Top 10 ASA rulings Q2 2024
Top 10 ASA rulings: Q2 2024
The ASA ruling of this term includes a variety of themes, from slandering competitors to the importance of appropriate promotional information and disclosure of commercial relationships.
Consider the ruling of Tonic Health, who slandered competitors, including Berocca from Bayer. The ASA also emphasized the importance of complying with the Great Britain Nutrition and Health Claims Register (UK Nutrition / Health Fortun e-emphasis Register) during nutritional emphasis.
The competition parameters that Kingsland Wine and Spirits advertise in a wine bottle label, also examined about physical labels (and the need for appropriate advertising information despite the restrictions of the surface area) A complaint about not explaining enough was supported. He also examined the ruling of miniclip, which was improperly disclosed in the appointment of i n-ap p-type ap p-type apps and the use of the "loot box", causing misleading games "8 ball Pool" ads. The disclosure of commercial relationships between employees and brands was inadequate, which was ruled on We are Tala. The company advertised the company's products in a series of social media posts.
It also explains disadvantageous ruling against Portable Multimedia LTD. The company's dashcom advertisement was a stock image that consumers were understood as a screenshot of dash cam images, but was actually han d-emphasized.
Easigrass's ruling revises environmenta l-related issues, such as misunderstandings that recycle products in question are easy and widely available.
Many rulings were not supported, such as the Alzheimer's Disease Association, but the ad was judged that although it contained a description of Alzheimer's disease, it was sufficiently considered. On the other hand, as a result of examining Emma Willis's media profile, social media followers, and brand partnership, the ASA eventually not promoted the postal code lottery because she is not a person who is particularly strong under the age of 18. Judged that it is not a violation of the rules.
Top 10 rulings
ASA Ruling on Tonic Health
- Journal date May 15, 2024
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 1
This ruling is about the online vitamin retailer Tonic Health's website and Instagram reel. Tonic Health's website features a product list that compares competitive products and supplements, including Bayel's "Berocca", and the Tonic Health is higher vitamins. Was shown. A similar comparison was also performed on the Instagram reel, and a video was provided: "Verocca's Imuno is 8 pounds per tablet with 53 pesos per tablet, but tonic is 45 pesos per tablet and more vitamins than Verokka. It doesn't contain artificial sweeteners, so it's a much better way for health than Berokka. "
All complaints about the ads were supported. Both the website and Instagram reels have been discovered that they have fallen and slandered the trust of competitors. The phrase, which is comparing with other products, suggests that the quality of the products of competitors is inferior without evidence, and falls under the slander of CAP code rules 3. 42. The additional claims for the motivation of Berocca were disguished and violated advertising standards for fact comparisons.
The ASA has also ruled that only the official nutritional emphasis display published in the Great Britain Nutrition and Health Claims Register (registered books on the UK) will be supported. The advertisement on the website provided unauthorized claims of "many vitamins" and no n-specific comparative nutritional claims, and neither was recognized in the registration book, so it was considered a violation of the rules. It was also misleading that the advertisement contained a substance other than vitamins in the claim of vitamins. In addition, advertising claimed "sugar reduction" and implied a comparison with competitors. However, since Berocca does not contain sugar, it was not possible to claim that the sugar content of daily implements products was low, and violated the same rule.
ASA Ruling on Kingsland Wines & Spirits
- Judgment date: May 22, 2024
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 1
There was a complaint that the label on the Bottle of Campaneo Wines was not clearly conveyed the details of the promotions conducted by the brand, and ASA examined. The label advertised one of the five pizza kilns, and instructed consumers to apply from the company's website to check all conditions there. However, it was not specified that the application must be made within 14 days of purchase or that a purchase proof was necessary.
Kingsland Drinks, who was in charge of the promotion, claimed that the label space was limited, but it was clear enough for consumers to find additional information online. They were planning to track sales through a single supermarket and will draw lots 14 days after selling the final bottle for promotion.
The ASA ruled that this mechanism was a problem and the customer could not know the remaining number of bottles and the end of the promotion. Therefore, it was necessary to apply within 14 days after purchase. Omitting such important conditions is more likely to be misleading, violating some rules of CAP code, especially for promotional marketing (8. 17, 8. 17. 1, 8. 17. 4. A, 8. 18). do.
In addition, the ASA determined that the label had enough space to share information in the first instance.
ASA ruling on Portable Multimedia Ltd
- June 5, 2024, 2024
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 1
An advertisement of three dash cams was posted on a website page, and it was advertised as "you can capture detailed information such as license plates and road signs even in extreme lo w-lightness", and two models are "nighttime. But it was promised to clearly reflect the surrounding situation. The plaintiff has filed an objection to see if the adhusts are exaggerating the performance of the Dash cam.
The ASA has determined that consumers will believe that hig h-resolution images, which were photographed at night, were screenshots of actual images taken from dash cams. Furthermore, since the advertisement did not specify which model the image source was, the ASA understands that consumers understand that this image is visual clearness that can achieve any of the three models. Ta.
In fact, this image is a stock photo, and the blurred license plate was previously replaced with a manually readable plate, so the image is higher resolution, and the dash cam allows you to read the license plate even at night. I gave the impression like that. Since the image was not taken from the video of the advertising dash cam, the ASA ruled that the ad violation of the CAP code 3. 1 (misleading ad).
ASA ruling on Easigrass (Distribution) Ltd
- Arbitration date: March 27, 2024
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 5 < SPAN> Kingsland Drinks, who was in charge of this promotion, asserted that the label space is limited, but it is clear enough for consumers to find additional information online. did. They were planning to track sales through a single supermarket and will draw lots 14 days after selling the final bottle for promotion.
The ASA ruled that this mechanism was a problem and the customer could not know the remaining number of bottles and the end of the promotion. Therefore, it was necessary to apply within 14 days after purchase. Omitting such important conditions is more likely to be misleading, violating some rules of CAP code, especially for promotional marketing (8. 17, 8. 17. 1, 8. 17. 4. A, 8. 18). do.
In addition, the ASA determined that the label had enough space to share information in the first instance.
June 5, 2024, 2024
Decision: Support
ASA ruling on Miniclip (UK) Ltd
- Number of complaints 1
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 1
In fact, this image is a stock photo, and the blurred license plate was previously replaced with a manually readable plate, so the image is higher resolution, and the dash cam allows you to read the license plate even at night. I gave the impression like that. Since the image was not taken from the video of the advertising dash cam, the ASA ruled that the ad violation of the CAP code 3. 1 (misleading ad).
Arbitration date: March 27, 2024
Decision: Support
The number of complaints 5 Kingsland Drinks, who was in charge of this promotion, claimed that the label space was limited, but it was clear enough for consumers to find additional information online. They were planning to track sales through a single supermarket and will draw lots 14 days after selling the final bottle for promotion.
ASA ruling on DUSK (Retail) Ltd
- Number of complaints 1
- In addition, the ASA determined that the label had enough space to share information in the first instance.
- June 5, 2024, 2024
Decision: Support
Number of complaints 1
ASA ruling on the Alzheimer's Society
- June 5, 2024, 2024
- In addition, the ASA determined that the label had enough space to share information in the first instance.
- In fact, this image is a stock photo, and the blurred license plate was previously replaced with a manually readable plate, so the image is higher resolution, and the dash cam allows you to read the license plate even at night. I gave the impression like that. Since the image was not taken from the video of the advertising dash cam, the ASA ruled that the ad violation of the CAP code 3. 1 (misleading ad).
Arbitration date: March 27, 2024
Decision: Support
Number of complaints 5
EASIGRASS posted to the Facebook account and the product website website website, which appeals to the ostensible product of artificial turf products, is an environmentally friendly product, and both advertisements are "completely recycled". The product name was displayed as "Kenzington Eco Glass". The five plaintiffs, including the activist group Plastics Rebellion, have misleading the claim of "completely recycled", and whether they can prove or not, and the "Kenzingto n-Eco Glass" as a product name ("various environmental benefits"). Asked if the artificial turf was a misunderstanding of the environmen t-friendly, along with the claims to "provide" and "satisfy all conditions related to the environment."
ASA ruling on We Are TALA Ltd
- Judgment date: May 22, 2024
- Decision: Support
- ASA has the adverse effect of plastic manufacturing on the environment and the effect of replacing natural grass with artificial turf, and the recycling center of this product is relatively difficult to access (such a place is in Europe. There were only three places.) In other words, artificial turf is not a positive effect on the environment through its life cycle.
Judgment date: March 20, 2024
Decision: Support
Number of complaints 1
This ruling is about paid Facebook ads of the online game "8 ball Pool". The game was advertised along with the text "Play Free Now" and the link to the Apple's App Store page.
This is an abbreviation of important information (specifically, not all items that appear in ads can be obtained without purchasing in the game). Conventioned.
ASA Ruling on Postcode Lottery
- The ASA relied on CAP guidance which made clear that in-app purchases, particularly those consisting of random items, can be a factor in consumers' purchasing decisions when playing a game. 8 Ball Pool offered "lucky dip" style purchases such as "golden spins" as well as the purchase of items such as virtual currency and pool cues.
- In addition, the ASA determined that the label had enough space to share information in the first instance.
- Number of complaints 1
Decision: Not upheld
40 complaints
Home goods brand Dusk ran a TV advert in which an older woman sat in her living room, telling the camera that she had ignored the traditional way of buying furniture ("looking through endless samples and ordering a sofa that costs over $1000") and instead bought directly from Dusk's website, freeing up her time for other things ("Once I decided to buy directly from Dusk. com, I had money left over to pay for Carlo!"). The ad then showed a shirtless man getting up on screen and pouring tea into the woman's teacup. The adverts attracted 40 complaints each for objectifying men and therefore being harmful and offensive under the BCAP code.
The ASA acknowledged that the men were depicted shirtless and with their heads out of frame, drawing attention to their bodies, but they only appeared briefly in the advert and the overall tone of the content was not sexually suggestive. Instead, the court found that the ad was perceived by consumers as an "exaggerated scenario" with a "surreal and comical tone" and did not objectify the character of Carlos. While some viewers may have found the ad offensive, it did not reach the BCAP's threshold of irresponsibility or serious or widespread offense.
Date of ruling 5 June 2024
ASA Ruling on JML Direct
- Arbitration date: March 27, 2024
- Decision: Support
- Number of complaints 1
Other TV ads were summarized, the same catchphrase: "It's not just dying with dementia. I die over and over again, so in the Alzheimer's Disease Association, many times, You are near you, many times, as many times as you like. " The radio was broadcast with the same catchphrase and a similar narrative.
The ad was particularly complained, and 235 viewers reported the content to the ASA. The ASA recognized that Alzheimer's description is emotional and is more likely to bring strong emotions from dementia patients and people with dementia. ASA also pointed out that death could be a lot of themes, which could have a wide range of emotional effects. Nevertheless, viewers will not literally interpret the repeated mentions of death, and advertisements that increase the awareness of the role of dementia and the role of the Alzheimer's Disease Association, which supports the patient and the caregiver. You will understand the purpose.
The ASA recognized that it could be painful to those who were just diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, especially those with high suicide, early onset. However, advertising is delicate, emphasizing that the Alzheimer's Disease Association is a source of support for those affected by this disease, and eventually the potential upset. It was judged to be higher. As a result, despite the large number of complaints, the ASA did not admit the BCAP code violation of social responsibilities or violations.
ASA slams Sky Bet for tweet featuring Gary Neville
Arbitration date: May 22, 2024
Decision: Support
Number of complaints 51
Two Instagram reels and four tiktok posts in the Grave Beverly account were investigated by the ASA. In these advertisements, Grace advertised a variety of items on brand TALA clothing. The 51 complaints asked the ASA to determine whether the ads can clearly be identified as a marketing communication that is a CAP code requirement.
Despite Beverly's firs t-person plural ("W] e-don't play arround here), the two Instagram reels are commercials with founders and employees and brands. It was not considered that the relationship was properly disclosed. Furthermore, such expressions were located in the middle of the reel and required viewers involvement before commercial relationships were disclosed. Therefore, the ASA determined that it was not clearly identified as an advertisement.
Sky Bet defends tweet
Similarly, Instagram reels were "Co-Published" (Instagram functions that allows two to post content to each page), which is equivalent to commercial disclosure to viewers. It was judged that it was not a widely understood concept.
Tiktok ads violated the ASA requirements for obviously identified marketing communication. Tiktok's advertisement was published in Beverly's personal account, and most of Beverly's viewers recognized that Beverly was the founder and owner of the brand, but followers by algorithm. Given that Beverly's account was displayed on the "for you" page, a considerable percentage of viewers would not have been particularly aware.
No labeling of #AD is included in any advertisement, and some recognition of Beverly's interest in business ("I wouldn't have been so proud of our work"). Despite being done, it was placed in the middle of the video sequence, so viewers had to be involved in advertising before the commercial relationship between posters and brands was warned. ASA concluded that a series of advertisements violated CAP code rules 2. 1 and 2. 3, and that marketing and communication.
Journal date May 1, 2024
ASA upholds challenge
Decision: Not supported
Number of complaints 1
In a television advertisement of People's Postcode Lotto, presenter Emma Willis appeared alongside the "V" logo of the television program The Voice. Emma Willis asks the viewer, "Because it is a prior to $ 17. 3 million, there is really only one question, is your door a lottery?" The complaint pointed out that the advertisement was a person who would be strongly appealing under the age of 18 and violated the BCAP code 18. 5.
The BCAP code stipulates that advertising of lotter y-related products must not appeal to children, especially related to "youth culture", and ASA is under 18 years old, based on Emma Willis's general profile. We examined whether there is a possibility of appealing.
Emma Willis's range of TV and radio shows, including Big Brother, The Circle, Cooking with the Stars and Delivery Babies, were found to be largely aimed at adults.
Role of social media in the investigation
Willis's appearances on The Voice and The Voice Kids TV shows are undoubtedly aimed at children (Willis acknowledges, for example, that her own children enjoy the shows and that children's news platform Newsround gives them moderate coverage), but according to the BARB data examined by the ASA, these shows were popular with audiences aged 55+. Similarly, her role as a presenter (as opposed to a judge or contestant) was not thought to be aspirational for under-18s.
An examination of Willis's social media profiles revealed that the composition of her followers on Facebook and Instagram among 13-17 year olds was not significant. Figures for under-13s were not available, but were similarly considered inconsequential as under-13s are less likely to have social media accounts than the 13-17 age group. Furthermore, the ASA's commercial partnerships with Marks & Spencer, Gillette Venus and Oral-B were deemed by the ASA to be "adult brands" and not broadly appealing to under-18s. The complaint was therefore not upheld.
Date of ruling: 27 March 2024
Decision: Upheld
Number of complaints: 1
- JML's television advert for its Hurricane Spin Scrubber showed women using the product to clean spaces in their homes, with a pair of male and female presenters. The women communicated their satisfaction with the product, and a male voice-over read out a call-to-action ("To get your Hurricane Spin Scrubber and get a sparkling home, call us now or visit jmldirect. com"). A consumer complained to the ASA that the advert perpetuated harmful gender stereotypes and implied that only women are interested in household cleaning products.
- Under the BCAP code, ads should not describe gender stereotypes that can cause harm, serious, or widespread discomfort. Advertisements must be aware that they can show people who take the gender stereotype, but only in gender, which has a specific role, or as if they are exclusively related. Many women appeared in the advertisement, all major cleaning members were women, and many women were also reflected. Some hands were shown, but it was too difficult to tell whether it was a man's hand or a woman's hand because the shot was a moment.
- The ASA was a host with one "man who could identify easily", depicted as an employee of the company. In addition, he had a female moderator, and his main role seemed to observe and assist his presentation. The ASA concludes that this kind of parallel is presented in a highly possible way that this advertisement can harm gender stereotypes because of the use of cleaning products at home. I issued a banned order.
- Advertisements that have been appointed directly under the age of 18 violate ASA's CAP code guidance, especially rules 16. 1, 16. 3, and 16. 3. 12. This code stipulates marketing and advertising guidelines in the UK.
- This is the latest ASA warning to advertisements under the age of 18. This includes advertisements such as bed 365, Radbrokes, and bet victors.
- This tweet was advertised on February 9 by X (former Twitter). The tweet was embedded with a video clip of the soccer podcast "The Overlap", which is talking about the team that Neville could win in the Premier League. The Sky Bet logo occasionally appeared in the video.
- At the end of the ad, "Brout to You by Sky Bet" was written, followed by the Gambleaware logo.
- The text of the tweet is: "Did Gary change the title forecast? Thanks to Man City,@gnev2 seems to be changing. Overlap fan debate part 3 has been released." Was with multiple emoticons.
- Skybet responded to the ASA that Neville believed that Neville was not strongly appealing under the age of 18.
- Sky Bet explains that the podcast "The Overlap" is a discussion of sports, politics, and business celebrities about soccer, and that it does not deal with the content that appeals to children. 1. 2 % of overlap viewers are 13 to 17 years old. In the episode where Neville appears, the number has decreased to 0. 5 %.
- Skybet also argued that Neville also satisfied the long retirement defined by CAP guidance, so it would be unlikely to appeal to the age of 18. Neville is currently widely known as a soccer critic, political critic, and businessman, and has a media profile that matches the "mature age."
- The operating company pointed out that Neville has been a brand ambassador for Sky Bet since 2018 and has been recognized in connection with its products. Company X also stated that there was no complaint about the advertisement.
Q3 2023: Key ASA rulings
However, the ASA chose to support this tweet. He acknowledges that ads are targeted at the age of 25 or older, but have been published on a platform that sel f-declares the age of the user, so that they cannot completely eliminate those under the age of 18.
ASA mentioned the British broadcast advertising code (BCAP code) and said that retired soccer players turned into commentators have a "medium risk" that appeals to those under the age of 18.
A survey of his social media profile revealed that Neville had 80, 000 Instagram and 55, 000 followers under the age of 18. The number of followers under the age of 18 on Tiktok and Facebook is unknown.
"Although the total number of followers of Instagram and Twitter/X is small, it is considered that the absolute number of followers under the age of 18 is considered a considerable number," ASA concluded. "Therefore, we thought he had a strong appeal under the age of 18 because he had so many social media followers under the age of 18."
Therefore, we concluded that this ad was irresponsible and violated the code. "
Felix Folkner, a lawyer at Pople Ston Allen, said the ASA conclusion was unexpected.
"The appointment of Neville in the Tweet of Sky Bet is irresponsible, and the ruling that it does not follow the related CAP code is more generous in the appointment of other lon g-term retired soccer players in gambling ads. Probably a bit surprising in this survey.
ASA ruling on LC International Ltd t/a Ladbrokes
- Falkner added that the background of the investigation was also important. According to the ASA, the ad was identified by the Active Ad Monitoring system to use AI to find advertisements that could violate rules.
- As with the three other gambling rules (related to Bet365, William Hill, Ladbrokes) that the ASA gave in August, regulatory authorities say that the advertisements in question "use AI to violate rules. It was identified for investigations in accordance with the intelligence collected by the active advertising monitoring system that actively searched for possible online advertisements. "
- "This is the fact that the ASA strict approach to confirm that gambling operators comply with the rules that restrict celebrities in gambling advertising at the end of last year will not be loosened in the future. Suggests.
Marketing & affiliate
Sustainable gambling
Marketing regulation
Social media marketing
ASA ruling on LC International Ltd t/a Ladbrokes
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility
Advertising standards
Advertising standards
ASA ruling on LC International Ltd t/a Ladbrokes
British & Ireland
In this term, three rulings on gambling will be taken up for Ladbrokes. The ASA is a petitioner in all of these three ruling and has been active in gambling advertising. Some ads are identified using the ASA Active Ad Monitoring system, indicating how ASA uses technology to make more effective regulations.
ASA has determined that the advertisement has violated advertising rules by appealing under the age of 18. With the same content, the ASA has also announced a new material, "100 Children Repor t-Enforcement and EngageMent with Businesses (100 Children's Repor t-Involved with Implementation and Company)" In order to restrict touch, we are considering measures to be taken before and after and during the period.
The ASA received the 295 complaints this term, but this was about the advertisement for physiological underwear, and the plaintiff was unpleasant and painful. The ASA did not agree with this and judged that there was no CAP code violation. This advertisement may look uncomfortable to some people, but there is no possibility that it will give you a serious, widespread discomfort, excessive fear or pain.
ASA ruling on Wuka Ltd t/a WUKA
- Similarly, the ASA did not support the complaint of Gorilla Glue's advertisement, which has been complained that the harmful gender stereotype has been permanent. The ruling suggests that the ASA supported an advertisement with a similar pattern in the previous ruling, suggesting that the approach to gender stereotypes has a delicate line.
- In addition, two arbitration was issued to Toyota and Hyundai automakers on advertising on electricity charging capabilities. Here, the advertiser could prove the claim, but did not clarify the test conditions.
- Of the six rulings announced in the quarter, three rulings regarding promotion and competition will be introduced. Two of these complaints were supported as the promotion was rated unfairly, and the third ad (domino pizza) was told in a way that the promotion was misleading. A complaint was received.
The following is the top ASA ruling top in the previous quarter.
Journal date 2023 July 5, 223
Decision support
Number of complaints 1
ASA ruling on Gorilla Glue Europe Ltd
This is one of the three rulings obtained by Ladbrokes in the summer of 2023.
This ad was a promotional tweet with an ag e-restricted image using Jake Paul images released after boxing with Tommy Fury, and the caption was "Next to Jake Paul? Vote here now (here now) ")") The caption was included in the caption, and the voting was supplemented.
The ASA fought to see if the advertisement was a gambling marketing communication, including a person who could appeal to the age of 18.
According to the CAP guidance, Boxing has determined that it is neither a medium nor a high risk in appeal to the age of 18, and that it is neither an adult sport.
However, CAP Guidance also states that athletes, who are particularly well known in social media activities through the youth cultural field, are likely to appeal to those under the age of 18. With more than 65 million Jake Paul followers on YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter, of which 3 million are under 18 years of age (but there are zero on Twitter where the ad was displayed). ASA has determined that Jake Paul has strongly appealing under the age of 18.
Therefore, this ad was determined to be irresponsible and violated the rules.
ASA ruling on Toyota (GB plc)
This is the second of three rulings made against Ladbrokes in the summer of 2023.
Two promotional tweets by Ladbrokes featured current Premier League managers, including their names and images. The CAP Code states that marketing communications for gambling products must not be such as to appeal strongly to children or young people, particularly by reflecting or associating with youth culture.
The ASA cited CAP guidance that Premier League football teams are at high risk of appealing strongly to under-18s, and that top club managers are also likely to appeal strongly to children. The ad therefore breaches the Code. This echoes a similar ruling in which a former Premier League star appeared in an advertisement for a gambling product or service.
The ASA considered that it would have been permissible to place the ad in a medium that could completely exclude under-18s from the audience. Although the ad was targeted to over-25s, Twitter was an environment in which users self-identified when registering as a customer, and therefore could not exclude under-18s with the highest level of precision required. Such validation could be achieved through marketing lists verified by payment data and credit checks.
This is part of the ASA's efforts to ban gambling ads that are deemed to have a strong appeal to under-18s.
ASA ruling on Hyundai Motor UK Ltd
The ruling concerns four promotional tweets by Ladbrokes featuring prominent tennis players. These ads were identified using the ASA's AI-based active ad monitoring system, which processes more than 100, 000 ads per month to find ads that may be in breach of the rules.
The CAP guidance "Gambling and lotteries: Protecting under-18s" sets out what types of people and characters may have a strong appeal to under-18s. For example, British footballers and managers who play for top clubs, non-UK "star" footballers and managers, and well-known sportspeople with a high national profile who play in sports such as cricket, tennis or rugby are considered to be at high risk of appealing to under-18s in the context of gambling advertising.
The ASA is a tennis player in advertising, a grand slam champion, and has participated in recent notes, such as// Wimbledon and the Australian Open, and is likely to be interested in the age of 18. Decided. Radbroks provided data that most of the followers of each player's social media are 18 years old or older, and the commercial partnership of the players is with adult brands, but ASA is a player in advertising. It is decided that it does not overturn the evaluation that it is likely to be strongly appealing under the age of 18.
Therefore, this ad was irresponsible and violated the rules.
ASA ruling on Red Miracle Group t/a Domino’s Pizza
Arbitration date: July 19, 2023
Decision: Increased
Number of complaints: 295
Nearly 300 complaints were made to TV ads and video on demand ads for reusable underwear "WUKA". The advertisement contained blood during menstruation, including blood clots, and spent physiological products, and plaintiffs have been disgusted that they are likely to be uncomfortable and painful.
The ASA acknowledged that the depiction of blood was often reminiscent of injury, and the image of blood could cause fear and anxiety, and could hurt the audience. The way of expressing the menstrual blood of this ad was unusual and unexpected on television, but it described consumer menstrual experiences in realistic and accurate. The amount of menstrual hemorrhage was neither excessive nor grateful nor grotesque.
In addition, he pointed out that the average age of menstruation is 12 years old, but he may be eight years old, and he is likely to understand that many children are accustomed to the blood associated with menstruation and understand that they are normal. 。 In any case, the schedule restriction was applied, so there was no advertisement, especially around the content targeting the child.
ASA ruling on Blenheim Sales & Lettings Ltd
The ASA has decided that the advertisement may be uncomfortable to some people, but there is no possibility that it will cause severe or wide range of discomfort or excessive fear or pain. This ruling should be welcomed for Wuka, a brand that is trying to eliminate prejudice to menstruation by expressing menstruation positively and promoting open discussions on menstruation.
In a television advertisement, his father and two sons played the ball in the living room, resulting in broken household goods. Later, a gorilla appeared, and his father fix the item using a gorilla instant adhesive. The narration in the advertisement said, "Oh, someone is in trouble. The narration is flowing. Hey, the gorilla instant glue fixs any broken object, and the mother knows nothing.
Some complainants thought the ad perpetuated harmful gender stereotypes, with fathers being fun and playful and mothers being responsible, serious and concerned about tidiness.
The complaint was not upheld.
ASA ruling on BBC Studios Productions Ltd t/a BBC Studios
The ASA explained that while ads may feature or refer to people taking on gender-stereotypical roles, advertisers should avoid suggesting that stereotypical roles or characteristics are always uniquely associated with one gender. The father in the ad is portrayed as light-hearted and playful, playing indoors, but he also shows a sense of responsibility by looking after his children around the house and taking care to fix broken items.
The voice-over suggested that the mother would be upset if she found out about the broken items, but it did not mean that tidying the house was the mother's responsibility alone or that it was the responsibility of mothers in general.
This ruling suggests that there is a fine line in the approach regarding gender stereotyping. In a previous ruling, the ASA had upheld a complaint against an ad with a similar fact pattern. The ad received 128 complaints and was published shortly after the gender stereotype regulation came into force.
Toyota's website states that its electric car bZ4X can be charged to 80% in about 30 minutes using a 150kW fast-charging system. A footnote states that charging times depend on local conditions and that fast-charging power ratings may vary from location to location. A consumer complained that these claims were unfounded and misleading.
