Understanding Someone Who Gambles GambleAware
How to help someone who gambles
If you know someone whose gambling you are worried about, there are many ways to support them - and yourself.
See Dani's storyTry to understand what they’re going through
People who gamble may start to hide the fact that they are gambling and feel that they have little or no control over the situation. Knowing what kind of situation they are in can help you support them.
Having a conversation is a great starting point. The best way to start a conversation with someone is to show empathy and reassure them that you are not going to judge them.
Take care of yourself too
When you feel that someone is hiding something, you may feel hurt or betrayed. These feelings are difficult to handle when you are trying to be considerate, but they are completely normal.
Remember, there are many support services that can help you both. You can only look after someone if you also look after yourself.
See also related topic Understanding Gamblers Looking out for You.How to talk to someone about their gambling
Talk to them with compassion
When talking about gambling, it can be hard to know where to start, especially if the person who gambles is not aware that their behavior is affecting their life.
Make sure you let them know that you are worried because you care and want to help.
If the other person feels safe and supported, they will be more likely to talk openly and honestly.
Try to maintain a calm and positive attitude and avoid making statements that may come across as critical or confrontational.
Explain your side
They may not be aware that their actions are affecting you or others, so use "I" instead of "you" to explain how you feel and help them understand your position.
The more open you are about gambling, the less harm it can cause. If you're not sure how to talk about gambling, read our conversation starters.
Tips Use "I" instead of "you" Avoid sounding accusing 1 — 6Listen, listen and listen
Once you start a conversation, listen carefully, patiently and non-judgmentally. Don't interrupt the other person as they are speaking. This can discourage them from opening up and lead to misunderstandings rather than open conversations.
Calmness and compassion are key. If the person you are concerned about acknowledges they have a gambling problem, encourage them to contact the National Gambling Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or via live chat to get tailored support.
Protect your finances
If you notice someone struggling financially because of their gambling, encourage them to get specialist financial support.
It is also a good idea to secure any joint accounts you share with your gambler and protect your own finances by keeping passwords secret. If you have children with the person you are concerned about, make sure they do not have access to their accounts or savings.
Our budget and financial advice page has more information on how you and the gambler can get the right financial support for your unique situation.
Don’t financially contribute towards gambling
It may be tempting to give or lend money to help them pay off their debts, but this will not help in the long run. It could make things worse and put your own money at risk.
Celebrate their progress
Encouraging them
To encourage success, it is really important to celebrate progress. If they are doing well, make sure you tell them so they know that their progress is having a positive impact. For example, you could say:
“I’m really proud of you for sticking at this, I know it’s been hard but it’s going to be worth it.”
Copy text“You’ve made so much progress over the past few weeks/months. It makes me really happy to see you happier too.”
Copy text“Things have felt so much better between us since you’ve stopped gambling.”
Copy text“I was really worried about our finances last year. Thank you for continuing to try so hard. I know it hasn’t been easy.”
Copy text 1 — 6Moving forwards
Progress is always a positive thing, but keep in mind that when you pay off your debts, that's when relapse is possible.
Some people may assume that because gambling is no longer harmful, there will be no consequences if they gamble occasionally.
Continue to support them and don't be too disappointed if they start gambling again. Encouraging them to write down what led to their relapse can help you better understand why they relapsed and what to look out for in the future.
There are lots of organisations and resources to support people who are affected by gambling. The first step is to start talking about it.
Looking for support?
When you're ready to talk to someone, contact the National Gambling Helpline:
This helpline is a free, confidential and bespoke service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's for anyone who is worried about their own or someone else's gambling.
Meet the Joker: the Australian who is the biggest gambler in the world
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Normal font size Large font size Very large font size AdvertisementThe demolitio n-owne d-owned demolition building in Mosman, a suburb of Sydney, is unlikely that the world's largest gambler Joker pays $ 100 a week.
As a matter of fact, Zelico Ranogakks runs more than $ 3 billion of the world a year, and lends one of Sydney's mansions to Radio Shock Jokes Kyle Sandruns. And the giant giant in the gambling world is currently living in Wan Hyde Park, the most expensive apartment house in Knights Bridge, London.
Leviathan Australia's gambler, Gelico Ranogajk, and John Wilson.
One of the 86 apartments in the world is currently on sale, and the desired price is $ 90 million. Other apartments are sold twice for sale.
It is generally known by the name below, but Zelico has the same birthday on May 22, 1961 and lives in the same address as John Wilson. The name John Wilson is trying to build a greater wealth.
According to British corporate records, John Wilson has the dominant shares of Colossus Bets. As of July, Colossus Bets will work with 55 racetracks to operate a British horse racing pool. This new venture, called Britbet, will challenge the British tote, which has been monopolized for 10 years in July.
After a struggle with the Australian Tax Bureau, Serico, who had lived a secluded life, moved his hometown of Gambling to the Tax Haven, Tax Haven, floating on the Irish Sea off the UK. Shortly after arriving on the Island, he established Colossus Bets with Bernard Malanthelli, the son of a bookmaker in Victoria.
Real estate on Mosman's middle head road. Credit: Wolter Peeters
Gelico's gambling syndicate is betting on the results of sports events around the world every day. His organization hires mathematicians, data analysts, computer scientists, and racing observers to lead. When his algorithms have reached a certain amount of pools and jackpots, his syndicate, known as a "bankroll", rushes.
However, it is not the success of betting to bring a lot of money on bankroll. By secretly receiving kickbacks from a game company, people like Zeruiko do not lose.
AdvertisementAccording to the Fair Fax Media, the AS X-listed gambling company tabcope offers kickbacks and "rebates" on the Leviathan panan, including Zeruiko.
"It is common sense that the rebate is provided by a large number of customers around the world," said Tabcorp spokeswoman.
Game companies did not confirm the amount of rebate to Zeruko, which is widely believed to be the largest customer, because of commercial consideration. Tabcope also did not reveal how much he had to bet annually to get the rebate.
Industry officials estimate that Tabcope has paid 8 % to 10 % to Zeriko. Therefore, even if Zeruiko's syndicate has lost two percent in betting, it is much higher than the average panty in consideration of the rebate.
How it works
One of the products of the tabcope is the lotter y-style game "Keno". According to gambling experts, Out of 44 Keno jackpots in Australian pubs and clubs in the past year, Zelico Shinjikates or other big players have hit 40. Tabcope refuts this claim. The pattern is the same.
Jackpot on March 29. Until the jackpot was over $ 18, 000, the panant spent a total of over $ 900 per game. Suddenly, the turnover rose 15 times and exceeded $ 13, 400 per game. This amount was betting in each game until a 503 game was $ 26, 517 jackpots.
It has been rumored that Zeruiko has bought 90 % of tickets, and a disadvantageous odds are heavy on the general panty that cannot operate his huge funds and computer algorithms with his fingertips.
It is estimated that Hobar t-born Zeruiko is betting in tabcope and game business around the world.
Its size became public in the trial 10 years ago.
"How much is the annual sales of syndicate?" In 2008, Rolf driver in 2008 asked Zelico, who appeared unusually in a public place to go bankrupt in a betting company.
"My guess is $ 1 billion."
The judge doubted his ears. "$ 1 billion?
"Yes, it's $ 1 billion," said Zelico.
"We are called Bankrol Panters Club," We are only a handful of customers in our level.
But, as he explained in court, they were far superior to the average panel, not for victory, but for r e-and "royalty payments."
"It's very simple," Zeljko told the court. "If you bet $100 and lose $5, if you get a 10 percent rebate, you're making 5 percent.
"You always win. If you bet very big, it's a pari-mutuel pool and you're saying you're depreciating it and going below fair odds. If you lock something in at $8, it's $6, but if you get the rebate, you're in the black."
Zeljko's Twitter, who owns a $1 million Lamborghini.
A reclusive tsar
The gambling king, nicknamed the "Loch Ness Monster," rarely makes public appearances. He lurks in the shadows, using a maze of businesses and coverts, including a self-employed seamstress from Tasmania and a former technology writer for The Age and The Herald.
Instead of a self-portrait on his locked Twitter account, he features a photo of his $1 million Lamborghini Aventador Coupe sports car with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.
His Twitter profile simply states that he is "said to be the world's biggest punter and high-stakes professional gambler."
The Punters Club
Zeljko's move to the Isle of Man followed a spectacular clash in 2012 with the Australian Taxation Office, which was pursuing Zeljko and 18 other members of what the ATO had come to call "The Punters Club." The ATO was seeking nearly $600 million in taxes and penalties from the Tasmanians. The syndicate argued that their business was not a business and therefore no tax was owed on their gambling winnings.
After the syndicate settled with the ATO on undisclosed terms, the Australian Financial Review obtained documents that reveal that as early as 2003, the Punters Club was concerned about an ATO investigation.
David Walsh, a gifted mathematician, provided the answer to Zeljko's talent as a gambling entrepreneur. Credit: Peter Matthew
The documents suggested that if members were asked how much the syndicate would win, punters should reply "It is difficult to estimate turnover or profits as no records are kept and I prefer not to make guesses".
Punters were also educated to say they "do not know all the members" of the syndicate, would need to distribute funds and check the bank accounts they came from, the Financial Review reported.
Some of the members, including Mark Davis, Elizabeth Aitken and Zoe Davis, are current shareholders in Colossus Bets.
Caught in the ATO's fight was Zeljko's best friend, David Walsh. The two met during their university days in Tasmania. Walsh's privately owned Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) in Hobart was the result of Walsh's complex feelings of guilt over making a fortune from the Punters Club. "I can justifiably claim that I built Mona to escape the guilt of making money without a track record," he wrote in his 2014 autobiography, A Bone of Fact. In 2009, when Walsh was struggling with the monthly construction costs of Mona, Zeljko "decided to go bankrupt" at the Melbourne Cup because of the size of the pool, Walsh wrote in his book. Although he didn't give a figure, Walsh is said to have pocketed $17 million when Shocking, ridden by Mark Kavanagh, won. Since the early 1980s, Walsh, who was gifted with mathematics, had been the answer to Zeljko's entrepreneurial gambling. Initially, Walsh's calculations proved deadly effective at the blackjack tables at Wrest Point Casino in Hobart.
In May 1984, they were banned from counting cards.
Zeljko, then 23, vehemently contested the ban, according to correspondence obtained by Fairfax Media.
I have reviewed the rules of blackjack and would be grateful if you could tell me on what basis the application of "card counting" to the game of blackjack has been deemed unnatural play," Damien Bugg, a lawyer who later became the Director of Commonwealth Prosecutions, wrote.
The Acting Commissioner for Gaming said that card counting gives players an advantage over the "house" because memorizing the cards allows players to predict the odds of betting on a particular hand.
Kicked out of casinos
Zeljko was also kicked out of Jupiters Casino on Queensland's Gold Coast on its opening day. A former security chief confirmed there was a handwritten note in his file indicating that Zeljko, also known as "The Joker", was a "known card counter".
Walsh describes the late '80s as a tough time. After the casino ban, Zeljko, his wife Shelley Wilson, whom he met at the casino, and Walsh moved to Sydney. The three made ends meet by traveling to Korea to play blackjack while they refined their gambling system.
By 1994, they were betting millions of dollars a week on lotto, keno, horses and greyhounds.
In July of that year, a bold but calculated bet landed him on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. Zeljko, nicknamed the "King of Keno," knew the North Ryde RSL jackpot had reached $4 million. He spent an estimated $10 million to $13 million over six consecutive days to hit the $7. 5 million jackpot. Because Keno gives players a small percentage of their stake back to keep them betting, about 48 percent of the stake, Zeljko finished with millions of dollars in winnings.
One racing insider pointed to Zeljko's shadowy presence in betting on the world's richest turf race, the Everest. In the 1200-metre sprint at Randwick last October, a $600, 000 jackpot was awarded to the horses that finished first through fourth. When the race jumped, the pool was about $1. 5 million. By the time the race was over, another $1. 5 million had poured in from the Isle of Man.
Zeljko had "smashed" the pool, a racing insider says. "Not only did he get a $150, 000 kickback, but he had the entire field backed up, so a win was all but guaranteed."
Even if the bankroll syndicate simply broke even or lost slightly, it still came out ahead for a kickback. And the more money that goes back into Zeljko's punter's club, the less is left for the average punter's pool.
And this is what's going to make the reputed billionaire even richer. Until now, Zeljko/Wilson's British company, Colossus Bets, has operated as a pool betting product, predicting scores and outcomes of sporting events. Bets are put into a pool, and winning players receive an amount deducted from the pool.
"Colossus Bets offers the world's largest sports jackpot, featuring top European football and millions of dollars in prizes every week.
'He backed the whole field'
"World domination is our plan, and our pool of over £1 million will make us the leader in the sports betting and lottery market for years to come," CEO Bernard Marantelli said on the Colossus website.
British gambling experts say Colossus withdraws 20% of pooled funds before winnings are paid out. Zeljko controls Colossus through his alter ego, John Wilson.
"John Wilson" first appeared in company documents in December 1997.
Earlier that same month, the Commission of Inquiry found that VITAB, a privately owned gambling company based in Vanuatu, had "fraudulently procured" a contract with the ACT's TAB, giving VITAB access to the Victorian TAB.
This report by Richard Barbiggi Court's lawyer contains Vitab's hidden owner, Peter Bartholomew and his brothe r-i n-law Alan Trip in Australian gambling world, and they are a number of gambling. He said that Vital would not have passed the appropriate screening due to the previous criminal record.
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawk owned 12 percent, and Zelico and Walsh owned 20 % through a Banuatsu company managed by Straw Director.
The committee made the fullest effort to submit evidence to Zelico, Walsh, Trip, and Bersolomew, but they were not anywhere.
Legal appearances
The law firms in Zeruiko and Walsh were summoned, which was run by the Federal Senate Eric Abitz and his partner Roger Curtis.
Curtis said on September 10, 1997, the week before the investigation committee's summoning, Zelico recovered an important Vitab file from Curtis's office. Barbiggi was furious. He stated in the final report that he had taken out the file other than "giving a handicap" or "frustrated survey".
In the final report, Hawk, Zelico, and Walsh were not enough evidence to conclude that they were aware of the first misconduct when Bitab had a contract with Acttab.
After the VITAB turmoil, Zelico and Walsh have worked with a former employee of the Water House Bookmaker Clan, Karl Oldel from Ireland.
"My name is John Wilson, lives in Mosman and is an investor.
Zelico was asked if he was known by the name Zelico Ranogechk, and said, "That's right. When I got married, I changed it to my wife's name."
The offalel had an ambitious plan to bet in the United States through a Capital Play company, which owns a majority of the front company.
In January 2004, the gambling regulation authorities wanted to know who was behind the front company.
In the court, Zelico agreed that the members of the Banroll Syndake "are not willing to provide or cannot provide information requested by gaming regulations."
Legal conflicts were on the promise of the offalel to pay Zeruiko from the US gambling business. The rebate payment was based on the promise of the word, and may have been "illegal in the United States," but Driver Judge has acknowledged that he supports Zeruiko and bankrupt.
For Zeriko, it was a western man. The next week, which appeared unusually in the public after a witness call, Seriko purchased a mansion on a mossman cliff overlooking Sydney Heds for less than $ 20 million.
One of them is borrowed by Kyle Sandruns under the name of his wife.
Zelico owns a variety of corporations and owns Sydney one after another, and in 2007, he owns a villa purchased for $ 4 million.
In 2013, he purchased a 5-bedroom penthouse in Hobart for $ 5. 3 million and joined the Tasmanian real estate portfolio. In the documents, the property is owned by London Met. The only shareholder, Zenon Pasietsney, has been a lon g-standing friend since the Hobart era. Pasietsney, who once contributed to Herald and Age paper, is a director of several Australian corporations of Zelico / Wilson.
Meanwhile, the Tasmanian tourism industry is linked to the continuation of Zerui Kozu Bankrol's gambling success. Mona has lost millions of dollars every year, and Walsh acknowledges that Mona's fate is continuing the success of gambling.
Property portfolio
"If I die now, maintaining the funds needs Zelico's wise decision, but that would be possible," said Walsh this year.
Walsh's book "A Bone of Fact" has a dedication to Zelico. This book is written about you ... because my life is on both sides. "
"Many fantasy will be a reality, but you have fulfilled my fantasy. Thank you."
It is often the economic crisis that triggered gambling. Also, do you notice that your loved ones are experiencing gambling harm until a serious economic impact, such as receiving a call from a court due to default by a partner, friends, and a family, until a serious economic impact. It is not unusual to say that it was not.
Economic issues can be more serious than you think. No invoice is paid, credit cards are full, and debt accumulates. Pay day loans look like a solution, but high interest rates worsen the situation. When you become desperate, you may borrow or steal your lover, company, or employer.
You may feel like you have no hope of paying off your debts unless you continue gambling. We hear from many people who feel totally overwhelmed by their financial situation. Continuing to gamble will only increase your debts. Paying back your debts bit by bit will take time, but in reality it is the only way to solve the problem.
Many people who experience the harm of gambling do not tell anyone how much they owe. Taking the step and telling someone you trust can be a struggle but it is essential if you are to take control and improve your situation.
But it is essential if you are to take control and improve your situation. You can find links to other support agencies at Links to other support agencies.
How gambling affects your life
If you gamble, it will be difficult to get out of debt and stay in debt in the future unless you control it. That is why it is important to take action against gambling as well as debt.
Our advisors can provide you with more information and advice to help you take the first step.
See our Money Management page for more information.
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, people who gamble at harmful levels are more likely than others to have lower self-esteem, develop stress-related disorders, become anxious, have poor sleep and appetite, develop substance abuse problems and suffer from depression. In this section we explore some of the reasons why, as well as some advice for those concerned about this.
- Are you experiencing:
- Extreme emotions or low mood
- Feeling that gambling is your only source of enjoyment, to the exclusion of everything else
Want more advice on finances?
Using gambling as a way to cope with other problems or emotions in your life
Mental health
Sleep problems
Feeling depressed or anxious
- Having suicidal thoughts
- If you answered yes to any of these questions, gambling may be a problem. If you're not sure how gambling is affecting you at this stage, a self-assessment may be helpful.
- Many people gamble to escape depression and other mental health problems, but gambling can actually make these conditions worse.
- If you're a frequent gambler, you may have noticed that the "high" of anticipating a "big win" is very mentally engaging, very exciting and perhaps even better than the feelings you experience from participating in other activities. You may also find that losses are a big shock and leave you feeling hopeless.
- Not only does this increase the likelihood of getting a "high" - especially when you're betting large amounts of money - it also makes you feel worse when you get a "low". The sense of loss and despair that follows a gambling binge can lead to an increased desire to gamble again soon, as you try to get back to that "high". But if you continue gambling, the negative feelings only get worse.
- The impact of these highs and lows on your mental health is significant. Research shows that your brain's chemistry and cell structure can be altered by this kind of exposure. The "reward" system in your brain can be affected. Whereas you may have previously found pleasure in other activities such as food or sex, you may now find them less appealing.
The good news is that research shows that by rebalancing your brain chemistry, you can make your daily life feel enjoyable again. You can start this process by finding ways to change your relationship with gambling and getting the support that's right for you.
If you're worried about the impact of gambling on your mental health, it's important to speak to a specialist. Your GP should be your first port of call and may refer you to specialist services if they think it would help. If you're not registered with a GP, find your local GP at www. nhs. uk.
If you are worried about your gambling, GamCare offers a range of help, advice and support services. Speak to one of our advisors today.
Research has shown that there is a link between gambling addiction and suicidal thoughts, with more than twice as many problem gamblers saying they have considered suicide compared to non-addicts.
The downward spiral caused by gambling often continues unabated for a long time. You may feel increasingly isolated and it may seem like there is no way out.
If you are experiencing self-harming or suicidal thoughts, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. However, there is hope. Treatment for gambling addiction is very effective.
Get help
You can speak to your GP or find support from the NHS.
Samaritans: 116 123 (24 hours) or www. samaritans. org
Gambling and suicide
Maytree: A charity that supports people who are in danger of suicide in a no n-medical environment in London. If your acquaintance seems to be useful for a single stay in a safe and secreted space, please contact us by phone (020-7263-7070) or email [Email Protected]. See www. maytree. org. uk for details.
Rethink Mental Illness: 0300-5000-927 (Mon-Friday, 10:00 am to 2:00 am) or www. rethink. org.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm) -15-35 years old for men: www. thecalmzone. net
Sane: 0845 767 8000 (every day, 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm) or email: Please see [Email Protected] / www. sane. org. uk.
Don't wait until it seems like life is not worth living. There is help available and you are not on your own.
Mind: 0300 123 3393 (Mo n-Friday, 9:00 to 18:00) or www. mind. org. uk
Mental Health Foundation: www. mentalHealth. org. uk
Young Mine's Helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monda y-Friday, 9:30: 16: 00) / www. youngminds. org. uk
Papyrus: Hopelineuk: 0800 068 4141 or www. papyrus-ouk. org
Gambling addiction has a catastrophic impact not only on gambling addicted patients but also on relationships with others. Do you know the following?
There are many arguments with partners and family (especially about money)
I'm crazy about gambling and can't concentrate on other things.
The time spent with people decreases, and the time spent on gambling increases.
Loss lying to friends and family
Gamble by stealing money from friends and family.
- These are signs that gambling has become a problem. Friends and families may feel that you don't care about them if you are all gambling in your time and attention. Emotional distance and tension can cause catastrophic hitting over the long term. If you lie, break your promise, or keep absent from important events, you will lose the trust of your important people and it is very difficult to repair it. Especially if you are not aware that you are gambling, your lover may begin to feel guilty about this situation.
- Gambling in the family can also affect children. The impact of stress in famil y-b y-family basis and the possibility of losing relationships with parents can have permanent results.
- If gamblin g-addicts go to recovery in search of help, you will have the opportunity to rebuild human relationships. It is difficult to reconstruct trust, but if gamblin g-addicts are recovered, human relationships will recover. It is a very difficult process to cut off addiction. Recovery requires time, effort and dedication.
- If you are worried about gambling of yourself or your loved ones, please contact us. We provide support not only for gamblin g-related people, but also to affected friends and families, and we can support them from each position.
- If you are concerned that your relationship with the person who has experienced gambling is becoming extremely unhealthy or is becoming violent, it is important to ask for help for yourself. Similarly, it is important to take action if your child feels unhealthy. The following links are useful:
U. S. domestic violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours) or www. nationalDomesticviolenceHelpline. org. uk
Children's Child Line 0800 1111 (2 4-hour Hell Pline)
Get help
0808 800 5000 Helpline for adults who are worried about children (24 hours compatible)
Family Life 0808 800 2222 (every day, from 7:00 am to midnight) or www. familylives. org. uk
Concerned about a violent relationship?
Many of the gambling people report that the environment for gambling, such as gambling, and those who talk online, gain a sense of "community". Gambling addiction can be so absorbed in gambling to lose the energy to maintain human relationships, work, and hobbies, and become social isolation. Ordinary life may become less attractive as gambling "excitement".
Stomium, crisp human relationships, unable to fulfill their responsibilities, alienation, separation, divorce, physical or mental abuse can all affect those who have experienced gambling damage. Gambling people may be isolated for their guilt and shame, or because they borrow or steal gambling funds. Sometimes you feel you can't return anymore.
Gamcare will help you.
You can also participate in forums and chat rooms to share your experience or talk to people in similar circumstances.
"I am very grateful for your support. I feel like I have been able to control my life." < SPAN> If you are worried about gambling, please consult us. We provide support not only for gamblin g-related people, but also to affected friends and families, and we can support them from each position.
If you are concerned that your relationship with the person who has experienced gambling is becoming extremely unhealthy or is becoming violent, it is important to ask for help for yourself. Similarly, it is important to take action if your child feels unhealthy. The following links are useful:
U. S. domestic violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours) or www. nationalDomesticviolenceHelpline. org. uk
Children's Child Line 0800 1111 (2 4-hour Hell Pline)
0808 800 5000 Helpline for adults who are worried about children (24 hours compatible)
Family Life 0808 800 2222 (every day, from 7:00 am to midnight) or www. familylives. org. uk