Politiques relatives aux publicités de LinkedIn

Politiques relatives aux publicités de LinkedIn

Linkedin's mission is to connect professionals around the world, improve productivity, and support success. Linkedin believes that ads in the Linkedin service must be appropriate and useful for Linkedin members. These Linkedin advertising policy helps to determine whether advertising is appropriate for Linkedin and its members.

2. Le processus de vérification des publicités

The distribution of advertisements is not performed until it is approved through the verification process to maintain Linkedin's professionalism and integrity. This guarantees that ads comply with the following policies: Linkedin aims to verify ads as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

3. Que faire si votre publicité est refusée ?

If the ad is rejected, if you adjust the cursor to the status in the campaign manager, the reason for rejection will be displayed and you will receive an email. If you wish, you can modify and resend ads to comply with our policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.

4. Contenu interdit

Professional community policy. Advertisements must be compliant with Linkedin's professional community policy.

Illegal activity, product, service. Advertisements for illegal activities, products and services are prohibited. Advertising must comply with the applicable law, such as laws related to content allowed in advertising and laws on advertising targeting methods.

discrimination. Linkedin does not accept discrimination based on personal attributes such as age, gender, gender, disability, religion, ethnic, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. Advertising must comply with laws, including regulations that prohibit discrimination in education, housing, credit, and employment.

Being sensible. Advertising must not harm good sense. In other words, it must not be hatred, vulgar, violent, sexual content. In some cases, when Linkedin updates a policy to reflect the new law or clarifies the Linkedin position, it may not be allowed to be allowed even if the previously allowed ads. there is. < SPAN> Linkedin's mission is to connect professionals around the world, improve productivity, and support success. Linkedin believes that ads in the Linkedin service must be appropriate and useful for Linkedin members. These Linkedin advertising policy helps to determine whether advertising is appropriate for Linkedin and its members.

The distribution of advertisements is not performed until it is approved through the verification process to maintain Linkedin's professionalism and integrity. This guarantees that ads comply with the following policies: Linkedin aims to verify ads as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

If the ad is rejected, if you adjust the cursor to the status in the campaign manager, the reason for rejection will be displayed and you will receive an email. If you wish, you can modify and resend ads to comply with our policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Professional community policy. Advertisements must be compliant with Linkedin's professional community policy.

Illegal activity, product, service. Advertisements for illegal activities, products and services are prohibited. Advertising must comply with the applicable law, such as laws related to content allowed in advertising and laws on advertising targeting methods.

discrimination. Linkedin does not accept discrimination based on personal attributes such as age, gender, gender, disability, religion, ethnic, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. Advertising must comply with laws, including regulations that prohibit discrimination in education, housing, credit, and employment.

Being sensible. Advertising must not harm good sense. In other words, it must not be hatred, vulgar, violent, sexual content. In some cases, when Linkedin updates a policy to reflect the new law or clarifies the Linkedin position, it may not be allowed to be allowed even if the previously allowed ads. there is. Linkedin's mission is to connect professionals around the world, improve productivity, and support success. Linkedin believes that ads in the Linkedin service must be appropriate and useful for Linkedin members. These Linkedin advertising policy helps to determine whether advertising is appropriate for Linkedin and its members.

The distribution of advertisements is not performed until it is approved through the verification process to maintain Linkedin's professionalism and integrity. This guarantees that ads comply with the following policies: Linkedin aims to verify ads as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

If the ad is rejected, if you adjust the cursor to the status in the campaign manager, the reason for rejection will be displayed and you will receive an email. If you wish, you can modify and resend ads to comply with our policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Professional community policy. Advertisements must be compliant with Linkedin's professional community policy.

Illegal activity, product, service. Advertisements for illegal activities, products and services are prohibited. Advertising must comply with the applicable law, such as laws related to content allowed in advertising and laws on advertising targeting methods.

discrimination. Linkedin does not accept discrimination based on personal attributes such as age, gender, gender, disability, religion, ethnic, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. Advertising must comply with laws, including regulations that prohibit discrimination in education, housing, credit, and employment.

Being sensible. Advertising must not harm good sense. In other words, it must not be hatred, vulgar, violent, sexual content. In some cases, when Linkedin updates a policy to reflect the new law or clarifies the Linkedin position, it may not be allowed to be allowed even if the previously allowed ads. there is.

Fraud and deception. Advertising must not be fraudulent or misleading. Products and services must accurately match the contents of the ad. All claims must be based on the proven facts. Do not make a misleading claim about competitors and services. Do not suggest that you (or your product) are recommended or have a partnership without the permission of the stakeholders first. Also, when sharing advertising content in Linkedin, be sure to disclose related partnerships. Do not advertise misleading offers or prices: Discounts, offers, and prices must be easily identified from the ads.

Trademark infringement ads must not use trademarks belonging to a third party, except that the trademark owner has obtained permission. Trademarks, logo, service marks, company names, and trademarks that suggest a partner or recommendation that can be confused to users are prohibited. Trademark owners can notify us if they are concerned about the use of trademarks in https: //help. linkedin. com/app/ask/path/ts-ntmi.

Copyright infringement advertisements must not use the copyrights that belong to a third party, except that the right holder is explicitly permitted. If you believe in good faith that copyright is infringing, see our copyright policy for how to submit a notification of copyright infringement.

Advertisements for counterfeit documents, related services, and related services are prohibited.

Tobacco products. Cigarette products are prohibited. For this, all tobacco products (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc.), other smokin g-related products (electronic cigarettes, bape machines, vaporizer, etc.), and to promote sales or sales of all other materials that promote the use of cigarettes. Includes advertisements directly or indirectly. Legal products and services that encourage smoking are allowed. < SPAN> fraud and deception. Advertising must not be fraudulent or misleading. Products and services must accurately match the contents of the ad. All claims must be based on the proven facts. Do not make a misleading claim about competitors and services. Do not suggest that you (or your product) are recommended or have a partnership without the permission of the stakeholders first. Also, when sharing advertising content in Linkedin, be sure to disclose related partnerships. Do not advertise misleading offers or prices: Discounts, offers, and prices must be easily identified from the ads.

5. Contenu soumis à restrictions

Trademark infringement ads must not use trademarks belonging to a third party, except that the trademark owner has obtained permission. Trademarks, logo, service marks, company names, and trademarks that suggest a partner or recommendation that can be confused to users are prohibited. Trademark owners can notify us if they are concerned about the use of trademarks in https: //help. linkedin. com/app/ask/path/ts-ntmi.

Copyright infringement advertisements must not use the copyrights that belong to a third party, except that the right holder is explicitly permitted. If you believe in good faith that copyright is infringing, see our copyright policy for how to submit a notification of copyright infringement.

Advertisements for counterfeit documents, related services, and related services are prohibited.

Tobacco products. Cigarette products are prohibited. For this, all tobacco products (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc.), other smokin g-related products (electronic cigarettes, bape machines, vaporizer, etc.), and to promote sales or sales of all other materials that promote the use of cigarettes. Includes advertisements directly or indirectly. Legal products and services that encourage smoking are allowed. Fraud and deception. Advertising must not be fraudulent or misleading. Products and services must accurately match the contents of the ad. All claims must be based on the proven facts. Do not make a misunderstanding claim about competitors and services. Do not suggest that you (or your product) are recommended or have a partnership without the permission of the stakeholders first. Also, when sharing advertising content in Linkedin, be sure to disclose related partnerships. Do not advertise misleading offers or prices: Discounts, offers, and prices must be easily identified from the ads.

Trademark infringement ads must not use trademarks belonging to a third party, except that the trademark owner has obtained permission. Trademarks, logo, service marks, company names, and trademarks that suggest a partner or recommendation that can be confused to users are prohibited. Trademark owners can notify us if they are concerned about the use of trademarks in https: //help. linkedin. com/app/ask/path/ts-ntmi.

Copyright infringement advertisements must not use the copyrights that belong to a third party, except that the right holder is explicitly permitted. If you believe in good faith that copyright is infringing, see our copyright policy for how to submit a notification of copyright infringement.

Advertisements for counterfeit documents, related services, and related services are prohibited.

Tobacco products. Cigarette products are prohibited. For this, all tobacco products (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc.), other smokin g-related products (electronic cigarettes, bape machines, vaporizer, etc.), and to promote sales or sales of all other materials that promote the use of cigarettes. Includes advertisements directly or indirectly. Legal products and services that encourage smoking are allowed.

Illegal or Recreational Drugs Ads that promote the sale or use of illegal or recreational drugs are prohibited.

Weapons, fireworks, and other violent products or services. Ads that promote, use, or sell weapons, ammunition, fireworks, or other violent products or services are prohibited.

6. Sécurité et confidentialité

Adult Content. Ads that contain adult content, including ads for adult products or services, are prohibited.

Counterfeit Goods. Ads for counterfeit goods are prohibited.

Gambling and Competitions. Ads for gambling or contests of any kind are prohibited.

Esoteric Activities. Ads for clairvoyance, dream interpretation, or personal fortune telling are prohibited, except for entertainment purposes.

Health Issues. Ads that promote unrealistic or misleading claims about health benefits, including those related to dieting or weight loss, are prohibited. Ads that encourage harmful or dangerous behavior, such as overconsumption of any product, are also prohibited. LinkedIn reserves the right to restrict ads related to health issues. Learn more.

Affiliates and Advertising Advertising through affiliates is prohibited. Publishers are prohibited from placing in-stream video ads on sponsored content without first getting permission from LinkedIn.

Political Ads Ads of a political nature are prohibited. This includes ads that express support for or against a candidate, political party, or bill put on a referendum, or that are intended to influence the outcome of an election in any way, ads that attempt to raise funds for or by a political candidate, political party, political action committee, or similar organization, or ballot proposition, and ads that exploit sensitive political issues, even if the advertiser does not have an explicit political intent.

Sensitive Events. LinkedIn does not allow inappropriate ads during or in connection with the occurrence of a tragedy, disaster, or similar sensitive event.

7. Rédaction

Advertisements that advertise copyright infringement, cracking, detoured pirates, cracking, and avoidance products and services are prohibited.

Incure advertisement. Incurible advertisements are rejected. If you are rejected for deficiencies in the advertisement, complete the advertisement before resending it.

alcohol. Alcohol products are restricted and are only accepted in certain countries. These ads do not target users under the age of 25. If you would like an alcohol product ad, please contact the sales representative here.

Animal product. Linkedin reserves the right to limit ads on animals and animal products. Advertisements for products related to endangered species are prohibited.

8. Généralités

Dating service. Dating services advertisements are subject to restrictions. Such ads cannot be targeted for members under the age of 18. Dating services must be legal in the country and cannot provide a "escort" service that pays dating. Linkedin reserves the right to evaluate the appropriateness of the service.

There are restrictions on fun d-raising fundraising advertisements. Linkedin allows deduction advertisements only to be deducted or donated to a charitable organization in the country in accordance with the applicable law.

Prescription drug. Advertisements that advertise prescription drugs are limited and prior approval is required. Advertising can advertise only prescription drugs in the United States or Canada. These ads cannot be targeted for users under the age of 18. Click here for details.

Advertisements that advertise ove r-th e-counter drugs are restricted, and prior approval is required. Ove r-th e-counter advertisements can only be advertised in legal places and need to comply with all applied laws and regulations. These ads do not target users under the age of 18. Click here for details.

  • Pharmacies and Telehealth Services Ads promoting pharmacy and telehealth services are restricted and require prior approval. Ads may only promote pharmacy and telehealth services in the United States. These ads may not be targeted to users under the age of 18. Learn more here.
  • Medical Devices and Treatments. There are restrictions on advertising medical devices and treatments. Ads may only promote medical devices and treatments where it is lawful and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. These ads must not be targeted to users under the age of 18. Learn more here.
  • Financial Services. There are restrictions on ads promoting financial products and services. This includes ads promoting products or services related to loans, mortgages, credit, investments, investment advice, financial transactions, insurance and pensions. Ads promoting financial products and services to audiences in the UK may only come from advertisers authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. Learn more here.
  • Cryptocurrency. Ads related to buying, selling or trading cryptocurrency are subject to restrictions.
  • Content harmful to LinkedIn or its members. Ads must not promote or endorse any products, services, or activities that violate LinkedIn's User Agreement or Privacy Policy, or that may cause harm to LinkedIn or its users.
  • Fair and Lawful Billing Practices. Any products or services you promote in your ads must be subject to fair billing practices and comply with the law.
  • Malicious software and browser. Use ads to advertise, install, or distribute viruses, worms, spyware, malware, and other malicious software. Software must be installed with the permission of the user and can be easily deleted by users. The functions and functions that can harm users or damage data, software, and devices are not hidden. Do not install software using browser disorders and attacks or avoid standard software security restrictions.
  • Do not use advertising that deceives fishing users and advertise websites that provide personal data or other information.
  • HTTPS and HTTP support. If you collect confidential data on a site linked to the ad, you need to use HTTPS. Final (Sensitive) information includes financial information, governmen t-issued identification data, identifiers such as user names and passwords, information about minors and students, and subtletical data to be defined below. , Not limited to these.
  • Machine (sensitivation) data. Political or opinion, health data (including medical information and consumer health data), religious or philosophical affiliation, crime history, or guilty or convicted facts. It is not possible to advertise based on subtile data or categories, including the orientation, subscription to the union or income. < SPAN> Malicious software and browser. Use ads to advertise, install, or distribute viruses, worms, spyware, malware, and other malicious software. Software must be installed with the permission of the user and can be easily deleted by users. The functions and functions that can harm users or damage data, software, and devices are not hidden. Do not install software using browser disorders and attacks or avoid standard software security restrictions.
  • Do not use advertising that deceives fishing users and advertise websites that provide personal data or other information.
  • HTTPS and HTTP support. If you collect confidential data on a site linked to the ad, you need to use HTTPS. Final (Sensitive) information includes financial information, governmen t-issued identification data, identifiers such as user names and passwords, information about minors and students, and subtletical data to be defined below. , Not limited to these.
  • Machine (sensitivation) data. Political or opinion, health data (including medical information and consumer health data), religious or philosophical affiliation, crime history, or guilty or convicted facts. It is not possible to advertise based on subtile data or categories, including the orientation, subscription to the union or income. Malicious software and browser. Use ads to advertise, install, or distribute viruses, worms, spyware, malware, and other malicious software. Software must be installed with the permission of the user and can be easily deleted by users. The functions and functions that can harm users or damage data, software, and devices are not hidden. Do not install software using browser disorders and attacks or avoid standard software security restrictions.
  • Do not use advertising that deceives fishing users and advertise websites that provide personal data or other information.
  • HTTPS and HTTP support. If you collect confidential data on a site linked to the ad, you need to use HTTPS. Final (Sensitive) information includes financial information, governmen t-issued identification data, identifiers such as user names and passwords, information about minors and students, and subtletical data to be defined below. , Not limited to these.
  • Machine (sensitivation) data. Political or opinion, health data (including medical information and consumer health data), religious or philosophical affiliation, crime history, or guilty or convicted facts. It is not possible to advertise based on subtile data or categories, including the orientation, subscription to the union or income.
  • In any case of the link, do not use links that misunderstand or confuse members who clicked on the ad, or links that harm members. The advertising URL domain must match the domain of the linked URL. When you click on the ad, all members must be guided to the same homepage as the same destination URL. Do not guide members to the landing page that generates a dialog window. On the landing page, the user must leave the page, such as returning to the page where the advertisement is displayed using the "Return" button on the browser.
  • Secret obligation. Advertisers are responsible for complying with the current laws related to confidentiality and data. Not notify the user and not use a cookie to track the user from the site to the site without consent (for example, refrain from using "zombie" and "Ever cookies").
  • Use the Linkedin mark. It is allowed to use "search by linkedin" according to the Linkedin brand rules, but do not mention "Linkedin" or Linkedin (company, brand, or site) in other advertisements. 。 Do not suggest a partnership with Linkedin or a commercial recommendation by Linkedin.
  • Appropriate expression. In advertising, use the appropriate words for experts and students.
  • Contact details and standard textbooks. Check the spells and grammar of ads. Use the standard uppercase lowercase rules. Except for valid initial words, do not write complete words in uppercase. Use standard punctuation rules. Do not use multiple punctuation continuously or use multiple exclamation marks at once. Do not distort the standard meaning of symbols (eg,*and@). Do not replace the text with a symbol (for example, "CL! Quez"). Emoticon, animation . gif, unrelated hashtags are not used for ads. Do not repeat the same phrase or sentence over and over in the advertisement. You can publish one link, e-mail address or one phone number.
  • Compatible language. Linkedin allows you to post ads only in supported languages. < SPAN> Links do not use links that misunderstand or confuse the members who clicked on the ad, or links that harm members. The advertising URL domain must match the domain of the linked URL. When you click on the ad, all members must be guided to the same homepage as the same destination URL. Do not guide members to the landing page that generates a dialog window. On the landing page, the user must leave the page, such as returning to the page where the advertisement is displayed using the "Return" button on the browser.
  • Secret obligation. Advertisers are responsible for complying with the current laws related to confidentiality and data. Not notify the user and not use a cookie to track the user from the site to the site without consent (for example, refrain from using "zombie" and "Ever cookies").
  • Use the Linkedin mark. It is allowed to use "search by linkedin" according to the Linkedin brand rules, but do not mention "Linkedin" or Linkedin (company, brand, or site) in other advertisements. 。 Do not suggest a partnership with Linkedin or a commercial recommendation by Linkedin.
  • Appropriate expression. In advertising, use the appropriate words for experts and students.
  • Contact details and standard textbooks. Check the spells and grammar of ads. Use the standard uppercase lowercase rules. Except for valid initial words, do not write complete words in uppercase. Use standard punctuation rules. Do not use multiple punctuation continuously or use multiple exclamation marks at once. Do not distort the standard meaning of symbols (eg,*and@). Do not replace the text with a symbol (for example, "CL! Quez"). Emoticon, animation . gif, unrelated hashtags are not used for ads. Do not repeat the same phrase or sentence over and over in the advertisement. You can publish one link, e-mail address or one phone number.
  • Compatible language. Linkedin allows you to post ads only in supported languages. In any case of the link, do not use links that misunderstand or confuse members who clicked on the ad, or links that harm members. The advertising URL domain must match the domain of the linked URL. When you click on the ad, all members must be guided to the same homepage as the same destination URL. Do not guide members to the landing page that generates a dialog window. On the landing page, the user must leave the page, such as returning to the page where the advertisement is displayed using the "Return" button on the browser.
  • Secret obligation. Advertisers are responsible for complying with the current laws related to confidentiality and data. Not notify the user and not use a cookie to track the user from the site to the site without consent (for example, refrain from using "zombie" and "Ever cookies").
  • Use the Linkedin mark. It is allowed to use "search by linkedin" according to the Linkedin brand rules, but do not mention "Linkedin" or Linkedin (company, brand, or site) in other advertisements. 。 Do not suggest a partnership with Linkedin or a commercial recommendation by Linkedin.
  • Appropriate expression. In advertising, use the appropriate words for experts and students.
  • Contact details and standard textbooks. Check the spells and grammar of ads. Use the standard uppercase lowercase rules. Except for valid initial words, do not write complete words in uppercase. Use standard punctuation rules. Do not use multiple punctuation continuously or use multiple exclamation marks at once. Do not distort the standard meaning of symbols (eg,*and@). Do not replace the text with a symbol (for example, "CL! Quez"). Emoticon, animation . gif, unrelated hashtags are not used for ads. Do not repeat the same phrase or sentence over and over in the advertisement. You can publish one link, e-mail address or one phone number.
  • Compatible language. Linkedin allows you to post ads only in supported languages.
  • Local legal proceedings. Advertisers must understand and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, industry codes and rules, including local legal and regulatory requirements. For example, advertisers in the UK must comply with the Advertising Standards Authority's CAP Code.
  • We reserve the right to reject, accept or remove ads for any reason, in our sole discretion, including in response to user feedback. We may suspend or terminate the accounts of businesses or individuals who repeatedly violate our advertising policies or other terms.
  • We update our policies periodically, so please check back from time to time. We reserve the right to change our advertising policies at any time without notice.
  • We may run test advertising campaigns.
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Règlementations, restrictions et interdictions : où en est-on dans le monde de la publicité ?

Guest Settings

Community Guidelines

Quelles sont les interdictions générales en termes de publicité ?

العربية (Arabic)

Interdiction de la publicité mensongère


Interdiction de la publicité trompeuse


Interdiction de dénigrement et comparaison

Dansk (Danish)

Deutsch (German)

Quelles sont les interdictions en termes d’affichage publicitaire ?

L’affichage print et digital

Ελληνικά (Greek)

English (English)

  • Español (Spanish)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • Français (French)
  • हिंदी (Hindi)
  • Magyar (Hungarian)

Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)

  • Italiano (Italian)
  • Japanese
  • 한국어 (Korean)
  • मराठी (Marathi)
  • Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysian)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)

La publicité au sol

Norsk (Norwegian)

  • ਪੰਬੀ (Punjabi)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese

Română (Romanian)

Quelles sont les interdictions pour la publicité télévisée ?

Русский (Russian)

Des produits interdits depuis des décennies

Svenska (Swedish)

Produits pour nourrissons

త ె ల ు ు (Telugu)

ภาษาไทย (Thai)

Tabac et alcool : la loi Evin


Türkçe (Turkish)

Assouplissements et nouvelles règlementations

Українська (Ukrainian)

Pourquoi les publicités pour le cinéma et l’édition littéraire étaient interdites ?

Tiạng Viạt (Vietnamese)


Quelles sont les nouvelles règlementations ?


Quels sont les domaines comprenant le plus de restriction en termes de communication ?

L’alcool et le tabac : la loi Evin

Have you ever seen an advertisement for whiskey on TV or Marlboro at the cinema? If you answered "yes," your nose will probably be long!

Qu’est-ce que la loi Evin ?

Many products and sectors are prohibited from advertising in certain media, under the threat of criminal penalties. But don't panic. Our panda will explain the communication bans you should be aware of to make sure you are not in danger!

Quels sont les supports autorisés ?

Before that, it is important to know that the legal framework provides advertising regulations regarding messages and means of communication, as well as respect for copyright and privacy.

  • Misleading advertising, simply put, is advertising that intentionally provides one or more false statements. This can be information about the quality or characteristics of a product or service, the seller's commitment, the benefits of the product, etc.
  • Misleading advertising is different from false advertising. While misleading advertising openly discloses false information, deceptive advertising misleads consumers by providing false information. Sometimes, formulations or expressions that suggest information, product qualities, or services that do not correspond to reality can also be problematic.
  • Advertisements are prohibited from disparaging products or services, or competing brands. It's like our panda publicly proclaiming that "polar bears have rough fur"... not cool...
  • Brands may implicitly or explicitly make comparative advertisements with competitors' goods or services. However, it must not be done in a way that denigrates competitors, but must be objective and fair.
  • According to the laws introduced by the government, many places are not suitable for advertising and are therefore prohibited and cannot be used.
  • All outdoor urban facilities and shrubbery are prohibited. Examples are:
  • Trees and plantations
  • Electricity transmission and distribution poles, communication poles, public lighting facilities, etc.
  • Public facilities for road, railway, river, sea and air traffic
  • Privacy fences, cemetery and public garden fences
  • Architectural fences
  • Monuments, listed buildings and protected areas are also no-go areas for outdoor advertising. Below is a list of buildings and areas to avoid:
  • Listed buildings and buildings registered as historical monuments

Les médicaments et les produits pharmaceutiques

Quel est le rôle de l’ANSM ?

Natural monuments, designated or registered places

Within 100 meters and within the line of sight of buildings with aesthetic, historical or picturesque characteristics

Around the outstanding heritage

  • National Park, Region Nature Park, Nature Protection
  • Special protection area and special protection area
  • Ground advertisements (often composed of paint and air zole markings) are less frequently used than other types of ads. However, it is still subject to regulations. In fact, it is prohibited because it can lead to pollution and environmental deterioration:

Que peut-on communiquer dans le milieu médical et pharmaceutique ?

When it does not belong to a common urban unit or commune group in an established city area with a population of less than 10, 000.

Forest areas classified by local city planning

A region that should be protected from aesthetic or ecological interest.

Click here for details about advertising prohibition!

Even if it is a brand that sells products that are allowed by TV ads, TV spots must obtain ARPP permission. The role of Organisme de Régulation Professionnelle de La Publicité is to create and monitor the application of ethics.

The types of TV ads are really diverse. From the latest Citroen family car advertisements to the new series of Rusutsukuru Pasta and the super absorption diapers of Pampers. However, some products do not appear in audio visuals, and sometimes they are better.

Although it is rather soft, it is also banned from broadcasting products for infants. Specifically, milk for infants is 0 to 4 months old, that is, milk for 1 to 2 years old, but these are prohibited by law. Why? It is simply to not encourage breastfeeding. The advantage of breastfeeding is not completely replaced by powdered milk.

La communication des avocats

Click here for details!

Les mentions obligatoires

Have you ever seen alcohol or tobacco ads just before the 8:00 news? It doesn't seem so ...

  • Yes, alcohol and tobacco TV ads are prohibited and are managed by Evin!
  • The world of broadcasting is changing, and the law is constantly evolving. Movies and publishing television advertisements were previously forbidden. It is now allowed. < SPAN> Around the outstanding heritage
  • National Park, Region Nature Park, Nature Protection
  • Special protection area and special protection area
  • Ground advertisements (often composed of paint and air zole markings) are less frequently used than other types of ads. However, it is still subject to regulations. In fact, it is prohibited because it can lead to pollution and environmental deterioration:
  • When it does not belong to a common urban unit or commune group in an established city area with a population of less than 10, 000.
  • Forest areas classified by local city planning

Les interdits

A region that should be protected from aesthetic or ecological interest.

  • Click here for details about advertising prohibition!
  • Even if it is a brand that sells products that are allowed by TV ads, TV spots must obtain ARPP permission. The role of Organisme de Régulation Professionnelle de La Publicité is to create and monitor the application of ethics.
  • The types of TV ads are really diverse. From the latest Citroen family car advertisements to the new series of Rusutsukuru Pasta and the super absorption diapers of Pampers. However, some products do not appear in audio visuals, and sometimes they are better.
  • Although it is rather soft, it is also banned from broadcasting products for infants. Specifically, milk for infants is 0 to 4 months old, that is, milk for 1 to 2 years old, but these are prohibited by law. Why? It is simply to not encourage breastfeeding. The advantage of breastfeeding is not completely replaced by powdered milk.

Que faut-il retenir ?

Click here for details!

Have you ever seen alcohol or tobacco ads just before the 8:00 news? It doesn't seem so ...


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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