International Socialist", "Radical Lesbian", "Young Demonstrats", "Tenant Union", "Anakist Society", "Black Page 32 → Student Leaders such as "Alliance" and "New Mobilization Committee for the end of the Vietnam War" (in the style of daily paper, "New Mobe"), sometimes screams for a cause. Regardless of whether all of these groups stand on the podium on a daily basis, their hollow darts, effectively, covered all bulletin boards, walls, kiosks, street lamps, trees, and Volkswagen bumper. Political division is a matter of exercise, and the constant turmoil due to the confused leadership of the left wander is cool for relatively few campus conservatives, such as "American young people for freedom" and student spies reported to the FBI. It was a material, but the growing anger from Diag quickly moved to a threatening action. The DIAG rally was expanded through more students and speakers throughout the week, and everyone became more angry and bold. On Friday, the crowd leaked from engineering arches to Minami University, shouted to end the power of war, racism, gender discrimination, and prices in bookstores, and cheered, and drums, cymbals and gongs. I hit it and chose "inevitably ђ" < SPAN> that weapon. After 10 minutes and 15 minutes, as the crowd and its temperature rose, other groups demanded the order of horns, and in one or two hours, the "student alliance for democracy", "White Panther". , "Black Beret", "Radical Cocas", "International Socialist", "Radical Lesbian", "Young Demonstrats", "Tenant Union", "Anakist Society", "Black Page 32 → Student Leaders such as "Alliance" and "New Mobilization Committee for the end of the Vietnam War" (in the style of daily paper, "New Mobe"), sometimes screams for a cause. Regardless of whether all of these groups stand on the podium on a daily basis, their hollow darts, effectively, covered all bulletin boards, walls, kiosks, street lamps, trees, and Volkswagen bumper. Political division is a matter of exercise, and the constant turmoil due to the confused leadership of the left wander is cool for relatively few campus conservatives, such as "American young people for freedom" and student spies reported to the FBI. It was a material, but the growing anger from Diag quickly moved to a threatening action. The DIAG rally was expanded through more students and speakers throughout the week, and everyone became more angry and bold. On Friday, the crowd leaked from engineering arches to Minami University, shouted to end the power of war, racism, gender discrimination, and prices in bookstores, and cheered, and drums, cymbals and gongs. I chose the weapon "inevitably ђ". After 10 minutes and 15 minutes, as the crowd and its temperature rose, other groups demanded the order of horns, and in one or two hours, the "student alliance for democracy", "White Panther". , "Black Beret", "Radical Cocas", "International Socialist", "Radical Lesbian", "Young Demonstrats", "Tenant Union", "Anakist Society", "Black Page 32 → Student Leaders such as "Alliance" and "New Mobilization Committee for the end of the Vietnam War" (in the style of daily paper, "New Mobe"), sometimes screams for a cause. Regardless of whether all of these groups stand on the podium on a daily basis, their hollow darts, effectively, covered all bulletin boards, walls, kiosks, street lamps, trees, and Volkswagen bumper. Political division is a matter of exercise, and the constant turmoil due to the confused leadership of the left wander is cool for relatively few campus conservatives, such as "American young people for freedom" and student spies reported to the FBI. It was a material, but the growing anger from Diag quickly moved to a threatening action. The DIAG rally was expanded through more students and speakers throughout the week, and everyone became more angry and bold. On Friday, the crowd leaked from engineering arches to Minami University, shouted to end the power of war, racism, gender discrimination, and prices in bookstores, and cheered, and drums, cymbals and gongs. Hit, "Inevitably ђ"

It's like a gunshot. By the way, the university has claimed that this building, which was named by Mr. Fleming, who died in 2010, was not designed to prevent students from entering. The new management building was a truly target for protests of the Nikkan Diag in the fall of 1969, and DDAY was approaching. The day was on Friday, September 19, and the regent board was held for the first time in the new semester, and it was probably the day of the ruling on page 33 pages of bookstores. At 2:00 pm, SGC called for ђњ rest for all classes, and more than 1, 000 students gathered on the diages. More than 1, 000 students gathered in the diages, crossed the South State Street with the whole body full of bubbles, and marched to the new management building. The 400 students flowed inside without stopping in front of the door because they were not locked. Half of them entered the conference room where the Regent was meeting, and the other half rushed to the outer office and corridor. The regent was already quiet because most of the invading students were lurking. After a little awkward atmosphere, the regent was temporarily suspended, agreeing to meet students at nearby Michigan Union, announced and discussed decisions. Regent told the students that this time the bookstore had been proposed. But before the loud cheers arise, they added conditions: First, this plan must be approved by new student polls. < SPAN> It's like a gunshot. By the way, the university has claimed that this building, which was named by Mr. Fleming, who died in 2010, was not designed to prevent students from entering. The new management building was a truly target for protests of the Nikkan Diag in the fall of 1969, and DDAY was approaching. The day was on Friday, September 19, and the regent board was held for the first time in the new semester, and it was probably the day of the ruling on page 33 pages of bookstores. At 2:00 pm, SGC called for ђњ rest for all classes, and more than 1, 000 students gathered on the diages. More than 1, 000 students gathered in the diages, crossed the South State Street with the whole body full of bubbles, and marched to the new management building. The 400 students flowed inside without stopping in front of the door because they were not locked. Half of them entered the conference room where the Regent was meeting, and the other half rushed to the outer office and corridor. The regent was already quiet because most of the invading students were lurking. After a little awkward atmosphere, the regent was temporarily suspended, agreeing to meet students at nearby Michigan Union, announced and discussed decisions. Regent told the students that this time the bookstore had been proposed. But before the loud cheers arise, they added conditions: First, this plan must be approved by new student polls. It's like a gunshot. By the way, the university has claimed that this building, which was named by Mr. Fleming, who died in 2010, was not designed to prevent students from entering. The new management building was truly targeted for protests of the Nikkan Diag in the fall of 1969, and DDAY was approaching. The day was on Friday, September 19, and the regent board was held for the first time in the new semester, and it was probably the day of the ruling on page 33 pages of bookstores. At 2:00 pm, SGC called for ђњ rest for all classes, and more than 1, 000 students gathered on the diages. More than 1, 000 students gathered in the diages, crossed the South State Street with the whole body full of bubbles, and marched to the new management building. The 400 students flowed inside without stopping in front of the door because they were not locked. Half of them entered the conference room where the Regent was meeting, and the other half rushed to the outer office and corridor. The regent was already quiet because most of the invading students were lurking. After a little awkward atmosphere, the regent was temporarily suspended, agreeing to meet students at nearby Michigan Union, announced and discussed decisions. Regent told the students that this time the bookstore had been proposed. But before the loud cheers arise, they added conditions: First, this plan must be approved by a new student poll.

They pumped their black-gloved fists and passed Boone's Farm joints and bottles. But in the crowd, too, were thousands of their parents and ancestors.

Some graduates of ђњњ ђњњ have been graduated recently, but most of them are wel l-dressed and wel l-dressed. Contrary to expectations, this crazy mixed member of 70, 183 people checked political luggage at the ticket gate and unknown at the Michigan Stadium for the unknown Shaenbecler's debut match, the remaining time in summer. At the end of the sunshine, the wind with cannabis, a drink of apple wine at a glance, the traditional hand and hand overhead passing in a 9 0-row large bowl, and of course, 200 Michigan marching men (still marching women. I was drunk with the thunder of the thunder. Wolverine's 42 "402" 14 victory against Vanderbilt has left 12, 000 people gathered outside the stadium and settled on a peaceful march to return to Diag. A poster of Nixon was affixed on the coffin, saying, "Do you buy a used war from this man? 60 of them attacked the building, built a barricade and revealed the night. 2, 000, 2, 000 people. Students gathered in front of the Rotc headquarters in North Hall, and some graduates have recently been graduated, but most of them are well dressed. Contrary to the prediction, 70, 183 crazy mixed members checked political luggage at the ticket gate and united in Michigan Stadium. Time is the sunshine at the end of the summer, the wind with cannabis, the apple wine drink at a glance, the traditional hand and hand in a 9 0-row large bowl, and of course, 200 Michigan marching men (There was no marching woman yet) The 42 "402" victory at Vanderville was drunk, and 12, 000 people gathered outside the stadium. Departed for a peaceful march to return to return. A poster of Nixon was affixed on the coffin, saying, "Do you buy a used war from this man? 60 of them attacked the building, built a barricade and revealed the night. 2, 000, 2, 000 people. Students gathered in front of the Rotc headquarters in North Hall, but some graduates have recently been enrolled, but most of them are well dressed. Contrary to the expectation, 70, 183 crazy mixed members checked political luggage at the ticket gate and unknown at the unknown Michigan Stadium. , The sunshine at the end of the summer, the wind with cannabis, the apple wine drink at a glance, the traditional hand and hand overhead passing in a 9 0-row large bowl, and of course, 200 Michigan marching men (still marching (still marching) ・ Wolverine's 42 “402” 14 was drunk with the thunder of thunder). Departed for the organized peace march. A poster of Nixon was affixed on the coffin, saying, "Do you buy a used war from this man? 60 of them attacked the building, built a barricade and revealed the night. 2, 000, 2, 000 people. Students gathered in front of the North Hall Rotc headquarters.

As the sitting was prolonged, some students decided to leave the place in a large number of crowds outside the South State Street. However, more than 100 students remained inside. At 8:20 pm, Fleming declared the closure of the building and ordered everyone to leave. At 10:30 pm, Annar Boring Police Walter Krasnie tried to enter a building to give a suspension to the occupation, but was now blocked by more than 1, 500 outside crowds. Meanwhile, Fleming decided to meet the demonstration leaders. They said they would end up sitting on fleming if the regent emergency conference within 24 hours was reached. However, one of the students who was present told the Daily newspaper that Fleming was not willing to participate. Around 3:30 am, a yellow bus train appeared in front of the LSA building, and about 230 local police officers, state police officers, and county security officers appeared in a helmet and equipped with riot suppression. Ta. They had a shield, swinging a baton, rushing between hundreds of students who are still alert, hindering the entry at the students who are still occupying the building. Several students told Daily that they escaped in a police officer beaten or cheated by sticks. When the siege ended around 5 am, 107 students were arrested. On Friday, 26th, SGC called on Monday students. On Sunday, 27, Wolverine destroyed Washington 45ђ "7ђ" in front of the extremely poor stadium audience, 49, 684. The strike on Monday seemed to be exhausted and trapped in the shell than the students preparing for further problems. The leaders have reorganized and set up two new actions, a national moratorium for the end of the war two weeks later, and the next campus of Regentz two days later. On Wednesday, October 15, more than 1 million Americans opposed the Vietnam War participated in the demonstration. < SPAN> Some students decided to leave the place in a large number of crowds that had swelled outside the South State Street as the sitting was prolonged. However, more than 100 students remained inside. At 8:20 pm, Fleming declared the closure of the building and ordered everyone to leave. At 10:30 pm, Annar Boring Police Walter Krasnie tried to enter a building to give a suspension to the occupation, but was now blocked by more than 1, 500 outside crowds. Meanwhile, Fleming decided to meet the demonstration leaders. They said they would end up sitting on fleming if the regent emergency conference within 24 hours was reached. However, one of the students who was present told the Daily newspaper that Fleming was not willing to participate. Around 3:30 am, a yellow bus train appeared in front of the LSA building, and about 230 local police officers, state police officers, and county security officers appeared in a helmet and equipped with riot suppression. Ta. They had a shield, swinging a baton, rushing between hundreds of students who are still alert, hindering the entry at the students who are still occupying the building. Several students told Daily that they escaped in a police officer beaten or cheated by sticks. When the siege ended around 5 am, 107 students were arrested. On Friday, 26th, SGC called on Monday students. On Sunday, 27, Wolverine destroyed Washington 45ђ "7ђ" in front of the extremely poor stadium audience, 49, 684. The strike on Monday seemed to be exhausted and trapped in the shell than the students preparing for further problems. The leaders have reorganized and set up two new actions, a national moratorium for the end of the war two weeks later, and the next campus of Regentz two days later. On Wednesday, October 15, more than 1 million Americans opposed the Vietnam War participated in the demonstration. As the sitting was prolonged, some students decided to leave the place in a large number of crowds outside the South State Street. However, more than 100 students remained inside. At 8:20 pm, Fleming declared the closure of the building and ordered everyone to leave. At 10:30 pm, Annar Boring Police Walter Krasnie tried to enter a building to give a suspension to the occupation, but was now blocked by more than 1, 500 outside crowds. Meanwhile, Fleming decided to meet the demonstration leaders. They said they would end up sitting on fleming if the regent emergency conference within 24 hours was reached. However, one of the students who was present told the Daily newspaper that Fleming was not willing to participate. Around 3:30 am, a yellow bus train appeared in front of the LSA building, and about 230 local police officers, state police officers, and county security officers appeared in a helmet and equipped with riot suppression. Ta. They had a shield, swinging a baton, rushing between hundreds of students who are still alert, hindering the entry at the students who are still occupying the building. Several students told Daily that they escaped in a police officer beaten or cheated by sticks. When the siege ended around 5 am, 107 students were arrested. On Friday, 26th, SGC called on Monday students. On Sunday, 27, Wolverine destroyed Washington 45ђ "7ђ" in front of the extremely poor stadium audience, 49, 684. The strike on Monday seemed to be exhausted and trapped in the shell than the students preparing for further problems. The leaders have reorganized and set up two new actions, a national moratorium for the end of the war two weeks later, and the next campus of Regentz two days later. On Wednesday, October 15, more than 1 million Americans opposed the Vietnam War participated in the demonstration.

At the campus of major cities and universities in the United States, including Washington. According to Daily Paper, university classes were mostly vacant in LSA, social work, education, and the Faculty of Music, but the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Management, and the Faculty of Natural Resources were almost normal. When 20, 000 ant i-war demonstrations were gathering at a large moratorium rally in the stadium (around 80, 000 empty seats around), the team lost to Missouri but won 3 wins and 1 loss. I'm preparing for the war, not the end of the war. Friday, October 17, was a great victory for Michigan students. Lijenz has noticed the problem that will never be gone, and finally approved the establishment of a bookstore managed by a studen t-led board of directors. October 18th, Closed, was not a very good day. Michigan lost 23 ђ to 12 ђ 12 ђ to the nemesis Michigan State University. ペ ペ 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事。。。。。 On the 19th, the Rotc was overwhelmed by the defeat of the MSU on the 19th, to the university. According to major cities and universities in the United States, including Washington, the university was mostly vacant. The Faculty and the Faculty of Natural Resources were almost normal when the ant i-war demonstration squad gathered at the stadium (80, 000 empty seats around), but the team was defeated. Rather than ending the war, we were preparing for the war for Michigan. Genz was aware of the problem that would never be gone, and the establishment of a bookstore managed by the studen t-led board was not a very good day. Defeated 23 ђ to Michigan State University. Page 36 → But the situation turned around. On November 11, the students ended the bookstore's victory and voted on their own to spend a tremendous amount of $ 5 per person into the bookstore's management funds. On the 19th, the professor's association decided to recommend the ROTC to the university with overwhelming majority. On the other hand, Wolverine's recovered from the defeat of MSU and won Minnesota, on Washington, major cities and universities in the United States. According to Daily Paper, university classes were mostly vacant in LSA, social work, education, and the Faculty of Music, but the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Management, and the Faculty of Natural Resources were almost normal. When 20, 000 ant i-war demonstrations were gathering at a large moratorium rally in the stadium (around 80, 000 empty seats around), the team lost to Missouri but won 3 wins and 1 loss. I'm preparing for the war, not the end of the war. Friday, October 17, was a great victory for Michigan students. Lijenz has noticed the problem that will never be gone, and finally approved the establishment of a bookstore managed by a studen t-led board of directors. October 18th, Closed, was not a very good day. Michigan lost 23 ђ to 12 ђ 12 ђ to the nemesis Michigan State University. ペ ペ 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事 事。。。。。 On the 19th, the Rotc was overwhelmed by the defeat of the MSU on the 19th, to the university. Wined,

Sports papers and broadcasters across the country were filled with voices of regret and apology that the best team in America would not be allowed to once again play in the tournament known as the Father of Bowls and sanctify its name. Perhaps no one in the crowd of 103, 588 expected this except Bo. In front of the largest student and fan base ever to fill Michigan Stadium, the biggest comeback in college football history would cap off a turbulent fall of '69 in Ann Arbor. Bo's ball-controlling offense scored three touchdowns in the first half (two by fullback Garvey Crow and one by quarterback Don Moorhead), while the defense intercepted six passes against All-American quarterback Rex Kern, completely shutting down the Buckeyes' powerful scoring sources. Michigan's 24-12 halftime lead was a deranged final score after neither team scored a point in the final 30 minutes. On November 22, 1969, the bookstore wars, the ROTC fights, the racial strife, the anti-authority rebellions, the anger, distrust and disillusionment were forgotten for a few hours, or at least, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night. Six years after the dark day when Americans witnessed the murder of their president, and just 11 weeks into Michigan's worst year, everything was starting to look rosy.

Postscript On the morning of January 1, 1970, a few hours before the Rose Bowl, 40-year-old Bo Schembechler suffered a heart attack and was admitted to a Pasadena hospital as the Wolverines lost 10-4, 2-3 to Southern Cal. 1970 On March 19, a violent confrontation between students and police broke out on campus. Sports papers and broadcasters across the country were filled with voices of regret and apology that the best team in America would not be allowed to once again sanctify its reputation in the tournament known as the father of bowls. Perhaps no one in the crowd of 103, 588 expected this except Bo. In front of the largest student and fan base ever to fill Michigan Stadium, the biggest comeback in college football history would conclude the turbulent fall of '69 in Ann Arbor. Bo's ball-controlling offense scored three touchdowns in the first half (two by fullback Garvey Crow and one by quarterback Don Moorhead), while the defense intercepted six passes against All-American quarterback Rex Kern, completely shutting down the Buckeyes' powerful scoring sources. Michigan's 24-12 lead at halftime was reduced to 100 in the final minutes. A deranged final score after neither team had scored a point in a 30-minute span. On November 22, 1969, the bookstore wars, the ROTC fights, the racial strife, the anti-authority rebellions, the anger, disbelief and disillusionment were forgotten for a few hours, or at least, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night. Six years after the dark day when Americans witnessed the murder of their president, and just 11 weeks into the worst year for the University of Michigan, everything was starting to look rosy.

Postscript On the morning of January 1, 1970, a few hours before the Rose Bowl, 40-year-old Bo Schembechler suffered a heart attack and was admitted to a Pasadena hospital as the Wolverines lost to Southern Cal 10-4, 2-3. On March 19, 1970, a violent confrontation between students and police broke out on campus. Sports papers and broadcasters across the country were filled with voices of regret and apology that the best team in America would not be allowed to once again play in the tournament known as the father of bowls and sanctify its reputation. Perhaps no one in the crowd of 103, 588 expected this except Bo. In front of the largest student and fan base ever to fill Michigan Stadium, the biggest comeback in college football history would conclude Ann Arbor's turbulent fall of '69. Bo's offense, controlling the ball, scored three touchdowns in the first half (two by fullback Garvey Crow and one by quarterback Don Moorhead), while the defense intercepted six passes against All-American quarterback Rex Kern, completely shutting down the Buckeyes' powerful scoring source. Michigan's 24-12 halftime lead was a deranged final score after neither team scored a point in the final 30 minutes. On November 22, 1969, the bookstore wars, the ROTC fights, the racial strife, the anti-authority rebellions, the anger, distrust and disillusionment were forgotten for a few hours, or at least, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night, all night. Six years after the dark day when Americans witnessed the murder of their president, and just 11 weeks into Michigan's worst year, everything was starting to look rosy.

Postscript On the morning of January 1, 1970, a few hours before the Rose Bowl, 40-year-old Bo Schembechler suffered a heart attack and was admitted to a Pasadena hospital as the Wolverines lost 10-4, 2-3 to Southern Cal. 1970 On March 19, violent confrontations between students and police erupted on campus.

It involved members and supporters of the Black Action Movement, which had demanded an increase in African Americans. BAM's Genest Call has gained al l-academic support, the university is effectively closed for 12 days, and eventually the regent board promises to raise the black admission rate up to 10%, and full of funds. I was forced to provide it. On April 30, President Nixon announced a larg e-scale invasion of Cambodia and greatly expanded war in Southeast Asia. Immediately after that, a protest movement of a student occurred throughout the United States. On Monday, May 4th, the Ohio State soldier, mobilized by the Governor of the State, fired in a student group, killed four people and injured nine. The campus of more than 450 universities was immediately closed, and hundreds of thousands of students had no term exams, and in many cases, the tragic 1969 ђ 1969ђ ended in 1970. Most of the students at Michigan were already in the end of Nixon. He joined Michigan Daily in 1970, and was adopted by a sports edito r-i n-chief in 1972 to 1973, and promoted a staff member and senior editor in 1988. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED KIDS has been a member and supporter of the Black Affairs Movement. Gathers all academic strong support, the university is effectively closed for 12 days, and eventually the regent board promises to raise the black admission rate up to 1973 to 10%, and to provide full funds. On April 30, the war in Southeast Asia was greatly expanded on Monday. Ohio, mobilized by the Governor of State University, fired in a group of students, killed four or more universities, and was immediately injured. Hundreds of thousands of students have ended in 1969 ђ, a tragic 1969 ђ, without any final examinations, with no finals. Michigan University was not included in it. Thanks to the third semester system, the students of Michigan University had already completed the final exam at the time of Nixon's announcement. Most students left the city. John Papaneck joined Michigan Daily in 1970 and served as the edito r-i n-chief of sports from 1972 to 1973. Seven months after his graduation, he was hired by a reporter of Sports Illustrated, promoted to staff and senior editor, and became the first editor of the Sports Illustrated Kids in 1988. It involved members and supporters of the Black Action Movement, which had demanded an increase in African Americans. BAM's Genest Call has gained al l-academic support, the university is effectively closed for 12 days, and eventually the regent board promises to raise the black admission rate up to 10%, and the full funding is full. I was forced to provide it. On April 30, President Nixon announced a larg e-scale invasion of Cambodia and greatly expanded war in Southeast Asia. Immediately after that, a protest movement of a student occurred throughout the United States. On Monday, May 4th, the Ohio State soldier, mobilized by the Governor of the State, fired in a student group, killed four people and injured nine people. The campus of more than 450 universities was immediately closed, and hundreds of thousands of students had no term exams, and in many cases, the tragic 1969 ђ "1969ђ" was finished in 1970. Most of the students at Michigan were already in the end of Nixon. He joined Michigan Daily in 1970, and was adopted by a sports edito r-i n-chief in 1972 to 1973, and promoted a staff member and senior editor in 1988. В Sports I became the first editor of Illustrated Kids.

On September 20, 1969, it was a football at the University of Michigan, but the photo section of Michigan Daily, which I worked as the first female photographer, had only four press passes. I was a freshman who had no right to get one. The problem was not only seniority. In 1968, all passes stated that entering women, children, and dogs was prohibited. There were no women in the marching band, no female cheerleaders or female guards. A year later, I got the passive path. The rules were slightly eased. For a new path, neither women nor children can enter the field. On the first day of the season, Andy Sachs, a former Daily Paper photographer who had been interviewing the game for UPI, will introduce me to sports information director Will Perry. He was sitting in the reporter overlooking the stadium. Andy said I should be allowed to cover the game because I work for daily. Perry looked at us and said he couldn't decide on the spot. We left the place and got off the press to the field. The three guards surrounded me and asked what they were doing. I answered Will Perry. I didn't say what Perry said, but I immediately got out. They told me that I had to leave the scene and, if not, had to physically eliminate me. When asked why, they pointed to the "Women's ban" on my path.

The photo is Jay Cassidi. < SPAN> On September 20, 1969, it was a football at the University of Michigan, but the photo section of Michigan Daily paper, which I worked as the first female photographer, gave only four press passes. I didn't. I was a freshman who had no right to get one. The problem was not only seniority. In 1968, all passes stated that entering women, children, and dogs was prohibited. There were no women in the marching band, no female cheerleaders or female guards. A year later, I got the passive path. The rules were slightly eased. For a new path, neither women nor children can enter the field. On the first day of the season, Andy Sachs, a former Daily Paper photographer who had been interviewing the game for UPI, will introduce me to sports information director Will Perry. He was sitting in the reporter overlooking the stadium. Andy said I should be allowed to cover the game because I work for daily. Perry looked at us and said he couldn't decide on the spot. We left the place and got off the press to the field. The three guards surrounded me and asked what they were doing. I answered Will Perry. I didn't say what Perry said, but I immediately got out. They told me that I had to leave the scene and, if not, had to physically eliminate me. When asked why, they pointed to the "Women's ban" on my path.

The photo is Jay Cassidi. On September 20, 1969, it was a football at the University of Michigan, but the photo section of Michigan Daily, which I worked as the first female photographer, had only four press passes. I was a freshman who had no right to get one. The problem was not only seniority. In 1968, all passes stated that entering women, children, and dogs was prohibited. There were no women in the marching band, no female cheerleaders or female guards. A year later, I got the passive path. The rules were slightly eased. For a new path, neither women nor children can enter the field. On the first day of the season, Andy Sachs, a former Daily Paper photographer who had been interviewing the game for UPI, will introduce me to sports information director Will Perry. He was sitting in the reporter overlooking the stadium. Andy said I should be allowed to cover the game because I work for daily. Perry looked at us and said he couldn't decide on the spot. We left the place and got off the press to the field. The three guards surrounded me and asked what they were doing. I answered Will Perry. I didn't say what Perry said, but I immediately got out. They told me that I had to leave the scene and, if not, had to physically eliminate me. When asked why, they pointed to the "Women's ban" on my path.

The photo is Jay Cassidi.

I asked my friends to record what would happen in the future, squeezed the courage, and shouted, "I have to physically drive me out of my eyes." At that moment, the match began. Andy told me to squeeze and start a shot. (The seats of Michigan Stadium are at the field level, so the photographer had to stick his knees so as not to block his view). If a guard tries to get rid of me, the visibility of the front row fans would have been blocked and 100, 000 would have been witnesses. They decided to allow me to shoot. Thus, I became the first woman in the football field at Michigan University. A few days later, Perry wrote an apology letter. It is still hanging on the wall. The Generation gap and the fact that they have been surrounded by men as a sports writer for 12 years have begun to decide their thoughts. When he checked with the sports editor, he said that he knew he was a normal photo gal: ђњ I'm sorry for the arbitrary approach. I hope you can take good pictures. Ten years later, I returned to Michigan to cover the game as a photographer of New York Times. The state of the side line was completely different. There were female cheerleaders, female bands, female security squads, female physiotherapists, and female photographers who happened to be a photo editor of Michigan daily paper. < SPAN> I asked my friends to record what would happen in the future, squeezed my courage, and told me, "I have to physically drive me out of my eyes." At that moment, the match began. Andy told me to squeeze and start a shot. (The seats of Michigan Stadium are at the field level, so the photographer had to stick his knees so as not to block his view). If a guard tries to get rid of me, the visibility of the front row fans would have been blocked and 100, 000 would have been witnesses. They decided to allow me to shoot. Thus, I became the first woman in the football field at Michigan University. A few days later, Perry wrote an apology letter. It is still hanging on the wall. The Generation gap and the fact that they have been surrounded by men as a sports writer for 12 years have begun to decide their thoughts. When he checked with the sports editor, he said that he knew he was a normal photo gal: ђњ I'm sorry for the arbitrary approach. I hope you can take good pictures. Ten years later, I returned to Michigan to cover the game as a photographer of New York Times. The state of the side line was completely different. There were female cheerleaders, female bands, female security squads, female physiotherapists, and female photographers who happened to be a photo editor of Michigan daily paper. On the side, I asked my friends to remain to record what would happen, and shook my courage, tears in my eyes, and told me, "I have to physically drive me out." At that moment, the match began. Andy told me to squeeze and start a shot. (The seats of Michigan Stadium are at the field level, so the photographer had to stick his knees so as not to block his view). If a guard tries to get rid of me, the visibility of the front row fans would have been blocked and 100, 000 would have been witnesses. They decided to allow me to shoot. Thus, I became the first woman in the football field at Michigan University. A few days later, Perry wrote an apology letter. It is still hanging on the wall. The Generation gap and the fact that they have been surrounded by men as a sports writer for 12 years have begun to decide their thoughts. When he checked with the sports editor, he said that he knew he was a normal photo gal: ђњ I'm sorry for the arbitrary approach. I hope you can take good pictures. Ten years later, I returned to Michigan to cover the game as a photographer of New York Times. The state of the side line was completely different. There were female cheerleaders, female bands, female security squads, female physiotherapists, and female photographers who happened to be a photo editor of Michigan daily paper. Sidelines

After almost a year, she searched for a newspaper company, and she found her first female photographer in Providence Journal. Later, he worked as a Journal Inquirer magazine first female photographer in Connecticut. About two years later, he became a chief photographer who led four staff members. In 1976, he was adopted in the Philadelphia Ink Wireer paper and became a pioneer again as the first female photographer. He has been working on the newspaper for about three years before he moved to the New York Times, and has been enrolled for 36 years to date. Kururwitch was in charge of general photography for the first 15 years, and was active as a photographer specializing in culture for the last 20 years. The theatrical photo became her specialty. I shoot more than 100 shows a year. < SPAN> After almost a year, she found her first female photographer in Providence Journal. Later, he worked as a Journal Inquirer magazine first female photographer in Connecticut. About two years later, he became a chief photographer who led four staff members. In 1976, he was adopted in the Philadelphia Ink Wireer paper and became a pioneer again as the first female photographer. He has been working on the newspaper for about three years before he moved to the New York Times, and has been enrolled for 36 years to date. Kururwitch was in charge of general photography for the first 15 years, and was active as a photographer specializing in culture for the last 20 years. The theatrical photo became her specialty. I shoot more than 100 shows a year. After almost a year, she searched for a newspaper company, and she found her first female photographer in Providence Journal. Later, he worked as a Journal Inquirer magazine first female photographer in Connecticut. About two years later, he became a chief photographer who led four staff members. In 1976, he was adopted in the Philadelphia Ink Wireer paper and became a pioneer again as the first female photographer. He has been working on the newspaper for about three years before he moved to the New York Times, and has been enrolled for 36 years to date. Kururwitch was in charge of general photography for the first 15 years, and was active as a photographer specializing in culture for the last 20 years. The theatrical photo became her specialty. I shoot more than 100 shows a year.

It is hard to imagine that Paul was declared to have died, Leslie Wayne, October 14, 1969, which has brought a worldwide manner on Michigan Daily. But that was actually the case. McCartney died, the headline was new evidence ђњ to brighten. " And on October 14, 1969, the article, published on the two sides of Daily Paper, spread around the world like a fire in the Souhara. "Daily" paper is that the Beatles' music, photos, and album jackets are scattered with clues to the death of Paul in a traffic accident three years ago, and a spectacular conspiracy with fake McCartney. I told you. In a breathtaking ђњ tone, Paul's death and the following concealment work were drawn in detail, and the world focused on the world. Paul, a pole walking barefoot on the Abbey Road jacket, turns his back on the jacket of "Surgent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band". Was it true? Wasn't that? Nobody knew the truth. The story revealed the tragic end of the popular Beatles: in November 1966, Paul left EMI's recording studio and was killed in Aston Martin. Readers may wonder why Annar Bar's student newspaper has sent this news to the world. And why was the copy posted on the second page, and there was no banner headline on the surface? Both are goo. It is hard to imagine that the

The night before, Fred was listening to the radio cal l-in show. There, rumors that Paul had died in a car accident was flowing in London and the United States. The rumor was after Paul's car actually had a contact accident. Fred and John ignored the copy I gave. Instead, they put paper on the typewriter, gathering symbols about Paul's death, shady, false, ridiculous lies, and complex conspiracy theories. It was wonderful. The story of Fred and John, full of seriousness and satire, revealed a hidden story. The story that dealt with such rumors was neither the first nor the only one. However, it was the most clever and burning. Fred and John surrounded Paul's artistic photos in an elegant black box, capturing O. P. D. 1966ђ or ђofficialy Pronated Dead. A little orphaned orphaned named William Campbell performed a little orthopedic surgery. John Lennon was struggled with the fake pole, and he plans to make the late Paul. The rumor was that Paul was actually running in London and the United States that Fred had died in a car accident. After the contact accident, Fred and John ignored the copy of the typewriter, the dying, and the fake. The story of the hidden story, which was a wonderful story, was a stunning story. This was not the first or the only clever, and the ђofficialy pronated dead. I put it on. A little plastic surgery, William Campbell, has been carried out as a fake pole so that it is not known to the public. ђќ John Lennon was suffering from the God Complex, plans to make the late Paul into a savior, and ploted the concealment. The night before, Fred was listening to the radio cal l-in show. There, rumors that Paul had died in a car accident was flowing in London and the United States. The rumor was after Paul's car actually had a contact accident. Fred and John ignored the copy I gave. Instead, they put paper on the typewriter, gathering symbols about Paul's death, shady, false, ridiculous lies, and complex conspiracy theories. It was wonderful. The story of Fred and John, full of seriousness and satire, revealed a hidden story. The story that dealt with such rumors was neither the first nor the only one. However, it was the most clever and burning. Fred and John surrounded Paul's artistic photos in an elegant black box, capturing O. P. D. 1966ђ or ђofficialy Pronated Dead. A little orphaned orphaned named William Campbell performed a little orthopedic surgery. John Lennon was struggling with the God Complex so that he was not known.

Still, signs of Paul's death were everywhere if you looked. A slow 45 rpm version of Strawberry Fields Forever. A distorted voice says, "We buried Paul." Thousands of people across the country were doing just that. Perhaps the hint that Fred was making things up comes from the sentence preceding the paragraph: "Ҡis Greek for corpse“." Page 44 →My favorite bit is a dig into the symbolism of the famous Abbey Road album cover. No summary would do it justice, so here it is: monks live in a monastery). The cover shows a godlike John Lennon in white, Ringo the undertaker, Paul resurrected, barefoot, holding a cigarette in his right hand (the original had it in his left), followed by George digging a grave. And if you look closely, you'll see that they've just emerged from the cemetery on the left side of the street. So Paul was resurrected, given a cigarette, led out of the tomb, and, with the help of his companions, conquered death. The real Paul died, of course, but his symbolic resurrection works without him. I didn't know about "Paul Is Dead."

The Living Theatre, as it was called, staged Dionysus in '69. That's why I was glad Fred and John sneaked "Paul Is Dead" into the paper. It was a lively diversion, sparking a worldwide borrowing race that put everything Beatles-related under a microscope. It was clever, and a little absurd. It was cheeky, and fun to read. And best of all, I'm glad it wasn't true. Page 45 →Leslie Wayne was a reporter and arts editor at the Michigan Daily from 1967 to 1970. After graduating, she joined the News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she covered politics, before moving to the Philadelphia Inquirer. During her time at the Daily, she was also a campus stringer for the New York Times, before moving to the Times in 1981, where she covered business and politics until 2010. During that time, she earned an MBA from Columbia University and won various journalism awards. He still writes for The Times as a contributor and teaches business journalism at both Columbia and New York University. The Living Theatre, as it was called, staged Dionysus in '69. That's why I was so glad that Fred and John had sneaked "Paul Is Dead" into the paper. It was a lively diversion, sparking a worldwide borrowing race that put everything Beatles-related under a microscope. It was clever and a little absurd. It was sassy and fun to read. And best of all, I'm glad it wasn't true. Page 45 →Leslie Wayne was a reporter and arts editor at the Michigan Daily from 1967 to 1970. After graduation, he joined the News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he covered politics, before moving to the Philadelphia Inquirer. During his time at the Daily, he was also a campus stringer for the New York Times, then moved to the Times in 1981, where he covered business and politics until 2010. During that time, he earned an MBA from Columbia University and won various journalism awards. He still writes for the Times as a contributor and teaches business journalism at both Columbia and New York University. The Living Theatre, as it was called, staged Dionysus in 1969. That's why I was so glad that Fred and John had sneaked "Paul Is Dead" into the paper. It was a lively diversion, sparking a worldwide borrowing race that put everything Beatles-related under a microscope. It was clever and a little absurd. It was cheeky and fun to read. And best of all, I'm glad it wasn't true. Page 45 →Leslie Wayne was a reporter and arts editor at the Michigan Daily from 1967 to 1970. After graduating, he joined the News & Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he covered politics, before moving to the Philadelphia Inquirer. While at the Daily, he also served as a campus stringer for The New York Times, before moving to The Times in 1981, where he covered business and politics until 2010. During that time, he earned an MBA from Columbia University and won various journalism awards. He still writes for The Times as a contributor, and teaches business journalism at both Columbia and New York University.

A Time for Tempo Heavy Condensed Sara Fitzgerald January 22, 1973 It was a cold, rainy day in Ann Arbor, according to the Michigan Daily. The night before, I had returned in my Ford Maverick from a weekend trip to cover the second inauguration of Richard M. Nixon. Fifty thousand demonstrators had gathered to protest the Vietnam War, but the antiwar movement was dying. My time as editor of The Daily was running short, and so was my energy. The news came over the wires in the emptiest morning of the Daily's newsroom: In its July 2 decision, the U. S. Supreme Court had ruled that states could not restrict women's access to abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Roe v. Wade was history. Until that morning, the prospects for change looked dim. The previous November, Michigan voters had rejected a referendum by a 3-2 margin that would have made abortion legal after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In more than 30 states, including Michigan, it remained a crime to perform an abortion except to save the mother's life. The Supreme Court's decision was an unexpected victory for women's rights advocates, especially on a court dominated by Nixon appointees and where no woman had ever served. It was a cold, rainy day in Ann Arbor. The night before, I had driven my Ford Maverick back from a weekend trip to cover Richard M. Nixon's second presidential inauguration. Fifty thousand demonstrators had gathered to protest the Vietnam War, but the antiwar movement was dying out. My term as editor of The Daily was winding down, and my energy was running low. This news came over the wire in the morning, when The Daily's newsroom was at its emptiest: In its July 2 decision, the U. S. Supreme Court had ruled that states could not restrict women's access to abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Roe v. Wade was history. Until that morning, the prospects for change had been dim. The previous November, Michigan voters had rejected a referendum that would have made abortion legal after 20 weeks of pregnancy by a 3-2 margin. In Michigan and more than 30 other states, it remained a crime to perform an abortion except to save the mother's life. The Supreme Court's decision was an unexpected victory for women's rights advocates, especially on a court dominated by Nixon appointees and where no woman had ever served. It was a cold, rainy day in Ann Arbor. The night before, I had returned from a weekend trip in my Ford Maverick to cover the second inauguration of Richard M. Nixon. Fifty thousand demonstrators had gathered to protest the Vietnam War, but the antiwar movement was dying. My time as editor of The Daily was running short, and so was my energy. The news came over the wires in the emptiest morning of the Daily's newsroom: In its July 2 decision, the U. S. Supreme Court had ruled that states could not restrict women's access to abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Roe v. Wade was history. Until that morning, the prospects for change looked dim. The previous November, Michigan voters had rejected a referendum by a 3-2 margin that would have made abortion legal after 20 weeks of pregnancy. In more than 30 states, including Michigan, it remained a crime to perform an abortion except to save the mother's life. The Supreme Court's decision was an unexpected victory for women's rights advocates, especially coming from a court dominated by Nixon appointees and where no woman had ever served. It

Everyone realized this was very big news. As the sun went down and the staff gathered for that day's press conference, it was agreed that this was a fitting event for the СЂTempo Heavy Condensed (aka THC) headline type, an option on the Daily's hot metal press. It was bold, dark, all-caps, and attractively old-fashioned. As I recall, the initial decision was for an eight-column headline, perhaps two lines long. As the meeting drew to a close, the telegraph machine rang again. (Either way, a junior staffer broke the news by cable: Former President Lyndon B. Johnson had died of a heart attack. We were back to square one. One side, dominated by men, argued that Johnson's role as the top decision-maker of the Vietnam War justified greater coverage of his death. Johnson had long had health problems, and his death had been sudden. (Years later, I would learn that Walter Cronkite had received a call from Tom Johnson, the president's longtime press aide, during his evening newscast, breaking the news.)

The other side, mainly female staff, argued that while Johnson was a defining event of our generation, he was, after all, a former president. Four years had passed since he was president. Johnson no longer had any impact on the war or our lives. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court decision was a revolutionary development, granting women the right to control their bodies and, therefore, their futures for the first time. We believed that the impact of this decision would be felt for years to come. If there was ever a time when that decision was left to the editor-in-chief, that time is gone. The social changes of the late 1960s and early 1970s also affected the Daily. As far as I know, it was the beginning of a trend toward the increasing democratization of the paper (for better or worse). In recent years, the editor-in-chief had been selected by the outgoing senior editor. I was selected by a vote of the senior editorial board after the editor-in-chief resigned mid-year. My successor class announced that they would choose their own editors, and appointed two talented friends, Eugene Robinson and Chris Parks, as co-editors. (Gene went on to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Washington Post, and Chris became UPI's Lansing bureau chief.) In the month before the Johnson vs. Roe v. Wade debate, I tried to evaluate its results. The other side, mostly female staff, argued that Johnson was a defining event of our generation, but that he was, after all, a former president. He had been president for four years. Johnson no longer had any impact on the war or on our lives. On the other hand, the Supreme Court's decision was a revolutionary development, granting women the right to control their bodies and, for the first time, their futures. We believed that the impact of this decision would be felt for years to come. If there was ever a time when that decision was left to the editor-in-chief, that time is gone. The social changes of the late 1960s and early 1970s also affected the Daily. It was the beginning of what I see as (for better or worse) a trend toward the paper's growing democratization. In previous years, the editor-in-chief had been chosen by the outgoing senior editors. I was chosen by a vote of the senior editorial board after the editor-in-chief resigned midway through the year. My successor class announced that they would choose their own editor-in-chief, and appointed two talented friends, Eugene Robinson and Chris Parks, as co-editors. (Gene went on to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Washington Post, and Chris became Lansing bureau chief for UPI.) In the month before the Johnson vs. Roe v. Wade debate, I tried to evaluate the outcome of the debate. The other side, led by a mostly female staff, argued that while Johnson was a defining moment for our generation, he was, after all, a former president. He had been president for four years. Johnson no longer has any impact on the war or our lives. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court decision was a revolutionary development, granting women the right to control their bodies and, therefore, their futures for the first time. We believed that the impact of this decision would be felt for years to come. If there was ever a time when that decision was left to the editor in chief, that time is gone. The social changes of the late 1960s and early 1970s also affected the Daily. It was the beginning of a trend toward (for better or worse) the increasing democratization of the paper, as far as I know. In recent years, the editor in chief had been chosen by the outgoing senior editor. I was chosen by a vote of the senior editorial board after the editor in chief resigned mid-year. My successor class announced that they would choose their own editor in chief, and installed two talented friends, Eugene Robinson and Chris Parks, as co-editors in chief. (Gene went on to become a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Washington Post, and Chris became Lansing bureau chief for UPI.) In the month leading up to the Johnson vs. Roe v. Wade debate, I tried to evaluate the results of the Johnson vs. Roe v. Wade debate.

And their views should be given priority. No matter how the discussion fell, my side lost. Johnson's headline was published in one line and eight steps in 96 points. Row V. Wade was still treated as THC, but was only published at the bottom of the page in the seve n-stage group. If you think about it now, journalistic observers may actually be divided into which articles were in the most prominent position. But I knew which one won. The following day, a note was received from Joel Burger, a graduate of Daily and at the time in the public relations department at the university. Joel introduced Johnson's death on a 5 0-page sidebar and used a photo of Johnson's speech at the 1964 graduation ceremony at the Michigan University graduation ceremony in 1964. He highly appreciated that we have taken up both articles, including what Johnson (when Johnson first imagined a "great society"). I was grateful that Joel took the time to send a note, but his praise for this page only made me feel sick. Page 49 → A few years after the provision of Sarah Fitz Gerald, I discussed abortions in court as a young Texas lawyer, and later met Sarah Weddington, who served Carter White House. I talked to her about our debate and learned that she was starting to collect newspapers about the ruling. Despite my claim, I was proud of the big and bold headlines, copied the page and sent it to her. I say D < Span> and their views should be given priority. No matter how the discussion fell, my side lost. Johnson's headline was published in one line and eight steps in 96 points. Row V. Wade was still treated as THC, but was only published at the bottom of the page in the seve n-stage group. If you think about it now, journalistic observers may actually be divided into which articles were in the most prominent position. But I knew which one won. The following day, a note was received from Joel Burger, a graduate of Daily and at the time in the public relations department at the university. Joel introduced Johnson's death on a 5 0-page sidebar and used a photo of Johnson's speech at the 1964 graduation ceremony at the Michigan University graduation ceremony in 1964. He highly appreciated that we have taken up both articles, including what Johnson (when Johnson first imagined a "great society"). I was grateful that Joel took the time to send a note, but his praise for this page only made me feel sick. Page 49 → A few years after the provision of Sarah Fitz Gerald, I discussed abortions in court as a young Texas lawyer, and later met Sarah Weddington, who served Carter White House. I talked to her about our debate and learned that she was starting to collect newspapers about the ruling. Despite my claim, I was proud of the big and bold headlines, copied the page and sent it to her. I say D and their views should be given priority. No matter how the discussion fell, my side lost. Johnson's headline was published in one line and eight steps in 96 points. Row V. Wade was still treated as THC, but was only published at the bottom of the page in the seve n-stage group. If you think about it now, journalistic observers may actually be divided into which articles were in the most prominent position. But I knew which one won. The next day, a note was received from Joel Burger, a graduate of Daily and at the time in the public relations department of the university. Joel introduced Johnson's death on a 5 0-page sidebar and used a photo of Johnson's speech at the 1964 graduation ceremony at the Michigan University graduation ceremony in 1964. He highly appreciated that we have taken up both articles, including what Johnson (when Johnson first imagined a "great society"). I was grateful that Joel took the time to send a note, but his praise for this page only made me feel sick. Page 49 → A few years after the provision of Sarah Fitz Gerald, I discussed abortions in court as a young Texas lawyer, and later met Sarah Weddington, who served Carter White House. I talked to her about our debate and learned that she was starting to collect newspapers about the ruling. Despite my claim, I was proud of the big and bold headlines, copied the page and sent it to her. I am D

was the headline of a column. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times ran it on a single line, beneath features on Canadian immigration policy, the Icelandic volcanic eruption, and George Foreman's defeat of Joe Frazier for the world heavyweight boxing championship. In January 2013, on the 40th anniversary of the ruling, I had the opportunity to reminisce on that night on The Michigan Daily Alumni Facebook page. My own memories have softened with the years, and some of the people who once fought bitterly that night have since become very close friends. Some who were there continue to maintain that they were right. However, Judy Raskin, a staff member and widow of Chris Parks, said in a post that her late husband, who was firmly in the LBJ camp, later admitted that he was wrong because, after all, LBJ was just a dead white guy. Steven Selbst worked briefly as a reporter before becoming a lawyer, and was a member of the university's student publications committee for six years. A big news story breaks, and the senior editors (also known as gods on earth) are in a heated debate about which story to lead. From that moment on, I was hooked. Page 51 →Sarah Fitzgerald began working at the Michigan Daily in 1970. She served as editor-in-chief from 1972 to 1973, the first woman to hold the position. She later worked at the Washington Post, the National Journal, and the St. Petersburg Times. Her Daily article on abortion won the grand prize in a Detroit Press Club Foundation contest in 1973, and received the Sigma Delta Chi Mark of Excellence Award that same year.

His poem, February 2, 1975, Laura Bermandonald Hall was a star in the English Faculty Faculty of English and an active poet with Harvard and Oxford pedigree. He was a charismatic hair with a loose hair, and was also a whirlpooled person. In an interview in the hopwood room, he frankly told that poetry was a fascinating art form: ђњ I first started writing poetry because of the attention and loved by women. did. The Hall is a famous writer starting with Upaji W, and was preparing a play on the campus. And at the time of 1975, the ideal image of the writer was greatly standing out of our small Sunday Magazine staff. During that semester, as a c o-editor of Michigan Daily Sunday Magazine, I sent myself to write the most famous dedicated poet profile in the anner bar. At that time, the magazine was in the second year, launched the previous year by Tony Schwartz and Martin Porter. Tony Schwartz was large and active, and Martin Schwartz was a bea r-like physique and obeyed various dogs. The modest goal they set in the fall of 1973 was to provide readers with the same thing as the most advanced "New York Magazine" in the Weekly "Michi" frame.

And I explain the job as a career. It is a talent to sit alone in the room and deal with words alone, and aside from whether to write a great poem, it is the belief that you accept it, aside from whether it can be achieved. Was boosted. He was elegant, attractive, and incurable. ђ I like to change the rhythm of the sentence. I like to play with sentences, play with sentences, and do the hands in the sentence. " At that time, he was looking for comfort from prose. Profile of "New Yorker" magazine and this play. He talks about this frankly: Poetry is like sex and something wonderful, and there is no poetry life. And when you can't do that, it's miserable. Senior daily magazine told me that the best job in the hall was over. The friend is older (in fact, he was 46 years old), the play has not exceeded the power center frame, and the professor has not been awarded the prize award in recent years. I said. < SPAN> And the job is explained as a career. It is a talent to sit alone in the room and deal with words alone, and aside from whether to write a great poem, it is the belief that you accept it, aside from whether it can be achieved. Was boosted. He was elegant, attractive, and incurable. ђ I like to change the rhythm of the sentence. I like to play with sentences, play with sentences, and do the hands in the sentence. " At that time, he was looking for comfort from prose. Profile of "New Yorker" magazine and this play. He talks about this frankly: Poetry is like sex and something wonderful, and there is no poetry life. And when you can't do that, it's miserable. Senior daily magazine told me that the best job in the hall was over. The friend is older (in fact, he was 46 years old), the play has not exceeded the power center frame, and the professor has not been awarded the prize award in recent years. I said. And I explain the job as a career. It is a talent to sit alone in the room and deal with words alone, and aside from whether to write a great poem, it is the belief that you accept it, aside from whether it can be achieved. Was boosted. He was elegant, attractive, and incurable. ђ I like to change the rhythm of the sentence. I like to play with sentences, play with sentences, and touch the sentence. " At that time, he was looking for comfort from prose. Profile of "New Yorker" magazine and this play. He talks about this frankly: Poetry is like sex and something wonderful, and there is no poetry life. And when you can't do that, it's miserable. Senior daily magazine told me that the best job in the hall was over. The friend is older (in fact, he was 46 years old), the play has not exceeded the power center frame, and the professor has not been awarded the prize award in recent years. I said.

Such harsh criticism did not appear in the Sunday Magazine profile entitled "Donald Hall, Poet": Although it was not included in the Sunday Magazine profile entitled "For now, at least, the play вЂ's the thing, вќ" published on February 2, 1975, such harsh assessments rang through my head as I worked late into the night on my portable electric typewriter. At the time, I was trying to gain a sophisticated perspective on the writer's life. Was his career almost over? I wondered. Wasn't his new wife a young poet who had imprudently married this attractive but older man? Surely she would soon become his caretaker or, at worst, a young widow. Was this his life to teach poetry until retirement, chasing the elusive great poem he never got around to? Page 54 →In our interview, Hall was frank about his belief that writing is a lifelong love that requires unwavering dedication. But it wasn't until years later, through the chronicle of Hall's poetic arc, that I understood what Hall taught me that day. A few months after the Michigan Daily profile, the poet-pair moved from Ann Arbor to Hall's great-grandfather's farm at Eagle Pond, New Hampshire. Hall's wife, a former graduate student 19 years his junior, had become a gifted and celebrated poet named Jane Kenyon. At Eagle Pond Farm, they wrote every day, each in a separate room, creating poetry from the ordinary but beautiful world around them. Some of the things I'd imagined as an omniscient college journalist came true: Hall had colon cancer, and his younger wife was at his side. When Hall got colon cancer, the Sunday Magazine profile titled "Donald Hall, Poet" did not include such harsh criticism: "For now, at least, the play вЂ's the thing, вќ ", published February 2, 1975, but these harsh assessments rang through my head as I worked late into the night typing on my portable electric typewriter. At the time, I was trying to gain a sophisticated perspective on this writer's life. Was his career all but over? I wondered. Wasn't his new wife a young poet who had imprudently married this attractive but older man? Surely she would soon become his caretaker or, at worst, a young widow. Was this his life to be, to teach poetry until retirement and pursue the elusive great poem he never got around to? Page 54 →In our interview, Hall spoke candidly of his belief that writing is a lifelong love that requires unwavering devotion. But it wasn't until many years later, through the chronicle of his poetic life arc, that I understood what Hall taught me that day. A few months after the Michigan Daily profile, the poet-pair moved from Ann Arbor to Hall's great-grandfather's farm at Eagle Pond, New Hampshire. Hall's wife, a former graduate student 19 years his junior, had become Jane Kenyon, a gifted and celebrated poet. At Eagle Pond Farm, they wrote every day, each in a separate room, creating poetry from the ordinary but beautiful world around them. Some of the things I imagined as an omniscient college journalist came true. Hall had colon cancer, and his younger wife was at his side. When Hall had colon cancer, the Sunday Magazine profile titled "Donald Hall, Poet" did not include such harsh criticism: "For now, at least, the play вЂ's the thing, вќ," published February 2, 1975, but these harsh assessments rang through my head as I worked late into the night on my portable electric typewriter. At the time, I was trying to gain a sophisticated perspective on the writer's life. Was his career all but over? I wondered. Wasn't his new wife a young poet who had imprudently married this attractive but older man? Surely she would soon become his caretaker or, at worst, a young widow. Was this his life to teach poetry until retirement and pursue the elusive great poem he never got to? Page 54 →In our interview, Hall was frank about his belief that writing is a lifelong love that requires unwavering dedication. But it wasn't until years later, through the chronicle of Hall's poetic arc, that I understood what Hall taught me that day. A few months after the Michigan Daily profile, the poet-pair moved from Ann Arbor to Hall's great-grandfather's farm at Eagle Pond, New Hampshire. Hall's wife, a former graduate student 19 years his junior, had become a gifted and celebrated poet named Jane Kenyon. At Eagle Pond Farm, they wrote every day, each in a separate room, creating poetry from the ordinary but beautiful world around them. Some of the things I'd imagined as an omniscient, all-powerful college journalist came true. Hall had colon cancer, and his younger wife was at his side.

He continues to search for the right combination of words to illuminate the experience of being alive in the world. His latest book, Essays After Eighty, was published in December 2014. At 21, struggling alone at his typewriter, I imagined how his life would fall. Decades later, I still learn from the unexpected trajectory of the long life of a former Sunday Magazine subject. Sometimes, high ideals about the love between a man and a woman and the sanctity of writing, even for a much younger woman, can be life-saving and true. Laura Berman joined the Michigan Daily upon her arrival in Ann Arbor in 1972, where she was a reporter, news editor, and, from 1974, associate editor of the Sunday Magazine. For the past 20 years, she has been an award-winning columnist for the Detroit News, covering Bill Clinton's impeachment, the aftermath of the Bosnian War, and Detroit's long and winding road to bankruptcy.

Do you know Bo? Bill Steeg January 1977 Bo looked me in the eye. Let me tell you. I nodded and dropped my eyes to my notebook. When Bo Schembechler stares into your eyes, it's hard to look away. But I was still jotting down the sentence before him. That piercing staccato that captivates everyone within eye reach: reporters, players, alumni, and more. I could have written it on a digital recorder or an iPhone. But this was 1977. It was a quiet, wintery weekday afternoon, just the two of us in his office at the end of a hallway in the State and Hoover Athletic Department. To be honest, I was surprised to be sitting there. Bo didn't know me that well. I can't say I really knew Bo, although I'm sure I gave him that impression at a few dinner parties from our time at the University of Michigan. I covered the team my senior year. To him, I was just another guy in the Daily. I doubt he knew my name. A few days earlier, we were in Pasadena, where Michigan had lost to Southern California in the Rose Bowl. I was in the press box watching Rick Leach throw two incompletions after leading his team to the USC 17-yard line in the closing seconds. Bo, of course, was watching from the sidelines, squinting and groaning. Page 57 → Third Rose Bowl loss in eight seasons at Michigan.

The latest information on injuries, the mood check of the team, the view of the next game. It was an innocent story for writing an article. Usually, I was one of the other daily paper seniors, Rich Lerner, Andy Graser, and Rick Bonino. In the important week, reporters of "Anner Bar News" and "AP Communications" were also waiting near the door. The staff of our daily paper was much longer to talk to the players. In the first place, they were more friendly than Bo. And I had the right to think of it normally. As a sports editor, I was a member of Michigamua. Michigamu was once a notorious (harmless, really) secret society, mainly drinking and OB network. Through the group, I got acquainted with some players and encouraged them to talk to my teammates. This is all, as a student who covers a friend who happened to play a game for a serious adult (Hello, Kannam) and a profitable quas i-business operated by coaches who are used to severe guidance. It was part of the strange dance I was doing. < SPAN> The latest injury information, team mood check, views on the next game. It was an innocent story for writing an article. Usually, I was one of the other daily paper seniors, Rich Lerner, Andy Graser, and Rick Bonino. In the important week, reporters of "Anner Bar News" and "AP Communications" were also waiting near the door. The staff of our daily paper was much longer to talk to the players. In the first place, they were more friendly than Bo. And I had the right to think of it normally. As a sports editor, I was a member of Michigamua. Michigamu was once a notorious (harmless, really) secret society, mainly drinking and OB network. Through the group, I got acquainted with some players and encouraged them to talk to my teammates. This is all, as a student who covers a friend who happened to play a game for a serious adult (Hello, Kannam) and a profitable quas i-business operated by coaches who are used to severe guidance. It was part of the strange dance I was doing. The latest information on injuries, the mood check of the team, the view of the next game. It was an innocent story for writing an article. Usually, I was one of the other daily paper seniors, Rich Lerner, Andy Graser, and Rick Bonino. In the important week, reporters of "Anner Bar News" and "AP Communications" were also waiting near the door. We daily paper staff had much longer to talk to the players. In the first place, they were easier than Bo. And I had the right to think of it normally. As a sports editor, I was a member of Michigamua. Michigamu was once a notorious (harmless, really) secret society, mainly drinking and OB network. Through the group, I got acquainted with some players and encouraged them to talk to my teammates. This is all, as a student who covers a friend who happened to play a game for a serious adult (Hello, Kannam) and a profitable quas i-business operated by coaches who are used to severe guidance. It was part of the strange dance I was doing.

The relatively solid editing staff of the Control Woodword and Bernstein era would probably be frowned if we knew the friendship between us sports staff. In a room in a basketball team and a hotel that I want to smoke (bad for NCAA, but the statute of limitations), we worked to gather information around Michigamua and Village Bell pitchers. Yes, that was "pioneering information sources." Page 58 → And yes, editing staff, this probably led to sympathy and prejudice for the players. But at the same time, it was a valuable opportunity to learn the major league college college football. The first thing I learned was after the opening game of the ђ ™ 76 season, after the 40ђ 27 victory in Wisconsin. It was impressive? It wasn't so at that time, and it was wrong for Bo. I wasn't accepted by some of the players, and I was talking about the defense. I didn't know much about what I used, and I noticed that the situation really changed. About 10 reporters gathered, and we were able to relax and enjoyed the lunch. While running while eating, B o-up and tackle, "I've been scored more than any game since the first season." After I was dissatisfied with the evils and goals, I opened my mouth. Some of the issues are caused by the wrong defense call of the coach team? Bo stared at me. And I agree immediately. He further said that the coaches were responsible for lack of concentration and execution, but I almost couldn't hear it. Bo Senbecller acknowledged my question! What does this child know about defense calls? Now, all games are broadcast, recorded, analyzed, and one MGOBLOG article can get more technical insights than my whole season. The times are different (laughs). The season was dignifiedly deployed in the first place in the ranking and the best victory. There was nothing comparable to it,

Until Michigan lost a close game at Purdue in November. I didn't bother to go to Purdue, just walked around my South Forest Avenue apartment listening to the radio and finally collapsed on the couch. Oh, the anguish that loss stirred. Sportswriters (including some at the Daily), students, and fans cried out: Look, Bo's ground offense is stoppable, and the team can't pass when it needs to. There were no bloggers or talk radio back then, but the complaints were loud: fumbles, dropped touchdown passes, bad defensive tackles. Page 59 →I'll admit I was inclined to defend the players and coaches, but not because I was close with the one who fumbled and the three who tackled. The coaches' game plan and play calling gave us more than enough yardage to win. The players were human, too. Moreover, my sympathy comes from having been to Michigan Stadium from kindergarten through my freshman year at South Quad and beyond. During the offseason in the 60s, my brother and I would sneak into the stadium (a 10-minute walk from my grandmother's house) to play touch football. It was especially fun on snowy days.

During the season, my brother, sister, and I sat in the mostly empty end zones while the team won and lost. The Wolverines of my childhood, with Bump Elliott as coach, were 51†“42†”2. The 1964 championship season and Rose Bowl victory were the thrill of a lifetime for a giddy 9-year-old like me. Even on a black-and-white TV. My parents painted corn stripes and wings on cheap plastic blue helmets that we kids could wear in the backyard. My brother, sister, and I were the third generation in our family to do so. I had been a fan since I enrolled at the University of Michigan in 1973 and signed up for the Daily. By that time, Bo had spoiled us. The 1969 upset, the routine blowouts, two Rose Bowls in his first three years. As a freshman, I sat in the end zone next to my best friend Kevin Kennedy and watched as Mike Lantry's two late field goals went wide, ending an epic game with Ohio State in a tie at 10, 402, and the Big Ten championship. I was exhausted, but I knew it meant Michigan was heading to the Rose Bowl. (Ohio State had been to the Rose Bowl the year before, and there was a rule that didn't allow a team to go to the Big Ten twice in a row until that year. Plus, Michigan had almost won. Maybe Kevin and I could go on the road. That was going to be awesome. And all season, my brother, sister, and I sat in the mostly empty end zones while the team won and lost. My childhood Wolverines, coached by Bump Elliott, were 51†"42†”2. That 1964 championship season and Rose Bowl win was literally a thrill of a lifetime for me, a giddy 9-year-old. Even on a black-and-white TV. My parents painted corn stripes and wings on cheap plastic blue helmets that we kids could wear in the backyard. My brother, sister, and I were the third generation in our family to do so. I'd been a fan since I enrolled at Michigan in 1973 and signed up for the Daily. By that time, Bo had spoiled us.) The upsets of the year, the routine losses, the two Rose Bowls in the first three years. As a freshman, I sat in the end zone next to my best friend Kevin Kennedy and watched as Mike Lantry missed two field goals late in the game to tie Ohio State at 10-40-2 and the Big Ten championship. I was exhausted, but I knew it meant Michigan was headed to the Rose Bowl. (Ohio State had been there the year before, and up until that year there was a rule that didn't allow two consecutive Big Ten appearances. Plus, Michigan almost won. Maybe Kevin and I could go on the road together. That was going to be awesome. And all season, my brother, sister, and I sat in the mostly empty end zone as the team won and lost. The Wolverines of my childhood, with Bump Elliott as coach, went 51-42-2. That 1964 championship season and Rose Bowl victory was literally the thrill of a lifetime for me as a giddy 9-year-old. Even on black-and-white TV. Our parents painted corn stripes and wings on cheap plastic blue helmets that we kids could wear in the backyard. My brother, sister, and I were the third generation in our family to be fans. I had been a fan since I enrolled at Michigan in 1973 and signed up for the Daily. By then, Bo had spoiled us. The 1969 upset, the routine blowouts, two Rose Bowls in his first three years. As a freshman, I sat in the end zone next to my best friend Kevin Kennedy and watched up close as Mike Lantry's two late field goals missed wide and ended an epic battle with Ohio State that ended in a 10-402 tie for the Big Ten championship. I was exhausted. But I thought it meant Michigan was going to the Rose Bowl. (Ohio State had been there the year before, and there was a rule that didn't allow them to go to the Big Ten twice in a row.) Plus, Michigan had almost won. Maybe Kevin and I could go on the road together. That was going to be awesome. And

A few years ago, Big Ten Network broadcasted the documentary, TIEBREAKER, depicting the whole scandal. Michigan had 30 wins and 2 losses and 1 minute from 1972 to 1974, but has never participated in a bowl game. 7ђ "5 teams and the children with the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl will not know. Anyway, until 1976, we have been pampered. We are in the report of the Philadelphia Courtide. Seeing the basketball team at the University of Michigan, I saw the Final Forl in March, the Football Team's former center. Michigan Man, a member of Mishigamua, was also invited to the reception of the "ђњ 76" campaign in September in September. (In the official photo of the White House at that time, three daily staff, including me, are shown with Jerry and Betty. I lost. It was a tough week. Two weeks after the match against Padu, Michigan defeated Ohio State University with Columbus 22 ђ "0" 0 and decided to win the rose bowl. Defense line Greg Muton in a locker room wrapped in a great sense of euphoria. He said, < Span>, once he said, whether the symbolic helmet would be a valid tool. Network has broadcasted the documentary "TIEBEAKER" from 1974, but has never participated in the Bowl Game. The children with five teams and the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl will not know. anyway. Until 1976, we have been pampered. We sat in the coatside reporter in Philadelphia and saw the basketball team at the Michigan University fighting the US Championships. The final pho in March, the January rose bowl, seemed to be a natural providence. In the White House, there was also a Michigan man named Jerry Ford, the former center of the football team and a member of Mishigamua. Ford kicked off the "ђњ 76" campaign held at Chrisler Arena in September, and invited the current members to the reception. (In the official photo of the White House at that time, three daily staff, including me, are shown with Jerry and Betty. I lost. It was a tough week. Two weeks after the match against Padu, Michigan defeated Ohio State University with Columbus 22 ђ "0" 0 and decided to win the rose bowl. Defense line Greg Muton in a locker room wrapped in a great sense of euphoria. He said that he had a Helmet for a recruitment tool. TIEBREAKER, a documentary depicting the whole scandal, has never participated in the Bowl Games. The children with the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl will not know. anyway. Until 1976, we have been pampered. We sat in the coatside reporter in Philadelphia and saw the basketball team at the Michigan University fighting the US Championships. The final pho in March, the January rose bowl, seemed to be a natural providence. In the White House, there was also a Michigan man named Jerry Ford, the former center of the football team and a member of Mishigamua. Ford kicked off the "ђњ 76" campaign held at Chrisler Arena in September, and invited the current members to the reception. (In the official photo of the White House at that time, three daily staff, including me, are shown with Jerry and Betty. I lost. It was a tough week. Two weeks after the match against Padu, Michigan defeated Ohio State University with Columbus 22 ђ "0" 0 and decided to win the rose bowl. Defense line Greg Muton in a locker room wrapped in a great sense of euphoria. He has once talked about whether the symbolic helmet is a valid tool.

The trip to California, three years late, was a great one. Page 61 → Until the game. I had heard from the Michigan coach that the NFL had its eye on 15 seniors from Southern California. 15! Indeed, Michigan's passing game had already weakened. Coach Leach acknowledged that they would have been more effective if they had passed the ball more during the season. Of course, the Daily closed for winter break. That first Sunday, I was supposed to write a story for the magazine, and I wrote it quickly. It was a colorful, now familiar story about how Bo's one-dimensional offense was a disadvantage against strong teams. When I mailed it to the Daily, the editors said they needed a front-page story about the game in the paper at the beginning of the semester. It was a Thursday. I couldn't wait until Sunday to acknowledge what had just happened. Bill Turk, my co-editor with Rob Meacham, asked me to get something new from Bo. Okay. No problem. Gulp. I didn't know if Schembechler had returned from California. If he had, he wouldn't be in the mood to talk. I called Will Perry, the sports information director. Bo was back, but I didn't know his schedule. So I brought up the game again.

Next year we will only coaches the first 11 games. And when you win, I'm going to recruit at home. I left a handshake and left the place. I walked back on the streets while thinking about the manuscript. By the time I passed in front of Pizza Bob, I was calm in this article: some ђ. В . в 3rd, 4 2-point headers are probably the editor to convey resentment. The ђ defeat I wrote was ђ402ќ, who did not change Bo. I read it interestingly and impressed. It was accurate. He doesn't change. So I was fine. I was too close to the players and didn't look good? Maybe so. However, I also know how hard the team has dominated the season, and how hard Bo worked to get close to eight points behind the higher USC team, which is the best in the United States. I was. I added to the Sunday article accordingly: Did Bo's sons fail or the best team won? They couldn't believe they had a team above Michigan. Coaches and players had a clearer and healthy view. They took more strictly losing than their fans, but were doing well. Am I the company's compliance? I didn't think so. I will only coach the first 11 games next year. And when you win, I'm going to recruit at home. I left a handshake and left the place. I walked back on the streets while thinking about the manuscript. By the time I passed in front of Pizza Bob, I was calm in this article: some ђ. В . в 3rd, 4 2-point headers are probably the editor to convey resentment. The ђ defeat I wrote was ђ402ќ, who did not change Bo. I read it interestingly and impressed. It was accurate. He doesn't change. So I was fine. I was too close to the players and didn't look good? Maybe so. However, I also know how hard the team has dominated the season, and how hard Bo worked to get close to eight points behind the higher USC team, which is the best in the United States. I was. I added to the Sunday article accordingly: Did Bo's sons fail or the best team won? They couldn't believe they had a team above Michigan. Coaches and players had a clearer and healthy view. They took more strictly losing than their fans, but were doing well. Am I the company's compliance? I didn't think so. I will only coach the first 11 games next year. And when you win, I'm going to recruit at home. I left a handshake and left the place. I walked back on the streets while thinking about the manuscript. By the time I passed Pizza Bob, I was calm in this article: Some ђ . в. В. Ђ 3rd, 4 2-point headers are probably the editor to convey resentment. The ђ defeat I wrote was ђ402ќ, who did not change Bo. I read it interestingly and impressed. It was accurate. He doesn't change. So I was fine. I was too close to the players and didn't look good? Maybe so. However, I also know how hard the team has dominated the season, and how hard Bo worked to get close to eight points behind the higher USC team, which is the best in the United States. I was. I added to the Sunday article accordingly: Did Bo's sons fail or the best team won? They couldn't believe they had a team above Michigan. Coaches and players had a clearer and healthy view. They took more strictly losing than their fans, but were doing well. Am I the company's compliance? I didn't think so. I

Detroit Free Press columnist Joe Falls wrote that Schembechler had put the nation to sleep and embarrassed everyone associated with his school. The Sunday article quoted Bo's words from the postgame press conference: The kids played hard and gave it their all. You can't blame the way we played. Southern California is a great, great team. A few months later, the NFL draft came around. I blinked and got chills as I counted the number of players each team had taken. I counted again: USC 14, Michigan 6. The same score as the Rose Bowl. Bo wasn't kidding. Bill Steeg worked at the Daily from 1973 to 1977, and was sports editor during his senior year. After the 1977 Rose Bowl, he covered the Wolverines for one more season for the Oakland Press. He moved to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, where he met his wife, Jennifer Lin (thanks, pig-ish owner!). He spent 10 years working for the Associated Press in Philadelphia and New York, edited magazines in Beijing, and is now an articles editor at Men's Health. His daughter, Corey, graduated from football-free New York University, and his son, Carl, graduated from the University of Southern California's film school. Detroit Free Press columnist Joe Falls wrote that Schembechler put the whole country to sleep and embarrassed everyone associated with his school. The Sunday article quoted Bo's words at the postgame press conference: The kids played hard and gave it their all. You can't blame the way we played. Southern California is a great, great team. A few months later, the NFL draft took place. I blinked and got chills as I counted the number of players selected by each team. I counted again: USC 14, Michigan 6. The same score as the Rose Bowl. Bo wasn't joking. Bill Steeg worked at the Daily from 1973 to 1977, and was sports editor during his senior year. After the 1977 Rose Bowl, he covered the Wolverines for one more season at the Oakland Press. He moved to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, where he met his wife, Jennifer Lin (thanks, pig-ish owner!). He worked for 10 years at the Associated Press in Philadelphia and New York, edited a magazine in Beijing, and is now an articles editor at Men's Health. His daughter, Corey, graduated from a football-free New York University, and his son, Carl, graduated from the University of Southern California's film school. Detroit Free Press columnist Joe Falls wrote that Schembechler put the nation to sleep and embarrassed everyone associated with his school. The Sunday article quoted Bo's words at the postgame press conference: The kids played hard and gave it their all. You can't blame the way we played. Southern California is a great, great team. A few months later, the NFL draft happened. I blinked and got chills as I counted the number of players each team selected. I counted again: USC 14, Michigan 6. The same score as the Rose Bowl. Bo wasn't kidding. Bill Steeg worked at the Daily from 1973 to 1977, and was sports editor during his senior year. After the 1977 Rose Bowl, he covered the Wolverines for one more season at the Oakland Press. He moved to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, where he met his wife, Jennifer Lin (thanks, pig-ish owner!). He worked for the Associated Press in Philadelphia and New York for a decade, edited a magazine in Beijing, and is now an articles editor at Men's Health. His daughter, Corey, graduated from football-free New York University, and his son, Carl, graduated from the University of Southern California's film school.

Virginia Nurse Trial In the summer of 1977, I knew a little about the legal system from my work as a janitor in a law firm in downtown Detroit during summers off high school and college. But when I got a summer job at the Michigan Daily, I was involved in one of the largest, most expensive, and most unusual federal trials in Michigan history, a rite of passage for aspiring and future senior Daily editors: the VA Hospital Murder Trial. By the time the trial ended about nine months later, I was fluent in hospital procedures and Code 7s, and I knew everything about IVs, Pavlon, a powerful muscle relaxant, and the exact time it takes for Pavlon to paralyze the respiratory system of a defenseless patient. I also learned to be skeptical, even cynical, when I saw the enormous power of the federal government standing against someone accused of scarce resources. The FBI and federal prosecutors are not all heroic or irreverent.

I was one of those Watergate babies, and after seeing the Woodward-Bernstein article and the 1976 movie All The President_402s Men, I got into journalism. The problem was, I was broke, and my summer job at the Daily didn't pay much, just a pittance. I couldn't afford to give up my summer job running errands for lawyers in the Detroit office, which was pretty lucrative. So I had an idea. That summer, there was going to be a trial of two nurses accused of poisoning patients at a veterans hospital in Ann Arbor. It was a big local story for the Daily, and they had a lot of medical students from the University of Michigan interning there. I proposed that I stay in Detroit to cover the trial and work a few hours a week at my law firm, which is right around the corner from the federal building. Everyone agreed, it was a great plan. In fact, even when I pitched the idea, I didn't know much about the Virginia case. Over the course of six weeks, 51 patients at the VA suffered respiratory failure and 10 died. Once it was determined that something was wrong, the FBI, with a large group of agents, descended on the Virginia government and set up a war room at a facility on Fuller Road near the university's North Campus. The federal investigation ultimately cost about $1 million, a lot of money in the 1970s, and involved more than 100 agents, making it the longest federal trial in history at the time.

The following summer, two intensive care nurses from the Philippines, Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez, were arrested and charged with murder for injecting the muscle relaxant Pablon into the victim's intravenous feeding tube. The case was highly scientific. Experts employed by the FBI, including scientists, toxicologists, and pathologists, determined that when Pablon was administered by syringe into the IV tube, it began to work within three minutes. With no fingerprints, no murder weapon, no direct witnesses, and no supposed motive, the case was circumstantial. In addition to being scientifically complex and circumstantial, the case was deeply flawed. The first problem was that many of the hospitalized victims were elderly and died of other causes before they could give statements about what they had seen and heard. Also, many of the victims who survived the poisonings were ill and had vague or unclear memories after the incident. During the trial, it was revealed that FBI agents had resorted to very unusual, even bizarre, techniques to evoke the memories of witnesses. One patient, a victim of respiratory failure, survived and became a key witness.

After leaving a note exonerating the two Filipino nurses and confessing to the psychiatrist that he was the culprit. The nursing director's suicide note and confession cast doubt on the prosecution's case against Narciso and Perez, even though the notes and the conversation with the psychiatrist could be the difference between Narciso and Perez being tried or released. Page 67 → After agonizing over the matter, the Daily finally and reluctantly decided in an editorial that confidentiality took precedence over the rights of the Filipino nurses. We believed that confidentiality between doctor and patient could not be violated under any circumstances. Fortunately, a week later, the husband of the deceased nurse said that he also thought the full records should be made public. The Daily editorial praised the husband's courageous actions and said that these records might convince the jury that there was a reasonable doubt about the guilt of Narciso and Perez. Unfortunately, the psychiatric records of the deceased nurse were not admitted as evidence in court, and the jury never heard about the suicide or the confession. To me, continuing this case was a travesty. It may be worth pausing to consider why the FBI would use all of its resources to try two Filipino nurses.

That summer, California newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst was on the run after being kidnapped by the radical urban guerilla group, the Symbionese Liberation Army, and had subsequently joined them (she was captured in September of that year). In short, the FBI needed to win a big case and restore public reputation for its capabilities. And the mysterious respiratory attack at the Ann Arbor Department of Agriculture was the biggest one of its kind at the time. And there was a racial component: Narciso and Perez were Asians, born and raised in the Philippines, and anti-Asian sentiment was rife at the time. In the spring of 1975, first Cambodia and then South Vietnam had fallen to the Communists, and the United States had suffered humiliating defeats. Concerns were growing, especially in Detroit, about the onslaught of Asian immigrants and imports. This was largely due to the growing share of the American domestic market by Japanese automakers such as Toyota. Filipino support groups that had formed and people gathering outside the federal building with signs and "Free Narciso and Perez" T-shirts all pointed to the undercurrent of anti-Asian racism that permeated the trial. One of the victims of respiratory failure, hypnotized by the FBI, spoke at one point about a plot by Filipino nurses in the United States to kill American veterans. Ann Arbor attorney Thomas O'Brien, who represented Narciso, mentioned the racial dimension at the nurses' end.

I never wanted to be a prosecutor. (Ironically, later during jury deliberations, the lead prosecutor, Richard Janko, told The Daily in an exclusive interview that he didn't want to be a prosecutor either and would switch to defense after the trial was over.) Then there were the nurses themselves. I couldn't speak to them directly. But they seemed calm, gentle and V. V. V. nice. They were small. They smiled in the briefest of warm moments in a long, tedious process. These two women had never even received a parking ticket. So it seemed ridiculous to me that they were now waging a campaign to mass murder patients. Day after day, I sat in the trial for 10 weeks and watched the government's case unravel. There were too many unexplained variables and possible suspects. And the prosecution offered no motive. But the lack of a motive seemed to me to pierce a gaping hole at the heart of the government's case. There was no strict separation of church and state in the Daily's press and editorial pages at the time. When the Virginia murder jury was deliberating, we at the Daily ran a scathing editorial on June 30, 1977, headlined "Despite the Verdict, the Virginia Trial is a Sinister Farce." It was a long and tedious tale of injustice and harassment against the two nurses on trial. We should all light a candle for justice. After all, justice may be dead.

Narciso and Perez were found guilty of poisoning five patients. I thought this was a clear mistrial. It's hard to blame the jury; we reporters had seen plenty of evidence the jury never knew about, including the dead nursing director's confession to suicide. But that was small consolation. As far as I was concerned, justice was really dead. That was until Judge Pratt came along. That December, Judge Pratt issued a dramatic decision vacating the jury verdict and reprimanding the prosecutors for misconduct. The prosecution could seek a new trial, Pratt ruled. But the jury verdict would not stand. It's extremely rare in the criminal justice system for a federal judge to vacate a jury verdict. In this case, Judge Pratt got it right. I was jubilant. The two nurses still faced a retrial. In February 1978, a new federal prosecutor, James Robinson, dropped all charges against Narciso and Perez. Prosecutor Robinson cited the high probability of their innocence and the public's deep doubt and concern about the defendants' guilt. I hoped that the Daily could help the VA nurses to be released. That summer, I did an internship at the Washington Post, which led to a full-time job at my company.

It's not often that you can truly believe in your client's innocence, he said. And in this case, the system worked. Despite the cynicism of the summer of 1977, the system finally worked. But the respiratory failure that summer at the Ann Arbor VA Hospital remains a mystery that may never be solved. Keith B. Richburg began his career as an editorial cartoonist at the Michigan Daily in 1976, and later served as the Daily's city hall reporter, city affairs editor, and editorial page editor. He interned at The Washington Post in 1978 and 1979, and joined the paper after graduating in 1980. He spent the next 33 years with the Post as a reporter for Metro and The National, and as a foreign correspondent for 20 years based in Manila, Nairobi, Hong Kong, Paris, and Beijing, and served as the Post's foreign editor from 2005 to 2007. He is a 2013 Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University. He currently works as a freelance writer and author, splitting his time between Bangkok, Hong Kong, and New York.

Daily Scoop Richard L. Bark, who did not shook D. C. November 18, 1979, I wore the best jacket and tie for the biggest interview in a journalist in Washington on November 18, 1979. On Saturday night, when I knocked on the sweet door of the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, the most famous person I've ever interviewed, wearing stockings. He was short and was a 7 2-yea r-old grandp a-like gentleman, but seemed to be overwhelmed by the magnificence of a heavy hotel. The person was in Philip Clatsnick, the previous day of President Jimmy Carter, the second servant. As described in the article on "Daily" on Sunday, November 18, 1979, it was the first private interview for Clazonic since the nomination was announced. After the interview, I hurriedly wrote an article on the next morning's Daily. Evidence of excitement of the scoop was that my side line was a small print ђњCopyright 1979. The Michigan Daily. ђCopyright. ђ ђ, whether or not this article burned the capital. Probably because Clattsnick said, "The United States must exercise competitiveness in the market in the market to control inflation." The message of this nomination was accurate, and I was happy to write a notebook and decorate one side of the daily paper. Why did Kraznic, a famous Democratic parliamentary member of Chicago's real estate developer and chairman of the World Jewish Congress, come to such a thing on Daily? Why didn't you start with a 7 2-page journal in Wall Street? Did Krazonic try to take in a skeptical college student who doesn't think he should be a candidate? Did I relentlessly chase Clazonic until he responded to the first interview? At that time, I learned what to guide through my career: sometimes knowing the right person. In this case, one of Kurznick's granddaughter was Amy Salzman, my best friend and a friend of the daily paper. She arranged everything. (Recently, I asked Amy about the interview. You seemed a little nervous. I said it was my grandfather! Ђќ ђќ) I was impressed. But that was not groundbreaking for American journalism. However, this interview was an important building tree for me to become more and more skillful in the government and politics. First,

I learned that Secretar y-General and later interviewed president should not be on the pedestal. They are just humans. Sometimes I walk around with socks. I was able to learn about the world of presidential candidates early by asking a question to the Secretary of Commerce: The Ministry of Finance has a significant influence on the economy than the Ministry of Commerce? Shouldn't the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Labor be integrated? Did you choose because the president was planning to run for the second term, so you needed a political ally in your area? (In this case, Carter was facing the party's challenge from Senator Edward Kennedy.) Clattsnick, including my question about being selected as the oldest carter's oldest person at the age of 72 He answered my questions with agile and humor. He doubts the judgment of those who thought that a 7 2-yea r-old man should be in the Cabinet, "he jumped. (He has served as Secretary of Commerce for one year. < SPAN> I learned that the Secretar y-General and the President who interviewed later should not be on the pedestal. They are just humans. Sometimes they walk around with socks. I was able to learn about the world of presidential candidates as early as the Ministry of Commerce. Shouldn't the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Labor be a secon d-term riding? ・ I faced the party's challenge from Senator Kennedy) Clazznicks, including my question about being selected at the age of 72 as the elderly of the Carter Cabinet, is agile and humorous for all my questions. He doubted those who thought he should be a 7 2-yea r-old man in the Cabinet. " I was just a member of the secretary of the secretary of the secretary of the secretary of the secretary. Is the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Labor? Did you choose a party from Senator Edward Kennedy because you needed a political ally in your area? Has a 7 2-yea r-old man in the Cabinet, including my question about the oldest person in the Cabinet about being selected at the age of 72. He doubted the judgment of those who thought. "

He became President Carter and lived until the age of 92. This calculator is equipped with an LCD display, saying, "If you put the battery, it will operate for 1000 hours in a row. The old interview with Kurutznick reminds me that the basics of the news I practiced in college are still true. If I had been interviewing one of President Obama's ministerial candidates today, I had more confidence and wisdom, and followed up. I would definitely know that this would have been a more provocative question that would affect my journalist. I was a good editor of the New York Times when I was a secretary of New York. Immediately, I wrote a lot of economics about the hig h-day, interviewing the ceiling. Who would have imagined that I would have written such an article and lived until the age of 92? The $ 30 is an advertisement from the universit y-selling calculator, which features the latest Texas Instruments calculators, and the LCD display will operate for 1000 hours. If I was an interview with President Obama's ministerial candidate today, I reminded me that the basics of the news I practiced in college were still true. With more confidence and wisdom, he would definitely have a more provocative experience. When I scooped the news that the Governor Elliott Spitzer at the time had a high prostitute that I had no idea that it would affect my life as a journalist. Where was the editor of the New York Times? I immediately imagined the hig h-ceiling suite, which interviewed Philip Krattsnick as a child reporter. I may not have made much progress. Who would have imagined that I wrote a lofty article about the economy for the Daily Paper and would write such an article. He became President Carter and lived until the age of 92. This calculator is equipped with an LCD display, saying, "If you put the battery, it will operate for 1000 hours in a row. The old interview with Kurutznick reminds me that the basics of the news I practiced in college are still true. If I had been interviewing one of President Obama's ministerial candidates today, I had more confidence and wisdom, and followed up. I would definitely have a more provocative question, and I knew that it would affect my life as a journalist. I was a good editor of the New York Times when I was a secretary of New York. Immediately, I wrote a lot of economics about the hig h-day, interviewing the ceiling. Who would have imagined that I would write such an article?

In early 2015, the Boston Glove Media launched the new national digital and printed publishing "Stat", which covers the booming life science world, and became an executive editor. In early 2015, the Boston Glove Media launched the new national digital and printed publishing "Stat", which covers the booming life science world, and became an executive editor. < SPAN> In the early 2015, in Boston Glove Media, he launched a new national digital and printing publication "STAT" that covers the booming life science world, and becomes an executive editor. In early 2015, the Boston Glove Media launched the new national digital and printed publishing "Stat", which covers the booming life science world, and became an executive editor. In early 2015, the Boston Glove Media launched the new national digital and printed publishing "Stat", which covers the booming life science world, and became an executive editor. In early 2015, the Boston Glove Media launched the new national digital and printed publishing "Stat", which covers the booming life science world, and became an executive editor.

Remember В? Wally Tenninga? Adam Schefter November 21, 1985 Nearly 30 years after this story appeared in the Michigan Daily, it still doesn't make sense in many ways. Why would they assign this particular story, or any story really, to an 18-year-old freshman who had never written for his high school paper and had no talent for writing for his college paper? Especially during a week when Ohio State traveled to Michigan and there were countless other compelling stories. Why would a student with no clue about being a reporter want to read a story about the punter on the 1948 Michigan team? Again, nothing makes sense. But it does: This one story represents a landmark moment in the career of an 18-year-old freshman who went on to write other football stories for ESPN. But the article about the former Michigan punter appeared on Thursday, November 21, 1985, the week before Thanksgiving of that year. The headline appeared under a banner in the Michigan Daily that read, "Ђ Rivalry recalls unsung hero from past. Ђќ " Page 75 →His first underlined article began: Ђ As the game approaches, it would be only fair to remember one of the men who helped make the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry what it is today. Remember Wally Tenninga? Remember Wally Tenninga. Who remembers Wally Tenninga? This has got to be one of the most unimaginative, most predictable, and most stupid leads ever written. I mean, really. Remember Wally Tenninga? Who remembers Wally Tenninga? He punted at Michigan in 1948, but none of the students there were alive in 1985. Teninga went on to help manage 250 K-Mart stores on the West Coast before returning to Michigan and opening two wholesale cash-and-carry stores in the Detroit area. Teninga was a successful businessman. But why would students on the University of Michigan campus in November 1985 remember or care about a punter from 37 years ago? Rereading this article with a critical eye nearly 30 years later, the content was worse than the subject matter. Cliché after cliché. Teninga was certainly in the right place at the right time.

Pantant, a lo w-reputation, was called 37 years later to save Michigan from the defeat. Teninga has no rhythm, no reason, depth, perspective. This was the same as the actor failed to dialogue on the first stage, the same as the salesman failed on the first stage. < SPAN> Pantine, a lo w-reputation, was called 37 years later to save Michigan from the defeat. Teninga has no rhythm, no reason, depth, perspective. This was the same as the actor failed to dialogue on the first stage, the same as the salesman failed on the first stage. Pantant, a lo w-reputation, was called 37 years later to save Michigan from the defeat. Teninga has no rhythm, no reason, depth, perspective. This was the same as the actor failed to dialogue on the first stage, the same as the salesman failed on the first stage.

Football players fumble for the first time in the big house. Of course, the 1 8-yea r-old freshman did not know that. He was too enthusiastic about seeing his side line for the first time. He picked up the first piece outside the Cafeteria in the Mary Markley dormitory. He looked down and saw his name was printed and couldn't believe it. Every reporter would experience it, but it was so exciting that it would not be a word. On the day the article was published for the first time, he picked up the Outside of Daily and mailed it to his parents and his family to see his parents and his family. He also began to record an article on Michigan Daily paper in a scrapbook. I cut each of the published articles and put them on the photo album of an oversized white leather table. It is another story how this newspaper reporter began. When there is no on e-person free space at the fraternity house where Michigan University is located (Fratanity House), when there is no other intern to pick up dirty jock straps in the Michigan University Football Office, the Football of Michigan Universit y-When you need another intern to pick up a dirty jock strap in the office. Michigan Daily paper did not turn back. It welcomed everyone. A 1 8-yea r-old new student from John F. Kennedy High School in Belmore, New York has just read the News Day paper and the New York Times on the kitchen table during the growth process. I didn't know. In fact, < Span> football players fumble for the first time in the Big House, except for News Day and New York Times. Of course, the 1 8-yea r-old freshman did not know that. He was too enthusiastic about seeing his side line for the first time. He picked up the first piece outside the Cafeteria in the Mary Markley dormitory. He looked down and saw his name was printed and couldn't believe it. Every reporter would experience it, but it was so exciting that it would not be a word. On the day the article was published for the first time, he picked up the Outside of Daily and mailed it to his parents and his family to see his parents and his family. He also began to record an article on Michigan Daily paper in a scrapbook. I cut each of the published articles and put them on the photo album of an oversized white leather table. It is another story how this newspaper reporter began. When there is no on e-person free space at the fraternity house where Michigan University is located (Fratanity House), when there is no other intern to pick up dirty jock straps in the Michigan University Football Office, the Football of Michigan Universit y-When you need another intern to pick up a dirty jock strap in the office. Michigan Daily paper did not turn back. It welcomed everyone. A 1 8-yea r-old new student from John F. Kennedy High School in Belmore, New York has just read the News Day paper and the New York Times on the kitchen table during the growth process. I didn't know. Indeed, other than News Day and New York Times, football players fumble for the first time in the Big House. Of course, the 1 8-yea r-old freshman did not know that. He was too enthusiastic about seeing his side line for the first time. He picked up the first piece outside the Cafeteria in the Mary Markley dormitory. He looked down and saw his name was printed and couldn't believe it. Every reporter would experience it, but it was so exciting that it would not be a word. On the day the article was published for the first time, he picked up the Outside of Daily and mailed it to his parents and his family to see his parents and his family. He also began to record an article on Michigan Daily paper in a scrapbook. I cut each of the published articles and put them on the photo album of an oversized white leather table. It is another story how this newspaper reporter began. When there is no on e-person free space at the fraternity house where Michigan University is located (Fratanity House), when there is no other intern to pick up dirty jock straps in the Michigan University Football Office, the Football of Michigan Universit y-When you need another intern to pick up a dirty jock strap in the office. Michigan Daily paper did not turn back. It welcomed everyone. A 1 8-yea r-old new student from John F. Kennedy High School in Belmore, New York has just read the News Day paper and the New York Times on the kitchen table during the growth process. I didn't know. Indeed, except for "News Day" and "New York Times"

He stood as far back in the room as possible, so that no one would look at him and he wouldn't be assigned the story he dreaded. If he was going to take the job, he would turn it down for the first month or so after he walked through the Daily's door, but it had to be a week later, when he had plenty of time to research the topic, prepare questions, type up the story, and ask the Daily's bosses to edit it. It was probably a month before the sports editor thought to assign him the story. It was going to be published that Thursday, and it was a "Where Are They Now?" It was no coincidence that the story was scheduled to be published on a Thursday. With a mountain of homework and schoolwork, an 18-year-old freshman didn't think he could write a story any faster. So it was a Thursday. It's been years since then, so we don't know the details. But somehow, probably through the Michigan athletic department, he got Teninga's phone number. Teninga didn't look put off when he reached out, but he must have been wondering. The reporter compiled his notes and tried to write a story the way Newsday and New York Times reporters had done. I

But somehow the sports editors kept him writing. On Wednesday, December 11, 1985, he wrote his second story, a short, innocuous preview of the Penn State-Oklahoma Orange Bowl. On January 30, 1986, he wrote his third, a profile of Stephen Humphries, a former University of Michigan offensive lineman who had beaten the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl as a member of the Chicago Bears. It remains a mystery why Humphries approached the then 19-year-old Michigan freshman. The bylines grew and grew. The assignments became more frequent. An oversized white leather-bound scrapbook filled up. Soon a second scrapbook was produced, an oversized blue leather-bound photo collection. The subjects became more challenging. The work became more intense. Eventually he became one of those same sports editors who assigned stories to other young reporters, just as one reporter had once assigned them to himself. His 18-year-old freshman year turned into his 22-year-old senior year. In that time, he went from reporting and writing stories to being in charge of them, and wondering if he could make a living in the field. After graduation, he enrolled in graduate school at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. He soon visited newspapers in Seattle and Denver, interviewing Ken Griffey Jr. in Seattle and Johannes Fellows in Denver.

Schefter is the longest-serving reporter to cover the Broncos. In addition to covering the Broncos, Schefter served as president of the Pro Football Writers of America and wrote books on former Super Bowl MVP Terrell Davis, former Denver head coach Mike Shanahan, and former Pro Bowl linebacker Bill Romanowski. Schefter left the newspaper in August 2004 to become a television reporter for the NFL Network, where he worked until 2009. In August 2009, ESPN hired Schefter and made him an NFL Insider alongside Chris Mortensen. During his time at ESPN, Schefter worked for several media outlets, but rarely reported on other punters.

The relationship built with daily newspapers lasts a long time. Rebecca Bluemens Tine and Alan Paul in the spring of 1987 We started in a very nervous atmosphere. It was not a place to start romance. There is also no image that the couple of the same age and the same age met in the university newspaper. We have interviewed a powerful tyrant and rebellious rock stars, talked to the scandal CEOs, the jury who sent them to prison, and broke the face of a stiff NBA player. I've been waiting for the information source to appear on a land that does not reach people. However, it is as harsh, intimidating, and intense as Michigan Daily's election. The very democratic election rules of daily paper were actually very simple: any staff can run and vote. And if I wanted to speak, I had to remain until the end. It was when the candidates and staff were exhausted in a senior office a few hours later. The senior office had art staff, opinion staff, lon g-distance telephones and logs. Throwing the ballot paper and leaving the place was not simple. < SPAN> The relationship built on a daily newspaper lasts a long time. Rebecca Bluemens Tine and Alan Paul in the spring of 1987 We started in a very nervous atmosphere. It was not a place to start romance. There is also no image that the couple of the same age and the same age met in the university newspaper. We have interviewed a powerful tyrant and rebellious rock stars, talked to the scandal CEOs, the jury who sent them to prison, and broke the face of a stiff NBA player. I've been waiting for the information source to appear on a land that does not reach people. However, it is as harsh, intimidating, and intense as Michigan Daily's election. The extremely democratic election rules of Daily Paper were actually very simple: any staff can run and vote. And if I wanted to speak, I had to remain until the end. It was when the candidates and staff were exhausted in a senior office a few hours later. The senior office had art staff, opinion staff, lon g-distance telephones and logs. Throwing the ballot paper and leaving the place was not simple. The relationship built with daily newspapers lasts a long time. Rebecca Bluemens Tine and Alan Paul in the spring of 1987 We started in a very nervous atmosphere. It was not a place to start romance. There is also no image that the couple of the same age and the same age met in the university newspaper. We have interviewed a powerful tyrant and rebellious rock stars, talked to the scandal CEOs, the jury who sent them to prison, and broke the face of a stiff NBA player. I've been waiting for the information source to appear on a land that does not reach people. However, it is as harsh, intimidating, and intense as Michigan Daily's election. The very democratic election rules of daily paper were actually very simple: any staff can run and vote. And if I wanted to speak, I had to remain until the end. It was when the candidates and staff were exhausted in a senior office a few hours later. The senior office had art staff, opinion staff, lon g-distance telephones and logs. Throwing the ballot paper and leaving the place was not simple.

He was just starting to emerge as an anonymous columnist Fat Al. In the fall of the following year, guessing who wrote this mysterious, no n-P C-like scream would be a parlor game in the campus, causing a little sensation. Alan: I ran for me because no one in the staff knew me! In the past few months, two editors entered and exited, and the art section was in turmoil. I wrote a lot of manuscripts and became familiar with the first edito r-i n-chief. And one day he appeared, he was gone. His successor was kicked out in a coup for sexual harassment accusations. But I wanted to do more, and I thought that running for the edito r-i n-chief was a good way to take it seriously. REBECCA: I only remember the elections, but I remember that even though it was a weekly magazine, I made a simple statement that the summer paper was as powerful as the paper at other periods. Masu. That was a big focus. Then we answered the question for hours. Becky was obviously in the group. I was actually different horses than the late Henry Park, the edito r-i n-chief of Mao Zedo on the opinion page. I was proud when Henry said she voted for me. Since we have achieved our real goals in that election: Rebecca, who was selected as the edito r-i n-chief, had just begun to emerge as an anonymous columnist Fat Al. In the fall of the following year, guessing who wrote this mysterious, no n-P C-like scream would be a parlor game in the campus, causing a little sensation. Alan: I ran for me because no one in the staff knew me! In the past few months, two editors entered and exited, and the art section was in turmoil. I wrote a lot of manuscripts and became familiar with the first edito r-i n-chief. And one day he appeared, he was gone. His successor was kicked out in a coup for sexual harassment accusations. But I wanted to do more, and I thought that running for the edito r-i n-chief was a good way to take it seriously. REBECCA: I only remember the elections, but I remember that even though it was a weekly magazine, I made a simple statement that the summer paper was as powerful as the paper at other periods. Masu. That was a big focus. Then we answered the question for hours. Becky was obviously in the group. I was actually different horses than the late Henry Park, the edito r-i n-chief of Mao Zedo on the opinion page. I was proud when Henry said she voted for me. We have achieved our real goals in that election: Rebecca was selected as the edito r-i n-chief, and as anonymous columnist Fat Al, it was just starting to emerge. In the fall of the following year, guessing who wrote this mysterious, no n-P C-like scream would be a parlor game in the campus, causing a little sensation. Alan: I ran for me because no one in the staff knew me! In the past few months, two editors entered and exited, and the art section was in turmoil. I wrote a lot of manuscripts and became familiar with the first edito r-i n-chief. And one day he appeared, he was gone. His successor was kicked out in a coup for sexual harassment accusations. But I wanted to do more, and I thought that running for the edito r-i n-chief was a good way to take it seriously. REBECCA: I only remember the elections, but I remember that even though it was a weekly magazine, I made a simple statement that the summer paper was as powerful as the paper at other periods. Masu. That was a big focus. Then we answered the question for hours. Becky was obviously in the group. I was actually different horses than the late Henry Park, the edito r-i n-chief of Mao Zedo on the opinion page. I was proud when Henry said she voted for me. We have achieved our real goals in that election: Rebecca was selected as the edito r-i n-chief.

The election was the beginning of a true sense of dating, working together as a Daily Summer skeleton staff. The election was the beginning of our real relationship, and while working together as a daily summer skeleton staff, his friendship deepened. During the summer, we worked together to become a joint editor of the weekend magazine next year. In particular, on the cover of the weekend magazine, when we appeared with our arms as part of the fashion we don't know why the business staff was imposed on us, we began to think that the staff would have something. Ta. In fact, we still set up with each other and friends, and we became a couple a month before graduation. The intensity of Daily Debate was wonderful. As a paper s-led by a friend, we all taught how to write and how to report. We edited each other's articles and chopped them on the critical board. It was every day I continued to write manuscripts late at night, deadline and studying. For example, when the university became one of the first attempts in Japan to regulate hate speeches, we conflicted about how to handle any problems that pulse any problems, crisis, or campus. В We are trying the following: < SPAN> This election was also the beginning of a true relationship, working together as a Daily Summer skeleton staff. The election was the beginning of our real relationship, and while working together as a daily summer skeleton staff, his friendship deepened. During the summer, we worked together to become a joint editor of the weekend magazine next year. In particular, on the cover of the weekend magazine, when we appeared with our arms as part of the fashion we don't know why the business staff was imposed on us, we began to think that the staff would have something. Ta. In fact, we still set up with each other and friends, and we became a couple a month before graduation. The intensity of Daily Debate was wonderful. As a paper s-led by a friend, we all taught how to write and how to report. We edited each other's articles and chopped them on the critical board. It was every day I continued to write manuscripts late at night, deadline and studying. For example, when the university became one of the first attempts in Japan to regulate hate speeches, we conflicted about how to handle any problems that pulse any problems, crisis, or campus. В We are trying the following: The election was the beginning of a true sense of dating, working together as a Daily Summer skeleton staff. The election was the beginning of our real relationship, and while working together as a daily summer skeleton staff, his friendship deepened. During the summer, we worked together to become a joint editor of the weekend magazine next year. In particular, on the cover of the weekend magazine, when we appeared with our arms as part of the fashion we don't know why the business staff was imposed on us, we began to think that the staff would have something. Ta. In fact, we still set up with each other and friends, and we became a couple a month before graduation. The intensity of Daily Debate was wonderful. As a paper s-led by a friend, we all taught how to write and how to report. We edited each other's articles and chopped them on the critical board. It was every day I continued to write manuscripts late at night, deadline and studying. For example, when the university became one of the first attempts in Japan to regulate hate speeches, we conflicted about how to handle any problems that pulse any problems, crisis, or campus. В We are trying the following:

The sports staff drew a line in front of ” instead ... We can't speak for them, or any of the other long marriages that began at Maynard 420, but we believe that the relationships that emerge unscathed from such a hot environment are forged in molten lava and ready to be tested on the streets. If you can survive accusations of being racist, running for office against each other, and an attempted Marxist coup, the rest of your life is a breeze. And there's nothing old-fashioned about that. Rebecca Blumenstein was a reporter, news editor, weekend editor, and managing editor at the Daily from 1985 to 1989. She has covered General Motors in the Detroit bureau since 1995. She has been married in 1993 at the Michigan League and has three children.

From critics to news reporters, Beth Futig September 11, 1987 In the summer of 1987, I began to gradually transform from Michigan Daily music critics to news reporters. Biahula was a lead singer of Dead Kennedy, a punk rock band in San Francisco, and has developed a legal problem with the artwork of the album. The band was charged with suspicion of distributing a hardcoco porn to a minor. Fortunately, I was able to participate in a beer hula seminar in New York that summer. In the fall of 1984, I started writing articles in Daily as a freshman. Like other staff writers, I worked in the press several times in the evening and learned how to copy the AP communication articles as it was. But I was more interested in music. I grew up in Long Island in New York and loved the new bands featured on WLIR radio and were eager to read Rolling Stone. He gradually moved to the art department and asked for some albums. That year, there was no encyclopedia knowledge, like an enthusiastic music fan I met at East Quad or the university student radio station WCBN-FM. I couldn't write the text about music well. He had no attitude to become a legitimate rock critic. And I was definitely a girl in the world of boys. But I wore a lot of black clothes and wrote a professional article. < SPAN> From critics to news reporters Beth Farig, September 11, 1987 In the summer of 1987, I gradually began to transform from Michigan Daily music critic to news reporters. Biahula was a lead singer of Dead Kennedy, a punk rock band in San Francisco, and has developed a legal problem with the artwork of the album. The band was charged with the suspicion of distributing a hardcore porn to a minor. Fortunately, I was able to participate in a beer hula seminar in New York that summer. In the fall of 1984, I started writing articles in Daily as a freshman. Like other staff writers, I worked in the press several times in the evening and learned how to copy the AP communication articles as it was. But I was more interested in music. I grew up in Long Island in New York and loved the new bands featured on WLIR radio and were eager to read Rolling Stone. He gradually moved to the art department and asked for some albums. That year, there was no encyclopedia knowledge, like an enthusiastic music fan I met at East Quad or the university student radio station WCBN-FM. I couldn't write the text about music well. He had no attitude to become a legitimate rock critic. And I was definitely a girl in the world of boys. But I wore a lot of black clothes and wrote a professional article. From critics to news reporters, Beth Futig September 11, 1987 In the summer of 1987, I began to gradually transform from Michigan Daily music critics to news reporters. Biahula was a lead singer of Dead Kennedy, a punk rock band in San Francisco, and has developed a legal problem with the artwork of the album. The band was charged with suspicion of distributing a hardcoco porn to a minor. Fortunately, I was able to participate in a beer hula seminar in New York that summer. In the fall of 1984, I started writing articles in Daily as a freshman. Like other staff writers, I worked in the press several times in the evening and learned how to copy the AP communication articles as it was. But I was more interested in music. I grew up in Long Island in New York and loved the new bands featured on WLIR radio and were eager to read Rolling Stone. He gradually moved to the art department and asked for some albums. That year, there was no encyclopedia knowledge, like an enthusiastic music fan I met at East Quad or the university student radio station WCBN-FM. I couldn't write the text about music well. He had no attitude to become a legitimate rock critic. And I was definitely a girl in the world of boys. But I wore a lot of black clothes and wrote a professional article.

In this case, a poster with the motif of the cock by an artist H. R. Giger was published. The case was a scream for those who wanted to protect the freedom of artistic expressions and those who wanted to crack down on things that seemed inappropriate for minors. Tipper Gore established the PARENTS Music Resource Center and led the movement. I went to a lecture on Beerfula and was overwhelmed by his eloquent and passion. At one point, in the movement of the flashoff, he took off his shoes, handed it to the audience, and asked for a donation. He couldn't afford to hire a lawyer without a sentence. People cheered him as a cause, not as a rock star. Not as a rock star, but as a cause. " If this happens to him, it can happen to anyone who makes a mistake in the sound. A few weeks later, when I returned to school, I decided to write about the trial in some way. The incident was in a distant California, but I knew the news by reading other newspapers (it was a bit difficult before the Internet became widespread). The trial ended due to the uneven review, and it was at that time that I thought it was time to write an article. At that time, I was not very interested in music and was interested in social meaning. Seeing the trembling of the biahula < Span> In this case, a poster with the motif of the cock by the artist H. R. Giger is published ђќ. The case was a scream for those who wanted to protect the freedom of artistic expressions and those who wanted to crack down on things that seemed inappropriate for minors. Tipper Gore established the PARENTS Music Resource Center and led the movement. I went to a lecture on Beerfula and was overwhelmed by his eloquent and passion. At one point, in the movement of the flashoff, he took off his shoes, handed it to the audience, and asked for a donation. He couldn't afford to hire a lawyer without a sentence. People cheered him as a cause, not as a rock star. Not as a rock star, but as a cause. " If this happens to him, it can happen to anyone who makes a mistake in the sound. A few weeks later, when I returned to school, I decided to write about the trial in some way. The incident was in a distant California, but I knew the news by reading other newspapers (it was a bit difficult before the Internet became widespread). The trial ended due to the uneven review, and it was at that time that I thought it was time to write an article. At that time, I was not very interested in music and was interested in social meaning. The case of seeing the trembling of Biahula is a poster with the motif of the cock by the artist H. R. Giger. The case was a scream for those who wanted to protect the freedom of artistic expressions and those who wanted to crack down on things that seemed inappropriate for minors. Tipper Gore established the PARENTS Music Resource Center and led the movement. I went to a lecture on Beerfula and was overwhelmed by his eloquent and passion. At one point, in the movement of the flashoff, he took off his shoes, handed it to the audience, and asked for a donation. He couldn't afford to hire a lawyer without a sentence. People cheered him as a cause, not as a rock star. Not as a rock star, but as a cause. " If this happens to him, it can happen to anyone who makes a mistake in the sound. A few weeks later, when I returned to school, I decided to write about the trial in some way. The incident was in a distant California, but I knew the news by reading other newspapers (it was a bit difficult before the Internet became widespread). The trial ended due to the uneven review, and it was at that time that I thought it was time to write an article. At that time, I was not very interested in music and was interested in social meaning. See the trembling of the beer hula

Something awakened in me, wearing the shoes and watching the discussions over censorship. When I wrote an article on Daily, I was much more confident than I felt as a critic trying to express music. Don't misunderstand. It was a lot of fun to write about music on daily paper. Through daily work, he talked about Henry Rollins and his poem "Page 85". (It was the best: He was offered the role of Jim Morrison in the doors movie, but he said he didn't want to be remembered as a man who played the gym, but he gradually happened around himself. I read my article about the trial of the Biahura today. I was surprised that I was proud of this article, but I am a little angry. But I was able to get a good time to be a better reporter. < SPAN> When I wrote an article on me, I wrote an article on me, wearing the shoes and watching the discussions about censorship, and felt more like a critic who tried to express music. I was so confident that I had a lot of time on the dayless. : He was offered the role of Jim Morrison in the doors' movie, but he said he didn't want to be remembered as a man who played the gym. I was surprised to see how many of my articles were read about the trial. However, I wrote a little bit of this article, but I am a little angry. I had a lot of time to learn how to be a better reporter. I was more confident than I wrote an article on the story of the censorship. I wanted to write about Henry Rollins and Page 85. (It was the best: He was offered the role of Jim Morrison in the doors movie, but he said he didn't want to be remembered as a man who played the gym, but he gradually happened around himself. I read my article about the trial of the Biahura today. I was surprised that I was proud of this article, but I am a little angry. But I was able to get a good time to be a better reporter.

In 2001, he won the Colombian University Award (Dupon Award) in the Broadcast News Press, and received many awards from Japan and overseas, including the Edward R. Mallow Award. < SPAN> In 2001, he won the Colombia University Award (Dupon Award) in the Broadcast News Press, and received many awards from Japan and overseas, including the Edward R. Mallo Award. In 2001, he won the Colombian University Award (Dupon Award) in the Broadcast News Press, and received many awards from Japan and overseas, including the Edward R. Mallow Award.

The press rushes to the front stairs of the Federal District Court in Detroit from January to March 1995, who unravels the Internet Fantasy I got my head to get a glimpse. When I was struck by a photographer with my elbows, I stepped out for a moment and wondered if I was a 1 8-yea r-old new student. Douglas Marcov was defended by a secon d-year student arrested for posting a series of fresh rape and torture articles on the Internet. Detroit newspapers and specialized television reporters began to shout. Marcov stopped, overlooked the crowd and pointed to me. But that was the moment I was convinced that I would live as a journalist for a lifetime. The job we students did on daily paper helped the events that happened in the afternoon of the day. Our reports and explanations about the complex situations have fundamentally excavated the facts that no one could find, and changed people's ideas. I felt that what we are doing is really important. In January 1995, a graduate of a university in Moscow found a negative story of abduction, rape, torture, and murder. < SPAN> Unraveling the Internet Fantasy Josh White January to March 1995 The press rushed to the front stairs of the Detroit Federal District Court, and I fell into it, and the defendant and their lawyers went out. I wrote my head to get a glimpse. When I was struck by a photographer with my elbows, I stepped out for a moment and wondered if I was a 1 8-yea r-old new student. Douglas Marcov was defended by a secon d-year student arrested for posting a series of fresh rape and torture articles on the Internet. Detroit newspapers and specialized television reporters began to shout. Marcov stopped, overlooked the crowd and pointed to me. But that was the moment I was convinced that I would live as a journalist for a lifetime. The job we students did on daily paper helped the events that happened in the afternoon of the day. Our reports and explanations about the complex situations have fundamentally excavated the facts that no one could find, and changed people's ideas. I felt that what we are doing is really important. In January 1995, a graduate of a university in Moscow found a negative story of abduction, rape, torture, and murder. The press rushes to the front stairs of the Federal District Court in Detroit from January to March 1995, who unravels the Internet Fantasy I got my head to get a glimpse. When I was struck by a photographer with my elbows, I stepped out for a moment and wondered if I was a 1 8-yea r-old new student. Douglas Marcov was defended by a secon d-year student arrested for posting a series of fresh rape and torture articles on the Internet. Detroit newspapers and specialized television reporters began to shout. Marcov stopped, overlooked the crowd and pointed to me. But that was the moment I was convinced that I would live as a journalist for a lifetime. The job we students did on daily paper helped the events that happened in the afternoon of the day. Our reports and explanations about the complex situations have fundamentally excavated the facts that no one could find, and changed people's ideas. I felt that what we are doing is really important. In January 1995, a graduate of a university in Moscow found a negative story of abduction, rape, torture, and murder.

That fall, as a freshman arriving in Ann Arbor, I got my first coveted email address in the @umich. edu domain and immediately began using telnet to talk to friends. The Internet as we know it didn't exist yet, none of my friends had cell phones, and the best way to contact the Daily editor was by calling a pager. Some Daily reporters and editors started playing games with each other remotely, sending messages to the newsroom and to networked printers around campus to make fun of each other. The suspension and arrest of college students who posted stories on the Internet sparked widespread curiosity and was one of the first attempts by the government to address violent crime in cyberspace. It also had various implications for the First Amendment. Were these stories, posted in relative plainness for the whole world to see, threatening? Was Baker a potentially dangerous person based on his writing? Could federal authorities regulate speech on the Web? I got involved in the story as a budding crime reporter after the initial reports of Baker's suspension broke, and had the opportunity to work with future editor-in-chief Ronnie Glassberg and then-editor-in-chief Michael Rosenberg. At the time at the Daily, there were a lot of aspiring journalists who were deeply interested in what we were doing, and the conversations about the case were full of thoughtful appeal.

A community. Within a few days after the arrest, I learned that Baker's roommate was in my class. From the government's point of view, Baker was a criminal who had to be in prison. Many of his friends were a small and boo k-like student, and many were surprised that he had the ability to write what was written in his story. However, the content was terrible at all. We worked vigorously from all angles. Rosenberg talked to her family and explained to the readers how it feels like her name is tied to that. We talked to students, citizen freedom experts, and law executives. He also dialogue with Baker's mother, a teacher of creative literary arts in Ohio. Our breakthrough was held on February 10, 1995 in a detention hearing of Baker in the Federal Court. Prosecutors claimed that Baker was dangerous for society, and there were professional journalists in the hearing seats. We used the same system as Baker. When a document with a baker and rape exchanges on emails was submitted as evidence, I noticed that the header had the following information: < SPAN> A community. Within a few days after the arrest, I learned that Baker's roommate was in my class. From the government's point of view, Baker was a criminal who had to be in prison. Many of his friends were a small and boo k-like student, and many were surprised that he had the ability to write what was written in his story. However, the content was terrible at all. We worked vigorously from all angles. Rosenberg talked to her family and explained to the readers how it feels like her name is tied to that. We talked to students, citizen freedom experts, and law executives. He also dialogue with Baker's mother, a teacher of creative literary arts in Ohio. Our breakthrough was held on February 10, 1995 in a detention hearing of Baker in the Federal Court. Prosecutors claimed that Baker was dangerous for society, and there were professional journalists in the hearing seats. We used the same system as Baker. When a document with a baker and rape exchanges on emails was submitted as evidence, I noticed that the header had the following information: A community. Within a few days after the arrest, I learned that Baker's roommate was in my class. From the government's point of view, Baker was a criminal who had to be in prison. Many of his friends were a small and boo k-like student, and many were surprised that he had the ability to write what was written in his story. However, the content was terrible at all. We worked vigorously from all angles. Rosenberg talked to her family and explained to the readers how it feels like her name is tied to that. We talked to students, citizen freedom experts, and law executives. He also dialogue with Baker's mother, a teacher of creative literary arts in Ohio. Our breakthrough was held on February 10, 1995 in a detention hearing of Baker in the Federal Court. Prosecutors claimed that Baker was dangerous for society, and there were professional journalists in the hearing seats. We used the same system as Baker. When a document with a baker and rape exchanges on emails was submitted as evidence, I noticed that the header had the following information:

And he said the people who called for it to be taken down were like censors. "I was just concerned about someone passing off a story of rape, mutilation and snuff as erotica," the man told me in an email. A psychological evaluation determined Baker would not act out the fantasies he wrote about, and he was released on bail in March. After the court press conference, he grabbed me and asked to meet me a few minutes later, on the sidelines of the courthouse, where he had arranged for Baker to give the only interview he would give about the case. He told me about being a student, what it was like to be in federal prison. He told me about his 21st birthday in prison. He spoke, I listened, and The Daily ran it. The lessons of that case have driven my approach to journalism ever since: the importance of listening to all sides and trying to understand their perspectives; digging into every detail because you never know which one will bring the most important information; and giving readers information they can't get anywhere else. It was then that I realized that journalism is truly a public service, an opportunity to explain, provide context, and get people to think about the world around them.

But while that moment was inspirational, it was my other experiences at the Daily that solidified my commitment to my profession. Working with incredibly talented people who just loved what they did, helped me develop a similar ethic. I have tried to emulate that passion every day since, and I am always grateful for the guidance, patience, and dedication of everyone I worked with at 420 Maynard. Josh White was a reporter and editor at The Michigan Daily from 1994 to 1996, and editor in chief in 1997. After graduating in 1998, White landed a summer internship at The Washington Post, where he remains to this day. From 1998 to 2004, he was a crime and courts reporter in Virginia, covering sniper cases in the Washington area. From 2004 to 2008, he covered the Pentagon as a military correspondent, twice infiltrating U. S. troops in Iraq, and was an investigative reporter focusing on law enforcement and sex crimes before becoming The Post's education editor in 2012.

It was the best time I spent at the Big House on September 20, 1995, Big House Joshua Rich. In the morning of a refreshing anner bar in the fall of 1995, I left the dormitory room, put on a jacket, and walked on a long way across the campus to work on the Michigan Daily. I learned dizziness about what happened at the arena and proceeding to sew the sea in the audience. But I was not a sports writer nor a big house. Yes, I was a film critic and one of the few lucky writers who decided to make a movie criticism on Daily. I liked this job as much as the movie itself. Yes, I was a child who was filled with a poster of the movie on the wall of the firs t-year dormitory, and the bookshelf was filled with video tape. Definitely, I was hooked. Thanks to the daily paper, I watched it every week. I saw anything. In the evening, he walked from Alice Lloyd Residence Hall to Michigan Union, where he picked up a city bus bound for Briearwood Mall and watched the latest work with an old United Artistz cinema. (I remember the Charlie scene Sky Diving Spy Sliller "Terminal Velocity"? I don't remember, but my clip file says C-). I also rented a friend's car and went to the showcase cinema on the carpentent street. Therefore, it was a luxurious sheet with a cushioned sheet that was a bit squeaky when it was leaned on the back. < SPAN> It was the best time I spent in the Big House on September 20, 1995, Big House Joshua Rich. In the morning of a refreshing anner bar in the fall of 1995, I left the dormitory room, put on a jacket, and walked on a long way across the campus to work on the Michigan Daily. I learned dizziness about what happened at the arena and proceeding to sew the sea in the audience. But I was not a sports writer nor a big house. Yes, I was a film critic and one of the few lucky writers who decided to make a movie criticism on Daily. I liked this job as much as the movie itself. Yes, I was a child who was filled with a poster of the movie on the wall of the firs t-year dormitory, and the bookshelf was filled with video tape. Definitely, I was hooked. Thanks to the daily paper, I watched it every week. I saw anything. In the evening, he walked from Alice Lloyd Residence Hall to Michigan Union, where he picked up a city bus bound for Briearwood Mall and watched the latest work with an old United Artistz cinema. (I remember the Charlie scene Sky Diving Spy Sliller "Terminal Velocity"? I don't remember, but my clip file says C-). I also rented a friend's car and went to the showcase cinema on the carpentent street. Therefore, it was a luxurious sheet with a cushioned sheet that was a bit squeaky when it was leaned on the back. It was the best time I spent at the Big House on September 20, 1995, Big House Joshua Rich. In the morning of a refreshing anner bar in the fall of 1995, I left the dormitory room, put on a jacket, and walked on a long way across the campus to work on the Michigan Daily. I learned dizziness about what happened at the arena and proceeding to sew the sea in the audience. But I was not a sports writer nor a big house. Yes, I was a film critic and one of the few lucky writers who decided to make a movie criticism on Daily. I liked this job as much as the movie itself. Yes, I was a child who was filled with a poster of the movie on the wall of the firs t-year dormitory, and the bookshelf was filled with video tape. Definitely, I was hooked. Thanks to the daily paper, I watched it every week. I saw anything. In the evening, he walked from Alice Lloyd Residence Hall to Michigan Union, where he picked up a city bus bound for Briearwood Mall and watched the latest work with an old United Artistz cinema. (I remember the Charlie scene Sky Diving Spy Sliller "Terminal Velocity"? I don't remember, but my clip file says C-). I also rented a friend's car and went to the showcase cinema on the carpentent street. Therefore, it was a luxurious sheet with a cushioned sheet that was a bit squeaky when it was leaned on the back.

2001 Space Trip in Space, "Travel in Space", I was drunk, listening to research on Burton Organ, which is accompanied by a masterpiece of a silent movie, watching the masterpiece of the Anoral Bill Film Festival, and a pen & Terler magic and comedy. It was a place where hundreds of people were sitting with hundreds of people to watch live tours. For me, my house on the 603rd place on East Liberty was my house. And in the morning of 1995, this house was all mine. My job was to criticize the unknown Chinese drama called the New Hua Story. The movie itself is often dramatic, but the basic act of criticizing the movie has no dramatic development or persuasive story. There is no touchdown. There is no tear gas. There is no visit to a senior official who surprises the crowd. Instead, basically, dark theaters, brightly illuminated screens, several spectators, and you. That's it. Watch a movie. Go home. It was different this morning. It appeared at 9:00 am, with a reporter's note and pencil. But no one was. Box office? No one is. What is the front door? It's locked. What about Marquis? dark. I waited. Am I in the right place? At the right time? Should I go to the Anora Bar 1 & 2 or the Fox Village Theater? I was worried. (Of course, there was no iPhone in the pocket because it was the 20th century). I knocked on the door. After a while, a cluttered man who ran his eyes slowly came out of the shadow. < SPAN> 2001 Space Trip " It was a place where hundreds of people were sitting with hundreds of people to watch live tours like comedy. For me, my house on the 603rd place on East Liberty was my house. And in the morning of 1995, this house was all mine. My job was to criticize the unknown Chinese drama called the New Hua Story. The movie itself is often dramatic, but the basic act of criticizing the movie has no dramatic development or persuasive story. There is no touchdown. There is no tear gas. There is no visit to a senior official who surprises the crowd. Instead, basically, dark theaters, brightly illuminated screens, several spectators, and you. That's it. Watch a movie. Go home. It was different this morning. It appeared at 9:00 am, with a reporter's note and pencil. But no one was. Box office? No one is. What is the front door? It's locked. What about Marquis? dark. I waited. Am I in the right place? At the right time? Should I go to the Anora Bar 1 & 2 or the Fox Village Theater? I was worried. (Of course, there was no iPhone in the pocket because it was the 20th century). I knocked on the door. After a while, a cluttered man who ran his eyes slowly came out of the shadow. 2001 Space Trip in Space, "Travel in Space", I was drunk, listening to research on Burton Organ, which is accompanied by a masterpiece of a silent movie, watching the masterpiece of the Anoral Bill Film Festival, and a pen & Terler magic and comedy. It was a place where hundreds of people were sitting with hundreds of people to watch live tours. For me, my house on the 603rd place on East Liberty was my house. And in the morning of 1995, this house was all mine. My job was to criticize the unknown Chinese drama called the New Hua Story. The movie itself is often dramatic, but the basic act of criticizing the movie has no dramatic development or persuasive story. There is no touchdown. There is no tear gas. There is no visit to a senior official who surprises the crowd. Instead, basically, dark theaters, brightly illuminated screens, several spectators, and you. That's it. Watch a movie. Go home. It was different this morning. It appeared at 9:00 am, with a reporter's note and pencil. But no one was. Box office? No one is. What is the front door? It's locked. What about Marquis? dark. I waited. Am I in the right place? At the right time? Should I go to the Anora Bar 1 & 2 or the Fox Village Theater? I was worried. (Of course, there was no iPhone in the pocket because it was the 20th century). I knocked on the door. After a while, a cluttered man who ran his eyes slowly came out of the shadow.

I opened the entrance door from the lobby. Are you Josh? That's right. Are you a reporter on Michigan Daily Paper? yes. yes. He said. I am a prooping engineer. Please enter. "Ђќ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 We pass through the entrance to the entrance, passed the paused popcorn machine and the dim stalls, followed the glittering stairs to the balcony, and the polished wooden doors open to the orchestra. I proceeded. We stopped. When will the movie start? It would be fine if you were ready, "said a man smiling. Only you are here. Please sit where you like. I'll start when I'm ready. " I was able to monopolize this place! This magnificent building, a 1, 700 seats, and the memories of the movie fans for over 67 years, were all mine in the morning. I was surprised. However, I had no time to be lucky because I had entered the audience and did not choose a seat yet. Is it balcony or orchestra? Before or back? It was still before the reserved seats in the movie theater, but the morning was prepared for me up to the last seat. Hmm в . в. в. Orchestra! I pulled a heavy door and walked quickly on the aisle, half of the row, and half the seat. It's just in the middle. I opened the entrance door from the polished organ's shine

Regarding Scott's latest work, G. I. Jane, he wrote, "It's like a Madonna's Sadonna's Sadonna Video, set in Vietnam." He has been a writer and editor of Entertainment magazine in 11 years, as the reporter of U. S. News & amp; World Report and the edito r-i n-chief of the Royola of Los Angeles Law Review Magazine, and is currently a lawyer living in Los Angeles. < SPAN> Scott's latest work "G. I. Jane" wrote, "It's like a Madonna's Sadonna Sadonna Video, set in Vietnam," and not revealed that G. I. Jane was criticized. He has been a writer and editor of Entertainment magazine in 11 years, as the reporter of U. S. News & amp; World Report and the edito r-i n-chief of the Royola of Los Angeles Law Review Magazine, and is currently a lawyer living in Los Angeles. Regarding Scott's latest work, G. I. Jane, he wrote, "It's like a Madonna's Sadonna's Sadonna Video, set in Vietnam." He has been a writer and editor of Entertainment magazine in 11 years, as the reporter of U. S. News & amp; World Report and the edito r-i n-chief of the Royola of Los Angeles Law Review Magazine, and is currently a lawyer living in Los Angeles.

DUDE, Iв_402 ™ M Going to Finish My Pizza Michael Rosenberg September 28, 195, 21st birthday afternoon, a pocket bell on the waist rang. I was eating with my friends at Pizzeria Uno, South University, and celebrated that he did not die due to alcoholic poisoning the night before. It was dangerous. After drinking a few cups, I went to a public phone and called the Pocketbell number. Michigan Daily newspaper news editors came out and said that President James J. Duderstat had resigned. I was the edito r-i n-chief of Daily Paper. Great news. (When the news flows, the firs t-class journalists react immediately. On the other hand, I finished eating pizza. It's still before uploading the article on the Internet. I knew it would be a long day (long one) It was a day, and it was the last chance that I ended up with a lot of reporters. It was a few years later to hear the word Zone ђ↪llooding the zone. Every day, every day, the reader's concern (parking violation and crossword puzzle) and a little more important thing (are there a lot of people who are hungry in Africa, but are you worried about parking violations? This was a struggle with a wel l-known manner in the editorial conference. This was not the same for each reader. We all assigned a big story about the choice of Duder Stet, the impact of each sector, and the possibility of a successor. I was interviewed by a moderator that day, with both the desire to cover and the knowledge of thoroughly covered. My Pizza Michael Rosenberg September 28, 21st Birthday, I was eating a pocket bell on Pizzeria on South Universi. After drinking some cups, I went to the Pocket Bell number. I was a big journalist (the news of Daily Paper. On the other hand, I finished eating pizza. It's still before uploading an article on the Internet. I knew it would be a long day (it was only a long day), and it was my last chance to think clearly. After the meal, I went to see 420 Mayinard. It is a few years later to hear the word ђ↪llooding the zone ђ↪llooding the zone ќ, which indicates that the press will use a large number of reporters to cover all phases. But I already knew the meaning and knew that it was time to do it. In daily paper, every day, readers' concerns (parking violations and crossword puzzles) and a little more important (although there are people who are hungry in Africa, 94 pages → wisdom are worried about parking violations. I was struggling with the balance with). This conflict was particularly noticeable in the editorial conference. There was always a writer who seriously believed that peace in the Middle East would be realized with one wel l-made editorial. There was no conflict when the president resigned. This was our own problem. It influenced every layer on campus and each reader. Any other publishers could not say that. We persuaded the business staff and asked for an increase page. He assigned a person who wrote about the choice of Duder Stet, his heritage, the impact on each department, the highlights, defects, and the possibility of a successor. We all were lively with both the desire to cover a big story and the knowledge of thoroughly covering it. That afternoon, I interviewed a moderator with a radio. DUDE, Iв_402 ™ M Going to Finish My Pizza Michael Rosenberg September 28, 195, 21st birthday afternoon, a pocket bell on the waist rang. I was eating with my friends at Pizzeria Uno, South University, and celebrated that he did not die due to alcoholic poisoning the night before. It was dangerous. After drinking a few cups, I went to a public phone and called the Pocketbell number. Michigan Daily newspaper news editors came out and said that President James J. Duderstat had resigned. I was the edito r-i n-chief of Daily Paper. Great news. (When the news flows, the firs t-class journalists react immediately. On the other hand, I finished eating pizza. It's still before uploading the article on the Internet. I knew it would be a long day (long one) It was a day, and it was the last chance that I ended up with a lot of reporters. It was a few years later to hear the word Zone ђ↪llooding the zone. Every day, every day, the reader's concern (parking violation and crossword puzzle) and a little more important thing (are there a lot of people who are hungry in Africa, but are you worried about parking violations? This was a struggle with a wel l-known manner in the editorial conference. This was not the same for each reader. We all assigned a big story about the choice of Duder Stet, the impact of each sector, and the possibility of a successor. With both the desire to interview and the knowledge of thoroughly covered, I interviewed a radio with a moderator.

I clearly remember that Duder Stat was neither the best president nor the worst president. It may be the same as Durdelstadt said that it had not lost American poverty nor killed 1, 000 people. There is no need for such a hal f-hearted journalist. That night, before the deadline (Huh!), We created more than 20 articles about Duder Stat's resignation, along with the photos of the dude calling in the office, and a headline called "Calling It Quits". I put it on. However, we know that some students were impressed by our reports. I visited daily paper to write, I liked this paper, and was selected as the edito r-i n-chief.

A company that has just begun to learn, and no one can prepare a fellow staff. I don't know if the interview was wonderful that day, but at least I tried to be wonderful and worked in the right way. That night, we felt that we might know what we were doing. That's the splendor of daily paper. Other university newspapers include ful l-time instructor teachers, receiving funding from universities, and undergraduate students flowing to newspaper companies. Daily didn't have it. We had to think on our own every day. Sometimes the process was poor, and the products were poor. But what was completed was ours, and most days were proud. I am convinced that freedom in daily has driven our creativity more than any formal curriculum. I have been working for nearly 20 years as a professional journalist, but I have met many people who have learned at J School. Their journalism education would probably have been smooth. I still believe we were better. For four years, everyone was spending a lot of time, but the time was only increasing year by year. I worked late as the edito r-i n-chief, so I sometimes returned to the apartment, and outside the door, there were Detroit Free PRESS and Detroit News the next day. I sometimes slept on the sofa of the photo section. I don't think I had to spend so much time on daily paper, but I learned one of the most valuable lessons.

It was a football player in the daytime, and in the night I was having a daytime dream during a class in photographer Dani Jones in 1997-2000 classes. When the professor officially lost me, I decided on the spot that a new project was needed. Of course, most in the afternoon was spent by the Football Team at the University of Michigan, and the rest was studying for going to medical school, but I had time. The photo was my passion, so I swore to match the schedule no matter what. At the end of the fate class, I rushed to Michigan Daily and submitted an application document to the photo staff. I want to remember the news room as yesterday, but since I graduated 15 years ago, my memory has been fading. I remember the hustle and bustle that the students who were clearly high school newspapers shouted to give the next issue. I was still immature, but I became a veteran and I was ready to get a brand new camera. I was able to choose from many options, and my expensive lens was my vocation. With a press pass, I can become a sid e-line photographer in the game played by student athletes. So I was taking pictures if I had time. From daily to sporting events, I ran around the streets endlessly. Wear an orange coat, tie the backpack to the body, and hang a 400mm lens camera. < SPAN> Football player in the daytime, at night, when I was having a day dream during the 1997-2000 classes in photographers. When the professor officially lost me, I decided on the spot that a new project was needed. Of course, most of the afternoon was spent by the Football Team at the University of Michigan, and the rest was studying to enter the medical school, but I had time. The photo was my passion, so I swore to match the schedule no matter what. At the end of the fate class, I rushed to Michigan Daily and submitted an application document to the photo staff. I want to remember the news room as yesterday, but since I graduated 15 years ago, my memory has been fading. I remember the hustle and bustle that the students who were clearly high school newspapers shouted to give the next issue. I was still immature, but I became a veteran and I was ready to get a brand new camera. I was able to choose from many options, and my expensive lens was my vocation. With a press pass, I can become a sid e-line photographer in the game played by student athletes. So I was taking pictures if I had time. From daily to sporting events, I ran around the streets endlessly. Wear an orange coat, tie the backpack to the body, and hang a 400mm lens camera. It was a football player in the daytime, and in the night I was having a daytime dream during a class in photographer Dani Jones in 1997-2000 classes. When the professor officially lost me, I decided on the spot that a new project was needed. Of course, most in the afternoon was spent by the Football Team at the University of Michigan, and the rest was studying for going to medical school, but I had time. The photo was my passion, so I swore to match the schedule no matter what. At the end of the fate class, I rushed to Michigan Daily and submitted an application document to the photo staff. I want to remember the news room as yesterday, but since I graduated 15 years ago, my memory has been fading. I remember the hustle and bustle that the students who were clearly high school newspapers shouted to give the next issue. I was still immature, but I became a veteran and I was ready to get a brand new camera. I was able to choose from many options, and my expensive lens was my vocation. With a press pass, I can become a sid e-line photographer in the game played by student athletes. So I was taking pictures if I had time. From daily to sporting events, I ran around the streets endlessly. Wear an orange coat, tie the backpack to the body, and hang a 400mm lens camera.

When I decided to express my experience in photos, I tried to catch the moment when the students were unforgettable. So it was a creative experience that could follow my passion, from East Quad to Big House, and helped me to set up my career stage today. From 1997 to 2000, Dani Jones lived in college, wearing two pairs of straws, a football player at Michigan and Michigan Daily paper. Later, he was drafted to New York Giants and played in the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals. While he has been active in football fields for 11 years as a line backer, he launched the first creative agency VMG creative, photographed the hit series "Dhani Tacklesв The Globe" on Travel Channel, and "THE SPORTSMAN" (2011). Written. After retirement in 2012, Jones, in combined with SPIKE TV, served as a host of the program в Playbook 360в and в GT ACADEMY, featured in GQв and ESPN magazines, and produced his own program в in the Zone with Dhani Jones. In 2013, Jones launched his second creative agency в Proclamation and his private equity company QEY Capital in the last city he played in NFL and in Cincinnati, Ohio, the current home base. The photo is still one of his passion. < SPAN> And when I decided to express my experience in photos, I tried to catch the moment when the students were unforgettable. So it was a creative experience that could follow my passion, from East Quad to Big House, and helped me to set up my career stage today. From 1997 to 2000, Dani Jones lived in college, wearing two pairs of straws, a football player at Michigan and Michigan Daily paper. Later, he was drafted to New York Giants and played in the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals. While he has been active in football fields for 11 years as a line backer, he launched the first creative agency VMG creative, photographed the hit series "Dhani Tacklesв The Globe" on Travel Channel, and "THE SPORTSMAN" (2011). Written. After retirement in 2012, Jones, in combined with SPIKE TV, served as a host of the program в Playbook 360в and в GT ACADEMY, featured in GQв and ESPN magazines, and produced his own program в in the Zone with Dhani Jones. In 2013, Jones launched his second creative agency в Proclamation and his private equity company QEY Capital in the last city he played in NFL and in Cincinnati, Ohio, the current home base. The photo is still one of his passion. When I decided to express my experience in photos, I tried to catch the moment when the students were unforgettable. So it was a creative experience that could follow my passion, from East Quad to Big House, and helped me to set up my career stage today. From 1997 to 2000, Dani Jones lived in college, wearing two pairs of straws, a football player at Michigan and Michigan Daily paper. Later, he was drafted to New York Giants and played in the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals. While he has been active in football fields for 11 years as a line backer, he launched the first creative agency VMG creative, photographed the hit series "Dhani Tacklesв The Globe" on Travel Channel, and "THE SPORTSMAN" (2011). Written. After retirement in 2012, Jones, in combined with SPIKE TV, served as a host of the program в Playbook 360в and в GT ACADEMY, featured in GQв and ESPN magazines, and produced his own program в in the Zone with Dhani Jones. In 2013, Jones launched his second creative agency в Proclamation and his private equity company QEY Capital in the last city he played in NFL and in Cincinnati, Ohio, the current home base. The photo is still one of his passion.

Dateline Beijing Margaret Myers February 19, 1997 My mother was adventurous, and in the middle of a college semester, she called me and asked me to go to China with her. In 1997, I accepted. In February of my sophomore year, I was a photographer for the Michigan Daily and flew my family to Beijing for a week. I missed classes, even a tough chemistry class. The man who succeeded Mao and opened China to the modern global economy. Big story, right? I thought. The next morning, I wanted to witness how people were grieving. He was sitting on a little stool on the side of the street, reading the newspaper with a big picture of Deng Xiaoping on the cover. It wasn't much, but I thought it would be interesting to get this story in the Daily. Now, here's the fun part. I called the newsroom in Ann Arbor from a pay phone in the hotel lobby. Dayside Editor Will Weissert answers. Marge. Dateline Beijing Margaret Myers February 19, 1997 My mom was adventurous, and in the middle of a college semester she called me and asked me to go to China with her. In 1997, I accepted. In February of my sophomore year, I was a photographer for the Michigan Daily and flew my family to Beijing for a week. I missed classes and even a tough chemistry class. The man who succeeded Mao and opened China to the modern global economy. Big story, right? I thought. The next morning, I wanted to witness how people were grieving. He was sitting on a little stool on the side of the street reading the newspaper with Deng Xiaoping's picture on the cover. It wasn't much, but I thought it would be interesting to get this news in the Daily. Now, here's the fun part. I call the Ann Arbor newsroom from a pay phone in the hotel lobby. Dayside editor Will Weissert answers. It's Marge. Dateline Beijing Margaret Myers February 19, 1997 My mom loves adventure, and in the middle of a college semester, she calls me and asks if I want to go to China with her. In 1997, I said yes. In February of my sophomore year, I was a photographer for the Michigan Daily and flew my family to Beijing for a week. I missed classes and even a tough chemistry class. The man who succeeded Mao and opened China to the modern global economy. Big story, right? I thought. The next morning, I wanted to witness how people were grieving. He was sitting on a little stool on the side of the street, reading a newspaper with a big picture of Deng Xiaoping on the cover. It wasn't much, but I thought it would be interesting to get this story in the Daily. Now here's the fun part. I call the newsroom in Ann Arbor from a pay phone in the hotel lobby. Dayside Editor Will Weissert answers. It's Marj.

Of course I didn't. But the Daily picked up my photo, and it was right in the middle of A1 the next morning. Nearly 20 years later, this is still my dad's favorite story to tell at family gatherings. If it weren't for my dad, I might have forgotten this experience. It didn't matter, because I was still a kid. We were kid reporters running a kid's newspaper. My training at the Daily made me who I am today. It led to my first newspaper photography job.

Manassas, Virginia. I'm proud of my University of Michigan diploma, but my real education came from the Michigan Daily. Margaret Myers joined the Michigan Daily as a photographer in 1996 and was photo editor from 1998 to 1999. After graduating from the University of Michigan, she moved to Washington, D. C., to work as a staff shooter at the Daily Journal, covering Prince William County, Virginia. With no Spanish language training, she moved to Guatemala City in 2000 and joined the small group of journalists who founded the Guatemala Post. She served as copy editor, designer and photographer. A year later, she had the opportunity to move north to Mexico City to serve as assistant features editor for the 50-year-old English daily newspaper, Page 101's Вthe News. Unfortunately, the paper closed in 2002. Over the next few years, she freelanced for American newspapers, including the Dallas Morning News and the Detroit Free Press. In 2007, she moved to Texas to become features editor for the Amarillo Globe-News. In 2010, she became the editor of ВESPN's high school sports site. Unfortunately, that site also closed. However, she now works for another favorite network, PBS.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

At a time when daily print newspapers across the country are failing, the Michigan Daily continues to thrive. Completely operated by students of the University of Michigan, the paper was founded in and covers national and international news. In the name of editorial freedom: years at The Michigan daily / edited and with an introduction by Stephanie Steinberg. By: Seymour, Nicole, author. "In the Name of Editorial Freedom: Years at the Michigan Daily" is a collection of stories by journalists whose careers began at the Michigan Daily.

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