Why the Future of Flutter is Bright in 2024 and Beyond

Why the Future of Flutter is Bright in 2024 and Beyond

You are probably already using Flutter-based apps without even realizing it. You are using digital coupons, running ad campaigns with Google Ads, shopping with Google Pay, shopping online with Alibaba, and feeling the effects of Flutter, which is still in its infancy. Here, we will understand all about Flutter, focusing on its future.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, mobile app downloads increased by 23. 3%. Amid the pandemic, mobile app downloads surged by 45%. According to App Annie's analysis

Mobile app usage now accounts for 70% of all digital media usage time, far surpassing other media consumption, Marketing Charts claims. Moreover, for 48% of consumers, the performance of a brand's mobile application affects the credibility of that brand. There is no denying that mobile apps have permeated every aspect of our lives. However, the question arises of how mobile apps are made and what technology we use.

Platforms that support Flutter are improving the app development industry thanks to the growing importance of mobile applications in our daily lives. One of the most popular and effective cross-platform app development tools is Flutter. But you need the right tools to create high-quality, responsive apps that delight your users.

Flutter was released in alpha in May 2017 and the official stable version in December 2018, according to the number of stars on GitHub (143k vs. 104k for React Native), and it didn't take long to become incredibly popular. And it continues to attract more attention than competing technologies.

In fact, Flutter is making waves in the field of cross-platform app development, but what is its future prospects? Will it continue to be popular in the coming years? If so, why? Let's explain everything in detail.

Brief About Flutter

Google has developed a completely new front-end programming framework called Flutter. The programming language "Dart" developed by Google serves as the framework.

The limitations of existing app development frameworks such as iOS and Android led to the birth of Flutter. As a result, Google created an entirely new programming language called Flutter, which allows programmers to create cross-platform mobile applications at a fraction of the price, speed, and complexity of native code.

Source Google Trends

Google developer groups create this wonderful platform update and patch once a year. They can create a cros s-platform app with perfect and abundant functions. The framework is currently used for more than 90, 000 apps with more than 2 million users worldwide.

Flutter has evolved from a purely Android and iOS app development to a cros s-platform technology that can create a sophisticated app that works on Windows, Linux, MacOS, and desktop browsers. Achieved an important milestone.

Why the Future of Flutter in Cross-Platform App Development is BRIGHT?

Google's open source framework enables seamless development of mobile apps for iOS and Android.

SDK, called Flutter, has a customized widget in advance. In addition, this modern framework comes with many ad d-ons, including free open source libraries and tools for developing customized applications from a single code base for mobile apps and websites. 。 Let's take a look at some reasons why Flutter's future seems to be bright and what Flutter means for the developer community.

Extensive Range of Customizable Widgets

Flutter contains a comprehensive widget set for creating a UI interface. Widget customizability and reuse are advantageous for future development. Flutter is also included in Material Design and Cupertino.

Google design is implemented by Material Design, and Cupertino implements Apple's iOS Human Interface Guidelines. This allows developers to obtain a large number of creative options for creating an app with a sophisticated appearance.

Flagship Feature - Hot Reload

This is one of the important features of the Flutter framework. FLUTTER app developers can immediately confirm changes with the running app after changing the source code. This function, which is reflected without compiling the source code or restarting the application, is different from other functions. In addition, the hot track function can significantly reduce the development time applied to the app debugging.

Furthermore, since the programming language Dart, which is the base of Flutter, has two compilation modes, the development experience will be further improved:

  2. JIT (Just in Time)

These two modes ultimately accelerate the development process and save the developer time.

Code Once, Run Everywhere

This feature gets bonus points. Dart is the only language used in Flutte r-based applications. It can be reused and does not need to hold multiple files or individual folders for Android and iOS.

Using only the Dart language and writing code only once for both platforms makes it easier for developers to add the most distinctive and important features. In addition, developers can quickly upgrade features in response to market demand and analysis, even after the code has been released and downloaded by users.

Increasing Inclination of Developers Towards Flutter

As one of the most popular platforms, Flutter has received more than 109, 600 stars on GitHub as of January 2021, surpassing React Native to become the most popular repository database! It has received about 20% more stars than other comparable solutions, which is why it maintains its rank 16 (among more than 1000 other possibilities).

The programming language Flutter uses, Dart, is easy to learn, especially for developers with experience in Swift or Java. In addition, Flutter is app-oriented rather than platform-oriented, which keeps most of the platform-related concerns away from developers.

With a rarely changing and well-documented API, a wealth of learning materials, and an excellent "Widget of the Week" series, Flutter is an evolving application technology. Flutter is an incredibly cost-effective option for MVP development.

Super Preferable for MVP

With only one code base, you can build code for multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, faster and at a lower cost.

  1. Hot reloading allows developers to experiment quickly, add the latest features, and fix defects.
  2. Better user experience and flexible UI
  3. This open-source platform reduces the requirement for resource onboarding.
  4. This framework speeds up the marketing process.
  5. Being a Google-based framework, it enjoys wide community support and high reliability.
  6. This cross-platform SDK has many features that attract more users.
  7. Mobile apps made with Flutter have a natural look and feel.
  8. Flutter overcomes all obstacles related to code complexity, difficult debugging, tough UI/UX design, security testing, etc. It is now possible to create apps for multiple platforms with a single code base system.

Simplifies and Speeds Up the Development Process

The advent of hot reloading is beneficial for programmers in many ways. For example, bugs and debts in the code can be detected quickly and easily before the writing process is completed.

Flutter adopts a fast and effective development methodology, which is the inner desire of developers to move away from complex programming frameworks. The faster you deliver apps, the more amazed your clients will be.

Flutter is the best option for companies with low funds due to its efficiency. For example, emerging companies may already be using at least $ 75 for web designers, and are expected to be comparable to application developers or more expenses. By shortening the development process and shortening the time to market in the market, Flutter offers a useful development solution for companies with limited budgets.

Easy to Install and Maintain

Since there is only one code base, creating and maintenance of the Flutter application is simple. As a result, performance is improved and maintenance is reduced. In addition, since only one code is used, Flutter maintenance is easy.

There is no need to replace the code, and the team members can identify the problem and make the correction immediately. It's economical because you don't have to buy an incredibly expensive machine. With a team support, anyone can easily build a Flutter application.

Automated Testing

Application testing takes a lot of time and funding. However, selecting Flutter as an application development platform for cross platforms can simplify and make this effort simplified and easier. In addition, by using automatic tests, developers can quickly verify the ease of use, functionality, and user interface of the app.

Before providing end users, we also guarantee the average program performance. Experts perform automatic tests in several fields, maintaining the function of the app and bug correction. Therefore, there is the following category:

  • Unit test
  • Widget test
  • Integration test

Is Flutter, then, the future?

It is unlikely that it will be the only future, but it will definitely be a feature of many new progress.

The user interface (UI) part of Google's next OS "Fuchsia" is composed of Flutter. Google will abolish the UI of Flutter if Fuchsia is abolished. OS cannot be used without a user interface (UI). Therefore, Fuchsia's UI will not be needed unless Google builds a completely new framework and forcibly switches to everyone.

Google may certainly kill Flutter, which is less credible than the decision to withdraw from the search engine industry. If so, you will waste your efforts for about 10 years.

As a result, companies with limited resources should hire an experienced flutter developer and change the concept of the app into a practical business solution. From the above discussions, it is clear that Flutter is a promising technology for app developers.

Deep Moteria

Deep Moteria is the Director of Elluminati. He is an aspiring entrepreneur and has guided over 75 startups on the right path with his informative content. He creates content on topics such as on-demand service apps, finance, and technology trends.

Publish Flutter App to Play Store 2024

Congratulations, you have a Flutter app! It's time to publish it on Google Play Store and share your work with the world.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to prepare your app for publishing and navigate the Google Play Console to get your app in front of millions of users.

Prepare Your Flutter App for Release

Before you can publish your app on Google Play Store, you need to make sure it's ready for publishing. Here are some important steps to prepare your Flutter app:

Step 01: Set App Launcher Icon

Before you can publish it on Play Store, you need an icon to uniquely identify your app. A launcher icon looks like this:

Example of a launcher icon

You know what the Gmail app icon looks like, but your Flutter app also needs an icon. How can you create one? If you have a logo for your app and you want to make that logo your app icon, you just need to follow these steps:

First, go to this website where you can check how your logo looks on android and iOS devices.

If you have a logo for your app, you can select an image and upload your app logo to see how it looks.

Then you can download it from there. A zip file will be downloaded. Open the zip file, go to the android folder and copy the folder as shown:

Next, you need to paste these folders in your flutter project. Open your flutter project, go to the android folder and copy the res as shown:

Now your app icon has changed. You can run your flutter project and test it.

Step 02: Set App Name

Your app name should be something that is easy for users to identify. Your app name should look like this:

Example of app name

It's an app name like Gmail. How can you change it? 🤔 Go to the AndroidManifest. xml in your flutter project and change it like this:

Now your app name has changed. You can restart your app and test it.

Step 03: Build & Release App

In this step, you need to sign your app to release it to the Play Store. For that, go to your flutter project and follow these simple steps:

Create a key. properties file.

Paste the following code in the key. properties file:


Now you can define any password you want, but make sure you don't share it with anyone. It should look like this:


The next step is to create an upload key store.

If you are using a Mac or Linux, copy the following command:

Keytoo l-Genke y-v -Keystore~/Upload-keystore. jk s-Keyalg RS A-Keysize 204 8-Validity 1000 0-Alias ​​Upload

Or, if you are using Windows, copy the following command:

Keytoo l-GenKe y-v -Keystore %Userprofile %Uploa d-keystore. jk s-storeType jk s-Keyalg RS A-KeySize 204 8-Validity 1000 0-Alias ​​Upload

UserProfile%must specify the path to save this file. In addition, it is necessary to enclose it in a quoted mark.

The command updated for Windows is as follows:

Keytoo l-Genke y-v -KeyStore "C: ■ usersaffan minhas■ -keystore. jks" -Storetype jk s-Keyalg RS A-KEYSITY 1000 0-alias D.

Paste the correct command so that you do not get an error. After that, you will be asked to enter a key store password, so enter the same password as set in the Key. properties file. Then you need to enter some basic information required to complete this process. I did this for your reference: Please refer to below.

The information described here is temporary, so make sure you provide the right information according to you. If everything goes well, it will be downloaded to the location specified by Upload-keystore. jks.

Copy the Upload-keystore. jks file and paste it to the Android/App folder and add the correct path to the key. properties file:

Next, it is necessary to set a signature in the Flutter project Gradle.

Just go to the project [Project] /android/app/build. gradle file and paste the following code on the Android tag:

 Def KeystoreProperties = New Properties ()
Def KeystorePropertiesFile = rootProject. file ('key. properties')
IF (keystorePropertieSfile. exists ()) keystoreProperties. load (New FileInputStream (keystorepropertiesFile))

If you add this code, the Gradle file should be like this:

Next, copy this code and paste it into the gradle file at the bottom:

 SigningConfigs Release Keyalias Keystoreperties ['KeyaliaS'].
Storefile KeystoreProperties ['StoreFile']? File (Keystoreproperties ['Storefile']): Null
StorePassword KeystoreProperties ['StorePassword']?
BuildTypes Release SigningConfig SigningConfigs. release

This complete code should be pasted there if you find the BuildTypes tag you wrote earlier, so please overwrite and paste it completely. The GARDLE after pasting should be as follows:

Now that the setting is completed, execute the following command to build the app bundle. First, open the terminal and move to the route project:

After that, execute the following command one by one:

  1. Flutter Clean
  2. Flutter Pub Get
  3. Flutter Build AppBundle

After successful execution, the . Aab file for the project is generated in the location of Buildappappputs.

Now, for security, do not push these key. properties and upload-keystore. jks files to GitHub. To do so, you need to put this file in . gitignore file.

If someone accesses your key or key store, they can upload the version of the new app to the Play Store and overwrite the version of the uploaded app.

Step 04: Publish to Play Store

Now, since the bundle of the app was loaded, the last step is to publish it to the Play Store. To do so, you need to have a Google Play Console developer account. First, create a developer account from here:

Who uses Flutter? Flutter apps in 2024 [Update]

In accordance with why Flutter is ideal to make MVP, this article introduces an example of a notable company using Flutter to develop a deeper and advanced product. Who is using Flutter? This article allows you to find an example of an insigh t-filled Flutter, which further explains the ability of frameworks to create mature marke t-compatible applications.

5. Google Classroom

Following the success of Flutter on the GPAY, Google Classroom has also moved to the Flutter framework. This migration has greatly improved the performance and productivity of the app, and has reduced the code size by 66%. This optimization rationalized, making it more efficient for users.

Google Classroom promotes seamless communication between students and teachers inside and outside the classroom. Its intuitive design enables simple class settings, efficient issues, rationalized communication, and is an essential tool in the education field.

With the popularity of COVID-19 in 2020, the number of Google Classroom users increased rapidly, increasing from 40 million to more than 150 million worldwide. The rapid increase needed a more robust and consistent mobile experience. With the adoption of Flutter, Google Classroom has achieved 98%mobile cod e-based sharing, ensures the unity of platforms, and greatly reduced technical debt.

A notable development for Google Classroom is the introduction of web-based practice sets. Leveraging Flutter's capabilities, this feature provides interactive assignments and real-time feedback, which has been very well received by educators. The success of this feature and the app overall highlights Flutter's versatility and efficiency in application development, especially in the education sector.

Overall, Google Classroom's migration to Flutter is a testament to the framework's ability to improve the user experience and operational efficiency of mobile applications.


PUBG MOBILE, a leading player in mobile gaming, leveraged Flutter to enhance its global reach and performance. Developed by Lightspeed Studios and Krafton, the game boasts 1 billion players and 50 million daily active users worldwide, offering an intense survival experience on a deserted island.

The strategic decision to integrate Flutter was driven by the need for an efficient cross-platform framework that caters to Android and iOS users. The development team, skilled in Java, Kotlin, and Objective-C, found Flutter's Dart language to be user-friendly and efficient. This transition to Flutter significantly reduced front-end development efforts by 80%, streamlined the coding process with a single code base, and ensured platform uniformity.

Flutter, which delivers high performance even with complex business logic, contributed greatly to the success of the game's deployment, especially in the in-game community module. Actively used by 10 million users every month, this feature allows players to connect in the game, share their gameplay experiences, and engage with fans. The popularity of this module confirms Flutter's effectiveness in facilitating in-game community interaction.

PUBG MOBILE's commitment to continuous enhancements, as seen in the introduction of new items, maps, and modes, reflects the game's adaptability and the developers' focus on improving the gaming experience. The use of Flutter not only optimized the development process, but also contributed to the game's consistent performance across multiple platforms.

Overall, the adoption of Flutter for PUBG MOBILE highlights the framework's ability to support the development of dynamic, high-performance mobile games that cater to a massive user base.

Want to develop a mobile app with Flutter?

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3. Toyota

Toyota, a worl d-renowned automaker, has adopted Flutter to develop the i n-vehicle infotainment system, and has greatly changed his approach to i n-vehicle technology. Until now, Toyota has developed i n-vehicle technology, but has been attracted to Flutter's ability to improve user experiences.

Key Aspects of Toyota’s Adoption of Flutter:

  • The strengthening of the infotainment system, Toyota, aimed to provide an infotainment system on a screen with the same performance as a hig h-level driving experience. With Flutter's high-performance rendering engine and AOT (AHEAD-OF-TIME) compilation function, Toyota was able to create premium interfaces like smartphone apps instead of conventional embedded systems.
  • Developer Experience: Flutter developer s-friendly functions, such as hotload apps on desktops and distributing them to iOS and Android tablets, promotes efficient user tests and quick feedback, and overall. I improved the user experience.
  • Flutter's EMBEDDER API: Toyota uses Flutter's Embedder API for Linux's infotainment system. The flexible cross compilation of the API and the incorporation of the engine into the target environment have made the development process more efficient.
  • Development of i n-house tools: Dart and Flutter SDK, Toyota has created some i n-house tools and improved software development life cycles. The FLUTTER declaration type U. I. and the code az configuration approach have created a design tool that immediately generates and verifies executable code.
  • Daniel Hall, Chief Engineer of TOYOTA Motor North America of Community and Open Source, emphasizes the important roles of Flutter's open source in the success of Toyota and the developer community. The wide flutter ecosystem has helped to achieve Toyota's development target, and is expected to launch a new new infotainment system in the future.

Toyota's shift to Flutter has shown the adaptability and efficiency of the automotive industry in the automotive industry, especially the digital experience in the car.

2. Crédit Agricole

Credit Aglycol Bank Porska has been on a strategic journey to innovate digital services, focusing on the evolution of customer behavior in the bank sector. Facing the outdated native apps, the customer's preferences shifted to digital banking, and the bank was built a new mobile application from zero. This initiative was to establish a to p-class presence in the market. To achieve this, Codigee has played an outsourced developer in the project to combine internal expertise with external talent to achieve this ambitious vision.

Key Highlights of Crédit Agricole’s Flutter Integration:

  • Modern, reactive, and desig n-oriented: The team was seeking technologies that could adapt to multiple platforms, add quickly, easy to maintain, and to meet strict UX requirements for seamless customer experience.
  • Shift to FLUTTER: Credit Aglycol has selected Flutter from the cros s-platform function and desig n-oriented approach in collaboration with Software Studio Leancode, which specializes in mobile banking apps, avoiding the renewal of existing apps.
  • Larg e-scale development: 250 large teams, including nearly 30 flutter developers, have been working on the largest Flatter app so far. The development process has been organized in business and technical teams, enhancing efficiency and concentration.
  • New Flutte r-based design system: The team has developed a design system that facilitates components and can deal with inconsistency while maintaining the consistency of design at a high level.
  • Saving a lot of time and maintaining conservativity: The new app MVP developed using Flutter was launched 12 months later. The new system has proved that it is easier to manage and is more expensive, providing a quick adaptability for the change, and promoting smooth task delegation among developers. With the unified code base, no need to prepare separate solutions for each platform for Android, iOS, and Huawei, and the provision of new features accelerated.
  • The impact on the banking industry has been evaluated as a strategic movement and consists of a high level of product development and security requirements. With the animation and improved functionality, the new app has been a big leap for Credit Aglicol in the fierce bank market.

CREdit Agricole selects Flutter, highlighting the possibility of frameworks in the creation of scalable, efficient, and friendly bank applications, and is as a realistic solution of Flutter in corporat e-level app development. Enhanced.

1. Fitatu

Fitatu, a famous health and fitness app, has achieved a remarkable technical change by migrating from Cordova to Flutter. This transition was part of a strategic collaboration with Codigee to strengthen app performance and user experience.

Initially developed on the CORDOVA platform, Fitata was forced to need more advanced and efficient frameworks in response to the demand for evolving mobile app development. The adoption of Flutter was the decisive cros s-platform development function for Android and iOS users.

The transition to Flutter required the careful rebuilding and rewriting of various app modules. To do so, it was necessary to deepen technical expertise and how to integrate Flutter's functionality with existing frameworks. The Codigee team, who is familiar with Dart and skilled in the development of native apps using Swift and Kotlin, succeeded in this complex integration.

The use of Flutter has significantly improved FITATU performance. The hig h-performance rendering engine and the rational coding process promoted by the unified code base have improved the efficiency of the application. The ability to quickly capture app hot roads and feedback has improved the development life cycle and user experience.

In addition, the transition to Flutter also had the advantage of reducing app maintenance and development costs. Fitata has realized a more efficient and scalable development process by adopting a framework that supports both major mobile platforms on a single code base.

The transition to FITATU to Flutter indicates that the framework can change mobile applications in the health and fitness field. It emphasizes Flutter's ability to enhance app performance, promote the efficiency of developers, and guarantee seamless user experiences with multiple platforms.

2023 List

5. Realtor.com

RealTor. com, a real estate property information site, has adopted Flutter to strengthen mobile applications. The purpose was to improve the performance of the app and accelerate development. Initially, RealTor. com had a problem with the mobile app scaling because the Android and iOS development teams were separate. As a result, the same problem was solved twice, and inefficiency was generated, such as having different functions and UI designs between the two apps.

The RealTor. com app is an indispensable tool for users looking for real estate properties. It was necessary to provide a quick, responsive and seamless experience between different platforms. That's why the team chose Flutter. The first function they developed using Flutter was the monthly cost calculation function implemented without negative effects on performance and user experience.

With a single flutter code base, the RealTor. com team can be deployed to iOS and Android once, and the development period has been greatly reduced. In addition, the performance of the app has been improved, and it has been able to provide a smoother and responding user experience. One of the main projects was the rebuilding of the property details page using Flutter. This page, which exceeds 400 million views per month, was reconstructed as a reusable widget collection and utilized Flutter's widget.

However, the transition to Flutter was difficult, and the team had to maintain the function and performance of the app. With careful planning and execution, the team took a strategy to reduce risk, and released the new Flutter screen behind the Firebase remote settings.

Despite these issues, the team succeeded in moving the app to Flutter. The new app is popular with users and praised the seamless experiences between different performance and different platforms. The success of the RealTor. com app indicates the possibility of Flutter in the development of hig h-performance real estate apps. Flutter has indicated that it will be a powerful tool for real estate companies aiming to strengthen mobile services.

Are you interested in the real estate app Flutter? Please do not miss it because it is introduced in detail in the previous blog post!

4. Square

The famous Square in the financial service and the mobile settlement industry incorporates Flutter. Square created a Flutter SDK so that it can be easily settled with the Flutter app. SQUARE IN-App Payments SDK is designed for high-speed and accurate card input in mobile apps, and can be completely customized according to the app.

The team's efforts have become fruitful to the development and release of Flutter SDK. Developers warmly welcome the SDK and praise their ease of use and fluid payment experience.

The success of Square Flutter SDK emphasizes the possibility of Flutter in the financial service field. It is an example of how Flutter can be an influential tool for companies aiming to simplify payment processing and improve user experience.

Want to develop a mobile app with Flutter?

Receive your first working demo within 14 days of project kickoff.

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3. Invoice Ninja

Invoice Ninja, an invoice issuance and payment processing platform, used Flutter to strengthen mobile applications. The goal was to provide a variety of platforms a seamless efficient and use r-friendly invoice experience. The Invoice Ninja app is an important tool for companies and freelancers that need to manage invoices and payments on the go. The team needed to provide robust and responsive, iOS and Android consistent experience, and the team chose Flutter.

The Invoice Ninja team has highly valued the ability to compile a single Dart code base for creating a web, iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, and Linux apps in Flutter. Despite the small team, the company was able to catch up with the competition thanks to the ease of use of Flutter. They also used Codemagic for continuous integration and delivery, and built an app about 5 to 10 times a month.

By utilizing Flutter's unified code base, the Invoice Ninja team has been able to deploy to iOS and Android once coded, and greatly shorten the development period. As a result, the performance of the app has improved, and a better and response user experience has been gained.

Despite the difficulties, the team succeeded in moving the app to Flutter. The user warmly welcomed the new app and praised the enhanced performance and the seamless cros s-platform experience.

The success of the Invoice Ninja app indicates the possibility of Flutter in the development of hig h-performance invoices. Flutter has indicated that it will be a powerful tool for companies aiming to strengthen mobile services in finance and business fields.

2. Philips Hue

Philips Hue, a pioneer in intelligent lighting solutions, has uploaded a mobile application using the power of Flutter. This app is indispensable for Philips Hue's ecosystem, and users can operate the lighting system directly from the mobile device.

The team chose Flutter because the PHILIPS HUE app required high reactivity and seamless user experiences between different platforms. The company started a flutter experiment in early 2018, and by 2019, it released two flutte r-based apps that control Hue Bluetooth light and Hue Sync box. As of 2020, Philips Hue uses Flutter in all mobile applications.

There was also an issue for the transition to Flutter. The team had to maintain the function and performance of the app during the transition. This required a detailed plan and execution.

After the migration began, they realized that the effort of working with Flutter was greatly reduced. As a result, some teams were delegated to more essential fields. Programmers have been able to focus on the development of new features with the stability of the connection between the user's mobile phone and the intelligent lighting system.

The new version of the PHILIPS HUE application can be used on a variety of platforms in a shorter time than expected, and the team has greatly improved the release cycle by building the CI/CD process. At the same time, the application was enabled that the application was automatic tests, implementation, and the release of both platforms.

The success of the PHILIPS HUE app emphasizes the possibility of Flutter for developing a hig h-performance intelligent home app. Flutter proves that it can be a powerful tool for companies aiming to strengthen mobile services in innovative home fields.

1. Wolt

Wolt, famous for food delivery services, has effectively utilized Flutter to renew mobile applications for retail stores and restaurant partners. This app, an important tool that manages orders and delivery, requires a robust framework that can provide consistent experiences on iOS and Android platforms. Feeling a wide range of knowledge about the team's mobile development and the possibility of Flutter's single code base led to Flutter's choice.

With the flutter single code base, the development process has been greatly increased, and the Wolt team has been able to create the first version of the app in just seven weeks. This quick development was a proof of the efficiency of Flutter and the ability to rationalize the app development process. This prompt development played a major role in the team's experience of mobile development and the aggressive incorporation of new technology.

Despite the issues encountered during the transition, such as setup of continuous integration for iOS, the team succeeded in moving the app to Flutter. Programmers were able to concentrate on the development of new features by enhancing the connection between the user's mobile phone and the restaurant system. A few months after the start of the project, the app was tested on a live market and demonstrated its robustness and reliability.

The success of WOLT's partner apps on various platforms emphasizes the possibility of Flutter in the food delivery industry. For companies that aim to efficiently enhance mobile services, they are examples. The case study, which Wolt used flutter, specifically prove the advantages of Flutter, especially speed and efficiency in mobile app development.

2022 list:

5. Nubank

Brazil's Neo Bank, NUBANK, decorates the beginning of the list. Neobank is a bank that offers services online, unlike conventional actual stores. NuBank, 52. 4 million in Brazil and 1. 51 million customers in Mexico and Colombia, is the world's most highly valued Neo Bank, and the mobile app has over 100 million downloads on the Google Play Store.

NuBank Mobile Applications were developed in a classic model by two independent teams: iOS and Android. The dynamic development of banks has led to the need to provide new functions. Unfortunately, all platforms could not procure and develop new developers at the same pace. As a result, the creative possibilities of each team were constantly fluctuating and imbalanced. Naturally, the release of the new features was different for each version, and the customer experience was impaired. In addition, the duplication of such work seemed to be a waste of time unnecessary for the company.

To address this issue, NuBank has decided to move the application to a cros s-platform solution. They appointed a special team, and their mission was to analyze the tools available in the market and recommend the most suitable for their needs. As a result of this analysis, Flutter was selected as a technology that shifts further development of applications.

As the main reasons for their choice, they pointed out:

  • Quality documentation and community support
  • Productivity improvement function like hot road.
  • Wide test support.

They started by creating the migration process directly in Flutter and implementing them in the current native applications. At the same time, the work was to rewrite the old functions with Flutter so that the whole application could be compiled into one project.

Additionally, the Nubank team noted several other positive effects of the Flutter implementation, among others:

  • For example, communication between different teams, such as design and UX, has been greatly improved.
  • By using a single library in the components, they were able to concentrate energy and creativity in their development.
In the financial world, Credit Aglycol Poland is also worth noting. They migrated their mobile applications to Flutter in 2022.

4. BMW

The My BMW application provided by a major Bavarian car manufacturer offers many options when using BMW brand vehicles on a daily basis. Users can not only remotely control the car system (eg, the start of the air conditioner), but also arrange for services and planning a route.

Unfortunately, the application was forced to change many times before it was introduced to a new market. This was the biggest challenge that BMW's development team had to face, that is, the maintenance of Android and iOS applications spanning 45 countries.

In order to maintain the current quality, a new tool was needed to publish all 90 new applications at the same time. In addition, it was necessary to reduce the time required to implement applications in a new market to satisfy business ambitions.

Like NUBANK, BMW started by creating a team that investigates available cros s-platform tools. As a result of the analysis, a solution based on web technology was selected. Unfortunately, after attempts to migrate the application several times, it turned out that the new tools were too limited. At that time, the developers decided to test Flutter.

After the migration began, it was found that work using Flutter was not labo r-intensive. As a result, some teams were delegated to more important fields. Programmers have been able to focus on the development of new features with the stability of the connection between the user's mobile phone and the car.

The new version of the My BMW application has become available in less than a year since the start of collaboration with Flutter. In addition, the BMW team has greatly improved its release cycle through the construction of the CI/CD process. As a result, all 94 types of applications of the application can be performed on both platforms at the same time.

It is worth noting that BMW is the only benefit of Flutter. Toyota Motor uses Flutter to create and develop its own car systems.

3. Alibaba

Alibaba Group is a Chinese technology company with abundant and diverse investment portfolio. It is the most wel l-known e-commerce company in the world, and is the second most valuable E-commerce company in the E-commerce field. The company's secon d-hand sales app, Xianyu, is the largest used product in China, with 200 million registered users.

Thanks to Xianyu, individuals and SMEs sell used goods. The quality and size of the preview photos published there were varying, which had a negative effect on the overall application performance. The development team was looking for solutions that could speed up Xianyu on pages with many responsive elements and graphics.

Developers have decided to combine the existing functions and combine flutters with Native Applications. All new functions are implemented directly in Flutter.

The biggest step was to implement a new product details page. This is the most complicated screen with the most visitor in the entire application. At the same time, this page had many performance problems by displaying the responsive parts of many graphics and interfaces.

The Xianyu team has shared the 30 % improvement of the application screen rendering time in the implementation of Flutter.

In the e-commerce industry, glue pons are also worth noting. Glue Pong has already begun to integrate Flutter in 2018 in 2018.

2. Tencent

Tencent is another Chinese technology giant on this list. It owns Riot Games and is also a major shareholder in hundreds of companies, including Epic Games, Tesla, and Spotify. Their roots are in video game production and they are the most prominent in the electronic entertainment industry.

By stock market valuation, the company is the eighth largest technology company in the world, and revenue from electronic entertainment alone makes it the largest video game producer in the world.

However, in the Chinese market, they are mainly known as the owner of WeChat, an application used daily by 1. 2 billion Chinese and over 100 million people worldwide.

Tencent has been making good use of Flutter, both to move current apps and also to create them from scratch. Developers shared their experience using Flutter in various Tencent applications: English AI Teacher, Now Live, K-12, Mr. Translator, Qidian, DingDang.

According to the developers from Tencent, Flutter’s biggest advantages are:

  • Low barrier to entry. Tencent developers were able to master Dart (the programming language of Flutter) in 1-2 weeks.
  • Support for multiple platforms with one code base.
  • Easily adapt the created interface to various screens.
  • Smooth animations rendered at 60 frames per second.
  • 80% acceleration of debugging and 33% reduction of developer effort.
  • General stability and glitch-free operation of created applications.
Games created with Flutter are also noteworthy. The 4 Pics 1 Word quiz game, whose creators boast more than 250 million users, seems to be the most successful. But to see the further possibilities of Flutter in game development, we recommend the demonstration Pinball created by Google.

1. Google

The first place in this ranking could not be any other than Google, the creator of Flutter and the third largest tech company in the world after Apple and Microsoft.

Google developed Flutter in 2017 and has been constantly improving it since then, as well as using it in its own applications. This allows Google developers working on Flutter to get direct feedback from their colleagues working on apps. Google has used Flutter for three of its highest-profile products: Google Pay, Google Ads, and Stadia (the last one has since been canceled).

Google Pay seems to be the most spectacular example.

The starting point was Google Pay, which has 100 million active users and 1. 7 million lines. The plan was planned to expand the application into a new market. The biggest difficulties, not to mention the size of the app, was that most of the current users use Androids, while iOS is the mainstream in new countries where Google wants to expand.

Initially, they did not intend to change the implementation of existing functions, but were planning to add new features using Flutter. However, this approach could not solve scalability issues to new countries. This is because every time a new place increased, I had to make a lot of changes to native codes. So the developers decided to investigate the possibility of rewriting the entire application. They estimated that the development of both platforms required twice as much work. However, Flutter was 1. 2 times the work amount compared to working on one platform.

They have begun the process of pioneering the road with three senior developers and rewriting the application. Their job was to rewrite the vertical section of the application (homepage, chat, payment) and share feedback from the process with other teams.

Feedback from the research team is very favorable, and Google has decided to rewrite the entire application from scratch. 50 developers participated in the project. Their job was to learn Dart and Flutter and rewrite the application for the beta launch six months later.

When the beta version succeeded, more 100 engineers participated in the project. They started rewriting the entire application while maintaining native code. Almost 300 features, with 100 million active users every month.

The rewritten application has been reduced by 35 %, despite the addition of new features. The chord of 1. 7 million lines has decreased to 1. 1 million lines. The development team estimates that the use of Flutter has saved 60-70 % of time because of the easier maintenance of Flutter apps.

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Elim Poon - Journalist, Creative Writer

Last modified: 27.08.2024

Flutter facilitates developers in writing an application once and subsequently adapting it for various platforms. This concept of a unified. Flutter is not dead! It's a powerful framework with a bright future. Flutter is not only thriving but also evolving to meet new challenges and opportunities. Flutter is a mobile app SDK that offers native user interfaces on top of a cross-platform, high-performance engine. It provides a way to build.

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