Online casino Making the case for US igaming expansion

Fiscal health check: Making the case for US igaming expansion

Paul Girvan, which has deepened the financial situation in the United States and develops an industry claim for online casinos in the United States, predicts the movement in 2023.

While the movement of online casinos does not progress slowly, the speed of sports betting spreads in the United States is amazing. Approximately 33 states have passed a bill about sports betting (18 states are online in 18 states), and the other six states are waiting for bills to be submitted.

In contrast to this is the slow pace of eye gaming. Ikasino is legalized in six states, and the Connecticut will operate in October 2021. Since then, the development of eye gaming has been calm.

However, in 2023, the spread of sports betting will slow down.

"Lo w-altitude fruits" were already picked. Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, etc.), and more, many states will enter Sports Betting.

Currently, the states that are actively considering online casinos are limited to several states, including Illinois and New York. In addition, Iowa, Ohio, Maryland, and Massachusetts (maybe Kentucky) may consider online casinos, but the immediate outlook is dark.

Several factors are conceivable that the spread of egaming and sports betting is contrasting. The United States is a sports madness. Politics know that there are considerable voters, regarding sports betting as a natural extension of sports experiences as a whole.

Existing gaming operators believe that sports betting is a supplement to existing businesses, whether it's commercial or tribal. Basically, you can benefit from sports betting, and as long as you "cu t-in" in online betting, there is almost nothing to lose, and what you get is great. There is also the support of professional teams and leagues, which are most promising stakeholders in most states.

Igaming lacks sports betting’s support

Online casinos, on the other hand, are not well accepted by the general public. Teams and leagues are not involved in this game. Needless to say, there are concerns that online casinos may threaten these real stores.

These concerns were not completely overturned by the sufficient evidence that online and fac e-t o-face could coexist without crabization.

Tax revenue was an inevitable part of the debate over legalizing sports betting, but it was not and could not be the driving force. In contrast, new tax revenue was a key factor in leading to the widespread adoption of land-based gaming in the decades between 1995 and 2015.

In Pennsylvania, for example, the development of the casino sector was designed, among other things, to reduce property taxes for owners and to support local school districts. The goal of then-Governor Ed Rendell was to collect $1 billion annually for property tax relief.

This was achieved and exceeded. However, sports betting does not provide this same level of tax relief. While the enormous amounts wagered in sports betting are much covered in the media, the actual GGR subject to taxation is less than 10%, paltry compared to either land-based or online gaming.

Contrasting tax contributions from betting and online casino

In Pennsylvania, the brick-and-mortar sector paid $962 million to the state in the 2021-22 fiscal year from slot and table taxes alone. Igaming taxes were an additional $341 million, with sports betting contributing just $104 million.

The betting tax burden is inflated by one of the highest tax rates in the country at 36% of GGR. Most states (with New York being a notable exception) set their GGR tax rates in the low teens, resulting in an even larger disparity between land-based and betting revenues.

Connecticut's sports betting tax revenue was $13 million, compared to nearly $40 million for ICASINO. Slots and tables contributions from the state's two tribal operators exceeded $215 million.

New Jersey provides arguably the most compelling case for the tax benefits of igaming. In September 2022, the Division of Gaming Enforcement reported that the contribution from casinos (taxed at 8% of GGR) was $16 million, while the contribution from icasinos was $20 million (15% of GGR). Sports betting's contribution? Only $5. 3 million.

Following the money

This shows that sports betting is difficult to justify primarily in terms of generating new tax revenue. Generally, the largest source of new taxes is land-based casinos, but the train has already left the station in most states. New York is a notable exception, as it is about to issue three downstate licenses due to the need to shore up state finances.

So it is gaming that states may turn to.

It is a modest but important means of increasing tax revenue. Most importantly, the sector has a lot of room to grow.

So why haven't more states adopted it?

Part of the answer lies in the opposition, hesitation, or reluctance of existing land-based operators, as mentioned above. Also, sports betting has consumed political oxygen for the past four years.

But now that the initial gold rush has died down, will online casinos be the next big growth engine in the United States?

Given the looming recession and the growing need to secure tax revenue, online casinos may well become a hot topic.

In this context, can we look at state fiscal health as an indicator of the likelihood of legalizing gaming beyond 2023?

State debt and gaming legislation

The following two tables look at state debt for FY2022.

The first table shows the 15 states with the most debt.

StateState DebtGross State ProductDebt as a percentage of GSP
New York166. 51, 929. 108. 6%
California1453, 571. 704. 1%
Massachusetts76. 4668. 711. 4%
New Jersey65. 3703. 79. 3%
Illinois65. 1985. 96. 6%
Texas60. 62, 114. 802. 9%
Pennsylvania57. 1879. 36. 5%
Connecticut41308. 113. 3%
Michigan39. 1600. 66. 5%
Ohio35. 4771. 24. 6% Virginia 30. 8 616. 5 5. 0% Maryland 30. 4 454. 1 6. 7% Indiana 26. 6 448. 2 5. 9% Washington 26. 4 705. 9 3. 7% Florida 23. 8 1, 299. 50 1. 8% Source: USGovernmentSpending. com Fiscal Year 2022 Dollars in billions Table 2 ranks states based on their debt as a percentage of gross state product (a measure of the relative size of each state's economy). State
State DebtGross State ProductDebt as a percentage of GSPWest Virginia
13. 794. 914. 4%Rhode Island
9. 769. 114. 0%Connecticut
308. 113. 3%Massachusetts76. 4
668. 711. 4%Vermont37. 8
9. 8%


StateState DebtGross State ProductDebt as a percentage of GSP
703. 79. 3%Hawaii94. 3
9. 0%New York166. 51, 929. 10
Connecticut41308. 113. 3%
Massachusetts76. 4668. 711. 4%
South Dakota3.765. 26. 9%
Maryland5.530. 4454. 1
New Jersey65. 3703. 79. 3%
6. 6%8.5Michigan39. 1
New York166. 51, 929. 108. 6%
Public policy experts at the Pew Charitable Trusts analyzed each state’s fiscal situation from 2005 to 2019, looking at the cumulative percentage of revenues and expenditures. Eight states had expenditures that exceeded revenues during this period: New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, and Delaware.6The Pew Charitable Trusts then calculated how long each state could operate under its existing fiscal balance.Eight states in particular in need of additional tax revenue: Illinois, New York, Mississippi, Louisiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Washington (all of which have legalized sports betting) are well below the national median based on this metric.
However, many states have “rainy day funds” that allow them to continue operating for some time under extreme disruptions (much like the effects of a pandemic).7.6Sports Betting States with Low Cash ReservesIllinois, New York, and Washington stand out.
Another way to look at the data is to look at the tax burden on state residents. Reducing the tax burden on residents through gaming expansion is a powerful motivator.4.5Can gaming reduce the tax burden on state residents?As the map above shows, New York, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, and California impose large tax burdens on their citizens.
13. 794. 914. 4%Rhode Island
Illinois65. 1985. 96. 6%
Michigan39. 1600. 66. 5%
9. 8%

For example, the lack of financial resources for Hope (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationaly) scholarships in Georgia is often associated with expanding gaming. In Pennsylvania, the reduction of property taxes related to the school district is an important factor in lan d-based gaming.

This does not say that the financial issues in other states should be neglected. Other funding needs and local priority to each state should be identified and directly targeted by gaming bills. By doing so, the industry can recruit voters in the natural local and often loud voices that help build online casinos.

Running at a loss

Many state finances have surprisingly healthy, as the flow of funds from the federal government during the Pandemic (global trends). For this reason, the recent recession may worsen the financial problem, although the recession that supports online gambling has been weakened in recent years.

This is an opportunity to make the case that online casinos can help solve states' fiscal woes. Even now, states like New York and Illinois provide fertile ground for online casino expansion.

With the fires of sports betting dying down and the industry coming together, we could see a significant increase in online casino adoption in the coming years.

Saving for a rainy day

COVID-19 has upended our lives, causing disruption for virtually everyone. But as the pandemic continues, its impact on people with mental health issues has been particularly hard.

The need to maintain social distance has isolated many, forcing them to make sacrifices that are not easy to measure. But trends in inquiries to employee assistance programs highlight the impact of the virus. There has been an increase in loneliness among those far from support systems, an increase in grief counseling, growing anxiety about work, and an increase in inquiries about substance abuse.

The uncertainty of life during a pandemic, often accompanied by job changes, financial stress, and social isolation, has exacerbated individual health risks. Among other destructive trends, people with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts may experience urges to gamble to fill a sense of emptiness. This is especially true for those in recovery or with symptoms of gambling addiction.

Alleviating the tax burden

Also, if you are feeling financial pressure due to COVID, gambling may be seen as a way to make money. But in the long run, you must remember that only the "house" wins. Money that goes to pay for food, housing, utilities, and other necessities should never be used for gambling.

With many casinos and other gambling venues likely to have reduced occupancy rates, and many people choosing to stay home to reduce the risk of contracting COVID, many gamblers are choosing online gambling. Online gambling can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, using a computer or mobile phone. Online gambling also provides an all-too-easy opportunity to escape one's problems, which are prevalent in today's uncertain times.

The risks of online gambling

Shoring up pension pots

Online gambling has several risks. First, gamblers are more likely to conceal the extent and frequency of their gambling. In contrast to gambling that takes place in brick-and-mortar establishments, there is no one in charge to check on the gambler's health or at least invite them to take a break. Also, people gambling at home may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or suffer from other mental health conditions.

Sports betting and online gambling: a potentially volatile mix

While sporting events have been somewhat scaled back during the pandemic, the rapid expansion of sports gambling means that there are more and more opportunities to bet on sports. The rate of gambling addiction among sports bettors is more than double that of general gamblers. When sports gambling is conducted online, the incidence of problems is even higher: one survey of online sports gamblers found that 16% met clinical criteria for gambling disorder, and a further 13% showed signs of gambling disorder.

Education funding

Online gambling

Online gaming consists of any video game that offers online interaction with other players. Its popularity has increased dramatically during the pandemic. Online gaming, like sports and online gambling, can be addictive for some people trying to numb the pain and stress caused by COVID-19.

Tools to control online gambling

What does this data tell us?

Some online gamblers have difficulty sticking to money and time limits. For those who want to control or eliminate online gambling, there are tools and resources to help. Rather than relying on willpower to suppress the urge to gamble, you can use an app to schedule gambling times or automatically prevent online gambling.

One such app is Gamban, which allows users to exclude themselves from thousands of online gambling sites on up to 15 home devices. The Northstar Problem Gambling Alliance (NPGA) offers free individual subscriptions to Gamban to any Minnesota resident. Contact NPGA at sst@northstarpg. org and we will provide you with a link to set up an account.

Treatment is free in Minnesota

Where else could we see an igaming push?

Treatment for gambling disorders is available free of charge in Minnesota. A list of state-licensed gambling treatment providers can be found here. They also receive free treatment for their family members (up to 12 hours per year).

Expansion of televisionetrapy

To guarantee that people seeking help in the fight against game addiction will be able to get it, given the modern requirements for social distance, you can now get a consultation without leaving home. This type of remote counseling, known as Telemedicine, is provided by phone or through online platforms.

Signs of dependence on gambling

Giving people HOPE

Regardless of whether a person plays gambling online, with friends and colleagues or in ordinary institutions, it is important to remember the signs of dependence on gambling. Problems with gambling can be inconspicuous. Knowing these signs will help you identify a person who is at risk of compulsive gambling.

The most important thing is those who suffer from disorders associated with gambling, as well as those who have a friend or close person who cannot get rid of the craving for gambling, should know that help in the fight against game addiction exists - and She works.

More information about the problems of gambling in Minnesota can be found on the Northstarpg. org website.

私 は 7 歳 の とき 、 ミネソタ の 町 の 教会 の ピクニック で 初めて 初めて 初めて 初めて ドル の 大金 手 に し た それ から しばらく の 間 、 は 有名 の ようだっ。。 その を を を 年間 求め 、 スポーツ 、 ゲーム ゲーム ゲーム ゲーム 、 ゲーム 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 HIP 、 スペリング コンテスト 、 その 他 あらゆる こと 非常 に 競争 的 なっ た 。1994 年 に 自分 ギャンブル 依存 症 である こと が わかり 、 度 ミーティング に し た が 、 その とき は も 感じ た た。 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 年 AH ギャンブル を コントロール する ため に 外来 を 受け まし た。 しかし 、 私 は ギャンブル を よう と せ ず ​​、 自分 が 思っ い た よう な を たい たい と て い "

その 後 2 年 間 、 私 は ギャンブル を 時期 が あり まし た。 しかし 、 そう は なかっ た 。1997 年 、 は ギャンブル の を カバー ため に 主 から から から 250 ドル を だ 1998 年 の に は は は は に は に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に に 、 もっと 大金 を 盗む よう なり 、 最後 の は は は 25, 000 ドル だっ た。 たび に 、 これ が だ と 自分 を 納得 さ た た た た た た た た た た た た

Sports Bettng to Offer Relef to State Coffers Amd Pandemc

会社 の 監査 が ある たび に 、 が 換金 し た 盗品 小切手 の どれ か が れ ない よう に 祈る よう 気持ち で い まし た 自分 し た こと を に に 後悔 、 ギャンブル 症 である こと を L なら ない と いう プレッシャー が 高まっ た。 誰 に 私 を 殺さ せ 、 車 の トランク に 、 車 を 捨 てる と いう まで 練り まし。 依存 症 や 行為 について について 知ら " ほう が 両親 や 周囲 の たち の ため に なる と 思っ た から。。

しばらく は ギャンブル と は 無縁 生活 を 送り ながら 、 で 「立ち直り」 を 見つけ よう し て い。。。。。。

Eventually, I was caught and got fired on December 6, 1998. I signed a repayment agreement with the employer, but I couldn't pay because I continued gambling and made it a bad idea. In February 2000, I was charged with 24 federal guilty of fraud for theft, a fraud, for the fraud. I am convicted of a much lighter chart, in prison, and still pays a refund.

The last day of gambling was two days before the hospitalization treatment on September 20, 2000. For a while, I was trying to find a "recovery" on my own while living a life unrelated to gambling. I believed that I was not worth the help or consideration of God and other higher power.

On November 7, 2001, I was involved in a major accident in just a few seconds in a recovery and a way of seeing my life. My SUV was broken three and a half times. I was raised by a good Samaritsu. I heard a voice from inside the car saying, "It's better to lie down." There was no other inside the car, but I listened to the voice and laid down the seat with a seat belt. The roof of the car was crushed to the handle. If I wasn't lying, I would have been dead or half body paralyzed.

At that time, I learned that there was a religion for God. If so, or hesitated to lie down, I might not have been helped. The next day, I participated in GA, tournaments, and fellowship activities provided by GA, and lived a different life. What I am alive now is thanks to the choice I have done for recovery. One choice did not hesitate, and one choice made more cautious choices, such as seeking help in sad.

There were some friends before recovery and tried to help, but I was not ready to accept help. Nevertheless, they were near me in court and treatment center. They accepted my addiction without necessarily understanding the impact on me. Hundreds of friends who have met through recovery understand the effects of my addiction on me. I am happy to accept their help and they will help me.

Thanks to high power, friends, and my choice, I have experienced a different life.

He attended the annual convention of the National Council On Problem Gambling (in effect) held in July. The following are part of the presentation. -Susan Sheridan Tucker

The conference focused on gambling, especially in light of gambling. This includes sports betting, egaming, esports, the border between gambling and video games is becoming ambiguous.

Operators, regulatory authorities, and players are all part of the growth of mult i-channel platforms. The growing demand for technology and gambling is the desire to protect consumers with a comprehensive responsible gambling tool, as operators make profits, to collect income, and to be most important. The need for corresponding legalization and regulatory rules is accelerating. A new law has not yet been established in Minnesota, but it is a matter of time. The legislative language that secures funds to cover prevention, treatment, and research, and claims to share the aggregated data between the regulations and the state of the state is decisively important.

The COVID-19 has made financial issues on businesses and states where profits and tax revenues have dropped dramatically due to the closure of actual stores and the sluggish economic sector. In one of the few states where online gambling laws had already been enacted, the transition from land site to online sites was quite smooth. According to early signs, existing customers and new customers found and used online. However, in a state where online gambling is not legalized, players have been invited to untreated offshore sites that offer countless no n-ethical practices. Some states are jumping to pass eye gaming so that they can create an omn i-channel market for consumers as well as sports betting. If you need to close a lan d-based casino for pandemic or natural disasters, operators can continue to provide customers online and reduce profits and states' tax revenues.

Another trend that has emerged internationally and is creeping into the United States is the move to go cashless. Cashless is favored by the industry because it minimizes the amount of cash that needs to be secured in the establishment, more consumers are accustomed to using less cash, and during COVID-19, eliminating cash handling makes it more hygienic. Cashless systems provide an opportunity to closely monitor customers' playing habits and incorporate responsible gambling tools while playing. However, cashless systems also have their downsides. The availability of digital payments on demand means consumers may increase spending beyond their means. These new systems also shift more risk to players and eliminate protective factors such as the need to pause games to top up cash. If cashless systems are adopted, specific consumer protections must be part of the plan. Some operators are beginning to recognize that they have a responsibility to identify problem gamblers and talk to them if their gambling patterns indicate problematic behavior. In some European casinos, operators are using data to have conversations with players about the risks they are taking, encouraging them to take a break, discuss self-exclusion, or seek help from a professional. The NCPG has developed "Guidelines for Payment Processing" to guide the industry in adopting these tools and minimizing the incidence of gambling addiction.

Those working to prevent gambling addiction need to be aware of the generational characteristics of Generation Z, which consists of people born between 1997 and 2017. This generation is the first truly digital generation and is redefining what it means to "win." For this generation, winning means good experiences, engagement, and bragging rights, but not necessarily winning money. They enjoy games of skill, not chance. Esports is expected to explode with this generation, as it is popular with both men and women.

It is believed that exposure to online games, the allure of "trying" games, and the strategic use of game bonuses will attract these players to gamble when they are in a position to spend money.

This generation is one that creates and follows influencers (not necessarily traditional influencers like sports figures or Hollywood celebrities). Innovative social media (not Facebook) apps dominate the way they communicate, and like other generations, they have created their own unique communication style that is very different from past generations.

Relevant responsible gambling materials/prevention need to reflect this emerging generation and educate them early on about the potential risks of gaming/gambling.

After all, responsible gambling programs make good business sense. The gambling industry strives to provide an enjoyable experience for everyone who participates, but it is clear that some people are unable to do so without causing serious harm to themselves or their loved ones. By adopting a solid responsible gambling program, the industry can play a role in keeping all players healthy and spot problems before they cause customer crashes.

A well-designed responsible gambling program extends from regulators, operators and their staff, to the players. Sharing the responsibility in this way combats the stigma of gambling disorder that blames players and makes them struggle in isolation.

Responsible Gambling Program

Identify risks up front,

Provide rules and odds for each game,

In Their Own Words – Tim’s Story

Incorporate intervention tools that allow players to pause and reset.

Build mutually beneficial and non-judgmental relationships to ensure players have a positive experience.

The goal of a responsible gambling program is to create opportunities for safer and more sustainable play. This requires a multi-pronged approach that understands players' needs (from new players to serious players to players who appear to have problems), creates positive messaging that encourages open discussions about prevention, makes materials readily available, and knows when to provide messaging and/or other resources to problem players. A solid responsible gambling program also helps gaming staff enjoy their jobs.

At the end of the day, a responsible gambling program requires commitment from top leadership who understands the long-term benefits. It also requires regulatory bodies to advocate for best practices and enforce them when necessary.

Each day at the conference, a small segment was dedicated to reminding attendees that systemic racism exists in the problem gambling field, as it does in many other aspects of the health care and economic systems.

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) experience gambling disorders at twice the rate of white people.

Generational trauma is real and quite evident in African American communities.

Black people make up 13. 4% of the U. S. population, but few seek treatment due to barriers such as distrust in the system, shame, privacy issues, lack of information, and financial concerns.

COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated that BIPOC are more vulnerable and experience more severe symptoms due to lack of access to quality health care throughout their lives.

NCPG has formed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to advise on issues affecting Black communities, other communities of color, and other marginalized groups. We expect recommendations to be made in due course.

NCPG Conference Roundup

(As an aside, the NPGA is reviewing all of our materials to reflect the diversity of Minnesota. Over the past year, we have made an effort to represent that diversity in our public service announcements.)

Industry Trends

NCPG is encouraging states to join the National Gambling Helpline. Twenty-two states have separate gambling problem helplines in addition to the national number used by NCPG. These helplines were established over the decades for a variety of reasons. The question is whether it makes sense for these states to have separate numbers. Minnesota has its own helpline, which is managed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and operated through contractors. Although moving to a national number would be costly, including changes to print and online materials, there are benefits to having one number. Having one helpline would centralize data collection and ensure that training is consistent and aligned with best practices.

In Oregon, public health officials worked with researchers at Lewis and Clark College to develop new guidelines for gambling counselors. The publication, "A Guide to Core Competencies for Problem Gambling Treatment Counselors," was developed over the course of a year through research conducted nationally and around the world to compile best practices in treatment counseling.

As a result of consultation with advanced gambling counselors, a total of 166 core abilities have been identified. These abilities are composed of five major areas:

Knowledge about gambling

Psychological education

Generation Z

Basic problem gambling treatment skills

Case management and ethical practice

Social and cultural awareness and abilities

The full text of this report is published in "Professional Resources" on our website Northstarpg. org. Oregon intends to use this document as a way to improve the training provided to gambling counselors.

Why Responsible Gambling Programs Are Essential

The Minnesota Gambling Management Committee plays an important role in regulation of gambling activities in Minnesota. Northern Light performed the following Q & Amp; A to the Commission's Secretar y-General Mats Ghetman.

Q: What is the main role of the Minnesota Gambling Regulatory Commission (MGCB)? A: Our role is to regulate the legal (charity) gambling industry, ensure the completion of the operation (game), and provide legal use of net income (dollar). There are various stakeholders who may have a conflict of interest, and many parts are moving.

Q: What is the MGCB stakeholder? A: The stakeholders have not changed much since ancient times. Licensei, an organization that purchases gambling licenses, occupies many stakeholders. Licensei includes not only organizations but also manufacturers and sellers. Other stakeholders include those who have not obtained a license, such as the owner or administrator of the Premise Permission (where gambling activities are performed). Other stakeholders include bookkeeping and accounting firms that support licensing in the decision of funding.

  1. State institutions, such as Minnesota's revenue and Minnesota Public Security Bureau, are also stakeholders. There are also local organizations such as the city council, the city's clerk, the city's financial officer, and the planning committee. There is also a transaction with a representative organization of these organizations, such as the Minnesota City Federation. Stakeholders also include beneficiary of net income by legal charity gambling.
  2. The last group of stakeholders includes players, the general public, and people other than players who are affected by gambling. This includes NPGA. We are all members of the community where this activity is being carried out.
  3. Q: What kind of work do you do in connection with COVID-19? A: It is necessary to consider a way to do business without being exposed or worse in virus problems in the protection and being protected. This also includes not to perform Berserable. Therefore, people who order drinks may not actually go to the bar counter. They may be sitting in a parking lot that the store does not own. Not only on COVID direct problems, we are always working on improving safe guards, flags and control. We are also involved in outreach and education so that all stakeholders, such as the North Star, can be educated.
  4. Q: What kind of changes may occur due to prolonged COVID-19 closure or a decrease in the number of bars and izakaya? A: The impact of these facilities, that is, the resuming of these licensed gambling, may be imposed on their own impact, and in some cases, additional regulations by local governments are imposed. We took the initiative in additional checks and audits that were not possible in the past, using the closing period. As a result, we have been able to identify organizations that have not accounted funds properly or do not support the soundness of legal gambling.

Q: The sales of electronic pull tabs are eel climbing, but I heard that the pull tab of paper is not. Why? Do you know that electronic tabs are cleaner? A: Paper pull tabs have historically driven by the desire to support social exchange and local community activities. The restrictions on the number of people may eventually affect the total sales. But at this time there is no data to conclude.

Q: In the United States, it seems that there is a movement to make casinos into cashless. Have you foresee that there will be an era where credit cards can be used for purchasing Pulltab? If not, why? A: There is no authority to allow the use of a credit card. To do so, it is necessary to amend the law by the state council. I don't think it will change soon. However, if you reach the stage of permitting the use of electronic means for gambling purchase, you will have the ability to support the electronic account for the problem gambler.

Racism in Gambling Disorder/Healthcare

Q: Do you expect electronic pull tabs to be completely taken on paper? A: No. Electronic pull tabs support two different game players. People who have been playing paper historically consider electronic pull tabs as part of social activities. However, electronic pull tabs have different social dynamism because they belong to the same social circle, but only one person plays at once. Both legal gambling seem to be recovering strongly after the COVID pause, but neither seems to be alternative to other gambling.

  • Q: If the debt of the Vikings Stadium is repaid by the electronic pull tab, will there be any parts that can be used for gambling addiction? Is there a specific deadline for the law? A: MGCB is not involved in the dollar collected from charity gambling. Such instructions are given by legislative orders. There is no sunset clause in providing funds to the gambling addiction countermeasures business, and it has nothing to do with the debt repayment of the Vikings Stadium.
  • Q: What else I would like to tell you about MGCB? A: We are trying to increase opportunities to interact with various shareholders. We look forward to hearing from those who have ideas, how to educate people in each world and help them achieve their goals. After all, we are a community.
  • Before the November elections, the state parliamentary house returned to work, and proposals underwater could be executed.
  • The Pennsylvanian Conference Hall in Harrisberg. Read more Jose F. MORENO / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Stephen Caruso, Kate Wamdoo, Spotlight Pennsylvania

September 14, 2024 Published at 5:00 am (Eastern the United States)

Call For One National Problem Gambling Helpline

Spotlight PA is an independent ultr a-controlled news room that pursues power responsibilities in Pennsylvania, promotes positive changes and public service journalism. Submit a free newsletter

Oregon Core Competencies For Treatment Providers

Harris Bur g-Returns to Public Transportation, r e-approval of payment protection protection of utility bills, and agreements on new hospitals in the hospital are the top priority of Congress returning to Harrisberg at the end of this month.


  1. Before the end of the tw o-year legislative session, the voting date is scheduled for about 10 days, but both are hidden in the shadows of the imminent presidential election.
  2. Any bills not passed by both houses by the end of the year must begin the legislative process from scratch when the new Congress begins in January.
  3. State lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro passed a bipartisan budget in July that included a big increase in K-12 education funding and long-overdue licensing reform, but compromise on other issues has remained elusive in a divided Legislature.
  4. Partisan distrust and election-season politics make it unlikely that some key bills, from a minimum wage increase to relief for victims of child sexual abuse, will pass in the final weeks of the session.
  5. But some less politicized issues could receive bipartisan support as lawmakers seeking reelection finalize their appeals to voters, legislative leaders and other lawmakers say.

"There's plenty more work to do," Shapiro told reporters last month.

Minnesota Gambling Control Board Plays Critical Role in State Gambling

With the state Senate returning on Monday, there's not much time left in this year's session:

A top priority for the fall will be finding compromise on funding for the more than 50 public transportation agencies in the federal government, from SEPTA's vast commuter rail network to regional medical transport services.

And regulating and taxing skill games, the slot-machine-like devices that have proliferated in bars, restaurants, shops and social clubs in recent years.

Currently, the state provides about $2 billion in aid to transportation agencies annually, most of it from state sales tax revenues. In his February budget speech, Shapiro called for $283 million in new funding starting this year.

But state Senate Republicans were reluctant to increase spending, and after last-minute lobbying by Philadelphia lawmakers, they agreed to a one-time $80 million increase in the final budget. The Legislature used surplus funds for the spending. "Any bills not passed by both houses by the end of the year will have to start the legislative process all over again in January," state Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia) told reporters in July.

State lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro passed a bipartisan budget in July that included a big increase in K-12 education funding and long-overdue licensing reform, but compromise on other issues remained elusive in a divided Legislature.

Partisan distrust and election-season politics make it unlikely that some key bills, from a minimum wage increase to relief for victims of child sexual abuse, will pass in the final weeks of the session.

But some less politicized issues could receive bipartisan support as lawmakers seeking reelection finalize their appeals to voters, legislative leaders and other lawmakers say.

"There's plenty of other work to do," Shapiro told reporters last month. With the state Senate returning on Monday, there's not much time left in this year's session:

A top priority for the fall will be finding compromise on funding for the more than 50 public transportation agencies in the federal government, from SEPTA's vast commuter rail network to regional medical transport services.

And regulating and taxing skill games, the slot-machine-like devices that have proliferated in bars, restaurants, shops and social clubs in recent years.

Currently, the state provides about $2 billion in aid to transportation agencies annually, most of it from state sales tax revenues. In his February budget speech, Shapiro called for $283 million in new funding starting this year.

Public transit funding, utility protections, and more top Pa. legislature’s fall to-do list

But state Senate Republicans were reluctant to increase spending, and after last-minute lobbying by Philadelphia lawmakers, they agreed to a one-time $80 million increase in the final budget. The Legislature used surplus funds for the spending. "Any bills not passed by both houses by the end of the year will have to start the legislative process all over again in the new Congress, which begins in January," state Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia) told reporters in July.

State lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro passed a bipartisan budget in July that included a big increase in K-12 education funding and long-overdue licensing reform, but compromise on other issues remained elusive in a divided Legislature. Partisan distrust and election-season politics make it unlikely that some key bills, from a minimum wage increase to relief for victims of child sexual abuse, will pass in the final weeks of the session. But some less politicized issues could receive bipartisan support as lawmakers seeking reelection finalize their appeals to voters, legislative leaders and other lawmakers say.

"There's plenty more work to do," Shapiro told reporters last month.

With the state Senate returning on Monday, there's not much time left in this year's session:

A top priority for the fall is finding a compromise on funding for the more than 50 public transportation agencies in the commonwealth, from SEPTA's vast commuter rail network to regional medical transport services.

And regulating and taxing skill games, the slot-machine-like devices that have proliferated in bars, restaurants, shops and social clubs in recent years.

Currently, the state provides about $2 billion in aid to transportation agencies annually, most of it from state sales tax revenues. In his February budget speech, Shapiro called for $283 million in new funding starting this year.

But state Senate Republicans were reluctant to increase spending, and after last-minute lobbying by Philadelphia lawmakers, they agreed to a one-time increase of $80 million in the final budget proposal. The Legislature appropriated the spending from a surplus.

"We're not going to get a deal," state Sen. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia) told reporters in July.

Transportation stated that this funding was only a temporary. Meanwhile, each company is trying to balance the budget in other ways. Earlier this month, Septa announced that it would abolish the 50 cent discount for paying by card instead of cash, and effectively raise the fare of tens of thousands of users.

So what about skill games? The state of the State Past Republican Party has signed a major condition for funding for new transportation, and one of them is to find a new source of income.

"Joe Pitman, a general manager in the State Senate, said to be the Spotlight PA last month," There is no way to deal with the existing income source (transportation expenses). The only important revenue field of consensus is the need for regulation of skill games. "

Is taxing skill games the path to more transit funding?

In a statement of last week, Pitman praised that Septa had decided to raise a part of fare, and pointed out another condition for the Republican Party. He argued that a new investment in Septa must be a set with spending on roads and bridges throughout the state, and it is difficult to seek "hundreds of millions of investment in mass transportation institutions."

"If you deal with these two issues, you need a new source of age that does not squeeze general accounts," he said.

However, despite the promise of more than $ 150 million, skilled game operators and casinos have invested millions of dollars and developed a lobby activity, so Congress has submitted a skill game bill. Not.

The legislative proposals on this problem range from gentle rules and taxes to fully prohibited. These bills are often sponsored by members who are given gifts from organizations trying to regulate or receive a large amount of election checks.

In the statement of the state House of Representatives Democratic Party, Elizabeth Lehmer, in a statement, "Skill games that balances the needs of existing casino industries and social clubs that gain economic benefits in the statement in a statement. We are ready to discuss how to move forward. "

It is a troublesome problem for Filadelphia members, and the city council has passed the ordinance to restrict skill game terminals to bars and restaurants. Sephaus, the city's legislative chairman, said that any bills to regulate skill games would be freed to create their own rules.

The state of the state is also urging the state of the state law to regulate the state law that regulates how the electricity company treats customers who are delinquent electricity and gas.

This provision, which is also known as Chapter 14, was enacted 20 years ago, and sets the standards and procedures for recovering unpaid fees and stopping the services of delinquents, and the overall fee. The purpose is to suppress it. The law also added several consumer protection, including the ban on public works in winter.

The law must be expired every 10 years and must be updated by the end of 2024.

In recent years, those who defend consumers in the state of the state have been punished rather than protection, by acknowledging that power companies add additional charges, fines, and deposits to lo w-income earners. He has argued that it is a target.

The bill submitted to the state parliamentary House of Representatives includes shu t-off and reconciliation charges for lo w-income earners, and extended to 30 to 90 days of medical exemption to protect the use of vulnerable customers. , Some of the advocates are included. The bill is currently entrusted to the committee.

On the other hand, the State Senate has already passed a bill to r e-approve Chapter 14, incorporating a small change, such as increasing the period from shu t-off notification to the period from being unable to receive the service, and increasing the repayment plan. It is. It also acknowledges that medical expenses exemption will be 60 days.

The state House of Representatives Democratic Party, the Republican Party of the State, and the Shapiro administration all have this issue.

"We continue to work on a compromise that balances consumer protection with the Senate and related parties on a compromise that balances consumer protection and the possibility of using these indispensable public works. I am. "

An expiring utility lifeline

Shapiro claims to support some of the lower house bills. At the end of the release of unrelated energy proposals this spring, he states that it supports "common sense protection for consumers for unfair practices", such as "excessive reconnection fee" and expansion of access to exemption from medical expenses. 。 < SPAN> Both House of State Upper House is also urging the power company to r e-approve the important parts of the state law, which regulates how to handle customers who are in line with electricity and gas.

This provision, which is also known as Chapter 14, was enacted 20 years ago, and sets the standards and procedures for recovering unpaid fees and stopping the services of delinquents, and the overall fee. The purpose is to suppress it. The law also added several consumer protection, including the ban on public works in winter.

The law must be expired every 10 years and must be updated by the end of 2024.

In recent years, those who defend consumers in the state of the state have been punished rather than protection, by acknowledging that power companies add additional charges, fines, and deposits to lo w-income earners. He has argued that it is a target.

The bill submitted to the state parliamentary House of Representatives includes shu t-off and reconciliation charges for lo w-income earners, and extended to 30 to 90 days of medical exemption to protect the use of vulnerable customers. , Some of the advocates are included. The bill is currently entrusted to the committee.

On the other hand, the State Senate has already passed a bill to r e-approve Chapter 14, incorporating a small change, such as increasing the period from shu t-off notification to the period from being unable to receive the service, and increasing the repayment plan. It is. It also acknowledges that medical expenses exemption will be 60 days.

The state House of Representatives Democratic Party, the Republican Party of the State, and the Shapiro administration all have this issue.

"We continue to work on a compromise that balances consumer protection with the Senate and related parties on a compromise that balances consumer protection and the possibility of using these indispensable public works. I am. "

Shapiro claims to support some of the lower house bills. At the end of the release of unrelated energy proposals this spring, he states that it supports "common sense protection for consumers for unfair practices", such as "excessive reconnection fee" and expansion of access to exemption from medical expenses. 。 The state of the state is also urging the state of the state law to regulate the state law that regulates how the electricity company treats customers who are delinquent electricity and gas.

This provision, which is also known as Chapter 14, was enacted 20 years ago, and sets the standards and procedures for recovering unpaid fees and stopping the services of delinquents, and the overall fee. The purpose is to suppress it. The law also added several consumer protection, including the ban on public works in winter.

The law must be expired every 10 years and must be updated by the end of 2024.

In recent years, those who defend consumers in the state of the state have been punished rather than protection, by acknowledging that power companies add additional charges, fines, and deposits to lo w-income earners. He has argued that it is a target.

Proposals target hospital staffing, transparency

The bill submitted to the state parliamentary House of Representatives includes shu t-off and reconciliation charges for lo w-income earners, and extended to 30 to 90 days of medical exemption to protect the use of vulnerable customers. , Some of the advocates are included. The bill is currently entrusted to the committee.

On the other hand, the State Senate has already passed a bill to r e-approve Chapter 14, incorporating a small change, such as increasing the period from shu t-off notification to the period from being unable to receive the service, and increasing the repayment plan. It is. It also acknowledges that medical expenses exemption will be 60 days.

The state House of Representatives Democratic Party, the Republican Party of the State, and the Shapiro administration all have this issue.

"We continue to work on a compromise that balances consumer protection with the Senate and related parties on a compromise that balances consumer protection and the possibility of using these indispensable public works. I am. "

Shapiro claims to support some of the lower house bills. At the end of the release of unrelated energy proposals this spring, he states that it supports "common sense protection for consumers for unfair practices", such as "excessive reconnection fee" and expansion of access to exemption from medical expenses. 。

The expanded consumer protections are opposed by the Pennsylvania Energy Association, the main lobbying group for utilities, which argues the bill would increase leverage for customers who are behind on their payments and lead to higher costs for all consumers. Gas and electric utilities have unpaid charge-offs of $187 million in 2022 out of the $11. 2 billion they billed residential customers for service, according to data from the Public Utilities Commission, which regulates hundreds of utilities in the state. "If nothing is done, the law will expire on Dec. 31, which would force the Public Utilities Commission to step in and write new rules to regulate the shutoffs. But utility advocacy groups say the commission has already adopted some existing protections, such as a ban on winter shutoffs, into its rules that will remain in effect. Since the start of last year's session, the Democratic-controlled Legislature has passed six bills with bipartisan support to tighten hospital regulation. They include a union-backed proposal to cap the number of patients a hospital can care for per nurse, give the state attorney general the power to block hospital mergers and require hospitals to publicly disclose prices for all procedures and services. The staffing proposal was brought by the influential SEIU, which represents thousands of Pennsylvania nurses and has donated millions of dollars to Democratic campaign coffers. It is a top priority for nurses industry groups and unions, including the Pennsylvania Association of Hospitals and Health Systems.

Supporters of the proposal argue it would prevent burnout in an already exhausted nursing workforce and improve outcomes for hospital patients. They also argue that the added labor costs would be offset by fewer readmissions and shorter hospital stays.

But the Pennsylvania Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, a powerful advocate for hospitals in the state, said in a letter to lawmakers last year that staffing ratios would lead to fewer vacant beds, if not outright closures of some facilities, especially in rural areas.

The 240-member association has hired four lobbying firms and spent roughly $2. 4 million since the start of 2023 to lobby lawmakers. Members, from large corporations like UPMC to small regional hospital networks, have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying lawmakers separately.

In a statement, Nicole Storrs, the association's CEO, said lawmakers "need to focus on causes, not symptoms," and instead address structural issues like workforce shortages and "persistent underpayment" for health care services "across payers."

The state Senate has been slow to take up many of the House's hospital-related bills, but it's not completely unwilling. Over the summer, for example, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill banning non-compete clauses in some health care workers' employment contracts. Shapiro signed the bill in July.

Pittman declined to comment on the nurse staffing bill, but told Spotlight PA that the hospital pricing bill "has merit."


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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