The DGA s publications Spillemyndigheden

The DGA's publications

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Publications 2024

The Danish Gambling Authority regularly publishes publications on the gambling sector and its work. Read or download publications from 2024

41% of enquiries to StopSpillet come from young people under 26 (September 2024)

According to figures from the Danish Gambling Authority's StopSpillet helpline and exclusion system ROFUS (Register of Self-Excluded Players), young people under 26 are especially taking advantage of the offer.

Around 3, 000 people contacted the problem gambling helpline

Since the Danish Gambling Authority opened the StopSpillet helpline in 2019, advisors received 2, 933 enquiries. Figures show that many of the players who contact the helpline have problems with their relationship with gambling.

50, 000 Danes self-exclude from gambling (April 2024)

More and more Danes are choosing to get away from gambling. In April 2024, the number of people registered in the ROFUS (Register of Self-Gambling Exclusions) reached 50, 000. Just under two-thirds have chosen permanent exclusion.

Danes mainly gamble on Danish licensed sites (January 2024)

New survey figures on the online gambling habits of Danes show that the majority choose gambling sites licensed by the Danish Gambling Authority. In particular, the type of gambling product, winnings and bonuses influence whether players gamble on unlicensed sites.

Publications 2023

The Danish Gambling Authority regularly publishes publications about the gambling sector and its operations. Read or download publications from 2023

Many young people under 18 gambled online (November 2023)

New survey figures show that around 32, 000 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 have gambled online in the past year. In addition, an increasing number of young people are using video game skins as gaming stakes (gambling).

More and more illegal gambling sites are being blocked (August 2023)

The Danish Gambling Authority's intensive efforts against illegal gambling sites are paying off. Since 2012, 276 illegal gambling sites have been blocked, with more than half blocked in the past three years.

Danes spent an average of 2, 350 Danish kroner on gambling in 2022 (June 2023)

Danes spend less on gambling goods and services than Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. At the same time, a higher proportion of gambling in Denmark is conducted online compared to many other European countries.

Many obsessiv e-compulsive gamblers start gambling since they were young (May 2023)

Since the Denmark Gambling Agency established the helpline "StopSpillet" in 2019, the advisor has received about 2, 500 calls and chats. The trend is obvious, and most of the gambling addicts are gambling before the 25th birthday.

Forty of sel f-bankruptcy reaches 40, 000 (March 2023)

The number of Denmarks who choose to escape from gambling is increasing. In February 2023, the number of people registered with Rofus reached 40, 000. Less than tw o-thirds choose permanent exclusion.

Publications 2022

Read or download publications from 2022.

10 years after the market has been liberalized: Denmark's gambling consumption increases (September 2022)

Since the liberalization of the gambling market in 2012, the average gambling consumption of Denmarks has increased by about 7 %. This increase is due to the increase in spending to betting and online casinos. Since 2012, the Denmarks have become wealthy, so gambling spending accounts for the Denmark economy is almost the same as before liberalization.

10 years of liberalization: Denmarks prefer gambling sites with Danish license (September 2022)

In 2012, betting and online casinos were liberalized in Denmark. According to data from the Denmark Gambling Agency, the percentage of Denmark's online gambling on the licensed website is increasing. In fact, the ratio is the highest in Europe.

STOPSPILET evaluation (September 2022)

A simple evaluation for the first three years of STOPSPILLET (Hell Pline for Obsessive Gambling of Denmark Gambling Agency).

Game consol e-4000 checks led to a report to 255 police (May 2022)

Fact seats on DGA gaming machine management in 2020 and 2021

More than 30, 000 Denmarks are sel f-excluded from gambling (January 2022)

The number of Denmarks registered in the Denmark Gambling Agency's sel f-gambling exercise (Rofus) is increasing. With the latest numbers, 30, 451 people are registered with Rofus. It has also been shown that there are so many young men.

Publications 2021

Read or download publications from 2021.

Helpline of obsessiv e-compulsive gambling addiction, more inquiries from young men (March 2021)

Since Stopspillet, the Denmark Gambling Agency's help line, was opened in 2019, 1, 185 advisors have been called. As a result, it was found that most of the gambling addiction was male, and that he had begun gambling since he was young.

The number of Denmarks who excludes themselves from gambling will increase further (March 2021)

Since the establishment of the Danish Gambling Agency's sel f-gambling dependent registration (Rofus) in 2012, more and more Denmarks have chosen sel f-gambling dependence.

A typical online gambler is a young man (March 2021)

According to the Denmark Gambling Agency data, most of the Danish online casinos and betting gambling accounts are created by men. At the same time, it is often a man under the age of 36.

Denmark Gambling Bureau blocks 55 illegal gambling sites (March 2021)

The City Court has ruled that Danish Gambling authorities supported a record of recorded illegal websites.

COVID-19 will lead telecoms revenue to decline by 3.4% in developed markets in 2020

"Consumer services, which account for 68 % of communication charges, have relatively resilience during the economic retreat, but the increase in unemployment rates, closing companies, and decreasing the overall economic activity is business service income. It will cause a sudden decrease.

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The impact of COVID-19 is expected to be corresponding to 3. 4%decrease in communication charges in 2020 in the entire developed country market. It is contrasting to what. Telecommunications are relatively resilient sectors, and they remain ahead of general GDP trends. As a result, the percentage of communication (and paid television/ video services) in GDP is expected to increase from 1. 9%in 2019 to 1. 9%in the entire developed country market.

In 2021, the company will be led by pen t-ups of consumer broadband demand, increased by 0. 8%yea r-o n-year, and the industry will recover again. This is not a more prominent recovery than the whole GDP. The growth rate of the department in 2021 decreases by 4 % from the previous expected level. Profit will be hit, but the average EBITDA margin will not decrease by more than 2 points. Businesses will be able to manage costs by postponing a part of capital investment and reducing Operex if possible.

  • The consumer communications market is relatively resilient to economic downturns. Consumer services, which account for the majority of telecommunications revenues (68%), tend to be more resilient than business services during economic downturns. Fixed broadband services perform relatively well as many countries restrict travel and emphasize working from home and entertainment.
  • Business telecoms will be hit hard by the economic slowdown. Business services revenues will fall sharply due to a significant increase in unemployment, business closures, and an overall decline in economic activity. Business mobile revenues in particular will struggle in 2020.
  • Capex will recover quickly in 2021. Lockdowns will reduce capex and opex in 2020. While capex generally recovers early, the recovery of 5G capex will be slower in Europe than in other regions. The pandemic will reinforce and accelerate existing opex trends rather than introduce new ones. Profits will decline, but EBITDA margins will not fall by more than 2 percentage points.

In our impact assessment, we aggregated data from 32 developed countries. The impact on the telecommunications market will of course vary from country to country, as will the scale of the health and economic crisis. This paper is the first response from the Analysys Mason research team. We are currently working on a more detailed revision of our market forecasts. At the time of writing, it is too early to envisage the impact of the pandemic on emerging economies.

We assessed the impact of COVID-19 on the main drivers of telecommunications revenues and costs (see Figure 1). On the revenue side, we estimated the impact on nine revenue lines across consumer, business and wholesale segments. On the costs side, we split into fixed costs and capital expenditures, and capital expenditures into fixed and mobile elements.

Figure 1: Impact of COVID-19 on telecommunications revenues and costs in 2020 and 2021

We have assumed that GDP in developed markets will decline by 6% year-on-year in 2020

Assessment of the economic impact of COVID-19 is highly uncertain and may change as the pandemic progresses. The macroeconomic scenarios underlying this impact statement are based on a range of third-party GDP forecasts published between March 23 and April 9, 2020.

The quarter of economic production is expected to be the second quarter of the second quarter of 2020, and GDP is expected to decrease by 11%(37%in annual ratio). The production of these markets will rise from the third quarter of 2020, and will return to the fourth quarter of 2019 at the end of 2021. In fact, this means "wasted two years". The economic activity informal (unemployment rate + temporary returning person) rose to 25%in the second quarter of 2020, declined to 15. 5%by the end of 2020, and recovered in 2021 and as in the fourth quarter of 2019. Assume that it reaches the level. We do not expect the lon g-term ripple effects of powerful financial stimuli measures and the effects of political resistance to stimulation measures.

Revenue impact

Overall sales will reach 3. 4%in 2020 (the previous forecast increased by 0. 7%), and a small recovery of 0. 8%in 2021 is expected. The consumer service, which accounts for most of the communication charges (68 %), also demonstrates resilience during the economic retreat. Fixed services are relatively strong because many countries are restricted in travel and entertainment from home and entertainment. But business telecom will be hit greatly. The increase in unemployed people, the closure of business establishments, and the decrease in overall activities means that companies expenditures on telecommunications drastically decrease.

Consumer revenue

Mobile phone service for consumer

The consumer mobile phone market was relatively resilient during the past economic retreat. However, the current recession is different in that movement is restricted to most of the population. In some countries, the use of mobile data communication may continue to increase (for example, as it is reported by Italian and Spanish telecommunications carriers), but many people become largely dependent on fixed lines. Therefore, the percentage of total data traffic will decrease.

Given this situation and the pressure on consumer consumption, it is thought that it is difficult for telecommunications carriers to increase their customers to a larger package, and thus the ARPU is expected to decrease. Many of the current promotions (such as Movistar's extra data assignments of 30GB per month and the provision of additional free content with Movistar Lite +apps, etc.) are attempts in anticipation of this difficulty. New terminal purchases also decrease, hindering the transition to 5G. In 2020, the prepaid will be hit than the postpaid.

Outside the EU area, roaming out income drops dramatically. In contrast to many other income lines, mobile is unlikely to recover significantly in 2021. It is expected that the retail income will decrease by 2. 6%in 2020 and increase 0. 2%yea r-o n-year in 2021.

Fixed service for consumers

Consumer fixed service fields will not be dramatic due to the epidemic of Coronavirus. The growth of fixed broadband subscribers will decrease than the last expectation in 2020, but it will still occur. Although there will be cancellations due to income constraints, fixed broadband connection will be worth it as many people spend time at home. The growth of new subscribers will also be affected by the restrictions on visiting engineers.

In 2021, although the economy will recover, many people will spend a lot of time at home, so the pure increase will be higher than the previous forecast. Broadband ASPU is expected to be almost flat. Businesses will have a hard time justifying the price increase in the recession, and on the other hand, some customers will upgrade to a highe r-speed service, but on the other hand, many customers upgrade new fiber. You will experience the delay in the connection. Sales in 2020 will decrease by only 0. 4%and will increase 2. 1%in 2021.

Paid TV and video services

With the growing importance of home entertainment, consumers will maintain traditional paid TV services (satellite broadcasting, cable TV, IPTV) through the pandemic period. In the short term, the number of customers paying for multiple subscription packages (service stacking) will increase, as well as the number of customers who use ad hoc o n-demand content (tvod). New services such as Disney+are already profitable. However, business operators are likely to be exposed to sports broadcasting, have a remarkable negative effect on the 2020 retail income, affecting both the conventional paid television department and the OTT service of the business operator. The income in 2020 will decrease by 4. 7%in total, but will increase 1. 5%in 2021.

Digital service < SPAN> Outside the EU area, roaming out income drastically decreases. In contrast to many other income lines, mobile is unlikely to recover significantly in 2021. It is expected that the retail revenue in 2020 will decrease by 2. 6%, and will increase by 0. 2%yea r-o n-year in 2021.

Fixed service for consumers

Business revenue

Consumer fixed service fields will not be dramatic due to the epidemic of Coronavirus. The growth of fixed broadband subscribers will decrease than the last expectation in 2020, but it will still occur. Although there will be cancellations due to income constraints, fixed broadband connection will be worth it as many people spend time at home. The growth of new subscribers will also be affected by the restrictions on visiting engineers.

In 2021, although the economy will recover, many people will spend a lot of time at home, so the pure increase will be higher than the previous forecast. Broadband ASPU is expected to be almost flat. Businesses will have a hard time justifying the price increase in the recession, and on the other hand, some customers will upgrade to a highe r-speed service, but on the other hand, many customers upgrade new fiber. You will experience the delay in the connection. Sales in 2020 will decrease by only 0. 4%and will increase 2. 1%in 2021.

Paid TV and video services

With the growing importance of home entertainment, consumers will maintain traditional paid TV services (satellite broadcasting, cable TV, IPTV) through the pandemic period. In the short term, the number of customers paying for multiple subscription packages (service stacking) will increase, as well as the number of customers who use ad hoc o n-demand content (tvod). New services such as Disney+are already profitable. However, business operators are likely to be exposed to sports broadcasting, have a remarkable negative effect on the 2020 retail income, affecting both the conventional paid television department and the OTT service of the business operator. The income in 2020 will decrease by 4. 7%in total, but will increase 1. 5%in 2021.

Roaming out income is drastically reduced outside the digital service EU. In contrast to many other income lines, mobile is unlikely to recover significantly in 2021. It is expected that the retail income will decrease by 2. 6%in 2020 and increase 0. 2%yea r-o n-year in 2021.

Fixed service for consumers

Consumer fixed service fields will not be dramatic due to the epidemic of Coronavirus. The growth of fixed broadband subscribers will decrease than the last expectation in 2020, but it will still occur. Although there will be cancellations due to income constraints, fixed broadband connection will be worth it as many people spend time at home. The growth of new subscribers will also be affected by the restrictions on visiting engineers.

In 2021, although the economy will recover, many people will spend a lot of time at home, so the pure increase will be higher than the previous forecast. Broadband ASPU is expected to be almost flat. Businesses will have a hard time justifying the price increase in the recession, and on the other hand, some customers will upgrade to a highe r-speed service, but on the other hand, many customers upgrade new fiber. You will experience the delay in the connection. Sales in 2020 will decrease by only 0. 4%and will increase 2. 1%in 2021.

Wholesale revenue

Paid TV and video services

With the growing importance of home entertainment, consumers will maintain traditional paid TV services (satellite broadcasting, cable TV, IPTV) through the pandemic period. In the short term, the number of customers paying for multiple subscription packages (service stacking) will increase, as well as the number of customers who use ad hoc o n-demand content (tvod). New services such as Disney+are already profitable. However, business operators are likely to be exposed to sports broadcasting, have a remarkable negative effect on the 2020 retail income, affecting both the conventional paid television department and the OTT service of the business operator. The income in 2020 will decrease by 4. 7%in total, but will increase 1. 5%in 2021.

Costs impact

Digital service


Digital services will only account for a small proportion of operators' total revenues (less than 5% for most operators, and often much lower), and will not have a significant impact on the overall outlook. However, the impact is expected to be positive if consumers use more digital services and sometimes adopt new ones. Some of the new behaviors are expected to persist after the crisis. For example, operator revenues from mobile financial services and contactless payments are expected to increase, along with online commerce and consumption of new types of content. We expect a 15% increase in 2020, six percentage points higher than previously expected.

Business fixed services

Fixed voice and broadband revenues will decline in 2020 as branches (especially in retail and hospitality) are forced to close and a significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises cease trading. This will return to near-normal levels by the end of 2022, in line with the forecast recovery in employment levels. Spending on business data services is expected to remain more robust and major infrastructure changes are expected to be postponed until at least 2021. Some large companies will face severe financial difficulties, while others will value data connectivity to support increased use of cloud services. We expect revenues to fall 10% in 2020, but only 1% in 2021.

Business Mobile Services

In the short term, reduced business travel will reduce mobile business revenues, but this will be partially offset by increased provision of mobile phones to employees working from home. Rising unemployment rates will cause a larger decline in mobile business revenues in both 2020 and 2021, but verticals key to the mobile sector, such as logistics and supply chain, will be spared the worst effects. Overall, mobile business services revenues are expected to experience a significant decline in 2021, recovering closer to pre-crisis levels by the end of 2022. Revenues will fall 12% in 2020, before recovering slightly in 2021, up 2% year-over-year.

Telecom operators' ICT services


The main ICT services that operators provide to enterprises include colocation and hosting, security, unified communications, and hosted voice. Enterprise demand for these services has increased rapidly since the start of the crisis, and we expect this acceleration in usage to continue into 2021 and beyond as enterprises get used to new operating models and plan for improved business continuity in the future. We expect ICT services revenue growth to be lower than expected in 2020 due to the impact of rising unemployment, but to rise to levels above pre-crisis forecasts in 2022. We now expect growth of 6% (instead of 8%) in 2020 and 8% (as previously expected) in 2021.

IoT Connectivity Services

IoT represents a small share of total operator revenues, typically less than 0. 5%. COVID-19 will impact demand (many IoT projects are likely to be put on hold or canceled) and cause supply-side disruptions. The pandemic has already affected large IoT verticals such as automotive. For example, ACEA estimates that more than 1. 4 million production units have been lost in Europe since the shutdowns began. The decline in car sales will probably have the biggest impact on IoT in 2020 and 2021. However, the installed base of IoT connections already in operation will continue to generate revenue, subject to contract terms. IoT revenue will grow, albeit more slowly than previously expected, at 13% in 2020 (previously 16%).

The wholesale market is largely individual, driven by various market dynamics. Overall, we now expect a 3% increase in 2020 and flat growth in 2021, compared to a 2% decrease in both years previously expected. International roaming will not fully recover in 2021, as international travel remains sluggish, having fallen by more than 80% during the lockdown period. We expect voice traffic to have increased by around 50% during the lockdown period, and interconnection revenues to have increased by 15% in 2020, returning to normal in 2021.

Backbone capacity wholesalers will grow. An increasing proportion of their revenues come from "OTTs", and these are experiencing a paranormal increase in demand. The crisis has shown the weakness of over-reliance on a just-in-time model for capacity, and some OTTs may be forced to expand their own supply. Wholesale access and B2B services will move in the same direction as retail services.

The pandemic has reinforced telecommunications/ICT as essential infrastructure. Telecommunications should see the strongest post-crisis investments, given its cash flow strength relative to other sectors and the emphasis some governments will place on 5G and fiber in their stimulus packages. We expect capex and capital intensity (capex/sales) to take a short-term hit in 2020 before accelerating strongly in 2021. In the short term, operators will be forced to reduce their opex to some extent, but they have limited headroom to do so. In the longer term, the crisis will likely amplify and accelerate existing opex optimization efforts through digitalization, automation, and simplification.

Operator capex will likely decline in 2020 due to construction capacity constraints and supply chain disruptions. We revise full-year growth t o-3. 7% from +0. 3%, but expect a strong recovery in 2021.


Fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) capex will decline in 2020. Supply chain disruptions are a much smaller factor than work restrictions. A strong recovery is expected in late 2020 and into 2021, with capital spending accelerating as operators benefit from lower capital costs and some stimulus and resume "safer" longer-term investments. In 2021, FTTP spending is expected to be 12% higher than previously expected, partly as operators make up for time lost in 2020. Spending heavily on fixed-line infrastructure during a recession was a strategy adopted by some operators during the 2008 financial crisis. Infrastructure funds will take comfort in the huge traffic demand for fiber-to-the-home networks and will treat fiber as a safe haven more than ever before.


Mobile capital investment is inevitable in the second quarter of 2020, probably in the third quarter, but will recover in 2021. The confusion of the supply chain for 5G construction is greater than the fiber side, and geopolitical trends for the separation of the supply chain and the o n-shelling will accelerate. After rockdown, North America and Europe will follow a different path. Berizon has already suggested an investment acceleration for 5G, and the US government will probably launch economic stimuli measures to 5G. As a whole, Europe will follow a slightly different trend. 5G is expected to be urgent, and the remaining auction is likely to be postponed (Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, etc.). It is predicted that the 5G investment in the developed country market in 2021 will increase by 8 % from the previous forecast, but it is less than this in Europe. Investing in the network cloud will be partially pending due to the uncertainty about future corporate expenditures, but will also follow the 5G regional trends.

Implications for profitability

Investment investment by businesses decreases. In the economic recession, businesses tend to concentrate on infrastructure with lower risk than hig h-risk growth fields, but it is an exception that investment is directly related to reducing the impact of global health crisis. 。

Pandemic does not introduce many new factors, but enhances existing Oppex trends.

Effects on Gambling Activity From Coronavirus Disease 2019—An Analysis of Revenue-Based Taxation of Online- and Land-Based Gambling Operators During the Pandemic

Employment and employment costs

Telecommunications carriers have a limited ability to maintain the ability to expand their business scale and rapidly reduce personnel in the face of profitable issues, and the government that rescues the employment law and the staff who has returned temporarily. It is affected by motivation. Automatic initiatives have already reduced employees, and businesses will further strengthen these initiatives. However, it is politically difficult for telecommunications carriers to dismiss lo w-wage staff, even if there is no national temporary return system. For example, Terstra has stopped reducing the previously published personnel for political reasons. Senior managers' salaries and bonuses will be reduced.

Retail < Span> Mobile capital investment will be inevitable in the second quarter of 2020, probably in the third quarter, but will recover in 2021. The confusion of the supply chain for 5G construction is greater than the fiber side, and geopolitical trends for the separation of the supply chain and the o n-shelling will accelerate. After rockdown, North America and Europe will follow a different path. Berizon has already suggested an investment acceleration for 5G, and the US government will probably launch economic stimuli measures to 5G. As a whole, Europe will follow a slightly different trend. 5G is expected to be urgent, and the remaining auction is likely to be postponed (Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, etc.). It is predicted that the 5G investment in the developed country market in 2021 will increase by 8 % from the previous forecast, but it is less than this in Europe. Investing in the network cloud will be partially pending due to the uncertainty about future corporate expenditures, but will also follow the 5G regional trends.

Investment investment by businesses decreases. In the economic recession, businesses tend to concentrate on infrastructure with lower risk than hig h-risk growth fields, but it is an exception that investment is directly related to reducing the impact of global health crisis. 。


Pandemic does not introduce many new factors, but enhances existing Oppex trends.

Employment and employment costs

Telecommunications carriers have a limited ability to maintain the ability to expand their business scale and rapidly reduce personnel in facing profits, and the government that rescues the employment law and the staff who returned home temporarily. It is affected by motivation. Automatic initiatives have already reduced employees, and businesses will further strengthen these initiatives. However, it is politically difficult for telecommunications carriers to dismiss lo w-wage staff, even if there is no national temporary return system. For example, Terstra has stopped reducing the previously published personnel for political reasons. Senior managers' salaries and bonuses will be reduced.

Retail mobile capital investment in the second quarter of 2020, probably in the third quarter, will be inevitable, but will recover in 2021. The confusion of the supply chain for 5G construction is greater than the fiber side, and geopolitical trends for the separation of the supply chain and the o n-shelling will accelerate. After rockdown, North America and Europe will follow a different path. Berizon has already suggested an investment acceleration for 5G, and the US government will probably launch economic stimuli measures to 5G. As a whole, Europe will follow a slightly different trend. 5G is expected to be urgent, and the remaining auction is likely to be postponed (Austria, France, Portugal, Spain, etc.). It is predicted that the 5G investment in the developed country market in 2021 will increase by 8 % from the previous forecast, but it is less than this in Europe. Investing in the network cloud will be partially pending due to the uncertainty about future corporate expenditures, but will also follow the 5G regional trends.



Investment investment by businesses decreases. In the economic recession, businesses tend to concentrate on infrastructure with lower risk than hig h-risk growth fields, but it is an exception that investment is directly related to reducing the impact of global health crisis. 。

Pandemic does not introduce many new factors, but enhances existing Oppex trends.


Employment and employment costs

Telecommunications carriers have a limited ability to maintain the ability to expand their business scale and rapidly reduce personnel in facing profits, and the government that rescues the employment law and the staff who returned home temporarily. It is affected by motivation. Automatic initiatives have already reduced employees, and businesses will further strengthen these initiatives. However, it is politically difficult for telecommunications carriers to dismiss lo w-wage staff, even if there is no national temporary return system. For example, Terstra has stopped reducing the previously published personnel for political reasons. Senior managers' salaries and bonuses will be reduced.


It is unlikely that the footprint of brick-and-mortar communication retail in 2021 will be the same as it would have been without the pandemic. The crisis is an opportunity to accelerate and stress test digitalization programs. Even if half of all stores cannot be reopened and half of the staff cannot be redeployed, it is unlikely that they would be able to reduce their operex by more than 2%. In reality, little will change in 2020, but we expect retail transformation to accelerate in 2021.

External services

External spending on IT and professional services will fall by about 7% during the lockdown period (as opposed to the 13% growth we had previously expected) as about half of contractors will not be able to work remotely. However, it should recover quickly to expected levels in 2021.

Statistical Methods

Network sharing

The trend towards network sharing will accelerate. Regulators may take a more lenient view of mobile network sharing agreements, shifting scrutiny from competition to robustness and the economic health of the ICT sector as a whole.

Real estate and overheads

Real estate portfolio shrinkage is already a trend. In contrast to other economic shocks, one of the possible lasting consequences of this crisis is that large companies, including telecom operators, may demonstrate that they can operate with a higher proportion of their staff working from home. It is not a good time to release value from excess real estate, at least for the next two years, but more distributed working practices may save overhead.

Telecom should remain healthier than almost any other industry in this crisis. With a shrinking revenue base, absolute EBITDA declines are inevitable in 2020 and 2021, but average EBITDA margins are unlikely to fall by more than 2 percentage points as OPEX declines accelerate. Free cash flow as a percentage of sales ((EBITDA-CapEx)/Sales) will fluctuate as sales and costs decline at different stages. Forced reductions in capex will help stem the decline in free cash flow. Moreover, it is already clear that incumbent operators will cut dividends to preserve cash flow for major infrastructure projects (mainly fiber optics and 5G), as are many large companies.


Overall Gambling Market

1 In our influence, 32 advanced countries data aggregated: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greek, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Swiss, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States.

Background Coronavirus infections (COVID-19) In the event of a crisis, concerns that gambling problems have increased, especially in an environment where online gambling is flourished and the risk of shifting to higher-risk online gambling from land. However, there have been few data sources other than sel f-report. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in Sweden's online and land-based gambling market in the first few months, affected by the social impact of COVID-19.

Online Casino and Online/Land-Based Sports/Horse Betting

The method data was obtained from the national authorities data describing the monthly tax payments of all approved gambling operators in Sweden. The subdivision of the gambling market has been tracked every month before the Swedish Covid-19 (February 2020) to June 2020, when the sports market resumed after the COVID-19 lockdown.

As a result, the overall incom e-based taxation of licensed gambling fell significantly from February to March, but it was stable with a gradual decrease overall by June. Commercial online casinos/ betting fell slightly in March, but have maintained relatively stable levels until June. However, in the category, betting tickets increased rapidly during the pandemic, but then returned to the level before the pandemic. Betting / online casino stat e-owned businesses have dropped significantly through pandemic. The remaining commercial operators, mainly online casinos and online betting, did not change during the pandemic period and exceeded the February level in June. Through pandemic, small restaurant casinos have significantly reduced, and major stat e-owned casinos are completely closed. The stat e-owned lottery and electronic gambling machines have decreased significantly, but rapidly normalized to the level before the pandemic. < SPAN> 1 In our influence, 32 developed countries data were aggregated: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greek, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan. , Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovakia, South Korea, Slobakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United States, the United States.

Background Coronavirus Infectious Diseases (COVID-19) In the event of a crisis, there is a concern that gambling problems will increase, especially in an environment where online gambling is thriving and the risk of shifting to higher-risk online gambling from land. However, there have been few data sources other than sel f-report. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in Sweden's online and land-based gambling market in the first few months, affected by the social impact of COVID-19.

Lottery and Land-Based Casino/Electronic Gaming Machine Gambling

The method data was obtained from the national authorities data describing the monthly tax payments of all approved gambling operators in Sweden. The subdivision of the gambling market has been tracked every month before the Swedish Covid-19 (February 2020) to June 2020, when the sports market resumed after the COVID-19 lockdown.

As a result, the overall incom e-based taxation of licensed gambling fell significantly from February to March, but it was stable with a gradual decrease in June. Commercial online casinos/ betting fell slightly in March, but have maintained relatively stable levels until June. However, in the category, betting tickets increased rapidly during the pandemic, but then returned to the level before the pandemic. Betting / online casino stat e-owned businesses have dropped significantly through pandemic. The remaining commercial operators, mainly online casinos and online betting, did not change during the pandemic period and exceeded the February level in June. Through pandemic, small restaurant casinos have significantly reduced, and major stat e-owned casinos are completely closed. The stat e-owned lottery and electronic gambling machines have decreased significantly, but rapidly normalized to the level before the pandemic. 1 In our influence, 32 advanced countries data aggregated: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greek, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Swiss, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States.

Background Coronavirus Infectious Diseases (COVID-19) In the event of a crisis, there is a concern that gambling problems will increase, especially in an environment where online gambling is thriving and the risk of shifting to higher-risk online gambling from land. However, there have been few data sources other than sel f-report. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in Sweden's online and land-based gambling market in the first few months, affected by the social impact of COVID-19.


The method data was obtained from the national authorities data describing the monthly tax payments of all approved gambling operators in Sweden. The subdivision of the gambling market has been tracked every month before the Swedish Covid-19 (February 2020) to June 2020, when the sports market resumed after the COVID-19 lockdown.

As a result, the overall incom e-based taxation of licensed gambling fell significantly from February to March, but it was stable with a gradual decrease overall by June. Commercial online casinos/ betting fell slightly in March, but have maintained relatively stable levels until June. However, in the category, betting tickets increased rapidly during the pandemic, but then returned to the level before the pandemic. Betting / online casino stat e-owned businesses have dropped significantly through pandemic. The remaining commercial operators, mainly online casinos and online betting, did not change during the pandemic period and exceeded the February level in June. Through pandemic, small restaurant casinos have significantly reduced, and major stat e-owned casinos are completely closed. The stat e-owned lottery and electronic gambling machines have dropped significantly, but quickly normalized to the level before the pandemic.

Conclusions of commercial online gambling businesses were stable through pandemic, despite the dramatic blockade of sports. Thus, despite the crisis of COVID-19, the chance-based online game may have been a powerful actor in the gambling market. The number of betting tickets increased rapidly while the sports were blocked, and the number of gambling types related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and the possibility of moving between gambling related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and public health related to gambling. A variable that could affect it was shown.

New research shows that the trend of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) could cause or worsen mental health problems (1), which resembled addiction and addiction. It is highlighted that it may include online behavior (2, 3). Of the latter, the problem gambling is referred to as pandemic and the potential results of regulations surrounding it (4, 5).

The mechanism that could increase gambling behavior in COVID-19 is possible due to pandemic financial crisis and unemployment, but in addition, people are trapped in the house and due to changes in employment and daily customs. However, the time at home may be longer and the time spent online may be longer. Similarly, the fact that sporting events were almost completely blocked in most areas of the world in the early stage of pandemic has greatly changed the gambling market, reducing gambling for sporting events that were popular with gamblers. Connected (4). In March 2020, several countries took action to prevent the transition to more dependent gambling. Policy implementers are afraid that gamblers will shift to other gambling, and such a gambling habit may push the lower groups of gamblers or gamblers into a gambling gambling. It has been expressed (6). < SPAN> Conclusion The revenue of commercial online gambling operators was stable through pandemic, despite the dramatic blockade of sports. Thus, despite the crisis of COVID-19, the chance-based online game may have been a powerful actor in the gambling market. The number of betting tickets increased rapidly while the sports were blocked, and the number of gambling types related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and the possibility of moving between gambling related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and public health related to gambling. A variable that could affect it was shown.

New research shows that the trend of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) could cause or worsen mental health problems (1), which resembled addiction and addiction. It is highlighted that it may include online behavior (2, 3). Of the latter, the problem gambling is referred to as pandemic and the potential results of regulations surrounding it (4, 5).

The mechanism that could increase gambling behavior in COVID-19 is possible due to pandemic financial crisis and unemployment, but in addition, people are trapped in the house and due to changes in employment and daily customs. However, the time at home may be longer and the time spent online may be longer. Similarly, the fact that sporting events were almost completely blocked in most areas of the world in the early stage of pandemic has greatly changed the gambling market, reducing gambling for sporting events that were popular with gamblers. Connected (4). In March 2020, several countries took action to prevent the transition to more dependent gambling. Policy implementers are afraid that gamblers will shift to other gambling, and such a gambling habit may push the lower groups of gamblers or gamblers into a gambling gambling. It has been expressed (6). Conclusions of commercial online gambling businesses were stable through pandemic, despite the dramatic blockade of sports. Thus, despite the crisis of COVID-19, the chance-based online game may have been a powerful actor in the gambling market. The number of betting tickets increased rapidly while the sports were blocked, and the number of gambling types related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and the possibility of moving between gambling related to COVID-19 was confirmed, and public health related to gambling. A variable that could affect it was shown.

New research shows that the trend of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) could cause or worsen mental health problems (1), which resembled addiction and addiction. It is highlighted that it may include online behavior (2, 3). Of the latter, the problem gambling is referred to as pandemic and the potential results of regulations surrounding it (4, 5).

The mechanism that could increase gambling behavior in COVID-19 is possible due to pandemic financial crisis and unemployment, but in addition, people are trapped in the house and due to changes in employment and daily customs. However, the time at home may be longer and the time spent online may be longer. Similarly, the fact that sporting events were almost completely blocked in most areas of the world in the early stage of pandemic has greatly changed the gambling market, reducing gambling for sporting events that were popular with gamblers. Connected (4). In March 2020, several countries took action to prevent the transition to more dependent gambling. Policy implementers are afraid that gamblers will shift to other gambling, and such a gambling habit may push the lower groups of gamblers or gamblers into a gambling gambling. It has been expressed (6).

In a Swedish sel f-reporting research study, it was a relatively limited minority of the population that gambling behavior had increased in the early pandemic, but this su b-group decreased or influenced gambling. It was indicated that the proportion of the gambling was significantly higher than those who reported that it did not receive (7). Similarly, recent research studies conducted in the same environment also showed some of them. The gambling in the past one month in the spring of 2020 was quite low in some gambling type compared to the previous report conducted in the same environment, but some other gambling types are pandemic. , It seemed to be more maintained. Generally, land-based gambling is susceptible to blockade and restrictions related to COVID-19, but the effects of online gambling seem to be small (8). The results of such a survey are based on the sel f-reported of the survey respondents, but in order to show the possibility of gambling habits and the possibility of transition due to differences in gambling and gambling types. Objective data is needed. One (anonymous) gambling carrier's actual measurement gambling data shows that COVID-19 has a small impact on gambling behavior, and from sports betting within a specific business to an online casino. The transition was not proven (9). In contrast, another study conducted in Ontario, Canada, indicated that there was some migration between gambling types.

Therefore, in this study, the official data of national authorities on taxation based on the income from gambling businesses is to investigate the indicators of financial activities in Sweden's legal gambling market as a whole and specific submission activities in the market. Was used. According to this study, activities in the gambling market are decreasing in gambling types related to sports events and other lan d-based gambling, and onlin e-based gambling, including other types of gambling, can increase. Was set up. The purpose was to investigate whether a decrease in a certain gambling type could be completely or partially canceled due to the increase in other gambling types. < SPAN> Swedish sel f-reporting research studies reported that gambling behavior increased in the early pandemic, but this subgroup was gambling. It was indicated that the proportion of the problem gambling was significantly higher than those who reported that it was not reduced or affected (7). Similarly, recent research studies conducted in the same environment also showed some of them. The gambling in the past one month in the spring of 2020 was quite low in some gambling type compared to the previous report conducted in the same environment, but some other gambling types are pandemic. , It seemed to be more maintained. Generally, land-based gambling is susceptible to blockade and restrictions related to COVID-19, but the effects of online gambling seem to be small (8). The results of such a survey are based on the sel f-reported of the survey respondents, but in order to show the possibility of gambling habits and the possibility of transition due to differences in gambling and gambling types. Objective data is needed. One (anonymous) gambling carrier's actual measurement gambling data shows that COVID-19 has a small impact on gambling behavior, and from sports betting within a specific business to an online casino. The transition was not proven (9). In contrast, another study conducted in Ontario, Canada, indicated that there was some migration between gambling types.

Therefore, in this study, the official data of national authorities on taxation based on the income from gambling businesses is to investigate the indicators of financial activities in Sweden's legal gambling market as a whole and specific submission activities in the market. Was used. According to this study, activities in the gambling market are decreasing in gambling types related to sports events and other lan d-based gambling, and onlin e-based gambling, including other types of gambling, can increase. Was set up. The purpose was to investigate whether a decrease in a certain gambling type could be completely or partially canceled due to the increase in other gambling types. In a Swedish sel f-reporting research study, it was a relatively limited minority of the population that gambling behavior had increased in the early pandemic, but this su b-group decreased or influenced gambling. It was indicated that the proportion of the gambling was significantly higher than those who reported that it did not receive (7). Similarly, recent research studies conducted in the same environment also showed some of them. The gambling in the past one month in the spring of 2020 was quite low in some gambling type compared to the previous report conducted in the same environment, but some other gambling types are pandemic. , It seemed to be more maintained. Generally, land-based gambling is susceptible to blockade and restrictions related to COVID-19, but the effects of online gambling seem to be small (8). The results of such a survey are based on the sel f-reported of the survey respondents, but in order to show the possibility of gambling habits and the possibility of transition due to differences in gambling and gambling types. Objective data is needed. One (anonymous) gambling carrier's actual measurement gambling data shows that COVID-19 has a small impact on gambling behavior, and from sports betting within a specific business to an online casino. The transition was not proven (9). In contrast, another study conducted in Ontario, Canada, indicated that there was some migration between gambling types.


Therefore, in this study, the official data of national authorities on taxation based on the income from gambling businesses is to investigate the indicators of financial activities in Sweden's legal gambling market as a whole and specific submission activities in the market. Was used. According to this study, activities in the gambling market are decreasing in gambling types related to sports events and other lan d-based gambling, and onlin e-based gambling, including other types of gambling, can increase. Was set up. The purpose was to investigate whether a decrease in a certain gambling type could be completely or partially canceled due to the increase in other gambling types.

Data Availability Statement

The data is obtained by Swedish Gambling authorities, describing the monthly tax on each gambling company that has been licensed in Sweden. Gambling taxes are equivalent to 18 % of gambling operators (11), and are paid monthly to Swedish national tax authorities. The data included in this analysis can be obtained according to the request based on the laws that allow individuals, media, and other organizations to gambling or tax authorities and publicly publishes documents and communications of governments and authorities. It is. The data does not contain information about individual gamblers. Swedish taxable can be corrected until six years later, such as correcting the errors of the reported total income, but the monthly income and the taxation level calculated from it are in the market. It is regarded as a reliable source of gambling activities, and the Swedish Gambling Agency has used it for reporting national gambling data.

Author Contributions

The data was obtained by the Swedish Gambling Agency in August 2020, when the monthly tax data from January 2019 (the current regulation and taxation conventions) to June 2020 were available. The data used here includes the moon from January 2020 to June 2020. The data is a Swedish currency (Sweden Crona, 1krona equivalent to about 0. 10 euros), indicating the monthly tax on each month. Since the current gambling license system was introduced in January 2019 (11), the first month of 2019 may have been affected by the recent new regulations at that time, so direct comparison. It seems difficult, but reported the same month's data in 2019 for as much as possible. < SPAN> Data is obtained by Swedish Gambling authorities, describing the monthly tax on each gambling business license in Sweden. Gambling taxes are equivalent to 18 % of gambling operators (11), and are paid monthly to Swedish national tax authorities. The data included in this analysis can be obtained according to the request based on the laws that allow individuals, media, and other organizations to gambling or tax authorities and publicly publishes documents and communications of governments and authorities. It is. The data does not contain information about individual gamblers. Swedish taxable can be corrected until six years later, such as correcting the errors of the reported total income, but the monthly income and the taxation level calculated from it are in the market. It is regarded as a reliable source of gambling activities, and the Swedish Gambling Agency has used it for reporting national gambling data.


The data was obtained by the Swedish Gambling Agency in August 2020, when the monthly tax data from January 2019 (the current regulation and taxation conventions) to June 2020 were available. The data used here includes the moon from January 2020 to June 2020. The data is a Swedish currency (Sweden Crona, 1krona equivalent to about 0. 10 euros), indicating the monthly tax on each month. Since the current gambling license system was introduced in January 2019 (11), the first month of 2019 may have been affected by the recent new regulations at that time, so direct comparison. It seems difficult, but reported the same month's data in 2019 for as much as possible. The data is obtained by Swedish Gambling authorities, describing the monthly tax on each gambling company that has been licensed in Sweden. Gambling taxes are equivalent to 18 % of gambling operators (11), and are paid monthly to Swedish national tax authorities. The data included in this analysis can be obtained according to the request based on the laws that allow individuals, media, and other organizations to gambling or tax authorities and publicly publishes documents and communications of governments and authorities. It is. The data does not contain information about individual gamblers. Swedish taxable can be corrected until six years later, such as correcting the errors of the reported total income, but the monthly income and the taxation level calculated from it are in the market. It is regarded as a reliable source of gambling activities, and the Swedish Gambling Agency has used it for reporting national gambling data.

Conflict of Interest

The data was obtained by the Swedish Gambling Agency in August 2020, when the monthly tax data from January 2019 (the current regulation and taxation conventions) to June 2020 were available. The data used here includes the moon from January 2020 to June 2020. The data is a Swedish currency (Sweden Crona, 1krona equivalent to about 0. 10 euros), indicating the monthly tax on each month. Since the current gambling license system was introduced in January 2019 (11), the first month of 2019 may have been affected by the recent new regulations at that time, so direct comparison. It seems difficult, but reported the same month's data in 2019 for as much as possible.


Gambling operators are required to obtain a license in Sweden if they operate physically in Sweden or online with a base in Sweden. Registration in Sweden is mandatory to use Swedish means of transferring funds to Swedish gambling accounts and to broadcast in Swedish media sources (11). This law came into force on 1 January 2019, but prior to that, a large number of operators in the Swedish market were foreign companies operating from other EU countries, but advertising and offering gambling on Swedish media channels, attracting a significant proportion of Swedish gamblers. Thus, even before the current law was introduced, online casinos were all operated from abroad and were officially banned in Sweden, yet they were still the most common type of gambling reported by patients with gambling disorders seeking treatment (12) and the most common type of gambling seen in television advertisements (13). According to the updated law, the types of gambling legal in Sweden are online casinos, land-based and online betting on sports and horse racing, charity-based and other land-based and online lotteries (commercial and conducted by a number of operators), land-based casinos in the four major state-run casinos across Sweden, land-based electronic gambling machines (all state-run and monopolised), and a more limited market that includes private restaurant-based casino games under stricter regulations. Gambling operators are required to obtain a license in Sweden if they operate physically in Sweden or if they operate online from a Swedish base. Registration in Sweden is mandatory in order to use Swedish transfer methods for Swedish gambling accounts and to broadcast on Swedish media sources (11). The law came into force on 1 January 2019, but prior to that, a large number of operators in the Swedish market were foreign companies operating from other EU countries, but advertising and offering gambling on Swedish media channels, attracting a significant proportion of Swedish gamblers. Thus, even before the current legislation was introduced, online casinos were all operated from abroad and were officially banned in Sweden, but they were still the most common type of gambling reported by patients with gambling disorders seeking treatment (12) and the most common type of gambling seen in television advertising (13). According to the updated legislation, the types of gambling legal in Sweden are online casinos, land-based and online betting on sports and horse racing, charity-based and other land-based and online lotteries (commercial and conducted by a number of operators), land-based casinos in the four main state-run casinos located throughout Sweden, land-based electronic gambling machines (all state-run and monopolised), and a more limited market that includes private restaurant-based casino games under strict regulations. Gambling operators are required to obtain a license in Sweden if they operate physically in Sweden or if they operate online from a Swedish base. Registration in Sweden is mandatory in order to use Swedish means of transfer to Swedish gambling accounts and to broadcast in Swedish media sources (11). The law began on January 1, 2019, but prior to that, many operators in the Swedish market were foreign companies operating from other EU countries, but they advertised and offered gambling on Swedish media channels, attracting a significant proportion of Swedish gamblers. Thus, even before the current law was introduced, online casinos, all operated from abroad and formally banned in Sweden, were still the most common type of gambling reported by patients with gambling disorders seeking treatment (12) and the most common type of gambling seen in television advertisements (13). According to the updated law, the types of gambling legal in Sweden are online casinos, land-based and online betting on sports and horse racing, charity-based and other land-based and online lotteries (commercial and conducted by a number of operators), land-based casinos in the four main state-run casinos located throughout Sweden, land-based electronic gambling machines (all state-run and monopolised), and a more limited market that includes private restaurant-based casino games under stricter regulations.

The overall impression of the Swedish gambling market is that the ratio of onlin e-based gambling to advertisements (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14) is large.

The overall impression obtained from the Swedish gambling market is that onlin e-based gambling accounts for a large percentage of advertising (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14). In recent years, the number of people who have reported that they have gambling in the past has decreased (15), but public health surveys have increased the number of subgroups that meet the problem gambling standards. Overall, 1 to 1. 5 % of the adult population is considered to be a problem gambler for moderate risk, and it has been reported that the proportion of women in the gambler has recently increased (16). Most of the gamblin g-addicted patients who want treatment are male (12), but in patients with online gambling, it is even more risky that female gambling addiction patients have higher risk of gambling addiction. (14).

The COVID-19 was the first case in late January, and began to have a major impact on Swedish society in March 2020 after the second case was reported in late February. A series of events in mi d-March showed the most dramatic impact of pandemic, with travel restrictions, recommended work, serious effects on financial markets, and public gathering restrictions. At the same time, some major soccer leagues and other sport events were canceled or postponed in March, so the number of people in the world was still limited in the world. It was only a wel l-known soccer league. Thus, in March, the impression of COVID-19's impact on society gradually increased in Sweden, and even in April, the initial recommendation remains the same, but on April 7, the death related to COVID-19. It seems that the number of reports per day has peaked. In May, several major soccer leagues were resumed, and the European league opening was announced, and later in June. In mi d-June, the Swedish soccer league resumed (Table 1).

Table 1

Table 1. Time schedule of COVID-19-related events related to society and sports that influenced Sweden. < SPAN> The overall impression of the Swedish gambling market is that the ratio of onlin e-based gambling to advertisements (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14) is large.

The overall impression obtained from the Swedish gambling market is that onlin e-based gambling accounts for a large percentage of advertising (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14). In recent years, the number of people who have reported that they have gambling in the past has decreased (15), but public health surveys have increased the number of subgroups that meet the problem gambling standards. Overall, 1 to 1. 5 % of the adult population is considered to be a problem gambler for moderate risk, and it has been reported that the proportion of women in the gambler has recently increased (16). Most of the gamblin g-addicted patients who want treatment are male (12), but in patients with online gambling, it is even more risky that female gambling addiction patients have higher risk of gambling addiction. (14).

The COVID-19 was the first case in late January, and began to have a major impact on Swedish society in March 2020 after the second case was reported in late February. A series of events in mi d-March showed the most dramatic impact of pandemic, with travel restrictions, recommended work, serious effects on financial markets, and public gathering restrictions. At the same time, some major soccer leagues and other sport events were canceled or postponed in March, so the number of people in the world was still limited in the world. It was only a wel l-known soccer league. Thus, in March, the impression of COVID-19's impact on society gradually increased in Sweden, and even in April, the initial recommendation remains the same, but on April 7, the death related to COVID-19. It seems that the number of reports per day has peaked. In May, several major soccer leagues were resumed, and the European league opening was announced, and later in June. In mi d-June, the Swedish soccer league resumed (Table 1).

Table 1

Table 1. Time schedule of COVID-19-related events related to society and sports that influenced Sweden. The overall impression of the Swedish gambling market is that the ratio of onlin e-based gambling to advertisements (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14) is large.

The overall impression obtained from the Swedish gambling market is that onlin e-based gambling accounts for a large percentage of advertising (13) and problem gamblers (12, 14). In recent years, the number of people who have reported that they have gambling in the past has decreased (15), but public health surveys have increased the number of subgroups that meet the problem gambling standards. Overall, 1 to 1. 5 % of the adult population is considered to be a problem gambler for moderate risk, and it has been reported that the proportion of women in the gambler has recently increased (16). Most of the gamblin g-addicted patients who want treatment are male (12), but in patients with online gambling, it is even more risky that female gambling addiction patients have higher risk of gambling addiction. (14).

The COVID-19 was the first case in late January, and began to have a major impact on Swedish society in March 2020 after the second case was reported in late February. A series of events in mi d-March showed the most dramatic impact of pandemic, with travel restrictions, recommended work, serious effects on financial markets, and public gathering restrictions. At the same time, some major soccer leagues and other sport events were canceled or postponed in March, so the number of people in the world was still limited in the world. It was only a wel l-known soccer league. Thus, in March, the impression of COVID-19's impact on society gradually increased in Sweden, and even in April, the initial recommendation remains the same, but on April 7, the death related to COVID-19. It seems that the number of reports per day has peaked. In May, several major soccer leagues were resumed, and the European league opening was announced, and later in June. In mi d-June, the Swedish soccer league resumed (Table 1).

Table 1

Table 1. Time schedule of COVID-19-related events related to society and sports that influenced Sweden.

Online casinos (and online bingo and similar games) and online sports betting represent different types of gambling, but normally, both companies are involved in any of these. Due to the license of, it is possible to provide gambling services for both commercialized products, and it is not possible to easily separate each market share from national market statistics. Therefore, in this analysis, the Sweden has a large online gambling involvement, so the subdivision of the gambling market is reported as follows: the stat e-run base casino (1 company, domestic monopoly), a limited deposit lan d-based restaurant (for a limited deposit). 29 companies, private lottery and electronic gambling machines (1 company, stat e-owned), online casinos and online/ Lan d-based sports/ Horsebetting commercial operators (77, one of which are the stat e-run), lan d-based horses One of the private and dominant hosebetting operators including betting, 75 private companies operating online casinos or online betting). There are no amusement park games, similar events (3 businesses), lotteries without tax data, bingo businesses, and one private no n-profit organization that hosts card games.

Tax data was compared to the Swedish approved gambling market as a whole and a specific subtype gambling on a monthly basis. In addition, data on festures, fan fairs, and small gambling activities at similar events was also reported for description purposes. Regarding each month when taxation was reported, sporting events, domestic financial markets, and public health were described in February, the last month, which is considered to be hardly affected by COVID-19 pandemic (Table 2) ) As a comparison, we also reported the corresponding comparison (comparing the month of March to June with the February level) (Table 3). However, since the current system of the license gambling was introduced in January 2019, no further statistical analysis was performed. Therefore, the response period in 2019 is typically a type of gambling that has been provided by no n-licensed companies overseas, and that was transferred to the legal gambling market in 2019. It may not be anything.

Table 2

Table 2. Sweden's approval gambling busines s-based income tax (approximately 1, 000 Sweden Crona, SEK) from January to June 2020.

Table 3

Table 3. Swedish approved gamblin g-based income tax, Januar y-June 2019 (approximately 1, 000 Sweden Crona, SEK).

The overall level of gambling tax was reduced by 17 % from February to March, but in April it recovered to a level of 5 % below the February level. Even in June, the end of the survey period, the overall level remains below February levels below the February level.

The comparison year, 2019, increased by 10 %, 10 %, and 8 % in February, in March, April and May, but decreased again in June 2019 and the level of February of the same year. Has the level below 3 %.

Commercial online casinos/ betting decreased by 8 % from February to March, among which the number of major betting tickets decreased by 11 % and the stat e-owned business decreased by 45 %, while other companies increased by 6 %. Later, commercial online casinos/ betting in April decreased by 5 % compared to February, of which the stat e-owned business operators decreased by 68 % compared to February. The business operator fell 2 %.

The commercial online casino/ betting in May and June was stable at a level close to the February level (up 2 % in May and 2 % in June). The recovery of the stat e-owned casino business by June was only a part, down 53 % in May and 47 % in June. The number of large betting tickets increased further in May, exceeding the February level of 34 %, but fell in June, almost the same as February. The remaining online casinos/ betting operators reached the level of April, 2 % lower than in February in May, but rose to 14 % higher than February. < SPAN> Table 2. Swedish approved gamblin g-based income tax (thousand Sweden Crona, SEK) from January to June 2020.

Table 3

Table 3. Swedish approved gamblin g-based income tax, Januar y-June 2019 (approximately 1, 000 Sweden Crona, SEK).

The overall level of gambling tax was reduced by 17 % from February to March, but in April it recovered to a level of 5 % below the February level. Even in June, the end of the survey period, the overall level remains below February levels below the February level.

The comparison year, 2019, increased by 10 %, 10 %, and 8 % in February, in March, April and May, but decreased again in June 2019 and the level of February of the same year. Has the level below 3 %.

Commercial online casinos/ betting decreased by 8 % from February to March, among which the number of major betting tickets decreased by 11 % and the stat e-owned business decreased by 45 %, while other companies increased by 6 %. Later, commercial online casinos/ betting in April decreased by 5 % compared to February, of which the stat e-owned business operators decreased by 68 % compared to February. The business operator fell 2 %.


Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

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