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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Glad to see all of the multi-disciplinary collaboration, hard work and lack of sleep over the past 6 months finally come to fruition! No time to stop now as it Glad to see all of the multi-disciplinary collaboration, hard work and lack of sleep over the past 6 months finally come to fruition!

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Start spreading the news. PointsBet is officially LIVE in New York! Today marks a monumental day for all of us! We are now the sixth operator to accept bets and one of only nine operators to receive a license in the state of New York, the largest state yet to allow sports betting. Congratulations to everyone on Congratulations to everyone on our global team involved in the process of getting PointsBet live in New York. Read more: https://lnkd. in/gzWuQUvk Copy LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Log in to view or add a comment Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited Report this post Looking for a 5+ PQE lawyer to join PointsBet's Australian legal team.

PointsBet Online and Mobile Sports Betting Now Live in New York

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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PointsBet, Мельбурн, Виктория, Австралия

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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PointsBet Secures Strategic Partnership with The Riverboat on the Potomac in Maryland

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Excited to Sign Another Deal in 2021!

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Deputy General Counsist and Assistant Company Secretary At Pointsbet Holdings Limited

71, 996 followers

米国 の スポーツ メディア と ベッティング の 将来 は インプレー 体験 が すべて であり 、 3 年 以内 に 全 ベット の 少なくとも 少なくとも 少なくとも 少なくとも % が インプレー 賭博 なる と さ れ い ます その その ため 、 Banach Technology Ltd. の 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 により により 米国で最高のインプレースポーツベッティングプロダクトを構築するための顧客体験の旅を早めることができ、大変嬉しく思っています。Mark Hughes、hadrien lepretre、Rob Reck、Donal Barron、Alex Zevenbergen のような先見の明 を持つ人々が PointsBet ファミリーに加わることで、我々の強力なチームはさらに強固なものとなります。米国のベッターは、オンラインでのベッティングがより快適になるにつれ、最も速く、最も簡単で、最も差別化 さ れ た ベッティング 方法 を 提供 究極 の テクノロジー 体験 を 求める よう に なる。 ポイントベット 、 独自 の ・ ・ を 所有 する 稀有 な 存在 、 で 最高 の 製品 提供 する こと で 驚異 的 な 成長 成長 成長 成長 成長 成長 成長 成長 HI を 続ける 態勢 を 整え い ます。。 。eric Foote 氏 marcus ap 氏 sam swanell 氏 、 manjit singh 氏 、 Andrew Hensher 氏 この 取引 実現 に 尽力 て た の 々 に 感謝 し ます 。htPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS: ///HTPS :// lnkd. in/ejs2qpe #bestproductwins

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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レッドウィングス と の パートナーシップ と ミシガン で の ローンチ に 興奮 し て い!!

PointsBet hopes to fuel U.S. expansion with $43 million acquisition of betting platform company

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Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Company Secretary at PointsBet Holdings Limited

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Terms of Use

PointsBet named official gaming partner of Red Wings

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  • The Detroit Red Wings Foundation 50/50 Raffle presented by Michigan First Credit Union will take place at Red Wings home games. Kiosks and raffle machines will be located in each concourse and on the Blue Cross Suite level. Tickets will be available for purchase until the end of the second intermission and all transactions will be cashless. The winning drawing will be announced during the third period. Proceeds will benefit the Detroit Red Wings Foundation, Little Caesars Amateur Hockey League, and local non-profit organizations. Winning raffle tickets will be available for purchase at PORTAL10 Accessibility Tickets can be redeemed at the Guest Services office outside DetroitRedWings. com/5050 for more information.
  • Add Accessibility
  • For more information on accessible tickets, parking and more, visit Accessibility Services.
  • Added Barrier Fleet Ile
  • All toilets in the Little Caesters Arena have barrie r-free stalls.

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REMOVE ADD Barrie r-free seat / companion seat

Barrie r-free seats can be purchased at all announced ticket sales locations, depending on the vacancy status.

Мы рады видеть вас снова!

Please call 313-471-7929. All entrance is barrie r-free. We have barrie r-free seats in all the price range of the arena. If you need accommodation after purchasing a ticket, please contact the XFINITY box office. If you need to move in the arena, please come to the XFINITY box office opposite Portal 5 (the external XFINITY box office is adjacent to the Woodward Avenue and the Sprout Street corner, the Chevrolet Entry NE). 。

Add an account manager

PontsBet named gamng partner of Detrot Red Wngs

To access ticket accounts for Little Caesters Arena Event, see below:

Detroit Red Wing s-Download the Red Wings app on the mobile device.

Additional address

2645 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mi 48201

Remove address opportunity

See sponsorship

REMOVE ADD age conditions

In all games of Red Wings and Pistons, customers over the age of 2 are required to have tickets. Customers under the age of two can sit on the lap of the customer who has a ticket only if they do not hinder other customers. For other events held at the Little Caesters Arena, the age limit is different. For more information, please visit each event page of Ticketmaster. com or to 313-471-7000.

Deleted additional airport

Detroit Metropolitan Airport is the closest airport to Little Caesters Arena.

Remove ADD Passage Policy

  • Sitting and standing in a passage or stairs is prohibited to safely enjoy games and events in the Little Caesters Arena. Also, please refrain from getting on the railing in the venue. Please return to the seats listed on the ticket. Also, please refrain from walking on the aisle while playing.
Excluding alcohol

The purchase and drinking of alcoholic beverages will be limited to those who are 21 or older.

Bringing alcohol into the arena and taking out alcohol outside the facility is prohibited.

The end of the sale of alcohol depends on the event. Please contact the nearest stall for the time prohibited from bringing alcohol. Little Caesters Arena has the right to change or modify alcohol policy at any time. Customers who are considered to be under the age of 30 will need to present a valid identification card issued by the government before purchasing alcoholic beverages. Up to 2 cups of alcoholic beverages are purchased at a time.

Arena design & information

The Little Caess Arena is an innovation that has been applied to Red Wings, Pistons, and Detroit's wonderful musical tradition, a fan amenity to create a memorable experience. It features an active community space, such as a concourse inspired by the cityscape and an outdoor plaza with a huge video wall.

Adding hearing auxiliary device

Hearing aids are rented out of Portal10 in a guest service office on the street level concourse. If you would like to rent, please show your driver's license or credit card. The terminal is distributed on a firs t-come, firs t-served basis and is provided free of charge.


There are seven ATMs in the Little Caesters Arena in the following places: Street Level Concours e-Portal 2 outside, Portal 20 outside

Sweet Leve l-Huntington Legend Club

Upper Concours e-Portal27 Outsid e-Portal49 Outsid e-Portal61

For safety, our venue is cashless. In the reverse ATM Kiosk, you can convert cash to prepaid debit card without fees or additional charges.

When cash is inserted into the kiosk, a card with the same value as the inserted cash is issued. Prepaid debit cards can be used for venues and shopping in places where you can use prepaid debit cards.

There are 3 Reverse ATM Kiosks in Little Caesters Arena: Street Level Concours e-Little Caesters Arena XFINITY Box Offic e-Portal9 outside

Upper Concours e-Portal 58 outside

Delete the addition of audio/ video recording equipment

The use of lens exchanges or detachable business cameras and/ or commercial cameras is prohibited. Please do not stand on the aisle while shooting or hinder other customers watching the game.

With the bag policy, camera bags exceeding 4 "x 6" x 1. 5 "are prohibited.

At some shows, the use of electronic devices will be strictly prohibited and patrons will be notified.

Add Authentics

For more information on authentic Red Wings and Pistons autographs, game-worn and game-worn items, visit the team store on the Little Caesars Arena concourse near Meijer Entry SW and PORTALS 13 and 14 on game day. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Add Auto Assistance

If your vehicle breaks down on the Olympia lot, please notify a parking attendant or call 313-725-3848.

Add Autograph Session

Autographs for a Cause is a program in partnership with the Detroit Red Wings Foundation that supports charitable causes close to home for Red Wings players. Through this program, fans have the opportunity to make a donation to a charity of the player's choice in exchange for a signed 8x10 photo of the player or a signed hockey puck by the player. For more information, visit DetroitRedWings. com/Autographs.

Add a Baby Changing Table

Changing tables are available in all family restrooms.

Family restrooms are available:

On the street level concourse outside PORTALS 9 and 14, and in the mother's room outside PORTALS 20. Also located between PORTALS 4 and 5.

Three family restrooms are available on the Blue Cross Suites level:

Outside PORTALS 24, 39/40, 41/42, 59, and 61 on the upper concourse.

Michigan First West Gondola level.

Event level of Comerica Players Club and near the southeast elevator near the Zamboni Tunnel (concerts only)

Club levels inside the Lehman Club and Motor City Casino Club

Add Backstage Access

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Little Caesars Arena does not distribute or issue backstage passes for any events.


Bags, purses and clutches measuring 4" x 6" x 1. 5" or less are permitted, with or without handles or straps. Bags, purses and clutches larger than 4" x 6" x 1. 5" are prohibited.

  • Exceptions to this policy include medically necessary bags, purses and clutches. Medically necessary items include diaper bags, breast pumps, oxygen, insulin, epipens and other medical equipment.
  • Medical bags and diaper bags must be 14" x 14" x 6" or smaller and will be x-rayed at the following entries: Meijer Entry SW, Huntington Entry NW, Comerica Entry NE and the tunnel connecting the Trinity Health Garage on the Club Level.
  • Add Ball/Puck in Play Policy
  • During Red Wings games, we ask all patrons to be courteous and limit aisle movement while the puck is in play. Please refrain from going up or down the aisles as this disrupts the viewing experience for other patrons. Move to your seat only during a break in play.
  • During Pistons games, we ask all patrons to be courteous and limit aisle movement while basketball is being played.
  • Add a Bally Sports Detroit Desk
Bally Sports Detroit is your television station that broadcasts the Detroit Red Wings every season.

Additional Banners and Signs

Banners and signs vary by event. Please refer to the event's Facebook page. Banners and signs should not obstruct patrons' views, be show or event related, or be objectionable or commercial. Please see the Code of Conduct for prohibited language. Banners and signs may not be attached to buildings or hung from railings. Little Caesars Arena reserves the right to remove any banners.

Flags, banners, signs, or other items over 11" x 17" in length are prohibited from being attached to poles or rods made of wood, metal, plastic, or other rigid materials.

Remove Add Bar

Little Caesars Arena offers a wide selection of domestic, craft, and international beers. Craft cocktails are also available in the arena. Ask staff about bar options. Some options are listed on the following pages: - 1701 Pub - Bud Light Bar - Canadian Club Bar - Craft Cocktail Bar - Founders Bar - Goose Island Pub - Jack Daniel's Bar - Labatt Blue Zone - Upper Concourse Bar - Via Sports Bar Presented by Patron

Add Belfor Training Center

The Belfor Training Center is the official training facility of the Detroit Red Wings. It is also the home of Little Caesars Amateur Hockey. For information on renting a training facility, see Ice Rentals.

Add Binoculars

Little Caesars Arena allows binoculars to be brought into the stadium.

Bag policy prohibits binocular bags larger than 4" x 6" x 1. 5".

Add Birthday

View Scoreboard Messages

Remove Add Bottles and Containers

Please refrain from bringing plastic bottles and liquid containers (glass, plastic, aluminum).

Add a box office

The XFINITY box office of Little Caesters Arena is located in Woodware Avenue and adjacent to Chevrolet Entry Norteast. Will calls are in the box office.

The customer service chicketing office adjacent to Meijer Entry Southwest opens before the event and supports all issues on tickets. You cannot buy a ticket here or receive a ticket with a Willcole.

Please use Temple West Garage for the temporary box office parking lot. Customers parked in this garage have a 2 0-minute entry time in the box office. After 20 minutes, the price of $ 9 a day is applied except for the event date.

Business Hours Monda y-Friday 11:00 am to 5:330 PM on the event date / Sunday 11: 00 am to the event start 1 hour holiday: Saturday / Sunday other than the event date

There is no cash handling in the XFINITY box office. There is a reverse ATM in the box office lobby. In the reverse ATM Kiosk, you can convert cash to VISA card without fees or additional charges. When cash is inserted into the kiosk, a card with the same value as the inserted cash is issued. VISA cards can be used for shopping at the venue or VISA in any place.

Add broadcast information

The latest information on Detroit Red Wings broadcasts is https: //www. nhl. com/redwings/tickets/broadcast.

Damove the Remove Add sheet

If your seat is damaged during the event, please contact your local event staff.

REMOVE ADD Badwiser Beer Garten

The Budwiser Beer Garten between PORTALS17 and 18 has a spacious patio and lawn area, and can be used for various public events and private events. During the event, the Budweiser Beer Garten can be used by any customer who has a ticket.

Get off the bus/ limousine to delete

Remove Add camera, video camera, audio recorder

The Little Caesters Arena on the match day is allowed to bring in the point and shoot camera.

Lens replacement type or detachable commercial camera cannot be used. Video recorders and flash shooting are prohibited.

Camera policy depends on events, concerts, and other shows. For cameras allowed at specific events, please contact 313-471-7000.

Adding Canada exchange rate

Cas h-unnecessary Canadian dollars (CAD) are converted by rates for US dollars (USD). Canadian currencies can only be used in the XFINITY box office, stand, and UWM District Market.


For customer's safety, our venue is cashless. In the reverse ATM Kiosk, you can convert cash to prepaid debit card without fees or additional charges.

When cash is inserted into the kiosk, a card with the same value as the inserted cash is issued. Prepaid debit cards can be used for venues and shopping in places where you can use prepaid debit cards.

There are three Reverse ATM Kiosks in the Little Caesters Arena. Street Level Concours e-XFINITY Box Offic e-Portal 9 Upper Concourse: -Portal 58

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Add a certificate

Make memories with Little Caesars Arena! Let's make memories with Little Caesters Arena! Customers who come to the venue can receive the original search fike at the anniversary, birthday, first watching, and the first concert. The certificate can be received for free at the guest service office outside Portal10, 20, 67.

Delete charitable donations/ adding i n-kind donation

Information on the donation request of Red Wings is https: //www. nhl. com/redwings/community/donation-requests.

Addition of club seats

The club seats have four options: Komerica Players Club, Motor City Casino Club, Huntington Legend Club, and Reman Club.

For more information about the access to Red Wings Game Knight, please contact Ticket Sales or Service Executive (313-471-7575).

Add Auto Assistance

If your vehicle breaks down on the Olympia lot, please notify a parking attendant or call 313-725-3848.

- Treat everyone with respect and dignity by observing the following etiquette: - Guests should refrain from any behavior that may disrupt other guests' enjoyment of the event. - Do not engage in unruly behavior, including obscene gestures, derogatory, vulgar, bigoted, or abusive language, toward guests, venue staff, artists, or anyone else. This includes any behavior related to race, ethnicity, color, sex, religion, creed, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, or national origin, or behavior that provokes, incites, or encourages violence, conflict, or threats of physical harm. Little Caesars Arena reserves the right to prohibit anything that is deemed inappropriate. - Do not fight, throw objects, or enter or attempt to disrupt performance areas. - You must be 21 years of age or older to consume alcoholic beverages - Sit only in your ticketed seat and present your ticket when requested by venue personnel - Do not leave with the expectation of re-entry after your ticket has been scanned - Smoking is not permitted inside the venue. Smoking is prohibited at Little Caesars Arena.

Guests must comply with reasonable requests by venue staff. Refusal may result in removal without refund, revocation of season tickets, and arrest/prosecution. Guests are encouraged to use the text assist tool or notify venue staff of any concerns they may have during the event as soon as possible. Visit the Guest Services Office near PORTALS 10, 20, or 67 or text LCAHELP and the location and issue to 313-513-HELP (4357).

Add a Comment, Compliment, or Concern

Guests with comments, compliments, or concerns during events at Little Caesars Arena should visit the Guest Services Office near PORTALS 10, 20, or 67 in person. Guests may also submit anonymous comments, compliments, or concerns by texting "LCAhelp" to 313-513-HELP (4357).

You can also provide feedback outside of the event by filling out this form.

Remove Community Impact

For more information about the Red Wings' community impact, visit DetroitRedWings. com/Community or follow HockeytownCares on Instagram.

Add Concessions

Little Caesters Arena has a variety of food options. There are several stations that are popular with Detroit fans, such as Classics, The Coop, 313 Grill Co., and National Coney Island. The Classics Stand offers general hot dogs, popcorn, and Nachos. At The Coup's stand, you can enjoy han d-cut french fries and han d-handed crispy chicken tender. The 313 GRILL CO. stand offers a variety of menus, from special fresh grilled burgers and local Italian sausage to french fries. At National Connie Island, you can enjoy the worl d-famous National Connie Island classic Connie. Little Caesters Pizza Stand, the centerpiece, offers traditional rounds, Italian cheese breads, dee p-dressed pizza, and caesters chicken wings. Detroit House is a concept that can be selected from three options that reflects Detroit's urban lifestyle. You can enjoy ful l-fledged Detroit Street Foods that reproduces the taste of the Middle East, such as a chicken chain, a Detroit Mexican Town taco, a local stall replaced and opened. At the Upper Concourse, you can enjoy homemade smoke Brisquets and pulldo pork at the Baht Barbecue stand. Next to it is a lowded baked potato bar, where you can make your own lowded baked potato. The pub "1701" on the second floor is a relaxed atmosphere that is perfect for craft beer lovers and simple dinner. For the exact location of a specific stand or food item, ask the stall staff or to the guest service office outside Portal10, 20, 67.

Deleted additional contact information

Little Caesters Arena Main Line: 313-471-7000 Barrier-free seats/ Special Accommodation: 313-471-7929 Event Group Sales: 313-471-3099 Detroit Red Wreath Ticket: 313-471-7575 Forgot Form: https://www. 313presents. com/about/contact-us/lost-and-function

Added cooler

Bringing a cooler is prohibited.

Additional deletion company partnership

See the sponsorship.

Additional deletion credit card policy

The Little Caesters Arena allows you to use Master Card, Visa, Discovery, and American Express.

REMOVE ADD Delaware North Sports Service

The Delaware North Sports Service is a stand, luxury restaurant, catering, restaurant, and retail store at Little Caesters Arena.

Remove Add Detroit Information / Visitors Guide

For visitor's guide with general information on various hotels, restaurants, and other Detroit, please call 800-Detroit (338-7648) or access VisitDetroit. com.

Remove Add Detroit Red Wings Fantasy Camp

Detroit Red Wings Fantasy Camp offers participants a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend three days on and off the ice with Hockeytown legends.

Delete Detroit Red Wings Foundation

The Detroit Red Wings Foundation, an affiliate of Ilitch Charities, is committed to providing funds and resources to worthy causes that contribute to the advancement of the sport of hockey. For more information about the Detroit Red Wings Foundation, visit DetroitRedWings. com/Foundation.

Delete Detroit Red Wings Little Wings Program

The Detroit Red Wings Little Wings Program, presented by Meijer, offers a unique opportunity for children ages 5-9 to learn hockey over a period of several weeks. Little Wings offers six one-hour on-ice instruction sessions and a full set of Little Wings-branded hockey equipment at a reduced price. For more information on registration, visit DetroitRedWings. com/LittleWings.

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z


Diaper bags are permitted at Little Caesars Arena. Diaper bags must be 14" x 14" x 6" or smaller and will be x-rayed at the following entries: Meijer Entry SW, Huntington Entry NW, Comerica Entry NE, and the tunnel connecting the Trinity Health Garage at the club level.

To ensure fan safety, we reserve the right to deny entry to any items that are deemed hazardous or suspicious. All restricted items will be asked to return to your vehicle.

Add Dietary Restrictions

Please visit the Guest Services Office outside PORTAL 10, 20, and 67 for information and assistance. This information is also available at the concession stand.

Add UWM District Market

Located in the heart of District Detroit along Woodward Avenue, the UWM District Market is now open to the public Monday through Wednesday from 9am to 2pm.

It consists of five fresh food concepts. The coffee house offers various styles of coffee. The Garden offers healthy ingredients, such as original salads and fresh protein smoothies. The homemade offers homemade flavored meat sandwiches and homemade soups every day. La Kosina offers the "Mexican Street Food" known for tacos, britos, bowls and walking tacos. Patio Grills offers three styles of specially made Japanese beef, a detroi t-style Conney dog, as well as sausage, hamburger, cheese card, chicken tender, soft serve, and fresh and hot fries. The bar offers local premium spirits, craft beer in Michigan, frozen cocktails, and wine. The bar is operating at a fast pace to respond to a large number of spectators who are not ready to prepare before the game. Ideal for drinking a cup before the game or between the match and the game.

Request for donation

Please see the charity donation/ actual donation.

Remove Add opening time

The opening hours of the Red Wings's game are 90 minutes before the start of the game.

Opening hours are subject to change.

Additional drink fountain

There is a drink fountain in the following place:

Street level concourse portal 1, 4, 10, 13

Upper floor Concourse Portal 21, 29, 62

Addition of drone

The use of drones around Little Caesters Arena and its surroundings is prohibited.

Additional ticket policy

Ticketmaster platforms or tickets purchased or transferred through the venue box office are always prioritized over tickets obtained through no n-partnered ticket market providers. You cannot check the truth of the tickets obtained from the TicketMaster environment.

Added elevator

In the arena, there are 10 general elevators near the four main entrance.

Additional emergency/ evacuation to be deleted

See the evacuation procedure.

REMOVE ADD adoption information

If you want to join our team, https: //www. ilitchcompanies. com/careers. asp.

Remove Add End Time

There is no standard end time for the concert. Red Wings often last two and a half to three hours.

Remove Add entrance

The arena has four main entrances. The northeast of Chevrolet, southeast of Komelica, southwest of the Major entrance, and northwest of Huntington entrance. There is also a VIP entrance from Little Caesters Arena Garage to Brucros Lounge.

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Add an entry test

To ensure the highest level of safety and security, all customers receive security checks when entering the Little Caesters Arena. See prohibited matters

Added escalator

There is an escalator connecting the street level concourse and the upper concourse on the northeast, southeast, and southwest corners of the arena. In order to ensure your safety, each escalator has a staff member. The direction of the three escalators depends on the timing of each event to secure your flow line. Ask the staff for the timing. The elevator and the stairs are nearby and convenient.

Add an evacuation method

If an emergency occurs and needs to delay the event or evacuate from the venue, please contact the scoreboard or event staff. If you need a special help, please contact the nearest event staff.

If you are staying at Little Caesters Arena, please do the following: -Always grasp your location in the Little Caesters Aren a-Check the two exits closest to the sea t-PA system , Listen to the instructions from the scoreboard or event colleague and watch

In the case of an emergency, Little Caesters Arena would like to have fans calm down, cooperate with the event colleagues, and take care of all customers in the area.

Add an event seat policy

Only those who have a specific seat ticket can use their seats so that all fans will enjoy the value of tickets as much as they can. Event officials check the ticket and protect each guest's investment in ticket seats.

Addition of family toilet

Family toilets are located in the following places: -Portal9 and 14 outer street level concourse, and in the outer mother's room of Portal20. It is also between Portals 4 and 5. -There are three families toilets at the Brucros Suite level. -Portals24, 39/40, 41/42, 61, 61 Upper Concours e-Comerica Players Club's event level and near Zambonitonnel (at the time of concert Mi) --Rehmann Club And the club level of MotorCity Casino Club

Prevent fans from interference

Be careful not to interfere with the balls and packs during your play, or invade the play or performance area for all customers' safety and pleasure. Switching and trespasses are prohibited by the Little Caesters Arena policy and Detroit's ordinance. Those who violate this ordinance are subject to leaving the arena and/ or criminal prosecution.

Addition of fan mail

Please send the general fan mail to Red Wings to the following: Player name C/O Detroit Red Wings 2645 Woodware Ave., Detroit, Red Wings Please see S) We do not accept external signs unless it is for.

Red Wings players, management, and staff are not responsible for anything sent to the organization. This includes reply and return. Please send all the mail from the fans by mail. We do not accept directly to Little Caesters Arena.

Add a fan/ textoreist

Little Caesters Arena's events other than the event other than emergency response should be 313-513-Help (4357) with LCAHELP. Standard message charges and data charges may be applied.

Deleted additional first aid

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There are two residents in the Little Caesters Arena. It is outside the Portal 20 of the street level concourse and the upper level concourse Portal 67.

Add a first concert ticket

Delete to add first game ticket

In the Red Wings game, you can purchase a first game certificate at Kids Club Kiosk outside Portal14 until the first break. After the first break, you can purchase at the guest service office outside Portal10, 20, 67.

Detroit Pistons can be purchased for the first game in the guest service office outside Portal10, 20, 67.

See also Thirty Fikedes.

Add food

Little Caesters Arena has a variety of food options. There are several stations that are popular with Detroit fans, such as Classics, The Coop, 313 Grill Co., and National Coney Island. The Classics Stand offers general menus such as hot dogs, popcorn, and Nachos. At the Koop Stand, you can enjoy han d-cut fried fries and crispy chicken tender of your clothes. The 313 GRILL CO. stand offers a variety of varieties, from special fresh grilled burgers and local Italian sausage to french fries. At National Connie Island, you can enjoy the worl d-famous National Connie Island classic Connie. The centerpiece Little Caesters Pizza Stand offers traditional rounds, Italian cheese bread, dee p-dressy style pizza, and caesters chicken wing. Detroit House is a concept that can be selected from three options in the main concourse that reflects Detroit's urban lifestyle. You can enjoy a ful l-fledged Detroit Street Food that reproduces the Middle East taste, such as a chicken shawarma, a Tacos of Detroit's Mexican Town, and a bite dish that opens and opens the local stalls. In the upper concourse, you can enjoy blisquet and pulldo pork smoked at the baht barbecue stand. Next to it is a lowded baked potato bar, where you can make your own lowded baked potato. The pub "1701" on the second floor is a relaxed atmosphere that is perfect for craft beer lovers and simple dinner. For the exact location of a specific stand or food item, ask the stall staff or to the guest service office outside Portal10, 20, 67.

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See a no n-profit organization stand Is it a pilgrimage to hockeytown? Here are some nice spots where you can enjoy feasts and drinks before, on the way, or after going to the Little Caesters Arena. More importantly, if you feel that skating is needed to celebrate victory after the match, you will want to cut off ice.

If you plan to park near Little Caess Arena, you can get a 25 % advantage on online from 32 parking lots in The District Detroit.

Professional advice: Little Caesters Arena has strict bag policies, only one compartment bag, wallet, clutch bag (4 inches x 6 inches or less).

Detroit Pizza Pass is a one-of-a-kind digital pass that helps locals and tourists explore the best pizza in Detroit, offering slices from places like Mike's Pizza. The Detroit Brew Trail opens the doors to neighborhood breweries, and Explore Detroit Pass opens the gates to museums where hockey lovers will roar. Gameday, done the right way, is the best immersive experience from a local perspective. Explore Detroit's top attractions as recommended by our Detroit experts:

"Before the game, I like to check out the restaurants attached to the arena. I start with the Sticky Finger Glazed Chicken Wings or Roasted Cauliflower Caesar Salad at the Mixing Board, followed by the Steak Frites or Bose Signature Burger. I start with Elote's street wings or a locally made soft pretzel at PointsBet Sports Bar. My absolute favorite is the Buddha Bowl with house-made 'spam', sticky rice, pickled shallots, fried egg and topped with sesame soy reduction and chili crunch. Other favorites are the charcoal grilled candied chicken tacos and the truffled mac and cheese." - Troy Michalkiewicz, Executive Chef, Little Caesars Arena

"Café Alto is within walking distance of Little Caesars Arena, right on Woodward. I would encourage fans who want to eat before the game to come early and make reservations at restaurants, especially on weekends. One of my favorites is JoJo's Shake Bar, which is not a big place and gets pretty busy, but they have really good food. I recommend the honey chicken sandwich!" - Michelle Sotheby, Social Media Content Designer, Detroit Red Wings.

Other recommended spots

District Market Detroit is a variety of restaurants with five food concepts inside the arena.

Dime Store's brunch highlights the memorable house fries.

Mom's Spaghetti is a window-serve place with huge portions of spaghetti that will leave your knees weak and your arms heavy.

A Game Day Guide to Hockeytown

Bakersfield is a cool taco place you've always wanted to check out, and it doesn't disappoint.

Parking Pro Tip

Honest John's is the most laid back dive where you can say the word "brunch" with a straight face.

"It's right next to the arena and is where a lot of fans go after the game. It's not a big place and can get pretty busy after the game, but it's a great atmosphere, especially after the Red Wings win! They also have a great bar food selection and a great drink menu. If you're looking for something a little more laid back and less crowded, I also love Union Assembly. It's a very laid back, easy-going type of bar and restaurant on Columbia Street, a short walk from the arena. They have a wide variety of drinks and their own specialty drinks, so try them. I personally love their Old Fashioned, and it's one of my favorites in the city." - Michelle Sotheby, Social Media Content Designer, Detroit Red Wings

Take advantage of our VIP passes!

At Green Dot Stables, try the truffle fries and mystery slider of the day.

Pre-game hot spots

At London Chop House, I'm looking for satisfaction when I want a good steak, a cigar, and sometimes some good music.

At Temple Bar, cheap booze, karaoke, and more have been around for almost 30 years.

The skating rink at Campus Martius Park "Ice skating at Campus Martius Park is one of my favorite things to do downtown in the winter (even though you can't actually ice skate). It's so much fun to go with friends and family and it's open year-round!" - Michelle Sotheby, Social Media Content Designer, Detroit Red Wings

Located in the heart of the city just minutes from LCA, the rink is open every day, including holidays, through March 3, 2024. Hours of operation Monday-Thursday: 11am-11pm, Friday: 11am-midnight, Saturday: 10am-midnight, Sunday: 11am-10pm

Skate pass prices $12 for adults, $9 for children, $8 for active military and first responders, and $9 for seniors 59 and older. Tickets are available on-site only, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Other must-visit spots:

Adam Batzel's Jack Adams Memorial Arena on Detroit's West Side offers open skating hours for all ages.

Hutton Ice Rink at Grosse Pointe Park opens around Thanksgiving and is open daily from 10am to 8pm.

Dearborn Ice Skating Center offers public skating on weekdays and weekends.

Post-game cool spots

"Also, cross the highway and check out the menu at the new Hockeytown Cafe." - Troy Michalkiewicz, Executive Chef at Little Caesars Arena

Detroit Beer Co. offers appetizers, salads, pizzas, unique sandwiches, and handcrafted ales and lagers.

Town Pump Tavern has an extensive beer list and live music after Red Wings games.

Carve the ice Detroit-style

Post-game cool spots


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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