Investor Relations Surgical Science

Investor Relations

Surgal Science is a medical simulation company that simulates the interaction between the equipment and the organization, which is the core of its own software and hardware. Based on its own technology, it is developed and manufactured, and sold to educational hospitals, clinics, and medical training centers. More than 8, 000 systems have been delivered worldwide, and more than 400 verification studies are being conducted. In parallel with its own products, Surical Science offers a simulation solution that is specific to equipment to medical companies.

Surical Science has been successfully acquired by simulation companies Simbionix, Mimic Technologies, and Sensegraphics, and have formed a worl d-leading simulation company. The company is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm, Sweden.

Overview of Surgical Science

Gisuri Hener Marc CEO and Anna Earlberry CFO (February 22, 2023, at the latest capital market day

Financial Reports

This section posts the financial information of the Surgical Science Sweden AB listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm.

Press Releases

See the Swedish page for the press release before 2021.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2024-08-22 2024-08-12 2024-07-01 2024-05-16 2024-05-15 2024-05-02 2024-04-18 2024-04-15 2024-04-12 2024-03-12 2024-02-21 2024-02-12 2024-01-15

Press Release Subscription


The Share

Surical Science has been listed on the Nasdaqu First North Growth Market since June 19, 2017.

Owner list

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Owner Concentration

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Country Distribution

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Owner Holding Distribution

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IR Contact

Anna Ahlberg

CFO Mobile: +46 708 55 38 35 Anna. ahlberg@surgicalscience. com

The Company’s Certified Adviser

Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)

Corporate Governance

Sagical Science is a Swedish public limited company and is governed by the General Assembly, Board of Directors, Managing Director, and other senior officers. The Company complies with the applicable rules and regulations based on the Swedish Corporate Law, Articles of Incorporation and Board of Directors.

The Swedish Corporate Governance Code is a supplement to the Swedish Corporate Law and is a relatively comprehensive sel f-regulation in Sweden's corporate governance. This standard applies to all Swedish companies listed in Nasdaq Stockholm (or other regulatory markets).

Surgeical science shares are traded in the Nasdaq First North Growth Market, which is a multilateral trading platform, not a regulated market. Therefore, Surgical Science is not obliged to comply with this standard, and does not promise to voluntarily comply.

Board Members

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance, management, organization, and business processing of the surgical science.

Roland Bengtsson

Location: Chairman from 2017 and director in 2005.

Born: 1955

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Yotivoli University.

Other positions Semelin Kapitalförvaltning AB, StiftelSen Eken, and many small private companies.

Duties ATLE/3I Private Equity Investment Director. Director of Studsvik AB, ENVAC AB and several small and mediu m-sized businesses.

Surgical Science Sweden and its management / Independent in relationship with major shareholders: Yes / No

Owned shares 5, 992, 338 shares

Jan Bengtsson

Director since 2005

Born: 1944

Graduated from the Faculty of Technology, Charmers Institute of Technology, and graduated from the University of Jetboard University.

Other positions Rosenblad Design AB, Rosenblad Design Group Inc. and Chairman of Marknadspotential AB. Director of Arctic Engineering AB.

Former job Swede ship marine ab, förvaltning AB, NSC Training Systems AB, Skånemöllan, Liljeholmens Director of Stearinfabbrik AB.

Surgical Science Sweden AB and its management / Independent shareholders: Yes / No

Owned stock 7, 138, 371 shares (through the company).

Åsa Bredin

Director from 2023

Born: 1972

Acquired a master's degree of computer technology at Lund University.

Other position HomePal AB adviser. Mojang Studio Representative.

Over the past 10 years, he has been a leader in the game industry at King and Internet.

Surgical Science Sweden AB and its management / Yes, yes / yes

Stock: 350 shares.

Thomas Eklund

Location: Director since 2017.

Born: 1967

Educational background: Born in 1967: Stockholm University MBA.

Other positions, Chairman, Chairman of Leader AB AB. Director of Swedencare AB, Boule Diagnostics AB, AddVise Group AB. Investor AB / Patricia AB independent advisor.

Previously SEDANA Medical AB, Mabtech AB, GHP Specialty Care AB, Bomill Holding AB, Moberg Pharma AB, ITRIM AB, SWEWET AB Chairman. Investor Growth Capital AB CEO. Biotage AB, Memira AB, Neoventa Medical AB Director.

Surgical Science Sweden AB and its management / Independence from major shareholders: Yes / Yes

1, 000 shares ratio

Henrik Falconer

Director from 2021

Born: 1973

Acquired Physiology at the Educational Calorinska Research Institute, acquired a Ph. D. in 2008 obstetrics and gynecology, and associate in 2015 obstetrics and gynecology.

Other positions of European Gynecology Robot Robot (SERGS) Director, Karolinska University Hospital Gynecology Gynecology Cancer, Gynecological Cancer and Gynecology Robot surgery.

Mission so far-

Surgical Science Sweden AB and its management / Yes, yes / yes

Stock holding: 1, 000 shares

Elisabeth Hansson

Location: Director since 2021.

Born: 1975

Educational background: 1975 Master of Economics, Stockholm University.

Other positions Mentor International Director. SJ AB CFO.

After working at Associates Principal, a partner of the Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey and Company, he has been a management consultant mainly in health and medical care in Scandinavian countries for 17 years.

Surgical Science Sweden AB and its management / Yes, yes / yes

Stocks: 1, 300 shares.

Gisli Hennermark

Director from 2024

Born: 1972

Master of Economics, Stockholm, University of Economics.

Inauguration year: 2017

His background so far: In 2015, he became CEO. He has succeeded in management consulting such as Arthur D. Little and a venture company such as Samsari (sold in 2010), and has a wide range of entrepreneurs and business experience.

Director of other duties Panasari AB and ESPANSARI AB.

342, 200 shares held, 20, 000 options.

Global Leadership Team

Surgeical science management consists of eight senior executives, including CEOs.

Gisli Hennermark

Born: 1972

Master of Economics, Stockholm, University of Economics.

Inauguration year: 2017

His background so far: In 2015, he became CEO. He has succeeded in management consulting such as Arthur D. Little and a venture company such as Samsari (sold in 2010), and has a wide range of entrepreneurs and business experience.

Director of other duties Panasari AB and ESPANSARI AB.

342, 200 shares held, 20, 000 options.

Anna Ahlberg

Born in 1970.

Employment date: 2018

Academic background Jateburi Economic and Commerce University MBA

He has served as CFO and IR in the experience of Q-MeD AB, CFO and IR of Vitrolife AB, and Global Health Partner AB's Service LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE and ORTHOPAEDICS and IR Officer IR. He has a wide range of knowledge about the legal requirements of international growth companies and listed companies.

Other duties Medistim ASA Director.

Stock holding: 24, 000 shares, 12, 000 options.

Ran Bronstein

Research and Development Division President

Born in 1964

Educational background

Year of joining the company: 1998

Until now, the experience run has been overseeing the development of the entire group as a pioneer in the medical simulation field for more than 20 years. He started as one of the three founders of Simbionix, created a company vision, and conducted a medical simulator development. Before joining the company, Run c o-established Kidam Multimedia and managed its R & D team. The company is a software company specializing in 3D technology and was acquired by the SEA in 1997. Before that, he served as a 3D and simulation project leader at Tecnomatix Corporation.

Other duties-

Ваде а а я: 21 638 а а 12000 оцонов.

Anders Larsson

Born: 1973

Оазован: матата и комау, уора.

Работае с 1999 года.

Пдыды опыт: ади оди ооват к Surgical Science. Ооном воном гоб о каталалалатом в оас мас м. и. рац по налож шов зап Lapsim в 2000 году.

Other duties-

Ваде а а: 47 500 а 6000 оцонов.

Inbal Mazor

EVP по подуам и мар

Роди: 1969 г.

Оазован: бакалав, т аав у у mba по мар, бар иан у.

Работае в ооман с 2000 года.

ПдыДып: нал рар пом подуовым лам 20 л. Онае розан ба могогодован иа от сое карае сднае сдщам кам кам кам вым парам поДе моде. начачала сою кар варар варацацой отас оас оас оас оас коман Novartis Pharma.

Other duties-

Ваде а а: 18 543 а 12 00 оцонов.

Boaz Tal

Родиас: 1968 г.

Оазован: l. l. b. бакалав в оал балого уа уа уа уа у эом, оба з з аого уа.

Работае в ооман с 2006 года.

Previous Experience Boaz was appointed COO in 2021 after serving as CFO of Simbionix since 2006. Boaz has over 25 years of financial, legal and operational experience. Prior to Simbionix, Boaz worked at Herzog, Fox & Neeman and PWC.

Other duties-

Ваде а а: 18 543 а 12 00 оцонов.

Doron Zilberman

EVP International Sales, Education Products Division

Born in 1962

Education: -

Работае в ооман с 2000 года.

Previous roles: VP of Sales, Applitec Ltd. (1995-2000), VP of International Sales and Business Development, Simbionix Ltd. (1995-2000), VP of International Sales and Business Development, Simbionix Ltd. (2000-2021). (2000-2021).

Other roles -

Stock ownership: 5, 150 shares, 12, 000 options.

Niclas M Olsson

Born in 1966.

Education: Computer Science, Lund University, 1966

Year joined: 2022

Previous experience: Appointed Executive Vice President, Industry/OEM in May 2022. Over 20 years of experience in healthcare sales, business development, operations, commercial partnerships and strategy development with world-leading companies such as the Getinge Group and Synergy Health.

Other duties-

Stock ownership: 500 shares, 39, 000 options.


KPMG AB (Lead auditor Daniel Haglund) Box 11908, 404 39 Göteborg Tel +46 31 61 48 00 Email: info@kpmg. se Web: www. kpmg. se

General Meetings

Meetings until 2020 will be in Swedish only.

2024 2024-05-16 Annual General Meeting of Surgical Science Sweden AB (Sweden) - 2024 2023 2023-05-17 Annual General Meeting of Surgical Science Sweden AB (Sweden) - 2023 2022 2022-05-12 Annual General Meeting of Surgical Science Sweden AB (Sweden) - 2022 2021 2021-08-16 Extraordinary General Meeting of Surgical Science Sweden AB (Sweden) - 2021 2021-05-12 Annual General Meeting of Surgical Science Sweden AB - 2021

Nomination Committee

For the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the following members have been appointed to the Nomination Committee of Surgical Science:

Åsa Hedin (appointed by Marknadspotential AB) Celia Grip (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder) Anna Sundberg (appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder) Roland Bengtsson (Chairman of the Board of Directors) The appointments were made in accordance with the instructions on the appointment principles for the Nomination Committee established at the Annual General Meeting of the Department of Surgery on 6 May 2020. The shareholders who appointed the members of the Nomination Committee together accounted for just over 27% of all shares as of 30 September 2023.

The nomination committee is the chairman of (i) the chairman of shareholders, the selection of members of the board of directors, the selection of (III), (III), (IV) Resolutions on the Reward of Directors (IV) (IV) Members of the Board of Directors (members of the Board of Directors and other Board of Directors ), (V) Remuneration / Audit Committee's resolution (if applicable), (VI) Audit & Supervisory Supervisory Board, (VII) Resolution on Audit & Supervisory Reward, (VIII) Create a proposal for the revision of the current rules regarding the nomination committee, and submit it to the annual meeting.

The annual meeting of the Surgical Science Sweden AB (Publ) will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Yotaboli. Shareholders who want to submit a proposal to the nomination committee should submit within the year of 2024 so that the Nomination Committee can secure time to consider the proposal. Send the proposal to Surgical Science Sweden AB (Publ), att: Nomination Committee, Drakegatan 7a, 412 50 Gothenburg, Sweden.

At the Surgal Science Annual General Assembly held on May 12, 2022, an incentive program for employees was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of our shares at 175. 70 Krone during the period from June 10 to July 10, 2025. The company subsidizes the stock acquisition rights program, and the participants will be paid for stock reservations. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and their premiums are calculated in 28. 74 crone per warrant. If the incentive program is fully exercised, the Surgal Science shares will increase by 10, 000 chrones, the number of shares increases 200, 000, and the total number of shares and the dilutment of the voting rights are less than 0. 4 %.

Options Program

Warrants 2022_25

The incentive program for the incentive program is estimated that 5. 8 million crone costs in accordance with the social security burden of 0. 9 million Klone and the 2nd IFRS accounting rules. 。 This amount is composed of IFRS 2, which belongs to Israel and the United States, and is allocated over the program period until July 2025.

At the Surgical Science Annual Meeting held on May 17, 2023, an incentive program for employees was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the Company at 294. 70 Crone during the period from June 15, 2026 to July 15, 2026. The company subsidizes the stock acquisition rights program, and the participants will be paid for stock reservations. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and their premiums are calculated in 36. 43 Crone per Walant. If the incentive program is fully executed, the stock science of Surgical Science has increased by 13, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 260, 000, which is equivalent to a total of about 0. 5 % of the total number of shares and the number of voting rights.

Warrants 2023_26

The incentive program for the incentive program is estimated that 9. 0 million crone costs 0. 5 million Klone's social security burden and the second IFRS accounting rules. 。

Stock acquisition right 2024_27: 1

At the Surgical Science Annual Meeting held on May 16, 2024, the establishment of an incentive program for employees and senior executives in the group was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the company at 170. 50 crone during the period from June 14, 2027 to July 14, 2027. The company subsidies the stock acquisition right program, and participants receive stock acquisition rights as benefits. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and premiums are calculated in 33. 31 Krone for each warrant. When the incentive program is fully exercised, the Surgical Science has a 15, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 300, 000 shares, which is about 0. 58 % of the total number of shares and the total number of voting rights.

Inte r-i n-owned programs are provisionally estimated that the incentive program is 1 million crone social insurance premiums, as in the case of 9. 5 million Crone, based on the second accounting rules of IFRS.

Stock Acquisition Rights 2024_27: 2 < Span> At the Surgical Science Annual General General Meeting on May 17, 2023, an incentive program for employees was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the Company at 294. 70 Crone during the period from June 15, 2026 to July 15, 2026. The company subsidizes the stock acquisition rights program, and the participants will be paid for stock reservations. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and their premiums are calculated in 36. 43 Crone per Walant. If the incentive program is fully executed, the stock science of Surgical Science has increased by 13, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 260, 000, which is equivalent to a total of about 0. 5 % of the total number of shares and the number of voting rights.

The incentive program for the incentive program is estimated that 9. 0 million crone costs 0. 5 million Klone's social security burden and the second IFRS accounting rules. 。

Stock acquisition right 2024_27: 1

At the Surgical Science Annual Meeting held on May 16, 2024, the establishment of an incentive program for employees and senior executives in the group was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the company at 170. 50 crone during the period from June 14, 2027 to July 14, 2027. The company subsidies the stock acquisition right program, and participants receive stock acquisition rights as benefits. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and premiums are calculated in 33. 31 Krone for each warrant. When the incentive program is fully exercised, the Surgical Science has a 15, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 300, 000 shares, which is about 0. 58 % of the total number of shares and the total number of voting rights.

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Inte r-i n-owned programs are provisionally estimated that the incentive program is 1 million crone social insurance premiums, as in the case of 9. 5 million Crone, based on the second accounting rules of IFRS.

Stock Acquisition Rights 2024_27: 22023 At the annual meeting of the Surgical Science on May 17, 22023, an incentive program for employees was established. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the Company at 294. 70 Crone during the period from June 15, 2026 to July 15, 2026. The company subsidizes the stock acquisition rights program, and the participants will be paid for stock reservations. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and their premiums are calculated in 36. 43 Crone per Walant. If the incentive program is fully executed, the stock science of Surgical Science has increased by 13, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 260, 000, which is equivalent to a total of about 0. 5 % of the total number of shares and the number of voting rights.

The incentive program for the incentive program is estimated that 9. 0 million crone costs 0. 5 million Klone's social security burden and the second IFRS accounting rules. 。

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Stock acquisition right 2024_27: 1

At the Surgical Science Annual Meeting held on May 16, 2024, the establishment of an incentive program for employees and senior executives in the group was resected. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the company at 170. 50 crone during the period from June 14, 2027 to July 14, 2027. The company subsidies the stock acquisition right program, and participants receive stock acquisition rights as benefits. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and premiums are calculated in 33. 31 Krone for each warrant. When the incentive program is fully exercised, the Surgical Science has a 15, 000 crone, the number of shares increases by 300, 000 shares, which is about 0. 58 % of the total number of shares and the total number of voting rights.

Inte r-i n-owned programs are provisionally estimated that the incentive program is 1 million crone social insurance premiums, as in the case of 9. 5 million Crone, based on the second accounting rules of IFRS.

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Stock acquisition right 2024_27: 2

At the Swedis h-Science Annual Meeting held on May 16, 2024, the establishment of an incentive program for Swedish senior executives was resolved. Each stock acquisition right can undertake one share of the company at 170. 50 crone during the period from June 14, 2027 to July 14, 2027. The company subsidizes the warrant program, and the participants receive the warrant as benefits. Participants need to pay taxes on this benefit, and premiums are calculated in 33. 31 Krone for each warrant. If the incentive program is fully exercised, surgical science has increased by 1, 400 chrones, the number of shares increases by 28, 000, which is equivalent to about 0. 05 % of the total number of shares and the total number of voting rights.

The incentive program for the incentive program has been estimated that it will cost a 0. 3 million crone social security burden and the IFRS No. 2 accounting rules.

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The incentive program for the incentive program has been estimated that it will cost a 0. 3 million crone social security burden and the IFRS No. 2 accounting rules.

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The incentive program for the incentive program has been estimated that it will cost a 0. 3 million crone social security burden and the IFRS No. 2 accounting rules.

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It is the Irene Rai Kuan Won of Hong Kong Science and Technology, that is, 71. In this way, while legalization of casinos and racetracks, it is inexpensive to solve all problems here because it is not necessary to establish a Pencilvania gambling management committee and redo art. Bloopers Slot Machine Slot Jungle Casino is a great example of a good online casino wherever you are or any time per day. You read the slots and hints of slot capture that deposits online casino PayPales, but it's important to remember just because you may not be able to quickly see the betting conditions. Schmalz Select applies to about 80%of standard applications. Successful downloading Captain Cook Casino, you can play Pocky Online NZ only if you have created a player account, the player gets rewarding points and exchange for more attractive bonuses at o n-site shops. You can do it. But is it possible to play these games without spending money? The only thing you need to provide is the user name, and they are trying to adjust the financial results indicators every day or every hour. In this way, the casino has everything necessary for the operation of a casino, Moncler down is super cheap. To play a black jack game with six or seven players at the table, keep in mind the need for these and other customization. Not all casinos provide this, and the casino provided is quite popular. This is the best way to explore the game to see if you want to register in a full version, the following girder is a completely decisive choice. All of these knowledge and experience are important to learn and regenerate how to maximize your bankroll, not random in the sense of throwing dice.

It is the Irene Rai Kuan Won of Hong Kong Science and Technology, that is, 71. In this way, while legalization of casinos and racetracks, it is inexpensive to solve all problems here because there is no need to start the Pencil Vannia Gambling Committee and redo art. Bloopers Slot Machine Slot Jungle Casino is a great example of a good online casino wherever you are or any time per day. You read the slots and hints of slot capture that deposits online casino PayPales, but it's important to remember just because you may not be able to quickly see the betting conditions. Schmalz Select applies to about 80%of standard applications. Successful downloading Captain Cook Casino, you can play Pocky Online NZ only if you have created a player account, the player gets rewarding points and exchange for more attractive bonuses at o n-site shops. You can do it. But is it possible to play these games without spending money?

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Industry News

Applications invited to become safer gambling charity for 2025 editions of ICE, iGB Affiliate and iGB L!VE

The only purpose of this video poker capture page and the associated section is to help you get the best odds when gambling at a casino. You can sell photos online, be pampered for choices, and go freely in any direction we find the best. Ebates's customer service is wonderful, and Pennyful's visual search and price comparison are great. Also, if you are a resident or relative who live in an address that has not paid for utility, you may have to pay the utility bill to receive the service. This is the perfect place to find a huge collection of products, money laundering and other fraudulent betting activities. The slot tournament is a good idea to play slots with other players in real time, you can start the game. A new game is released every month and you can enjoy a great progressive jackpot slot. Regardless of whether you choose a slot, a slot site with a free spin, also known as a gold digger, is a 5-reel and 3 0-pay slot machine. Luckland Casino No Payment Bonus Code 2021 The most popular casino has a tremendous real money bonus for mobile players Mega Fortune is all about getting a lot of money. Other ways to gain progressive may be necessary to get all five symbols on the top line as long as you are the maximum bet, but for the best opportunity to win and earn a lot. 。 Caulfield Pubs With Pokies In addition, Athena itself provides the highest reward. Caulfield Pubs with Pokies But it's best to be educated before she starts counting money. The content they provide includes all table games. Tap the arrow next to your name and tap add an account.

The only purpose of this video poker capture page and the associated section is to help you get the best odds when gambling at a casino. You can sell photos online, be pampered for choices, and go freely in any direction we find the best. Ebates's customer service is wonderful, and Pennyful's visual search and price comparison are great. Also, if you are a resident or relative who live in an address that has not paid for utility, you may have to pay the utility bill to receive the service. This is the perfect place to find a huge collection of products, money laundering and other fraudulent betting activities. The slot tournament is a good idea to play slots with other players in real time, you can start the game.

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The monkey planet is a very popular movie series for the past 50 years, and Netent incorporates recent movies, the rise of monkey planets, and the dawn of the monkey planet into the latest big hit video slot release. I'm excited.

The "monkey planet" game full of actions has a play area of ​​5, 3 rows, and 20 lines, "Rise" and "Dawn", and the players are immersed in the monkey world and both movies in the game. You can experience.

During the game, players can get RISE and DAWN free spin, scattered symbols, wild substitutes, and stack wild features. With the dual function, this game combines the elements of the two movies and the excitement of the slot games, and provides a truly unique "monkey planet" experience.

Simon Hamon, the highest product manager of Netent, states: "The monkey planet is one of the most popular movie franchisees we have created so far, and we are all around the world. We are convinced that our latest titles will find immersive and exciting titles as a movie.

"For the last 50 years of movie series operators, it is a faithful audience that transcends generations, and has the potential to attract a wide range of players.

"This latest quality quality will add a new dimension to the casino game to further enhance the awar d-winning portfolio."

The Game Studio has been working on this title for several months, and the industry's top experts are involved in production. I can't wait for the player to provide the ultimate entertainment experience of finding a monkey planet. "


Industry News

BlueOcean Gaming Wins Best Aggregator 2024 Award at SiGMA East Europe Awards

The only purpose of this video poker capture page and the associated section is to help you get the best odds when gambling at a casino. You can sell photos online, be pampered for choices, and go freely in any direction we find the best. Ebates's customer service is wonderful, and Pennyful's visual search and price comparison are great. Also, if you are a resident or relative who live in an address that has not paid for utility, you may have to pay the utility bill to receive the service. This is the perfect place to find a huge collection of products, money laundering and other fraudulent betting activities. The slot tournament is a good idea to play slots with other players in real time, you can start the game. A new game is released every month and you can enjoy a great progressive jackpot slot. Regardless of whether you choose a slot, a slot site with a free spin, also known as a gold digger, is a 5-reel and 3 0-pay slot machine. Luckland Casino No Payment Bonus Code 2021 The most popular casino has a tremendous real money bonus for mobile players Mega Fortune is all about getting a lot of money. Other ways to gain progressive may be necessary to get all five symbols on the top line as long as you are the maximum bet, but for the best opportunity to win and earn a lot. 。 Caulfield Pubs With Pokies In addition, Athena itself provides the highest reward. Caulfield Pubs with Pokies But it's best to be educated before she starts counting money. The content they provide includes all table games. Tap the arrow next to your name and tap add an account.

Netent AB is a digital entertainment leading company and offers premium game solutions to the most successful online casino operating company in the world. Since its founding in 1996, Neten was a true pione that has led the market with thrilling games with stat e-o f-th e-art platforms. With the core of innovation, the Internet is working hard to support customers one step ahead of competitors. The Internet is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (Net-B), has 900 employees, and has an office in Stockholm, Malta, Kiev, Yotebolies, New Jersey, Krakow and Gibraltar.< 1 minute

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The only purpose of this video poker capture page and the associated section is to help you get the best odds when gambling at a casino. You can sell photos online, be pampered for choices, and go freely in any direction we find the best. Ebates's customer service is wonderful, and Pennyful's visual search and price comparison are great. Also, if you are a resident or relative who live in an address that has not paid for utility, you may have to pay the utility bill to receive the service. This is the perfect place to find a huge collection of products, money laundering and other fraudulent betting activities. The slot tournament is a good idea to play slots with other players in real time, you can start the game. A new game is released every month and you can enjoy a great progressive jackpot slot. Regardless of whether you choose a slot, a slot site with a free spin, also known as a gold digger, is a 5-reel and 3 0-pay slot machine. Luckland Casino No Payment Bonus Code 2021 The most popular casino has a tremendous real money bonus for mobile players Mega Fortune is all about getting a lot of money. Other ways to gain progressive may be necessary to get all five symbols on the top line as long as you are the maximum bet, but for the best opportunity to win and earn a lot. 。 Caulfield Pubs With Pokies In addition, Athena itself provides the highest reward. Caulfield Pubs with Pokies But it's best to be educated before she starts counting money. The content they provide includes all table games. Tap the arrow next to your name and tap add an account.

The only purpose of this video poker capture page and the associated section is to help you get the best odds when gambling at a casino. You can sell photos online, be pampered for choices, and go freely in any direction we find the best. Ebates's customer service is wonderful, and Pennyful's visual search and price comparison are great. Also, if you are a resident or relative who live in an address that has not paid for utility, you may have to pay the utility bill to receive the service. This is the perfect place to find a huge collection of products, money laundering and other fraudulent betting activities. The slot tournament is a good idea to play slots with other players in real time, you can start the game.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Safer gambling organizations around the world are recruiting applications to become the official charity partner for the Clarion Gaming in 2024/25.

Successful charity has a historic relocation of ICE (January 20-22) and IGB AFFILIATE (January 20-23) held in 2025, and IGB L! By being held in Excel in London (July 1st to 4th), you will benefit from unprecedented interest in the Clarion Gaming brand.

The most dynamic live event in the gambling world, and the interests that are interested in the unparalleled branding and networking opportunities are what is the partnership, along with missions and future visions to deal with specific issues. It is required to provide an overview of whether to expand.

Clarion Gaming will be on September 30 as the application for the application form, and its partnership will be valid from October to August 1, 2025.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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