Jewellery OSRS Wiki


The jewelry is an item attached to the ring slot or a netlot on the wearing tab, and the member can attach a bracelet to the hand slot. Most jewelry can be created in Crafting, and you can get special characteristics such as teleport, combat status, and skiling utility by enchantment with Magic. The unoncanted jewelry is a pure ornamental product.

Obtaining jewelry on Free-to-play is considerably limited. The acquisition of amulets, rings and necklaces is limited from sapphire to diamonds, bracelets are not available, and the enchantment jewelry is only for training.

With the advent of Kamtrum, only two Oldschool Runescape jewelry shops, GRUM'S GOLD EXCHANGE and CONARA'S JEWELS.


  • 1 Normal (unoncanted) jewelry
    • 1. 1 craft
    • 2. 1 Amulet
      • 2. 1. 1 Special amulet for no n-combat
      • 2. 1. 2 Translation Amulet

      Normal (unenchanted) jewellery [ edit | edit source ]

      Gold can be processed into plain rings, necklaces, bracelets, and amulets. Players can also make gold jewelry along with cut jewels such as sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond, dragon stones, onyith, and zenite. Silver jewelry, on the other hand, can only be produced as cut opal, jade, and red toopaz. Jewelry jewelry can be enchanted as follows.

      Jewelry that is not enchanted
      jewelry ring necklace Bracelet (M) Amulet
      N/A gold gold gold gold
      opal opal opal opal Opal
      Jade Jade Jade Jade Jade
      Red topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz
      sapphire sapphire sapphire sapphire Sapphire
      Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald
      Prencher Amulet
      Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
      diamond diamond diamond diamond Diamond
      Dragon stone Dragon stone Dragon stone Dragon stone Dragon stone
      onyx onyx onyx onyx Onyx
      Zenit Zenit Zenit Zenit Zenite

      Silver can be processed into a solid tiara, and can be used as a rune craft Talisman by using the Tiara's corresponding Tarisman on the rune craft altar. Silver can also be processed into sacred symbols and evil symbols. Gold, on the other hand, can be used to produce gold and tiara, and can be changed to elemental tiara and catalytical tiara by injecting corresponding Tarisman into Tiara.

      Crafting [ edit | edit source ]

      The experience value per hour is 1400 for jewelry and metal bar, 1600 for metal bars, and 960 for jewelry and metal bar.

      WARNING: Because complete Zenyte is rarely sold on Grand Exchange, the profit margins listed in the table below may be inaccurate for all Zenyte jewelry. For a more accurate Zenyte price, we recommend adding up the price of Zenyte shards and Onyx.

      Items Craft Materials Cost of materials Item price Profit/Loss GP/Time XP/Time
      Level Consumption
      Opal Ring 1 10 Silver Bar Opal -889 778 -111 -155, 400 14, 000
      Opal Necklace 16 35 Silver Bar Opal -889 1, 335 446 624, 400 49, 000
      Opal Bracelet 22 45 Silver Bar Opal -889 1, 142 253 354, 200 63, 000
      Opal Amulet 27 55 Silver Bar Opal -889 536 -353 -494, 200 77, 000
      Opal Amulet 27 59 Silver Bar Opal Furball -953 631 -322 -309, 120 56, 640
      Jade Ring 13 32 Silver Bar Jade -623 691 68 95, 200 44, 800
      Jade necklace 25 54 Silver Bar Jade -623 838 215 301, 000 75, 600
      Jade bracelet 29 60 Silver Bar Jade -623 701 78 109, 200 84, 000
      Jade charm 34 70 Silver Bar Jade -623 838 215 301, 000 98, 000
      Jade charm 34 74 Silver ball -687 1, 120 433 415, 680 71, 040
      Topaz ring 16 35 Silver bar red topaz -2, 976 2, 045 -931 -1, 303, 400 49, 000
      Topaz necklace 32 70 Silver bar red topaz -2, 976 1, 303 -1, 673 -2, 342, 200 44, 800
      Topaz bracelet 38 75 Silver bar red topaz -2, 976 2, 996 20 28, 000 105, 000
      Topaz amulet 45 80 Silver bar red topaz -2, 976 2, 789 -187 -261, 800 112, 000
      Topaz amulet 45 84 Silver bar Red topaz Fur ball -3, 040 3, 292 252 241, 920 80, 640
      Gold ring 5 15 Gold bar -116 146 30 48, 000 24, 000
      Gold necklace 6 20 Gold bar -116 155 39 62, 400 32, 000
      Gold bracelet 7 25 Gold bar -116 248 132 211, 200 40, 000
      Gold amulet 8 30 Gold bar -116 145 29 46, 400 48, 000
      Gold amulet 8 34 Gold bar Fur ball -180 153 -27 -27, 270 34, 340
      Sapphire ring 20 40 Gold bar Sapphire -338 451 113 158, 200 56, 000
      Sapphire necklace 22 55 Gold bar Sapphire -338 460 122 170, 800 77, 000
      Sapphire bracelet 23 60 Gold bar Sapphire -338 576 238 333, 200 84, 000
      Sapphire amulet 24 65 Gold bar Sapphire -338 414 76 106, 400 91, 000
      Sapphire amulet 24 69 Gold bar Sapphire fuzz ball -402 513 111 106, 560 66, 240
      Emerald ring 27 55 Gold bar Emerald -520 661 141 197, 400 77, 000
      Emerald necklace 29 60 Gold bar Emerald -520 646 126 176, 400 84, 000
      Emerald bracelet 30 65 Gold bar Emerald -520 751 231 323, 400 91, 000
      Emerald amulet 31 70 Gold bar Emerald -520 620 100 140, 000 98, 000
      Emerald amulet 31 74 Gold bar Emerald fuzz ball -584 774 190 182, 400 71, 040
      Prencher Amulet 31 74 Gold bar Emerald Magic thread -2, 869 N/A N/A N/A 71, 040
      Ruby ring 34 70 Gold bar ruby -943 1, 026 83 116, 200 98, 000
      Ruby necklace 40 75 Gold bar ruby -943 1, 079 136 190, 400 105, 000
      Ruby bracelet 42 80 Gold bar ruby -943 1, 173 230 322, 000 112, 000
      Ruby amulet 50 85 Gold bar ruby -943 1, 047 104 145, 600 119, 000
      Ruby amulet 50 89 Gold bar ruby ​​fur ball -1, 007 1, 213 206 197, 760 85, 440
      Diamond ring 43 85 Gold Bar Diamond -1, 837 1, 907 70 98, 000 119, 000
      Diamond Necklace 56 90 Gold Bar Diamond -1, 837 2, 014 177 247, 800 126, 000
      Diamond Bracelet 58 95 Gold Bar Diamond -1, 837 2, 024 187 261, 800 133, 000
      Diamond Amulet 70 100 Gold Bar Diamond -1, 837 1, 892 55 77, 000 140, 000
      Diamond Amulet 70 104 Gold Bar Diamond Fur Ball -1, 901 1, 995 94 90, 240 99, 840
      Dragon Stone Ring 55 100 Gold Bar Dragon Stone -11, 910 11, 980 70 98, 000 140, 000
      Dragon Necklace 72 105 Gold Bar Dragon Stone -11, 910 11, 673 -237 -331, 800 147, 000
      Dragon Stone Bracelet 74 110 Gold Bar Dragon Stone -11, 910 11, 886 -24 -33, 600 154, 000
      Dragon Stone Amulet (U) 80 150 Gold Bar Dragon Stone -11, 910 11, 591 -319 -446, 600 210, 000
      Dragon Stone Amulet 80 154 Gold Bar Dragon Stone Fur Ball -11, 974 11, 724 -250 -240, 000 147, 840
      Onyx Ring 67 115 Gold Bar Onyx -3, 048, 037 2, 112, 947 -935, 090 -1, 309, 126, 000 161, 000
      Onyx necklace 82 120 Gold Bar Onyx -3, 048, 037 2, 348, 911 -699, 126 -978, 776, 400 168, 000
      Onyx bracelet 84 125 Gold Bar Onyx -3, 048, 037 2, 472, 352 -575, 685 -805, 959, 000 175, 000
      Onyx charm 90 165 Gold Bar Onyx -3, 048, 037 2, 221, 033 -827, 004 -1, 157, 805, 600 231, 000
      Onyx amulet 90 169 Gold bar Onyx fur ball -3, 048, 101 2, 714, 931 -333, 170 -319, 843, 200
      162, 240 89 150 Zenite ring Gold basenite -13, 877, 955 17, 553, 749 3, 675, 794 210, 000
      162, 240 89 365 Zenite ring Gold bar -13, 877, 955 Zenite shard -19, 260, 209 17, 553, 749
      -1, 706, 460 92 165 Zenite ring Gold basenite Zenite Necklace Gold Basenite -13, 877, 955 231, 000
      -1, 706, 460 92 380 Zenite ring Gold bar Zenite Necklace Gold Bar Onyx Zenite Shard -19, 260, 209 17, 540, 287
      -1, 719, 922 95 180 Zenite ring Gold basenite Bracelet Gold Basenite -13, 877, 955 17, 189, 985
      -1, 719, 922 95 395 Zenite ring Gold bar Bracelet Gold bar Onyx Zenite shard -19, 260, 209 17, 189, 985
      -2, 070, 224 98 200 Zenite ring Gold basenite Zenite amulet Gold bar Zenite -13, 877, 955 14, 184, 856
      -2, 070, 224 98 415 Zenite ring Gold bar Zenite amulet Gold bar Onyx Zenite shard -19, 260, 209 14, 184, 856
      -5, 075, 353 98 204 -2, 943, 704, 740 240, 700 Zenite Amulet Gold Bar Zenite Fur Ball -13, 878, 019 15, 393, 355
      -5, 075, 353 98 419 1, 454, 722, 560 195, 840 Zenite Amulet Gold Bar Onyx Zenite Shard Fur Ball -19, 260, 273 15, 393, 355

      Enchanted jewellery [ edit | edit source ]

      -3, 866, 918

      -1, 856, 120, 640
      jewelry Jewelry made with gemstones can be enchanted with cosmic runes or elemental runes. ring necklace Bracelet (M) Amulet
      opal Bracelet Amulet Opal Lv-1 Enchantment Ring of Pursuit
      Jade Expedition Bracelet Bounty Talisman Jade Lv-2 Enchantment Ring of Return
      Red topaz Bracelet of Flame Amulet of Chemistry Red Topaz Lv-3 Enchantment Epharite's Auxiliary
      sapphire Bracelet Burning Amulet Sapphire Lv-1 Enchantment Ring of Recoil
      Emerald Expedition Bracelet Magic Amulet Emerald Lv-2 Enchantment Duel Ring
      Bind Necklace
      Ruby Bracelet of Flame Nature Amulet Ruby Lv-3 Enchantment Ring of Discipline
      diamond Vaccination Bracelet Strength Amulet Diamond Lv-4 Enchantment Ring of Life
      Dragon stone Bracelet of the Abyss Power Amulet Dragon Stone Lv-5 Enchantment Ring of Wealth
      onyx Combat Bracelet Amulet of Glory Onyx Lv6 Enchantment Ring of Stone
      Zenit Regeneration Bracelet Amulet of Rage Zenite Lv7 Enchantment Ring of Suffering

      Amulets [ edit | edit source ]

      Necklace of Agony

      Items Amulet of Torture Amulets usually give you an advantage in combat stats. Amulets don't wear out, but the "Amulet of Glory" needs to be recharged for extra power after four uses. Item Gem Attack Bonus
      Defense Bonus N/A +4 +4 +4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other
      Ring of Recoil Sapphire 0 Reward for the Imp Capture quest. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amulet of Magic
      Duel Ring Emerald 0 0 0 +7 +7 +7 0 0 0 0 High magic attack bonus for a low level amulet.
      Ring of Discipline Ruby 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reward for the Imp Capture quest. 0 0 0 Amulet of Strength
      Ring of Life Diamond +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 0 0 +1 "Amulet of Power" for close combat fighters.
      Ring of Wealth Dragon stone Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. +3 +3 +3 +6 0 0 +3 +10
      Ring of Stone Onyx Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. +10 +10 +10 +8 0 0 +5 +15
      +15 Onyx Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. +10 +10 +10 +8 0 0 +5 +15
      Ring of Suffering Zenite +10 0 0 0 0 0 Reward for the Imp Capture quest. 0 0 +2 Zenite
      +15 N/A +10 -6 -8 0 0 0 Requires 75 hit points to equip. Second highest melee attack bonus, second highest melee health bonus. 0 0 +2 Lancer's Amulet
      +25 N/A 0 0 0 +12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upgrade version of torture amulet. 90hitpoint is required for equipment. The close attack bonus and physical strength bonus are the highest, but there is no defense bonus, and the lon g-range attack bonus and magic attack bonus are negative.
      Nome's amulet
      +13 N/A 0 0 0 +2 +2 +2 0 0 0 +8
      King Bolen is given to the player who has completed the quest in the Tree Nome Village. N/A +2 +2 +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +8
      It's not an amulet, but the effect is similar. Onyx Unclean symbol 0 0 Berserk car necklace Berserk car necklace Berserk car necklace +7 0 0 +3 -20
      -20 Zenite 0 0 +10 0 0 0 0 0 +5 +2 Agony necklace
      Zenite N/A 0 Requires 75 hit points to equip. Second highest melee attack bonus, second highest melee health bonus. 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment requires 75 hit points. You can get the Ranged attack power and the Ranged Strength bonus. 0 +2 Occult necklace
      +12 N/A Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. Reward for the Imp Capture quest. +2 +2 +2 +2 0 0 Requires 75 hit points to equip. Second highest melee attack bonus, second highest melee health bonus. +10

      Non-combat, specialised amulets [ edit | edit source ]

      Items Amulet of Torture 70 prayers are required to equip them. The highest prayer bonus among the equipment. When the bones are filled, the points of prayer are restored, and the Bone Crusher and the tail of the hydra are combined to create a Bone Crusher Necklace, and the Bone Crusher's automatic burial effect can be added. Attack Bonus
      Ring of Pursuit Opal explanation Amulet of Bounty
      Ring of Return Jade Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Chemical amulet
      Epharite's Auxiliary Topaz Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Burning amulet
      Bind Necklace Emerald N/A Make the player teleport in various places in the wilderness.

      Translation amulets [ edit | edit source ]

      • Natural amulet
      • Emerald
      • It can be used to monitor the state of farmland.
      • Used in ghost speak amulet THE RESTLESS GHOST and Ghosts Ahoy quests.
      • It was used only at the Human Speak Amulet Random Event "Evil Bob".

      Necklaces [ edit | edit source ]

      Cats Speak Amulet: A membe r-only amulet used in one or more ca t-related quests.

      Items Amulet of Torture 70 prayers are required to equip them. The highest prayer bonus among the equipment. When the bones are filled, the points of prayer are restored, and the Bone Crusher and the tail of the hydra are combined to create a Bone Crusher Necklace, and the Bone Crusher's automatic burial effect can be added. Attack Bonus
      jewelry Opal explanation Doggy necklace
      Opal Jade Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Passage necklace
      Jade Topaz Wizards Tower, Joral's outpost base, and teleport at dessert eagle stations on the Eagle Transport System. Necklace of religion
      Topaz Sapphire When the hit point is less than 20 %, the prayer points are automatically recovered by 25 %. After use, it becomes dust. Game necklace
      Sapphire Emerald Burtherpe Games Room, Barbarian Assault, Corporeal Beast's Cave, Tears of GutHix, WinterTODT CAMP (visiting Zeah) Move to one of them. Bind necklace
      Emerald Ruby Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Digsight Pendant
      Ruby Diamond Wizards Tower, Joral's outpost base, and teleport at dessert eagle stations on the Eagle Transport System. Phoenix necklace
      Diamond Dragon stone When the wearer's physical strength is less than 20%, it automatically recovers 30%of Hitpoint. Priority over Ring of Life. Skill necklace
      It's not an amulet, but the effect is similar. Onyx N/A You will be able to teleport to Fishing, Farming, Mining, CRAFTING, Cooks', and WoodCutting Guilds. The probability of getting a coffin with Oami fishing increases a little. You can charge with a legend guild totem.



      Policowtail attack power increases by 7 and the melee attack power decreases by 10. Defense power is reduced by 20 prayers by 3.

      Rings [ edit | edit source ]

      The damage when using the melee weapon of the obsidian increases by 20%.

      Items Amulet of Torture 70 prayers are required to equip them. The highest prayer bonus among the equipment. When the bones are filled, the points of prayer are restored, and the Bone Crusher and the tail of the hydra are combined to create a Bone Crusher Necklace, and the Bone Crusher's automatic burial effect can be added. Attack Bonus
      jewelry Opal explanation Pursuit ring
      Opal Jade Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Return ring
      Jade Topaz Teleport to the respawn point. Helping of Efalitei
      Topaz Sapphire You will be able to attack the vampire cresture with all weapons. 1 charge consumes per attack. Recoil ring
      Sapphire Emerald When the hit point is less than 20 %, the prayer points are automatically recovered by 25 %. After use, it becomes dust. Duel ring
      Emerald Ruby If you teleport to the chief's arena (EMIR'S ARENA), you can quickly go to Al Kharid from near the altar. Another teleport destination is Castle Wars, where there is a convenient bank nearby. Forged ring
      Ruby Diamond Wizards Tower, Joral's outpost base, and teleport at dessert eagle stations on the Eagle Transport System. Ring of life
      Diamond Dragon stone N/A If you are attacked when the remaining hit points are 10%or less, you will automatically telepote the player's respawn point. Unless your opponent does more than 10%of the fatal damage, you may get a life. Like the glorious amulets, it has no effect in the wilderness of level 30 or more.
      Wealth ring Onyx N/A Hitting a rare drop table when you defeat a monster will increase the probability of getting a rare drop. With a passive effect that can be switched, currencies such as coins, num lights, and tokels dropped from the defeated monsters can be automatically collected in the inventory. In addition, charging has the ability to teleport to Miserania, large exchange, Farrador Park, and Kelda Grimmed (up to 5 charges).
      Stone ring Zenite N/A Change the wearer to a rock. Only effective conversation or transformation is possible, and if you try to move or get an attack, the transformation will be released. During the transformation, poison damage and prayer drains stop (probably all recovery).
      Ring of suffering Zenite When the hit point is less than 20 %, the prayer points are automatically recovered by 25 %. After use, it becomes dust. Slayer ring
      Enchantment gem N/A N/A Eight use

      Bracelets [ edit | edit source ]

      The player can purchase a slayer ring from the Slayer Master for 75 slayer reward points. Also, by purchasing the "Ring Bling" ability, you can only paid 300 points once and you can craft your ring yourself. To make a ring, you need a level 75 craft. The player must bring an enchanted jewel, gold rods, and ring molds to the furnace to make the ring.

      Items Amulet of Torture 70 prayers are required to equip them. The highest prayer bonus among the equipment. When the bones are filled, the points of prayer are restored, and the Bone Crusher and the tail of the hydra are combined to create a Bone Crusher Necklace, and the Bone Crusher's automatic burial effect can be added. Attack Bonus
      Gem Opal explanation Expedius bracelet
      Opal Jade Count one of the wearer's slayer tasks to two with a 25%probability. Experience is not added. Flamtaer bracelet
      Jade Topaz explanation Slaughter bracelet
      Topaz Sapphire Slayer task kills have a 25% chance of not counting as a kill, but still grant Slayer XP. Must be worn for the killing blow to count. Earth Bracelet
      Sapphire Emerald While wearing the bracelet, mine soft clay instead of hard clay. Castle Wars Bracelet
      Emerald Ruby Deal 20% extra damage to your bannerman. Increases healing by 50% for the wearer of Castle Wars bracelet. Immunization Bracelet
      Ruby Diamond Save the seeds with a 25%chance when planting seeds in the field. Abyssal Bracelet
      Diamond Dragon stone When the wearer's physical strength is less than 20%, it automatically recovers 30%of Hitpoint. Priority over Ring of Life. Combat Bracelet
      Dragonstone Onyx N/A Can teleport to Warriors', Champions', Ranging Guild, and Edgeville Monastery. Updates Slayer total every 10 kills. Can be charged at Legends Guild Totems.
      Regenerating Bracelet Zenite N/A Doubles natural hitpoint regeneration.


      History [1] [2] [4] [3] [5]

      −3830 DR

      Tormented Bracelet

      −2954 DR


      −339 DR

      1372 DR

      The best magic item to wear in the hand slot, grants maximum magic attack bonus and a 5% bonus to magic damage.

      1487 DR

      Founding of Netheril


      First enclave established

      Thultanthar returns to Toril

      Sultanthar crashes on Mythdranor

      Archmage of Netheril (-3830)


      • Telamon Tansul (1479
        • Netheril was an ancient magical empire in Faerun whose influence extended across the realm for millennia. For hundreds of years, the Netherilians lived in a strict hierarchy, divided into the High Netheril nobility, who lived in a flying enclave several miles above Toril, and the Low Netheril commoners, who lived in Demeneth[6] on the coast of the Narrow Sea.[7][8] In their glory days before the Reunion of Dale, the magical empire spanned a vast area of ​​Fairun.[9]
        • This empire was the pinnacle of human civilization during the first half of the Human Era. Although the Netherians had humble roots as simple fishermen and farmers, they were initiated into the arts by the Elves of Eaerlann,[1] and over the generations they came to harness this arcane power that would shape Toril. Over the next millennium they discovered the long-lost Nether Scrolls, developed the creation and use of the Mythar, and created the first flying city, Sinrenal.[2] Netheril's arrogance grew to the point where they sought to attain magical divinity, leading them to destroy the Weave. As a result, in the Maelstrom the pantheon of Faerûn was changed and most of Netheril's flying cities crashed to the ground.[4]
        • High Netheril was reduced to ruins within hours, and Low Netheril experienced a long and painful decline due to the aberrant Faerím.[8] The exclave of Thultanthar was moved to the Plains of Shadow,[3] remaining there for 1700 years. & gt; Upon their return to Toril in 1372 DR,[10] the shadow-plagued Nezhareans known as Shadval restored their empire and fascinated the people of Northern Fairun for over a century.[11] As they attempted to merge the Weave with the Shadowfell, the Shade enclave finally collapsed onto the new realm of Mythic Drannor. [12]
        • 1 Ancient Netheril
        • 1. 1 Government
        • 1. 2 Society
        • 1. 3 High Netheril
        • 1. 4 Low Netheril
        • 3. 1 Government
        • 3. 2 Society
        • 3. 3 Relationships
        • 3. 4 Cities
        • 4. 1 Ancient Empire
        • 4. 2 Legacy
        • 4. 3 Shadow Empire
        • 5. 1 Notes

        Ancient Netheril [ ]

        Government [ ]

        Society [ ]

        5. 2 Appearances

        5. 3 Gallery

        High Netheril [ ]

        5. 4 References

        5. 5 Connections

        • Netheril was an empire divided geographically and culturally into the "haves" of High Netheril and the "have-nots" of Low Netheril. [13] The origins of this division were tied to the discovery and development of mythar by Netherilian arcanists. These magical enchantments were powered by the fabric itself, granting wizards immense powers. This allowed them to develop the spells necessary to create floating enclaves and to create quasi-magical items[8] that were powered not by the Weave but by the Mithar itself. [14]
        • The Kingdom of the Kingdom lived in the high Nezaril's jump, sharing the Loros [7] written in the same letters as Doraconic. [15] Lo w-naineril Demnes and suburban colonies were home to the middle class of Naineril and the regulars of the commo n-class, which was greatly influenced by Neteless Pantheon's clergy. In a lo w-Nezaril city, he spoke Nether. [7]
        • At the peak of the Nezaril Empire, 54 floating cities were floating in the Failoon. [They gave the Nezaril magicians a sanctuary, and from there they were able to continue their magical research from the distribution and dangers of the ground world. [17] [18] Their influence is based on the west Ilfahnan and Karim Shan, the land around Utsumi, Corman Tyl and Jamdas, the Laumasar and Nahell, the former East Eastern East, and the Ems of the era. Only stopped. [Each flying land was raised by one of the powerful alkanists of the Empire and was often governed. [19] [20]
        • Many of Nezaril's floating jumps were built on the top of the mountains that were shaved and inverted. [21] [22]

        Akintael: The flying area boasted a powerful army and worshiped the god of Taras. [twenty three]

        • Unlike the citys of Aqueesir, the Shadowtop Autonomous Region has been trading with nearby villages, especially an elf village. [twenty four]
        • Delia was originally an island where the elf and Druid lived, but were sublimated by Lady Polaris and maintained the culture and decoration that loves nature for a while. [twenty one]
        • Dabron's former bandit's nest was promoted by Fenwick's Tempera as a flying area of ​​Nezaril, who had never escaped.
        • Eyelor's flying ground
        • Eileanar: This is one of the last jumps, and this city is the hometown of the legendary alkanist, Calsus. [twenty five]
        • Farrenway
        • Jixidour
        • Jikushidour: This city was governed by the magician King Larok. Larok was wary of Laumasal's battle magician and Nahell's ruler Nanterk. [16]
        • After the My Salar experiment in the Jock Teleg, the nobles were permanently polyamoping to Boa Dokaine, and as a result, they were isolated and excluded from other areas of the Empire. [25]
        • Lazee: A director of alkanist Veridon, this diligent flying space flew over Narrow Sea and adjusted Mytar for commercial fisheries. [26]
        • Laoda: [27]
        • Mauna Turu: The city, also known as Sunrest, fell due to the failure of arcane research and causing miserable results. [2]
        • Negarath: The remnants of the flying area, led by alkanist Barze, will form a BARZE kingdom in an area that has become known as Vassa. [28]
        • A city floating on the water of Nahalos Utsumi. [16]
        • Orbedal: The sanctuary, which is governed by Rhaugilath, was a peaceful and peaceful paradise for Netherlands. [18]
        • Among the plum Nezaril's joke, the city, which is governed by Archwizard Harver, was a fort of magical innovation and progress. [30]
        • Filonel's lo w-flight flying area did not move because it was located upstream of the Nezaril.
        • Saccol/SAKKORS: This flying area was formed from the summit upside down by the alkanist [31].
        • Selûnarra: In Loros, it was known as Opus and was transported to the moon gate by the goddess Selûne. [32]
        • Spiel: There were many universities and places for learning in this focus, which is the center of enlightenment. [17]
        • Sinodos This is a sanctuary of the clergy dedicated to Amaunator, Mistril, and Tike, led by a devouted magician. [33]
        • This fleet, led by Teramont Tansul, who conducted important research on Sultanto Shadow Weave, survived the collapse of Nezaril and returned to its qualities in thousands of years. [34] [10]
        • [35]

        Low Netheril [ ]

        Tis Tylendrosel/TITH TILENDROTHAEL [27]

        UNDRENTIDE: This flying area floated above the east forest, southeast of the empire. [36]

        Cinlenal/XinLENAL: Nezaril's first flying land and was played by alkanist Ioulaum. [2] [13]

        • Itlin/Ythryn: The mage where a magician lived in searching for the ancient giant kingdom OSTORIA. The flying area was over Ice Wind Dale/ICEWIND DALE and fell to the Leged Glacier/Reghed Glacier. [37]
        • The land of Lo Nezaril was a scattered town, a flying area tied to a land called Demnes, and a wandering barbage. Demness was governed by the inferior alkanists of the Empire, which had not yet mastered the creation of a mythology spear that enabled ancient wizards to float the city from the surface of the trill. Each Demness showed a specific terrain, weather, and characteristics, and they could be changed by the whim of the ruled alkanists. [6]
        • The Lo Nezaril magician moved to other Relm with flying Senma and flying spells without using the road. [6]
        • Unlike the nobles in the flying land, the L o-Nezaril commoners were also called the liberal people, and were considered livestock from the upper level of society. The empire alkanists used them as labor or as a magical experiment. [6] Lo w-influenced by the priests of various religions, [7] Lo Nezaril was released from the dominance of the magical ruler of the Empire and asked their gods in search of a better life. The brengers and angart barbarians were wandered on the periphery of the empire, but the latter group was divided by the incorporation of magic. [6]
        • Located in a place where the desolable Anowlok and high ice meet, the territory was located almost intact, and was occupied by Ramia, led by noble magician Corace [39].
        • Laciris: This was the capital of the country of the Alabasta tower, Terravel, but before the Nether to the cities, which was armed with the newly discovered knowledge from Nether Scroll. After the fall, it was half buried in the voi d-controlled square dominated by Fairim. [41]
        • Runrata: Many of the refugees in this city have escaped the collapse of the empire [4], and eventually divided into primitive tribes that became known as the Utgart. [42]
        • This territory, located near the forest, which became known as the Sahallergard High Forest, was governed by Lady Saharel. [43]

        Survivor States [ ]

        Decantant mining: These quarrys have produced a large amount of gold, iron, mercury, silver, and platinum, satisfying the demand for alkanists. [6] After the fall of Nezaril, it was overrun by goblin and gargoyle, but the precious metals were still abundant. [41]


        Old Ouluwell: The Netherland's outpost, built by the life of Terasea, was made to monitor the Ilfarn elf, but in fact, the Empire was broadcast to access the hidden location of nearby Cardin. It worked as a point. [44]


        Returned Netheril [ ]

        After the collapse of Nezaril, the three flying spots of Nezarir were saved by the new ascending goddess Mistra. They were gently dropped by Toril, and the lives of noble citizens were escaped. The survivors created the area. [9]

        The land in Nezaril's southern south became the home of the anforter, and they became famous for making excellent swords and inheriting Nezaril's magical heritage. However, the hig h-level magic and the shortage of Meister have significantly hinder their efforts, and the kingdom has finally destroyed in a bloody sacrifice with the 450DR oak. [45]

        Government [ ]

        As soon as he recovered from the fall, he was suddenly attacked by a terrible plague sent by Tarona, and all Aslams were sacrificed b y-33DR. [42] In the spring of the spring, which was called the back of the dark disaster that attacked Mielital's elf, livestock was found dead in the field, and the crops died and sometimes died overnight. In the first week of ELEASIAS of the year, the plague attacked the whole country and left a few survivors. [46]

        HLONDATH, the longest surviving nation, ignoring the news that Karsus itself caused the destruction, and immediately began to blame others for the collapse of Netheril. What they liked for such accusations was the Corman Tyl elf, and they regarded them as "Fairim accomplices." They had a good relationship with Tethyamar's dwarf, but otherwise focused on logging of nearby forests and livestock in the plains. 199DR, Fronders finally driven Corman Tire elf into the war. The Fronders army was crushed many times by Maith Dranol, and the country was greatly weakened. As the Anauroku desert gradually spreads to the fertile land of Lelm, the survival of Neheses was scattered throughout the Failoon. [46]

        Society [ ]

        In 1372, when Sultanthers returned to the trill, they immediately found that their flying land had lost their glory. With the lon g-standing influence of Char and Shadowfel, the nobles of Nesal gradually fallen and became a shadow known as Shadvar. They revived the Nesserless Empire to northern Failoon, dedicated to the god of Shah, who worshiped them, and regained thousands of years ago power and life style. [11]

        Nezaril's Charles Empire crosses Anowlok from the border of the north high ice cream and spreads to Nezaril. < SPAN> Nezaril's land in Nezaril has become the home of the Anfuts, and they have become famous for making excellent swords and inheriting Nezaril's magic heritage. However, the hig h-level magic and the shortage of Meister have significantly hinder their efforts, and the kingdom has finally destroyed in a bloody sacrifice with the 450DR oak. [45]

        Relations [ ]

        As soon as he recovered from the fall, he was suddenly attacked by a terrible plague sent by Tarona, and all Aslams were sacrificed b y-33DR. [42] In the spring of the spring, which was called the back of the dark disaster that attacked Mielital's elf, livestock was found dead in the field, and the crops died and sometimes died overnight. In the first week of ELEASIAS of the year, the plague attacked the whole country and left a few survivors. [46]

        Cities [ ]

        • HLONDATH, the longest surviving nation, ignoring the news that Karsus itself caused the destruction, and immediately began to blame others for the collapse of Netheril. What they liked for such accusations was the Corman Tyl elf, and they regarded them as "Fairim accomplices." They had a good relationship with Tethyamar's dwarf, but otherwise focused on logging of nearby forests and livestock in the plains. 199DR, Fronders finally driven Corman Tire elf into the war. The Fronders army was crushed many times by Maith Dranol, and the country was greatly weakened. As the Anauroku desert gradually spreads to the fertile land of Lelm, the survival of Neheses was scattered throughout the Failoon. [46]
        • In 1372, when Sultanthers returned to the trill, they immediately found that their flying land had lost their glory. With the lon g-standing influence of Char and Shadowfel, the nobles of Nesal gradually fallen and became a shadow known as Shadvar. They revived the Nesserless Empire to northern Failoon, dedicated to the god of Shah, who worshiped them, and regained thousands of years ago power and life style. [11]
        • Nezaril's Charles Empire crosses Anowlok from the border of the north high ice cream and spreads to Nezaril. The land in Nezaril's southern south became the home of the anforter, and they became famous for making excellent swords and inheriting Nezaril's magical heritage. However, the hig h-level magic and the shortage of Meister have significantly hinder their efforts, and the kingdom has finally destroyed in a bloody sacrifice with the 450DR oak. [45]
        • As soon as he recovered from the fall, he was suddenly attacked by a terrible plague sent by Tarona, and all Aslams were sacrificed b y-33DR. [42] In the spring of the spring, which was called the back of the dark disaster that attacked Mielital's elf, livestock was found dead in the field, and the crops died and sometimes died overnight. In the first week of ELEASIAS of the year, the plague attacked the whole country and left a few survivors. [46]
        • HLONDATH, the longest surviving nation, ignoring the news that Karsus itself caused the destruction, and immediately began to blame others for the collapse of Netheril. What they liked for such accusations was the Corman Tyl elf, and they regarded them as "Fairim accomplices." They had a good relationship with Tethyamar's dwarf, but otherwise focused on logging of nearby forests and livestock in the plains. 199DR, Fronders finally driven Corman Tire elf into the war. The Fronders army was crushed many times by Maith Dranol, and the country was greatly weakened. As the Anauroku desert gradually spreads to the fertile land of Lelm, the survival of Neheses was scattered throughout the Failoon. [46]
        • In 1372, when Sultanser returned to the trill, it was immediately found that its flying land had lost its innocence. With the lon g-standing influence of Char and Shadowfel, the nobles of Nesal gradually fallen and became a shadow known as Shadvar. They revived the Nesserless Empire to northern Failoon, dedicated to the god of Shah, who worshiped them, and regained thousands of years ago power and life style. [11]

        Nezaril's Charles Empire crosses Anowlok from the border of the north high ice cream and spreads to Nezaril.

        History [ ]

        Ancient Empire [ ]

        After Thultanthar's return, the Shade Enclave and the growing empire were ruled by the Shadow Lord Most High Telamont Tanthul, who served his twelve sons, the Princes of Shade, for the next century, until the end of the 15th century. The millennial wizards of ancient Netheril, heavily tainted by the Shadowfell, carried out the machinations of the empire on behalf of the Shaar. [47] [11]

        This section is a stub. This section is a stub.

        There were only a few hundred Shades in the Shade Enclave, but those Netherlanders who were among them were permanently in touch with the Shadowweave, and were an elite upper class known as "Shadval". A generation after Thultanthar's return, Shadar-Kai began to appear among the populace of Netheril, said to have been blessed by the Shaar himself. [48] ​​The remaining inhabitants of the empire are called the lower class of "Neterians", descendants of the formerly nomadic desert tribe Bedeen, as well as subgroups of the Klints and Assavises. [11] [49]

        The former Nehelean god Amaunathr was returned to the pantheon of Faerû in 1385,[50] but the Nehérien Empire was openly opposed by the Sandkings, a remnant of Bedeen separatists who resisted the combined forces of Shadvar and the Netherlands. [11] The Kormyr state supported the people of Dalerland against the growing influence of the Netherlands Empire and the Sembian Protectorate. [51] [52]

        Cities of Shade The black-toned City of the Twelve Princes, flying above Toril, served as the capital of the Netheril Empire. The city is inhabited by hundreds of Shades from their home plane of existence as well as the Shadvar, and both are protected by legions of Armored Sword Mages who patrol the streets of the Shadow Enclave. [11]


        Oreme: An ancient Sarrukh settlement cultivated by returned Netheril wizards and retaining much of its serpentine architecture. [49]

        Also known as the Orofin Wizard City, the Netheril consisted of a series of villas, mansions, and orchards surrounding a central fortress. [49]

        Rasiris: A city of alabaster towers surrounded by massive stone walls, inhabited by many Bedeen descendants and servants of the Asabi in the 15th century. [49]

        Saccol: The flying peak flew, ascending by Zolund, rely on the sky in 1374 and flew regularly over Sembia. Fear and intimidating the merchants of merchants, the lords of Sembian merchants often appeared when they expressed discomfort and discomfort against the empire. [53]

        Sembia was completely absorbed by the Naineril Empire in 1400, and most of the 15th century functioned as a relative country. Senvia's diplomatic relations with the trading house provided by Senvia were indispensable for the Empire's economy, and Sembia was given a limited autonomy. [54]

        First era

        Initially, the Nezaril area was a paradise of rivers, forests, lakes, and plains. Standing along the Narrow Sea [1] was the growing alliance, Gillan, Moran, [29], which was just a gathering of villagers. [Growing nations eliminated the threats of the neighborhood and expanded both national power and the country. Aarani Elf, who carefully observed the growing human territory, opened diplomatic relations and began teaching the path of art t o-3830DR. The Netherlands showed unprecedented talent and greedyly learned spells. [1] After this partnership, the alliance was renamed "Nezaril" by the Elderly Nether. [29] In Nezaril, all citizens learned the basics of spells. Even the maid of the commoners knew the can lip to help housework. Those who were truly excellent in magic became known as alkanists, and rapidly emerged as the second political faction after national nobles. [55]

        Legacy [ ]

        Iuram fighting a horde of oak

        The birth of Iurium, one of the greatest alkanists in Nezaril, tol d-3315DR the new era of the Nesales Empire. For the first 200 years, Iurium has commanded the national defense against the hordes of oak. The horde of oak was generated from the Tateishi Plain, and experimented with monsters like monsters was possible. [2] He further invented the first mytar i n-3014DR, discovered a semi-magical item with a mateer as a power source instead of textiles a few years later, and changed the understanding of the trill magic. [2] -2954 DR, and Iurium made the first floating fleet, Cinlenal/XinLENAL, with the spell of a professional development mountain movement. [57] [2] [Note 1]. < SPAN> Saccol: The flying mountain flying area, which was ascended by Zolund, ascends again in 1374 and flew regularly over Sembia. Fear and intimidating the merchants of merchants, the lords of Sembian merchants often appeared when they expressed discomfort and discomfort against the empire. [53]

        Sembia was completely absorbed by the Naineril Empire in 1400, and most of the 15th century functioned as a relative country. Senvia's diplomatic relations with the trading house provided by Senvia were indispensable for the Empire's economy, and Sembia was given a limited autonomy. [54]

        First era

        Empire of Shadows [ ]

        Initially, the Nezaril area was a paradise of rivers, forests, lakes, and plains. Standing along the Narrow Sea [1] was the growing alliance, Gillan, Moran, [29], which was just a gathering of villagers. [Growing nations eliminated the threats of the neighborhood and expanded both national power and the country. Aarani Elf, who carefully observed the growing human territory, opened diplomatic relations and began teaching the path of art t o-3830DR. The Netherlands showed unprecedented talent and greedyly learned spells. [1] After this partnership, the alliance was renamed "Nezaril" by the Elderly Nether. [29] In Nezaril, all citizens learned the basics of spells. Even the maid of the commoners knew the can lip to help housework. Those who were truly excellent in magic became known as alkanists, and rapidly emerged as the second political faction after national nobles. [55]

        Iuram fighting a horde of oak

        The birth of Iurium, one of the greatest alkanists in Nezaril, tol d-3315DR the new era of the Nesales Empire. For the first 200 years, Iurium has commanded the national defense against the hordes of oak. The horde of oak was generated from the Tateishi Plain, and experimented with monsters like monsters was possible. [2] He further invented the first mytar i n-3014DR, discovered a semi-magical item with a mateer as a power source instead of textiles a few years later, and changed the understanding of the trill magic. [2] -2954 DR, and Iurium made the first floating fleet, Cinlenal/XinLENAL, with the spell of a professional development mountain movement. [57] [2] [Note 1]. Saccol: The flying peak flew, ascending by Zolund, rely on the sky in 1374 and flew regularly over Sembia. Fear and intimidating the merchants of merchants, the lords of Sembian merchants often appeared when they expressed discomfort and discomfort against the empire. [53]

        Sembia was completely absorbed by the Naineril Empire in 1400, and most of the 15th century functioned as a relative country. Senvia's diplomatic relations with the trading house provided by Senvia were indispensable for the Empire's economy, and Sembia was given a limited autonomy. [54]

        First era

        Initially, the Nezaril area was a paradise of rivers, forests, lakes, and plains. Standing along the Narrow Sea [1] was the growing alliance, Gillan, Moran, [29], which was just a gathering of villagers. [Growing nations eliminated the threats of the neighborhood and expanded both national power and the country. Aarani Elf, who carefully observed the growing human territory, opened diplomatic relations and began teaching the path of art t o-3830DR. The Netherlands showed unprecedented talent and greedyly learned spells. [1] After this partnership, the alliance was renamed "Nezaril" by the Elderly Nether. [29] In Nezaril, all citizens learned the basics of spells. Even the maid of the commoners knew the can lip to help housework. Those who were truly excellent in magic became known as alkanists, and rapidly emerged as the second political faction after national nobles. [55]

        Iuram fighting a horde of oak

        The birth of Iurium, one of the greatest alkanists in Nezaril, tol d-3315DR the new era of the Nesales Empire. For the first 200 years, Iurium has commanded the national defense against the hordes of oak. The horde of oak was generated from the Tateishi Plain, and experimented with monsters like monsters was possible. [2] He further invented the first mytar i n-3014DR, discovered a semi-magical item with a mateer as a power source instead of textiles a few years later, and changed the understanding of the trill magic. [2] -2954 DR, and Iurium made the first floating fleet, Cinlenal/XinLENAL, with the spell of a professional development mountain movement. [57] [2] [Note 1].

        Appendix [ ]

        Notes [ ]

        1. The next 300-year era of Nezaril began with the establishment of a Nezaril's large mage, a new rule of the Empire, i n-2758DR. In this era, Nezare people found that valuable ore was buried under the Grey Peak Mountains, established a decanant mining, and established a small colonial and outpost in the northern part. [2] Eventually, Nessers' magician began to feel cramped in the floating city and began to expand to sabage frontier. The idea of ​​expanding to the west is fueled by the mysterious orcher Terraseer who discovered the Old Owl/OWL WELL o n-2368DR [58], Nezaril's merchant, Illuskan, the sailor of Illuskan. Established a merchant residence of Kesia/QUESSEER, which provides services to Dwarf of Illefarn, Hounghdannar. [2]
        2. At this time, Neather Ril has created some quas i-magical items. [59] The stolen Nether Scrolls was scattered throughout Feloon and hidden in a place like [2] under the fog under his grandfather's tree.


        Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

        Last modified: 27.08.2024

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