The DeCSS Haiku Slashdot

Showdown n Mssour Hghway Patrol Gamng Commsson

XUEEXUEG says: "David Touretzky posted a new DECSS art and a response to a threatening letter from MPAA. One is the most intelligent in recent months. Another magnificent haiku, including beautiful commentary, is a reply to an MPAA lawyer who clearly told Touretzky that his entire homepage was an "evasion device." "Both are wonderful works. Both are responsive. I understand that posting such things in Slash dot is just like preaching to the choir, but ultimately It seems that the possibility of speech, the freedom of reverse engineering, and the freedom to see the purchased media.

Comment 02/25 2:35 PM EST by J: CSSDESCRAMBLE () What I like is DVDCCA's own DNS server. Dig DVDCCA. ORG and make sure their DNS server is (for now) Mercury. hypersurf. com and West. mainStreet. net. Then, in order to pull out the code directly GZIP from their server, this will move on any vague shell like SH: Linux DVD is mpaa and; Dig $ dvds. z. zoy. org @mercury. Hypersurf. com; Done | Per l-ne 's/zoy .// G; Print Pack ("H224", $ 1) if (/^x ([^z]*)/)'. | Gunzip & gt; MyFile. c This trick is the ninth way to get Zoy. org's 42 Decss. You are actually requesting data that exists on the Zoy. org DNS server, but is delivered to you by the DVDCCA DNS server.

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The DeCSS Haiku More Login

The DeCSS Haiku

The following comments belong to the poster. We are not responsible for any responsibility.

Re:SOB ( Score: 1)

By Anonymous Coward wrote:

The Federal District Court ordered the following actions: (2) Link the Internet website directly or through a series of links to other Internet websites, including DECSS.

Those who link to the slash dot are also suspended. And the person who links to the slash dot is over. And so on. It's a stupid judgment.

Re:The CSS algorithm ( Score: 1)

By Anonymous Coward wrote: DVD CCA is considered to be protected by a company secret. MPAA is considered illegal by DMCA.

Re:Shut 'em Down! ( Score: 1)

By Anonymous Coward wrote:

There is no need to try to crush Zerox. Zerox is in the process of closing itself. It seems that there are too many other companies that copied a copy machine.

READ THIS ( Score: 2)

By Anonymous Coward wrote:

It is useless to spread DECSS. C. The new DVD has been changed, so this algorithm has no effect. Download the DECSSPLUS source [2600. org. au] and get a version of the brute force of the disk. That way, if you can authenticate the drive, you can decrypt the DVD. I'm sorry for the MPAA lockout.

Haiku, eh? ( Score: 2)

by Abischof (255) Wrote:

Decss is rock, but his haiku is great. MPAA is not happy.

Any programmer should care. ( Score: 1)

by Pedro Picasso (1727) Wrote:

If you are a programmer, you should be worried. If such a political battle is tired of "old", why not get the news from USA Today instead of Slashdot? If we do not fight this, computer programs are essentially a device and need to be regulated by the US government. This is not just true, and I want that my government doesn't think so. Your credit card example is better than the assassination of Judren's assassination, but there is no legal use of the provided information. It is already under the fraud prevention law. I want to maintain the right to protect my copyright, but I want to maintain the right to write content that I want to protect copyright. According to the current rules, there are code that I am not allowed to write. Recipes, plays, books, etc., which I am not allowed to write, may be so. Shameen plug:

(SourceCode == FreeSPEECH) [X- omega. com] Fight the greed of companies.

-Pedro Picasso

That's all it takes. ( Score: 1)

by Pedro Picasso (1727) Wrote:
  • Learn as much as possible about this. Keep watching the news without getting tired. This is not a DVD, but a story whether it is allowed to write your code and have copyright.
  • Donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation [Eff. org] to support the battle in court.
  • Send a handwritten letter to your parliamentary representative [Congress. org] to support the struggle in legislation by requesting dissatisfaction with this law and enacting a law to reject it.
  • Read the hacker quarterly magazine "2600" [2600. com] and support those who are fighting at the forefront. You will be asked for donations to EFF).

-Pedro Picasso

The value of getting a PH.D ( Score: 1)

by Bobalu (1921) Wrote:

This is the best reason to actually go through that crazy academic process that so many people give up on for one reason or another. As a respected professor, Dr. Turetsky can take on these creeps in court and in the media. We bastards who didn't have the patience to graduate from college should be grateful and take our hats off to this guy.

And I can't help but wonder if he's teaching birds to sing sauce. )


by MoOsEb0y ( 2177 ) wrote:

All your bases are mine. I ported DeCSS to Qbasic with the immense help of the "Plain English" version of DeCSS (I had no idea that & gt;& gt; shr and ^ meant XOR etc.). Anyway, here it is: http://mooseb0y. net/css. bas [mooseb0y. net] Toodles, MoOsEb0y

Epic Poem ( Score: 1)

by seppy ( 2431 ) wrote:

Given that a haiku is three lines long, it's definitely not a haiku. Given that a haiku is three lines long, it's definitely not a haiku. Bryan Sepanen, Minister of Information and Propaganda

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

by Jonathan ( 5011 ) wrote:

How do we know it's not undercover cops destroying property to discredit protesters?

Because that's what the "astronauts" do when they're not flying around pretending to be in space on secret NASA sound stages. When necessary, black helicopters take them to riot areas.

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

by Jonathan ( 5011 ) wrote:

Why must our protests be threatening to ordinary citizens?

Because if you want your cause to succeed, isn't it actually helpful to *inspire* support for your cause? Terrorists and insurgents only harm their own cause.

Re:Remember that other DeCSS? ( Score: 1)

by armb ( 5151 ) wrote:

They said, under penalty of perjury, "We got information." If they got false information, but genuinely believed it to be accurate, does that mean they're not committing perjury?

Beautiful? ( Score: 3)

by Orp ( 6583 ) wrote:Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 ) Homepage

Re:I like this guy ( Score: 2)

Reading that page gives me a headache.

by Ian Schmidt ( 6899 ) wrote:

Re:heh. ( Score: 3)

It doesn't take much effort to make fun of Scientologists (they more or less do it for you), but being picketed without being there is a real victory :)by m0nkyman ( 7101 ) wrotes:

Sunday, February 25, 2001 @12:03PM ( #404260)

I've done something a little like this ( Score: 1)

Homepage Diary

But our protests must be intelligent and wel l-thought about, and above all, they must not threaten the general public who should be on your side. It is simply counterproductive for a tattooed mob breaking a window glass or attacking a police officer to send a message opposing corporateism. I would like to pay tribute to Dr. Turetsky. Why do our protests threaten the general public! ? I don't care as much as the general citizens agree with my opinion. Even if it is unpopular, if you are doing something within our rights, it is still within our rights. [Quiet story] My loyalty is closer to tattooed mobs than "general citizens". For the past 15 years, I have been involved in various "riots", but I have never seen a demonstration participant spontaneously attacking police or property. In every example, the police met the problems by hard means. [The biggest problem of attitude that you seem to have is that if all of us are moderate and not wel l-behaved, it will not be effective. Discussions are always defined by extreme ones. The streets of the streets draw the center of the discussion into their position, thereby, people like Turechiy look modest. If the extremists are not radical, it is easier to silence him like him. Walk quietly and have a big stick

by Ford Prefect (8777) Wrote:

For the new students of the university, I designed a flyer for Computer Society [Man. ac. uk] with old Atari ST (by the way, Papyrus and NVDI 4 are running). The flyer seemed to be unusual, but the background was lined with a large amount of faint gray 1 and 0, which were grouped into 8-bit bytes. These, of course, configured the most important features of the DECSS code. It's difficult to read, but everything was there.

Hundreds of flyers were made and distributed at a new student fair. Most of it would have been thrown away, but somewhere, a leaflet with a secret of DECSS, while being forgotten, should be lost in other documents. -)

Amazing reply :) ( Score: 1)

Some numbers are hidden, but if you look at other flyers in the same background, you'll see what it is.

By the way, all original 300dpi gifs were created in Atari ST. )

Remeniscent of Faranheit 451 ( Score: 2)

by RKT (9943) Wrote:

But this less is interesting. I have never seen such a gallery. amazing.

by Freeuser (11483) Wrote:

If you say most of my life as a person who has read science fiction, it seems unrealistic, but only 10 or 20 years later, with a deep prediction of the world. It is unstoppable that it is found to be there.

Faran Hight 451 is a story where a "firefighter" burns books (books give people critical, but the nation does not allow it). People will memorize novels and great literary works for future generations.

Re:Legal or Not. ( Score: 2)

An ironic, a parliamentary parliament, a cheerful prostitute, one of the shady presidents, and one of the more corrupted copyright cartels (MPAA), a surprisingly short period of time. I was successful.

To memorize the DECSS algorithm is one of the wise and effective protests I have heard so far. There is nothing we can do unless we perform Robotomy surgery or pure the right of speech in a pure form. And if they chose such direct rights, even the sheep that is crazy about the most blind and passive television, it is one of the rights of the constitution we value most. You can't notice that it is infringement.

Re:fuck off with your open source pieties ( Score: 5)

by Arivanov (12034) Wrote:Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

by Carl (12719) Wrote: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @12: 01pm ( #404265)

Re:heh. ( Score: 1)


You might want to read: What's wrong with copy protection [toad. com] Here's John Gilmore's answer to Ron Lievest's question: "If customers are willing to buy special hardware to view protected content, what's wrong with that?"

by Aphelion ( 13231 ) wrote:

Why on earth should our protests be threatening to the public?! Who cares if the public agrees with me? If we're doing something within our rights, even if it's unpopular, it's within our rights.

Re:Reverse engineering fire ( Score: 1)

Your rights are what your government tells you. One of the greatest dangers of a democracy is that the rights of the minority can be taken away by the will of the majority.

We only have the means to send our message as the public does. If we go beyond that, we're breaking the law and undermining our movement. To get the public to agree with our message, we need to present the information in a digestible form. Dr. Turetsky understands this well and does it well.

Re:Reverse engineering fire ( Score: 1)

Your rights are what your government tells you. One of the greatest dangers of a democracy is that the rights of the minority can be taken away by the will of the majority.

Fire happens naturally in the real world. Code doesn't. I don't think reverse engineering should be illegal, but your analogy doesn't make any sense.

Re:I like this guy ( Score: 1)

by cronio ( 13526 ) wrote: It's not a code, it's just a pattern. Just like a language. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it's a code.

Re:I like this guy ( Score: 1)

by cronio ( 13526 ) wrote: Hmm, I really need to hit them up in a semi-public way. This looks fun.

I like this guy ( Score: 4)

by grappler ( 14976 ) writes:Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

by grappler ( 14976 ) wrotees:

Re:Triumphant? ( Score: 2)

Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:51AM ( #404271 )


Re:Triumphant? ( Score: 3)

Check out this guy's other work. There's a section that mocks Scientologists (and of course they're threatened). They even picketed his office one day.Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

Frankly, I'd rather see the courts avoid the First Amendment altogether in favor of deciding what copyright actually applies to and what it doesn't apply to, such as ruling that copyright on something doesn't apply to discussions or descriptions of that thing that don't copy it, or that you can't use technological means to deny people the right to use material to which they are legally entitled under copyright law.

Remember that other DeCSS? ( Score: 5)

by Todd Knarr ( 15451 ) wrote:Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )


I don't know about the triumphal. I think what he is doing is to go through the legal circles we have created. He says, "DMCA says that the notification must include this information, so please provide specified information individually for each of the URLs you want to delete." If they do not follow them and push them, you simply notify them, as they are in court and that they are exactly the law they are trying to use for you. If you just did not, you could protect. More importantly, by giving the other person in writing the reason in writing, the other person will not be able to rewrite the demands of the ad herself many times, making it easier to refute the reason. You can also refute your opponent in your own words, just as he has taken out academic research and magazine aspects. For example, if a group has not made an agreement to do not discuss NDA or other discussions, the judge may be affected if it is trying to forcibly try not to publish a study.

by Hesperus (16733) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @12: 16pm ( #404274)


More historical quotes ( Score: 3)

Some people may remember that Bad of Pigdog. org wrote an interesting small program to remove cascading style sheets from the HTML page last February.Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

For a while, MPAA seemed to ignore this different DECSS, but it seems to have finally been feeding:

http://www. pigdog. org/auto/software_jihad/link/19 9. html [pigdog. org]

by Shambler Snack (17630) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @10: 32AM ( #404275)

undercover cops ( Score: 2)


The power of the press is very large, but the power of repression is not as large. Lord North Cliff

To those who believe in mirroring

A DeCSS Virus. How many charges would that be? ( Score: 2)

The more police officers who control their thoughts, the more they need to be multiplexed. Staniswaf Leck

by CPETERSO (19082) Wrote:

Shut 'em Down! ( Score: 2)

The FBI must have paid a large amount of rewards to young infiltrations to make his face a pepper spray.

Without a demonstration, the police would not be able to play with expensive guns, and at worst, some may lose their jobs. The peaceful world is not the interest of the police.

by ntsucks (22132) Wrote:

If you write an Outlook virus that drops a copy of the DECSS source into all machines, how much lawsuit will you collect and how much guilty?

Re:Remember that other DeCSS? ( Score: 1)

by karot (26201) Wrote:

In other words, MPAA wants to "close" because DECSS believes that he allows copying of the work.

DeCSS as a part of my Master Thesis ( Score: 5)

RIAA is trying to close the napstar, believing that the napstar is a copy of the m0nkyman ( 7101 ) wrotes:

by Mwa (26272) Wrote:

This is wonderful! MPAA lawyers filed a wrong decss based on perjury. If we could drive many lawyers to the qualifications, there will be no lawyers working for MPAA!

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

by Villoks (27306) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 10:31 am ( #404280)

Homepage journal

Re:Offtopic: DeCSS-related words people get confus ( Score: 2)

As a method of protesting MPAA's recent actions against Dr. David Touretzky, the source code of the Derek Fawcus version CSS-DESCRAMBLER was attached as a master's thesis appendix. (The title of my paper is "legal protection of computer software", so it is really relevant). Of course, David Touretzky's Gallery of CSS Descramblers has been quoted several times. The printed version will be placed in the Library of the Helsinki Faculty of Law, but unfortunately there is only Finnish version. In any case, DECSS should be completely legal in Europe unless a new copyright order has been enforced (Decomplation is a "fair youth" and cannot be denied by license).

My DECSS archive

by Remande (31154) Wrote:

You know the drill now folks. ( Score: 5)

It's a good idea to see a ston e-headed person trying to confront such a powerful way. I'm also happy to see a similar school. Dr. Turechiy is not taking legal risk, but his employer has posted it on his school website. This does not neglect Dr. Turechiy, not just the educational institution stands up for the right thing and not just closes Dr. Turechiy. This is even cooler.By platinum dragon (34829) wrote: Is the DVD of Regionless and CSS less possible in the current format?

Offtopic: DeCSS-related words people get confused ( Score: 5)

yes. I think some anime DVDs are regional lessons, and the 2600 will release the free dam downtime on the regionless region, probably CS S-less DVD.By platinum dragon (34829) wrote:


Download [24. 42. 105. 140], may be used for watching movies on Miller, Linux and BSD [CJB. NET].

by Platinum Dragon (34829) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09: 43am ( #404284)


MPAA: Motion Picture Association of America (Motion Picture Association of America) is an organization that is angry that someone has implemented a CSS decrypt algorithm without permission.

RIAA: American Records Association, Napstar, some bootleg and live traders, armed for millions of people :)

Divx: Failed DVD format promoted by Circuit City and Thomson Electronics. Vanilla DVD was overwhelmingly popular and disappeared in just over a year.

The CSS algorithm ( Score: 5)

Divx ;-): MPEG-4-based movie codecs are said to have been developed by hacking MPEG-4 implementation of Microsoft.By platinum dragon (34829) wrote:

Patent Law: A legal system that deals with exclusive rights to the invention.

If you make a mistake, please do not hesitate to correct them.

by Platinum Dragon (34829) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09: 55am ( #404285)


Re:Reverse engineering fire ( Score: 1)

Just in case, for future discussions on this matter.

What does the DVD CCA claim to protect the CSS algorithm? Is it a copyright, a patent, a corporate secret? Or is it a corporate secret? They are forcing players to pay a license fee for hardware and software for hardware and software. It seems that the accusation of copyright infringement on John Johansen did not solidify because no one has infringed any copyright. I remember that no one had dug an algorithm patent number. As a result, the implementation developed by MORE and Derek Focus is legal and wonderful unless the algorithm is leaked by someone under the NDA. According to the story, several keys were openly discovered in XING's DVD software players, and the whole algorithm was determined. If it's a complete steering, if someone under the NDA does not do what you should do, you really don't know where the CCA comes.

Oh, DMCA's 1201 (A) (1). You can copy the DVD even if you enable "Access Control Determining" CSS. It seems that interoperability is not subject to defense. I thought that there was a regulation of a reverse engineering in order to enable a media on a platform that was not supported by the vendor, but in the first lawsuit for 2600 and others, Judge Capran was the one. I remember rejected the protection.

Hmm. I started with a question and came up with half the answer. Does anyone know the complete answer? Is Article 1201 (a) (1) the only club that CCA can be used for DECSS holders and users?

RMSGROG ( Score: 1)

Just in case, for future discussions on this matter.

Cryptography is different.

Hmm. I started with a question and came up with half the answer. Does anyone know the complete answer? Is Article 1201 (a) (1) the only club that CCA can be used for DECSS holders and users?

Re:Reverse engineering fire ( Score: 2)

Just in case, for future discussions on this matter.

by gimpboy (34912) Wrote:

RMSGrog wants you to call a file under the official name of GNU/Fire. RMSGrog first created a cave because it was to make it replacement of its professional prior grass. GNU/Fire would not be useful without a cave grass or other cave products (such as cave meat, cave woman, cave stove, etc.). Thank you, rmsGrog. Now, RMSGrog has to find the Capslock key.

Hmm. I started with a question and came up with half the answer. Does anyone know the complete answer? Is Article 1201 (a) (1) the only club that CCA can be used for DECSS holders and users?

For the last time. ( Score: 2)

by gimpboy (34912) Wrote:

It may be argued that trying to understand nature is to decipher the hidden secrets of nature and to avoid copying protect imposed by God.

Returning to the original contributor's comments, encryption is found in nature. Scientific fields are dedicated to deciphering those secrets in order to be able to manipulate nature.

Are you using LaTex?

by TBO (35008) Wrote:

You can copy a DVD without DECSS, but it doesn't help you. DVD-RAM drives for consumer can not copy DVDs protected by CSS on a bit of bits. The DVD-RAM disk has an area that cannot be written on the DVD-RAM drive, which is required for DVDs protected by CSS. A professional DVD writer is required to actually copy a bit, but this is not widely available.

Re:For the last time. (Copying DVDs) ( Score: 2)

by gimpboy (34912) Wrote:

In other words, DECSS is a device / algorithm that enables DVD illegal copying and can sacrifice access control mechanisms. In addition, such a form of copyright infringement has the potential to reduce the commercial value of protected works protected by CSS. When broadband access becomes common, the illegal copy of the movie may begin to occur in the form of a "knapstar." This hinders the ability of movie companies to sell content on the Internet o n-demand.

MPAA is not as stupid as we think. They know that they must stop it now to avoid future problems. They are already experimenting on selling content online. They are learning from Riaa's failure.

Re:For the last time. ( Score: 2)

DECSS has a legal use (such as creating a Linux DVD player). We should not lie that DECSS is not used for pirate acts.

by TBO (35008) Wrote:

Unless you have a hacked player or other DECSS programs that decrypt software, you cannot copy and play CSS protected DVDs.

Re:For the last time. ( Score: 2)

DECSS has a legal use (such as creating a Linux DVD player). We should not lie that DECSS is not used for pirate acts.

by MPE (36238) WROTE:

You can copy a DVD without DECSS, but it doesn't help you. DVD-RAM drives for consumer can not copy DVDs protected by CSS in bits.

Re:For the last time. (Copying DVDs) ( Score: 2)

DECSS has a legal use (such as creating a Linux DVD player). We should not lie that DECSS is not used for pirate acts.

by MPE (36238) WROTE:

A mediu m-sized and larg e-scale pirate has a machine that can copy DVDs in bits, and as soon as the format is on the market (probably before that)

Re:the 411 on "all your base are belong to us" ( Score: 2)

DECSS has a legal use (such as creating a Linux DVD player). We should not lie that DECSS is not used for pirate acts.

by MPE (36238) WROTE:

Unless you have a hacked player or other DECSS programs that decrypt software, you cannot copy and play CSS protected DVDs.

If I. ( Score: 2)

If you are active in some commercial method, you may be more likely to access relevant copy devices.

by MPE (36238) WROTE:

People that memorize --- ( Score: 5)

This is from an old NES game translated from Japanese to English. *terrible*.

It looks like a mechanical translation. I guess it was translated by a person with a phrasebook.

by MacDaddy (38372) Wrote:

Re:Haiku, eh? ( Score: 2)

Is my heart a avoidance device that memorizes . decss? If the answer is Jesus, when will we apply to the court for a constitutional amendment to protect our "freedom to think?" -

& gt; & gt; Touretzky told him that his whole homepage was an "evasion device."

So, isn't the person who memorizes the entire DeCSS source a circumvention in itself? Touretzky's site has more than just DeCSS. Just as the person who memorizes the code has more than just DeCSS in their head.

Re: All Haikus Go Under Here. ( Score: 2)

This is scary. The MPAA will do a lobotomy to get rid of the memorized code---oh wait, that's what Battlefield Earth is for. Who would be interested in a crappy sci-fi movie? The same people who memorize the DeCSS source! Now that makes sense!) by johnathan ( 44958 ) wrote:

Depending on the pronunciation of pissed or pleased.

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

This is scary. The MPAA will do a lobotomy to get rid of the memorized code---oh wait, that's what Battlefield Earth is for. Who would be interested in a crappy sci-fi movie? The same people who memorize the DeCSS source! Now that makes sense!)

by Mr. Slippery ( 47854 ) wrote:

All your bases are ours.

Re:Reverse engineering fire ( Score: 2)

All your movies (DVD format) are ours. (Sorry.) Tom Swiss | Infamous tms | http://www. infamous. net/

by Mr. Slippery ( 47854 ) wrote:

But our protests must be intelligent, well thought out, and above all, not intimidating to the public we are supposedly trying to win over. Tattooed mobs smashing windows and attacking police to "send a message against corporatism" are simply counterproductive.

That's why corporate media focuses on the few 4m3rs who smash windows and riot, and doesn't showcase the more rational and articulate voices of protest. "Do you see how these activists are a threat to your cherished American values? They're bad people. But don't be afraid. "We need your help. We need your help. Freedom of speech" is not what you need to talk about watching "Temptation Island" with your corporate buddies. You don't need to be able to reverse engineer to know how to operate the remote. "So don't worry! So don't worry! Sit back and watch a 12 hour Survivor marathon! "The megacorporations are your friends. Trust the Legion. Tom Swiss | Infamous TMS | http://www. infamous. net/

by ErikZ ( 55491 ) wrote:

Re:Haiku, eh? ( Score: 2)

Natural Camouflage By changing the light reflected by colored fur, scales, and skin, predators are unable to separate the image of their prey from background noise.

Here is a letter that I sent to my congressman ( Score: 5)

Certain flowers shine brightly with ultraviolet spectrum, so that only the insects that can see the spectrum are noticeable from the background m0nkyman ( 7101 ) wrotes:

by bnenning (58349) Wrote:

There are six syndrome in the last line. Please replace it with "MPAA PISSED".

by sconeu (64226) Writes: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @01: 08pm ( #404307)

Homepage Diary

This is a letter sent to Brad Sherman ( D-Shaman Oaks). I don't think anything will happen from this letter, but at least I said something.

Dear Sherman, a member of parliament,

I was able to meet you at the Jewish temple on the night of February 23, 2001. I was a man with two young girls sitting behind you.

As you may have remembered, we took this opportunity to discuss the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and patent reform. The time was short, so you may not have been able to understand enough.

It is discouraged by the fact that the Ministry of Justice has submitted a preparation document for Eric Corie (see link referral http://cryptome. org/mpaa-v-2600-usa. htm), including Universal City Studios. I will express. This is a matter of freedom of speech, and the government should submit it for defendants, not the plaintiff.

Basically, Colly has released a program called "DECSS" on his website. The American Film Association succeeded in filing a complaint based on DMCA to delete this as a detour of access control. However, MPAA often calls the DVD movie content scramble system (CSS) "copy protect" and is trying to protect the copyright of the movie.

I have no objection to the copyright holders protect their interests-that we will discuss them on another occasion-, but in this situation they use hammer to hit the flies. It is out of target (if you can forgive confused metaphors).

Basically, CSS does the scramble on the digital data of the DVD so that it cannot be read without applying a desk. MPAA argues that this is to prevent copy. However, the DVD is only a series of 1 and 0, and there is only the meaning given by interpretation in 1 and 0.

Think of a book written in Swedish. I can't read the Swedish-English dictionary because I can't read Swedish. But you can copy the book mechanically or by hand. Similarly, DVDs can be copied without interpreting 1 and 0 that make up data on the disk.

Re:Haiku, eh? ( Score: 2)

DECSS is a program that descends the CSS code on the disk. It's like a Swedish and English dictionary. DECSS enables the*fair youth*of the DVD I purchased, and based on the principle of pr e-sale, MPAA, what I can do on that DVD, or what I do. I have no right to tell me if I can't.

& gt; & gt; Touretzky told him that his whole homepage was an "evasion device."

Facilitating Devices vs. Illegal Actions ( Score: 2)

As a voter with voting rights, please ask the administrative authorities to get out of this lawsuit.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Triumphant? ( Score: 2)

by Mikebabcock (65886) Wrote:

Pissed and PLEASANT pronunciation (both may sound like a single syllable word).

by VFVTHUNTER (66253) WROTE: < SPAN> Let's think about a book written in Swedish. I can't read the Swedish-English dictionary because I can't read Swedish. But you can copy the book mechanically or by hand. Similarly, DVDs can be copied without interpreting 1 and 0 that make up data on the disk.

Re:The CSS algorithm ( Score: 2)

DECSS is a program that descends the CSS code on the disk. It's like a Swedish and English dictionary. DECSS enables the*fair youth*of the DVD I purchased, and based on the principle of pr e-sale, MPAA, what I can do on that DVD, or what I do. I have no right to tell me if I can't.

Now, let's return to the main subject. I am disappointed and discouraged by the Ministry of Justice's intervention in this matter. The lower instance ruling is wrong, and I think it's unconstitutional to try to restrain the freedom of speech.

As a voter with voting rights, please ask the administrative authorities to get out of this lawsuit.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

by Mikebabcock (65886) Wrote:

It's not classical Haiku :-) ( Score: 3)

Pissed and PLEASANT pronunciation (both may sound like a single syllable word).By platinum dragon (34829) wrote:

DECSS is a program that descends the CSS code on the disk. It's like a Swedish and English dictionary. DECSS enables the*fair youth*of the DVD I purchased, and based on the principle of pr e-sale, MPAA, what I can do on that DVD, or what I do. I have no right to tell me if I can't.

Now, let's return to the main subject. I am disappointed and discouraged by the Ministry of Justice's intervention in this matter. The lower instance ruling is wrong, and I think it's unconstitutional to try to restrain the freedom of speech.

As a voter with voting rights, please ask the administrative authorities to get out of this lawsuit.

Re:The CSS algorithm ( Score: 5)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

by Mikebabcock (65886) Wrote:

Pissed and PLEASANT pronunciation (both may sound like a single syllable word).

by VFVTHUNTER (66253) Wrote:

sound slike a joke ( Score: 2)

It is legal to own a gun, but shooting a person is not legal. Guns have legitimate use, such as hunting and sel f-defense. However, killing someone using a gun is illegal because it is not a fair use. Similarly, we have a DECSS program. Most of us here use Linux and want to watch movies on your favorite operating system using DECSS. We legally purchase DVD-ROM drive and be happy to buy DVD movies. The DECSS program is a device that makes it easier to watch these movies on the computers we have purchased legally. In your home privacy, you should be able to handle what you get legally as you like. However, the debate stops as a matter of course when you start illegally copying or uploaded to the Internet. However, just saying that my computer has Decss does not necessarily infringe the copyright of the purchased thing. Under our constitution, it is legal to do what I like using what I own at home. This protection stops when I use it to do something illegal. In our land, people are innocent until guilty is proven. However, the current ruling on the DECSS case implies the conviction. In other words, having this software automatically used for illegal purposes. There are people who want to use DECSS for legal purposes, and those who use it for illegal purposes have to be able to make a trial one by one so that the murderer is caught one by one. I just hope the judicial system will notice someday. The constitution is assumed that it protects my privacy rights and is innocent until the guilty is proven. The DECSS ruling violates these constitutions directly.

By Dimator (71399) wrote:

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

I don't know how this man's reply email is "victory". He has not made a noticeable point. He is just "here, these URLs are" bad ". I just say. It's hard to say it's painful.

I'm glad he's fighting, but this is an unreasonable reaction.

Police 'defect'. ( Score: 2)

by gbnewby (74175) Wrote:

NY's lawsuit for 2600 is based on DMCA (1201, etc.) and is currently appealing in the NY appeal court.

Re:Don't get me wrong, I love this stuff, BUT. ( Score: 2)

by gbnewby (74175) Wrote:

The content on DVDs is copyrighted, but the "normal" (pre-DMCA) aspects of copyright aren't the problem. It's the new aspects of copyright that are the problem: the DMCA. The problem is that the new copyrights take away rights people once had. This is the crux of 2600's complaint.

DON'T email Mr.Nigam ( Score: 2)

by gbnewby (74175) Wrote:

by billstewart ( 78916 ) wrotes: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @02:02PM ( #404316 )

Start your own port project today! ( Score: 2)


Haiku is not just three lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables. Classically, it is said to have something reminiscent of nature or the seasons. Also, the first stanza of a long haiku is 5, 7, 5, but it was common for people to add a set of 7, 5 after the first 5-7-5, and build a shared composition according to the original theme.

Re:DeCSS as a part of my Master Thesis ( Score: 3)

D E C S S No decryption in winter or I'll sue you I was told I can't watch it because of the region code from Finland Don't watch cherry blossoms in spring Don't watch anime Golden forest trees No Chinese movies Disney movies Watch commercials in summerSunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

by ArtDent ( 83554 ) wrote: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @10:35AM ( #404317)

ready for the big question? ( Score: 2)

Ah, section 1201(a)(1) of the DMCA. "Circumvention of Access Controls." You can still copy DVDs with CSS enabled. Interoperability is apparently not a defense. I thought there was some provision for reverse engineering something to make some media available on a platform the vendor doesn't support, but I remember Judge Kaplan rejecting that defense in the first case between 2600 and other vendors. Actually, you came up with all the answers. Three years ago DeCSS was perfectly legal. It just took a little lobbying (read "money") from the MPAA to make it a crime to access purchased information. The exemption you refer to is what makes it possible.

Anyone who lawfully acquires the right to use a copy of a computer program may circumvent technological measures that effectively control access to specific portions of that program for the sole purpose of identifying and analyzing elements of the program that are necessary to effect interoperability of the independently created computer program with other programs and that were not previously readily available to those engaging in the circumvention.

In other words, Judge Kaplan's ruling allows circumvention for the purpose of enabling interoperability between two programs, but not between one program and one storage medium. Narrow exception? Yes, it does!

get a tattoo ( Score: 2)

by FattMattP ( 86246 ) wrote:

It's really hard to take a letter from a dial-up PacBell email address seriously. MPAA23@pacbell. net? Who cares. Give me a break. The MPAA spends all that money and doesn't even have its own domain name to send email from. It's a hoax.

Awesome. ( Score: 3)

by Fnkmaster ( 89084 ) wrote:Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

by Crucini (98210) Wrote:

uhhhh ( Score: 2)

Work stress can form that person. Have you ever heard that a system administrator wants to throw a sex change server from the window for the "murder" rant of this police officer? A Catholic police officer has once said that he would like to fight for Christianity, even though the Crusade would be back. This statement may be frowned in today's culture, but I think he really wanted to say that the enemy was clearly defined. That way, you will be released a lot from the reality of the police.

By Crucini (98210) wrote: < SPAN> If we are doing something within the range of rights, even if it is unpopular, it is within our rights. Bad, but destroying others' property is not within the right range. Whether the owner is an individual, a profitable organization, a company, a joint company, a LLC, a sole proprietor. Someone worked hard and put the building, store or something there. Destroy it is out of the right range. Now, not all we should give in for the company. I just want you to talk honestly about what the right to do and what the right to do. Furthermore, the excuse of police provocation may be sometimes true, but it does not be an excuse to destroy or riot of others. If you are beaten by a police officer, hit your head. But just because a police officer beats his head, he doesn't burn a poor person's car. If you get involved in enthusiastic mob behavior, you will only become a believer in the unwilling crowd. I think it's completely unpleasant, whatever the riot of the mobs, and I think it's strongly deflected.

by Crucini (98210) Wrote:

READ THE LINKS ( Score: 2)

Work stress can form that person. Have you ever heard that a system administrator wants to throw a sex change server from the window for the "murder" rant of this police officer? A Catholic police officer has once said that he would like to fight for Christianity, even though the Crusade would be back. This statement may be frowned in today's culture, but I think he really wanted to say that the enemy was clearly defined. That way, you will be released a lot from the reality of the police.

By Crucini (98210) wrote: I'll ask. If we are doing something within the range of rights, even if it is unpopular, it is within our rights. Bad, but destroying others' property is not within the right range. Whether the owner is an individual, a profitable organization, a company, a joint company, a LLC, a sole proprietor. Someone worked hard and put the building, store or something there. Destroy it is out of the right range. Now, not all we should give in for the company. I just want you to talk honestly about what the right to do and what the right to do. Furthermore, the excuse of police provocation may be sometimes true, but it does not be an excuse to destroy or riot of others. If you are beaten by a police officer, hit your head. But just because a police officer beats his head, he doesn't burn a poor person's car. If you get involved in enthusiastic mob behavior, you will only become a believer in the unwilling crowd. I think it's completely unpleasant, whatever the riot of the mobs, and I think it's strongly deflected.

by Crucini (98210) Wrote:

That new compiler. ( Score: 2)

Work stress can form that person. Have you ever heard that a system administrator wants to throw a sex change server from the window for the "murder" rant of this police officer? A Catholic police officer has once said that he would like to fight for Christianity, even though the Crusade would be back. This statement may be frowned in today's culture, but I think he really wanted to say that the enemy was clearly defined. That way, you will be released a lot from the reality of the police.

By Crucini (98210) wrote:

But you miss the important points. The reason that many people are willing to accept the suppression of the source code is that they do not see it as speech. The average reporter is not skilled in technology and only sees DECSS as a bunch of greasy mechanical parts used by the destroyers. But if the MPAA was killing critical speech, the average reporter would be resentful. The various translations of DECSS by Touretzky have helped to draw the source code into the speech area. The US Establish (media / parliament / judge) supports the basic rights of the people. When they can't follow those rights, they often don't understand the situation. If MPAA succeeded in suppressing all the expressions of Touretzky, this would be interesting for the system.

By Crucini (98210) wrote:

MPAA confesses perjury . ( Score: 5)

First of all, Nigam is probably a fictional name that MPAA's lawyer has made. If Nigam is real, he is probably an intern or paralegal that has been named on the PERL script that automatically generates such a letter. That way, the part of the perjury does not hurt a real lawyer. Did you say Perl? VisualBasic. Second, mpaa23@pacbell. net is obviously a discarded account. MPAA wants to keep DECSS as dangerous and unscrupulous, and wants to keep a distance from them. If you want a real email, it must be in mpaa. org or Proskauer. com. Now, if you're a really disgusting guy, you'll abuse the open relay and start sending a fake takedown letter from Nigam to many ISPs for many websites. This is not recommended. Anyway, if you really want to put sand in these people's gears, start by understanding that they are different from you! They are not living on the Internet. Email is not important for them. They live in the mobile phone and fax world. If everyone faxed the DECSS banner version ...Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09:43AM ( #404258 )

There are three versions of this software. How about transplanting it to your favorite language? (psst. Don't you think it's cool to write illegal things?)

by Avij (105924) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @12: 07pm ( #404332)


Have you ever thought of publishing a master's thesis in E-Thesis [Helsinki. fi], an electronic collection of doctoral dissertations, master's papers, and license papers at the University of Helsinki? Why don't you consider publishing your master's thesis in E-Thesis [Helsinki. fi], an electronic collection such as a doctoral dissertation, master's thesis, and license paper at Helsinki University? Of course, nothing will be published.

by Lord Omlet (124579) WROTE:

Was it sent by email, fax, or mail?

Re:Beautiful ( Score: 3)

E-mail is ignored and fax is thrown away in trash. Please say that you used the latter. --Peace, Lord Omlet ICQ# 77863057

by Archiebunker (132337) Wrote:

Re:SOB ( Score: 2)

I am surprised that some weird people have not yet put a DECSS tattoo.

by Mr. Adequate (138862) Wrotes: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @09: 48AM ( #404349)



Still, it won't be bulletproof: A proper haiku must incorporate some seasonal words. (Of course, it is strange that Valenti tries to disable the protection of fair use for this reason, but there is nothing more humorous as calling DECSS as a pirated tool).

by Nomadic (141991) Wrote:

Re:For the last time. ( Score: 2)

I understand that posting such a thing to a slash dot is just preaching to the choir.

All Slash dot posts are preaching to the choir. -

Interdiscplinary wonders! ( Score: 5)

by I was surprised (144833) Wrote:

I know, know, sometimes I do it ... read only summaries and comments. But seriously, read the link in the article. All. Because it's so interesting. Les, especially Les, is laughing, but his own homepage, whose fragments on scientology and Amway are scattered in the course explanation, should be really seen.

The school closes the student page with care. It should be more difficult to close the professor.

My little horde ( Score: 2)

by Ave19 (149657) WROTE:

When I was checking Dr. Touretzky's testimony, I mentioned a "new compiler" in a section:

8. When the source code of C is passed to the C compiler, the 9 new C compiler GCC is a very commonly used C compiler.

heh. ( Score: 5)

Do you know where to get it? )

by zero__kelvin (151819) WROTES: Sunday, February 25, 2001 @10: 44am ( #404363)

Re:People that memorize --- ( Score: 2)


In the email sent to the CMU, MPAA writes:

Re:We the people. ( Score: 5)

DECSS avoids the contents of the DVD (consisting of a movie protected by copyright), releases scrambling, or avoiding protection by content scramble system (CSS), and/ or one of the DVDs. Software utility that allows copies of the club.

And MPAA continues:

SOB ( Score: 5)

In accordance with the DMCA, the information described in this notification is accurate, and the infringement of the infringement in this notification Here is the authority to act on behalf of the owner. The first identified paragraph is inaccurate, so they are openly admitting perjury!

Re:Facilitating Devices vs. Illegal Actions ( Score: 2)

A) DeCSS is an algorithm, not a software utility B) DVD copies do not need to descramble data by Ig0r ( 154739 ) wrote: Sun Feb 25 2001 @11:51AM ( #404367)

Re:heh. ( Score: 2)

You are not a citizen, you are a consumer. Don't forget that.

by aed ( 156746 ) wrote:

DeCSS and CD burners do the same thing. Right? ( Score: 2)

Broadcast message from aed (pts/2) Sun Feb 25 22:38:48 2001.

The Internet is down due to a system outage!


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

I saw your sig on Slashdot. DeCSS, so it was probably worth checking out. I think I remember showing to friends to show them the DeCSS haiku, but. Slashdot, one of the most sophisticated peer-produced news sites. Through groups liability in the DeCSS case could treat this footnote as an act of. · http://simon, also ~dst/DeCSS/ ·

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